tagedeszorns · 2 months
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Amazon, trying to figure out what to recommend me.
Well, they are getting better!
I love that Bezo's bots think "that's the kind of person who's 100% into dysfunctional families! Like absolutely! They need ALL the family issues of all kind!"
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letterwhy · 1 year
I want to have a friend who also likes classic so we can both die in tragedy
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azallea · 3 months
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I just found out that Fyodor's "Crime and Punishment" was influenced by Edgar Allan Poe's writings.
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l-absinthe-noir · 1 year
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terminallynumb · 2 years
"Destroy my desires, eradicate my ideals, show me something better, and I will follow you." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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"Bir an önce ondan kurtulmak istiyordum. Sükûnet'e kavuşmayı, yeraltımla baş başa kalmayı istiyordum. Alışamadığım canlı hayat, beni öyle bir sıkıştırmıştı ki, soluğum kesilecek gibi oluyordu."
                                                                   -Yer altından mektuplar, Dostoyevski
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upadekikara · 1 month
rip dymitr razumichin pokochalbys swiat wedlug kiepskich
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berndblacha · 2 months
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Dostojewski, Gouache auf farbigem Ingres Pastellpapier (schwarz) 40x30cm
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sister-kristina · 2 years
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OK SO Dunya & Svidrigailov
Я..я буквально зависима от их связи.. столько всего можно придумать господи .
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Perişan bir haldeyim.Fakat içimde kendimden bile sakladığım bir ümit var.
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holundra · 10 months
Dostojewski - Schuld und Sühne
Aber wenn du bis zu einer Grenze kommst, die du nicht überschreiten kannst, wirst du unglücklich sein, und wenn du sie dennoch überschreitest, wirst du wahrscheinlich noch unglücklicher sein. 
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Dostoevsky laughing his ass of in hell rn bc I decided to read the brothers Karamazov with 1100+ pages and I'm still at page 90 after like 4 days. Imagine he comes back from the deepest pits of hell only to say,laughing, with a strong Russian accent "It's not that deep" to those mfs who say that all the pages are worth it.
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bubblewrench · 1 year
Bist du ein Idiot
Dostojewski sagt: Wenn Sie unschuldig, altruistisch, freundlich, moralisch, ehrlich, klar, sympathisch und liebevoll auf alle um Sie herum wirken, da Sie niemandem nachtragen, dann sind Sie definitiv ein „Idiot“!
Dies liegt nicht daran, dass diese Eigenschaften negativ sind, sondern daran, dass Sie darin leben Inmitten einer dekadenten und korrupten Gesellschaft voller moralischem Schmutz, einer Gesellschaft, die Unschuld als Naivität, Freundlichkeit als Schwäche, Moral als altmodisch und Ehrlichkeit als Beweis für die Unfähigkeit zu Ausflüchten betrachtet … Also, wer auch immer mit einem gesunden Herzen lebt ist zum Idioten geworden, und der Schlaue in der Wolfsgesellschaft ist der Intelligente!
Wie wunderbar ist Tolstoi, wenn er unser ganzes Gespräch mit den Worten zusammenfasst:
„Sei immer nett und achte darauf, dass niemand weiß, dass du nett bist.“
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Poly decay (+Shibusawa) adopting Karma pt.1
My take on the headcanon/AU where Fyodor doesn't kill Karma but takes him with him instead.
Also Karma, Shibusawa and the ship are all horribly underrated and Karma deserves so much love and attention
Something else I want to mention because I know how many weird disgusting people are out here: Karma is like thier child here. Adopted child. But he isn't romantically/sexually/whatever else there is included into thier polycule. He's a child. (It's sad that I have to mention this)
Pairing: Poly decay without Bram and Fukuichi (+ Shibusawa)
Tws: Mentions of past (child-) abuse,slight mentions of nightmares,mentions of imprisonment
Karma loves all of them really much but if definitly took some time for him to get close with all of them
The first time where he lived with them, he was basically glued onto Fyodor since he was the one who saved him, took him away from Ace and freed him from years of abuse
After a while he also latched himself onto Sigma since he finds Sigma very nice, kind, comforting and gentle
He was really scared of Shibusawa in this time bc his ability reminded him a lot of Ace's. Besides this, he knew the story about the collector and his bored and unreadable personality scared him too, not knowing what the man was truly thinking about or if he was plotting something
Shibusawa on the other hand actually tried to show the kid that he doesn't wants to hurt him
After seeing how nice, caring and protective he is towards his boyfriends and how even Sigma truly seemed to love him deeply, he got less and less scared of him
Nikolai acted like Karma was his child from the day on where Fyodor first took him in.
