#Fencing Materials
fencingandgates · 23 days
Some Top Fencing Materials Discussed In Detail
Upon asking about the fencing options to cover your property, contractors will come up with a never-ending list of materials. All of them are highly useful and can serve several essential purposes, like providing security and maintaining privacy. They protect a property from unknown humans and animals looking to enter your property for food. Let us cover the most popular options available at fence contractors.
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This is the most classical option for Australian homes in the countryside and rural areas.
It can be styled in vertical or horizontal rails to give a different look to the property.
You can use timber fencing as a classic picket or decorative lattice fence.
It requires seasonal upkeep as it is susceptible to pests like termites.
Constant exposure to changing weather can damage timber fencing prematurely.
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Another usually popular choice in terms of fencing installations is steel.
It is ideal for industrial settings due to its robustness, sturdiness and affordability.
According to experts in fencing services, it is an excellent option for security.
The downside is that steel fencing installations are vulnerable to rusting.
Timely maintenance in the form of primer and oil-based paint application can prevent it from rusting.
Another step in this regard is using galvanized steel or powder-coated finish.
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This material gives a stylish look to any property.
It is extremely easy to install and can withstand different weather conditions.
The powder-coated aluminium fence is long-lasting and a low-maintenance option.
It won't rust or chip at all, and you can paint it with the colour of your choice.
Compared to steel fencing, it is not a studier option.
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It is an eco-friendly option that can give a nature-inspired vibe to your property.
It is as durable as timber fencing, and with proper maintenance, it will last for more than two decades.
Bamboo is naturally resistant to termites and pest attacks.
Surprisingly, it is more robust than timber and offers better security and privacy.
It is a strong and long-lasting option for all kinds of properties.
It does not catch fire and is highly weather-resistant.
When combined with wrought iron or steel fencing, brick wall fencing installations will transform the exteriors completely.
It is a more expensive option compared to all the names discussed above.
This is an ideal choice if you want to achieve the look of classic picket fencing at an affordable rate.
PVC fences require less maintenance compared to other options while still offering an excellent level of privacy.
PVC panels offered by fencing contractors provide total privacy for your property.
The downside is that this material can expand and contract due to prolonged exposure to constant weather changes.
It can also become brittle and crack prematurely.
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fencingsolutions · 2 months
Establishing Safety Solutions: A Summary of Available Fencing Materials
In addition to keeping your home safe from potential burglaries, fencing materials work effectively to deter trespassing. However, the fence also offers a fantastic private option. It safeguards your belongings and you as you enjoy the great outdoors. It's among the greatest methods for keeping your residence and lawn safe.
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The first place you should go for your backyard is to visit picket fence suppliers. Without a fence, it is difficult to control your dog, keep the kids out of the garden, and prevent the youngsters from slipping from the pool's edges. In addition to protecting your property, a fence allows you to have greater authority over what happens in your yard.
Permits Privacy Without Obstructing Views
One of the most important things that any homeowner needs is privacy. But no homeowner wants to obscure their stunning architecture with views. It does seem like a pickle.
Picket fencing is the answer to all of your queries and issues! It does not obstruct any views and also provides seclusion. Every picket has a gap, allowing neighbours and onlookers to get views of your property. But it's not a big enough opening for someone to break in and damage the property. Additionally, you can always adjust the setting of your picket fence to deter intruders or make sure your dogs don't leap over it and go away.
Examine Local Laws and Take Your Budget Into Account
Like any other city, a fence is subject to certain zoning laws and regulations in Melbourne. Investigate local regulations before making a fence selection to learn about height restrictions, materials that are allowed, and other pertinent rules that may influence your fence option.
Determine a budget that fits your fence objectives and look at possibilities that fall within that range. Even though certain materials can cost more upfront, their durability and long-term advantages might justify the cost.
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americanfencedepot · 2 years
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What Are The Benefits Of Fencing Materials
Fencing is one of the most popular activities in the world, with a range of recreational and professional uses. In this article, you will discover some of the benefits of fencing materials.
What is Fencing?
Fencing is a sport that involves two people: the fencer and the opponent. The object of fencing is to touch your opponent’s weapon with your own. There are three main types of fencing: foil, épée, and saber.
