#Democratic presidential candidates 2024
rahulrainbow · 9 months
About Presidential Candidates Of American Election 2024 The United States of America’s presidential election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The eligible voters will elect a president and vice president for a term of four years. About Presidential Candidates Of American Election 2024 . About Democratic Party It is founded in 1828 by Martin Van Buren. He assembled politicians in every…
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fionatheicicle · 1 day
I hate that this needs to be said, i also hate that i’m saying this. I do not support biden at all. He is a despicable excuse for a human being. However the truth is: a third party candidate CANNOT WIN THE ELECTION. If we do not vote for biden then PROJECT 2025 WILL HAPPEN, the conservatives will genocide every single individual who doesn’t believe what they do. It will be WORSE than the handmade tale. They will make the Spanish Inquisition seem like a pleasure cruise. Iran will look positively tame. It will usher in another dark age. Please do not let your attitude at biden allow trump to win. Vote blue.
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havegaysex · 2 months
Why are you telling people to vote for the guy committing genocide :/
because voting is not an endorsement it's harm reduction.
Trump is going to be at best doing the same as Biden and likely much worse for Palestinians and all the countries suffering from American Imperialism than Biden is.
Republicans want to bring back child labor and get rid of social security, medicare, Medicaid. As someone who is surviving on Medicaid and social security I don't want those taken away. The Republican majority house already put a lot of limits on food stamps in this past term and I don't think we'll still have food stamps if we get a republican Congress and a Republican president.
They've made it pretty clear that if they get a republican Congress and a Republican president they're going to enact project 2025 and call a conference of states and try and take our rights back to the days when only wealthy white men had any rights when women and racial minorities had no rights, they want to make it illegal for LGBT+ folks to safely exist in public and get lifesaving healthcare.
In short
Do I support every single thing Biden has done as president?
Do I like him?
Not particularly. But I'm still voting for him because apathy is not a choice.
Do I think that Joe Biden having another term means that we can actually make more progress for labor rights, trans healthcare, abortion access, advancement of the rights and protections for disabled people and so much more?
Yes absolutely.
Do I think that the genocide in Gaza needs to end and the United States needs to stop sending weapons to israel?
Yes, I think that un restricted flow of humanitarian aid into Palestine needs to happen, the siege needs to stop, and the country of Israel and the United States need to be held accountable at an international level. I think that the soldiers of the IDF/IOF need to be held accountable for their war crimes and pillaging that they continuously post evidence of on social medias. I'm trying to put a read more here so ce I've put a few linked articles and quotes from them.
A quote from the article below:
"While our map focuses solely on high school aged youth (age 13-17), some states, such as Oklahoma, Texas, and South Carolina, have considered banning care for transgender people up to 26 years of age. "
I've seen lawmakers in some states try to make it felony punishable by life in prison to get your trans child healthcare to keep them alive because they want to make it illegal for us to exist and a legal for anyone who helps us exist.
some quotes from the article above:
"Led by the long-established Heritage Foundation think tank and fueled by former Trump administration officials, the far-reaching effort is essentially a government-in-waiting for the former president’s second term — or any candidate who aligns with their ideals and can defeat President Joe Biden in 2024. With a nearly 1,000-page “Project 2025” handbook and an “army” of Americans, the idea is to have the civic infrastructure in place on Day One to commandeer, reshape and do away with what Republicans deride as the “deep state” bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers. “We need to flood the zone with conservatives,” said Paul Dans, director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project and a former Trump administration official who speaks with historical flourish about the undertaking. “This is a clarion call to come to Washington,” he said. “People need to lay down their tools, and step aside from their professional life and say, ‘This is my lifetime moment to serve.’” The unprecedented effort is being orchestrated with dozens of right-flank organizations, many new to Washington, and represents a changed approach from conservatives, who traditionally have sought to limit the federal government by cutting federal taxes and slashing federal spending. Instead, Trump-era conservatives want to gut the “administrative state” from within, by ousting federal employees they believe are standing in the way of the president’s agenda and replacing them with like-minded officials more eager to fulfill a new executive’s approach to governing. The goal is to avoid the pitfalls of Trump’s first years in office, when the Republican president’s team was ill-prepared, his Cabinet nominees had trouble winning Senate confirmation and policies were met with resistance — by lawmakers, government workers and even Trump’s own appointees who refused to bend or break protocol, or in some cases violate laws, to achieve his goals. While many of the Project 2025 proposals are inspired by Trump, they are being echoed by GOP rivals Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy and are gaining prominence among other Republicans. And if Trump wins a second term, the work from the Heritage coalition ensures the president will have the personnel to carry forward his unfinished White House business. “The president Day One will be a wrecking ball for the administrative state,” said Russ Vought, a former Trump administration official involved in the effort who is now president at the conservative Center for Renewing America. Much of the new president’s agenda would be accomplished by reinstating what’s called Schedule F — a Trump-era executive order that would reclassify tens of thousands of the 2 million federal employees as essentially at-will workers who could more easily be fired. Biden had rescinded the executive order upon taking office in 2021, but Trump — and other presidential hopefuls — now vow to reinstate it."
