#Dawn of War: Winter Assault
suchscary · 2 years
So I recently picked up a game called Project Zomboid, and while it activates all my old prepper/survivalist neurons I haven't used in years, you might also enjoy it. I've never played The Sims, but people often describe it as "The Sims with zombies."
Plus, the "This Is How I Died" trailer is pretty cool.
Ooh, never heard of this game before, it looks fascinating! But again, I don't like the genre that much (though to be fair, I only played, like, one survival game), but I'll keep this game in mind!
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lodgeofthecat · 1 year
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Come watch me be the littlest Heretic! Today we're playing Dawn of War: Winter Assault. https://www.twitch.tv/schoolofthecat
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prinxlegolass · 4 months
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Smut War Fic: Exit Wound
Well, this wasn't a war I was going to sit out. Please enjoy my 6th fic. First attempt at smut, but as you have already seen from my TrAuMa meme, it also has a lot of angst in it. I hope you enjoy it x
Rating: Explicit
These are expanded upon further in the summary if you'd like to also read that for context, but take care of yourself :)
- Demon in Snake Form / Goddess in Human Form Sexual Encounter. Both are aware of what the other is, and both can consent
- Slight dubcon due to magic, feeling highly connected to someone and a sense of not being in control as a result, more so due to an inherent primal instrinct. All beings are acting on free will and are able to consent for the smut bits
- In the epilogue, a character describes a murder he witnesses without gory detail (the victim is not Aziraphale or Crowley). The nature of the murder is patriarchal and of spiritual colonisation in nature, but there is no sexual assault / motive. The fic can be read without the epilogue if you're curious but want to skip this subject.
-Angst ending
- Snake bite, snake sex and descriptions that could trigger claustrophobia
Hell sends Crowley to 5th Century Ireland, much to his chagrin, to investigate a mysterious source of power. Uphill from a deep rainforest he finds an ancient structure with something far more ancient and far more powerful than any blessing or curse he’d seen before.
This is a story of love, of loss, coming home, and everything that never was. Join me for a re-telling of an Irish Celtic Myth that has been sanitised and long-forgotten. Taking place in one hundred years into Early Christian Ireland, it weaves themes of spiritual colonisation with the ineffability of a great plan and the parts of us that are never truly lost.
But this is a smut war - and you can expect a sexy divine being, human sex and snake sex; not just hemi-penes, but hemi-clitorae! Sex magic rituals being used as a sensual tool for transformation and rebirth; and plenty of vulva pleasure and gratification.
There are three (because it’s a magic number) sexual configurations - demon in snake form / Goddess in human form, Snake / Snake, Human / Human. That culminates in a healing and surrendering love.
The epilogue features angst with an unhappy ending. As you can imagine, the resistance to Christianity did not end well for the Irish Pagans. In the epilogue, one character describes witnessing the murder (no sexual assault) of another. But the story stands well enough on its own without the epilogue if you want to skip this part.
5,014 word count
“I’ve been waiting for you, Crowley.”
“Who are you?” Crowley hissed. His aggressive exterior betraying the powerlessness he felt to draw nearer.
“I am many things, Crowley. I am one of many mothers; both death and rebirth. I am the inhale and the exhale; the dawn that rises after the cold, hard winter; I bring joy and I am feared; and soon, none will remember…”
Crowley inched forward, concertina twinings marking the dirt, barely sensing the heat of the fire in the woman’s lure.
“Your name!” He growled insistently.
“You already know it, Crowley. Look deep inside you, my beloved serpent,” was her soft response with kind eyes. Crowley flicked his tongue at the fingers of her extended palm. The woman’s skin was steeped in the essence of her words; the taste of finely plucked sycamore seeds carried lovingly by the wind to pre-destined soils. Tears doomed never to fall filled Crowley’s heart as the thread that connected him to this woman tugged him closer on her arm; the most he had ever touched or been touched by a human in his snake-form. Only she wasn’t human, was she? A foreign name Crowley had always known moved from the back of his mouth to dance on his tongue.