Foil is the simplest form of fencing. It uses a single metal strip with a rounded end called a foil. The fencer stands in front of their opponent, holding the foil up to their body so that only their hand is visible. They lunge forward at their opponent, trying to touch the blade of the foil with their own. If they succeed, they take the opponent’s sword away from them and win the match.
Épée is similar to foil, but it uses a two-meter-long metal strip with an acute point at one end. The fencer stands two meters away from their opponent, holding the épée out in front of them like a sword. They lunge forward at their opponent, trying to touch the blade of the épée with their own. If they succeed, they take the opponent’s sword away from them and win the match.
Types of Fences
There are many types of fences available to choose from; each with its own set of benefits. Here's a look at some of the most popular types of fences and their respective benefits:
Chain-Link Fences
One of the most common types of fences, chain-link fences are strong and durable. They're also affordable, easy to install and come in various colors and designs. One downside is that they're not especially privacy-friendly, as people can see through them from a long distance.
Picket Fences
Picket fences are known for their decorative features, such as pickets (the vertical posts at the top and bottom of a picket fence) and bails (the horizontal boards between pickets). They're also more privacy-friendly than chain-link fences, as people cannot see through them from a distance. They're not as strong as chain-link fences and can be more expensive to buy or maintain.
Wooden Fences
Wooden fences are one of the oldest types of fences still in use today. They're strong and weatherproof, making them ideal for areas that get a lot of rain or snow. They can also be
Materials used in Fencing
There are many materials used in fencing, but the most common ones are wire and posts.
The wire is often used in fencing because it is strong and flexible. It can be made into different shapes, which makes it easy to create a fence. 
Posts are also common in fencing. They are used to hold up the wire and make it sturdy. Posts can be made from different materials, such as wood or metal, and come in different sizes. 
Overall, wire and posts make a strong fence that is easy to put together. They also come in different colors and styles, so you can find one that suits your needs.
Benefits of Fencing
There are many benefits to fencing materials, both indoor and outdoor. Indoor fencing can be used to keep pets in or out of a particular area, while outdoor fencing can help keep livestock in or out of an agricultural or forest area.
One of the most important benefits of fencing materials is their ability to protect people and property. Fencing materials can help prevent accidents from happening, as well as crime from taking place. They can also help keep animals contained, which can provide safety for both the animal and the person handling it.
Fencing materials are also cost-effective. Compared to other security measures like security cameras, fences are more affordable and require less maintenance. Fences also have a longer lifespan, lasting anywhere from 10 to 20 years.
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hypokeimena · 3 months
those like white republican woman security theatre tiktoks also get me bc like you can see their houses and. lock that front door all you want but it is NOT going to keep out a determined someone with an axe or perhaps a man door hand hook.
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unclekaz · 8 months
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shybreadgarden · 7 months
I have to rewire my favorite epee and I’m PISSED about it.
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whyeverr · 9 months
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It's early morning and party prep is already in full swing. Lydia is already enjoying one of her presents: a plastic playpen secured to the metal roof with industrial magnets, constructive adhesive, and a wing and a goddamn prayer.
"Now don't go getting any ideas, trying to climb out of this like the pack and play."