"There’s a “top to bottom overhaul” of the Department of Justice, particularly curbing its independence and ending FBI efforts to combat the spread of misinformation. It calls for stepped-up prosecution of anyone providing or distributing abortion pills by mail."
Personally I think that voting for Joe Biden is better than someone who wants to enact this stuff on day one. It's like they read handmaid's tale and want to make that the reality of this country.
"Chapter by chapter, the pages offer a how-to manual for the next president, similar to one Heritage produced 50 years ago, ahead of the Ronald Reagan administration. Authored by some of today’s most prominent thinkers in the conservative movement, it’s often sprinkled with apocalyptic language." Ronald Reagan is a big reason we have a lot of problems we have today with our economy and with a lot more things. The people that supported Ronald Reagan do not need another term in office.
A quote from the article linked below:
"Trump has given no indication that he would be more sympathetic to Palestinian claims, nor that he would place more pressure on Israel to agree to a ceasefire. “The approach of the United States would be that Israel needs to win this war, it was attacked brutally,” Trump’s ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, describing how Trump would act. Friedman is now a campaign surrogate for Trump."
Personally I think Trump telling Israel to finish the job is indicators that another Trump presidency doesn't mean that weapons would stop being sent to Israel from United States
I fail to see how another term of Donald trump will be any better for the victims of the ongoing genocide in Palestine than President Joe Biden.
i think our system is absolutely messed up and broken but I don't think abstaining from voting is going to actually help.
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hey y'all, that guy who reminded y'all about the primaries back in like november back with another one! I didn't actually know the primaries vary in date from state to state, so keep that in mind!! south carolina just had theirs today, I hope their turnout was good and we'll see some different than new hampshire results. next up is nevada on the 6th (feb), then michigan on the 27th (feb).
march 5th is still the big bulk of the states, including the one I'm in, but if you're not voting on super tuesday, still keep an eye out! you're voting in the next coming few weeks or months!! look up when your state's voting in the primaries, and make sure you're registered with your current address, especially if you moved recently (this one got me last time), just turned 18, or will be turning 18 by the time of your primary!!!
make your voices heard everybody!!!! let's not put another genocidal maniac into power if we still have a say in things!!!!
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reasoningdaily · 11 months
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this is the link to the video
Green Party 2024 presidential candidate Cornel West responded to criticism from Democratic strategist David Axelrod that his candidacy could be a "spoiler" that helps former President Trump win during an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper.
"Brother David Axelrod looks at the world through the lens of the establishment. Well, of course, from the lens of the establishment, he is concerned about reproducing the establishment," West said.
Cooper suggested: "David Axelrod, he seems more interested in preventing former President Trump from getting re-elected more than I'd say recreating the establishment."
"No, I'm talking about the Democratic Party establishment though, brother. Axelrod, you see what I mean? You would agree. You're very much part of the Democratic Party establishment," West said.
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN: I want to ask you, Senator Manchin, up in New Hampshire tonight, he seems to be testing the waters there. He says the parties are too far to the left, and to the right. What do you think of his politics?