Green eyes smiled through tears at the demon’s whisper.
“Yes my dear. It’s me. I’m so glad you’re here.”
Crowley’s thought-form longed to ask questions. About knowledge, that began before words; curiosity, that existed before symbols; and meaning, established before sounds. But he had already found his answer in her eyes. Another Almighty; new and much more ancient. A Goddess.
Crowley’s body took over once again, unable to resist the draw to her. Climbing her arm and shoulders, his tongue could not cease flicking, planting forked kisses on her neck. Quivering, he meandered down her shoulder, elongating his form to drape around her. Powerless over the compulsion to place his chin on every part of her body, Crowley’s tail vibrated in her lap and Caoira breathed sighs of joy in his scaled ministrations.
Fingers that had borne the very wells of the earth stroked the obsidian pearls of Crowley’s back, before coming to delicately caress the ridges of his snout and brow. Crowley flinched in the touch, haunted by memories of the fall; of centuries spent curled around the cooling magma of igneous rock. Curled around any form of connection to replace the Almighty’s as his wings burned.
Coos of Caoira’s attunement honeyed Crowley’s ears, and with no way of crying, sweating or spitting it out; his serpent-form became fevered with fury for what had happened to him. His body flailed in twisted, hissing reverberations in the centre of the Goddess’s crossed legs. In his uncontrolled anguish, Crowley felt his jaw unhinge and his fangs hook into Caoira's thighs, breaking her skin. Punishment for his other mother, who had placed a similar hook in his heart only to cut the cord in the end.  This time, he was never letting go.
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Thank you:
Goskiagarkowska2 on pixabay for the image. A huge thank you to @sohoscribblers who have been amazing friends since I joined their group. Big thanks to @azeutreciathewicked @aidaran-alha @playdohangel and @rhosmeinir for the Betas x
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I'm an ASOIAF fan reading the series for the third time at age 28. Here are my thoughts and opinions 752 pages into AGOT:
Dany thinking of Viserys as “the man who had been her brother” as soon as he draws steel in Vaes Dothrak is a trauma response that underscores how observant she is. She recognises Viserys is a dead man as soon as he breaks Dothraki tradition and distances herself from him to spare herself pain.
Jon showing Ghost the wolf pommel on Longclaw after Mormont gives him the sword and saying “Look, it’s you” is adorable. Jon Snow is so precious in this book.
Jon feels an aversion to Longclaw that makes me think he's destined to wield another magic sword. Which one though? A reforged Ice? Dark Sister? Dawn?
Daenery's reaction to the pillaging of Drogo's khalasar is so visceral. "Dany pitied them; she remembered what terror felt like." Well shit, if that doesn’t summarise her entire motivation in Slaver’s Bay and her Meereen arc, I don't know what does.
Ned and Catelyn are good parents, but they sent Sansa to King's Landing completely ill-prepared. They were naive too though, so it makes sense.
Ned had so many opportunities to play the smart game and save his family! I feel like his victory in Robert’s Rebellion aided his ignorance to the severity of Cersei and the Lannisters’ influence in King’s Landing. They were the good guys who won a war and overthrew a dynasty. What was Cersei and the Lannisters compared to that, right? The deaths of Rhaegar’s children haunt Ned and he sees an opportunity to fix it by warning Cersei and 'saving' her children from Robert’s wrath. Boy did he underestimate Cersei.
"They were the Kings of Winter," Bran whispered. Somehow it felt wrong to talk too loudly in this place. Osha smiled. "Winter's got no king. If you'd seen it, you'd know that, summer boy." No Night King in the books confirmed.