Karma was scared and cautious of the clown at first too due to his unhinged, energetic and loud personality and his constant pranks on others but he also started to like him after a while
They all treat Karma like thier child, always making sure that he feels well in thier very own ways
Fyodor is often busy, locked up in his office until late night, only occasionally coming out but he reads to Karma if he finds the time or lets him listen to him playing cello
Sometimes Karma falls asleep on Fyodor when all of them watch a movie while cuddling on the big couch and Fyodor won't move until the kid wakes up, letting him sleep peacefully
Nikolai drags Karma with him whenever he goes shopping, teaches him how to shoplift (Sigma scolded both of them) and lets him join his panks on the others
He also shows him a lot magic tricks and cheers him up with jokes when Karma is sad
Sigma won't let Karma come with him in the casino for many reasons but sometimes he takes him with him to the casino after it's opening times and plays cards with him on the fancy tables, treating him like a noble guest (in a playful and non serious way) for fun and giggles
It definitly took a long time for Karma to warm up towards Shibusawa but now Shibusawa sews clothes for the child too just like he does for his boyfriends and himself
Karma learns some russian and ukrainian too from Fyodor and Nikolai
Sigma feels horrbily bad for the kid after Fyodor told them what happened to Karma. After all he knows how it is to be kept as a prisoner, being used and having to do everything which his captures told him to do against his own will bc otherwise they would have killed him.
Because of this he feels a lot empathy towards Karma and probably understands him the best
Nikolai who was abused in the orphanage in which he lived as a kid before running away also understands Karma a whole damn lot and is careful with him despite his loud and cheerful behavior
In the first time Karma still kind of behaved like a servant, always trying to please the four and becoming incerdibly anxious when any of them showed signs of anger or annoyement bc of somthing.
It took some time to convince him that he can be himself and that they don't want him to behave like some servant.
Karma loves to see them all being caring and loving with each other. He only saw the twisted kind of "love" before which happened between Ace and some random strangers which came to the Mafia casino but the love of these four is something completley diffrent and feel comforting and safe and he feels at home
In the first time he didn't really wanted to get touched even tho he was really touch straved but by now he likes to cuddle with them, likes the head pats which Fyodor gives him occacionally and lets Nikolai carry him around on his shoulders
He loves the four pet rats of Fyodor, Sigma and Shibusawa and he is allowed to pet them, feed them and sometimes he is even allowed to take them out to play with them
He often spends a lot of time sitting in front of thier cage and watches them
Because they are a household with a bunch of very diffrent cultures mixed together (Fyodor is russian, Nikolai is ukrainian, Shibusawa is japanese and Sigma is most likely japanese too) Karma learns to cook a lot of diffrent meals from thier cultures
They teach him chess, self defense, how to wield a weapon correctly, diffrent card games and sewing too
Karma knows that they are all involved in very shady things (he isn't stupid after all) but he would never betray them
He actually feels safe with them
Sigma, Fyodor, Nikolai and Shibusawa never raised a kid before and especially not a heavily traumatized kid and it shows sometimes. They struggled a lot at first but by now they manage it pretty decent
Karma still has horrible nightmares about Ace sometimes and when he is too scared and shaken up to fall asleep again, they let him sleep in thier bed with them
Sigma always makes him hot chocolate, a calming tea or hot milk with honey when he can't sleep, makes himself a lavender tea too and sits with him in the kitchen and talks with him until the cups are empty and brings him to bed afterwards
Karma hates the little scars around his throat which were caused by the heavy thight metal collar which he had to wear and felt very insecure the first time so Shibusawa made him a beautyful scarf in Karma's favorite color and talking with them about it and getting help from them and after seeing Nikolai who has a big scar over his eye himself and never seemed to feel insecure about it, he slowly started to feel better about it
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l-absinthe-noir · 1 year
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