#EXTREMELY RARE but allowed xDD
ferahntics · 1 year
Kirby species wing headcanons
This was on my mind during work so I just wanted to scribble this down sjdhg
It gets lengthy, and this is completely my subjective view, and it might most likely change over time c: Also I am in no way an expert on wings and I am most likely messing up a lot so bare with me XDD
So, Kirby wings: I imagine there’s no real ‘limit’ to what kind of wings they have, but I do think they’ve each got their own rarity, kinda like with cat genetics (except kirby’s species doesn’t have genetics so there’s no real lineage to go off of). I kinda compiled how I feel they’d go with rarities, from common to legendary that only happen under extremely specific circumstances.
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Common wings would include wings from smaller birds like sparrows, just large and strong enough to enable flight. Though they do require frequent flapping, which can lead to exhaustion since those wings are rather small and they can only hold so much strain before rest is necessary.
Tiny round wings, like that of a cartoon bee almost, are also a relatively common sight, though they’re more sensitive compared to the bird-like wings and can be fragile, so caution with them would be advised.
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Bat wings would fall under the uncommon territory, and sometimes may be confused with something negative due to their appearance, though they can fly faster than the common wings. 
Dwarf wings are also a possibility, however, because they’re even smaller than the common ones, these can be seen as a hinderance. More often than not, they are not capable of flight - maybe enough to serve as a spring in a jump, but not enough for actual flight.
There are cases where they don’t have any wings period. This can cause them trouble as they lack flight all together and will need to improvise and adapt if they wish to handle themselves in danger.
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These are considered some of the rarest wings that could be asked for. First in line would be large wings, more often than not reminiscing the ones from a hawk or an eagle, sometimes an angel even. These are fully capable of long flights, however the large size of them could be a downside if they happen to be stuck on the ground, as they can be hefty to drag around. They’re surprisingly durable, and capable of great speed and agility.
Though less durable than the aforementioned ones, insect wings like that of dragonflies, butterflies, moths, etc., these are specifically for agility. They’re much more fragile in comparison to the feathered ones, but thanks to their light weight, they allow room for swifter movements and give them the chance to catch an opponent off-guard with quick movements.
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Finally, we’ve reached the wings that are deemed so rare, they might as well be called legendary. These almost never happen normally, more often than not they are something that requires extremely specific circumstances to achieve. These are typically depicted in possible murals from the time of the ancients (I imagine for Galacta Knight he might’ve been depicted with multiple wings as a sign how powerful and terrifying he was at his prime).
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Lost & Found by Darkfalli - Chapter 10 : Daybreak
Click here to see the story
"I really hoped that I explained it all correctly." Sounds correct enough to me x) To be fair, it must not be easy explaining something you remember only part of. Must feel like trying to tell a dream but even worse.
And also, it's something they didn't know was possible so now they're all worried. Imagine someone telling you their new antidepressants or insuline pump has a conscience.
Aw! Implant can talk to her and hug her mentally!
"I felt like a continuation of that gay girl. The same couldn't be said about the sad one." Hmmm, yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, it's good Evie feels happy now, but to feel like nothing but a continuation of a part of your past self sounds very extreme. I guess you're technically always a continuation of your past self, but you're supposed to feel like yourself, even if you keep changing all the time. Not sure if I'm clear right now.
"We mentally cuddled." I chuckled, that is so cute x)
"I'm going to need a little private time with you to make sure everything went smoothly and to get to know your implant." Oh? Is she going to use hypnosis to talk to Implant ?
Aw, we didn't get to see it...
XD I love Evie's surprise at her own face being the same Implant had in her dream.
Omg, Abies being a little shit and putting paint everywhere XD
"Art evolves and changes with us. Who we are when we start a piece and who we are when finishing one are often times worlds apart…" That's a lovely way to put it.
It's sweet that Evie is worried about Abies acting differently for her. And Implant is so cute when she gets all flustered from compliments !
It must be weird seeing yourself all drugged up when you don't feel it.
Holy crap, three weeks is a long time to be out.
Oh, she likes dresses! Me too! Dresses are the best! ^^
Huh, there's some objectification kink in there. I mean, Evie wants to be a robot doll so it makes sense.
Hah, I love how every time there is introspection it turns into Evie trying her best to flirt with Implant.
Must feel so nice, being bathed by someone else and touched all over ^^
Oh, aw, Implant is having trouble processing her first bath XDD Oh gosh, that is so cute.
Ew, lacy underwear. I mean, it is pretty to look at and I guess the Affini managed to make it comfortable somehow, but gods the ones irl are scratchy.
Omg her new dress sounds so freaking cute!
What does a companion dress look like anyway???? What's the specificity? What's the difference between a companion dress and a regular dress???? I can't seem to find a consensus anywhere.
*gasp!* The skirt goes swoosh! Those are the best!!!!
Aw, they're gonna sleep in a box because they are kitties!!
Okay, how do they manage to be this cute and fluffy and utdlhckpgufugd (yeah, I can do that too)
They're doing the body paint right away? Wow. I mean, no time like the present but it's still pretty fast. I'd need to plan an afternoon around it if I were to try that.
It's cute that Abies can give Implant orders out loud, but don't the Affini have other methods of doing that? Is it a way to acknowledge Implant as a sophont?
It's so cute that Abies shares what he's doing with the rest of their... I want to say family, that's what they feel like. They're a big complexe polycule but it's obvious how much they care about each other.
Anyway, that group chat? So sweet and relatable.
I wish I could see art of that painting!
He painted Implant??! Did not expect that! Wow! Aw, that's so sweet!
This was absolutely lovely, I really liked the painting scene. The way Evie's feelings are described is so nice, if a little wordy at times, but I like that kind of style. The way she feels so blissful being an object, being adorned and made into art, very intense and yet understandable. It reminds me of the rare times I allowed my sister or my friend to put makeup on me x) Ngl, I kinda want to try bodypainting after reading this x)
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Last Line Tag
Thank you @laufire for the tag. Here is some Nefele content since she is apparently very beloved xDD.
Stella had braided pearls in Nefele's hair. She didn't know where her nanny -or more likely her father- could have found them. Pearls -and jewels in general- were extremely rare as it was well-known fairies hoarded them for their magical properties. There were even legends that said that a fairy could store their magic in a diamond or a ruby, if it was powerful enough to hold their raw power. And of course, a fairy without magic was a dead fairy. So it was most likely a myth. 
However she knew that young fairies wore pearls to their Naming Ceremony, as a symbol of their young and pure magic. She had always wondered if it was more than just symbolism. Did the pearl help them channel the chaos inside them? Nefele had to admit she felt strangely calm, considering the events that would unfold tonight. Unlike the days before, her magic wasn't fighting her, trying to rip off the skin that was holding it prisoner. Instead it was at peace. Humming quietly in Nefele's blood, making the girl feel like she was dressed in armor instead of pale green silk. 
Had her father chosen pearls as a mocking gesture? A Naming Ceremony was the most important moment in a fairy's life, and she knew Xavier viewed this night as the most important one of his daughter's life. Was this his own way of paying homage to the other half of Nefele's bloodline? If yes, she was not sure if it was a kind or cruel gesture.