CORNEL WEST: Well, you know, I just read the pamphlet "Common Sense." And my God, they had the audacity to rename that after the great Thomas Payne's revolutionary pamphlet of January 10, 1976, that was critical of all forms of hierarchy in the name of the dignity of those last, don't call everyday people.
I don't think that the No Labels party with their hundred million dollars flowing already, fundamental focus on what I'm concerned about, which is the plight of poor and working people trying to come to terms with the cop cities. Why do the critiques of the cop cities trying to come to terms with striking workers, be there in Hollywood, be there on Amazon, be there at UPS, coming to terms with the eco side, with the fossil fuel companies, steel, corporate greed running out-of-control.
You know, we're at a moment now, my brother, where if we don't come to terms with this massive callousness and indifference to the plight of poor and working people, we're going to lose everything -- the planet, democracy, our qualitative relations with each other. That's how life and death like our situation is, my brother, very much so.
COOPER: You know, the concern, certainly. I mean, you've been asked this question a million times from a lot of Democrats and Republicans against Trump that a third party candidate like yourself could siphon votes away from President Biden. David Axelrod, recently tweeted, saying: "In 2016, the Green Party played an outsized role in the tipping of the election to Donald Trump. Now with Cornel West as their likely nominee, they could easily do it again. Risky Business."
Now, I know you've said you don't believe Jill Stein made that big a difference in the vote count in 2016. In Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, her votes did exceed Trump's margin over Clinton. So how do you answer that critique that you will be siphoning votes away and potentially leading to a Trump victory?
WEST: Well, a part of it is, it is that nearly 40 percent of our precious citizens every two and four years decide not to vote at all, and we know that the so-called spoilers, which is a category you can imagine, I don't accept at all, it was two-thirds of those who voted, it could be a Gary Johnson, assistant Jill Stein, brother Ralph Nader, whoever -- people say they would never vote for the two parties.
And I can understand those two parties become too corrupt. Their politicians are too conformist, too many of the policies themselves are just cowardly, will just say anything. What about truth? What about justice?
Truth and justice is bigger than all of us, bigger than every party, every race, every person. If you're concerned about truth and justice, then you can't be cowardly, complacent or conformist.
And especially if you're looking at the world through the lens of those who are incarcerated, those who are in ghettos and hoods and barrios.
Brother David Axelrod, he looks at the world through the lens of the establishment. Well, of course, from the lens of the establishment, he is concerned about reproducing the establishment. My God. My God. There is no doubt about that.
In the 1850s, both parties supported slavery, like he does with the Labor Department.
COOPER: But I think he is probably -- I think he seems more though -- I mean, you know, David Axelrod, he seems more interested in preventing former President Trump from getting re-elected more than I'd say recreating the establishment.
WEST: No, I'm talking about the Democratic Party establishment though, brother. Axelrod, you see what I mean? You would agree. You're very much part of the Democratic Party establishment.
COOPER: I mean, his interest -- and I don't want to speak for him, but you criticize the president.
WEST: Absolutely.
COOPER: You criticize President Biden saying recently that he contributed, in your words, I'm quoting, "contributed to a crime against humanity when he became the architect of the mass incarceration regime in the 1990s." You're referring to the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act that then Senator Biden sponsored.
You also said it is: "... very clear that his cognitive powers are in decline." You have had a remarkable career. You've championed those whose voices have been silenced all your life, we've had you on the program a ton of times talking about that.
You've never run a large bureaucracy or had any major governmental leadership role. Isn't that important to actually governing as president?
WEST: Oh, absolutely. I'd have to bring in people who are experienced, but the important thing is your vision and the lens through which you view the world. Policy is something that can be worked out in light of vision. If your vision is one of militarism abroad, then you're going to be preoccupied with wars and militaristic adventures. We've known Biden has got a long history, I don't think he has actually seen a war that he hadn't supported.
I think the invasion and occupation of Iraq was a crime against humanity. How many precious hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed based on a lie? Well, Biden was running interference in that regard.
