#Dea Africa
allmythologies · 3 months
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roman mythology: dea africa
dea africa was the personification of africa by the romans in the early centuries of the common era. she was one of the fertility and abundance deities to some. her iconography typically included an elephant-mask head dress, a cornucopia, a military standard, and a lion.
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tyrannoninja · 3 months
Dea Africa
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This is my portrait of Dea Africa, a Roman goddess-like entity who personified the imperial province of Africa (which to them meant the area of Tunisia and the northwestern coast of modern Libya). Roman artists traditionally depicted her wearing a helmet modeled after an African elephant’s head and with braided or dreadlocked hair, but otherwise made her look more Italian than African in accordance with their prevailing beauty ideals. Nonetheless, I wanted my version to look, well, African even without the elephant helmet, with some ritual scarifications and Amazigh-style tattoos to boot.
Dea Africa is unlikely to have been a major deity in the Roman pantheon, but sometimes she was associated with a cornucopia (horn of plenty) to represent fertility, which may refer to Rome’s North African provinces serving as a breadbasket for the Empire.
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babycandybar · 18 days
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Annie prob hates me and Annie is jealous but Annie went nowhere. She was a Kentucky kfc girl
She’ll find a new girl to hate when I leave. Any money stolen will cost her a body part
The moon is deep. Annie accidentally crossed me. Bless her fake Jew heart
Anastasia you will not keep any of my work honey and if I find out that you took even one poem away from me I will have you locked in a cage
Broke back mountain Annie dog
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Josh had stale jokes as well harnoor
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I think after this horrific situation in America women are probably going to be forced to have one child again and I don’t ever want to hear about another American baby to be born I could spit in your face and I could spit on your child’s face
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You and your disgusting sister need to stay out of my energy field before very bad things happen to your entire family
I’m glad I could teach you astrology even though you’re a very disgusting paedophile pervert who can’t respect boundaries of other women
You steal intellectual property and you have like three people who watch your page
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She’s probably about to give birth to her brother baby anyway her brother’s child so it will be gross
Well congratulations
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iridediluce · 1 year
Neith, dea della guerra, dea della creazione, dea madre che inventò la nascita
Neith, dea della guerra, dea della creazione, dea madre che inventò la nascita
  Neith (aka Net, Neit o Nit) ed è una delle divinità più antiche dell’antico Egitto , adorata all’inizio del periodo predinastico (6000 – 3150 a.C. circa) e la cui venerazione continuò durante la dinastia tolemaica (323 – 30 a.C. ), l’ultimo a governare l’Egitto prima della venuta di Roma . Era una dea della guerra, dea della creazione, dea madre che inventò la nascita e dea funeraria che si…
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murathplus · 2 years
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Scraping to train machine-learning models is good, actually.
The Human Rights Data Analysis Group is a crucial player in the fight to hold war-criminals to account. As the leading nonprofit providing statistical analysis of crimes against humanities, HRDAG has participated in tribunals, truth and reconciliation proceedings, and trials from Serbia to East Timor, South Africa to the USA, and, most recently, Colombia.
Colombia’s long civil war — funded and supported by US agencies from the CIA and DEA to the US military —went on for decades, killing hundreds of thousands of people, mostly very poor, very marginalized people.
Many of these killings were carried out by child soldiers, who were recruited at gunpoint by both CIA-backed right-wing militias whose actions were directed by the richest, most powerful people in the country, and by the leftist FARC guerrillas.
HRDAG, working in partnership with the Colombian human rights group Dejusticia, merged over 100 databases in order to build a rigorous statistical picture of the war’s casualties; the likelihood that each death could be attributed to the government, right-wing militias, or FARC forces; as well as which groups were primarily responsible for kidnapping children and forcing them to be soldiers.
The resulting report builds on the largest human rights data-set ever collected. The report — which makes an irrefutable case that right-wing militias committed the majority of killings and child-soldier recruitment, and that their wealthy backers knew and supported these actions — have been key to Colombia’s truth and reconciliation proceedings.
-How To Think About Scraping: In privacy and labor fights, copyright is a clumsy tool at best
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Image: syvwlch (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Print_Scraper_(5856642549).jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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literaticat · 1 year
Hello. Just wondering what you think of the current "Roald Dahl re-write" controversy.
Hahaha I have a lot of feelings. Some of them you probably won't like? IDK.
First of all, lemme just say, Roald D was an anti-Semitic asshole, a notoriously difficult and bad man, his books are mean-spirited and rankle me, I really don't give a fig about him or his books or his legacy, and I'd never give them to a child.
(I wouldn't stop a child from reading one if they wanted to, either! I wouldn't BAN them! It's fine with me that they EXIST and are readily available for anyone who wants to read them! I just personally would not spend my money to present a child with a copy of one of his books, I think there are better things to read that I'd rather gift.)
