spemtang · 5 months
Just watched "Stop Team Go!" and I know that, for most, the major topic of discussion here would be Miss Go. But who I really wanna talk about is her. I mean this bitch just showed up, served like it was no one's business, and then went to jail. So cunty and camp, I wish I was her.
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kimpossible-polls · 8 months
Round 1.2 Bracket 1 side A
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Dr. Drakken vs Electronique
Dr. Drakken (Drew Lipsky)
Appearance: Most Reoccurring Villain
Crimes: Stealing and/or inventing technology built for world domination, body swapping, kidnapping, catphishing teens with clones, conspiring with aliens to rule the planet, creating villainous robot girlfriends, etc
Appearance: Season 4 ep 12 “Stop Team Go”
Crimes: Changing the personalities of Team Go from good to evil
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gothicthundra · 2 years
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I started Starcre8tot’s Kiss Meme last valentines... Finally got to it lol. 
Camille x Gill= Legit my lovely OTP. Cleopatra x Ed= Because I CAN and Eddie needs LOVE Gina x Mego= See Halloween in RTD (and when I actually post my Mego story) Electronique x Hego= Another OTP and a story I also need to finish lol. Kim x Ron = What’s not to love!!! Bonnie x Junior= LOVE Amy x MF = LOL Shego x Drakken=.... ARE you surprised LOL
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possible-streetwear · 2 months
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bcbdrums · 1 year
What are your thoughts on good Shego?
I think is an interesting concept but good Shego always felt different than the other characters who also got their morality swapped.
Shego’s brothers were still silly and useless and didn’t know what they were doing, they weren’t that different from their good selfs, Ron has always had a dramatic flair and he has hidden depths in terms of ability he still seemed in-character and Drakken has always been a goofball so him getting along with Rufus and helping Kim isn’t that far fetched.
All of them still felt like the same character
The exception being Good! Shego, how can I described it?
lt seemed fake? Manufactured? She was too nice? And we know Shego was never like that Hego remarks how she has always been snarky even when she used to be part of team go.
There’s a few people who liked her as good, but it always bothered me that unlike the other characters, Shego didn’t felt like Shego at all. Do you get what I’m saying?
you're going to get a lot of how my brain works in this answer, lol...
first, we have to remember that the devices used in Bad Boy and Stop Team Go (and seen being tossed out of Drakken's closet in Dimension Twist) are two different devices.
the device in Bad Boy is Jack Hench's Attitudinator. it works by removing the wearer's good and bad energies, and putting back just the bad. or rebalancing, as he says in his commercial. what happened to Drakken and Ron was that Drakken's good and bad energies were extracted and split between them. also worth noting in the same ep, is when Drakken tested his badness level he ranked pretty low. i personally headcanon that he'd psyched himself out a bit and ranked a little lower as a result. also of note is that when Shego tested her badness level, she maxed out the scale. we'll come back to this later...
the Attitudinator caused Drakken and Ron to gradually change their good/evil bend, once again based on Drakken's good/evil parts. how much Ron's own evil side was adding to the influence of Drakken's evil, who knows... but Drakken was then purely good and it was his own goodness. i like to think Ron kept some of Drakken's influence after the incident was over... but to your point: their personalities still felt like THEM. maybe that's just how the device works? maybe because Ron still had his own good/evil along with Drakken's evil, and Drakken because it was specifically his goodness? (also, note the continuity error at the end of the episode when Drakken's badness goes back, it shows his goodness going to Ron. it should have only been the badness returning to Drakken and nothing going to Ron, but i'm sure they were just trying to visibly show that Ron is good again.)
anyway, this brings us to the Reverse Polarizer. it....reverses what the person already has, as is indicated in the name. and yes, this is a repurposing of Jack Hench's device, but Electronique changed how it worked. so theoretically if it directly reverses the target's goodness/badness... if a person is extremely bad, like Shego (evidenced by the badness scale) then when her polarity is reversed she'll then be...extremely good. so in terms of how the tech worked and how she presented...it does in fact make perfect sense to me. and that says a lot about Team Go and Ron, and the nature of how good and evil present... we could get into how Mego is egotistical and yet still inherently good, to be directly reversed like that. but even among Team Go, their personalities stay the same. all of their memories are intact. and when it happens again to Ron, he seems to be basically the same as when he was influenced by the Attitudinator.
