#Duncan hates not being a bad boy
raisedbythetv89 · 3 months
I just started watching White Collar for the first time and a realization about most male written and directed media smacked me DIRECTLY in the face which is that SO MUCH media written by a for men is genuinely just male nerd self insert, non-canon compliant, AU fan fiction??????
Like them writing and creating stories is just “ok so these guys are soooo smooth and well dressed and women just flock to them at every turn and they can get away with anything and everyone believes and supports them when they do mess up and everyone thinks they’re sooooo brilliant”
This media isn’t just portraying women “for the male gaze” it’s EVERYTHING. Everything in these stories is supporting and uplifting mens’ delusions about who they are, how they’re perceived, and how they should expect to be treated. Which is incredibly ironic because anytime media portrays women or the world in the female gaze in a more “in my ideal world things would be like this” instead of portraying us as nothing but weak, broken, unloved, traumatized, victims OR one dimensional sex symbols with no needs or emotions they’re screaming, crying, throwing up about how stupid and unrealistic the story is….
This explains SO MUCH about how male characters are handled in shows like Veronica Mars and Buffy. Even though they’re shows staring women all the “good guys” get the delusional self insert, y/n, AU fan fic treatment (Buffy still wants Angel in season 3 and Riley in season 6 even after everything they did and Xander is CONSTANTLY forgiven for all the atrocious shit he says and does and is wanted by all women besides Buffy. Veronica forgiving Duncan and getting back together with him and even CONSIDERING Piz could truly only be born from men being delusional AS FUCK. Writing how they want men to be treated by women rather than being based in reality and the woman having even an ounce of self respect.)
Which is why the “bad boys”, Logan and Spike are such better characters. They’re so much more realistic, they get held accountable by the women in their lives, have better growth and are just way more appealing and attractive because they’re not the walking embodiment of what MEN want men to be treated and act like.
Oh god this feels like such cursed knowledge to have like it’s important to see this media for what it really is but now watching it feels that much yuckier like finding the porn of someone you DO NOT LIKE but like their emotional porn “this is what life would be like in my fantasies” and they’re the fantasies of the grossest men alive 😭😭😭😭😭
Also it shows their emotional maturity like all of these things are what 13 year old boys fantasize about not actual mature, grown men….
Also just realized this is why the Star Wars sequels were so hated. It wasn’t just Rey being powerful and loved by her found family and Kylo. It was that the movies showed the reality of men like Kylo. They destroyed the male fantasy Darth Vader created. They aren’t super cool, powerful badasses. They’re extremely sad, broken, temper tantrum throwing lost little boys who just want love and acceptance but have lost the ability to accept it because of the dark side (aka the patriarchy) which is the reality and that made me SOOOOO ANGRY lololololololol and this is why Joss Whedon THOUGHT making Spike into a sad pathetic mama’s boy of a poet would make the audience not like him because that DOES work on misogynistic men who enjoy the male gaze but does NOT work and only humanizes and makes Spike even more complex and lovable to the female gaze 💀💀💀💀 oh good lord
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thebearme · 6 months
Imma just gonna start with Cam first, and let me just tell you Cameron I projected the most on because even after my "ihatehim no ilovehim" phase so idk maybe some of this could be out of character srry.
I imagine Cameron is south African, particularly Zimbabwean.
His a walking nerd emoji.
The only pass time Cam had was to draw bugs. So he's REALLY GOOD at drawing bugs. Only bugs. Everything else looks like it's from the diary of a wimpy kid.
Cam not that keen of physical touch but slowly getting used to it cuz of Mike. Mike also trying to remember that everyone is open on surprise hugs.
Idk why but with Zoey and Cam's relationship I just think of Carly and Freddie but without the crush.
Gwen and Cam would have art trades together.
Cam got the dryess hands in existence because of the amount of hand sanitizer he uses. OCD GAND RISE UP!
Im saying this now but Cam and B would TOTALLY VIBE TOGETHER!! i just don't know their intentions are yet so dont ask..
Lightning and Cam would have hangout if not for the cheating thing.
Duncan once asked Cam if he can draw a mural of his pet spider Scruffy.
Sam would take it as his personal duty to teach Cam in the way of being a gamer. By teaching him the Zelda timeline and the lore of FNAF. May god rest Cam soul after that.
Cam doesn't not do well with the more active people in Mike's system like Svetlana and Manitoba. They try to be gentle with him but they just don't know their strengths and Manitoba canonically eats dirt so there's only so much they can hangout.
Vito doesn't vibe with nerds but he does occasional try to back him up if he's getting bullied. ONLY if Vito himself isn't bullying Cam.
Cameron actually has the best relationship with Chester. He loves hearing history and old facts and Chester loves the excuse to chat someone's ears off.
Mal and Cam have more of a neutral relationship with each other but I can definitely see Mal thinking his just some weakling nerd until Cam shows him he knows how to make the Demon core.
Cam and Mike started a hate Scott club. Although Cam feels alil bad about, he tends to be reminded of why they started this club every time they go back to their cabin.
Cam once witnessed Scott use the bathroom without washing his hands. And never liked him since.
There was one time between season, Mike, Cam and Zoey were going on a little road trip. Z & M both ask what song should they play next? Cam said he doesn't know any songs so maybe just play the Ice cream truck theme. And that's when they find out HOW sheltered this boy is.
I would get into the nitty gritty but Cam's mom is NOT a good mom. Zoey and Mike have beef with her (Zoey trys to have the benefit of the doubt and said she just too over protective while Mike legit DONT like her.)
They both make sure that Cam gets as much outside time as possible and learn to have a life outside of his house.
When Cam goes to college is going aboard as an entomologist.
When Cameron first came on TD he didn't know what to wear because obviously he's never been outside so it a mixture of hot and cold clothes. Bro don't know fashion but it's his outfit changes in All Stars.
He's wearing a puffer jacket because it reminds him of a sleeping bag and makes him cozy + it has a cooling system inside thanks to B.
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tdjustess · 8 months
Rating all Trent ships I've ever came across
Trent×Gwen - The only canon ship and for what it was, I liked it. It always felt like just a summer fling and them being each others manic pixie dream girl/boy is a detail I highly appreciate. It was the most artsy teen romance of all TD ships and should stay as only that 7.5/10 cause it does make me cringe nowadays
Trent×Justin - I don't know who was the first person to come up with this ship but holy shit their brain. And even if you're too good to fall for the trope of "two guys amicably standing next to each other", these two would be the Larry of the TDverse, which you have to at least admit it's funny as shit 10/10
Trent×Duncan - Listen. I've also been a 15 year old girl, I get it, but this is shit. They either forget about each others existence or actively hate each other. Even the fanfics I used to read back then had to jump through hoops or make them ooc to even get them to stay amicably in the same room 0/10
Trent×Geoff - The better version of Duntrent. They still ignore/hate eachother but there's literally no reason for it which is so funny. They're both pieces of shit and the only time it was justified was when Geoff was trying to protect Gwen over the breakup. Read the TDA bios, they're still trying to poke at some rivalry we never see on screen. AU writers I beg of you, write a enemys-to-enemys fic of their fighting backstage 3/10
Trent×Cody - Oh boy. Oooooh boy. I hate to play this card but they're brothers. Maybe if it's one sided like Cody having a crush for 2 weeks tops but yeah. Brothers energy 0/10
Trent×Courtney - Listen. Don't look at me like that and listen. It's two possibly unmedicated mentaly ill upper middle kids with dreams of success in performing arts that go about it in two extremely different ways. Like. I want to keep this short but they'd be so bad for each other while being the only ones who can understand the others devotion, they'd destroy each other. I'm tearing a phonebook in half with my teeth, shout out to the Ballet AU i'll never write 6/10 realistically but 9.9999998/10 in my heart
Trent×Leshawna - I was really surprised when I first saw this ship cause I'd only ever seen them as sort of "friends-in-law"? But now that I sit down and think of it, it could work?? Leshawna is assertive but also laid back, kind and has a lot of goofy moments. And Trent is a certified wife guy™. I'd never thought of this ship myself but it could work 9.4/10
Trent×Noah - Once again, would have never thought of this if I hadn't read one of the best ship-centered fanfics this fandom has to offer. But I think it works better in that specific fanfic than realistically speaking. Trent isn't the exact type of pathetic (positive) Noah hangs out with and in the long run they'd both be too messy. If Gwent is the cuter side of teen romance, Trent×Noah would be the depressing side. I never watched the show, but from what I remember from "2015 grunge tumblr", it's giving Skins vibes 4.8/10
Trent×Anne Maria - I appreciate the mediterranean representation but no 1/10
Trent×Scott - How. Why. Walk me through this one without making them ooc 0/10
Trent×Zoey - Only in a Doey AU where Duncan keeps throwing dogeballs at Trent in PE everytime he tries to talk with Zoey about british pop 2/10
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thelaughtercafe · 5 months
Tea Type: Half and Half (This one was written to vent so it's got a little more hurt towards the beginning than usual)
Potential Triggers: Nonspecific mentions of emotional abuse
Pairing: Duncan/ F!Reader
Length: 1k+
Summary: You and Duncan are both desperately trying to stay awake for the challenge. The lack of filter allows confessions to slip from both of you.