I think mass incarceration in the United States in the last 40 years is a crime against humanity. I've taught in prison for 41 years. I've stayed in contact with the rich humanity of my brothers and sisters who have been incarcerated and many have done things they didn't and shouldn't have done. Many are there because they're innocent.
But the important thing is, it is sites -- they are sites of barbarity. We ought to be ashamed to live in a country when you look at the conditions of our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated.
It is not just the 1994 crime bill. You can go back to the Biden-[Strom Thurmond] bills of '84 and 86, and '91, and then '94. You see what I mean? So it's just a matter of trying to be truthful.
I'm not trying to trash brother Biden, I am really not. I'm trying to make him accountable for his actions in light of how the wretched of the earth are treated in this nation and around the world. And that's true for any politician, be it Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bush, Trump -- all of them have to be measured by the same standard of truth and justice.
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runalongprincevaliant · 4 months
What do you think about Cornel West as a presidential candidate?
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louis-damien · 10 months
PLEASE can a democrat who is younger than like 45 run PLEASE. Or maybe like any other democrats could run. Who let another Kennedy on the campaign trail?
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hombrepolitico · 4 months
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Easy Comparison Chart
from McSweeney's.
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gurucave · 4 months
Trump Secures Victory in New Hampshire Primary, Posing Challenges for Rival Haley
The 2024 United States presidential election season is underway, and New Hampshire recently hosted its crucial primary, marking a pivotal moment in the race. In a swift announcement by the Associated Press, former President Donald Trump emerged as the Republican winner, further solidifying his dominance within the party. This article delves into the New Hampshire primary results, analyzing the…
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havegaysex · 1 month
For the record I think people who aren't voting to be much worse and dangerous for democracy at large than people who protest vote.
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b0bthebuilder35 · 4 months
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benjisbytes · 5 months
Blizzards are the true threat to democracy in 2024
The January 2016 United States blizzard. Image credit: NOAA. CC2.0. Bad weather is threatening to disrupt the first chance for voters to have their say in the race for this year’s Republican presidential nominee. A polar vortex is bringing near blizzard conditions to Iowa, just days before the caucuses begin. Both Donald Trump and Nikki Haley have cancelled campaign events due to the inclement…
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thalkonvotes · 5 months
Democratic Party