But she didn't know allow herslef to dwell on her father. His mind had always been a mystery to her. She tried to enjoy the last moment of piece she had left before the show would begin. She hasn't felt this comfortable with herself since before that fateful day, when she had killed the blond woman by accident. After that, she had often found herself at odds with her own magic. It had been a surprising, and entirely unwelcome, side effect of a guilty conscience. She knew that as a half-fairy, her magic was inherently tied to her emotions. If she felt revolted by herself, her magic would of course feel revolted too. 
She couldn't help but wonder what it would think of her after tonight, when she would kill with intent. And not only that, but her victim was to be a fairy. She had never heard of fairies killing each other like humans do. Maybe there was a reason for it. Maybe their magic would completely revolt and poison the kinslayer from inside out. Nefele may be only half fae, but she thought it might be a half too many.
I am only tagging @nectargrapes and @starry-sky-stuff since I know they are both interested in this verse. And of course, anyone else who wants to do this can feel free to @ me.
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sparklingchan · 3 years
Chapter 4|| Stormbringer- Stray Kids Demigod AU
Pairing : Reader(fem.) X Felix
Word count : 1.9k+
Warnings : Fight scenes, injuries but nothing too intense.
Genre : Romance, Demigod AU, fluff, angst.
Description: The day of the Capture the flag game arrives and there’s no denying that you and Felix make a wonderful team. Somewhere in the back of your head, you make a quiet note to have him by your side even when the real quests start.
A/N : Y’all I’m so bad at writing action scenes XDD I swear I’m trying to get better at it.
SERIES MASTERLIST ||  Click here for introduction to the story and glossary and here for the Stray Kids demigod diaries!
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Game mornings have always been your favorite.
Leaving out having to wake up early, you love everything else about game mornings; the little cheer song Apollo kids go about singing, the freshly cut fruits at breakfast which are otherwise a rare sight, camp students being all nice to each other which again is kind of rare, all the Satyrs moving here and there with banners and swords and arrows. The camp feels livelier than ever.
And to Felix, this sight is a complete different world. Almost like a pleasant dream.
Felix watches all the excited kids move around the camp, the jumping Satyr, the hearty breakfast and a new, foreign glow on your face as you sit across from him, explaining the game to him once again.
"Weren't you paying attention the first time?" You deadpan when he asks you to repeat, your front teeth nibbling against your lower lip in annoyance.
Felix smiles sheepishly and tilts his head with a shrug of his shoulders, as if to say 'Not really.'
You end up explaining it to him again because who could ever say no to that smile.
"So Capture the flag game is played in different ways by different Camps all around the world. As for Camp Levanter, we have a special set of rules that are to be followed."
"We're divided into two groups, which are further divided into smaller sub groups. Each group only has one purpose - to capture the flag that has been hidden at the Athena temple on the hill behind our camp. We can use dummy weapons to stop our opponents from getting to the flag first but we're not allowed to fatally hurt anyone or use our powers. Whoever gets to the flag first, wins. Do you understand now?"
Felix nods with a tense smile.
"I'm nervous, y/n." He later goes on to admit as Minho and Eden declare the beginning of the games and call over the participants near the starting line. You glance at him and he is fidgety, like a middle schooler going to his first date. He wears a loose black t-shirt with a pair of extra baggy pants and his fingers play with the blonde strands of his hair.
When he catches your gaze, he smiles ever so sweetly.
You look away.
You feel the adrenaline course through your own veins as you gently pat his shoulder, "We're gonna win this. Trust me."
The other participants soon gather at the starting line, the competitiveness very much distinct in their sharp glances and quiet snickers, a contrast to how it were this morning. You'd never been one to be nervous before and today, you feel more confident than you've ever felt before. You wonder if the boy standing beside you, with his fingers tight around the sharp wooden sword, has something to do with this sudden confident outburst.
"Alright. Everyone, get ready!" Minho grabs everyone's attention with his loud voice, "And.....GO!"
Eden blows the Horn and you turn to look at Felix, sending him a wink,
"We're winning this, Lee."
A few seconds into the game and you realise that Felix and you make a bloody wonderful team. He's good with the sword while you're good with the arrows, he has sharp senses while you have sharp reflexes.
Your opponents attack you at the most random, unexpected moment but the both of you happen to defeat everyone of them and move closer to the temple, climbing through the thick mountain forest.
"You know, I didn't think we'd make such a great team. " Felix admits, panting and wincing as a tree branch brushes past a bruise on his arm, "You're not that bad, eh?"
You manage to giggle just before an arrow wheezes past you, missing you by a single inch.
Your heart as if stops beating for a second.
"Shit! I thought we were leading!" You hiss, falling on the ground.
Felix gets ready to defend your vulnerable position, his sword raising in alarm.
While on the ground, you quickly grab an arrow and position your bow in the direction from which the opponents' arrow flew.
You hear crunching of leaves and branches and quiet whispering.
"They're here." Felix mutters.
The footsteps get closer and closer and before you know it, Felix is tackled aggressively onto the ground. You turn around and shoot your arrow, almost blinded by the suddenness of the situation.
"Goddamn it, Han Jisung!" Felix groans as he wrestles for dominance over Jisung, who is laughing almost maniacally.
"Jisung, I swear to-" you are about to get up and run towards the wrestling duo, but an arrow falls onto the ground, just near your feet.
Its your arrow.
"I underestimated you, y/n. You seem to be a pretty good archer." Changbin appears from behind one of the trees, a visible bruise on his cheek from where the blunt, rubber arrowhead must have hit him.
"And I, you." You respond, grabbing another arrow and stretching the string of your bow, "We're going to win this, Changbin. You might as well get going before I bruise your pretty face again."
Your words come from nowhere but a place of playfulness and competition, but Changbin's eyes turn dark.
You quickly run over to cover Felix, who seems to have gained dominance over a very tired Jisung, all of Jisung's arrows having fallen out of the case and onto the ground.
"I could say the same for you." Changbin approaches you, a wooden knife in one hand and a spear in the other.
He attacks and you dodge, smooth like a cat.
"Felix! Go! Get the flag!" You yell and hope Felix realises that Jisung is too tired to keep up a good fight, "Quick! Go now!"
Felix jumps from a panting, sweaty Jisung and runs towards the temple on top of the hill, his footsteps momentarily slowing down as he turns around to look at you, as if for reassurance.
You nod, "Go."
Your eyes turn to Changbin, who has his head tilted with a smirk on his face.
"I have always been a better runner than Felix, you know."
He tries to run past you but you grab the back of his shirt and drag him back, almost slipping in the process. Reflexively, he grabs your hand and forces his shirt out of your fist while you struggle to keep your feet flat on the ground.
Changbin is strong, you realise, extremely strong so when you try to throw in a punch, he dodges it easily.
Your brain is running wild now; your only motive being distracting Changbin from running after Felix.
"He won't go easy on you just because you've grown up together, you know." You say, almost mockingly as he tries to get out of your tight grip. You wonder if his shirt collar might tear because of it.
