#First Meeting Storyline
callsign-bunnie · 1 year
First Meeting (Teeth and Skin) 1
Rodolfo: Wow, Soap is really stoic. He's not even flinching while I wrap and splint his broken arm. I wonder why
Soap: If I move even an inch, this scary bastard might snap and kill me. Oh god, I am so terrified
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valcaine · 11 months
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tmw when the weird bird dude that tried to kill you like, a bit ago starts geeking about piglin research and how little there is of it and you are just terrified of being strangled by talons again
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alicentes · 2 months
Alicent Hightower 🤝 Sansa Stark
Having their book counterparts agency stripped away from them and unnecessary scenes of SA being written for them instead
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adrift-in-thyme · 7 months
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So chapter 6 is going well
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
Now that I’m thinking about it. I really wanted Monty’s first meeting with Solar to be Monty mistaking Solar for Eclipse.
Like Monty doesn’t realize that Solar is a good person and goes into a rage and Monty just immediately tries to kill him. He gets stopped, of course, from killing Solar but it leaves Solar retraumatized and having a PTSD flashback about his Moon and the abuse he suffered in his home dimension that the others have to try to help him talk about and work through with therapy and support.
Just let us have a cohesive and proper arc about Solar’s (undoubtedly tragic) backstory and whatever happened in his dimension that finally made him so desperate he left it. I want answers dammit!
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direwombat · 7 months
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c*d oc :: saoirse monaghan | civilian | freelance war journalist
born in belfast to parents who were active members of sinn fein, saoirse was raised in time and place where she was surrounded by politics and intense civil unrest. following in her father's footsteps, she went on to study and get her master's degree in journalism at nui galway. she made a name for herself as a war journalist for various publications before she struck out as a freelancer to pursue the stories she was passionate about. after months spent chasing leads on al-qatala, the incident at piccadilly circus changed her life in ways she never imagined.
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shipping1addict · 5 months
I recently played the Spirit of Vengeance FP again and when the cutscene of the aftermath played and we Saw Heta presenting her speech to her supporters, something clicked.
See that? In addition to what happend to Bask Sunn in "Showdown on Ruhnuk", Tyrus Brokenblade also fell on Kessan's Landing.
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So WHO is left?
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Durn Wynnward aka representer of the Ash'ad.
My guess is that with the next story-fragment, we get to face off agains Durn and hopefully after that, Heta herself.
~ more theorising under the cut ~
I didn't realise that they gave us this very obvious fight-the-small-fish-first-and-then-the-big-one hint at the beginning of the "Hidden Chain" storyline, but here we are.
I find it also interesting that Heta talks about reliability in this speech. Making a statment with injuring Tyrus and endangering not only the people in the room but herself.
Now that she found out about Bask's betrayal and his greed (who would've known /s) and the loss of Tyrus, the mentality with which she will continue her operations will propably get very interesting.
Since Sa'har, her interest in mando-communication also seems very neglected. I don't know if this is on purpose or if the few cutscenes we got just gave away too little information.
I would also need to rewatch every cutscene to build upon my theories.
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wereh0gz · 10 months
Fun neat little idea I just had that probably won't ever come to fruition but I'm gonna throw it out there anyways
Um so you know those blogs that are like role-playing as a character posting on tumblr. Like it looks like a normal blog but the posts are from the perspective of a fictional character in their world. Idk if that's a good enough description but
What if. I made one for my fursona
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lemongogo · 6 months
ahyways hi . liteally hey .whats up
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
First Meeting - Chapter 3 - Soap’s POV [Teeth and Skin]
Rodolfo scared the shit out of Soap, he wouldn’t lie. Not because Rodolfo was too particularly intimidating, more just because Soap didn’t feel like he could predict anything the man would do! 
Like, that morning, when Ghost had asked if Rodolfo wanted to explore the nearby buildings and grab supplies. Soap had almost laughed, expecting Rodolfo to say no. But, Rodolfo had said yes. To be fair, Rodolfo had looked just as shocked by his statement as Soap had no doubt everyone felt. Alejandro had looked pleased but… Soap had only felt worry.
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“How did you say it broke again?” Soap asked Alejandro, referring to the radio.