So if you were under a rock and you didn't hear this latest "outrage", evidently the Roald Dahl estate + the UK publisher decided to do an update to a bunch of his books removing some of the particularly egregious language around things like minorities, fat people, etc. Some of the coverage of this makes it sound like they removed vast swathes of text, essentially rewriting the books. Which would obviously be insane if true. But it's not true. The changes are, as the estate put it, "small and carefully considered." There might be hundreds in total, but if they are tweaks to words across dozens of books - that's really not very many?
Anyway lots of authors are decrying it as CENSORSHIP!!!!! In my opinion... that is a little dramatic. First of all - censorship would be if they redacted the language without the permission of the rights holder. That is not the case. The rights holder is very much on board here - presumably because they know that the language is old-fashioned at best and OFFENSIVE at worst, and they just signed a many-million dollar contract with Netflix! And I'm sure they would like people to NOT boycott those Netflix projects and continue to buy the books!
It would also be censorship if somebody rounded up all old copies and destroyed them, preventing people from ever experiencing the text as originally published. But that's not happening. There are literally MILLIONS of copies of these books in print. They are SO available we could all build houses out of them. Nobody is taking anything away here.
Additionally -- this happens ALL THE TIME. All! The! Time!!!! Mind you -- MOST books just go out of print and are forgotten. But books that are lucky enough to stay in print for decades are often updated / tweaked to reflect changing cultural mores, etc.
For examples: In the 1930's, Nancy Drew was 16 years old and carried a gun. In the 1950's, they realized that was not going over well anymore, so they changed all her stories to make her 18 with no gun.
In the 1970's, Margaret of ARE YOU THERE GOD fame wore a "sanitary belt" for her period. I read these books in the early 80's and was like "wtf???" -- well, in the late 80s, they changed it to pads.
Oh, and also, in early editions of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, the Oompa-Loompas were Black pygmies from a tribe in Africa! They changed them to orange fantasy creatures later, because guess what, people were weirded out about it.
While it's true that Roald D himself made/approved that change (presumably because somebody back in the day told him, "yo, you are going to get a LOT of money from Hollywood if you make this change" and he realized it was true) -- he's dead. If he were alive, he'd probably have the same convo, and people would say "yo, Netflix is giving you millions of dollars, apologize for the hatred you spewed and change some words or your deal is toast." -- And he'd have done it, just like he did the first time. Since he's dead, his heirs made that decision. Which they are fully allowed to do.
Most of the time, literary executors of author's estates are trying to do the most lucrative things for that estate; they have a fiduciary responsibility to do so. That being said - if you feel strongly that after your death your books must be frozen in amber and never changed a bit, never sold to Hollywood / adapted for stage or TV or film, never sold into foreign countries where words change in translation all the time -- then let your heirs / executors know that explicitly, they DO NOT have permission to agree to any of this. And the books will likely just go out of print, and sink into oblivion.
ETA: Are these changes really being done because of concern for children's "delicate" brains, or "cancel culture gone mad"? ... OR, is it a somewhat cynical cash-grab to ensure that a multi-million dollar Netflix deal doesn't go down the tubes? Probably the latter!
But also, that isn't censorship. Creators and their estates are allowed to grab cash if it is offered, and can change or not change things as they will. They are the rights holders.
ETA ETA: I also should have mentioned a similar case from a couple years back: In 2021, the Seuss estate elected to *stop* publishing certain titles that contained racial and ethnic stereotypes. (And also - those particular books were among his least popular and they were not losing anything by making that decision, they make a billion dollars off his other books, and actually that news made his books SKYROCKET in sales, but whatever). It would not surprise me AT ALL if this hand-wringing news actually causes a big spike in Dahl sales.
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madamlaydebug · 6 months
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“If cannabis were discovered in the Amazon rainforest today, people would be clambering to make as much use as they could of all of the potential benefits of the plant. Unfortunately, it carries with it a long history of being a persecuted plant.” ~ Dr. Donald Abrams, Chief of Hematology Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital
Approximately 106,000 Americans die yearly from prescribed medications, according to the American Medical Association. Even more frightening, preventable medical errors account for a staggering 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year — and is considered the 3rd leading cause of death. “It’s equivalent to 2,000 commercial jets taking off each year knowing that they don’t have enough fuel to complete their journeys,” notes Peter Edelstein M.D. “Would you allow your spouse to board one of those planes? Your friend? A stranger?”
Good question. Increasingly, people in the West are seeking out treatments that work harmoniously with the body, instead of against it — in other words, they’re walking away from the medical establishment and all its mishaps, mistakes and pharmaceutical drugs. A case in point is cannabis, especially in its raw form.
