#Evil queen castle
vyllain · 10 months
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just random stuff due to laptop ban yey.
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Soo,, I've been watching some of the witch's castle lore (thank you Royal Mike) and I just can't get this idea outta my mind..
The First Counsel of Everything AU
(In this AU, Witch's Castle came before Kingdom, and the gingercrew are basically stuck in a cycle of being rebaked as normal cookies until the counsel is needed again.)
The Counsel members (the gingergang) bellow the cut.
Gingerbrave - The Happy Emperor of Shadows.
The ruler of all shadow and darkness! Even if some of his recent subjects may not know it, though the oldest shadows that knew his rule definitely hope for his return again! With such a smile and kind personality, he made the shadows and darkness just as safe of a place that the light was, such a contrast to what it sadly is today. Debatably the leader of the counsel.
Strawberry Cookie - Queen of Imagination.
The shy ruler of all creativity, imagination, and dreams. Beloved by her subjects in the land of dreams, as she herself understands the love and care that goes into every art, even the ones baked up in the mind! Her thoughts can blend and bleed into the world by portals, making her a power house among the counsel. What she reigns over may never be in danger, but she will always spring back in to aid her friends and counsel!
Wizard Cookie - High Wizard of Insight.
No doubt deserving of his title, this High Wizard is the head of all magic, magical beings, and the smarts, too. He never seems to get a spell wrong, nor forget a face! The ones who follow his teachings can't deny that he's fit for the head of all magic. After all, what's a better fit than the one who got magic into every cookies' hands and books! His return is expected, as magic is in everything these days, and he is undeniably the brain of the counsel.
Gingerbright - Empress of Harmony.
The empress of all connections and harmony! All who can live in peace and friendship or thrive in their life with a bond, those are her subjects. Spirits and ghosts await her return, waiting for the cheerful giggles and unhinged sneers of command to lead them and the ones without leaders to whatever or wherever she will go. She is as kind, clever, and sweet as she is as threatening, and all who made an enemy of her sweat and tremble at the thought of her return. She seeks fun and adventure, and with her unity and harmony under soon threat, she no doubt will be with the rest of the counsel to stop the overflowing havoc to come.
Gingerdozer - Soft Emperor of Light.
Appearing the least, but no less one of the most vital, this is the ruler of light and divine. Few of his subjects know of him, but he is loved by those of his subjects who do. The boy's smile was said to have been able to bring light to a dark room and hope to the hopeless. The unity between light and dark came from his bond with his brother, and he kept the light in balance with the shadows. With how his divine light has changed for the worst, he is bound to wake and return the sharp, overwhelming light back to a soft, warm glow. Just as the counsel's second in command should!
I love them all so much plz feel free to ask literally anything about them.
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ouatreusedcostumes · 8 days
This Lovely red dress is worn on Stana Katic as Kate Beckett in Castle: Home Is Where the Heart Stops (2009) and later worn on Lana Parrilla as The Evil Queen in Once Upon a Time: Ariel (2013)
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moodboardofficial · 2 years
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wondereads · 5 months
Weekly Reading Update (01/15/23)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (10/10)
It's been a year since I reread Howl's Moving Castle and that's a bit too long in my opinion. This time it was with my book club, and it was so fun to see everyone's reactions to the story. I feel like every time I read this book I notice something new about Sophie's character or the magic or the romance. I just love this novel so much, the characters and plot are all just amazing and it has such a unique, comforting feel. Diana Wynne Jones is a master of the fantasy genre, and I have yet to read a book by her I didn't like.
Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett (9/10)
This was a lovely continuation to the adventures of Emily Wilde. She's still a stellar protagonist with a really strong voice and lots of tangible flaws while still being incredibly likable. As usual, her dynamic with Wendell, both in a platonic and romantic way, is top tier; they really have me giggling and kicking my feet during this books. There are two new major side characters, who introduce a lot of good character conflict, and the return of some old favorites from Encyclopaedia of Faeries. The beginning is a little wonky in terms of pacing, but there are some great subplots in this one and some surprising throughlines from the previous book.