Alejandro looked up at him, blinking a few times. He appeared to be doing slightly better, but Soap could tell his fever was slowing his brain process. Soap had very very briefly considered just putting the poor man out of his misery and shooting him but… He knew that wouldn’t be smart. Maybe Alejandro would appreciate it, but… Ghost was right.
Rodolfo was too big of a potential threat for Soap to risk that. Soap wasn’t sure he wanted to find out exactly what would happen. So, he kept Alejandro alive, occasionally checking on him.
Alejandro closed his eyes and then shook his head before answering. “Right. Uh…” But then he was right back to blank staring.
Soap frowned and moved over to him, feeling his forehead. Fuck. It felt like a hot stove. He pulled his hand away and shook his head. 
Finally Alejandro shook it completely off. “It didn’t. It just… stopped working.”
“Ah.” Soap nodded, sighing. “I see.” He went back to the desk and continued to mess with the radio, finally managing to pop it open. “These are fucking old.”
“Have to be.” Alejandro groaned and Soap glanced at him, seeing that he was settling down into a laying position. “You don’t need me for a bit, do you?”
“No, not really.” Soap sighed, deciding to let him sleep. “Sleep well.”
“I’ll try.” Alejandro chuckled before turning his head to the side and closing his eyes. 
Soap shook his head and turned back to the radio, starting to examine over it. He didn’t want to fully take it apart since he didn’t have a manual. He wondered why the radios had to be old. He assumed it had to do with towers and electricity. Older radios wouldn’t require much but they also didn’t get the same range… 
Soap shook his head and continued to look over the radio. As he examined over it with his eyes, he found his mind wandering to Ghost. He wondered how Ghost was doing with Rodolfo. 
Rodolfo scared the shit out of Soap, he wouldn’t lie. Not because Rodolfo was too particularly intimidating, more just because Soap didn’t feel like he could predict anything the man would do! 
Like, that morning, when Ghost had asked if Rodolfo wanted to explore the nearby buildings and grab supplies. Soap had almost laughed, expecting Rodolfo to say no. But, Rodolfo had said yes. To be fair, Rodolfo had looked just as shocked by his statement as Soap had no doubt everyone felt. Alejandro had looked pleased but… Soap had only felt worry.
He didn’t like how unpredictable Rodolfo was. In another life, Soap was sure they would have been friends but… not in this one. Soap wanted to help these two, but… that was it. He wasn’t going to put his back to either of them. 
He wished he could get Ghost to understand that. This wasn’t a blind trust thing, it was an empathy thing. It was a “I would hope they’d do the same for us thing”. And… Soap was sure Alejandro would, at least. Maybe not Rodolfo, but Soap didn’t take that one personally. 
Whatever Rodolfo had gone through had hardened him to everyone else. It had made him unable to trust kindness or have a want to help anyone but Alejandro. Ghost was the same. Maybe that was why Ghost seemed to almost empathize with him, even if he didn’t seem willing to admit it. 
Soap shook off all of these thoughts and turned back to the radio, deciding to just take the plunge and pop the back off of it. It was broken, anyway, so it wasn’t like it could really hurt anything. Once he got the back off of it, he started to poke around. He really wished he had another to compare it to, but… He rolled with it, just looking for anything that seemed… wrong.
Well, actually, he found it rather quickly. A pin looked to be bent out of shape, likely just from wear and tear. He chuckled, now nervous of the reaction he was going to get when he revealed that to Rodolfo. 
Regardless, he went out into the rest of the store, getting a strong pair of tweezers from the medical section. He did stop at the book section, finding a comic book that was printed in English. Huh. He grabbed it, not recognizing the superhero on it. But, he did recognize the company as a smaller one that appeared to be trying to get off the ground. Or… had been. 
Soap tucked the comic book under his arm and found some food. For the first time since they’d arrived, he found himself thinking about the zombies on the front of the building. He needed to ask Rodolfo about those. Did he put them there or were they already there when they got there?
He had a feeling Rodolfo put them there and it honestly just added to Soap’s healthy fear of the man. He wondered if Alejandro knew about them. But… fuck if it wasn’t brilliant. Even now, the biters completely ignored the doors, just wandering past. 
Soap went right up to the windows and none of them even acknowledged him. He looked across the street, seeing Rodolfo and Ghost were on the top of a building. Rodolfo looked pissed, gesturing as he walked away from Ghost and then he was dropping. Soap assumed it was down a roof hatch.