A Rich History
Marijuana is one of those plants that, to many, conjures visions of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) raids and hippies in a drugged-out daze. But it wasn’t always this way.
“The ancient Chinese knew of marijuana’s pain-relieving and mind-altering effects, yet it was not widely employed for its psychoactive properties; instead it was cultivated as hemp for the manufacture of rope and fabric. Likewise, the ancient Greeks and Romans used hemp to make rope and sails. In some other places, however, marijuana’s intoxicating properties became important. In India, for example, the plant was incorporated into religious rituals. During the Middle Ages, its use was common in Arab lands; in 15th-century Iraq it was used to treat epilepsy; in Egypt it was primarily consumed as an inebriant. After Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt, Europeans began using the drug as an intoxicant. During the slave trade, it was transported from Africa to Mexico, the Caribbean and South America. Marijuana gained a following in the U.S. only relatively recently. During the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, cannabis was freely available without a prescription for a wide range of ailments, including migraine and ulcers,” Roger A. Nicoll and Bradley N. Alger remind us in Scientific American.
Even American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson declared: “Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.”
So what happened?
In 1937, the United States Congress decided — against the recommendation of the American Medical Association — to pass the Marijuana Tax Act. The legislation essentially banned the use of marijuana by making it excessively expensive and difficult to secure. It has been downhill ever since. That is, until the last few years where legalization of marijuana has exploded in the U.S., for both recreational and medicinal uses. For our purposes here, we’re going to look at the health benefits of the plant — which are quite impressive.
An Essential Vegetable
“It [cannabis] has captured these molecules that help our bodies regulatory system be more effective. The bottom line is it’s a dietary essential that helps all 210 cell types function more effectively. I don’t even refer to it as medicine anymore, strictly as a dietary essential.”
~ Dr. William L. Courtney
It may be a stretch for some to recognize rawcannabis as the next in-demand superfood, but Dr. Courtney, a physician with extensive medical training who specializes in the dietary uses of cannabis, presents a provocative case.
When you heat or age cannabis, Dr. Courtney believes that you lose 99% of the benefit cannabis provides. In contrast, if you consume it raw, you’ll reap the full value of the plant. Plus, raw cannabis is non-psychoactive, so you won’t experience a high — an important point for those who would like to utilize the healing aspects of cannabis without feeling drugged or off-center. This means you can also consume a much higher amount of health-promoting compounds with raw cannabis juice compared to if it was smoked or extracted as an oil, according to Dr. Courtney.
Terpenes, essential oils found in cannabis which give the plant its unique aroma, are particularly compelling.A study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology states that terpenoids are “pharmacologically versatile: they are lipophilic, interact with cell membranes, neuronal and muscle ion channels, neurotransmitter receptors, G-protein coupled (odorant) receptors, second messenger systems and enzymes.”
The researchers explored the powerful effect terpenes exert in animal tests. Limonene was found to increase serotonin in the prefrontal cortex and dopamine in the hippocampus region of the brain — both of which help fend-offdepression and feelings of stress. Moreover, limonene induces apoptosis (cell death) of breast cancer cells and demonstrated exceptional radical scavenging properties. It’s also remarkably bioavailable, rapidly metabolized and is highly non-toxic and non-sensitizing.
Myrcene is anti-inflammatory and an effective sleep aid, while pinene acts as a bronchodilator and broad spectrum antibiotic — including the destruction of lethal MRSA bacteria. Pinene also curbs inflammation. Linalool is a sedative and anticonvulsant. Caryophyllene is antimalarial, anti-inflammatory and useful in treating duodenal ulcers. Nerolidol inhibits fungal growth and protozoal parasites. Phytol increases GABA expression, resulting in a calming effect. These are just a handful of the 200 varieties of terpenes found in cannabis.
How to Enjoy More Raw Cannabis in Your Life
For a daily dose, Dr. Courtney advises juicing fifteen cannabis leaves and two buds, which is then added to a small amount of fruit or vegetable juice that is consumed throughout the day. If you would like to learn more about juicing cannabis, this article offers tips and suggestions. Keep in mind that juicing improperly may create heat, which will cause THC to form. Jeffrey C. Raber, Ph.D. also recommends having the strain of marijuana you’re using tested at a reliable and accurate lab so you know exactly what you are getting.
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draconesmundi · 1 year
How do these mad lads fit in dracones mundi? orobon, mushussu, melusine, stellio(dea), behemoth, leviathan(yes i am creationist, please don't judge), kongamato, ropen, kilin, moche dragon, and pig dragons
Orobon - extinct dracotherid, which is the family for my 'beast dragons', so it is a relative of the tatzelwyrm/stollenwyrm that lived in North Africa rather than Europe.