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“Ugh I’m starting to go. Can you help keep me awake?”
Duncan looked over and blinked in surprise. You hadn’t spoken much the past weeks save him teasing as he did with most of the girls. You didn’t outwardly encourage it but he could admit he got pleasure out of your flustered reactions to keep it up consistently with no provocation. 
A smirk twitched onto his lips as he moved to where you were sat leaning against a tree trunk a little ways from the main group. 
“Sure thing sweetheart. Tell me what I can do.”
You were already a blushing mess. It’d taken a great deal of courage to even ask but already you were growing meek again.  
“Well I…um…sorry.”
He softened a little after a glance over his shoulder, tugging you to sit behind the tree with him. Everyone was mostly sleeping and this way no-one would see his expressions before he heard them coming in advance. He didn’t want anyone hearing him like this. Hell, he typically wouldn’t ever dream of being like this but the lack of sleep was impairing his judgment. 
“Why do you do that? You constantly apologize for stuff that’s not even your fault. Or without having even done anything wrong at all. It makes you look weak.”
It wasn’t the nicest way to say it maybe but Duncan was trying. 
You looked down to your fidgeting hands and smiled bitterly.
“It’s not exactly a happy reason; but you don’t seem like the kind of guy to pity people so I guess it’s alright if I tell you. Let’s just say my home life wasn’t great. My mom was sick so I was left to do all the chores and such. Her long term boyfriend was quick to put me down and point out the smallest of inadequacies in my efforts.”
You shrugged before looking at the camera across the way and giving it the finger. 
“That’s for you if you’re watching this, dick.”
God, you really were tired. Your filter was gone. Luckily, your attention was shifted to Duncan as he smiled at you and lightly placed his hand on yours.  
“Well I say he’s lucky. If it was me I would’ve stopped doing them altogether. Guy sounds like a real piece of work." 
You turned your gaze to his and he noticed the hint of sadness within. 
"Which is why you’re the strongest person I know. That’s actually the first time I told him to fuck off. After making me spiral into panic attacks, giving me arachnophobia, and making me hate myself it still took me being on the verge of passing out on a reality show talking with a bad boy with a heart of gold to get the courage. Pathetic. isn’t it?" 
Duncan clenched his fists but managed his anger with a breath, trying not to blush at your honesty. 
"Right. You really think of me like that sweetheart?’
The typically antagonistic nickname now sounded sweet. 
You shrugged, finding it much easier to talk when not looking at him as you put your head on his shoulder. 
”‘Course I do. You may act all mean but you want us to win too. I don’t think you’re half as cruel as you pretend to be. You’re here comforting me and keeping me awake aren’t you?“
You yawned and he scoffed, glad you couldn’t see his face as a tinge of pink surely was evident. 
"Could just be doing it to get further in the competition. More chance our team wins if there’s two of us.”
You shrugged. 
“Sure. You could be. But I doubt it. I have a bad habit of only seeing the good in people and ignoring my gut feelings. But here on the island I’ve learned to start listening to it more. And right now it’s telling me you’re a good guy. It always has.”
Duncan sighed and looked down in amusement at you now fully cuddled into his side. He curled an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer but when he felt your breaths start to slow he ran his fingers along your neck for a moment in warning. 
“Hey. Don’t fall asleep k?”
You jerked in his grip and giggled which made him blink.  
He noted the way you suddenly looked nervous, and the way your face had gone red. In addition to your eyes flicking everywhere looking for escape, a smug smirk crawled across his face. 
“Oh princess~ Got something you wanna tell me?”
He felt you stiffen and you giggled nervously again, clearly jumpy. 
God you were precious. 
“N-No! I just-I-thanks for helping but I-”
As you were about to scramble away he quickly turned to pin you against the tree, easily restraining your wrists over your head with one hand and leering over you.  
“You may as well give it up. I know you’re ticklish. Sure would be a shame if I let you fall asleep now ya know? Time to fulfill your duty to the team like the angel you are~”
Oh God. Time to pretend he didn’t just say that last part. Distract!
“D-Did you just-hey whahahahait!! Duncan!!”
You dissolved into squeals and giggles as his free hand began squeezing along your thighs suddenly regretting wearing shorts.
“You are such a jheheheherk!!”
Glad his moment of softness had been forgotten Duncan easily returned to teasing, feigning innocence.
“Oh? But I thought you were so sure I was a nice guy. Looks like your feelings were wrong. Good thing you have a thing for bad boys huh angel?”
He relished in the way you went even darker and sputtered over your laughter.
“N-No I-what!? That’s-crazy talk!”
“Your blush tells a different story. Plus, I’ve caught you stealing glances all summer. Lucky for you I like good girls just as much. Even called dibs in the boys cabin. Trent almost beat me to you but lucky for me he got more into Gwen around the same time which means you’re all mine if you want to be, angel.”
While he was talking casually his hands were moving easily all over, from your thighs to your hips up to your underarms and then to your neck where he opted to stay, keeping you in steady giggles as he waited for your response. 
You rolled your eyes before smirking back. 
“F-Fhihihine then. Gonna make me fhahahall demon boy?”
He grinned, full of roguish charm as his fingers finally slowed and he released your hands to cup your face in his palms and then seal your promise. 
“Only if you’re sure you’re ready for it sweetheart.”
No-one would find out until a few competitions later; when he got sick of hiding and kissed you so hard you swooned after a win you somehow managed to pull off. 
All insecure thoughts of him caring more about his bad boy image than you were  banished and it suddenly made sense to Courtney and Gwen why the nicknames, however passive aggressive, had stopped. They were all for you.  
Angel was still his favorite of course.
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total-drama-brainrot · 5 months
that one real-total-drama-takes post about team cirrrrh all being misogynistic got to me because they're not even wrong, they're all different flavours of misogynistic and that includes izzy.
tyler & owen are period-typical misogynistic teenage boys; they're not intentional or malicious with it, they're just a product of the societal ideals + norms of the 2000s, but that doesn't change the fact that they hold a lot of harmful ideals. they congratulate duncan on "bagging two hot chicks", not because they don't understand that cheating is wrong, but because that was just the widely accepted mindset of the late 2000s- and this is applicable to a lot of their behaviour in all 3 gen1 seasons. tyler is less obvious about this mindset, but owen himself showcases this a few times over the seasons. remember the bet he made with cody in season 1?
alejandro beefs up the chivalry aspect of his persona to manipulate everyone but women especially, and often times expresses that he sees the girls he flirts with as less than people and moreso obstacles or prizes. it's only later on in the season where he begins to see heather alone as somewhat equal to him and she's the only girl he doesn't brush off as easy to control, but even then it often seems like he's indulging her instead of treating her like a serious threat. this is even more evident in their song "this is how we will end it", where he showcases all of the women he manipulated as puppets on strings- mere objects for him to play with- whilst the men he manipulated aren't mentioned at all (implying he saw them as more than toys to be controlled).
noah, as far as i'm aware, isn't outright misogynistic so much as just an asshole to everyone. Unless you count his treatment of izzy in wt as proof of his misogyny, which is fair because most of his interactions with her and eva both involve him insulting them in some way (all of the different ways he's called izzy a nutcase, mocking the "iron woman" for her weakness against justin). he's got the vibes of "you're gay because you like men, I'M gay because i hate women" which is mostly because he doesn't seem to like men either, but he at least tolerates them, whilst he barely even interacts with any of the girls. Now that I think about it, I don't think Noah ever has a positive interaction with a girl in the whole show (unless you count trying to hug bridgette?)
and izzy has such strong "i'm not like other girls" internalized misogyny. she's a miniboss in the manic pixie dream girl rpg- and i mean it when i say manic- and she intentionally plays up the more masculine or disgusting aspects of herself to appeal to owen in particular. just like noah, i don't think she's ever had an objectively positive interaction with another girl on the show, but at least she does interact with them. sometimes it feels like izzy is so disconnected from her femininity- as if the writers only remember she's even a girl when they're writing about her relationship with owen- and this isn't a 'bad' thing but it does disconnect her from almost every other girl on the show. it's super weird, especially for a show that (usually) showcases femininity as something strong and empowering, especially since it almost penalises eva for not being feminine in the slightest yet only ever rewards izzy for doing the same.
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docholligay · 4 months
The Night Watch by Sarah Waters
I love this book. We all know I love this book. I have read this book at least a dozen time sand we all know I'm going to read it again. I'm never sure whether I like this or Tipping the Velvet more, but I think as a piece of literature, this is the better book. (But Tipping the Velvet is the one I often recommend to people. Sarah Waters can be hard for some people to hang with and Tipping is her fluffiest.)
Kay Langrish, what a fucking piece of work this bitch is. She's so pathetic, and I do sort of resent her for it, but also I love her. I want to beat the shit out of her. She's Poor Little Rich Butch who literally shuts herself the fuck away and gazes out the window all day. She's one of those people for whom the war was the best thing that ever happened to her, and people like this do exist! Some people are great in a crisis, and some people are ONLY good in a crisis. Is it about her being butch and that being easier in wartime? Sure, but Mickey has it even worse and seems to manage being a member of society. (Mickey is the best person in this novel and perhaps of all time. I love her so much, she takes it all in so much stride in her shitty little houseboat, and then she offers it to Kay. Mickey will be played by Lena Oxton in the blorbo adpatation in my head and Kay will be played by Haruka Tenoh) I think Kay is just a fucking rich loser, and I love that for her.