Soap furrowed his brows. God, Ghost really just couldn’t keep his mouth shut, could he? He shook his head and finally went back to the manager’s office, sitting back down on the seat and using the tweezers to set the pin back. Immediately, the radio started to crackle and Soap grinned, putting the back on and securing it.
Hell yeah. He turned it to a random radio station, landing on 141. “This is John Price, reaching out about a distress signal sent 14 days ago. We are-”
“Hold on,” Soap immediately spoke into the radio. “Are you the John Price??” He asked, recognizing the name. That was the man who’d passed him for the SAS. Fuck, that was… five years ago!
“The one and only.”
“Sweet steaming jesus! You probably don’t remember me,” Soap got excited, perking up. “My name is Johnny Mactavish. You passed me for the SAS!”
“Bloody hell. It’s a small world. What the hell are you doing in Mexico, Soap?”
Soap’s chest poked out at the immediate use of his nickname. “I was on Vacation when all of this shit happened. What about you, sir?”
“My sergeant-” “Hello.” “-and I were investigating a mexican cartel, ran by a man named Roba.”
“Wait.” Soap frowned. Ghost had mumbled that name several times in his sleep. “Did you say Roba?”
“I did.”
“Odd.” Soap frowned, not responding over the radio. He glanced to make sure Alejandro was still asleep. “Anyway, you said you were responding to a distress call. It doesn’t happen to be for a Rodolfo Parra, right?”
“It does.”
“Fuck. Well, you’re a little late, Captain.”
“Damn. We’re still gonna come by, anyway. See if we can offer aid.”
“You got medical supplies, sir? Also, um… just a warning, Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra is um… a bit unhinged.” Soap chuckled. “Thought I’d let you know, just in case.”
“Thanks for the warning. And, yes, we do. Not much, though.”
Soap sighed, doubting they had anything better than they did. Oh well. “That’s alright. About how many hours away would you say you are, sir?”
“Three, if I had to guess.”
“Alright.” Soap nodded. “I await your arrival.”
There was no response, but Soap hadn’t particularly been expecting one. He just shook his head and turned the radio on, glad that he’d managed to fix it. He was quite proud of himself, honestly. He was going to be riding that dopamine high for a while. 
So, in order to reward himself for being a good boy and fixing the radio, he opened his comic book, sat back, and started to read. 
He was startled, a bit later, by Rodolfo just bursting into the office. He didn’t even greet Soap, just went straight to Alejandro and checked on him. Soap couldn’t find it in himself to be offended, though, since he’d figured out Rodolfo’s priorities by then.
Instead, Soap got up and went over to Ghost, asking if they found anything important. He tilted his head when Ghost held out a box of chocolate bars, before smiling a little. “You got these for me?”
“You mentioned liking chocolate, once. From what little Spanish I’ve picked up… I think some have coffee in them.” Ghost nodded. “It looks like others have caramel and some have nuts.”
Soap shook his head. Ghost was a giant fucking softie under his scary get up. He didn’t know how anyone found him too particularly intimidating. Sure, could he probably kill Soap with one punch? Yeah. But, here he was, sheepishly offering Soap sweets because Soap mentioned liking them. “You get me anything else?” He joked.
“No… Did you want something else??” Ghost looked almost panicked and Soap quickly reassured him that he had not, smiling when Ghost relaxed.
Soap looked over when he saw Rodolfo stand and turn to him. “Has he been awake at all today?”
Soap frowned. “He was awake and aware just hours ago…” He answered, remembering Alejandro and his very brief conversation about the radio. “Why?”
“Roach needs to hurry the fuck up.” Rodolfo muttered. “He’s progressing. He needs actual fucking medicine. Not someone else’s fucking penicillin prescription.” He turned back to Alejandro, crouching again and touching over him.
Soap shared a glance with Ghost. “Roach should be here, soon… But, I mean, what else can you really give him besides penicillin?” He couldn’t think of anything else Rodolfo could do. As far as Soap was aware, he was doing everything he could.