The Evil Queen by Gena Showalter (8/10)
Another reread, I think I'm just in the mood for fantasy romances. I will be completely honest and say that this book is a guilty pleasure of mine. I cannot look anyone in the eye and say this is well-written, but it certainly is enjoyable. Gena Showalter writes some really good chemistry, even if Everly and Roth are the fantasy equivalent of that one high school couple that can't stop getting mad at each other and breaking up before getting back together again. There's a lot of wish fulfillment in this story, and it's just a fun time for me.
Wolf-Speaker by Tamora Pierce (CR, 68%)
While I love this series, Wolf-Speaker was always my least favorite in the series. However, my opinion of it is improving because a) the message of unity and Daine's character growth are really good and b) I'm listening to an audiobook and it has a full cast and just has great voice acting. Unfortunately, I'm at a point in the book where Daine and Numair have been separated for a while, and I won't lie, I love his character and I'm missing him.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Vol. 4 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (CR, 12%)
I'm so excited to finish up the MXTX novels! I've been putting them off because I wanted to read my physical copies thanks to the beautiful illustrations, and I've been abroad without them. I am kind of nervous about this one because I'm fairly certain this one includes the end of Wei Wuxian 1.0, which is going to be so painful to read. Still, I'm really excited to finish this one and Heaven Official's Blessing!
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minkufu · 6 months
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Boy I sure am gonna figure out this lad someday :')
I'm so bad at keeping my focus but at the same time my brain wont let me move on to other ideas until this ref is done BUT IT WONT FOCUS ON IT
His box weapon is gonna be a nightmare to draw but I will not budge on the concept. I WILL LEARN how to color iridescent things if I have to >:c or die I guess
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tin-f0il · 1 year
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The sisters :)
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skywitchmaja · 1 year
hot take: beauty and the beast, at least the disney version i’m familiar with, falls under the austenian umbrella of “i won’t fix him, he can fix himself if he knows what’s good for him” (you’ve seen that one post i hope) and if you do think it’s an “i can fix him!” story you are missing the whole point.
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elijones94 · 5 months
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🏰 Snow White in the castle courtyard 🏰
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jackiestarsister · 1 year
Reactions while re-watching Willow: Episode 4 “The Whispers of Nockmaar”
Warning: spoilers ahead.
~ Having an entire episode where characters are trapped in a location, especially a haunted castle, is so symbolic and fascinating. St. Teresa of Avila compared the soul to a castle, and that kind of symbolism is also used in stories like “Beauty and the Beast.” The characters are forced to face aspects of their history and identity as they go through the different rooms.
~ This episode provides a lot of backstory, worldbuilding, and connective tissue between the movie and the series.
~ Didn’t Ballantine and the other soldiers survive mortal wounds because of their possession? If so, why are they talking about killing Graydon?
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~ I think this is the first time anyone mentions the Wyrm’s vermiscous goo. It’s so quick it’s easy to miss. So that was what went into Ballantine and Graydon when they were wounded? That tracks with how it is eventually shown.
~ Naming a specific forbidden place/action is classic fairy tale setup.
~ “I hope you never have to” = foreshadowing of Kit having to fight Airk in the finale
~ Bavmorda’s promises sound like the baptismal promises made at Easter
~ Kit lighting the tapestry on fire ties in with the Wyrm’s fire imagery
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~ When Boorman talks about his partner dying, does he mean Madmartigan? I didn’t catch on to that the first time I saw it.
~ I appreciate Elora talking about the woodcutters and still feeling guilty about them. She seemed to get over it a little too quickly in the previous episode.
~ Elora following a mysterious voice to a dark part of the castle is very much like Sleeping Beauty.
~ Why did Willow leave Graydon unattended? Did Graydon/the Lich fight or frighten him?