so based both on the tech itself, how it works, and evidence of the other characters and Shego's own "good" behavior... i think it's perfectly in character. because this is Shego with her good/evil totally reversed. this is NOT who Shego was as a member of Team Go. because that Shego is the Shego we know.... she willfully chose evil over good. and if we take the badness scale as canon...that means Shego is pretty supremely evil (see what i did there, lol) and Drakken and theoretically the others...not so much. it might be that Drakken, Ron, and Team Go have a better balance of good/evil within themselves (Drakken's badness scale... he also willfully behaves in an evil way, even if the scale doesn't show much) while Shego has no balance at all, lol. now i do personally think she has some hints of good in her, but...yeah. all of this said...i think what they did on the show makes perfect sense.
the Shego who we know in the show IS the Shego who used to fight for good on Team Go. so the reverse polarized Shego...yeah it was her, but it was a totally altered version. not how she would actually be if "good." artificially manufactured good, since that's never been her.... while the others were probably much more accurate to their good/evil balance within themselves.
now....you CAN totally ignore the badness scale. and this explanation still holds up, since Shego has always been evil. but everyone else used to be good. as you said, Hego said she was always snarky and liked evil the more they fought it... but Drakken used to be good. Ron and Team Go are good. i think Drakken, if persuaded with enough fame and recognition, would consider going good... it fits with his personality and reason for going evil to begin with.
i think it all hinges on that Shego is inherently a bad guy. the rest were turned by the device. so they seem more themselves because...they aren't really changed all that much. but Shego was altered drastically because she's the most inherently evil of them all.
man i could go on and on about this, but i feel like my explanation is already too scattered. i hope this makes sense. thanks for the ask!
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loup-venant · 1 year
Hier, j'ai démonté le clavier de mon ordinateur. La touche D était un peu récalcitrante et ne s'enregistrait pas bien quand j'appuyais dessus.
Je l'ai depuis des années, c'est un clavier mécanique rétro éclairé d'une compagnie dont les produits sont relativement médiocre en terme de qualité. J'ai un jour renversé un bol de flocons d'avoine trop près de ce cher outil de tous les jours. Autant dire que le lait végétal a les même effets que n'importe quel autre liquide qui se serait malencontreusement retrouvé coincé à chercher un chemin de sortie entre les touches et le fond du clavier.
Ma patience a cet instant n'a pas été des plus exemplaires, j'ai gardé le tout branché et me suis contenté d'éponger avec une serviette ce qui était visible. Il semblait encore fonctionner et ça aurait été un détail dans la vie si quelques jours plus tard les touches 0 et . du pavé numérique ne s'étaient pas soudainement offert des vacances au retour alors encore indéterminé.
Mais en l'ouvrant hier soir, ma curiosité s'en est allé bras dessus bras dessous avec mon courage. Et dans les règles de l'art pour peu que s'en soit un, vis après vis déposées sur un schéma dessiné rapidement sur une feuille de papier pour les replacer au bon endroit, j'ai inspecté l'engin et tous ses recoins. J'ai nettoyé à l'alcool la carte électronique qui contient tous les switchs en insistant un peu sur celui de la touche d.
Là, j'ai reconnu les victimes de ma négligence, le 0 et le . du pavé numérique. J'ai alors ouvert mon bouquin favoris pour me sortir de toutes les situations, internet. Après de nombreuses heures, je trouve un guide d'un gars qui ouvre le même clavier et qui répare façon mc guyver les même touches que les miennes, si ça s'est pas beau. Seul hic, je suis novice en électricité et les mots résistance et diode font autant de sens pour moi qu'un texte de loi.
J'ai tout de même compris de mon cher guide anglophone que s'assurer que la diode responsable pour ces deux touches soit capable de faire le même boulot que les autres diodes pour d'autres couples de touches. Détail qui m'a fait sourire et comprendra qui pourra, la diode en question était nommée d66.
Elle semble faire son job normalement, que faire alors ? Les soudures des deux touches affichent des traces assez marquées de corrosion. Je décide alors de dessouder le tout pour remettre de l'étain neuf. Néanmoins il faut bien comprendre que cette diode n'est pas plus grande que 1mm sur 0.5mm, et ses trois pattes sont à peine visible. J'en arrache évidemment une en la dessoudant. La chance devait bien tourner à un moment où un autre. Un peu désespéré, je la teste tout de même. Elle semble vraiment continuer à fonctionner. Je me décide alors à la replacer en imaginant simplement faire monter l'étain jusqu'à l'endroit où la troisième patte se trouvait. À cet instant elle me saute des mains vers mon sol en osb. Il fait nuit et ma seul lumière vient d'une part de la led de mon téléphone et d'autre part de ma lampe d'ambiance. Ce qui pourra vous projeter sans mal je suppose dans mon état d'esprit du moment "c'est fini..."