He scoffs, not bothering to answer but instead reaches for his wooden knife. And in the blink of an eye, the knife slashes across your forehead.
"Oh, God!" You groan, clutching the burning area on your forehead. Your body once again falls onto the ground, your vision extremely blurry.
With barely an eye open, you see Changbin run up the hill but you're quick to move and grab his feet such that he trips and falls down. You drag him down further, while he struggles to climb up.
Your heart beat is in your throat, your vision almost zero and your entire body is as if on fire. You pray to the Gods that Felix comes down the hill with the flag because in this state, you could only hold onto Changbin for so long. And not to mention Jisung who's slowly getting up with loud groans and complains falling out of his mouth.
As if on que, you hear footsteps hurrying down from up the hill and soon an enthusiastic voice follows,
"Y/n! We won!"
You wish to run up and hug the man but in your state, all you can do is let go of Changbin's leg and let out a sigh of relief, followed by a giggle.
"Told you, didn't I?"
* You often find yourself thanking the makers of Camp Levanter for making the Zeus cabin as far away from the others as possible that afternoon. It gives a much needed sense of privacy and the luxury of being able to choose when to socialize.
"I hope it doesn't leave a scar behind." You mutter to yourself, tending to your wounds on the verandah of your cabin.
You dip a cotton ball in an anti septic lotion and gently dab over your forehead, wincing when it stings.
"Need help?" You hear a heavy voice from near the staircase of the cabin and your heart jumps a little at his sight, "If you don't mind."
You run your eyes over the various purple and red marks on Felix's body and you pat the space next to you on the floor for him to come sit on.
"Your friend is dangerous." You remark when he settles down, flashing him your forehead wound.
He shrugs guiltily, "He's just a little aggressive, that's all. He'll come around."
Felix shifts in his seat and takes the cotton ball from your hand, silently volunteering to clean your forehead wound.
The sting is still very prominent, but Felix's other hand rubs comforting circles on your cheek to ease the pain.
"Minho told me that you met mom." He mutters after a few seconds, his lips turned down into a frown. Almost as if the news upset him.
"Yeah, I did." You admit as he applies an ointment and then fixes a bandaid over your wound.
"Have you never met-"
"No, I haven't. I don't know what she looks like or sounds like. My father never told me and she never bothered to show herself." Is he angry that his mother met you and not him?
You purse your lips, the sudden rise in tension making you uncomfortable.
"Hey, hey. I am not angry at you in particular." Ah, Aphrodite kids can feel auras. "I just wished she'd come to meet me as well. I don't know why she doesn't. " he mutters.
"Well," you start, "If it makes you feel any better, she did tell me that she wants you to go with us for a quest. Says its important for you to go."
Felix's eyes glimmer with a sense of relief. "Really?"
"Yes, of course and I'm sure she'll meet you soon." You reassure him, though you yourself weren't sure what Aphrodite might do. She isn't the most motherly entity, according to Hyunjin and the other Aphrodite kids.
"Do you want me to go the quest?"
You are applying the ointment on the bruise on his cheek when he decides to drop that question, catching you off guard.
"Why would my approval matter?" You ask.
"It matters." He almost whispers, "To me."
Heat races to your face at his unexpected yet sweet words. You know you shouldn't feel like this, you shouldn't get flustered because of a boy you met only a couple of days ago but under his unsettlingly calm gaze, you find yourself melting. Bit by bit.
"Okay, enough talk." You shake out of the trance, "Go to your cabin and rest. We leave tomorrow night. I hope you paid attention while Minho was explaining the quest or do I need to repeat it?"
Felix giggles, shaking his head, "I paid attention."
He jogs down the small stairs of your cabin and waves you goodbye, making his way to his cabin.
"And Felix,"
I want you to come with me to the quest.
"Don't forget to have Ambrosia before bed. It'll help your wounds heal faster."
Oh, silly,silly, y/n!
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years
It started when...
Kanene’s note: Aaaa, okay! This little guy here give me some trouble and I had to re-write it some times but I really liked the ideia, so my butter heart didn’t let me to dig it in some deep archive of my computer, soooo…
Here he is!! Is a boy fluff! xDD
Well, at first it was suppose to be a OC fanfic, but then I felt some urge to made a Logan liking tickling and I think I didn't captured his personality very well xD. However, I really loved the result! Hope you enjoy this as well!!!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belongs to Thomas Sanders! Yaaay!
* This is a SFW Tickle-fic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another arts. There are a lot of wonderful arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* Something around 4000 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* This idea, like most of the good ideas came from NOWHERE! It’s pretty funny to write, tho. Hope you all enjoy it!
* Portuguese Version coming soon!! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Have a incredible week!  Byeioo!~
‘If you could create your own Tickle World. How it that would be?’
For Roman it started when Logan stopped going to his room to talk about new video ideas and their developments. Not that it was an obligation of the said (in truth, sometimes it was very frustrating and tiring), but it had become part of the creative guardian routine, almost a bonding moment between both.
Most of time it was good and the royal side found himself waiting for this weekly moments that for some unknown reason  simply ceased from existion. They diminished little by little until  became so sporadic that Roman took the responsibility into his own hands and now made a point of visit the other when he missed these meetings or just had a random idea and felt the necessity to share it, even if it was undeveloped.
He never addressed this fact to Logan, simply for the lack of some subject that connected or lead to that or for being too distracted debating the good and improving points in the script, where they could be changed and the trails that it would be leading. Because of this he just remembered to bring up the conversation when he already was out of the other’s room, don’t find much motivation to return and broke the pleasant conversation they both had, for the most of time at least, for a subject of which Roman didn’t even knew to what territory it would lead.
For that reason, the subject on matter was left aside.
For Patton, the things initiated a little earlier, perhaps at the very beginning of everything. Just at that period when the one who wears tie moved his balcony chair for a point further away and hidden from the front window.
Those moments when the evening reading in the living room were shifted to the went to his bedroom from where he didn’t came back so early, and, when he did it was only for a short amount of time or somewhere a little farther from the couch itself. Patton lost the count on so many times Virgil had to hiss, like an adorable and cute dark kitty- Okay, focus! Focus!!- until Logan transfers himself to other place or furniture.
The guardian of morality couldn’t help himself in feeling… a bit worried with the behavior change, however, every time he thought in mention it he noticed the extremely rare and calm smile opened so naturally in Logan’s face as he stared something in his phone.
For this reason, for him, the subject on matter was half left aside.
For Virgil, realizing the change on the routine and natural order of the house was absolutely common, small changes happened with small new activities, and the curious aspect definitely was someone who always sought to explore the newest types of knowledge and, due this, for him the things just really began when this change on the routine became… well… routine.
The brain of one on hoodie didn’t waited too much before starting to have the most miscellaneous theories as answers to the not-so-sudden but equally strange change. The hypothesis varied according to his humor, going from it all being Deceit faking being Logan (refuted since both already had been seemed together fighting for the last cup of coffee) to everything being his fault because of his adaptation by the Light Sides, which was the favorite one of that voice in the deep of his mind.