Viv! What a moron. My wife read this book and her takeaway was the the book was about "Gay losers and a token sad straight woman" and she is not wrong. I love how much Viv hates her life in the present day and how pathetic she feels it all is, but she can't get away from it, because! Yes!! I always privately hope that the book will be different this time and there's an afterword where Viv goes and finds Kay and they get together, because I think Viv could be perfectly happy being Kay's wife and being doted on. She wants that! And Reggie will never ever give it to her (blah blah not being into women whatever it's my fantasy afterword and I can do what I want with it)
Speaking of morons let's talk about Helen. I hate Helen and I LOVE her storyline. I love her absolute dedication to ruining her own life. I'm not saying she has to love Kay, I would love to be doted on by Kay but it's not for everyone, and I'm not entirely convinced they didn't get together for any reason other than Helen felt grateful to her. BUT, what about with Julia? What about her insane reactions, the way she barely allows Julia to have friends, the way every time they go a party Helen acts like everyone is trying to fuck Julia? She basically manifests an affair into happening by her constant assumption that it is. IF Julia is sleeping around, of course that's her bad behavior, but let's not pretend like Helen's ridiculous suspicion and quarreling over nothing, her low-key resentment of Julia's success, isn't doing anything.
And Duncan, man, talk about your easily led, whatever's happening is what may as well happen, type. His thing with the junk that he considers 'antique' is so sad. He lives in a little boy's room and is kept like a little boy as a sexual pet and it would be disturbing if it wasn't so much just what Duncan had decided was the logical next step just like killing himself along with Alec. He was happier in fucking prison, it almost seems because there at least everything was just...decided for him.
I wonder if Waters isn't making a commentary about the idea that London and the UK more broadly was "never better than in the Blitz" and all that Blitz spirit stuff which i confess I can be real prone to as well, but I don't live there and am allowed to engage in a bit of romance over a situation that in no way involves me. Is Waters saying, "If we think that we, as a country, city, community, were never better than when we were actively being firebombed, it might just be that we have decided that, and have decided not to make ourselves better than that moment. Anytime, we could decide to be a better London & UK, but we aren't doing that. We're staring at the rubble and wishing we were there." I don't know! I have literally never thought this before it just came to me while writing this, it might be bullshit.
Basically the summary of this novel could be "Four people ruin their own lives because they aren't sure they deserve anything better" and I wouldn't argue with that. I love this book so fucking much.
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back on my gwourtney bs. time to speak my truth. tdas sends very mixed messages about how gwen feels about courtney but in both interpretations it makes perfect sense.
if gwen is actually truly sorry for kissing duncan: BEAUTIFUL!! they finally make up and get a chance to retry their friendship. they get closer over time and eventually realize that maybe they want to kiss too. what about it. maybe they're girlfriends. it's adorable and it's sweet.
if gwen is NOT sorry (think when she references "you can't steal a boyfriend if the boy is free" etc): ALSO BEAUTIFUL!! this could be a VERY SPECIFIC BRAND of enemies to lovers. i plan on rewriting tdas one day and i am honestly leaning towards this. this makes more sense with tdwt. listen. in tdwt, gwen really does not give a shit and she's actively gunning for courtney's elimination (courtney would've gone home in episode 16 if not for cody being bad at everything) which is totally fair cause courtney was being kinda crazy and also her relationship with duncan was super toxic at that point. anyways my point is it makes a lot of sense for gwen to be on tdas and just hate courtney's guts. or at the very least dislike her. we know courtney doesn't like gwen either. if the writers of tdas weren't COWARDS they could've put gwen and courtney in a lot of situations that forced them to be together (e.g. them being on the same team from the start/earlier on, callback to the wedding challenge [pairing them together in a silly lil duncney reference], leaving them as the only contestants in a cabin or in the hotel or something) which would've caused them to start crushing on one another cause it's 2023 let these ladies be GAY!!! it's the most beautiful toxic yuri ever. and even better they can develop into nontoxic yuri. let them move past d*ncan into a beautiful era of lesbianism.
the second type of tdas gwourtney is specifically fulfilling for the duncney shippers who really just want to see courtney be mean to someone and make out with them (let's face it who DOESN'T want to see that)
but if you like the wholesome sweet relationship they can have, GWOURTNEY GIVES YOU THAT TOO!!
gwourtney is the superior courtney ship it's everything you would ever need in a lesbian couple. they can love each other. they can hate each other. they can bond over hating one specific man. they can bond over their excessive knowledge about the history of the city of london. it's so perfect
if anyone read this entire rant please for the love of god MAKE SOME GWOURTNEY CONTENT. write them. draw them. make silly headcanons about them. encourage others to do the same. SPREAD THE GOSPEL
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sieglinde-freud · 1 month
Can I get you started on the derailment of Duncan and Courtney?
what is this, a total drama vent blog now? but yeah you can :) under cut
i think the derailment of courtney is like five thousand times more annoying than duncan but that might j be bc i dont really like duncan (hes fine in island, kinda boring in action (didnt deserve his win idgaf that shouldve been harold there. yes im still mad lindsay went home instead of him in rock n rule), and the entirety of that mid section of world tour just revolving around him and the stupid love triangle drama is SO annoying. and then he makes final five FOR WHAT??? FOR WHAT???? im sick of his ass. what was i talking about. right) but either way theyre both two very major characters so its just really sad to see them both fall victim to horrible characterization? cuz you start in island right and in general island is a lot more grounded than the other seasons and leans more into the fact that theyre all 2000’s teenage stereotypes so in island theyre just the good ol cliche good girl/bad boy couple its iconic, its cute, WAY more entertaining than gwent (but they get a pass cuz gwen was basically the main character of that season. u go girl. go get that bag AND that boring wet dog man) and its just nice. courtney shows signs of being controlling but for the most part duncan’s attitude gets courtney to loosen up a bit and have fun and courtney made duncan a better person.
and then action happens and then courtney is like. rightfully mad she got screwed out of the season after harold gets her kicked off and no one gaf but its like. you can see where this could go and it doesnt look great. not much happens for duncan except he gets more insufferable bc they didnt give him any friends this season? unlike when he geoff and dj to bounce off of now he just picks fights with harold and the other gaffers which IS funny but. basically action is where the red flags start being put up. their relationship is. fine. like i liked it at the time but knowing where it heads is upsetting. anyways
then u get to world tour and theyre close to their island dynamic again (with the exception of gwen being there…) but then duncan quits first episode which i think was actually a great choice bc of how courtney finally gets to stand on her own as a character without him (i actually really like duncney. but her character was always tied to him in some way yk?) and make her own friends and it was looking great! until i see london and everything goes to shit. dude comes back, cheats on courtney, and then everyone on that god forsaken plane gets involved. first of all, ISLAND DUNCAN WOULD NEVER??? no fucking way. not even action duncan. dude was HOOKED on her crazy ass. AND FOR GWEN?!?! who has never been the same since island but thats a different thing. but they had literally zero romantic chemistry. all they have in common is that theyre both alt kids. NOT EVEN THE SAME KIND OF ALTERNATIVE! just alt. ugh. and then courtney gets sent into a spiral which, is a valid reaction to getting cheated on i do not blame her. and w/ someone you thought was ur friend like i GET IT. and i am on her side. but then her character goes back to ONLY EVER BEING ABOUT DUNCAN except this time its how much she hates him and her character just. pauses! she doesnt go anywhere else from i see london until shes eliminated inn… what was it. chinese fakeout? like shes just a hater who makes zero meaningful relationships aside from getting played by alejandro and shes just. like its just. its not good. and to know that any of this only happened bc the producers forced a duncney break up. girl sit DOWNNN
and then all stars just tramples them even more. since when has duncan ever gave a shit what people think of him? jojo siwa acting ass with this “im a bad boy!1!!!!” act island duncan would never. and then courtney. ohh courtney. she got flushed down a toilet force feeding herself ice cream with bird shit on it. all i gotta say (but also. nerfed bc she literally has an iron stomach in chinese fake out. whatever)
i still love them though. well, i love courtney. duncans alright but still neither of them deserved any of that
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th3h0nkz · 5 months
˚ ༘✶。 ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕪 𝕋𝕠𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕂𝕚𝕕𝕤
That's right babes, I'm back again with this series, and you can blame tik tok for putting thousands of duncney edits on my FYP, so enjoy it while my new old obsession last.
I decided to redo all of it bc I didn't liked the way that I was writing and making the characters so here I'm again. I'm also thinking about deleting the old ones but for now they gonna stay.
