raideoarts · 8 months
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kowaindar0u · 21 days
1, 9, 16 for Yuichi, Sunao and Taikyuu, 18 👀 (@zantedeschia-praesul)
putting under a cut cause it got long LOL
1. which muse is the easiest to write? i think yams, yuichi, and taikyuu are the easiest for me to write! i've been writing taikyuu in a couple verses since like 2019 so i feel like he comes to me easily. yuichi and yamatonokami i feel are quite similar to me LOL
9. what song do you associate with each muse? oh man. i have playlists for all of them i think so! letz go - Sengo: DDD by EXID i have always said that sengo would like exid a LOT, so here! (the lyrics dont matter just the VIBES and the DANCE) - Yamatonokami: Over the Sky by Dreamcatcher again i am always saying this song reminds me of tkrb in general but it REALLY reminds me of yams? (again, not rly lyrically, jsut vibes) - Fudou: It's Been a While by Staind typical grungey song lol but... any time it comes on when i put on his playlist i'm like. Dang. - Hachisuka: Two Princes by Spin Doctors not necessarily in any kind of romantic sense but naturally just the way he acts with regard to nagasone, the "pick me, why would you pick him?" kind of thing?? it doesn't really fit witht he specific lyrics just... again... vibes (noticing a pattern here...) - Taikyuu: ME by CLC i realized while looking at my playlist for him that a good chunk of it doesn't apply as much to him thematically in tkrb verse as it did in mortal kombat LOL (because indeed their backtories/circumstances/struggles are quite different) but this... i remember when this came out, during the time i was RPing him there for MK and just thinking how PERFECT it was for him. cause in all universes he is beautiful and he knows it - Sunao: honestly any song that feels like fall OR like laying in a sunbeam Put Your Records On by Corrine Bailey Rae honestly he's just a very mellow and sweet kind of guy, though sometimes he's got a just the teensiest twinge of sorrow. - Yuichi: lately it's for sure Talk Talk by Girls' Generation i already mentioned it on his playlist post but omg ...lately it's been really in my head a lot for... Reasons lol :eyes:
16. what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for Yuichi? - I don't have any specific ideas in mind but it would be fun to do something where things get intense in, like, his capacity as saniwa. like shit is hitting, or about to hit, the fan so he needs to Do His Job LOL
16. what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for Sunao? - honestly i think ANY plot would be good LMAO but i like the idea of him maybe interacting with either a less-than-friendly toudan, or one who's not in the best of moods. he's such a people-pleaser he'll do anything he can to help lol
16. what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for Taikyuu? - HMMMM... perhaps one where he hurts someone's feelings and has to handle that, or vice versa. orrrrr ... hmmmm. i will always love him being protective of his fellow toudans, even if he isn't really fond of some of them... makes me soft lol. also maybe him dealing with some kind of Failure(TM) that kinda throws him for a loop
18. which two muses would immediately fight each other if they met? probably yasu and fudou LMAO
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newlydeparteddog · 2 months
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qrowscant-art · 1 year
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CHILDHOOD HOMES (and why we hate them): After over a decade, you return home to find it unchanged.
A short, interactive horror story, and my first attempt at making something in Twine. Inspired by Anatomy, House of Leaves, and my deep hatred for my own childhood home! Full trigger list included on the itch.io page.
Play here!
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orionis13 · 4 months
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Who wants to be bloodthirsty time traveling lesbians with me
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clowningaroundmars · 3 months
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page full o' hobies 🎸
top pose inspired by @spectra-bear
process pics under da cut ↓
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ratfest · 3 months
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saphirune · 1 year
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✨ diamond clan ✨
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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a collection of sketches of my favorite guys!
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chio-chan2artbox · 12 days
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Step forward - Part 2
Perry has made a decision.
If this post reaches 50 reblogs, Part 3 is happening
Part 1
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kyo-hiki · 25 days
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babies are asleep, shhhh
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bucephaly · 8 months
It's kinda shocking to me how few people seem to know how prevalent the 'my great grandmother was cherokee' myth is and how it's almost never actually true, especially when it comes with things like 'never signed up' or 'fell off the trail' or 'courthouse burned down destorying the documentation' etc etc.
People just don't even seem to know the history like.. when the Trail happened. My great great great grandfather was 2 years old during Removal in 1838, so peoples 'my great grandmother hid in the mountains!' is so clearly wrong. And we have rolls. From before and after removal, rolls done by cherokee nation and others by the government, rolls that were not stored in one random flammable courthouse. It's not difficult to find the actual evidence of ancestry.
And just.. there are lots of ways those family stories get started. It was a practice during the confederacy to claim cherokee ancestry to show one's family had 'deep roots in the south' that they were there before the cherokee were removed. Many people pretended to be cherokee and applied for the Guion-Miller payout just to try to steal money meant for cherokees - 2/3rds of the applicants were denied for having 0 proof of actual cherokee ancestry. [We even see lawyers advertising signing up for the Miller roll just to try to get free money.] And the myth even started in some families in the cherokee land lotteries, where the land stolen from us was raffled off, including the house and everything that was left behind when the cherokees were removed. We have seen people whose families just take these things stolen from the cherokee family and adopt them into their own family story, saying that they were cherokee themselves.
If you had some family story about being cherokee and you wanna have proof one way or the other, check out this Facebook group run by expert cherokee genealogists that do research for free. Just please read the rules fully and respect the researchers. They run thousands of people's ancestries a year and their average is only around 0.7% of lines they run actually end up having true cherokee ancestry.
#and ive heard even dumber origins of the cherokee family myth#such as an ancestor having a silly sounding name so the descendents just go 'oh she mustve been an indian!!!'#i was one of the few people who had my ancestry done on the facebook and had genuine cherokee ancestry#[though i had found it before it was just really validating to get it double checked and i started finding cousins (:]#like. i was told once when i was a kid by my grandma that my dad had cherokee ancestry and i didnt believe her. its wild that so many peopl#will make it a Fixture of their identity [or even just smth they bring up ever] with Zero proof#at least for cherokees from what ive seen its usually considered really disrespectful to claim to have cherokee ancestry without#actually having the documentation [like ancestors on the rolls]#and no a dna test doesnt count. nor does 'my dad is Clearly not white!' or 'high cheekbones' or old family photos or anything#i had this discussion with someone recently whose dad had been calling himself 3/4 native but didnt know exactly what nation ???? hello?#and its like... sorry but ur dad is like. italian lol.#[and blood quantum is bullshit anyway im tired of the 'im 1/16 cherokee' comments its dumb#cherokee nation does not have a blood quantum requirement. its pointless bringing it up in the discussion of who is or isnt cherokee]#also mandatory disclaimer that im reconnecting. i didnt grow up connected to the culture of even knowing my ancestry#this is all from my looking into this stuff over the past year or so. i cant claim to be an authority over anything regarding this#this is p much all my repeating things ive heard said by people who know a lot more than i do haha#man. and this isnt even starting to get into the fake tribe stuff. the only legit cherokee groups are the 3 federally recognized bands#cherokee nation of oklahoma. united keetoowah band. and the eastern band of cherokee indians.#any others that are state recognized or not at all arent acknowledged as legitimate by any of the legit cherokee groups#anyway. my final message goodb.ye#cherokee#tsalagi
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ganondoodle · 2 months
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(oc wip)
attempting to paint a scene from the beginning of my original story stuff -im not gonna say i like it for some rough color placement so far bc it will surely curse it to not work out in the end-----
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vonxodd · 1 month
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polilyen · 1 year
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