J'ai pas ouvert ce clavier pour rien, me dis-je, mon courage est là et je me met à quatre pattes. Je prépare la fouille d'un premier balayage des yeux. Je ne voit rien. En même temps, sa taille et la texture du sol n'aidant pas, j'avais peu d'espoir de la retrouver du premier coup d’œil. Après une recherche plus minutieuse, je retrouve la fameuse diode. Sa troisième patte n'a pas repoussé entre temps mais j'arrive à la replacer et elle semble toujours fonctionnelle. Les deux touches aussi on reçu un petit coup d'étain.
Je branche alors le clavier sans vraiment y croire. D'ailleurs, à cet instant je me dis juste que ça serait fou que ça fonctionne après l'avoir autant charcuté.
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
Chapter 5 of the 16th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards
Chapter 5 – The Retirement Part, Part III
Gasps filled the room, and several guests rose to their feet in excitement for the moment.  Cell phones all over were hurriedly grabbed to film, including Kim’s.
“Electronique, my snickerdoodle, my schatz…” Dementor reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box.  “Will you—”
“Noooo!” a bellowing cry rang out, startling the table of heroes.  Many cameras turned to where a sobbing Hego now stood, his arm outstretched toward the couple at the stage.  “Electronique, I love you!”
An even louder chorus of gasps was followed by silence, broken only by Ron and Wade leaning toward one another and whispering in drawn-out unison, “Awkweird...”
And then, all chaos broke loose.
“You stole my act!” the villain in red cried, leaping to his feet.
“Are you kidding me!?  I’ve been trying to get into VILE since two-thousand one!  Stop ruining my chance!” yelled the furious man in yellow.
“You’re dried out and crusty, old-timer!” retorted the other.
“Uhm, excuse me?” said Ron, waving to get their attention.  “Who are you?”
The two answered in unison, trying to shout each other down.
“The Mustard Meister!”
“The Tomato Tyrant!”
Kim and Wade looked at each other blank-faced as the two condiment-themed villains began a fierce argument, while Sheila had stood up and was backing away from her brothers’ table in horror.  Mego had taken a similar approach and was simply striding toward the exit, while the clearly intoxicated man in a blue suit and domino mask was stumblingly climbing atop the table.  The Wegos were cackling and holding up their champagne glasses to him, egging it on.
“How dare you!” Dementor said shrilly, standing and raising his fists in anger.  “Zis is my party!  My moment!”
Hego had begun singing a horribly out of tune rendition of “Longer” by Dan Fogelberg atop the table, while Electronique backed against the stage in shock.
Laughter rang out as numerous cell phones switched between filming between Hego, Electronique, and Dementor, but a moment later attention was drawn back to the feud between the condiment villains as the Mustard Meister shrilly shouted, “You pipsqueak!”
Before anyone could react, he had shoved the Tomato Tyrant’s face into his plate of moussaka.  The younger villain’s response was to flail wildly until his hand found the skewer of a gyro, which he then began swiping at his opponent like a sword.
“All right! Food fight, seriously!” shouted Motor Ed from somewhere on the villains’ side.
“Eddie? When did he get here?” asked Drew, but his only answer was to be fiercely grabbed by Sheila and pulled away from the action as Motor Ed threw a bowl of orzo at no one in particular.  Kim, Ron, and Wade ducked under their table to hide—just in time, as the Tomato Tyrant retaliated on his rival by firing a ketchup gun, the contents of which hit many of the guests and made it even as far as the Global Justice table.
Ron recoiled when the ketchup hit the tablecloth that protected them, and then looked to Kim.
“Well…I’m not sure what else we should have expected, at a villain party,” said Kim after a moment.
“Should we make a break for it when the condiments stop flying?” Wade asked.
“No,” Kim said, shaking her head.  “I want to make sure Dementor is really retiring.  But…”
A plate shattered on the floor next to their table, and food-covered shards slid into their hiding place.