Nevertheless, between all of them, just one hypothesis proved itself as the truth. It was proven on a cold day, the reason why everyone was locked in their room enjoying the warmth from their own beds.
Everyone but Virgil, who already had an almost natural protection (he already accepted the hoodie as part of his own body, it doesn’t matter what the society says.) and calmly headed for the television looking forward to re-watch some movies seeking the references that the last conspiracy theory video he saw said to exist, when his gaze met the shape layed on the couch dropping bubbling giggles.
Logan. Bubbling giggles.
These was for sure two things which didn’t seemed nestable at all, but wow, formed a pretty picture.
So that was it. Logan has an obscure secret. An obscure secret that made him lightly, happily giggle.
(Blackmail, maybe?)
The anxiety’s representation cursed the logic side for being always so respectful about his personal space, his thoughts opinions, desires and almost everything that involved Virgil feeling comfortable, supported and calm around them; because this fact just pushed away any and every evil will to sneaky behind Logan and finally cease once and for all his curiosity.
Consciousness. For that reason, he had to leave the subject on matter aside. But not completely, oh no, never completely.
Logan felt restless. He tapped the fabric of his pants lightly and observed all the landscape, trying to focus on its details and analyze them, seeking for distract his brain off the story he had read the last night, however his mind was always an indomitable spirit when it was referring to this subject. He spent the entire morning thinking, visualizing it, and before he could have a minute for researching about the stars and finally focusing in something else Roman called everyone to discuss in his room about the new scenario that would be used for the special video, which it showed as a proposal practically irrefutable to Logan, who put his obligations above almost every other thing.
- I let the room as a white canvas for we paint it at our desire! - The nomination maybe have been a little too literal, although it didn’t captured the whole essence of the albino forest surrounding the quarter. -   Sure I will be the first who- PANDA COSPLAY, IF YOU PUT ‘WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE’ ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR FOR THE HOLY SWOR-
Logan rolled his eyes for the duo fight, and when his glaze dropped all his body froze, electric goose bumps ran down every inch of his skin, his eyes slightly widening, tense muscles.
The grass around him was beginning to transform, to color itself. From where his feet touched green spirals started to very calmly unfold, as if unaware about its surrounding, including the fright of its ‘creator’.
But, since nothing in life is easy, of course it was not only in color that the grass was being transfigured, but also in shape. The centimeters around his shoes were no longer grass, and yes small green, and as it seemed, extremely soft feathers.
Logan felt blush, nevertheless, more than blush he felt scared… No, ‘scared.’ wasn’t the correct word.
Apprehensive. He felt apprehensive
The rationality’s representation glanced at the others, who fortunately wasn’t paying any attention to him.
He stepped back. The color and feathers followed him, each footprint leaving the place more modificated and colorful. Logan felt his mouth dry. That was a bad idea. An awful idea. He wasn’t supposed to feel that way, wasn’t supposed to have this kind of thoughts. He was the logic, rational, serious, trustworthy, fact-based, not shaken up by feelings side.
Apprehensive. Anxious.
Virgil turned around, letting Roman and Patton chat a little about the scenario to discuss a few option with Logan, since he probably would already have some analysis about the place and more tangibles ideas whic-
His eyes widen.
“Coming here was a mistake. I need to do something. I should…. I should….”
- Logan. Logan. Hey, hey, hey. - He lifted up his glare, allowing himself to look as vulnerable as he felt. Virgil moved closer, their eyes met. - It’s alright. Everything is alright. - His voice was in a slowly, velvety, paused tune. Logan’s muscles slightly relaxed. - There are no problem, ok? It’s alright. We are here. It is we, and we are here at your side.
The one who wears a tie nodded, closing his eyes for a moment and bringing up Thomas’ memories from when he was anxious. He taken a deep breath, always a deep breath.
Breathe in. Hold it for seven seconds.
- Everything is alright.
Yes. It was. It was they and everything was alright.
Virgil finally looked down, seeing what was source of concern for the rational side. The green color began to grow more vivid, more palpable as the spirals increased and expanded, getting bigger and bigger until the divisores lines mingled and they form a only one greenish circle.
Keep your eyes closed. It is more easier to control myself when my eyes are closed. Focus on the breathing. Focus on the dark. There is nothing to be afraid of.
The movements were bold, precise and calculated. Almost mesmerizing. Now little white particles loosened from the circle that resembled the grass. These particles fluttered in the air for a few moments before starting to stretch and took… a softer, fluffier, delicate shape.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
Wait. Is those feathers?
It is they. It is they. It is they. There is no problem because it is they.
A pleasant cold wind became, as if it brought distant news of a coming rain. It was so nostalgic that automatically all the muscles off his body loosen and the sound of small raindrops hitting the treetops became present, even if there was no visible cloud.
They are family. And respect me, so it is alright. Everything is under my control.
The wind made all the feathers move faster and faster, spiraling around Logan and his concentrated countenance. It was like a little private swirl.
And it spined, it spined, it spined and spined spined spined spined.
And he could be the aspect responsible for the rationality, knowledge and logic for certain, however it didn’t prevented him to be something more, or to appreciate what he appreciated. It was ok.
It always was.
Patton and Roman’s voices stopped to echo across the room, their gazes finally meeting the peculiar scene unfolding in front of their eyes. They both turned, the attention completely captured.
- Logan?
The logic side opened his eyes.
Breathe out.
The swirl exploded consuming everything in a matter of few seconds. Nobody could hear nothing and even less utter some other word. They assumed a defensive pose, arms in front of their eyes and legs tensed ready to run away from any danger; until they realized that wasn’t any real danger. The feather didn’t even touched much their skin, feeling more as a stroke than any other thing.
The sensation ceased. The weather seemed different, colder, lighter, cozier.
And, when they were sure that everything really stopped, that there would be no further transformation, everyone opened his eyes, their breath catching for an instant, as if afraid to spoil the art-  no! Even better… the world around them.
Through all the space white feathers graciously floated to the ground, as little drops of paint in a emerald green that covered the whole grass, which stirred with the calm breeze that hitted it and and lead to green feathers also been released from the said and fly for few seconds before coming back to their original places. Not that it was always possible, since some usually  ended up trapping themselves in the greyish trunks of leafy trees painted in colors that went from pastel to vivids, flashy shades. Small vines decayed from the branches.
Roman stepped forward, curiously touching a pastel one, which wrapped around his wrist, soft as a blanked, each touch leading to electric shivers that made an involuntary smile groom in his face.
The trees were neither too tall nor too high, fact that allowed the cloudy sky been easy seem, not as an anticipation for a storm, but as if it was predicting an pleasant weather either to go out for a wandering or to stay home under the covers catching up on your favorite series. Virgil heard something else, however, he didn’t needed to focus too much before listen the velvety voices came audibles, as if they were brought by the pleasant-scented breeze.
“You are wonderful.”
“Does it tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle?~”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Oh, it seems like someone is a bit ticklish.~”
“Thank you for all your effort.”
“I didn’t even did nothing and already became a blushy mess! Coothie coothie coo!”
“You did a good job.”
