#FSBC library
caplanbuckybarnes · 7 days
a bunch of my favorite blogs
I'd been thinking about doing something like this for a very long time. I haven't seen an appreciation/friendship post on here in a VERY long time. So, I'm doing a quick shout-out to my favorite blogs on here <3 love you all.
don't forget to tag your faves <3 keep the chain going!
@shirtlesssammy @darsynia @chaoticxwanda @tilltheendwilliwrite @ruckystarnes @capsgrantrogers @mariekoukie6661 @nekoannie-chan @fandom-princess-forevermore @steverogersnotebook k @aquabrie @girl-next-door-writes @ilovetaquitosmmmm @queenpinoftheeast @the-wordsmiths-fabrications
@firefly-in-darkness @babiiface95 @meganlpie @fsbc-stucky-library @buckysforeverprincess @metalbvcky @mrs-illyrian-baby @blackwood4stucky y @bloodydeanwinchester
@siriusjohnpotter @spacebuck @targaryenvampireslayer @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @yarrystyleeza @navybrat817 @holylulusworld @americasass81 @seasononesam
@kjs-s @mistressofallthingsgeeky @nana1000night @aegonx @kes-fellowes-posts-stuff @nicoline1998enilocin
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booksandabeer · 10 months
Hi! I've come to associate your blog with "The Fic Rec Blog" every time you come up on my dash.
I'm aware you recommend fics instead of finding them, but I've combed through my bookmarks and ao3 history for this specific fic and it's all but disappeared!
It's a fic where Steve is ex-military who works as a bodyguard for hire, and Alexander Pierce, who is using his charity as a cover for his illegal operations, hires him because someone has tried to kill him. Bucky is an assassin trained by the Red Room (it's more of a illegal company for people who want to hire hitmen, Natasha is his handler) and he tries to kill Pierce by putting a bomb in his car. Bucky tries to kill Steve to remove Steve from the equation, but as per fic style, they just fall in love.
I'm wondering if maybe you've read it before and you might help me find it? Of course, you're aren't obligated to help but it will be much appreciated by a stucky fanatic who is hoping beyond hope that the fic hadn't been deleted!
Hello Stranger!
Thanks for your message and your sweet words. I wouldn't presume to call my blog a rec blog because I don't think I post recs often and consistently enough (I wish I had the time; I have so many ideas for rec lists!), but it's nice to hear anyway. 💗
Now to your request—I am so sorry, but I have no idea what this fic could be. I searched and filtered my little heart out on AO3 just now and I looked through @fsbc-librarian and the library, as well as the bodyguard tags at the @stuckylibrary and @stucky-ficrecs and I couldn't find anything. I'm so sorry. :(
Does anybody know which fic this might be and can help anon out?
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musette22 · 2 years
Friends!! There’s a new Stucky Book Club/Library/Website in town and it is fabulous 💖
The FSBC is run by some amazingly lovely and talented people (including the very wonderful @manicobsessedfangirl) and I can’t wait to hear more from them in the future. Some exciting things coming up, I hear... 😌 So keep an eye out for that!
Please do yourselves a favour and go check out the Filthy Stucky Book Club Libary’s shiny new website!! 🥰💫 👇🏻
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oh-i-swear-writes · 2 years
Fic Read Log April 2022
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Hi!  So I remembered how to read this month apparently and actually hit up some fics.  Big thanks to the @fsbc-librarian​ for the library - made finding what I was in the mood for VERY easy... and I might have a load more tabs open and waiting 😂 Anyway...
