oldmemoria · 7 months
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How I feel reading the asc leaks
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skuffypaw · 2 years
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entry35 · 2 months
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hands him back to you crumpled up and muddy and practically unrecognizable. not sorry i did it on purpose
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iotnonii · 6 months
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happy squilf to keep me sane after failing my physics final
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dixidin · 1 month
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(Plus a little extra thing at the bottom :3)
If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Do not put my art in any ai or repost it as your own work. You are free to use this as a pfp as long as you credit. Any like or rebblog is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading! -dixidin
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blazingblorbos · 2 months
Absolutely phenomenal
Web event releases and literally all it is, is Arlecchino killing 2 (3) men. Congrats. here's your rewards!
I saw a tweet earlier this morning that said
"genshin saw people mad at chiori for throwing a man out of her shop and their honest reaction was making arlecchino kill one in her teaser"
AND I CACKLED SO LOUD so seeing this now, I just had to share it with you all
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flowersfortheghost · 3 months
i think my emotional attachment to ghostflower is extremely concerning
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sillspore · 6 months
Like to think that, as a ex-kittypet, firestar its a pretty touchy cat, like, he likes physical contact a lot and does it quite often
he’s so huggy. he’s the huggiest hugger. one time, graypaw was beckoning firepaw over to share tongues, but firepaw just rubbed against his side real hard, purred, flopped on the ground, and kept purring.
as yellowfang dies, she licks his head real hard and he just gets choked up bc it brings up a memory of his mom, the only memory he has of her.
cloudtail is super similar, and fireheart punishes his apprentice for disrespect with cuddle bans.
as fireheart and longtail become friends, fireheart gets super touchy. he rubs and leans on longtail and intertwines their tails, and longtail is SO flustered but he thinks it’s platonic because fireheart acts similarly with graystripe.
as soon as squirrelkit and leafkit don’t need sandstorm’s milk, she leaves the nursery and firestar replaces her :3 he was there the whole time, but yknow. he LOVES sitting there all day with kits cuddling him. HIS kits, can you believe it? once those two are apprenticed, firestar mopes a bit from lack of cuddles.
after his kits leave the nursery, firestar refuses (can’t) sleep without another cat, usually longtail.
leafpool was always a little closer to firestar than squirrelflight was, despite firestar’s wishes, so they have cute little moments sitting together and grooming each other, rubbing their heads together and purring.
even once his family is full-grown, they all pile in the leader’s den from time to time to cuddle firestar. this continues until his death — so his grandbabies, the three, get to join in! bramblestar does not continue this tradition in the leader’s den, but squirrelflight’s kids still cuddle her. firestar passed on the cuddle gene.
in starclan, firestar is the patron saint of cuddle puddles because i said so???
i definitely want legendary cats to be known as “patron” of something, and firestar definitely will be one, and it will definitely have to do with love.
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just-antithings · 2 months
elon musk got deposed by MARK BANKSTON?!?!?
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stagwhisker · 4 days
I was so occupied by thinking about Moonpaw's design that for a moment I lived in a world where the ever so delicate and totally not consistantly abelist Erins weren't about to potentially write a """split personality""" arc
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radiobunnxx · 9 days
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She has not left my mind for DAYS
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laughing-gunslinger · 7 months
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Wanted to draw something celebrating Squirrelflight becoming Squirrelstar. I don’t read the books anymore but it’s nice and nostalgic to see a character from my childhood overcome so much and finally become leader like she deserves :]
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chelseajackarmy · 17 days
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bonefall · 9 months
what’s Bright Storm like? Since she didn’t get fridged like every woman in the original dotc series
She was always curious and dependable. Bright Storm's the kind of gal who would give you the shirt off her back if she wore a shirt to give you!
Long before they set off on the Sun Trail, she would occasionally confide in Clear Sky how much she wanted to see the world. Travelers aren't unheard of; this was before the Tribe split into its 3 separate Wards and welcomed a lot of comers and goers, but it's not that no one had ever left before. It was more that she had friends and family she was committed to.
Clear Sky pressured her into it, reminding her of how much they'd see, how they'd raise their kits somewhere new, and that he'd be sad and alone forever if she didn't come. Every chance he got, he was bringing it up. He was always her weakness, she hated letting him down.
Her dependability was based on how good of a listener she was, even Gray Wing the Wise appreciated it. She was always keeping an eye out for people's wants and needs, making connections between little 'tips' she'd heard from one source or another. After Gray Wing's death, she found herself in demand for this ability.
She couldn't make a plan quite AS good as xem, but she was better at making a plan into a 'group project.' She'd brainstorm and encourage everyone to join in, putting their brains together until it all fell into place. She could be good at delegating authority based on it, too, though Tall Shadow had much more confidence than her.
And really it's her confidence that holds her back, and can you blame her?
She tried to keep Jagged Peak alive for a moon, but barely caught enough for herself, let alone him AND her unborn kittens. But how could she go back to the camp and just pretend he wasn't out here, dying?
When she goes shuffling back with her son in tow, it was humiliating, it was heartbreaking. It became soulcrushing when Clear Sky rejected her again. With just a few words, she doubted everything.
...was she capable of knowing if she was interpreting this sign correctly? ...had she done the right thing, or did she just make everything complicated? ...he's right, it must be her fault the other two died, if she hadn't--
Tall Shadow interrupted this thought spiral, but Clear Sky is like an infection in her mind. She'd tell you, in a moment of shame many years later,
"I wasn't strong enough to beat him. No no honey, I mean it like the truth. Clea-- Skystar now, he's powerful if nothing else, and he makes you believe it too. It's a special sort of person who can say no to that. I said a lot of his words before I even realized I still had his tongue in my mouth."
Bright doesn't realize how smart she is, because she's so smart she realizes how little she knows. And that can make her doubt herself. She's genuine and caring, but susceptible to more self-assured people making her doubt her own judgement.
But there's no one else Thunder Storm would rather have in his corner, that's for sure.
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giftedpoison · 1 month
no cause we can shit talk tiktok all we want but oh my god what creators are doing with Operation Olive Branch is living in my head.
A creator by the name of Erin Hattamer started doing a "pass the hat" thing where content creators can fill out a form and they'll be assigned a Palestinian family's go fund me and their entire job is to keep posting about that family until they meet the money goal.
and I have seen so many goals being met???
And like at first Erin was reaching out to major content creators to try to get people on board, but after those first couple she got so many people willing to continuously help and "adopt" more families after they reach the goal.
And on top of that her and a lot of creators are donating all their tiktok earnings, and taking donations on their venmos to then send to gofundmes (some people can't afford the five dollar minimum) and those doing that are genuinely showing proof of where that money is going.
And it is so fucking wholesome and it's made it a lot easier to manage than looking at a spreadsheet and getting decision paralysis. Now I can just boost videos I see and donate where I can
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spaceshipellie · 10 months
dear straight women, please stop treating your lesbian friends like they’re your “boyfriend” for extra attention bc you think it’s fun
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