...When Lydia inevitably escapes the baby-proofed playpen we'll know who to blame. 😁
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bijoumikhawal · 3 months
"Biden is the best choice and he's actually really empathetic and reasonable but also you can't wait for a candidate that won't do genocide and war crimes because to become a presidential candidate you have to be willing to do that" see what you fundamentally don't understand is I'm not waiting for a candidate that won't do war crimes, because I know that. I cannot morally stomach this system, it's a joke to claim its democratic, and AMERICA DELENDA EST. this country is a plague on this Earth
#cipher talk#It's baffling because okay so you know how fucked up this is but you're behaving in a way that clearly indicates you want that this shambli#Disgusting empire to cling to life until after you're dead because it'd make /you/ uncomfortable and inconvenienced#To live through its destruction (the wealthier classes and more privileged experience lesser material changes in state collapse so long as#They aren't too highly ranked/involved in politics. A Sri Lankan wrote an article specifically addressing Americans about this)#It's so dehumanizing! People's blood is so cheap to you! You've just accepted its inevitable that genocide will happen!#Because of how the US operates! You can see no other future! It hardly matters to you!#You say this like the death of Palestinians of Yemenis of Syrians is someone else's dropped ice cream cone#You understand why people hate this country and you understand we deserve it but it just. Hardly matters to you#It feels like madness to watch this. It's disgusting#I keep thinking- it'd be so easy for you to justify my people being killed if violence broke out and it was in your favor#It's unlikely because. Well. America loves 'the church of the martyrs'#But you'd do it if that was favorable. You wouldn't think twice. You might feel a twinge in your heart but that's all#Because we aren't people to you!#We aren't all that important! Not important enough for you do anything more than 'well let's vote a blue in and do some protests'#What's a protest worth if you perpetuate the system and can't see a way out and don't try for a way out?#That's killing a man then putting flowers on his casket. It's /perverse/.#You get used to the idea that Africans die that West Asians die and that's just the way of the world. My g-d do you understand anything??#I watch necrosis take hold my parts of my culture and I watch every good person I know be ground to dust under a military regime#I talk to my friend who got drafted and is trans and may never come out because if they do they can get arrested as a 'prostitute'#I watch the wild hope for the future I was introduced to over radio at 9 years old wither#I watch people risk it anyway because just past the fence they can see they know there are people there#I watch my neighbor to the south crumble and weep because our hands are bloody and it's in part because we bloodied them for the west#And you just think that's how things are.#Fascist white death cult mindset
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bunnihearted · 5 months
maybe if we lived in a society that valued individual needs and nurtured and cared for ppl who are different i wouldnt "wish" death upon ppl ._.
#my proposal is:#communities specifically made for noise sensitive ppl#like apartment building made w materials that isolate noise#and where for example on some floors kids arent allowed to live. some floors arent allowed to take in dogs etc etc#no loud music is allowed to be played#and outside of the buildings loud noise isnt allowed such as no playgrounds or dog parks etc etc#and this housing area could be fenced so it's rlly just the ppl who have chosen to live there that can be there#then ONLY ppl who wanted peace and quiet could live here and have a safe haven in the world#if u choose to live there then u will want and choose to respect the rules and be mindful abt others and be quiet#and if u want a 'normal' living situation u choose to NOT live there#if things like this existed i'd be so fkn happy#we all should be able to CHOOSE how we want to live#there are other groups of ppl who want to live in other ways and they should also be able to choose#there r many of us who are different but we are still a minority#and we are forced to live in a wild messy jungle that we arent naturals in. we survive not thrive#we are forced to be in mental agaony every day bc we dont fit into society's regulations and boxes#no one should live like that. society should be built for ALL of us and all out different special needs#but the thing is that ok even if society doesnt care and give us it for free or without fight#ppl actively work to HINDER and prohibit ppl to create new ways of living#when ppl try to make new exclusive spaces that fit their own needs#here comes a sudden influx of normal ppl being angry and upset that theyre excluded from smth#if i tried to suggest building these communities and even succeeded in gathering support for it#ppl in the state and normal ppl in society would be AGAINST me#theyd be angry that i wanted to create a space that excluded them#why cant i live there??????? I ME ME ME ME who is normal is all that matters#everything should aaaaaalways be made for normal people#if any other of us who wants to make their own space dares to even suggest it normies get mad#hell if ppl w wheelchairs wanted to create a walled community where only they were allowed i'd be supporting them#bc i think every single one of us deserves to live in a safe space that calms us#and it isnt your right to encroach on someone else's safe space. everyone are entitled to safe spaces no matter who that excludes
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magentagalaxies · 2 days
going to a comedy open mic tomorrow mostly to watch my friends (it's at a cool venue that my improv troupe performs at once a month and a few improv troupe friends are doing standup there) but when these friends were asking if i'd be interested in coming they were like "btw there's usually a ton of open spots on show days if YOU want to do something... and they're not strict about it only being standup either, people have done character pieces and sketches etc like they embrace the weirdness... and they're not strict about time limits you could probably do anything between three and eight minutes... sometimes if there's not enough people signed up they'll even let you go twice..." and i'm like god damn it i thought i was gonna take a break from aubrey but this setup is like tailor made for an aubrey appearance lmao