The Way to Protect a Man’s Heart by @hanitrash​
~12k, Shrinkyclinks, Part of a series, TikTok Steve, WS Bucky
So… a bit of a cheat because I actually read this in March, but as it was the only thing I read in March it seemed a bit silly to do a Fic Read Log - and yet, I absolutely adore this, I adore this series and I adore this Steve who definitely has some B Dylan Hollis vibes and owns it.  Even better, I might have heard on the grape vine that @kocuria​ has been bullying (affectionate) Hani again, so there might be more!  Guys, this is a hard rec - treat yourselves ;)
Something So Precious by steveandbucky
~80k, Kidfic, no powers AU, Single Dad Steve Rogers
This was absolutely lovely, completely fluffy and exactly what I needed to read.  I’m surprised, given it ticks a bunch of my boxes that I haven’t read it before, but it was brought to my attention by the lovely FSBC and I’m glad this grave error has now been rectified!  Basically, Bucky is a professional writer with no time for a life of his own, and Steve is a single Dad to his little girl and therefore also doesn’t have time… but their attraction and chemistry is undeniable ;)
Hooked on a Filling by WeirdV
~12k, Shrunkyclunks, Meet Cute (or Meet Ugly), Tiktokker Bucky Barnes, kid fic, single Dad Bucky
So apparently I like fics with one or both of the boys having social media accounts.  Sue me.  Anyway, this is absolutely adorable - and I loved the way that Steve and Bucky’s relationship after a meet cute/possible meet ugly situation feels like it progresses so naturally.  Binged it all in an afternoon <3
Fake it til you Make it by 74Days
~7k, No powers AU, Fake Dating, Meet Cute, Fluffy AF, Shrinkyclinks
Bucky and Steve work in the same mall, with Steve in an outdoor gear store and Bucky working at the hilariously named Wiener Soldier on the food court.  When Steve’s boss Thor sets him up on ANOTHER blind date, Steve sort of hates it - especially when Bucky arrives and they immediately realise it’s a bust… or is it?  Either way, fake dating ensues, and the ending is so adorably fluffy and sweet
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thedamageofherdays · 2 years
to bring some positivity to your blog: what are the things you love about the stucky fandom? ❤️
Thank you for asking this <3
I love all the talented artists. They all have their unique styles and that is so cool to witness!
I love all the talented writers. There is such a variety of authors too and it brings me joy to see all the different fics they create. There are fics out there for every person, no matter their taste. So cool! And I love that they have created so many versions of these boys.
I also love the people who make fandom fun in other ways like people who leave nice comments, people who send sweet asks, people who have cool tags, the gif makers, things like the FSBC podcast and their library (seriously @fsbc-librarian, @manicobsessedfangirl & everyone else involved, yall are amazing)
I also love the spaces created to make this fandom a good and safe place. In particular I wanna mention @hellyeahbottombucky for providing resources and fun and safety for queer fans.
And I love that no matter where we come from in the world and no matter our stories, we all ended up falling in love with Stucky and we are sharing that love every day.
I also love this fandom for unlocking my creativity, especially when it was almost completely gone before joining this fandom.
I love every single good person who makes this fandom a better place.
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adreamwithin · 2 years
Big shout out to @into-a-ship-or-2 for suggesting that we at the FSBC create a ko-fi account. ♥️
You Aussies are something special. 🇦🇺
So here's the link👇 if y'all wanna toss a few coins our way to offset our operating costs.
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#fsbc #fsbc library #stucky #fic recs #buy us a ko-fi
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fsbc-librarian · 7 months
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24 Nov 2023
The following categories have been updated!
Coffee Shop
Highly Recommended
All of The Library categories are available here:
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fsbc-librarian · 1 month
Hey! I wasn't sure who to ask this but was hoping you might know of a particular Stucky fic? I don't remember much about it but Bucky worked at the Museum of Maths and was like super nerdy about it. I couldn't find it anywhere!!
Hi! I will admit I’ve never read a fic where Bucky works at the museum of maths (I’ve never heard of it, to be honest), and I can’t find any stucky fics that have the museum of maths as a location or tag. Are you able to give me any more details?
Or maybe someone else out there has heard of it? @zenaidamacrouras1 this could possibly be something you’ve come across? I actually thought of Monoclonius for Bucky being an enthusiastic nerd working in a museum 🤷‍♀️
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fsbc-librarian · 11 months
Category Update!
New fics added!
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Alpha Bucky
Alpha Steve
Arranged Marriage
All categories have been updated with new fics
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fsbc-librarian · 2 years
Stolen from a friend.. but this should be a Stucky Fic 👌
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fsbc-librarian · 1 year
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Steve Rogers was having a good, normal day. He was celebrating a friend’s wedding, being his usual polite self… until he unintentionally got himself betrothed! That was when the whole thing got a bit… out there. But he wouldn’t change a thing.
Read it here!
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fsbc-librarian · 2 years
Ok, I’ve got another one for you @stucky-fic-idea-bank
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But, imagine, Bucky and Steve in these roles, and Steve is a total himbo, who’s been madly in love with the grumpy goth ever since he moved in, and every time someone comes looking for the witch in the woods, he’s really glad they go to Bucky’s door first, because more often than not, Bucky walks the person over to Steve personally so they don’t get lost (steve may have put a confusion spell on his gate for this very reason)..
