#Embroidery flowers
suprsaturatd · 2 years
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Some of my favorite visible mends I've done thus far!!
The top row has a pair of jeans that wore out along the rear that I whip stitched to the pockets. I wanted to distract from the repair (on the left side of the pocket in the first picture), so I embroidered vines over the back pockets. It was a lot of lazy daisy stitches!! The second image in the top row is of some darns over holes in a comforter. Below the darns you can see where the inside was open; I sewed that up once I was finished. It was already ripped open when I started, which honestly helped the darning!
You may have already seen the middle row if you've seen my post about the overalls I fixed, but these were my favorite parts of that mend: the two holes on each leg, and the largest hole in the left breast pocket. I did a sort of sun and moon motif on the legs, with one using a blanket stitch outline, and the other just running stitched around the outside with more decorative details added on top. The chest pocket I had the most fun doing by experimenting with different types of flowers and stems. The cloth I used for the patch is also apparently an older Ralph Lauren pattern that's a little expensive?? I found it in a thrift shop!
The bottom row is a recent darn I did for my partner's shirt, which had a cigarette burn in the pocket (don't ask). It was difficult, but I darned both sides of the pocket without accidentally sewing the two together!! Then I added a tiny sprout on the front :) Neither of the darns on this post used a speedweve/hand loom, and I'm happy with how they came out!
I really want to do more mends for other people so I can make cute things for my friends, but we'll see what I can get up to......
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Un peu d'art. ✨
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dekleinekapitein · 4 months
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Did some more experiments with mending holes with embroidery! I’m still thinking on how to proceed with the cuffs because they are very threadbare.
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Going back to where I started at art and did some embroidery! Happy pride everyone, this is for my friend to wear to the parade tomorrow!
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karmagotme · 2 months
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I'm rather proud of this, even if it did take me about a month to complete.
Let me explain.
I'm normally a cross stitcher, but I'd been seeing a lot of embroidery tricks on Pinterest (chronic scroller) and have been wanting to try the tulip button stitch for quite some time. Unfortunately, I had no jackets or cardis appropriate enough to try it on, so I hit up the Rockmans website and got this fuzzy thing for $20 (marked down from $80, mind, so I'd call that a win). It eventually arrived and it came with buttons like this:
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Blingy, no holes, and so heavy they were drooping off the cardi and making it a lop sided garment when worn unbuttoned.
In other words, perfect.
Before I could start lopping them off, I had to make sure I had replacement buttons. As I live in small town with barely any decent crafting supplies, I needed to wait for a day off work where I could travel the hour and a bit away to my closest Spotlight. The day finally came, I took in the spare/replacement button the cardi came with, hunted through the minimal button section (why do buttons not come in those long tubes with the sample button on the lid anymore? Sometimes I would like to buy more than one button? Or more than three??) and walked away with a packet of mixed white buttons.
Then my stupid brain hit.
When I finally had another day for me to work on my cardi, I opened the button packet and started rummaging. I pulled out the various buttons that had been the same size as the original buttons, lamented that the creamy ones with the slight flower petal design on them only numbered 3, and realised that in order to find enough of the right size buttons that were all the same type, I was going to have to sort them.
I ... may have a problem when it comes to sorting.
Sorting things takes me AGES. Not that I think I'm bad at it, I think I'm too GOOD at it. My usual sorting items of choice are books. You won't believe how much enjoyment I get at spending days sorting our library after every time we've had to move house. And just like with sorting books, buttons seem to have their own distinctions. Buttons with 2 holes. Buttons with 4. Buttons with writing. Buttons with SHEEN. SPECIFICALLY COLOURED SHEEN. THERE WERE SO MANY BUTTONS WITH GREEN SHEEN AND, LIKE, THREE WITH PINK?!
I believe the task of sorting them into pairs or more of identical buttons - with a small pile of Lonesome Larries to the side - followed by bagging up the piles, and followed THEN by glad wrapping the rest of them because I had limited amount of little baggies, took me a good couple of hours. In the end, I had a pile of 7 of these plain white buttons of the right size, so at least I have 2 spare if I ever lose any in the future.
And then I discovered just how difficult a French knot can be.
Mini videos on Pinterest generally don't explain how to do things in words. I'm a visual learner, I think, so I thought I'd be able to do this just by following the example. I struggled for a long time, @itchylimpet 's Ma even tried to help me to no avail, and after watching many videos and reading one article on how to do it, I finally managed to do it without making a horrible mess. I continued on, paused for dinner, and by the pitch of night I had finally finished.
So, there you have it. One project that resulted in barely much but took forever to do. I am proud that I eventually managed to get it and I am excited at trying out some other embroidery projects I have in mind. I know this is probably silly, considering it was just a button change, but I like this.
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bethasketch · 9 months
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A while back, I embroidered this as a gift for my girlfriend. Not only is it one of my favorite flowers, but it has a lot of significance in queer history, so it felt especially fitting 💜
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thefckingbigbadwolf · 2 years
Embroidery fans (or Fandom? I don't know if there is one), I need your help please!!
I'm trying to learn embroidery, but I've gotten upon a really hard problem : I've got sweaty hands
Is there any more experienced person who could help me with that issue? Trick I can use or way to handle it well. As I can't handle the needle properly, and pull it well..
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
4 type of flowers embroidery || Basic embroidery stitches for beginners || Embroidery for beginners
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icybevybev · 1 year
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onlinesweetheart · 4 months
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53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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Embroidery on random objects by: Severija Incirauskaite-Kriauneviciene
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suprsaturatd · 2 years
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I never posted this!!!
Back in May I got tired of all of the holes in my favorite pair of overalls. They came pre-distressed, and I was continually putting my hands or objects in my pockets through the holes. I cut off the loose ends and tried a few embroidery techniques on each repair. These are now my favorite overalls!!!
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superkursunaskr · 2 months
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sosuperawesome · 2 months
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Embroidery Art // Byebrucinar
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plumadot · 23 days
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hey it's our favourite undead monk/tavern keeper/guild master :D
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flowerytale · 1 year
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"Blooming June" or "Flowers of Hypnos", from Andrea Zanatelli’s embroidery series
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