"But he had not left the Wall for that; he had left because he was after all his father's son, and Robb's brother. The gift of a sword, even a sword as fine as Longclaw, did not make him a Mormont. Nor was he Aemon Targaryen." Jon's real name is Aemon, I reckon. Fits with the whole thing of Jon pretending to be Prince Aemon the Dragonknight as a child, as well as Rhaegar and Lyanna naming their son after Maester Aemon, who we know was in correspodence with Rhaegar before he died.
Tyrion & Shae are gross. Looking forward to Tyrion putting Joffrey in his place in Clash.
And the abuse of Sansa Stark begins. Grand Maester Pycelle sexually asaults her (her handmaid held her down while he "touched her everywhere") because she was grieving for her father. Then Joffrey commands Meryn Trant to physically assault her, all while berating her with sexist abuse about 'looking pretty for him' and telling her he'll kill her if their child is 'stupid.' Damn, Cersei, you raised a monster.
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datcloudboi · 5 months
List of Films Turning 10 Years Old in 2024
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
American Sniper
Annie (the remake starring Jamie Foxx)
As Above, So Below
The Babadook (we stan a gay icon)
Batman: Assault on Arkham (a direct continuation of the Batman: Arkham games)
Big Eyes
Big Hero 6
Birdman (won the Best Picture Oscar for this year)
The Book of Life
The Boxtrolls
Boyhood (filmed over the course of 12 years)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
Dear White People (the basis for the TV series on Netflix, and made by the same guy)
Dracula Untold (this was Universal’s second attempt at launching the Dark Universe)
The Drop (a crime drama starring Tom Hardy)
Edge of Tomorrow/Live Die Repeat
The Equalizer
Exodus: Gods and Kings (a biblical epic directed by Ridley Scott)
The Expendables 3
The Fault in Our Stars
Fury (the war movie with Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf)
Get on Up (the James Brown biopic starring Chadwick Boseman)
Godzilla (the 1st film in the MonsterVerse)
Gone Girl
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
The Guest
Hercules (the one starring The Rock)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (did you guys know the working title for this movie was “The Hobbit: There and Back Again”?)
How to Train Your Dragon 2
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
If I Stay
The Imitation Game (the movie where Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing)
Inherent Vice
The Interview (the movie that almost caused World War 3)
Into the Woods
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Jodorowsky's Dune (a documentary about the Dune movie that we never got)
Joe (one of Nic Cage's best movies)
John Wick (the 1st one)
Kill the Messenger
Left Behind (one of Nic Cage's worst movies)
The Lego Movie
Life After Beth
Lucy ((the “humans only use 10% of their brain” movie. Which has since been proven false. Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-people-only-use-10-percent-of-their-brains/ )
The Maze Runner
A Million Ways to Die in the Weset
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Muppets Most Wanted
Need for Speed (Aaron Paul's first project after "Breaking Bad" ended)
Night of the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (the third one. Also one of Robin Williams’ last movies)
Noah (a biblical epic directed by Darren Aronofsky)
The Nut Job
Obvious Child
Oculus (one of the 1st projects from Mike Flanagan)
Penguins of Madagascar
The Purge: Anarchy
The Raid 2
RoboCop (the reboot that was actually decent)
Sharknado 2
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
Son of Batman
St. Vincent
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the one produced by Michael Bay. It’s also the one where the Turtles look like aliens)
The Theory of Everything (the movie where Eddie Redmayne plays Stephen Hawking)
Third Person
300: Rise of an Empire
Transformers: Age of Extinction
22 Jump Street
Veronica Mars (the film continuation of the TV show)
A Walk Among the Tombstones
What If? (a rom-com starring Daniel Radcliffe)
What We Do in the Shadows (the film that was the basis for the TV show)
When Marnie Was There
X-Men: Days of Future Past
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1944 12 26 Winter Wolves - Nicolas Trudgian