“The tickle monster is gonna getcha, getcha, getcha!”
- No! - Logan’s protests snapped everyone out of their trance, causing their eyes quickly find him, who had tripped and now attempted to get away from two floating gloves that mischievously wiggled their fingers in his direction. The huge smile on his face was almost as noticeable in his tune, whose its owner didn’t had any really warm on trying to escape. - Don’t  you dare to approach an infinitesimal cent-ack!! Nohohohohohohohohohohoho!
All the words went in vain, transfiguration  themselves in laugh when the two gloves ignored his warnings and attacked his ribs. Logan let himself lay on the grass, little snorts flying from his mouth as the said struggled to hold back his laughter, but nothing compared to the volume of the squeal that came from Patton’s lips as he processed the scene unfolded. He excitedly bitted his knuckles, don’t waiting a half second before running to the other.
- Logan!! I can’t belive you like tickling!!!
- Ohohohohohohohohohoho nahahahahahHAHAHAHAAHAaha!! - Their fingers started to focus in his hips, reason why the loud squeaks and more uncontrollable giggles leaved his mouth, but the logic aspect used all his willpower to cover his face with his hands, rolling to the opposite side in order to not being able to see the expression which the cat lover gives to him. Part of him relieved for don’t need to hide nothing anymore and part still very apprehensive with what all of this would result.
- Uh huh, sir! - Patton playfully complained, a grin spreading across his face as he sat at Logan’s side, his hands quickly, and very skillfully, meeting his armpits. Logan shrieked before get lost in a laughing sea, removing his hands from his face in a attempt to stop the new pair which tickled him. His face was completely red, the smile almost brighten the room for its light for being so big, his nose wrinkled and little dimples starting to been present. Patton felt his gaze shine, also laughing. - No hiding that wonderfully cute face of yours, mister! I can’t believe that you didn’t told us sooner, Lo-lo! 
- We can all agreed that this is… how would you say it…? - Virgil showed up, discovering to be an impossible mission not smile at the scene. The melodious giggles, yelps and squealing from both sides filled the air. - undeniably adorable.
Unable to explain why, Logan’s laugh increased, his legs squirming when the dad’s quarter got bored from his armpits and now went for his tummy, scratching, poking, squeezing and making his fingers dance through all its extension, which would surely made the mind’s representation curl in a defensive ball, if it wouldn’t the gloves changing its tickles to his thighs, each knead leading to a different squeal.
A thought crossed the one on hoodie’s brain. His smile faded.
- Hey, Patton. - His voice was more serious, a little fearful. - Wait, wait, wait! - He holded his shoulder, slightly pulling him back and making the paternal one reluctantly stop his ‘attack’, staring Virgil with that ‘lost puppy’ eyes, with a Logan behind thanking silently, or as quietly as possible when laughter and snorts unintentionally kept escaping from his lips due two fingers that teasingly scratch the underside of his knees, taking a few sips of air.
- Kiddo, I know you also wanna have some fun, but you need to be patient and wait your turn! -Virgil felt his entire face on fire, especially as Logan turned, apparently interested in the conversation.
- That isn’t it! - Patton couldn’t help but grin with the defensive tune the other used. Virgil frowned and rolled his eyes, his hands gesticulating all over the room. - This situation… It’s too much to show at once. Logan can be feeling vulnerable, maybe even uncomfortable to being exposed like this.
Both turned to the said, worried, alarmed looks. Logan opened his lips, only for a little squeak jump when the gloves started to squeeze and knead his kneecaps, his wobbly arms tried to remove them, but in vain.
- He need a little break… Roman! - The guardian of anxiety drew the other’s attention, who had to break free of some vines before joining the group, his hair a little messed up and with a breathless smile.
- Oh, why do you call , stormACK!! - The prince’s phrase was interrupted when the purple lover grabbed the gloves and tossed them on him, who even tried to fight against the saids, however ended subdued by skills when they found way to his feet. - VIRHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIGIL!! NOhohohohohohOHOHOHOHO!
- Sorrey, dude. - Virgil smirked receiving a sharp, but without any anger in it, glare from the aspect of creativity. It was pretty hard take him serious when the said was squirming and happily laughing, tough.
- Uhuhu. You are evil. - Patton also excitedly smiled, before the duo remembered the previous topic of conversation and turned round to the logic side.
Logan was already sitting, adjusting his glasses and tie, his face still had remnants of the blush so as the smile. Everything got quite quiet, apart from Roman, who still laughing with the tickles. Maybe it was that laugh that gave Logan a bit more bravery to lift his gaze, clean his throat and stare the two side who observed him full of cautelous.
- A-about the previous question, Virgil. - For a moment he wished that the voices stopped their teasing, being promptly answered. Thank you. - I appreciate your concern and the free of judgment reaction of everyone, nevertheless. - “The vulnerability, no, the intimacy doesn’t bother me for the only main fact that it is you all, and I know that I’m more protect in your hands than any other on this vast universe.” - N-no hassle. - At least he could remind and utter something from his lift cards, since his brain didn’t seemed to much helpful on this moment. His face was gonna to melt, he was sure of it. - The sensation of vulnerability just would bother me if the fear of rejection was still present or our intimacy wasn’t yet strong. - Looked away. - The latter situation clearly isn’t the case and the first one… There is no reason to be afraid of. - And shut himself.
- Oh, Lo-lo, you are so silly… - Patton knelt down in front of him, staring in such a tender and affectionate way that for a moment Logan really realized how his fear was irrational. - There is no problem in like tickling. - The smile of the paternal figure increased when notice Logan squirm and lightly blush as heard the word.
- We would never criticize you for something like that. - Virgil didn’t knelt down, but the meaning on between his lines already demonstrate enough. -  Liking is liking. If it’s nothing hurting anyone… - Then shrugged.
- In fact is making good! Now we know what to do to hear your fabulous laugh! - The representation of morality evil smirked, wiggling his fingers, which made Logan instinctively stepped away, seeking help on Virgil, who seemed a bit surprise by his action, but he grinned, grabbing one of the flying feathers and twirling this between his fingers.
Logan stepped some more centimeters away as precaution, little giggles beginning to form between his lips.
- Without to mention that he seems to having so much fun! - Patton pointed to Roman, everyone turning to observe the scene where the aspect of hope and dreams still laughing with the gloves’ attack, which apparently found themselves in the mission of create the most bubbling and snorts almost at the same time by scribbling white feathers on his neck.
- Don’t we should help him?
- Do not worry. - Logan adjusted his glasses, voice stuffed with a slightly playfulness. - I programed the gloves to feel when you want more tickles or not. As long Roman don’t wish anymore tickle there wouldn’t be any of it. All of this ‘world’ works as this.
- I have to admit I’m a bit jealous. - Patton absently commented, taking one of the feather falling in circle moviments to the ground. The creator felt his eyes gloom, an absurd urge to smile taking over his body.
- Is that so, Patton? Well, allow me to help you with this impasse. - and before anything could be answered Logan hugged him from behind, digging his fingers on his tummy and leading belly laughter to explode from the cat lover, who started to squirm almost instantality. 
- THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT WanS’T WHAHAHahahahahAHAHAT I meAN! LOHOHOHOHohohohohohohohohohohoHOHOHOHO! - His laughter were totally filled with high pitched squeals and screams almost as adorable as his personality.
- Oh, but after your attack I believe that is my right to seek revenge. - His whispered words tickled the shell of the other’s ear, who immediately attempted to hide the ticklish spot in his shoulder, receiving a raspberry in the vulnerable side of his neck. - How kind of you to show that delicate point of yours so I can tickles, tickles, tickles, Patton. Very considerate of you.
- NahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahaha!!! - He stopped to struggle, just lightly squirming and letting himself to be carried away on this moment of playfulness and affection from the other, the teasing painting a strong blush on his cheeks and small droplets started to accumulate in the corner of his eyes. Virgil snorted.
- Don’t think that I forgot you, Virgil. - Logan only glanced the one on hoodie, but that alone was already enough to release cold shivers down his spine, smile starting to rise in his face. Even when the logic side came back to give attention on the victim on his claws his Fight or Flight instincts didn’t stopped to kick in.
Something velvety wrapped around his waist.
- NO! Wait!!! - Virgil tried to dislodge the vine that involved him, turning around on time to see other in light colors happily coming towards him. - I didn’t even did nothing! Let me g-
- Precisely, dear Virgil. You have allowed me to be attacked without lifting a single finger, and I believe that  judicially, this can be termed ‘complicity’. - The soft vines began to curl up around all his body, vibrating as they purred. Virgil closed his eyes and pursed his lips tightly, putting effort for any giggle came out of his mouth. Logan’s expression softened a little. - Do not worry, the pastel ones are responsible for light tickles. - When one found its way to that sweet spot beneath his shoulder blades and camped there the barrier broke, a flow of giggles, snorts, and low yelps flyed from his mouth. Virgil’s legs failed in keep him up and for that reason he ended up being carried, having the sensation that he floated in pure light, soft and unbearable tickles. The smile on his face wasn’t huge, but seemed able to light all the space with its cuteness.
And, for Logan, it was in this exact moment, when the carefree laughter walked and danced through all the room that he spent hours and hours imaginating, that everything started…
… to get really interesting.
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hanramm156 · 4 years
Rammstein Family Game: Get to know me! (Warning: a long ramble)
I’m honored to be tagged by @cherrisplace​ and @momoredcrow​. ^^ It’s been a pleasure to read other people’s Rammstein memories and opinions, so here comes mine as well. Writing is one of those rare things that keep me sane during this crazy season, so I apologize this being super long. More rambling is probably coming when everything’s cancelled and I have nothing else to do.
Rules: There are no rules. Tag whoever you want. Don’t tag yourself. Tag yourself. You don’t have to answer all the questions. Do what you please. Have fun.
Created by: @vapor-stein
1. I’m curious: when did you discover Rammstein?
2004 properly, but I might have heard Du hast or other popular songs even earlier.
2. Tell me your story. How did you discover them?
As said, it was 2004 and I was watching some random Finnish music show. Back in the days, I watched a lot of music videos from the tv and recorded my favorite ones to VHS. One evening Rammstein’s Amerika came from the show and I was like “??? What on earth is this??? Sounds interesting…”. I wasn’t into metal music back then (I mostly listened to indiepop and alternative rock), but for whatever reason, I got hooked instantly to this German band’s dark, eerie sound. It was refreshing to hear something else than English and the video was also thrilling.
Rammstein had intruded my mind already, but the final straw was when I saw the Mein Teil video. I liked both the song and the video A LOT - so much that I even felt kinda “dirty” for liking something this dark. A 14-year-old me was constantly asking from myself that: “am I even allowed to like this kind of stuff this much?”. The backstory for the song was creepy, but so mesmerizing – like I had been introduced to the darkest corners of human mind: yes, this kind of stuff happens, and we shouldn’t close our eyes from it. So next, the only thing I could do was to buy Reise, reise album, listen to it on loop and sketch my German notebook full of Rammstein lyrics. Here’s a proof:
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I have so many stories about my relationship to Rammstein that I might have to write them all down now when there’s a lot of time.
3. Favourite song?
This topic would be worth a novel itself, but here are some of my favorites:
Asche zu Asche – So badass, gives me such an energy every time – plus, not to forget the burning microphones and SILVER REESH!
Bück dich – Yes, it’s a horrible story once again in this song, but I can’t help but to admit that the song is freaking catchy and in a weird way, hot. Also, there’s a funny backstory when I was in 9th grade and we almost performed this song in our official graduation party with my boyfriend and a bunch of our friends (maybe good that the idea was abandoned in the end…). We had a vague clue what the song was about, but we just thought it was funny – also, our German teacher dressed always in leather and loved Rammstein (she played us Bestrafe mich during one class and I’ll always remember the awkward atmosphere) so we were thinking to dedicate the song to her for as our goodbye. XDD Seriously, why I have been so weird for all my life…
Sehnsucht – In most of the pop songs, longing is described by tender words and soft lyrics, but not in Rammstein’s case. I’ve had this weird feeling of “longing” all my life that I can’t describe properly. It’s kind of an inner emptiness, only arts and music can help to deal with it when it hits. I think Sehnsucht describes so realistically what is longing about in reality: it’s this angry pressure in your heart which you want to get out of your chest but can’t. In the end, you just want to scream your lungs out.
Mein Herz brennt – Powerful song that always gives me goosebumps. I can’t even explain why. Maybe the fact that “tough” men being emotional is my soft spot and Rammstein hits that spot hard.
Links 2-3-4 – I have always been kind of a rebel and I feel like when everyone else is going to the “right” I have to go to the left, to the unknown. My heart is longing for adventure, for the paths the others are not going. I dunno, but this is such a powerful song for me. When I hear it, I always just want to jump around. In Tampere concert I went totally nuts when Links started as the second song, lol. From that moment I felt like I was back home with my boys.
Mein Teil – No need for further explanations anymore.
Los – The harmonica solo!!! The dropped c tuning and the acoustic sounds!! I love it.
Amour – My favorite R+ ballad. I confess that I listen to this and think about the lyrics when I’m in the mood for writing something painfully romantic.
Weit weg – There’s this painful longing once again that always resonates to me. I listened this to a lot after the “after blues” of Ratina concert.
Tattoo – A song that I didn’t care about so much at first, but for whatever reason, it’s almost my favorite from the new album nowadays. It’s catchy as hell and I like the “rattling” guitar riffs.
4. Least favourite song? Come on. I know you have one.
Feuer frei – Too much Vin Diesel vibes. I also get a picture of drunken, middle-aged Finnish guys on a R+ gig who don’t care about to band, but just want to have a party of their life and get drunk, far away from their wives. (No offense to anyone, but as music is almost like a religion to me, I can’t help but to have a bit of disrespect for kind of people who just “consume” music.)
Pussy – Both musically and lyrically, so bad, but I get the point the guys tried to give with this nonsense.