Mushussu - small draconid, still working out it's precise ecology and position in the family tree
Melusine - legends of 'dragon women' are based on the belly markings of the green wyvern, which resemble breasts and, in certain lights, the silhouette of a naked, snakelike woman. Green wyverns in Dragones Mundi are also responsible for vibria and vouivre legends - they cover the whole spectrum of dragon depictions from 'a dragon with boobs' to 'half dragon half woman'.
Stellio(dea) - I must confess I had to look this one up! I would need to research more before adding them, but it looks like they were a person turned into a lizard by the Gods in Greek mythology? Not necessarily a dragon species in Dracones Mundi, but I can research more and decide later.
Behemoth and Leviathan - I haven't included these, or Ziz, as species, because each of these was supposed to be a one-off in their own folklore. A single giant land beast, a single giant sea serpent, a single giant bird etc. I had the Leviathan in a previous draft as a very large serpent of a species which also included Tiamat - I may bring 'big serpents living in Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea' etc. Not sure where it went between drafts, if I'm honest, but I may be throwing west Asian sea serpents back in the mix. I have no plans for a Behemoth, and giant birds do exist in the world of Dracones Mundi but they are not dragons, so Ziz won't be a dragon.
Kongamato and Ropen - I had forgotten that Kongamato existed! Might be adding them, might not. In previous drafts I didn't want to include too much cryptozoology and had strict rules on what counted as a 'mythological dragon', but most recent draft has dragons based on pop culture so I can include more cryptids, if I wish. I avoided the Ropen because I remember there was a clear paper trail of a cryptozoologist paying locals to make up statements about the animal rather than it being a creature genuinely sighted/creature from folklore. It has been a long time since I looked into cryptozoology, I cannot remember the details closely, so if I am incorrect here please ignore this! I will only include Kongamato and Ropen if I have time, as I already have a lot of dragons to write about!
Kilin - Kilin do exist in Dracones Mundi, but not as a species of dragon. This was down to an arbitrary rule of 'no hooved dragons'. There are hooved crocodylomorphs in the fossil record, it would be easy for me to do hooved dragons, but I limited the scope of dragons just to make the project easy for myself to write and draw. Kilins can easily be dragons, just not in Dracones Mundi. They are a mammal with pangolin-like scales.
Moche Dragon - oh!!! Thank you for pointing this one out, I don't have enough dragons in Peru, I will look into this further!
Pig Dragons - I am unsure on how to make a pig dragon - possibly a juvenile form of another Chinese dragon, as the depictions of pig dragons are serpentine and in a kind of fetal position? It probably won't get it's own species but may be a life stage of another dragon species
Thank you for the ask!
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ptbf2002 · 7 months
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here's My Top 10 Favorite Cartoons From France (Or I Should Say That Cartoons Produced Or Animated In France)
#10 Little Spirou
#9 Monster Buster Club
#8 Robotboy
#7 SamSam
#6 The Garfield Show
#5 Zig And Sharko
#4 Sonic Boom
#3 Magiki
#2 Angelo Rules
And #1 Oggy And The Cockroaches
Honorable Mentions: Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese, Nate Is Late, Molang, Sally Bollywood, Team Galaxy, A.T.O.M Alpha Teens On Machines,
Original Template: https://www.deviantart.com/el-crany-racha-da/art/Top-10-Favorite-French-Cartoons-962082542
Little Spirou (TV Series) (2013) Belongs To Jean-Richard Geurts, Philippe Tome, Virginie Jallot, Dupuis Editions & Audiovisuels, Araneo Belgium, LuxAnimation, Belvision, Dreamwall, OUFtivi, Radio-télévision belge de la Communauté française (RTBF), Télétoon+, CANAL+ S.A. Groupe CANAL+ S.A. Vivendi SE, M6 Kid, M6 (TV channel), Metropole Télévision S.A. And Groupe M6
Monster Buster Club Belongs To Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel, Designstorm Animation Studio, Marathon Animation, Marathon Media Group, Zodiak Kids Studios France, Banijay S.A. Image Entertainment Corporation, Mystery Animation, TF1, Groupe TF1 S.A. Jetix Europe N.V. Disney Branded Television, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company YTV, YTV Canada, Inc. And Corus Entertainment Inc.