“Penicillin just fights the infection, but it can only do so much! He needs hydration, food… Real food, not this prepackaged shit.” Rodolfo suddenly stood and then he rounded on Soap, who quickly backed up. “His body needs to be strong, everywhere else, in order to be able to fight the infection. I can get him the strongest fucking dose out there, but it’s not going to do shit if he’s already half fucking dead!” His voice rose as he got up close to Soap.
Soap had hit the wall and he had nowhere else to go and for the briefest moment, he genuinely feared that Rodolfo was about to snap. However, a moment later, Ghost was between them, placing his hand on Rodolfo’s chest and pushing him back.
Soap watched, barely breathing, as Rodolfo glared up at Ghost, defiance in his eyes. But, then Rodolfo was moving away from them. “I can do other things, too,” he muttered and Soap let out a breath. “I can keep it properly clean, too. He got an infection because I can’t keep the wound sterile here. So… the penicillin is just… fighting multiple rounds of the same threat over and over again. Also, I plan on giving him something way stronger than penicillin. There are stronger antibiotics.”
Soap hesitated and then sighed, starting to see Rodolfo for how deeply terrified he was. “I… I didn’t know that.” He admitted, trying to keep his tone peaceful. Calm. “The few times I’ve had an infected wound, I was… Unconscious. So, I didn’t really get to see the process.”
Ghost hadn’t moved, just watching Rodolfo. Soap did touch his arm to reassure him that he was fine. 
Rodolfo looked away from them, sighing. “I get it. But, my chances of any of this even being worth it are shortening by the fucking minute.”
“Could you… temporarily sterilize the wound?” Ghost spoke up. “It won’t last, obviously, but…”
“I mean, yes. That’s what I do every time I clean it. How… how are both of you alive??” Rodolfo looked between them.
Soap blinked, surprised. Oh, he just assumed sterilizing the wound and cleaning it were different. “Um… I mean, I just kind of do what I learned in training.” He looked over, seeing Ghost looked just as embarrassed as Soap felt.
“Clean wound, stitch deep ones, it’s sort of… I don’t know, you don’t really need to know the specifics, just… the steps.” Ghost gestured, wincing. “Splint broken bones.”
Rodolfo just blinked at them and then he was pinching the bridge of his nose. “Do you know why you splint bones?” His tone said that he already knew the answer to that.
Soap laughed, nervously. “I think they explained it in training, but I didn’t pay attention.” He’d admit to that. He paid attention to everything but the medical part. He could patch up wounds and that was enough.
“I think they explained it in training, but I didn’t pay attention.” Soap shrugged. 
Rodolfo sighed. “Soap’s arm is splinted because it sets the bone back in place. You need the bone to be sort of straight for it to heal properly. Have you also noticed it hurts less when you use it?”
Soap blinked and looked at his arm, realizing it actually did hurt a lot less. So much less, in fact, that he honestly barely noticed it. “Yeah, actually, it does!
Rodolfo stared at him and then he shook his head. “The splint basically acts as a fill in support while the bone heals as well. Neither of you paid attention when that was explained?”
Soap shook his head, wincing again. Rodolfo’s eyes moved to the ceiling, where they remained until Rodolfo just sighed and turned around, going back to Alejandro. Then, Soap watched as he just moved and sat on the ground, putting his head back against the wall.
Soap kind of felt bad, now. Rodolfo looked… so exhausted. Soap went to the desk, hoping the news might make it slightly better. “I um… I fixed the radio.” He said, grabbing it and then going and holding it out to Rodolfo. “There was a pin out of place.”
Rodolfo blinked and then stared at the radio. “That's it?!” He practically snatched the radio, gripping it between his hands.
Soap cringed and winced back. Ah, so the news had not made it better. He watched Rodolfo close his eyes and take deep breaths, and then all three were perking up as they heard a truck approach. 
Soap wondered if it would be John Price or Roach… Well, he supposed they just had to go and find out. So, he turned and followed Rodolfo and Ghost out. Sure enough, it wasn’t a military truck, instead it was a jeep.
And then John Price, in the flesh, was getting out of it, along with another young man around Soap’s age. Soap couldn’t help glancing to Rodolfo, making sure he wasn’t going to blow up, but then he realized he couldn’t find Rodolfo. 
He’d just disappeared.