~ There is a lot of ambiguity about whether the things the characters see and hear are real, their imagination, an effect of the castle, or the action of the Crone. Airk speaking through Graydon could be real, as he is shown coming out of a cell at the end of the episode. But Mims’ voice seems like an attempt by the Crone to drive a wedge between Elora and Willow.
~ Is that General Kael’s skeleton mask on the ground when they’re leaving the castle?
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wood-witchs2 · 2 years
✨ 𝕾𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖂𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝕯𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖋𝖘 ✨
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berrymeter · 2 years
damn the way ppl interpret king from deltarune is. interesting. wild how i did not get any of this from the text at all
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a-story-teller · 1 month
Had another dream story idea and it's BAD out here y'all. My subconscious said "you don't go for sad old white men yaoi? Well here's one and you have to care about it so much. Good luck"
#the braiiiin worms#The surrounding story was very good lotr asoiaf 80's fantasy epic and then there were these two dudes just So Achingly In Love oh my GOD#Basically they had been knights together back in the day during their own Young Men Do Big Things story and deposed the evil mage king#They were just village boys turned soldiers who fell in love and did something good#but then the one was basically forced to become king because he'd killed the last one and had to get married and produce an heir#So he does get married but tells the queen he's never going to sleep w her and she can fuck who she likes and her kids can have the throne#Since he's not even nobility he doesn't care about The Bloodline#His lover is promoted to “protector of the king” 👀 and they manage to be happy despite the restrictions of royal life#Eventually though it comes out that the king's kids aren't his#And this sparks a conflict between “loyalists” who want the True King's Legacy and the “monarchists” who want Real Noble Lineage#With the queen basically standing back and watching it happen as the crown prince decides now is a great time to try “patricide”#the lover finds the king's nephew (the loyalists' heir) and tells the guard to take him to distant family to raise until he's old enough#But the guard is like “he's gonna get found out in no time” so instead sells him to ppl who find exotic kids for nobles to keep as wards#and he basically disappears into a faraway household and the lover doesn't even know#Meanwhile the king survives a poison attempt but is now physically impaired and on high alert#He leaves with a small retinue to Do Some Business but when he comes back the castle gates are up and arrows start raining down#So it's him and his little group at the edge of a market vs. an entire castle#In the ambush/battle he is seriously wounded#and they try to fake his death to get back in the castle and then nurse him/sneak him out#But the prince doesn't take it at face value and stabs the “body” to make sure#and the lover has to act through watching his all-but-husband who'd just planned their escape from all this get killed in front of him#So that it doesn't blow his cover and get him killed too#That's about where the dream ended but I'm uggg g h gg#I'm SO invested in these two fantasy gays and their incredibly poetic relationship#Doesn't hurt that there were like 3 very graphic sex scenes between them across the timeline#And they were so obsessed with and hungry for each other the whole time.... the last one was just before the ambush#after the king has been left near-immobile from the poison and they're like 40-something#and the lover takes him away from all that and back to the days it was just them and he was strong#It was sooo romantic but also hell when can I get ravaged like that#Anyway I'm ruined and I can't even really work on it I have too many other things to do
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moodboardofficial · 2 years
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spookyasmr · 3 months
👑 EVIL QUEEN'S CASTLE AMBIENCE | Rain & Fireplace, Cauldron Bubbling Sou...
🍎 "When she breaks the tender peel, to taste the apple in my hand, her breath will still, her blood congeal, then I'll be fairest in the land!"
Join the Evil Queen in her spooky castle's kitchen while she is plotting her deadly revenge against Snow White. Immerse yourself into dark atmosphere of magical books, herbs and potions. Witchy brew is boiling and cauldron is merrily bubbling on fire. It's really stuffy in this busy witchy kitchen tonight. The air here is filled with dust, mold, sweet smell of burning wood and poisonous fumes 💀
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jaydendoodlesart · 8 months
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inside the castle walls
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