5. Favourite album? & 6. Least favourite album? aka. I ramble about all the albums.
Tough one… as the rules were vague, I decided to have a short opinion about each of the albums.
Herzeleid – Summary: a bunch of guys, born and raised in DDR, are tired of everything so they get together and play aggressive songs - you can almost smell the testosterone miles away while you are listening to this album. I have to admit that I love this album even though it’s not musically super creative. It’s just raw men with raw feelings – and I have to say, it works for me.
Sehnsucht – I was creeped out of the album art as a teenager, lol. But yeah, musically improved from the former one and there are some classic songs that make Rammstein as they are nowadays. I listen to this often when I’m driving.
Mutter – The album that they had the most struggles with if I have understood correctly. The pain can be heard through the songs and it’s so honest and raw. I lost my friend in 2004 tragically and this album was one of the things that kept me sane back then. Especially the beginning of the album (MHB, Links, Sonne) hits me hard in the guts.
Reise, reise – The album that started all this hype in me, so it has a special place in my heart. I also liked how they tried something different to their usual sounds in this one, like orchestral and acoustic songs.
Rosenrot – To be honest, this album has always left me a bit “cold”, so I cannot even make a real opinion of it. There are some good moments though, like Mann gegen Mann that really speaks to me.
Untitled: This has been on the loop since last August and I was honestly surprised how good the album was. I hadn’t listened to Rammstein for a while, but when I got this album to my hands after the concert, holy shit it hit me. I like hearing the path the guys have gone: their new music is much more mature than the first angry albums. Also, I love Till’s poetry in this one, like Was ich liebe and Weit weg.
I think I answered the question #7 already, so I’ll skip to #8.
8. Unpopular opinion about a member? A scandal? Anything?
Even though I appreciate Till as an artist and a poet, I don’t find his appearance attractive. You can throw rotten tomatoes at me now, but this is just my opinion, no means to offend anyone. Maybe the reason is that my taste for men tends to go for androgynous side, so I am not drawn towards very masculine men.
I’m not interested in Lindemann project and I don’t like their music so much, but the tour looked entertaining though. I bet all the people who attended had a lot of fun.
How Richard pronounces English is extremely sexy to my ear, even though it clearly sounds like a German guy trying to sound American - still, it’s like honey to my ears. Stupid man who makes my knees weak with everything he does.
I hate to admit that I don’t like Ohne dich so much. I don’t know why. :(
9. Have you ever seen them live? Tell me what you felt.
Three times this far! Oh man, I could talk about for hours how the concerts have made me feel, but I try to be reasonable now.
Ruisrock, Turku, 2005 – My first time seeing them live – and going to a festival without any adult supervision, so it was a special experience overall – and they blew my mind. It was raining and thundering and we were completely soaked with my friends, but it was worth it!
Bonus for everyone who managed to read this far: teenage me waiting for Rammstein to start playing, looking so badass with my denim jacket and R+ logo drawn with eyeliner. :D
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Hartwall Arena, Helsinki, 2012: We went to the show together with my boyfriend to celebrate Valentine’s day and holy shiiiiit it was awesome. Hands down one of the best evenings of my life. I was so hooked to Rammstein afterward that when we were at my bf’s family’s cottage, his brother had to tell me to stop blasting Herzeleid all the time in the kitchen. :’D
Ratina Stadium, Tampere, 2019: Aka. byebye my life, say hello to fics, listening to the band all over again, stupid memes and all the content this fandom creates. I fell in love again with Rammstein during this concert.
I have tickets for Düsseldorf and Tallinn, but now I can only wait and stress that will Corona ruin everything. In that case, I’ll weep alone and write fics about the tour 2020 that ended up never happening.
10. Do you play any instruments? If you do can you play any song by them?
Yeah, I play guitar and piano but nowadays I mostly sing. Rammstein songs are super easy to play with guitar and I recently learnt to play Tattoo and Sex. Have been practicing Engle on piano as well. Some songs I like to sing are Deutschland, Tattoo and Engel. The “speaking” parts are difficult though. ^^;
I’m not sure who I could tag to this who hasn’t done it already, but I’ll try my luck: @ah-its-too-much​ @soronya​ @einemelodie​ @xiaolianhuax​ @so-darya-darya​ @maximaembra​ @kvidasjuklingur​
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sparklingchan · 3 years
Chapter 4|| Stormbringer- Stray Kids Demigod AU
Pairing : Reader(fem.) X Felix
Word count : 1.9k+
Warnings : Fight scenes, injuries but nothing too intense.
Genre : Romance, Demigod AU, fluff, angst.
Description: The day of the Capture the flag game arrives and there’s no denying that you and Felix make a wonderful team. Somewhere in the back of your head, you make a quiet note to have him by your side even when the real quests start.
A/N : Y’all I’m so bad at writing action scenes XDD I swear I’m trying to get better at it. 
Re-uploaded because the tumblr gods hate me ig ://
SERIES MASTERLIST ||  Click here for introduction to the story and glossary and here for the Stray Kids demigod diaries!
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Game mornings have always been your favorite.
Leaving out having to wake up early, you love everything else about game mornings; the little cheer song Apollo kids go about singing, the freshly cut fruits at breakfast which are otherwise a rare sight, camp students being all nice to each other which again is kind of rare, all the Satyrs moving here and there with banners and swords and arrows. The camp feels livelier than ever.
And to Felix, this sight is a complete different world. Almost like a pleasant dream.
Felix watches all the excited kids move around the camp, the jumping Satyr, the hearty breakfast and a new, foreign glow on your face as you sit across from him, explaining the game to him once again.
"Weren't you paying attention the first time?" You deadpan when he asks you to repeat, your front teeth nibbling against your lower lip in annoyance.
Felix smiles sheepishly and tilts his head with a shrug of his shoulders, as if to say 'Not really.'
You end up explaining it to him again because who could ever say no to that smile.
"So Capture the flag game is played in different ways by different Camps all around the world. As for Camp Levanter, we have a special set of rules that are to be followed."
"We're divided into two groups, which are further divided into smaller sub groups. Each group only has one purpose - to capture the flag that has been hidden at the Athena temple on the hill behind our camp. We can use dummy weapons to stop our opponents from getting to the flag first but we're not allowed to fatally hurt anyone or use our powers. Whoever gets to the flag first, wins. Do you understand now?"
Felix nods with a tense smile.
"I'm nervous, y/n." He later goes on to admit as Minho and Eden declare the beginning of the games and call over the participants near the starting line. You glance at him and he is fidgety, like a middle schooler going to his first date. He wears a loose black t-shirt with a pair of extra baggy pants and his fingers play with the blonde strands of his hair.
When he catches your gaze, he smiles ever so sweetly.
You look away.
You feel the adrenaline course through your own veins as you gently pat his shoulder, "We're gonna win this. Trust me."
The other participants soon gather at the starting line, the competitiveness very much distinct in their sharp glances and quiet snickers, a contrast to how it were this morning. You'd never been one to be nervous before and today, you feel more confident than you've ever felt before. You wonder if the boy standing beside you, with his fingers tight around the sharp wooden sword, has something to do with this sudden confident outburst.