Robotboy Belongs To Jan Van Rijsselberge, Digital eMation, Inc. Monigotez, Carbunkle Cartoons, Gaumont Animation, Gaumont Film Company, France 3, France Télévisions S.A. LuxAnimation, Splash Entertainment, LLC. Cofinova 1, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Discovery Europe, Middle East & Africa, Warner Bros. Discovery International, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
SamSam Belongs To Serge Bloch, Blue Spirit Studio, Sinematik, Bayard Jeunesse Animation, Grupo SM, Araneo Belgium, France 5, France Télévisions S.A. Gulli, Canal J, TiJi, Metropole Télévision S.A. And Groupe M6
The Garfield Show Belongs To Jim Davis, Philippe Vidal, Infinite Frameworks Pte. Ltd. Tiger Bells Animation Pvt. Ltd. Paws, Inc. Nickelodeon Group, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Paramount Global, Dargaud Media, Mediatoon Distribution, Les Éditions Dargaud, France 3, France Télévisions S.A. Cartoon Network, Boomerang (TV network), The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Zig And Sharko Belongs To Olivier Jean-Marie, Armada TMT, DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. Xilam Animation, TF1, Groupe TF1 S.A. CANAL+ S.A. Groupe CANAL+ S.A. Vivendi SE, Gulli, Canal J, TiJi, Metropole Télévision S.A. Groupe M6, Super RTL, RTL Deutschland GmbH And RTL Group S.A.
Sonic Boom Belongs To Yuji Naka, Naoto Ohshima, Hirokazu Yasuhara, Evan Baily, Donna Friedman Meir, Sandrine Nguyen, Infinite Frameworks Studios, SEGA Corporation, SEGA Sammy Holdings Inc. OuiDo! Productions, Technicolor Animation Productions, Lagardère Thématiques, Jeunesse TV, Gulli, Canal J, CANAL+ S.A. Groupe CANAL+ S.A. Vivendi SE, Metropole Télévision S.A. Groupe M6, Boomerang, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Magiki Belongs To Eryk Casemiro, Cyril Deydier, Pegbar Animation, Animasia Studio, Rainbow S.P.A. Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Paramount Global, DeAgostini Publishing Italy S.P.A. DeAgostini Editore S.P.A. DeAKids, DeA Junior, DeAgostini S.P.A. DeAPlaneta Kids And Family, DeAPlaneta Entertainment, Télé Images Productions, Zodiak Kids Studios France, Banijay S.A. Ketchup TV, KidsMe S.R.L. Gulli, TiJi, Metropole Télévision S.A. Groupe M6, Frisbee, Switchover Media, Discovery Italia S.R.L. Discovery Networks Italia, Discovery Networks EMEA, Discovery Networks International, Discovery, Inc. And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Angelo Rules Belongs To Sylvie De Mathuisieulx, Sebastien Diologent, TeamTO, CAKE Entertainment Ltd. France 3, France 4, France Télévisions S.A. Télétoon+ CANAL+ S.A. Groupe CANAL+ S.A. Vivendi SE, Expand Drama, Super RTL, RTL Deutschland GmbH, RTL Group S.A. International Rheingold Productions, Cartoon Network (Middle Eastern and African TV channel), Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited, WarnerMedia EMEA, Turner Broadcasting System International, WarnerMedia International, WarnerMedia & Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Oggy and the Cockroaches Belongs To Jean-Yves Raimbaud, Big Star Enterprise, Armada TMT, Digital Emation, Inc. Neon Pumpkin, DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. Gaumont Multimedia, The Gaumont Film Company, Xilam Animation, France 3, France Télévisions S.A. CANAL+ Family, CANAL+ S.A. Groupe CANAL+ S.A. Vivendi SE, Gulli, Canal J, Metropole Télévision S.A. And Groupe M6
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time4hemp · 3 months
Why Is Cannabis Still A Schedule 1 Drug?
7 Dangerous Drugs Less Restricted Than Cannabis
Have A Toke And A Smile.
Written by Casper Leitch
Reform advocates have strongly objected to the continued inclusion of cannabis in the prohibitive Schedule I of the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA), and the stark disparity between the drug's pharmacological reality and its federal legal status has provoked a sharp debate. But far less known is the fact that many drugs commonly considered much more dangerous than pot are actually easier to get under federal law than the relatively benign herb. Here's a list of seven drugs, all of which are subject to fewer restrictions under US law than marijuana:
The white powdery extract of the coca bush (Schedule II) may be legally prescribed by a doctor in the United States, and is commonly used as a local anesthetic for eye surgery. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Stepan Company of Maywood, New Jersey, legally imports 175,000 kilograms of coca leaf per year, extracting pure cocaine for legal sale to hospitals and ophthalmologists across America before selling the leftover 'decocainized' leaves to the Coca-Cola company for use in their soft drink, which still includes the two primary flavor ingredients which provide its name: coca leaves and kola nuts from east Africa.