On December 16th, 1944, Hitler mounted the largest offensive in the West since 1940. It was his last, desperate offensive of World War II.With Germany’s industrial heartland in ruins, its factories pulverized by Allied air raids, and opposing armies advancing on two fronts, the Third Reich appeared on the verge of collapse. The sudden and fierce riposte caught the Allied forces by surprise, forcibly demonstrating Germany’s ability and will to continue the war.It was the Führer’s last great gamble, and when American and British forces recovered to smash the brutal offensive, Hitler had spent the last energies of his crumbling empire. That final, desperate assault became known as the Battle of the Bulge.At dawn on December 26th, pilots of 1st and 4th Staffels of 1/Gruppe JG-26 took off to provide cover for the forward Panzer divisions, which were coming under attack from P-51 ground attack fighters. Although flying brand new Focke-Wulf Fw 190-Ds, on take-off they immediately lost radio contact with their controllers, forcing the Gruppe to adopt Free Hunt tactics. It made no difference, they quickly found the opposition!Nicolas Trudgian’s painting captures the Fw 190s of JG-26 at full tilt as they power across spectacular winter landscape in the Ardennes. Flying at tree-top height to avoid radar detection, the Luftwaffe pilots hurtle above German tanks and trucks lumbering towards the battlefront. The early morning glow glistens in the crisp morning snow, bringing an air of serenity to a poignant and historic scene.
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ukrainenews · 1 year
Daily(ish) Wrap Up December 23, 2022-January 1, 2023
Under the cut:
Ukrainians faced a grim start to 2023 as Sunday brought more Russian missile and drone attacks following a blistering New Year’s Eve assault that killed at least three civilians across the country, authorities reported.
Both Ukraine and Russia reported an exchange of prisoners of war on Saturday. Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said 140 prisoners of war had been released — including those from Mariupol and Snake Island.
Russia has been targeting Ukraine's critical infrastructure in a series of drone attacks early on Monday on Kyiv and the region surrounding it, officials said. Russia kept pounding Kyiv for the second night in a row, after firing a barrage of missiles over the capital on New Year's Eve night and earlier in the day. Ukraine's regional military command in the country's east said air defence systems destroyed nine Iranian-made Shahed drones over the Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia regions.
Ukrainian air defense systems shot down 12 cruise missiles after Russian forces launched more than 20 from land and sea Saturday, according to Ukraine's military.
“Ukrainians faced a grim start to 2023 as Sunday brought more Russian missile and drone attacks following a blistering New Year’s Eve assault that killed at least three civilians across the country, authorities reported.
Air raid sirens sounded in the capital shortly after midnight, followed by a barrage of missiles that interrupted the small celebrations residents held at home due to wartime curfews. Ukrainian officials alleged Moscow was deliberately targeting civilians along with critical infrastructure to create a climate of fear and destroy morale during the long winter months.
In a video address Sunday night, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy praised his citizens’ “sense of unity, of authenticity, of life itself.” The Russians, he said, “will not take away a single year from Ukraine. They will not take away our independence. We will not give them anything.”
Ukrainian forces in the air and on the ground shot down 45 Iranian-made explosive drones fired by Russia on Saturday night and before dawn Sunday, Zelenskyy said.
Another strike at noon Sunday in the southern Zaporizhzhia region killed one person, according to the head of the regional military administration, Alexander Starukh. But Kyiv was largely quiet, and people there on New Year’s Day savored the snippets of peace.
“Of course it was hard to celebrate fully because we understand that our soldiers can’t be with their family,” Evheniya Shulzhenko said while sitting with her husband on a park bench overlooking the city.
But a “really powerful” New Year’s Eve speech by Zelenskyy lifted her spirits and made her proud to be Ukrainian, Shulzhenko said. She recently moved to Kyiv after living in Bakhmut and Kharkiv, two cities that have experienced some of the heaviest fighting of the war.
Multiple blasts rocked the capital and other areas of Ukraine on Saturday and through the night, wounding dozens. An AP photographer at the scene of an explosion in Kyiv saw a woman’s body as her husband and son stood nearby.