“…Wait until things calm down a bit?” Wade asked.
“Knowing this crowd, that might take a while…” Ron mused.
Rufus inspected the bits of food on the plate, stealing a piece of olive as the other three sighed and sat back to wait out the chaos.
“Zhis is my party you…you kotzbrockens!” Dementor wailed, his hands in fists above his head and his voice rasping in rage.
Hego had stumbled off the table, having slipped on a salad bowl, and red-faced and bleary eyed was still singing as he stumbled his way toward a furious Electronique.
“It was only a fling!” the Czech woman cried angrily, near tears from the embarrassment.
Dementor gasped.  “Liebling, you were unfaithful to me!?”
Food continued to fly around the room, with some villains participating in fun and others in angry retaliation as they hadn’t been quick enough to escape as Kim, Ron, and Wade had.  The trio couldn’t help themselves but to peer out at the sound of Electronique’s shrill scream as Hego reached the stage and it appeared he and Dementor may come to blows.  The Mustard Meister was presently trying to choke the Tomato Tyrant with his cape, and Motor Ed was trailing after Duff Killigan who was mounting a table near his own.
“Seriously dude, that’s crossing a line.  It’s just a party, seriously!”
“I dinna care!” Duff said angrily as he teed up and took aim with his nine iron.  The eyes of the trio of heroes hiding beneath the table moved in slow unison, following Duff’s aim, to where DNAmy had dipped Monkey Fist low and the pair were engaged in a passionate locking of lips.
“Dude, we don’t want to get arrested!” Motor Ed pleaded again.
“Fore!” Duff shouted loudly, getting the attention of nearly all in the room.
Kim was already moving, her skirts lifted as she ran toward the intoxicated and unaware pair of villains.  The exploding golf ball was struck and flew toward its target, but Kim grabbed a serving tray from a table as she ran and threw it just in time to intercept the golf ball’s path.  The small object collided with the tray instead of its potential victims and exploded in mid-air, further gaining the attention of the partygoers.
“Lassie, stay out of this!  These are matters of the heart!” said Duff angrily.
He swung at another ball, but his aim was off as Kim raced toward him. The ball sailed toward the stage, where Dementor and Electronique stepped out of the way as an oblivious Hego slowly turned, wondering what had so startled the other two.  The golf ball whizzed just past his head and struck the back wall, raining another shower of sparks down.
Kim kicked Duff’s club out of his hands and glared at him, knowing she couldn’t engage in a full-on fight given the setting.  To her surprise, the Scotsman simply grit his teeth and looked helplessly past her to where Amy was having her way with Fist.  It was less than a minute of action, but it had been enough for the sparks from the explosion to light some of the tapestry décor and the tablecloths on fire.
“Ahhh me and Rufus can help!” Ron said frantically as he and Wade scrambled out from under the table.  Ron poured a glass of champagne on one small cinder, which only caused it to flare.  “Yahhhh!” he cried, jumping back, Rufus clinging to his shoulder.
Kim had turned and crossed the room to the Mustard Meister, where she detached his cape from his costume and pulled it out of his hands in a flourish, to the relief of the gasping Tomato Tyrant.
“You two need to spend some time on separate shelves of the fridge,” she said with a frown.
“Ahhh Kim! Fire!” Ron shouted, now batting at a rather substantial flame with his dinner napkin.
Several of the other guests had started to do the same, the food fight mostly forgotten with the new and greater concern.  Kim spun around and saw the flames starting to catch in seemingly every direction.  Killigan was on his knees in front of Fist, holding one of his hands and pleading as Amy tried and failed to drag her drunken conquest away. Hego had tripped and fallen on his rear trying to put out the fire on the stage. Dementor himself was screaming in an incoherent rage, ranting in both German and English and stomping around at the front of the stage.
Before Kim could even think what to do next, suddenly the emergency sprinklers came on overhead.  All activity in the room ceased amid groans as everyone, hero and villain alike, were drenched, and the small fires were put out.  Kim looked over to the far exit where Sheila stood with a smirk, her hand on the fire alarm, and Drew next to her who merely gaped.
As her gown was drenched and as many of the other women in attendance began complaining over the ruin of their attire, Kim walked confidently up to Sheila and Drew, who were of course the only ones safe from the deluge.
“Good thinking, you two!” Kim said as she brushed her wet hair from her eyes and stepped into the dry space along the wall.
