#Destiny crossover
wayfayrr · 4 days
also i was curious about hyrule- i know time grew up in kokiri forest so he was surrounded by fairies, but i see a lot of references to hyrule having a similar connection to fairies and i'm wondering if you know where that stems from? because i was thinking that the chain kind of equate ghosts to fairies, so having a background where they were surrounded by fairies might lend itself to an interest in this strange being who kind of performs the same function.
Ah! okay so due to his ability to transform into a fairy in his game it's a very popular headcanon that he's part fairy and grew up with them! so he has even more of a connection than time does! (this is all hc seeing as his canon is pretty loose)
the ghosts as fairys is a good connection to make, and I'm curious if you'll have it stretch to the chain linking the traveler to great fairies and such (even though when it's explained it would make more sense to equate the traveler with hylia or the golden trio)
also another kinda funny coincidence, the links have nicknames in the comic and between writers right? One of hyrule's commonly used names is traveller, so there's definitely a lot of potential for a guardian to want to get close to him or vice-versa
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herrscheroffreedom · 1 year
Tale of two Immortals (Kal'tsit x Doctor reader)
Tags: Immortality, war, violence, death, spoilers (maybe)
Just a short idea I had. Enjoy and thanks for reading in advance!
- You woke up in Chernobog with no memory, Amiya greeting you and catching you up to speed.
- You lead Rhodes Island through the long journey out of there and returned.
- You were returned to your position and you met Kal'tsit.
- She was infuriating, constantly philosophising, constantly berating you.
- But overtime, hints of her inner self peeked out. She does care for you, in her own way but something happened in the past that drove you two away.
- She eventually accepts that you are a changed person, she lets go of the Theresa in her mind and lives in the moment, getting closer to you.
- On an operation gone wrong, Emperor's Blades interfered and possibly would have killed your operators. She chose to stay behind and distract them long enough for the operators to evacuate.
- She could take one down but multiple of them was impossible. She eventually got tired and was on the verge of death at the hands of the Blades. All she could think of was Theresa, Amiya and most of all, you.
- A few strange weaponised robots intervened and defeated them, each of the robots were more than a match for a Blade. She burst into tears at the sight of you. You took her into your arms and brought her back to Rhodes.
- You explained that those robots that you called Heavy Frames were under your control, that you had slowly regained your memories which included ones well before the existence of Babel.
- Kal'tsit was bewildered. Your past was a mystery to everyone but she didn't expect you to be that old.
- You finally revealed the truth of your being, your identity to her.
- Long before the current era of civilization, humanity had already achieved a Golden Age. There was relative peace, minor competition and technology was more advanced than the current era could possibly imagine.
- But they still had many enemies to face. The Northern Demons, what would become the Seaborn, threats from beyond the system even.
- So they created an Artificial Intelligence to protect them from all external threats. A Warmind. They created a body for the Warmind to transfer its consciousness into, to act as its eyes and ears and they called it the SIDDHARTHA GOLEM. That body is now you.
- The Warmind developed nanites that helped build bunkers, launch facilities for sending up satellites with heavy ordnance, factories that made countless autonomous machines that could fight in every environment.
- The Warmind protected humanity for a long time until their hubris got the better of them. Decades before the Collapse that ended the Golden Age, humanity embarked on a project to map humanity's collective unconscious known as the noosphere.
- They found an entity that had invaded the noosphere since the dawn of humanity and was the source of human emotion and empathy. It had given them all this for an unknown purpose. They were terrified, humanity's greatest virtue didn't occur naturally at all.
- They didn't know what to do, half of them devised a "cure" and believed that wiping out all of humanity was the only way to rid themselves of the entity, half of them didn't agree and wanted to protect human life.
- While this was going on, the Warmind seized control of their weapons and it thought that this would prevent them from wiping themselves out. It wad proven wrong when they built their own civilization-ending weapons from scratch and proceeded to use them on each other.
- All went silent. The Entity reached out to the Warmind, speaking incoherently about wanting to be loved and feeling peace when it never had the chance to before it subsequently died.
- The Golden Age didn't leave nothing behind, though. Terra was barren for a long time before the human subraces that descended from the Golden Age humans that made the current era of civilization emerged.
- While the Warmind shut itself down you awoke and swore to protect them, "never again" you said, but you were devastated. The Warmind thought that you'd gone rogue and tried to destroy you. You got good at hiding but eventually the Warmind stopped trying to kill you altogether.
- You wandered the earth for many years until a signal from the Warmind's main bunker beckoned you. You thought it was a trap but you believed that you had nothing to lose. Once you entered the main Warmind vault, they had left a message for you. The Warmind had sacrificed itself to protect Terra against an extraterrestrial threat and this was their final will to you. They apologized for reacting the way they did and called you their child. For all the Warmind's faults, it was indeed your parent. It relinquished control of all its weapons to you and entrusted humanity's protection alongside it.
- Eventually you found Sarkaz in the middle of a civil war. Theresa took you in and you founded the Tower of Babel to support Theresa. You adopted Amiya, became Theresa's right hand and eventually befriended Kal'tsit.
- It was going well until Theresa was starting to lose. She couldn't bear to see her people suffer any longer and devised a plan to end the war. She would sacrifice herself and pass down the mantle of the king to Amiya. She needed your help but you weren't having any of that. You told her the plan was insane and refused to help. Eventually, she manipulated you into sacrificing her anyway and achieving her plan.
- W started to hated you. She didn't know the full story and denied your side of the story. Kal'tsit was devastated and pushed you away. Amiya and Ace were the only one who stayed by your side.
- Back to the current day, Kal'tsit feels so much for you. She knows how hard it is to live for so long and she apologises for acting towards you the way she did when it was Theresa's plan in the first place.