** Formed in 1848, the Democratic National Committee has been the home base for the Democratic Party, one of the oldest political parties in the United States
The Democratic Party is focused on advancing their Democratic Platform and looking for positive solutions that include everyone.
Their stance on, what would be considered, issues for major political debate would be:
Every person in this nation should be treated with dignity and respect
Health care is a right for all
Hard work of middle class families should be rewarded
Schools and streets should be free from gun violence
Women should be able to make decisions about her own body
Aaron M. He (A: 4/26/23; Insufficient Funds)
Adam Ouariti (A: 3/31/21; Insufficient Funds)
Adrian Maurice Hall (A: 6/29/23; Insufficient Funds)
Ajay Thaliath (A: 1/27/29; Insufficient Funds)
Alida Felton (A: 4/6/23; Insufficient Funds)
Alan Huddleston (A: 1/5/23; Insufficient Funds)
Allan Channey Summers (A: 6/14/23; Insufficient Funds)
Amanda Catherine Eskelson (A: 8/22/23; Insufficient Funds)
Angad Singh Chera (A: 10/16/23; Insufficient Funds)
Ann Parkinson (A: 6/28/23; Insufficient Funds)
Anthony Manalakos (A: 6/8/23; Insufficient Funds)
Antonio Marco Pantalo (A: 11/17/22; Insufficient Funds)
Armando Pereze-Serrato (A: 1/19/23; Insufficient Funds)
Arse Vincent Cysewski (A: 1/23/22; Insufficient Funds)
Ashley Powell (A: 2/9/18; Insufficient Funds)
Azeem Hussein (A: 5/2/23; Insufficient Funds)
Beatrice Ramos (A: 1/3/24; Insufficient Funds)
Bella Berg Fonvergne (A: 12/15/23; Insufficient Funds)
Benjamin Garcia (A: 7/27/20; Insufficient Funds)
Bill Thomas Compton (A: 3/24/21; Insufficient Funds)
Brian Matthew Owen (A: 5/20/23; Insufficient Funds)
Brittany A. Mckown (A: 1/5/22; Insufficient Funds)
Bryan James (A: 4/5/23; Insufficient Funds)
Carson Loveless (A: 5/2/23; Insufficient Funds)
Cenk Uygur (A: 10/11/23; Insufficient Funds)
Charles Camilleri (A: 4/20/23; Insufficient Funds)
Christin Noel Powers (A: 7/15/22; Insufficient Funds)
Christopher Campbell (A: 2/9/21; Insufficient Funds)
Christopher David Portlock (A: 7/21/23; Insufficient Funds)
Chris Weiler (A: 7/18/23; Insufficient Funds)
Constance L. Johnson (A: 10/24/23; Insufficient Funds)
Coran De-Andre Smith (A: 10/9/23; Insufficient Funds)
Dantwan Samuel Watkins (A: 1/26/23; Insufficient Funds)
David Barnard (A: 6/4/23; Insufficient Funds)
David Cash (A: 5/3/21; Insufficient Funds)
David Curtis Jefferson (12/7/22; Insufficient Funds)
Dean Phillips (A: 10/26/23; Insufficient Funds)
Deborah Sharpe (A: 6/15/23; Insufficient Funds)
Donald Picard (A: 10/6/23; Insufficient Funds)
Doris Brown (A: 10/2/23; Insufficient Funds)
Dorsey Porter (A: 11/16/22; Insufficient Funds)
Dustin Rorex (A: 4/26/23; Insufficient Funds)
Dykeba Lecole Rogers (A: 8/22/22; Insufficient Funds)
Earl Davis (A: 1/19/23; Insufficient Funds)
Eban Cambridge (A: 10/17/23; Insufficient Funds)
Edward Nathaniel Grimes (A: 8/30/23; Insufficient Funds)
Erik Leckner (A: 4/28/22; Insufficient Funds)
Ethan Witzling Hamby (A: 6/30/22; Insufficient Funds)
Evette Rechelle Tippett (A: 6/5/22; Insufficient Funds)
Frank J. Lozada (A: 11/9/23; Insufficient Funds)
Gabriel Cornejo (A: 10/26/23; Insufficient Funds)
Gary Davis (A: 3/16/23; Insufficient Funds)
Gary J. Brown (A: 8/18/23; Insufficient Funds)
