yaknowitwaz2 · 4 years
Jasmine I hope you realize your self worth theses days and I hope you see how much you have grown from our meth days together . Sure the breathtaking shots and seemingly endless orgasms were awesome but seeing all of these lost souls on here , beautiful people man tormented by this desire to have some connection but lost in meth depths , fuck man it makes me cry . I still struggle sure but baby I would never EVER trade our worst day sober for our best day high . I hate how we feel lost and I want an answer but we have a sober tomorrow, a Jeep , a house and the best fucking husky pit mix ever bread . Now this shit up here, let it reflect to 2018 or whenever and drugs almost killed us both severa times and look at us now , look at you know . I'm sorry but that skinny stinky bitch . Meth sweats... nah I like my toutie how she is now and don't be a dumbass like me and fall back . At all . I need to be stronger and I think I saw this tonight for the first time for a reason . Baby girl let's do this ok . Come home .' I miss cooking together and waking you up and the cute little noises u make when I squeeze you
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