#Dean is there he is just tiny
phantommermaidqueen · 2 months
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@sailorsally , potentially the horniest person on my dash, drawer of amazingly broad shoulders, whom I eviscerated last week. Sorry maybe for implying that there were never any marbles 😘
This piece with a teeny tiny Dean lives in my head rent-free
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put him in school
Greendale Community College
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angelsdean · 1 year
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jean jacket hoodie dean???????????? also. tiny. liddol. smol
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fuckspn · 6 months
wrote a whole long post about dean’s relationship to his queerness and then deleted it because i couldn’t put it better than: there is a word i know. but i can’t say it. i can’t think it. i’ll just keep drawing horses
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
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hi losing my mind at this part where lucifer starts laughing at something marin says and then sam? smiles at him?? like he also wants to laugh???
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beatsheetromanroy · 1 month
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sammygender · 1 month
there’s also the obvious dimension that well. dean’s whole life is built around this tiny family unit. him and john and sammy. even if it ruins him, even if it’s toxic and abusive and codependent, it’s who he is. it’s who all of them are!! then sammy leaves. sam leaving is selfish! not in a bad way, in a way where it’s an intensely brave act of self-preservation that must’ve required so much strength to pull off! but that idea of selfish as at all ever being good….... well. dean cant even comprehend that. not when he’s so thoroughly invested in this decades-long act of Dean Winchester, big brother and soldier son and surrogate wife. not when he feels like nothing and has no real sense of self at all. how dare sam be selfish etc etc is basically asking How dare sam even have/try to take ownership over his own identity and his life since when was that a thing that happened…….
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m1zumono · 1 year
‘alright, when were you gonna tell me about this?’
‘we didn’t know what it meant.’
‘alright, something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone, and you call me.’
‘call you? are you kidding me? dad, i called you from lawrence, alright? sam called you when i was dying. i mean, getting you on the phone? i got a better chance of winning the lottery.’
‘you’re right. although i’m not real crazy about this new tone of yours, you’re right. i’m sorry.’
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my-chemical-cas · 12 days
“castiel is a cat lover” WRONG. cas has BEEF with cats. he respects them as creatures of course, but has an innate distrust of them. they feel the same.
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scottstiles · 1 year
it’s not that he’s looking for a reality where his family can be happy he is looking for the reality where HE WILL be happy the one where cas is currently waiting for him and the fact that he has to do everything over again and finish what he started is ANNOYING to him actually (his face was NOT pleased throughout the convo with jack) now that he’s out of the “world between worlds” he just wants to get back on the road and find his fucking angel already
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thigholstercas · 1 year
I know it's been said before but for real if Dean had heard Cas saying werepire his only thought until he could get home and do it would've been kissing cas
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jomilky · 2 years
you: talking about bottom!dean.
me: huh, i hope this doesn't awaken anything in me.
narrator: but it did awaken something in him.
idk man let’s hear what Dean has to say:
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also look at these
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and tell me he doesn’t have a broken baby girl crying to get fucked inside
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bunnymcbunnister · 2 years
Everyday I come on this website and get further confirmation that Dean Winchester wanted to retire and relax with his family all around him. Instead they shoved him on some rebar. (X)
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Omg sorry for coming into your inbox like this but I have Thoughts about AU Lucifer. As in, the one AU Michael killed. I kind of read into AU Michael's bravado about killing Lucifer as covering over extreme guilt and pain (his refering to him as 'my Lucifer' when talking to Cas broke my fucking heart), and I just like, wonder how that fight went. Was this Lucifer full of rage and pain and wanted to kill Michael and failed? Or was he despairing and did he let Michael do it? It sounds like it was a pretty fierce fight, given that Michael said he tore him apart in the sky, but just, ugh my God, I have such thoughts about them and everything with the alternate universe that could have been explored so much more. Ugh I'm sorry
god, yeah. the potential that was squandered with au!michael. look, i know this might be an idea that appeals only to me, but i do think he should have tried to lobotomize lucifer when he had him captured in a futile attempt to remake his own lucifer that he'd killed. and i think he still should have talked about killing his lucifer like he's proud of it, like he enjoyed tearing him apart, but fuck, imagine him saying stuff like that while we know he's literally trying to torture/mindfuck the main universe lucifer into being his perfect little brother again.
sorry lmao everything about any version of michael with me comes back to 'i think he should be contradicting everything he does and says all the time because he has Serious Damage going on' You know, he couldn't have his lucifer, because his lucifer had to die, had to be killed by michael, but there was a point in which lucifer was good and obedient enough that michael could love him without fear of losing him, and if he could just get that lucifer back, everything will be Fine.
(and obviously this wouldn't work. but it would be fantastic lucifer whump, too, which is always a benefit. to me :3)
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naturenaruto · 2 months
been thinkin alot about trans dean and how that would literally make so much more sense about john being soo disappointed and soo demanding and soo resentful..like he had 2 kids but was stuck with an older girl so he put an enormous burden on dean to perform both man (learn hunting and being dependable as a soldier) aaand woman duties (raise a baby basically on his own + take care of john) and how maybe when dean was young at the beginning he didnt mind his hair bein cut short (its just more praxtical sammy!) and he didnt mind john dressing him in boys clothes (ofc dad cant drag a giiiiirl into bars and around hunters jeeeez saam) and then as he got older he realized it suited him just fine so even if john did it to hide him bein a girl he figured well,,,,inreally dont mind a bit! not like im into playin with dolls and makeup anyways! and if john told him to start wrapping his chest and if john found him some off brand t well. it suits him just fine
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Just me tag-ranting again bc that’s my fave about tumblr tbh
#okay so like#I haven’t finished supernatural for a variety of reasons (specifically bc I blocked out s11-14 and have no memory of what happened there)#but I am working on it currently (which makes it hard to be back on tumblr tbh bc I can’t even really complain about spoilers can I lmao)#and I just finished 15x06 and like#SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU ARE LIKE ME#yay Eileen!!#but also…? was it just me or was that a REALLY weak episode?#The way that Djinn died was just… he didn’t even TRY to get away#and Cas just stabbed so many times without having his heart in it you know?#Like come on Cas#you’re a better killer than this. Put your back into it#this seems like you’re heart broken and not into the whole taking out the bad guys#(and he is heart broken thank you so much Dean you constant ray of sunshine. When did Cas turn into a punching bag? That Trenchcoat-#- May be sand coloured but he is NOT A SAND BAG STOP HURTING HIM)#anyway. Dean is eating all the time which we know is because he is ALSO heart broken. why can’t they just be nice#oh!#and the three witches… they seemed like they would pose a threat but nope not really#idk man#I have also read a LOT about the J2 discourse bc apparently that’s a thing that happened#so now I’m struggling to separate Sam and Jared which is stupid but also Sam has always been a *tiny* but annoying so it doesn’t help#idk#I’ll keep watching and hopefully the overall 15th season will be good#since it is the last and all#*Sad Amy noises*
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