George Brucato (A: 4/16/22; Insufficient Funds)
Gerry Coleman (A: 4/21/23; Insufficient Funds)
Gibran Nicholas (A: 3/19/23; Insufficient Funds)
Golda D. Harris (A: 11/1/23; Insufficient Funds)
Gregory Marquis Thomas (A: 11/19/22; Insufficient Funds)
Harvey Wizard (A: 11/15/23; Insufficient Funds)
Heather Munoz (A: 11/7/20; Insufficient Funds)
Herbert Ezekiel Zeke Smyth (A: 4/3/22; Insufficient Funds)
Howard Dotson (A: 2/28/23; Insufficient Funds)
Hudson Theodore Zoller (A: 11/22/22; Insufficient Funds)
Hung Huynh Chan (A: 6/21/22; Insufficient Funds)
Isaiah Reid (A: 11/22/20; Insufficient Funds)
Jamarion Walker (A: 11/4/23; Insufficient Funds)
James Nixon (A: 7/26/20; Insufficient Funds)
James Orlando Ogle III (A: 3/7/22; Insufficient Funds)
Jason Palmer (A: 10/22/23)
Jeff Miles (A: 8/16/23; Insufficient Funds)
Jennifer Astello (A: 12/28/22; Insufficient Funds)
Jennifer Lee Ann Ney (A: 2/10/22; Insufficient Funds)
Jennifer McMurray (A: 10/31/22; Insufficient Funds)
Jodie Smithson (A: 11/7/22; Insufficient Funds)
Joe Exotic (Joseph Allen Maldonado) (A: 4/18/23; Insufficient Funds)
John Coyne (A: 8/19/23; Insufficient Funds)
John Gagliardi (A: 1/13/22; Insufficient Funds)
John Washington III (A: 3/26/23; Insufficient Funds)
Jonathan Tuan Tran (A: 11/15/22; Insufficient Funds)
Jose Font (A: 10/5/23; Insufficient Funds)
Joseph Firmage (A: 10/11/23; Insufficient Funds)
Joseph Jay Manger (A: 11/30/22; Insufficient Funds)
Joseph R Biden Jr (A: 9/5/23)
Joshua David Horwitz (A: 10/4/23; Insufficient Funds)
Julie Jones (A: 4/21/23; Insufficient Funds)
Kacey Nicole Samples (A: 4/24/23; Insufficient Funds)
Keira Anne Walker (A: 4/7/23; Insufficient Funds)
Keith Smith (A: 5/18/23; Insufficient Funds)
Kelan Farrell-Smith (A: 10/30/21; Insufficient Funds)
Kenny Taylor (A: 9/8/23; Insufficient Funds)
Kevin Gilroy (A: 6/3/22; Insufficient Funds)
Kevin John Carney (A: 10/14/23; Insufficient Funds)
Kina Shamier Kerry (A: 9/29/23; Insufficient Funds)
Kristopher Lee Davis (A: 11/19/22; Insufficient Funds)
Larry D. Azevedo (A: 2/8/23; Insufficient Funds)
Lee Mercer Jr. (A: 7/26/22; Insufficient Funds)
Lee Rhodes (A: 3/12/21; Insufficient Funds)
Lindsay Kelch (A: 11/16/22; Insufficient Funds)
Lord A.C. Toulme Jr. (A: 10/20/21; Insufficient Funds)
Lori Ann Henriques (A: 3/5/23; Insufficient Funds)
Marcus Alexander Branch (A: 11/28/22; Insufficient Funds)
Marianne Williamson (A: 2/23/23)
Mark Richard Prascak (A: 9/8/23; Insufficient Funds)
Mark Stewart Greenstein (A: 6/1/23; Insufficient Funds)
Martin Foster Robbins (A: 8/12/23; Insufficient Funds)
Mary Clement (A: 6/8/23; Insufficient Funds)
Mattie Preston (A: 1/6/23; Insufficient Funds)
Michael Chad Lemere (A: 8/6/23; Insufficient Funds)
Michael D'Ottavio (A: 11/9/20; Insufficient Funds)
Michael D. Swing (A: 1/14/22; Insufficient Funds)
Michael Landingham (A: 11/21/22; Insufficient Funds)
Michael Noonan (A: 6/21/23; Insufficient Funds)
Michael Soetaert (A: 12/23/23; Insufficient Funds)
Michael Steinberg (A: 7/2/23; Insufficient Funds)
Michael Tillinghast (A: 5/25/23; Insufficient Funds)
Mikey Lane (A: 11/26/21; Insufficient Funds)
Nancy Elizabeth Rodriguez (A: 5/3/22; Insufficient Funds)