"Alright. Everyone, get ready!" Minho grabs everyone's attention with his loud voice, "And.....GO!"
Eden blows the Horn and you turn to look at Felix, sending him a wink,
"We're winning this, Lee."
A few seconds into the game and you realise that Felix and you make a bloody wonderful team. He's good with the sword while you're good with the arrows, he has sharp senses while you have sharp reflexes.
Your opponents attack you at the most random, unexpected moment but the both of you happen to defeat everyone of them and move closer to the temple, climbing through the thick mountain forest.
"You know, I didn't think we'd make such a great team. " Felix admits, panting and wincing as a tree branch brushes past a bruise on his arm, "You're not that bad, eh?"
You manage to giggle just before an arrow wheezes past you, missing you by a single inch.
Your heart as if stops beating for a second.
"Shit! I thought we were leading!" You hiss, falling on the ground.
Felix gets ready to defend your vulnerable position, his sword raising in alarm.
While on the ground, you quickly grab an arrow and position your bow in the direction from which the opponents' arrow flew.
You hear crunching of leaves and branches and quiet whispering.
"They're here." Felix mutters.
The footsteps get closer and closer and before you know it, Felix is tackled aggressively onto the ground. You turn around and shoot your arrow, almost blinded by the suddenness of the situation.
"Goddamn it, Han Jisung!" Felix groans as he wrestles for dominance over Jisung, who is laughing almost maniacally.
"Jisung, I swear to-" you are about to get up and run towards the wrestling duo, but an arrow falls onto the ground, just near your feet.
Its your arrow.
"I underestimated you, y/n. You seem to be a pretty good archer." Changbin appears from behind one of the trees, a visible bruise on his cheek from where the blunt, rubber arrowhead must have hit him.
"And I, you." You respond, grabbing another arrow and stretching the string of your bow, "We're going to win this, Changbin. You might as well get going before I bruise your pretty face again."
Your words come from nowhere but a place of playfulness and competition, but Changbin's eyes turn dark.
You quickly run over to cover Felix, who seems to have gained dominance over a very tired Jisung, all of Jisung's arrows having fallen out of the case and onto the ground.
"I could say the same for you." Changbin approaches you, a wooden knife in one hand and a spear in the other.
He attacks and you dodge, smooth like a cat.
"Felix! Go! Get the flag!" You yell and hope Felix realises that Jisung is too tired to keep up a good fight, "Quick! Go now!"
Felix jumps from a panting, sweaty Jisung and runs towards the temple on top of the hill, his footsteps momentarily slowing down as he turns around to look at you, as if for reassurance.
You nod, "Go."
Your eyes turn to Changbin, who has his head tilted with a smirk on his face.
"I have always been a better runner than Felix, you know."
He tries to run past you but you grab the back of his shirt and drag him back, almost slipping in the process. Reflexively, he grabs your hand and forces his shirt out of your fist while you struggle to keep your feet flat on the ground.
Changbin is strong, you realise, extremely strong so when you try to throw in a punch, he dodges it easily.
Your brain is running wild now; your only motive being distracting Changbin from running after Felix.
"He won't go easy on you just because you've grown up together, you know." You say, almost mockingly as he tries to get out of your tight grip. You wonder if his shirt collar might tear because of it.
He scoffs, not bothering to answer but instead reaches for his wooden knife. And in the blink of an eye, the knife slashes across your forehead.
"Oh, God!" You groan, clutching the burning area on your forehead. Your body once again falls onto the ground, your vision extremely blurry.
With barely an eye open, you see Changbin run up the hill but you're quick to move and grab his feet such that he trips and falls down. You drag him down further, while he struggles to climb up.
Your heart beat is in your throat, your vision almost zero and your entire body is as if on fire. You pray to the Gods that Felix comes down the hill with the flag because in this state, you could only hold onto Changbin for so long. And not to mention Jisung who's slowly getting up with loud groans and complains falling out of his mouth.
As if on que, you hear footsteps hurrying down from up the hill and soon an enthusiastic voice follows,
"Y/n! We won!"
You wish to run up and hug the man but in your state, all you can do is let go of Changbin's leg and let out a sigh of relief, followed by a giggle.
"Told you, didn't I?"
* You often find yourself thanking the makers of Camp Levanter for making the Zeus cabin as far away from the others as possible that afternoon. It gives a much needed sense of privacy and the luxury of being able to choose when to socialize.
"I hope it doesn't leave a scar behind." You mutter to yourself, tending to your wounds on the verandah of your cabin.
You dip a cotton ball in an anti septic lotion and gently dab over your forehead, wincing when it stings.
"Need help?" You hear a heavy voice from near the staircase of the cabin and your heart jumps a little at his sight, "If you don't mind."
You run your eyes over the various purple and red marks on Felix's body and you pat the space next to you on the floor for him to come sit on.
"Your friend is dangerous." You remark when he settles down, flashing him your forehead wound.
He shrugs guiltily, "He's just a little aggressive, that's all. He'll come around."
Felix shifts in his seat and takes the cotton ball from your hand, silently volunteering to clean your forehead wound.
The sting is still very prominent, but Felix's other hand rubs comforting circles on your cheek to ease the pain.
"Minho told me that you met mom." He mutters after a few seconds, his lips turned down into a frown. Almost as if the news upset him.
"Yeah, I did." You admit as he applies an ointment and then fixes a bandaid over your wound.
"Have you never met-"
"No, I haven't. I don't know what she looks like or sounds like. My father never told me and she never bothered to show herself." Is he angry that his mother met you and not him?
You purse your lips, the sudden rise in tension making you uncomfortable.
"Hey, hey. I am not angry at you in particular." Ah, Aphrodite kids can feel auras. "I just wished she'd come to meet me as well. I don't know why she doesn't. " he mutters.
"Well," you start, "If it makes you feel any better, she did tell me that she wants you to go with us for a quest. Says its important for you to go."
Felix's eyes glimmer with a sense of relief. "Really?"
"Yes, of course and I'm sure she'll meet you soon." You reassure him, though you yourself weren't sure what Aphrodite might do. She isn't the most motherly entity, according to Hyunjin and the other Aphrodite kids.
"Do you want me to go the quest?"
You are applying the ointment on the bruise on his cheek when he decides to drop that question, catching you off guard.
"Why would my approval matter?" You ask.
"It matters." He almost whispers, "To me."
Heat races to your face at his unexpected yet sweet words. You know you shouldn't feel like this, you shouldn't get flustered because of a boy you met only a couple of days ago but under his unsettlingly calm gaze, you find yourself melting. Bit by bit.
"Okay, enough talk." You shake out of the trance, "Go to your cabin and rest. We leave tomorrow night. I hope you paid attention while Minho was explaining the quest or do I need to repeat it?"
Felix giggles, shaking his head, "I paid attention."
He jogs down the small stairs of your cabin and waves you goodbye, making his way to his cabin.
"And Felix,"
I want you to come with me to the quest.
"Don't forget to have Ambrosia before bed. It'll help your wounds heal faster."
Oh, silly,silly, y/n!
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