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𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗍-𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗈 @666babu 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗎𝗉𝗍𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗍 𝖣𝗋𝖺𝗆𝖺 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖬𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝖺𝗌𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗂𝗍, 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗆𝖺𝗓𝗂𝗇𝗀
𝐈. 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐧𝐞𝐲 (𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜ɑ𝐧 + 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐲)
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୬ 𓈒 ⊹ ა𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 & 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝑨. 𝑃𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎 𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
She/Her; pansexual; 18 years old
An academic rebel, just because she against the system that doesn't mean she needs to have bad grades, her mother wouldn't allow it
Is the older twin by 4 minutes and because of that is super protective over her brother
Gold jewelry girl for life
All of her tattoos, even the ones she hides with her clothes, were draw and made by her father
Besides her earrings, she also have tongue and nipple piercings
Is a theater kid and was embarrassed by it when was younger but now with all the hype she doesn't hide it any more
Watched all the Total Drama seasons and hated Chris McLean in all of them, was kinds disappointed that he didn't stayed at jail for a longer time
Even though se tries to hide it, she can't forget and forgive what her father did to her mother on the Total Drama World Tour
Gwen is actually her godmother and they're very close to the point that Pacifica rather ask her advices then her mother
𝐵. 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧
He/They; Trans man; Gay; 18 years old
Don't let the smell of weed deceive you, he's actually the smartest kids on his class and is always seen competing with Pacifica to see who has the best grades
Don't let Courtney know it, but his spanish is the worst
Has a tramp stamp that he did it when he was really drunk, that day also coincides with the first time that he ever drank
Dreams on being a famous violinist but unfortunately has stage freight
Always had support of his family when it comes to his transition, but still doesn't feel comfortable to tell everyone about being trans
Has a terrible taste in men to the point the everyone in the family makes fun of it
Just like his sister, he hates Chris but contrary to popular belief he dreams on participating the show
When was younger Duncan tried to teach him wood craft, but Jack gave up because he's to anxious for that
Hates how over protective Pacifica is with him that's why is so common seeing him doing reckless things
𝐈𝐈. 𝐃𝐣𝐰𝐞𝐧 (𝐃𝐉 + 𝐆𝐰𝐞𝐧)
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I blame this one on all the Duncney fanfics on AO3, I didn't even know they were a couple but now I'm obsessed with their dynamic (sorry Trent)
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୬ 𓈒 ⊹ ა𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 & 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐀. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑒
He/They; demissexual; 16 years old
The purest boy you will ever met
Too shy for his own good
Has an amazing relationship with animals just like his father, and wants to be an veterinarian just like him
His love language is quality time, so if he starts to hang a lot with you and makes sure you're always close that means he likes you, like a lot
Is kinda ashamed of his tooth gap and that's why he avoids smiling so much
Is the baby of the family, and even though he tries to deny it, he lover all the pampering and protection especially from his brother since they are so close
Has a belly button piercing, which is a surprise to everyone since he's very afraid of needles
Knows how to play guitar since Gwen and Tyler became friends again after the end of the show, to the point both boys love their 'uncle' Tyler
Became vegan at early age since his father had the habit of taking him to work during school vacation and with that he developed a big bond with all the animals
𝐵. 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
He/him; straight; 18 years old
Despeite the ''ogre" personlity, Alexander s know to be very good with words and feelings, so it's very common to him to write letters and poems to those he really likes
Also has a tooth gap, but since he doesn't smile or laugh a lot most people don't know it
Knows how to speak german, italian and spanish and plans to learn even more languages
Was very close to his grandmother, all he knows about cooking was thanks to her and people can say that the last time he cried was at her funereal
The necklace he wears was a presente from his mother on his 15th birthday and it's the only jewelry that he will ever wear, at least that what's he says
Overprotective with his brother, to the point that doesn't matter where the youngest go he will be there, but that also doesn't mean he don't like to mess with Theo, it's actually his favorite hobby especially because the boy believes in everything he says
May not look like it, but os very competitive to the point he will sacrifice everything to win
Doesn't addmit it not even to his brother, bur his favorite singer is Taylor Swift
Became vegan because of his brother, not in the meaning his brother convinced him to become vegan but because he felt bad eating even meat in front of him
𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨 + 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫)
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୬ 𓈒 ⊹ ა𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢́𝐚 𝐈𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐚
She/They; Bisexual; 17 years old
If there's something that everyone expects from Imelda is that she gonna cause some chaos, and those people are absolutely right, after all you can't expect other thing from the daughter of Alejandro and Heather
Loves ballet since she was a kid and has plans to become a professional ballet dancer
If she ever starts to speak in spanish with you, that means she is really mad and is going to destroy you in every way possible
Smokes when is really stressed, but tries to avoid it because doesn't want to end up all gross when she gets older
Even tho she loves ballet Imelda also knows it's ruining her mental health and body image, but she knows is a small price to pay so she hides it from everyone
Acts really tough but it's actually scared of the dark
Others ballerinas become chain smokers but Imelda became addicted to caffeine, to the point she can't go through the day without at least five cups of coffee
Had a lot of pets growing up, but the one she really loves is her pet snake Audrey, which she named after her favorite actress
Wanted to have brothers when she was younger but seeing the relationship her father had with his brothers mas her give up of the idea
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Lesbian Courtney anon here!
Courntey and Duncan are so much more than toxic exes... they are human to me.
They are both sides of the same coin that am aware of is my own soul.
Basically, this ship not all that to you but to me, Courtney is just like me in the need of PERFECT!
I crashed and failed for many years to finally get I was drowning and dying to be loved and comfort by the wrong person and my family doesn't see me as human but legacy to continue.
I love them a lot.
Courtney needs help with therapy like Duncan.
Basically they made me realize my childhood up bringing and more is not my fault but it is my fault for hitting. sprialing, and losing my sense of my reality because of no one offered to help me or realizing I was getting abused at home by own flesh and blood.
The abuse can become abusers sadly.
We don't need you to deem us as crazy abusive exes, sometimes we need to be left alone to grow and health, more help understanding what we were taught was wrong.
I was a bad person I blew up things like Duncan with fire and hit others in the name of justice I said to myself like Courtney but end of the day.
I will not be seen as not a martyr. But death and the villain of itself in most people's stories!
But I will still be branded off as abusive and awful even if I was trying to defend myself or walk away from the fight.
It's hard out here especially when we love and adopt TD characters to represent ourselves out here.
I am growing slowly but surely, I used to hate the world and everything due to the unfairness of the world and hatred brought on by others to my feet.
I couldn't just turn the other cheek when someone hits you first or threatens you at time you fight back then regret.
I want many to know sometimes we are seen as monsters and have no redemption, yet you are you are own writer and person!
Sometimes we got look in mirror and go I know I am bad, toxic, and piece shite but guess what sunshine! We are still alive and live for ourselves! We can thrive for ourselves and do better from now on!
I used to be hateful bible thumping Christian because I was raised that way, every hit was because I love you, your fault is being a women, but guess what?!
I like girls and love boys!
I love girls so much my friends think I wanted to date them since high school, but I was just trying to be affectionate and their own personal cheerleaders when needed!
It is not sin to love, or be women. It is not wrong to like to like characters like Courtney or Duncan!
I am tired of it!
Let people enjoy things! That's personal opinion! Why am going tell you what's wrong with you and what's right if I am no saint myself!
Courtney my beloved and Duncan my dove, I love you even if you just a silly parody/satire teenagers of reality tv series!
I hate that made you so awful in the end of time they could punch up with the jokes and the satire but no they doom us all with brain rot of blah blah Courtney is abusive only.
You saw how they treated Leshawna as well yet many of you racially profile her still. You bestialize and fetishize my girl and carry her with shame of no growth and tie her to white man- sorry Harold, who is basically a parody of napoleon dynamite kip and lafawnduh!!!
You cowards, shame on you only smut and fetishize for my girl Leshawna yet put Courtney to the slaughter brand her a demon and abuser without remorse.
Yet you do not humanize the women in TD fandom but brand them as awful people or make them inhuman sex dolls for you pleasure without remorse but hey hehe TD fandom so silly and accepting to all.
I want smut readers and writers to understand that you can have your own piece of cake too but goddamn! LET THEM BE MORE HUMAN AND REALSTIC IN SOME WAYS!
I am not good person I know but I have my own brain to tell me that. I love Courtney, she did a lot for me because she wasn't perfect. I don't love because oh she must hate Gwen. No. I like Gwen but I hate that you guys think she's saint (I feel like you- most think pale skin tone people or cartoons do no wrong ever) Gwen is complex like everyone in TD. You guys just sleep on Gwen to make her your weird plaything to have someone to ship with but no growth or her own standing in some cases.
Oh to the point when I say Courtney can do nothing wrong and is saint I snort (I say that a lot my readers might think I don't see her as a bad guy ever which tbh not true) I snort because that's wrong! She's so bad and needs be better for herself not to be "FIX"
Love you guys...
From someone who is Duncan Stan of heart and Courtney Stan in her DNA and loves Dunceny ship.
Mostly I relate to Duncan more in chaos and Courtney in cry and tantrums because I get too overwhelmed to speak with my brain goes time to scream and rage now! As a teenager I was more of mini-Duncan with a mess of Courtney Action you saw!
Yes, I am getting help now, I am being diagnosed with stuff (OH ACT SHOCK!!) and I will take therapy and pills as needed.
The point is we can spare a bit humanity along the way, F U you to your abusive partners, and I am not telling you stay with them or humanize them!