Warning: May be habit forming
Barbiturates. This class of drugs, containing specific chemicals variously scattered across Schedules II, III and IV, may be legally prescribed by US doctors for the purpose of calming anxiety and as a general anesthetic. The potential for abuse is high, however, and barbiturate overdose has claimed the lives of Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and Jimi Hendrix, among other celebrities. In fact, some barbiturates are so efficient at killing their users that they have been employed in physician-assisted suicide.
Desoxyn (TM), also known as Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine. One of the US's fastest-growing drugs of abuse, known on the street as “crystal meth,” is known in the pharmacy as Desoxyn(TM). This is because methamphetamine, classified by the CSA as Schedule II, may be legally prescribed in the US for the treatment of ADHD and certain kinds of obesity. Doctors are even free to prescribe Desoxyn for off-label purposes, such as the treatment of narcolepsy. Not surprisingly, bottles of Desoxyn come with strong written warnings about the drug's abuse potential; the only surprising thing is that the same doctors who legally prescribe methamphetamine to children are not allowed to recommend cannabis to adults.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Heroin. Because the infamous morphine derivative sits beside cannabis in Schedule I, many may find it surprising that it is actually easier to get legal heroin in the US than it is to obtain legal cannabis. In fact, the CSA does allow the distribution of Schedule I substances for very limited purposes, including to administer to human subjects as part of a clinical trial. While such research is relatively rare, some scientists – notably, Dr. Carl Hart of Columbia University – have obtained permission from the US Drug Enforcement Agency to administer Schedule I substances to clinical subjects for the purpose of studying their effects.
Cannabis, too, may be distributed in a clinic for scientific purposes, but any researcher proposing to study marijuana in such a way must jump through an extra and daunting hoop not required of any other drug. This is because of all the approximately 150 substances listed in Schedule I, cannabis is the only drug subject to an additional review by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) before it may be legally studied in the laboratory. So while a researcher who obtains permission from the FDA and DEA may legally distribute heroin to human test subjects, the same researcher will be out of luck on cannabis unless she also receives permission from NIDA – which, incidentally, only approves marijuana research designed to show the plant's supposed harms and never its benefits.
A survey by the Lancet found alcohol to be the most harmful of 20 popular street drugs. Alcohol. Reform advocates involved with marijuana legalization campaigns have done a good job of explaining the many reasons why herbal cannabis is far safer than its more popular alternative, alcohol – a job made much easier by the mountain of evidence proving that alcoholic beverages contain probably the most harmful recreational drug in wide use. Ending the legal double standard between booze and bud, however, has proven far more difficult. Despite insightful commentary from respected researchers like Robin Room, who recently opined that curious teenagers should be encouraged to try cannabis instead of the far more harmful drug alcohol, the legal status of ethanol alcohol remains enshrined in the 21st amendment to the US constitution, and only another constitutional amendment can re-criminalize the popular drug, despite its many documented harms. Given how miserably alcohol prohibition failed in the US, it is highly unlikely that such an amendment will ever pass again – begging the question why federal marijuana prohibition has endured for over 75 years.
Blow some my way.
Tobacco. From lung cancer to emphysema to crippling addiction, the myriad harms of tobacco use have been documented – pardon the pun – to death. But despite a sustained program of public education of the horrors of tobacco addiction, the only significant restrictions passed in the US amount to public smoking bans in some of the country's more progressive cities. In every other regard, purveyors of the killer tobacco are free to sell to anyone 18 or over, while retail shops offering an herbal substitute which carries none of the pulmonary risks of tobacco face a constant risk of a federal raid. Perhaps it's time to ask the feds to butt out.
Pure, white and deadly.
Sugar. While federal law classifies fructose and glucose as foods, the long-term health effects of sugar abuse compares unfavorably with many substances thought of as dangerous drugs. Those who binge on sugar risk an elevated chance of developing obesity, diabetes and cancer; children who binge on the substance have been found to be more likely to turn to delinquency as adolescents. Users of sugar quickly develop a tolerance to its stimulant effects, and experiments with mice have suggested that sugar tolerance can lead to increased tolerance to other addictive drugs like alcohol and cocaine. Dr. Robert Lustig of UCSF Medical Center has gone so far as to characterize sugar as a poison, calling its pharmacological effects “alcohol without the buzz.” Despite all of these documented dangers, sugar remains classified by federal law as GRAS – Generally Recognized As Safe. Food producers are free to market sugary products to kids all they want, subject only to the restriction that their labels disclose the amount of sugar contained therein.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by Chief Green Bud.
It’s Only A Weed.