#still on the fence about it bc the burnout i experienced at the beginning of may extended to aubrey#especially bc so much of my aubrey stuff is comedy about gender and my brain was more in ''set everything on fire'' mode#and i think i've gotten to a good place with that burnout but i still haven't worked on any aubrey stuff since i got home from college#but even still even tho my mental health is better than it was a few weeks ago#recently i have had this horrible insomnia where i haven't been able to fall asleep at night in over a week#(i've made up for it with naps but still i am not mentally 100% rn. i've tried so many things and nothing has worked.)#so that's my justification for *not* doing aubrey tomorrow. however.#i reeeally need to get more performance experience bc there's only so much you can develop a sketch character without performing them#and this venue is so good. it's an art gallery like an hour away that's designed to be part gallery and part performance venue#especially for comedy. like the venue owner is this veteran comedian who used to work with bobcat goldthwait and a lot of other big names#and it's a low-pressure environment bc everyone there has seen me do comedy before with my improv troupe#but they still haven't seen me do aubrey at all so it's bringing a new side of my comedy to some of my main collaborators#like this is so much better than my previous aubrey performances bc they were all either#1. shows in CLASSROOMS with a bunch of my classmates who generally don't get my comedy (very clique-ish)#or 2. a guest spot on a show at a coffee shop where everyone knew each other except me#plus the biggest thing for me is the lack of a strict time limit. like as much as having a good 3-minute monologue can be#i think aubrey is a character you need to get to know a bit longer than 3 minutes. and a lot of my stuff is long while also being very tigh#like not every monologue is like this but my best aubrey monologues are almost like aubrey is telling you a sitcom storyline#and removing too many lines makes the whole narrative jenga tower fall over#and as much as i want to figure out how to make every monologue a good starting point#having the chance to perform multiple monologues if i get to go twice so that they can build off each other would be perfect#idk i'm not sure how often the open mics are there. at least monthly tho i might be missing next month's depending on when i'm in toronto#so like this wouldn't really be my only chance. but yeah i'm on the fence about whether to bring aubrey back for a performance tomorrow#i probably wouldn't do new material. i'd do the 5 minute version of my uncle reg monologue bc it's the one that's worked best so far#and if i get to do multiple. maybe i'd do the ''nom de plum'' monologue bc i think it's also very strong#and it has a good callback to uncle reg#but idk i also think doing the song would be very fun and on-theme since it's pride month and the song is a satire of rainbow capitalism#tho i'd probably have to rework the monologue that leads into the song bc even tho i loved the concept i don't think i articulated it well#or i could write an entirely different lead-in and make the previous monologue (''C/H/M'') a separate thing to revise later#which would probably go better and somehow be less work to write. but even so i don't know what the venue's sound setup is
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blitz0hno · 2 months
If we are counter protesting for Trans Rights in front of like a legislative building or something can we all chant "WE HAVE MORE IN COMMON WITH YOU THAN THE PEOPLE IN THAT BUILDING DO"??? I will be screaming it at the oppressors in my community only bcuz c'mon you can't tell me half the people consuming Fox News every night aren't crying because their food stamps are about to run out same as us
And even if they aren't when some idiot films the protest all the on the fence liberals might think a little bit at least
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tovaicas · 3 months
not me importing my anti-air defense worldbuilding h/cs into ishgard bc I can
#saint.txt#long post#ishgardposting#tl;dr in my personal project one of the big things is that (one) military has had to evolve alongside gryphon riders for a long long time#who's biggest threat are information gathering and the fact they drop flechettes and are nigh-untouchable by anything even each other#even with firearms (which are still very early tech-wise) so anti-air defense is paramount#the biggest results being that *everything* has a roof on it to mitigate stuff falling from the sky.#cities are cramped and avoid open space as much as possible. anti-bird spikes but scaled up on steep roofs so that birds can't land.#buildings are made of non-flammable material like stone when possible. open areas exist mostly as corral zones so that tired birds#must land there and can be easily surrounded on the ground.#but the flashiest is killwire which is basically just wire strung between tall buildings that discourages flight below a certain level#and is difficult to see especially at speed or at night#and if you hit it. well. the idea is based off motorcycle accidents where people have hit wire fences on farms so I'm sure you get the idea#not all of it will apply to Ish.gard but I highly believe that's exactly why Ish.gard is 98% built out of stone#as are all their forts and important structures like bridges. I also believe realistically most streets should be roofed if possible#and open space is kept at a minimum even if daniffen's ward exists. anti-dragon spikes consisting of slots to put lances in on roofs.#Ish.gard might not even have much of a need for 'traditional' forts with huge walls and such bc 90% of their enemies fly so their fort#designs might get a little wild after 1000 years of war. w/ magitek via stephva.nivien you might even electrify the killwire.#ofc some of it already seems to exist - ish.gard's roofs and spires are built *very* steep which would make a dravanian landing on them#difficult and even without that most of them are covered in spires and spikes anyway but. ofc there's the dragonkillers and such too but#ish.gard is a city built on 1000 years of war and hyperspecialized to fighting dragons that fly we really could make it look like that too.#I want to walk into ishgard and immediately know this is a place built on war bc everything about it is hyperspecialized and utilitarian#to fulfill that purpose. look up in ishgard and the stars are replaced with glittering wire.