Ukraine’s largest university, the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv, reported significant damage to its buildings and campus. Mayor Vitali Klitschko said two schools were damaged, including a kindergarten.
The strikes came 36 hours after widespread missile attacks Russia launched Thursday to damage energy infrastructure facilities. Saturday’s unusually quick follow-up alarmed Ukrainian officials. Russia has carried out airstrikes on Ukrainian power and water supplies almost weekly since October, increasing the suffering of Ukrainians, while its ground forces struggle to hold ground and advance.
Nighttime shelling in parts of the southern city of Kherson killed one person and blew out hundreds of windows in a children’s hospital, according to deputy presidential chief of staff Kyrylo Tymoshenko. Ukrainian forces reclaimed the city in November after Russia’s forces withdrew across the Dnieper River, which bisects the Kherson region.
When shells hit the children’s hospital on Saturday night, surgeons were operating on a 13-year-old boy who was seriously wounded in a nearby village that evening, Kherson Gov. Yaroslav Yanushevych said. The boy was transferred in serious condition to a hospital about 99 kilometers (62 miles) away in Mykolaiv.
Elsewhere, a 22-year-old woman died of wounds from a Saturday rocket attack Saturday in the eastern town of Khmelnytskyi, the city’s mayor said.
Instead of New Year’s fireworks, Oleksander Dugyn said he and his friends and family in Kyiv watched the sparks caused by Ukrainian air defense forces countering Russian attacks.
“We already know the sound of rockets, we know the moment they fly, we know the sound of drones. The sound is like the roar of a moped,” said Dugin, who was strolling with his family in the park. “We hold on the best we can.”
While Russia’s bombardments have left many Ukrainians without heating and electricity due to damage or controlled blackouts meant to preserve the remaining power supply, Ukraine’s state-owned grid operator said Sunday there would be no restrictions on electricity use for one day.
“The power industry is doing everything possible to ensure that the New Year’s holiday is with light, without restrictions,” utility company Ukrenergo said.
It said businesses and industry had cut back to allow the additional electricity for households.
Zelenskyy, in his nightly address, thanked utility workers for helping to keep the lights on during the latest assault. “It is very important how all Ukrainians recharged their inner energy this New Year’s Eve,” he said.”-via The Associated Press via WSAZ
“Both Ukraine and Russia reported an exchange of prisoners of war on Saturday.
Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said 140 prisoners of war had been released — including those from Mariupol and Snake Island.
“On the New Year Eve we not only repel enemy missile attacks, but also return our people home. This is another big exchange that we managed to carry out — 140 people are returning home. Among them are the wounded, as well as the defenders of Mariupol, Zmiinyi (Snake) Island, volunteers of territorial defense from Slavutych, fathers and sons who were in captivity together, as well as ours from Bakhmut direction,” Yermak said in a post on Telegram. This is the 35th such exchange of the war, according to the Ukrainian Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War.
The agency said 1,596 people — including both military personnel and civilians — have been released from Russian captivity through negotiations. That includes 187 women freed since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, according to the officials.
In a statement, the Russian Defense Ministry said 82 servicemen had been returned.
“The liberated personnel will be delivered to Moscow by military transport airplanes for further treatment and rehabilitation at healthcare facilities of Russian Defence Ministry,” the statement said.”-via CNN
“Russia has been targeting Ukraine's critical infrastructure in a series of drone attacks early on Monday on Kyiv and the region surrounding it, officials said.
Russia kept pounding Kyiv for the second night in a row, after firing a barrage of missiles over the capital on New Year's Eve night and earlier in the day.
"It is loud in the region and in the capital: night drone attacks," Kyiv Governor Oleksiy Kuleba said on the Telegram messaging app.
"Russians launched several waves of (Iranian-made) Shahed drones. Targeting critical infrastructure facilities. Air defence is at work."