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hardynwa · 3 months
Serie A: Lookman rues Atalanta’s home defeat to Bologna
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Ademola Lookman has reflected on Atalanta’s disappointing 2-1 home defeat to Bologna on Sunday. Lookman, who was making his first start for La Dea since returning from the Africa Cup of Nations scored the game’s curtain-raiser in the 28th minute. Gian Piero Gasperini’s side wasted a number of chances afterwards. Bologna capitalised on their profligacy in front of the goal by scoring twice in the second half through Jonathan Zirkzee and Lewis Ferguson. Lookman was disappointed with the outcome of the game. “First half was very, very good. We were positive in our play, set the tempo, and then in the second half we didn’t really come out, the same way we came out in the first half so for us it was kind of a game of two halves,” Lookman told the club’s official website. “Disappointment but another game on Wednesday so we can’t really stay disappointed so we get ready for the next game. “Two moments they capitalized on the moments and they scored. We are a team, we fight together, we win together, we lose together so onto the next game.” The Nigeria international has scored eight goals for Atalanta this season. Read the full article
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jdyf333 · 3 months
("In the blistering heat, CBS News found children in Ghana as young as 5 years old using machetes nearly as big as themselves to harvest the cocoa beans that end up in some of America's most-loved chocolates."
---Debora Patta, Sarah Carter, Javier Guzman, and Kerry Breen, CBS News, 11.29. 2023, in an article they wrote about Mars, the candy company that makes M&Ms and Snickers.)
("A university in Canada is expected to remove a series of vending machines from campus after a student discovered a sign they used facial recognition technology."
"The smart vending machines at the University of Waterloo first gained attention this month when Reddit user SquidKid47 shared a photo. The photo purportedly showed an M&M-brand vending machine with an error code reading, 'Invenda.Vending. FacialRecognition.App.exe — Application error.'"
"...River Stanley, a writer for the local student publication MathNEWS...investigated the smart vending machines, discovering that they're provided by Adaria Vending Services and manufactured by Invenda Group. Canadian publication CTV News reported that Mars, owner of M&M's, owns the vending machines."
"MathNEWS reported that Invenda Group's FAQ said that 'only the final data, namely presence of a person, estimated age and estimated gender, is collected without any association with an individual.'"
---Lauren Edmonds, Business Insider, 2.25. 2024.)
("A South Carolina college apologized Monday after a faculty member, calling them 'happy pills,' handed out M&Ms in prescription drug bottles to little kids at a fun run over the weekend.
'While we know this professor meant the candy to serve as a treat, the method of distribution may have confused pre-school children whose parents have taught them not to take pills from pharmaceutical bottles,' Horry Georgetown Technical College, in East Conway near Myrtle Beach, said in a statement. 'We regret further that professors and administrators are human and, although eager to share information about growing careers, sometimes make mistakes. This particular mistake will not occur again.'
The faculty member, who wasn't identified, handed out the standard-issue prescription pill bottles to promote her medical technology program. The labels prescribed the 'Happy Pills' to "A Great Kid," instructing 'patients' to 'Take 1 m&m every 2 to 4 hours.'
'I know they had good intentions, but maybe it should have been handled in a different way,' Tiffany Myers, whose son got one of the bottles, told NBC station WMBF of Myrtle Beach. Myers said her husband is a firefighter and paramedic who 'comes across children that get into medicine bottles quite frequently, and it can be very damaging, or it can be life-threatening.'"
---M. Alex Johnson, NBC News, 2.16. 2015)
("...the DEA is cracking down, telling roughly 450 e-commerce sites to identify and report pill press purchases as required under federal law. Last month, eBay agreed to pay the Department of Justice $59 million — after the e-commerce site allegedly fell short of identifying and reporting pill press purchases."
"Drug dealers also buy fake punch kits and dyes, used to brand pills, allowing them to mimic real pills like oxycodone.
'What they do is they buy specific dyes and punch kits that have the markings that mimic pharmaceutical preparations,' DEA Deputy Assistant Administrator Scott Oulton said, noting the kits can be bought online and only cost about $40."
--- Nicole Sganga and Andres Triay, CBS News, 2.26. 2024 in their article "DEA cracks down on pill presses in latest front in the fight against fentanyl".
("With sales ranging from $163 billion to $217 billion per year, according to industry estimates, counterfeit pharmaceuticals are the most lucrative sector of the global trade in illegally copied goods. Fraudulent drugs harm or kill millions..."
"Authorities confiscated 4 million counterfeit tablets in 2015 in Germany alone. And in developing regions, such as Africa, the proportion of fake pharmaceuticals can rise to 70 percent. Roughly one-third of the world’s countries lack effective drug regulatory agencies."
"The World Health Organization [WHO] estimates that 50 percent of drugs sold online are fraudulent."
---Peter Behner, Marie-Lyn Hecht, and Fabian Wahl, in their paper "Fighting Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals: New Defenses for an Underestimated--and Growing--Menace", PWC dot com, 2017. [In 2002, IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) acquired the management consulting and technology services arm of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), according to Wikipedia.])