From someone who barely escaped they're on and off again abusive relationship. I was the "Courtney" in the relationship but behind closed doors he was awful, I cried so much, and he told me to die often but the world only saw a teenager girl and young adult me acting like "COURTNEY" and didn't help me but blamed me for it.
Anyway, if you love Courtney or Duncan, it's not your fault others don't!
You don't need them? You don't need valid your love for anything or likes in this world!
Abuse is harsh and comes in many forms than one.
I am bad person I know- I used to be my first mantra since I was 16 years old now.
I go I was not a healed person back then just a child who didn't know better, my actions have consequences, I regret, I let go, and I relearn to grow, and I heal slowly but surely. I am not my father, I am not my abuser, I am not my abuse, it's okay to like this, it's okay they don't like this or me!
I am allowed to live and I am allowed to like this if makes me happy. Then I can block them or mute them if it really hurts me!
That's all.
I did my first session of therapy in long time and I saw post the Courtney pushed to only to the role of "crazy abusive ex" of Duncan's which is harsh especially I have to live through it still.
It's embarrassing at 24 years old people act like I chained up my ex-boyfriend to be with me and that I was the controlling abuser when they don't know the whole story or how much he threatened to off himself or me if I left him. Then he cheats on me through the whole relationship, and I have to stay in it because I loved him and feared him.
Duncan wasn't like my ex.
And Courtney wasn't like me.
But I love them because they are just silly characters and ship that I enjoy and work through my own bullshit. And say I did love a lot but no more to that, but I can love again in forms in these silly dumb cartoons and make them kiss sometimes as fanfic writer!
Anyway, love you all and sorry for ranting my nonsense again peace out girl scouts but mother nature needs to be saved with love and money these days-sadly no money, but I can clean up the beaches and feed the stray cats now!
Treat yourself with not needed valid your existence or but I love them to random haters or people that just don't give a F about anything but their own mind...
You can like things too without needing explanation, honey! You got this!
- 🧡
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 months
Did you finish the S2 of the Total Drama Reboot (all the eps are out already) ? I did and while the season started strong the ending flopped badly imo.
Incoming spoilers (and long rant) if you haven't watched it yet:
The winner is not it I'm sorry. Wayne is a cool character but he had zero stand outs moments to justify his win. They tried to recreate Owen's win in Island but at least Owen was really strong in some challenges (including destroying the main villain Heather in the final 3 challenge). Wayne literally flopped hard in almost all of the challenges this season and then got hard carried by his best friend's boyfriend in the final 3 for his win. Also I don't understand how he got so many enthusiastic supporters when Raj and Bowie were the only characters he interacted with from that group, especially cause he didn't even need them as Bowie literally did almost all the work for him by himself.
Julia dominated this season but it felt hollow, she quite literally had no opposition left after she got Bowie booted off. Imagine if Heather got booted in the middle point of World Tour and Alejandro just freely dominated his way into a final 3 with the likes of DJ and Cody (which he somehow would've still lost just to have one of the good guys win). That's pretty much how I felt about the final 3 from this season. Mkulia (and their cheating conflict with Bowraj) did carry the first half, so I'm gonna give them that.
Priyaleb literally got turned into a Skave 2.0 with their flip floppity mess drama just without the "Keith" plot point at the end to bomb out their relationship completely. They turned Priya into a Courtney knock-off who's more obsessed with revenge and winning (even tho she already won a season) than her own boyfriend. She even seems to despise Caleb's personality and is only in love with the idea of having a hot boyfriend (just like Courtney seemed in love with the thrill of being with a bad boy than Duncan himself and we know how that relationship ended up). Honestly if they bring up this couple for another season they're def gonna have a huge messy break up, I just don't see them lasting with the way they've been portrayed in these last S2 eps.
Ngl but I actually enjoyed Ripaxel, even tho they were just the gross comedic relief side couple. Surprisingly Ripper treated Axel like a Queen (unlike Caleb who just kept embarrassing his girl over and over on international tv) and Axel stopped abusing him completely after they started dating, so they're unironically one of the healthiest TDI couples so far. And even tho they're the horny couple at least Ripper really does seem to have genuine feelings for her unlike Priya for Caleb.
And I really hated the Hockey Bros flanderization this season. Last season they were dumb himbos but they were still very competent in the team challenges, heck arguably the best overall from their team. But this season they literally got turned into man children who probably wouldn't be able to cross the street without Bowie around to take them by their hands. Which literally didn't make sense at all when this season was supposed to focus more on them than the last one.
They really had Millie go crazy in that one ep and almost kill Damien just to win a challenge, but honestly I kinda dig that. Her team was so boring that they needed at least one (secretly) unhinged member.
Bowie was clearly weaker as a character this season but he still served. Scary Girl was technically in only 2 episodes and you know she still SERVED. I didn't really care about the other characters this season tbf.
So overall it might still not be the worst season (I mean All Stars and Pahkitew still exist) but season 1 of the Reboot was def superior imo. While I'm not opposed to at least some of this cast coming back in a future season I really hope they create a new cast beforehand if they get the greenlight for new seasons cause they're already exhausting all the plotlines for this one and some of them already started to become flanderized. At the very least they should add new characters and change the location to shake things up if they still want to go ahead with this cast.
So Yes, I did finish Season 2
And much like season 1 I found it mid. I think Season 1 ended stronger, but started pretty weak. While Season 2 was the reverse
I did think it had a promising start, I even liked how Priya and Kaleb were set up for the drama. But after the reveal it kind of... fizzled out. Like they could have milked the drama more and Priya had a right to want revenge but Priya was never such a super angry revenge person before and it felt weird.
They turned Caleb into a complete idiot after they resolved the arc. He was smart, just not game show savvy. That was his thing.
I wouldnt call it anywhere CLOSE to the atrocity that was Skave. But it was a lot less fun. At least Priya calmed down at the end.
But the moment the season went down hill for me was when Damien got eliminated.
I really felt they were setting him up for something good in the character arc department but they didnt. I knew he was doomed the moment he found the immunity idol but it would have been a nice inversion to have HIM use it.
And lets be real, I didnt care about the final 3 at all, I knew Julia wasnt going to win because lets face it she is basically Diet Heather.
They even did something to her hair like Heather.
As for Wayne winning. I didnt care, it was going to be him or Caleb.
Season 2 could have used more Scary Girl. Every scene she was in was gold.
I also appreciated the tasteful cameos of Owen. MacArthur and the Tennis pros.
It wasnt anything awful, but i did find it fizzled out in the later half.
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soulyoh · 4 months
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He legit was just born to be the ultimate bro to Geoff but to me he is so much more. I legit think it's fun and funny how Brightful, down to earth, and surfer chillax groove to the place aka my fanfics and my heart.
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HE NAME IS BRICK THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL WHAT ELSE IS THERE! He was based off a crazy WWII army person in real life I guess, but he is respectful, loves his mother, loves taking orders, and loves strong women! I don't care he piss on himself, clumsy, wants to go to fashion school and is like only thinking in army code and lingo. I love him still.
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He is just golden boy dog wonder energy but he has some flaws he legit got Courtney to think on live TV that GWEN AND DUNCAN THING WAS ALREADY HAPPENING! Sir can be trickster if he wanted to be! Give him more friendships and more than I must be with Bridgette to be something good in my life. Bridgette fucked him up with Alejandro... give me Geoff angsty party tearing all the pictures off my wall about us and setting Alejandro's cars on fire with Noah and Courtney helping him do it energy! Slow burn romance of Geoff just being like you still wanted kissed him BRIDGETTE! More Courtney and Geoff friendship blossoming and understanding!
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I think he is so perfect. So maddening to evil to disgusting piece fury shit that I would do like him too if meant winning in season 4! HE HAS RANGE UNLIKE SOME OTHER CARTOONS UN IN HERE! SMELLS LIKE A LIL BITCH IN HERE! LET HIM BE FARMER REN NECK EATING DIRT I LOVE HIM AND DIRT. MOSTLY MUD I LIKE, then chef's kiss of the himbo and down bad for Courtney was so hot and made me realize I also like to think I want man stuttering after me as child and then as got other when I intimidate my lovers, I was like ah so you like this?
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That's it folks.
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unawarer · 1 year
my top 10 Total Drama characters cause yes
nobody asked but I will post my top 10 total drama characters and a small explanation why they are on my top 10 cause why the hell not
Courtney - words cannot explain how much I love her. My therapist say that the characters that we enjoy the most have a reflection about ourselves and I kin her a little too much and I am NOT gonna say why cause it's too much. Love her, love her and love her
Duncan - I think I have a theory but is embarrassing so I'm just gonna say that I have a thing for bad boys. God, I hate his actions but cmon 😩
Trent - Beforehand, I do not agree with any type of hate on this man and ya better not disrespect him in this house. I absolutely love him and I sympathize a lot with him after all the shit he went through. He deserves more love. "Is it because of Trentney?" U got me there, but that is not a crime.
Dawn - Of course there's the whole situation of her being a witch making relatable but she's hilarious??? I will never understand this whole fight between Dawn stans and Scott stans on tiktok tbfh, they are both really nice characters and I will confess that I kinda ship them???? I know, tragic.