“Look, I just wanted to shut Hego up,” Sheila said, looking uncomfortable.
Ron and Wade had approached the trio, their tuxedos dripping, and together the group surveyed the room.
The fires were out.  Dementor and Electronique now seemed to be yelling at each other as Hego stood nearby sobbing and trying to interject. The Mustard Meister and Tomato Tyrant were still screaming at each other, though no one was paying them any mind due to the sprinklers still showering everyone with water.  And after a quick glance around, they finally spotted Duff Killigan slipping through puddles and fallen food items on his way to the door, carrying a semi-conscious Monkey Fist over his shoulder with DNAmy attempting to follow, albeit slower.  Nearly everyone else in the room were groaning over the state of their clothes, except for Motor Ed who was approaching their group.
“Dude, ‘Cous, way to take control, seriously,” Ed said, slapping Drew on the back.
The group cringed as Motor Ed shook out his mullet like a dog and then surveyed all of them before his eyes settled on Kim.
“Whoa, Red, that’s a good look for you,” he said with a grin, looking her up and down in her drenched and now rather revealing gown.
“Hey!” was the response Ron mustered as he stepped between them, blocking Ed’s view of Kim.
“I didn’t even want to come,” Drew grumbled, but as his eyes drifted to the stage he began to perk up.
It appeared as though Dementor, Electronique, and Hego would all come to blows soon if something wasn’t done.  Drew’s sour expression began to brighten as he realized that his former-rival’s party had been ruined.  He turned quickly to Sheila, but she was already grinning knowingly.
Kim eyed the pair suspiciously, wondering if they could have somehow planned any of it.  But as a shout from Dementor heralded the beginning of the fight, she rushed away to try to stop it.
Motor Ed looked after Kim with a low whistle, but when he saw a blue shimmering begin across Ron’s skin he gave an innocent gesture and stepped closer to Drew.
Drew cleared his throat and gave a shout.  “Hector!”
Elsewhere in the room, a slim man in a tux startled and looked around until he made eye contact with his boss.
“Clean this mess up!”
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Compteur d'argent Aneken avec comptage de valeur, dollar, euro UV/MG/IR/DD/DBL/HLF/CHN Compteur de billets de détection de contrefaçon, modes d'ajout et de lot, compteur de billets avec écran LCD, garantie de 2 ans.
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2t2r · 11 years
Sculpture C-3PO en recyclage
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/sculpture-c-3po-recyclag/
Sculpture C-3PO en recyclage
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information-2-0 · 8 months
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links-ensemble · 10 months
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technology-2-0 · 10 months
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djmastersound · 11 months
Discover "Asia": Frederic Cilia's bewitching new single
Discover “Asia”: Frederic Cilia’s bewitching new single, a daring fusion of classical and electronic music with an Asian flavour Genius composer Frederic Cilia has just unveiled his latest musical masterpiece entitled “Asia”. This long-awaited new single offers a unique musical experience, harmoniously combining classical and electronic elements, all topped off with bewitching Asian sounds. A…
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lamusiquesympa · 1 year
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jeux-geekeries · 2 years
Petite autopsie d'une alimentation de PC
Il y a un peu plus d'une semaine une alimentation de PC a fait un magnifique éclair bleu et le PC s'est éteint définitivement.
Une alim' c'est facile à remplacer. Cela ressemble à de l'ATX.
Et surprise, un câble d'alimentation passe sous la carte-mère !
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Et du coup le changement d'alim' n'est plus aussi facile.
Mais en y regardant de prés, l'alim semble "modulaire"
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Mais je ne voyais pas ça comme ça :
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Les vis sur ce PC sont terriblement serrées. Mais j'ai réussi à sortir cette maudite alim'.
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Il faut démonter toute la carcasse extérieure pour accéder à son intérieur.
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Et je peux dire que c'est bien peuplé la-dedans.
Encore un petit effort, quelques vis à retirer et des liens plastiques à couper. Et le tout est extirpé.
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Mais, voilà ce qui a lâché
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Il semblerais aussi que cette résistance ait aussi "souffert".
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En plus, j'ai trouvé le dessus du composant qui a grillé.
Vu au woodenscope :
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C'est donc un convertisseur AC/DC qui a grillé. https://www.power.com/sites/default/files/documents/di152.pdf
0 notes
bcbdrums · 1 year
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