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fencingsolutions · 4 months
Establishing Boundaries: A Look Into Various Fencing Materials to Explore
We put a lot of effort into finding the fencing materials our clients require, including those difficult-to-find parts and supplies for those unique landscaping projects as well as more standard fencing supplies that will enable you to finish the task. Melbourne residents frequently discuss the weather, so you know that protecting your house from the severe weather that the Victorian capital frequently sees is essential.
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The Melbourne Customers Rely on Fencing Supplies
When searching for picket fence suppliers in Melbourne, is the best option because we offer the advantage of working with a reputable and experienced crew. That's just one of the many reasons why Melbourne's tradespeople know to turn to us for premium fencing supplies.
Being a genuine Melburnian means talking about the weather, how it affects your day-to-day activities, what it has in store for the upcoming days or weeks, and even airing a few grievances.
A Variety of Styles to Fit Your Home
Because they are available in multiple forms, picket fences can be installed in a variety of house types. Modern homes usually have flat or round picket types for a sleek appearance, whereas period-style homes sometimes have arched picket gates for an exquisite and traditional appeal. Let's discuss the advantages of picket fences and installation costs so you can build the house of your dreams in Australia.
Economical And Sustainable For The Environment
If money is tight, timber fencing is a terrific alternative because it's less expensive than steel fencing. A simple wooden fence or perhaps something a little more ornamental are your two options.
Because the trees that are used to collect the wood may be planted and grown again, timber fences is environmentally sustainable. If you have a wood-burning stove, outdoor fire pit, or log fire, you can simply reuse any broken wood in your timber fencing that needs to be replaced, saving you on spending on firewood.
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pmbalustrade · 3 months
Automatic Gate Solutions in Point Piper-Metal balustrades in Bondi
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https://pmbalustrade.com.au/product-category/other-products When it comes to enhancing the aesthetics and safety of your home, choosing the right balustrade design is essential. With its ability to elevate the architectural appeal of your property, a well-crafted balustrade serves as both a functional and decorative element.
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kifu · 4 months
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Piebald friends.
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thestarminstrel · 5 months
I love your art! Your Nichoji illustrations are so beautiful.
Are there any tropes or genres that you like a lot and would like to see more of in Fence fan works? 
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thANK YOU?? 💛💛💛 goodness you all are sO damn sweet 😭😭😭 i'm just happy to be here and that people enjoy my silly thoughts
oooo that's a good one. i love the tattoo artist/florist trope a lot for no real good reason tbh. particularly for eugesse uwu. have always been a big fan of antihero/robin hood aus where one character is running from the law and the other is some journalist or hero trying to catch them. on that thread, secret identity shenanigans too. some other rapid fire ones are road trips, snow days & winter shenanigans, olympics shenaniganary, and finding each other as adults post high school and falling in love (whatever trope that's called??).
also full disclosure that just bc of my life going crazy since 2022 and eating all of my free time, i haven't been active in the ao3 tag like i used to be :') if folks have written stuff like this, hell yea! feel free to send it and i'll hopefully have a moment to read
thank you for the ask!! 💛
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