Heather - No comments, she's one of the best antagonists and a fucking baddie. Writing her is so fun btw
Tyler - Underrated, everything he does is hilarious, everytime he gets screentime I know he will make me laugh cause he really be holding this power
Bridgette - She reminds me a lot of those Barbie movies "Barbie in mermaid life" SHES THE QUEEN OF THE WAA A A AVESSS. She's so chill and cool, I wanna be like her fr fr. Btw, her Brazilian VA is the same of Sam Pucket of ICarly so I fucking screamed when I first heard her voice lmaoo
Lindsay - Do I need to say anything? She's iconic. Carrying TD comedy on the back along with Tyler
Harold - As u can see, most of my favorite characters are the funny ones. He's stupid and nerd, I really like that.
Alejandro - And last but not least, this man. He's really fine, I cannot explain why else I like him but he's very entertaining as an antagonist. Also, I'm so sorry for talking so much about the Brazilians VAS but his Brazilian VA...His voice in portuguese is so hot and for what bro
And before u ask me "What about Gwen?" She's not even close of my top 10 but honorable mentions are: Scott, Shawn, The Goths, Geoff, Dj and Leshawna.
that's it, ty
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the-mxster · 1 year
Tensimm+Donna incorrect quotes (pt6)
Pt1 Pt5
Master: I’ve lost like 35 pounds in like 3 months from just not drinking beer
Doctor: Has that been tough to cut out beer?
Master: Not really, I just replaced it with vodka
Master: Your existences are confusing. 
Doctor and Donna: How so? 
Master: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
Donna: Sure, you're verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?
Master, tearing up the room: Where are they?
Master, looking under a pillow: Who moved them? Who moved my children?
Master: Somebody moved my M&M's, and now I am going to start killing.
Doctor: No thanks.
Doctor: I'm god.
Master: I love saying 'fuck me' because it can either be sexual or self-loathing and those are two things that describe me perfectly.
Donna: "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
Master: ...
Master: What a stupid fucking quote.
Master: I'm killing way more than two people, idiot.
Master: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.
Doctor: Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one?
Master: Seize the dick.
Donna: Hey, what’s the name of the guy who lives down the hall?
Master: His cats' names are Walter and Rose.
Donna: That's not what I asked.
Master: That is all the information I have.
Doctor: Some people say that I have a god complex. I’d like to think that I’m a complex god.
Master: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Donna: How stupid do you think I am?!
Doctor: You really want an honest answer to that?
Master: Hey there demons, It's me, ya boi.
Doctor: Master, NO!
Doctor: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
Master: It'll be fun.
Master: We'll make a day of it.
Master: Come on you punk bitch.
Doctor: I can't believe I have to say this.
Doctor: I don't have time to get tested for sti's with you tomorrow.
Doctor: I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit.
Donna: Doctor, is that legal?
Doctor: When the cops aren’t around, anything’s legal!
Master: I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Doctor: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Donna: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Master: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Donna: Those are wanted posters!
Doctor: The time to act is now.
Doctor: Wink, wink.
Donna: Don't say "wink wink". Just wink.
Doctor: Oh, sorry.
Doctor: Wink.
Donna: You want to know why people are so afraid of clowns? Well you know what people say about how their feet aren't the only thing that's big? And how people who drive really big cars have small dicks? Well clowns are out there with their big feet and tiny cars...
Doctor: I am the left brain, I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might.
Master: Would it be discrimination to only hire employees at my doughnut shop who have the same name?
Donna: Legally, I don't believe that breaches any discrimination laws. Morally though... I don't know.
Master: I believe god is on my side when it comes to Duncans' Doughnuts.
Doctor: That's not funny.
Donna: I thought it was funny.
Doctor: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
Master: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable... ...and also assault with a deadly weapon.
Donna: It’s funny how well you and the Master get along. Didn’t they hate you at first?
Doctor: The Master hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Doctor: I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
Donna: Truth or dare?
Doctor: Truth.
Donna: How many hours have you slept this week?
Doctor: Dare.
Donna: Go to sleep.
Doctor: I don't like this game.
Master: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges.
Doctor: What are you in the mood for?
Master: World domination.
Doctor: That's a bit ambitious.
Master: You are my world.
Doctor: Aww...
Doctor: OH.
Donna, to Master: You're not Mario. Lets get something fucking straight, you're Luigi at best.
Donna: Well, has the Doctor been wrong before?
Master: How wide are we willing to open this up?
Donna: I know you love them.
Doctor: I am not in love with Master!
Donna, staring at Doctor: I never said who...
Doctor: *realizes*
Doctor: Shit. Well, anyways-
Master: I have seen a lot of murders in my time, and all six of them were today.
Donna: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
Master: Here you go, Doctor, a nice hot cup of coffee!
Doctor: It's cold.
Master: A nice cup of coffee.
Doctor: It's horrible!
Master: Cup of coffee.
Doctor: I'm not sure if this even IS coffee.
Master: C U P.
Doctor: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.
Master: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Donna: You don't think I can fight because of my gender!
Doctor: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Master can fight in that dress either.
Master: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
Doctor: I love murder mysteries!
Master, trying to impress them: I've been a suspect in four murder cases.
Master: I can’t believe we have to be stuck in this room together!
Doctor, swallowing the key: Truly unfortunate.
Doctor, putting their hands over Master's eyes: Guess who!
Master: It's either the Doctor or the cold, clammy hands of death.
Doctor, putting their hands away: It's the Doctor!
Master: Dammit.
Donna: Your lab is in the bathroom?
Doctor: The Master says this is the perfect place for my work. I’m just now realizing that remark may not have been entirely complimentary.
Doctor: What do we say when making bread?
Donna, glumly: That's the dough rising.
Doctor: And what do we NOT say?
Master, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
Master: I am so horny and angry all the time.
Master: I know we’re not exactly friends, but-
Donna: What do you want?
Master: I've been stuck with the Doctor for 2 weeks and they've been drinking all the soy sauce.
Master: Help.
Donna, to Doctor: ...And I need you and Master to help, and by "help" I mean "do everything."
Master: Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid of Donna...
Doctor: As you should be.
Master: No, for real, they're kind of-
Doctor: As. You. Should. Be.
Doctor: *out cold on the ground*
Donna: Oh my god, do you think they’re okay?!
Master, holding a bucket of ice water: Who cares?! *dumps all of the water on Doctor’s face*
Donna: I like your top, Master!
Doctor: I have a name, you know.
Master: *sighs* Why. Why are you like this.
Doctor: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.."
Donna: I saw you.
Doctor: Honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Master in a turkey costume.
Donna: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Doctor: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Master walks in*
Doctor: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Donna: What are you drinking?
Master: Tea
Donna: What type?
Master: Tea-quila
Doctor: Can I be frank with you guys?
Donna: Yeah but I don’t see how changing your name will help.
Master: Can I still be the Master?
Donna: shh, let Frank speak
Master: I am a law abiding citizen and politician #VoteSaxon
Donna: Really? Name one law
Master: Don’t kill people
Doctor: Didn’t you start a war?
Donna: I would fix them but I think whatever the hell is wrong with them is much funnier.
Master: Which one of us are you talking about?
Donna: Both of you
Donna: The results are in…I have updog
Master: What’s updog?
Master: Just ask and I’ll guess how many bitches you get
Master: Donna, 0
*The Doctor fast asleep, not waking up to anything*
Master: we could always try prodding his *gestures towards the Doctor’s crotch*
Master: No?
Doctor: He’s called the Master for a reason
Donna: But he’s a bitch for no reason
Doctor: In my humble opinion-
Master: Your humble opinion can suck it’s own dick
Donna: *Signs legal document with a glitter gel pen*
Doctor: Just a reminder it costs £0 to be nice
Master: How much is it to be mean?
Donna: I can venmo you
Doctor: Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread.
Donna: You okay?
Doctor: The Master stole my fucking garlic bread
Judge: How do you plead?
Master: *looks over at the Doctor*
Doctor: *mouthing ‘not guilty’*
Master: Hot…Milky?
Master: *goes on a date*
Master: *looks around*
Master: Sorry will the cat in your pictures not be joining us?
Doctor: *starts crying*
Donna: What’s wrong?
Doctor: Oh nothing, this just happens sometimes
Master: I’d be sorry for that but I’ve done much worse
Doctor: Your honour, I’d like to plead guilty as well as request the death penalty
Judge: This is a parking ticket
Doctor: Why aren’t you attending your therapy sessions?
Master: I didn’t even attend my own funeral Doctor
Donna: Valid point
Donna: Okay? Do I look like Katniss Everdeen, the fuck am I gonna do about that?
Master: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds
Doctor, immediately grabbing them into a huge hug: Fourty-five second?!?!
Master, struggling: No! FOUR TO FIVE SECONDS!
Doctor: Did you know that it takes a plastic bag 20-100 years to break down, yet it takes me approximately one minor inconvenience
Doctor: Why did you give the Master a knife?!?
Donna: They felt unsafe
Doctor: Well now I feel unsafe
Donna: I’m sorry
Donna:….Would you like a knife?
Donna: This is my wall of inspirational women
Master: That’s just a picture of you
Donna: I’m big enough to admit that sometimes I inspire myself
Master: I can explain
Doctor: Can you?