Nicolae Bunea (A: 7/8/22; Insufficient Funds)
Nita Mildred Rice (A: 3/7/23; Insufficient Funds)
Pedro J. Velez (A: 5/20/23; Insufficient Funds)
Perry Jones (A: 1/1/24; Insufficient Funds)
Phillip Bryan Kleski (A: 6/13/23; Insufficient Funds)
President Boddie (A: 10/30/23; Insufficient Funds)
Quinci Renee Smith Slater (A: 12/12/23; Insufficient Funds)
Ralph Robbie Hoffman (A: 7/26/23; Insufficient Funds)
Randall Wick (A: 10/28/22; Insufficient Funds)
Reponsal Perkins (A: 8/19/23; Insufficient Funds)
Richard Hale Nelson (A: 4/10/23; Insufficient Funds)
Rick Chavez (A: 6/6/23; Insufficient Funds)
Riki Prado (A: 11/15/16; Insufficient Funds)
Robert Carlos Ayala (A: 6/21/23; Insufficient Funds)
Robert Ion Moldafsky (A: 1/26/21; Insufficient Funds)
Robert Jordan (A: 6/12/23; Insufficient Funds)
Robert Michael Becker (A: 7/18/23; Insufficient Funds)
Rodger Lee Roose (A: 9/30/21; Insufficient Funds)
Roland Kwadwo Dela Agorkle (A: 4/15/22; Insufficient Funds)
Ron S. Bull (A: 11/22/22; Insufficient Funds)
Ryan McCarty (A: 11/28/22; Insufficient Funds)
Ryan Oliver Christian Kraft (A: 1/3/24; Insufficient Funds)
Ryan P. Kirkpatrick (A: 5/27/22; Insufficient Funds)
Sae Hoon Park (A: 5/20/23; Insufficient Funds)
Sahmon Mustafa (A: 11/17/21; Insufficient Funds)
Saint jermaine Endeley (A: 4/26/23; Insufficient Funds)
Samuel D'Amico (A: 8/3/20; Insufficient Funds)
Sean McGuire (A: 6/21/22; Insufficient Funds)
Senator Cringe (A: 1/18/24; Insufficient Funds)
Shabadjot Bharara (A: 11/16/22; Insufficient Funds)
Shane Aleksander Mohammad (A: 10/28/23; Insufficient Funds)
Shantell Newman (A: 1/24/24; Insufficient Funds)
Shinae Ahn (A: 5/22/22; Insufficient Funds)
Skyles Fitzgerald McAuley (A: 4/30/22; Insufficient Funds)
Souraya Faas (A: 1/31/24)
Stephen Alan Leon (A: 4/1/22; Insufficient Funds)
Stephen Lyons Sr. (A: 9/21/23; Insufficient Funds)
Stephen Paul Murphy (A: 7/7/23; E: 10/17/23)
Steven Fleck (A: 10/12/21; Insufficient Funds)
Stuart Farber (A: 7/24/23; Insufficient Funds)
Sykema Powell (A: 4/20/23; Insufficient Funds)
Terrance James Harvey (A: 11/14/22; Insufficient Funds)
Terrisa Lin Bukovinac (A: 6/13/23)
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (A: 3/24/21; Insufficient Funds)
Theodore Milton Earth Fagin (A: 12/29/23; Insufficient Funds)
Thomas Daly (A: 3/18/21; Insufficient Funds)
Thomas Francis winterbottom (A: 1/22/21; Insufficient Funds)
Tiffany Gayle Keller (A: 1/4/23; Insufficient Funds)
Todd J. Ashcraft (A: 4/6/23; Insufficient Funds)
Trenita Walker (A: 10/4/21; Insufficient Funds)
Trista di Genova (A: 12/4/23; Insufficient Funds)
Ulrich Neujahr (A: 10/11/23; Insufficient Funds)
Valentine Vidal (A: 5/31/23; Insufficient Funds)
Victoria Dawn Zieg (A: 2/7/23; Insufficient Funds)
Wayne J. Villines (A: 1/5/23; Insufficient Funds)
Wayne Pope (A: 11/28/22; Insufficient Funds)
Whitney Medearis (A: 8/8/20; Insufficient Funds)
William Farms (A: 6/22/23; Insufficient Funds)
William Gailey (A: 12/13/21; Insufficient Funds)
Willie Carter (A: 3/19/22; Insufficient Funds)
** Definition is a summary of the About Page on the Democratic Party Website. There is also a link marked in above definition that will direct you to the incredibly long "Democratic Platform" document.