(Costa Careyes is an exclusive gated community in Mexico. Each year, Careyes hosts a five-day festival [called Onalinda] for what a member of the founding family of Careyes described as being "rich people".."artists--successsful businessmen--you know, opinion leaders". The theme of the 2021 festival was mycelium and seven hundred and fifty people attended. Careyes says young people in the "twentysomething" age group were NOT invited.
"Among the offerings was a chocolate-fungi workshop." ["If we were going to add psilocybin, how much per bar should we do?"]
"Erika Valero Tlazohtiani, a shaman in a white gown, told attendees, 'Tobacco is a way to talk with God.' She led a cacao ceremony that involved drinking ritualistically prepared hot chocolate and taking a puff from a communal pipe."
"'That's a crazy-awesome outfit, even if you're not on a lot of drugs,' a guy in a glow-in-the-dark T-shirt said, watching a couple in matching sequinned tie-dyed jumpsuits. 'It's like adult recess on crack, but all the kids on the playground want to play with you,' a philanthropist named Gillian Wynn--the daughter of Steve Wynn--said."
The quotes are from a 1.24. 2022 article ["No Riffraff"] in The New Yorker that was written by Sheila Yasmin Marikar.)
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bharti49 · 4 months
Inkjet Coders Market Opportunities, Forecast, Size, Competitive Analysis till 2030
The latest market research service from The Insight Partners is called " Inkjet Coders Market Share, Size Analysis| 2030" The business focuses on consulting and syndicated market research. The research firm is helping Inkjet Coders market investors by providing both qualitative and quantitative data through this study.
Inkjet Coders Market Potential
The market research study guides organizations on market economics by identifying market size, revenue potential, and total market share. The company needs to comprehend its clientele and the demand it creates to focus on a smaller selection of items. Through this chapter, market size assists businesses in estimating demand in specific marketplaces and comprehending projected patterns for the future.
Inkjet Coders Market Competition Analysis
This chapter provides information about both long-standing and recent Inkjet Coders market participants. Comprehending the competition facilitates a company's understanding of its market position. The study provides insights into opportunities and dangers facing Inkjet Coders market participants through this chapter. Opportunities for market expansion in the Inkjet Coders sector may be found by contrasting the price and organic growth methods employed by major market players. Key businesses are ANSER CODING INC., ITW Diagraph, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co.,Ltd., Kiwi Coders Corporation, KGK Jet India Private Limited, Linx Printing Technologies, Markem-Imaje, Shanghai Rottweil Handyware Printing Technology Co., Ltd., Videojet Technologies Inc., Xaar Plc. .
Inkjet Coders Market Segmentation
To effectively serve their consumers in a competitive Inkjet Coders market, businesses must educate themselves about important categories. Streamlining market tactics is a potent use of market research. The product, application, and regional categories are highlighted in this study area. Brands may further enhance their products and services by having a better understanding of demographics and high-return areas.
Based on Type this market is categorized further into-
CIJ Coder
DOD Inkjet Coder
TIJ Coder
Based on Application this market is categorized further into-
Food Industry
Cosmetic Industry
Automobile Industry
Wire and Cables
Tobacco industry
Based on Geography this market is categorized further into-
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
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Based on Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World…
Our Research Methods:
The thorough results of primary and secondary research methodologies are presented in this paper. Included are specifics on the Inkjet Coders market share study. This study also includes additional industry markers including spending, micro-financial indicators, and demographics.
Key competitors in the market are regularly evaluated based on their market shares to forecast the growth of the industry as a whole. These important market participants' earnings are assessed based on the projected length. Information about the market at the local, regional, and national levels is provided by this market research.
Exclusive COVID-19 Impact Analysis
A historic COVID-19 pandemic was followed by the brief closure of companies. Inkjet Coders Market participants had to contend with poor marketing performance, lower revenues, and difficulties surviving their manufacturing lifecycles. Maintaining supply-demand balance and controlling expectations proved to be difficult for small and medium-sized businesses. This section discusses the examination of COVID-19's effects on companies and the alternate strategies they have employed to deal with the interruptions caused by the epidemic. This chapter also discusses the potential for recovery following COVID-19.
Exclusive Benefits for Buyers
Strategic Insights to Enhance Customer Experience and Per Customer Revenue
Assistance in Product Planning and Roadmap to Marketing
Data-backed Approach by Researchers to Offer New Optimal Business Solutions.
Preferred Target Demographic, Target Regions, and Market Channels.
Customized Insights and Consultation Service
Author’s Bio:
Bharti Nalawade Jr. Associate at The Insight Partners
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weeds420 · 5 months
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klubkratom · 5 months
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