Master: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie
Donna: Do you know how we’re made of atoms?
Donna: And atoms never touch each other
Donna: So in my defence, Doctor, I did not punch the Master
Master, holding a bag of frozen peas up to his face: LIAR!
Master: The next time I’ll open up for someone, it will be an autopsy
Therapist: *aggressively writes something down*
Doctor: Remember when we built that book shelf together?
Master: haha yes so fun
*cuts to Master facing the camera*
Master: That was my Vietnam
Master: And I was in Vietnam
Pt 7
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ollieofthebeholder · 3 months
to find promise of peace (and the solace of rest): a TMA fanfic
Read from the beginning on Tumblr || AO3 || My Website
Chapter 103: April 2000
The one good thing about the headscarf, especially the way her mother insists she wear it for important days, is that it does a pretty decent job of keeping the cold out.
There are about two weeks left in the spring term, and exams start on Monday, so Basira is on her way to school. Her dad offered her a ride, since it’s just her today—he still has to work, too—but she said no, she’ll walk. Saying it’s an opportunity for reflection and prayer makes her mother happy—or at least less annoyed—and if her dad doesn’t believe her, well, he at least knows enough not to argue. So here she is, dressed in wool from head to toe—brown skirt, tan jumper, pale pink headscarf—bag slung over her shoulder, walking the familiar paths and streets to school.
She normally walks in a group with her cousins and younger sister, who’s just started school last term, but all of them have opted to spend the day in fasting and prayer, either at home or at mosque. Basira hates missing school, though, especially this close to the end of the year, and she doesn’t much like going to services more than once a week if she can help it. Truthfully, she doesn’t much like going to services at all, especially not now. It wasn’t so bad when she was younger and mostly learning about history and things, but now she’s older and they expect her to believe in things they refuse to explain. Her aunt says, rather critically, that Basira lacks faith, but that’s not true. It’s not that she doesn’t want to accept miracles and things, it’s just that she wants to know why they happen, what causes them, how they work. “They just do” isn’t a good enough answer. Science and maths and things don’t work just because they do, there’s actual logic behind them, so she likes them better.
Not that she’ll tell her mother that. Her dad understands a bit better, but they don’t discuss it often, because if anyone else is around it just winds up in fights and worries and prayers.
The streets are quiet, almost silent. She’s never noticed that before. Her cousins make so much noise that she can’t hear anything else, or even the absence of anything else, so maybe it’s always this quiet this time of day. She kind of likes it.
At least it means she can pretend it’s a coincidence.
Being ten sucks. Especially for Basira. She’s two years younger than the nearest cousins and two years older than the next ones, and boy do those two years make a difference. She’s too old to need to be looked after by the older cousins but too young to look after the little ones, too old to play childish games but too young to participate in teenage activities, too old to believe in cooties and too young to be interested in boys. (Or girls. They’ve all been told that Safiyyah is dead, but she’s heard her older cousins talk in hushed whispers about whether Jad was angrier with her because Bridget is Catholic or because she’s a girl.) There’s nobody her age at mosque, either, so she’s always kind of been an awkward tag-along to one group or another. School is fine as long as classes are in session, but as soon as they’re out of the classroom…
She stops, looks both ways, and crosses the street. The Duncan sisters, Polly and Mona, live two houses from the corner and she usually sees them getting into their car as they pass by—it’s still a fifteen-minute walk from here, but Polly can’t walk that far with her crutches—so she glances over out of habit. Not only are they not on the sidewalk, but Mr. Duncan’s car isn’t even parked at the curb. She must be later than she thought—either that or they had to go in early for something. That must be it. Pretty, popular Mona, who’s graduating at the end of the summer term, is on every imaginable committee, and Basira figures there’s something she has to do at school, like decorate or chair a meeting or consult with a guidance counselor about her university boards. Anyway, not like they would have acknowledged her; even Polly, who’s been in classes with Basira since she was allowed to start attending regular school, never waves hello to her.
You would think being the only girl in her class wearing a headscarf would make her stand out a bit, and maybe it does, but it’s the weirdest kind of standing out she’s ever heard of. Nobody makes fun of her or bullies her—she’d think it was because of Ishrak and Hashim if it weren’t for the fact that any of her girl cousins, and even Fariha, come in for plenty of it—but nobody goes out of their way to be friendly with her either. They don’t even go out of their way to avoid her. They acknowledge her if the situation calls for it, like it would be ludicrous to pretend she wasn’t there, but if they don’t have cause to say anything to or about her, they don’t. Even the teachers don’t call on her unless she’s the only one with her hand up. It’s like they don’t even see her.
Left at the next corner. Basira pauses long enough to ensure her headscarf is properly pinned in place and not a strand of hair is showing. Mr. Fadlan, who could have cut the cord for the prophet Muhammad he’s so old, sits on his front stoop from sunup to sundown and is always the first to call a parent and report if there’s anything untoward going on, like girls walking with boys, or someone laughing too loudly, or someone being improperly dressed. She still remembers what happened to Yasmin the time the wind blew her scarf off, and while she thinks having short hair might be a nice change, she doesn’t want to be shaved bald for something that isn’t actually her fault.
But Mr. Fadlan isn’t out today. Which is odd. He’s out in all kinds of weather—hot or cold, wet or fine—any time he’s not at mosque and the sun is in the sky. Maybe that’s it. Maybe he’s at mosque. Although he’s more likely to choose to do his praying at home so that he can keep an eagle eye out for those who might think they can get away with being forward with fewer eyes to observe. Still, it’s not totally inexplicable. She keeps her gaze on the ground as she passes his building just in case and continues on her way.
Having a big family isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, either. Practically everyone in the tenement building she’s grown up with is a relative or close enough to be called family, which in all the books and stories means there’s always someone there for everyone. Basira doesn’t have that experience, though. In Basira’s experience, it means you have to do something really impressive, or really bad, to stand out—be the oldest, be the youngest, be the smartest, be the fastest. Be a lesbian. Bring home the daughter of a family of Christian missionaries and announce you’re planning to marry her. That kind of thing. Basira is in the middle, doesn’t do anything spectacular, stays out of trouble, stays out of the way. She’s plain, ordinary, boring, and ignored.
And she doesn’t mind. She doesn’t. She isn’t interested in being famous or infamous, and it’s safer to fly under the radar, to not draw the attention of the powerful. She wants to do the right thing, do good in the world, but doing good deeds quietly is better for the soul than doing them in a splashy fashion, right? She doesn’t need to be noticed. Just do what she’s supposed to do. And it’s better to be herself and alone than feted and admired—or reviled—for being somebody she isn’t.
There’s another crossing coming up. Usually it’s one of the busier streets, horns blaring and cars whipping past heedless of the stop signs and speed limits, but the only sounds she can hear today are impossibly distant, and the street is deserted. Maybe it’s because of the fog. She didn’t really notice it when she left home, too preoccupied with getting out before her mother actually noticed her for once, but it’s hard to ignore now. It’s heavy and thick, not a gentle mist but a real pea-souper, obscuring everything and making the most familiar of things mysterious at best and totally hidden at worst. Basira can’t even see the street sign when she peers up to confirm she’s at the right place.
Think of your mother, a voice says in the back of her mind, sounding urgent. Your father, your siblings. A friend. Someone. You’re not alone, Basira. You’re not.
Except she is, and that’s how she likes it. She shakes her head impatiently and steps off the curb, slowly and carefully, so she doesn’t miss her footing.
Basira likes to read, soaks up knowledge fast, but since it’s not always knowledge that helps in school her teachers seldom notice. Anyway, the point is she remembers something she read a while back about a thick, heavy fog that descended on London for five days in 1952, the Great Smog of London, and that the murder rate skyrocketed during that period of time because it provided such good cover for people to creep about in. Remembers, too, that it was supposed to be foggy on the nights when Jack the Ripper stalked the streets of Whitechapel doing his bloody work. There could quite easily be a killer lurking in the fog somewhere, and if she’s the only person on the street, she’ll be easy pickings.
A part of her wonders if that might get her noticed, anyway. If her parents, her family, will even be aware she’s gone missing until the police turn up to say they’d found her body. Assuming the police even know where to go. Does she have her name on any of her homework in her bag? Well, yes, but not her address. The school will have that on file, though. Assuming the school is open when they find her. As thick as this fog is, it’s going to be ages before it burns off, and it’s unlikely anyone will just stumble over her, especially if the killer drags her somewhere out of the way. And it’ll be hours before anyone misses her; the school will think she’s staying out with all the other good little Muslim children, and her family won’t even think of her until she’s not home for the Maghrib prayer, assuming they remember she’s ten and supposed to participate now, since her birthday was only last week and they didn’t even really have a celebration, not much of one anyway.
It’s so easy to not be noticed.
No ten-year-old should think things like this, the voice says, but Basira shrugs that off, too. Age doesn’t matter. It’s logic. It’s logical to consider plans and possibilities and contingencies. She’s alone, on a foggy day, and historically it was easy to cover up murders on days like this. She probably won’t even have time to scream. She needs to think about how likely it is to happen, and what might come after, and if anyone will care.