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dumbasswhatever · 1 year
i'm so fascinated by various phenomena in kpop... like for instance there has been a sharp increase recently in the number of girl groups with "lore" ("lore" defined here as a story told through multiple music videos that is the core identity of the group), which is almost definitely bc every manager and their mom wants to try to obtain the global popularity that loona has (loona, in case you didn't know, were actually way unpopular in korea until relatively recently, and they were from a small company, so it's actually incredible that they've become a well known name among english-speakers when other giants like red velvet haven't yet), and the best way they can think of to do that is to emulate loona in style, but not substance. so now every girl group that debuts needs a storyline for their music videos that maybe 5% of their fanbase will pay attention to and which pushes away a decent chunk of potential listeners
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book-tease · 1 year
while i am enjoying the adaptation so far, i am really dissapointed in what they did with daisy. let women be unlikeable sometimes! let them be flawed and wild! let them be anti heroes! let camilla be something other than this angel put on a pedestal! she has so much potential and while the book did do this too it did have moments of her being complex
stop dumbing down complex characters bc you dont have faith in your audience to understand them
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junotter · 2 years
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what if like Shawn was just really into country music? Like listening to johnny cash and dolly like "they're just like me fr." Idk it'd be funny
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dollsuguru · 3 months
i’m already outlining some parts of this fic omg like my excitement is through the roof i really wanna do this story justice 😭
#fashion designer reader 🤝 art museum curator geto my beloveds#i’ve thought abt this story concept for so long and it isn’t until now that i’m being Properly Serious abt it#it means so much to me hehe#the ultimate meet cute in my eyes#i ofc need to add his background and stuff but AHHHHHH really wanna do this justice :3#gonna take this to docs after i’m done outlining :’)#i don’t have everything outlined just like 2 scenes rn#but i wanna write prettily and with purpose and have good flow/a proper storyline#this might be my first real Story Fic#bc black is the color was moments in time of geto & reader’s relationship#enormity of my desire disgusts me was a oneshot#this story is the big kahuna to me ok i Demand to myself that it’s a 10k fic or above like it’s serious business to me#kidding idc how long it is but i deffo don’t want it to be short#we shall see how it goes#i’m rambling but only bc i’m excited#wanna delve into suguru’s sophistication/nerdiness but also have him be a bit demure yet still very sultry and alluring#but at the end of the day he’s just an Excitable Art Nerd#reader is my bestie she’s a kween she’s so cool and fun and fresh and friendly and a firecracker & a wildcard#i love all my readers to be lovable dorks they’re just so <3 to me#anyways hehehehehe need to think of more ideas! :D#and again deffo wanna add other characters in here not JUST reader/suguru#i think in this one specifically their friends/coworkers are so important! :>#personal
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shiawasekai · 5 months
Finding about Nethys was a very formative experience to Nela.
She was a terribly rebellious teenager.
During her childhood, she had been mostly sheltered from the worst of people's expectations by the existence of her human twin, Samel. They acted as a set and got almost the same treatment just... to avoid the otherwise endless complaints and tantrums.
As a teenager, however, with both twins building their own identities separate from each other, Nela found herself quickly overwhelmed by society's expectations on her as an aasimar. Their parents weren't the problem, they knew better than to force their kids down a path they didn't want; but it was a very different story with her peers and the other adults in her life.
And so, her resulting desire to spite e v e r y o n e played just as much of a part as her deep fascination for arcane magic when it came to her choice of god. Nethys was just perfect in that sense: it didn't go against her morals, he was far from any of the stereotypical choices due to obvious reasons (especially in Andoran) and his interests aligned with hers.
Nela joined a fairly benign congregation, which still caused quite the ruckus in her other social circles; but there she found community. People who saw the world like she did and were willing to teach her and guide her. There she also met her mentor, the woman who would train her to become an arcanist.
It truly changed her life for the better and gave her a space where she could thrive as herself.
Mind you, that was far from the last or only choice Nela took out of spite during her teens: her parents got plenty of heart attacks due to her shenanigans. However, she had already calmed down and grown out of it by the time she left on the fateful trip to Mendev.
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wavechime · 1 year
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Little scribbles of NewJeans 🐰
I think nothing compares to the impact Hype Boy had on me when it came out because of the individual MVs! My favorites are Danielle+Haerin's and Hanni's 💙
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