- She eventually recovers and becomes much closer to you. You regained control of all Warmind assets but you swear you would never use them against the enemies of Rhodes Island, only external threats like they were intended to. You and Kal'tsit look toward the future together.
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wylde-lore · 6 months
The Replication Chamber
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Location: Doctor Wylde's laboratory, floor ???
The Replication Chamber is one of the most well hidden and well defended areas in Doctor Wylde's laboratory. Housed inside is SIVA, a form of nanotech and one of the last pieces of Orokin technology in existence. This tech is fiercely guarded by not only SIVA itself, but also an army of SIVA enhanced war machines and even Worker and Disassembly Drones that have become "possessed" by SIVA.
Rumor has it that those who die in this chamber also get "possessed" by SIVA and are used as puppet soldiers by it to help guard Doctor Wylde's firstborn child, who lives in the chamber's heart.
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crow-posting · 5 months
Bungie: "Good news, Guardians! We're finally adding character customization! 😄"
me, logging into D2 after every major DLC: "Look at how they massacred my boy. 😭"
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*yes I know it's partly bc I remade my Titan. no I don't care. it still drives me up the wall.
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mantleoflight · 4 months
//Ok, but talking with @red-flight, I've been having thoughts about Echo meeting Red Flight, and gosh I'd love to see how other characters react to her. How would she react to Han and Chewie? Would others react to her thinking she's some kind of advanced but cobbled-together droid? Or would the Alkeheist in her system be constituted as biological enough to separate her from being considered a machine?
//How would they react and respond to hearing about her life in Sol? Bc let's be honest, it's heckin' brutal and to an outside nation, probably as barbaric as we often see the violent customs in the Cabal (slavery, conquering, right of proving) or Eliksni (docking limbs, fight pits, piracy) to be. But for guardians, nothing they do is intentionally made to be cruel. Even the Crucible was meant to be a live-fire training ground to hone Guardians' Light, push them to their limits, and desensitize them to death. Because Light can't be simulated and death can be very scary even to Lightbearers. The added competition, reputation, and rewards being incentives for guardians to actually endure this kind of training like the little loot goblins we are.
//Either way, I'd love to interact with some more SW folks, though I dunno how many would be up for crossover talks.
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Vanguard with Clone Battalions because I feel like it Cayde 6-501st. I mean, he’s basically an honorary Skywalker-they even have a lot of plans that involve falling-so he’s a perfect fit for the 501st.  Zavala-Courscant Guard-He puts up with so much bullshit, same as the Corries. Could probably get a caf coupon from Fox, and they bond over the bs they deal with from the politicans (the factions and Senate respectively).  Ikora-212th-I kinda see  her and Cayde’s relationship as similar to Obi-Wan’s and Anakin’s. She strikes me as the practical type. Also would love to see her and Obi-Wan share stories of their dumbass best friends over tea. 
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destiny-islanders · 2 months
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haven't beaten ffxvi yet, excited to get to the part where the dog flies
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flatlinedgamer · 1 year
I'm thinking a lot about Guardian Down (the Destiny crossover I'm working on) and I'm really excited about how well it meshes with the lore for the game.
It's the little things, I guess.
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lostthingy · 30 days
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noodles-and-tea · 2 months
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Destiny something something ineffable
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mossycowboy6 · 21 days
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Just to prove that I know how to draw things other than horses. Still a crossover, but no more ponies for a little bit.
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wayfayrr · 8 hours
i think i have something for four! the way i'm characterizing most of the chain is that they kind of just accept that they're not really going to get a lot of the details about sol. the magic, the light and dark, sure. but the enemies, the space travel, it's a bit too far removed from them? (main exception is time, out of concern for my guardian, who was physically young at death and so too is at revival, like late teens/early young adult. they all have feelings on this to varying degrees) 1/
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gonna be answering these both together since they're two halves of the same ask <3
I really like the take on four!! the way he tries to get all the information on it while the others are content in knowing 'enough', letting the guardian live with their secrets as long as they get to live with theirs in a way. whereas four wants to know, I'd love to see him being refered to as a little warlock or even being given a makeshift bond by the guardian as a little in joke. he doesn't know exactly what it means but from the way they're acting apparently its appropriate for him?? also it'd be fun to see how they would interact with a split four, each of the colours are distinct enough from one another to be their own almost person (It'd be funny to have four be refered to as a fireteam ngl)
I really like time just going full dad on them too, he's got this twisted sense of almost understanding of what they've been through (if he knows about what caused the downfall timeline then he also really understands what it's like to have the knowledge that you died as a kid even if he doesn't have a memory of it) Which could introduce a fun dynamic with twi too as they're siblings now :3
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mickules · 2 years
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A half truth is a whole lie
I am not the first, and I won't be the last, to make this crossover comparison but there's something incredibly appealing about it.
Reigen would be a NIGHTMARE client Trying to wring a single honest word from his mouth would be like pulling teeth The man himself is a contradiction.
but he'd have the most entertaining sprite animations
what can I say? mob psycho 100 season 3 has got me tight in its grip
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makoredeyes · 2 months
Had no one thought of this yet? :3
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First time drawing Saint with any degree of seriousness. First time drawing a DeLorean too tbh. Will probably post just the car on its own later because I busted my ass on that puppy (and it’s freaking awesome)
((Another repost rescue of previously search-blocked art))
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hyakunana · 6 months
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I don't know how to explain about the Braytech lore in a LoP AU setting — so instead I made concepts.
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kiwipineappleparasol · 2 months
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An Assortment of Scribbles from Late Summer 2022 - End of 2023
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