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jetblkhotelmirror · 7 months
what the fuck are we supposed to do??
i just feel so defeated and so useless and so, so confused
OBVIOUSLY im not voting for trump next year. thats a given. but after everything, i cannot in good conscience vote for biden either.
but im not an idiot
i know that biden is probably gonna be on the democrat ticket, and i also know that a third part win is almost impossible.
and i know that politicians are people too and none of them are going to be absolutely perfect. but it feels like NO ONE is doing enough right that i can feel good about voting for them, especially no one that has a shot.
the best candidates are the small, unheard of ones, but i cant vote for them either unless they get really popular in the next six months because i dont wanna throw my vote away even if its for a good cause.
i am 18 years old, this will be my first ever presidential election. a few years ago, i was so excited for this. i was so excited hat i would finally be able to help make a difference, and now its here and im crying over decisions that are so big and so scary and that are going to kill people, pretty much no matter what happens. this isnt supposed to be this hard. its not supposed to be a choice between which groups are going to be murdered. its not supposed to be a life or death decision. its supposed to be about who will make this country better, not who is gonna kill the least people while theyre in office
i just.. i dont know what to do.
if anyone is willing to share a 2024 candidate that i should look into, im basically desperate for a not horrible person to research so i dont feel like every single option is a mass murderer.
oh and please, please, do not say marianne williamson, i will not be voting for a right wing in disguise "spiritual guru" whose gonna go full republican or worse the second shes in office
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liberaltakesusa · 11 months
Fox News and the Democratic Ticket
My dad had on Fox News yesterday. (This is despite him telling me multiple times that I only get biased news because I watch MSNBC even though I literally never watch cable news because I don't trust any cable news channel. I find that a bit ironic. I suppose Fox News isn't biased? Oh, and I get my news from reading both slightly leaning left and right-wing sources and kind of meet them in the middle.)
All I heard is that a reasonable Democratic ticket would have Joe Manchin running as president. Seriously? Joe Manchin? So basically a conservative running on the Democratic ticket?
Actually, Joe Manchin should run as a third-party candidate. No liberal would vote for him. He would split the conservative vote.
I'd be okay with that.
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cleolinda · 10 months
Are the Trump indictments election interference? asked someone whose question I will take in good faith against my better judgment.
The American presidential election (November 5, 2024) is more than a year away. There is more than a whole year for these four (4) trials to occur. If candidates want to start campaigning (and have already been campaigning) year(s) in advance, that is not the American judicial system's problem. Do not let anyone tell you that "I DECLARE CAMPAIGN SO YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME" is how this works.
I welcome criminal charges of actual substance for any candidate of any party. If you have dozens of pages of carefully documented charges against any/all Democrats, please have a DA call a grand jury whenever you would like. Political parties are not sports teams to me. Justice can do what it gotta do, whether it's convenient or not.
If someone doesn't want to get pulled up on racketeering charges (RICO), they maybe shouldn’t have racketeered. Or falsified business records, or mishandled documents to the tune of 31 charges under the Espionage Act, or incited an insurrection, the latter of which, I don't know about you, but which I personally watched on TV, live, for several hours, including coverage of the Trump rally that sent crowds marching over to the Capitol. We have heard the Georgia phone call that is part of the fourth indictment. We have seen pictures of classified documents piled in a random Mar-a-Lago bathroom. I am confident that these are not frivolous accusations.
District Attorney Fani Willis was careful to state that there should be a presumption of innocence (a standard American judicial doctrine). That said, I consider (as one example), this fourth indictment to be “charges of actual substance” because she delivered a 96-page document describing the racketeering (which, ironically, WAS ITSELF ELECTION INTERFERENCE):
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u/code_archaeologist: The math on this is easy. For a jury to find a person guilty on a RICO charge in Georgia the prosecutor has to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that they engaged in two incidents that predicated the overarching conspiracy. The RICO charge lists 161 predicating incidents. So Fani Willis has 161 shots at each defendant, and only has to hit twice.
(I like to read r/politics.)
Fani Willis has 161 predicating incidents of conspiracy to work with. I am pretty confident that, while a defendant is innocent until proven guilty in the American justice system, these charges have some weight and deserve to be heard in court.
tl;dr if you don't want to campaign under a legal cloud, don't do crimes.
Also try not to publicly intimidate witnesses. And prosecutors. And judges.
If anyone reading this truly wondered if the substance or timing of these proceedings are warranted, sincerely, I hope laying it out like this helped.
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