Tell me it’s not a good idea 😊
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fsbc-librarian · 1 year
I have a 14 hour flight coming up soon, and i’m going to be downloading some fics to keep me occupied.
So far I have the following for long reads:
Infinite Coffee by owlet (on ao3)
Hands of Clay by @mhalachai
Lullaby for Futures Lost by @oh-i-swear-writes
And Crash & Burn by @hanitrash
Comfort fics 💜 feel free to add your own comfort fics to the list
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fsbc-librarian · 11 months
Guess who just updated the Legendary Category?! New fics!!
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Legendary is located here!
I’ve simplified how I list the fics (older fics have not been changed) so it will be quicker and easier to add to each category moving forwards.
I’ve also changed the Legendary criteria a touch (if only so Infinite Coffee actually qualified because it was heartbreaking that it did not).
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fsbc-librarian · 4 months
Hello Dear,
I was wondering if you knew the name of this Stucky fic I read a long time ago it has a modern day Bucky I think it starts when Steve is in the ice it’s a Soulmate fic. When Bucky is little and he keeps getting hypothermia every in the Summer and no one can figure it out at first then they realize that his Soulmate must live somewhere very cold.
If you can help I’d truly appreciate it 🥰
Thank you so much
Ooh yes, I know this one!
the cold never bothered me anyway by icoulddothisallday
It’s also in the Soulmate category in The Library
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fsbc-librarian · 11 months
- Bucky time travel anon here Lol
Oh dear what have I done? I really dragged you down the stucky rabbit hole
I’ve been looking and looking and I can’t find anything that matches what you described 😓 here is some other time travel ones that certainly live up to their hype though for the meantime, but I promise I will keep looking
to memory now I can't recall
While on a mission storming a HYDRA facility, James Buchanan Barnes touches one of the many strange alien devices collected by the Red Skull. He does this, in fact, twice— in the past, and in the future.
Next thing he knows, Bucky Barnes is opening his eyes in the 21st century, which is full of great gadgets and coffee, and at least includes his old pal Steve. (And, inexplicably, a different Stark.) Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier finds himself in the middle of World War Two, helping Captain America hunt down HYDRA (which is at least familiar), pretending to be Bucky Barnes (which is not), and figuring out the very noisy group of soldiers who call themselves the Howling Commandos.
Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square
Natasha wanted to tell him the whole story of wartime London and the pub and seeing who Steve Rogers was before he lost everything, and meeting The Winter Soldier only to find out that he was just a young charmer named Bucky Barnes.
To Live It Again Is Past All Endeavor
Time travel bodyswap! Present-day Steve and Bucky wake up back in their old bodies in 1938, while past Steve and Bucky wake in a future where they're both built like comic book heroes and Bucky's got what he thinks is a swell future robot arm. Adventures are had, and the ethics of time travel are debated. Also, everyone trash talks Willem de Kooning.
I can’t remember how this started (but I can tell you exactly how it ends)
gwyneth rhys (gwyneth)
“And this is the thing, Steve. I would rather relive this day for eternity than watch them win and you die, or see you be enslaved to them the way I was.” (Groundhog Day)
four dreams in a row where you were burned
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Steve Rogers.” Steve straightens, looks Bucky in the eye. Remembers all the times he’s said this, in a future that this world will never see. “I’m your friend.”
“Steve Rogers,” Bucky repeats, mouth twisting bitterly. “Captain America. The same Captain America who’s buried in ice, who fucking sacrificed his fool ass to stop the Red Skull, who crashed a motherfucking plane into goddamn ice nine days ago.”
“Twelve,” Steve corrects a little numbly, because that’s the easiest part he can address. “I went down on February 2nd. It took them a while to determine whether or not to let the public know. To weigh the demoralization my death will cause against the vengeful heroics my sacrifice will inspire. Clearly, they decided on the latter eventually, but I’ve been told it was pretty close.”
When Steve uses the last of his Pym Particles to travel to 1944 and save his best friend, he doesn’t have a plan beyond leaving behind the battlefield and living his life alongside the people he loves.
But time has a will of its own.
Cross The Same River Twice
In the fall of 1940, a stranger with Bucky's face saves Steve and Bucky's lives. The stranger claims he's from the future and that his only mission is to protect Steve Rogers.
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