The only thing that will be bad is if her dad is working today, and if he’s the one that gets the call. He’s a paramedic, and a very good one. She imagines him getting the dispatch call from 999, the order to proceed to a certain location, an injured child. Imagines him approaching the bloodied body and being moved to pity and fear when he sees the scarf. Imagines him moving it aside to get a better look at her injuries, because the rules can always be set aside if health or safety is at risk.
Imagines him looking right at her and not recognizing her as his own daughter.
Okay, that’s…that’s not sensible. Basira might be the middle of five, but that’s not so big a family that children actually get lost. She remembers the dedication from the battered red book she found in the back of the school library last term: To Dad, who only raised twelve children, and to Mother, who raised twelve only children. If every child in a family like that can be treasured and known, why can’t she?
Well, because she’s not a Gilbreth, and that’s not how their family works. Maybe when the oldest ones were little they got some individualized attention, but as more and more cousins rolled out, the adults just handed the little ones over to the older ones to look after, and the older ones were too harried and busy and overwhelmed to even count noses most days, let alone take roll call. They worry about the littlest ones, fuss over the babies, but Basira doesn’t remember ever being fussed over like that. The little ones don’t call out for her or look after her, even Fariha, and even when she brings one that’s gone astray back, nobody notices or thanks her.
She doesn’t mind being alone because it doesn’t matter. On her own in a fog or in a crowd of people, she’s just as alone. Sometimes the loneliest place in the world is being surrounded by people and knowing none of them care anything about you.
People care. The voice sounds shocked this time, but Basira ignores it. Why her mind is trying to convince her of things that are objectively untrue, she has no idea, but it is and she is going to focus on things that are solid, knowable facts. Like the way to school.
Shouldn’t she be there by now? She doesn’t wear a watch, and with all the fog she can’t see the position of the sun in the sky, but surely she’s been walking long enough that she’s at the school. Suddenly unsure, she stops in her tracks and worries at her lower lip, twisting the strap of her bookbag in her hands as she tries to think.
Let’s see. She’s passed the Duncans’, turned left to pass Mr. Fadlan’s, crossed over Stepney…but she’s honestly lost track of how long she’s walked since then. Three blocks? Four? It should be five blocks and then crossing over one last major road, and then the school is just ahead. She ought to be able to hear the traffic from here—even over the others, she can usually hear the tires squealing, the horns blowing, and the general rumble of traffic.
But she doesn’t. She can’t hear anything. It’s like the whole world is standing still. It doesn’t do that on actual public holidays, so it should definitely not be doing that today. Something’s not right, but she can’t think what it is. She doesn’t need to, she tells herself. She just needs to figure out where she is and get to school.
She keeps walking, waving a hand in front of her to try and clear the fog away. It shifts in thick, greasy wedges but doesn’t really stop hiding everything around her. She kicks, drags her foot, but doesn’t encounter anything.
Okay. So she’s on a sidewalk. She can work with that. Maybe.
She walks forward, slowly, looking around her, trying to get her bearings. She can’t. It’s like everything is gone, leaving only her, the ground, and the never-ending fog. It’s beginning to make her a little nervous, actually. Maybe she should…concede that she can’t do this on her own, and call for help.
“Hello?” she shouts, as loud as her tiny lungs can manage. “Is someone there? I’m lost!”
There’s no answer. Which is good, it means there’s not a serial killer lurking nearby, or at least that if there is one they’re sensible enough not to say here I am, but it’s also bad in that no one is there. She takes a few steps and calls out again, but there’s still no response.
Basira stops dead and turns in a complete circle, and still…there is nothing. No one. Just her and the fog. She’s not even sure she can feel the ground anymore.
She’s alone. Totally and completely alone.
No…no, not alone. She touches her chest lightly, brow furrowing in thought. Allah is everywhere, isn’t that what everyone tells her? She’s not alone if Allah is there. All she has to do is…ask.
She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and raises her hands to her ears briefly, then begins to pray. She’s not very good at it, she’s new to the whole thing, but Allah knows what’s in her heart and he knows every one, so they say, so she can pray and ask for guidance and he’ll give it to her. He’ll clear away the fog, show her the path to school, send someone to talk to her, something. If nothing else, she’ll hear his voice—which isn’t the mystery voice she’s been hearing in her head, Allah would never be that sarcastic or try lying to her—and know, at the very least, she has him with her. So she prays out loud, in English, in Arabic, asking for a sign, a guide, anything.
Nothing. No response. No peace fills her mind, no warmth fills her heart. The fog doesn’t even shift a little. There’s no connection, no answer on the line. She’s reached out for help and found nothing. She’s more than just alone now.
Basira Hussain, for the first time in her life, is deeply, utterly, and totally lonely.
No! No! She can’t be the only person left in the world, she can’t. That just…isn’t logical. Forget prayer. There’s obviously nobody on the other end of that. But she can think her way out of this. All she has to do is try. She grits her teeth, closes her eyes, and concentrates hard.
Basira’s eyes fly open, and she throws up her hands on instinct. The fog is gone, the sun is shining, and she is standing in the middle of the road with a car about two inches from her, the driver laying on his horn and gesticulating at her rudely.
“Get out of the road, you stupid—!” The word the man yells isn’t one Basira is familiar with, but she’s pretty sure it doesn’t mean kid, or anything at all flattering.
She hustles out of the road, dodging other cars that blow their horns and slam on their brakes, and makes it to the curb safe and sound. Once she’s out of traffic, she glances back over her shoulder. There’s no sign of fog anywhere.
Odd. And worrying. Was she hallucinating? Did she sleepwalk? Is this something she should talk to her teacher about, or the school nurse?
After a moment, though, she shakes her head. Whatever happened, it’s over and done with…and if that experience taught her anything, it’s that nobody will listen to her, no matter what she says or does. She might as well just put it out of her mind and go on with her day, with her life.
That’s not what you should take away from that, the voice says in her mind, sounding exasperated, but she ignores it and proceeds to head the last few yards to the door of the school, where dozens of other students are pouring in. The voice isn’t real, anyway. And even if it is, there’s no reason to pay any more attention to it than to whatever just happened.
After all, when she was looking for someone to help her, to make her feel a little less alone, it wasn’t there either.
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fandomweirdo74829 · 9 months
P2. Of what are the cast of total drama is doing now
Married to Bridgette after buying a house together
After total drama they decided go to couple’s therapy because they want to let out all of the issues
Have two kids with Bridgette twin boys(6)
The oldest (by two minutes) is Dylan (meaning son of the ocean) and the youngest(by two minutes) is Isaac(meaning laughter)
Geoff is a stay at home dad but doesn’t want Bridgette do everything so once in while he’ll take the kids to a friend’s house(usually Brody) or a daycare(if anyone’s busy) to do a small gig
The gigs are usually something small like ‘mow someone’s yard’ or ‘walk someone’s dog’ that kind of thing
He talks to everyone from total drama(except for Beth, Heather and Alejandro, Blaineley*Mildred*) and talks to few people from rr
If I’m being honest Geoff goes to Dwayne for advice of being a father(especially when Bridgette was pregnant)
If someone ask him about total drama or rr Geoff will say he will never regret signing up to island and rr was the best experience, just ended the conversation with ‘Both shows hold a special place in my heart for helping me find my true love and friends’
Is currently engaged with Tyler and planning to get married in the warmest time in Paris
After total drama she started to work on her brain and she’s getting better at remember Tyler
To be honest she kinda have a small insecurity that Tyler will leave her because she’s bad at remembering but Tyler always reassures her that no girl can replace the girl who stays loyal to him
She hasn’t thought of having kids but will happily be mother if that ever happens in the future
Is a godmother to Beth’s kids and she always happily watch the kids if Beth needed a break
Is a model(obvi) and slowly becoming well known
Honestly tried to make her own clothes but she always ended up bleeding
She talks to Beth(obvi), Owen, Dj, Justin, Cody, Geoff, Duncan, Heather(surprisingly)
If someone ask her about total drama it will take Lindsay a moment before she remembers being on the show she’ll just say ‘I don’t know much but all I know I have a awesome time on action y’know the one with movie set?’
After total drama she kinda avoided Alejandro for quite awhile until they bumped into each other at a park and just gave him her number so he can shut up about it but she didn’t think it would turned to more
At first it was their usual bickering but slowly they started to flirt and sometime later started dating
They dated for about 3 years until Alejandro proposed to her in a fancy restaurant and now they are newlyweds
Heather hates kids(mostly little kids)but if she ever accidentally gets pregnant she doesn’t want to abandon the kid because that proves to her that she’s just like her parents (plus Alejandro will beg her to keep it)
Works as a powerful business woman
Made a brand of making your hair silky smooth and healthy it’s popularity is growing rapidly which is good
She goes no contact with her parents(they tried to contact her but she always blocked them) and still is in contact with some of her siblings(the ones who know why Heather doesn’t want anything to do with their parents)
She stills in contact with Beth and Lindsay, Dj, occasionally talks to Harold and Courtney, once in awhile she’ll talks to Gwen, Trent, Lashawna
If she heard anything related about total drama she shout ‘Don’t you ever mention that freak of a show around me ever again!’
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