By 3 a.m. local time (0100 GMT), Ukraine's air defence systems destroyed 16 air objects above Kyiv, the city's military administration said. Air raid sirens were wailing by that time for more than three hours.
Earlier in the night, debris from a destroyed drone over Kyiv hit the capital's northeastern district, wounding one, the city's Mayor Vitali Klitschko said.
A 19-year-old man was taken to a hospital in Kyiv's Desnianskiy district, Klitschko said on the Telegram messaging app, after drone debris hit a road there and damaged a building.
Reuters was not able to independently verify the information.
Kyrylo Tymoshenko, Ukrainian presidential aide, said drone debris hit a road in the Desnianskiy district, in Kyiv's northeast, damaging a building next to it.
The district, located on the left bank of the Dnipro River, is chiefly a residential area and the capital's most populous district.
Ukraine's regional military command in the country's east said air defence systems destroyed nine Iranian-made Shahed drones over the Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia regions by early hours of Monday.”-via Reuters
“Ukrainian air defense systems shot down 12 cruise missiles after Russian forces launched more than 20 from land and sea Saturday, according to Ukraine's military.
Moscow's forces attacked using Tu-95MS bomber planes over the Caspian Sea, and with Iskander-M missile systems from the ground, the Ukrainian Air Force Command wrote on Telegram.
“According to preliminary data, about 20 missiles were launched in total. Several of them did not reach Ukraine and fell on the territory of Russia (information is being clarified),” the statement said.
Air defenses shot down missiles over several Ukrainian regions, according to Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, the commander-in-chief of Ukraine's military.
“The forces and means of our air defense destroyed 12 cruise missiles: 6 within Kyiv, 5 in Zhytomyr and 1 in Khmelnytskyi regions,” Zaluzhnyi said in a message on Telegram.
Ukrainian defenses also shot down an enemy drone, "which was conducting aerial reconnaissance during a missile attack and trying to identify the positions of our air defense,” the Air Force Command said.”-via CNN
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
An attack before dawn Monday damaged a bridge linking Russia to Moscow-annexed Crimea that is a key supply route for Kremlin forces in the war with Ukraine, forcing the span's temporary closure for a second time in less than a year. Two people were killed and their daughter was injured.
Vehicle traffic on the Kerch Bridge came to a standstill, while rail traffic across the 19-kilometer (12-mile) span also was halted for about six hours.
The strike was carried out by two Ukrainian maritime drones, Russia’s National Anti-Terrorist Committee said.
Ukrainian officials were coy about taking responsibility, as they have been in past strikes. But in what appeared to be a tacit acknowledgment, Ukrainian Security Service spokesman Artem Degtyarenko said in a statement that his agency would reveal details of how the “bang” was organized after Kyiv has won the war.
The bridge previously was attacked in October, when a truck bomb blew up two of its sections and required months of repair. Moscow decried that assault as an act of terrorism and retaliated by bombarding Ukraine's civilian infrastructure, targeting the country's power grid over the winter.
In Monday's blast, the Ukrainian news portal RBK-Ukraina cited a security services source as saying it was carried out by what it called floating drones. A deputy prime minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, later said on the Telegram messaging service that “today, the Crimea bridge was torn apart by sea drones,” but it was not clear if he was making an official confirmation or referring to earlier reports.
Hours after the attack, video from Russian authorities showed crews picking up debris from the deck of the bridge, a section of which appeared to be sloping to one side, and a damaged black sedan with its passenger door open.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin said authorities were inspecting the damage before determining how long it will take to repair.
The Kerch Bridge is a conspicuous symbol of Moscow's claims on Crimea and an essential land link to the peninsula, which Russia illegally annexed in 2014. The $3.6 billion bridge is the longest in Europe and is crucial for Russia's military operations in southern Ukraine in the nearly 17-month-old war.
Russia has expanded its military forces in Crimea since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Occasional sabotage and other attacks against the Russian military and other facilities on the peninsula have occurred since, with the Kremlin blaming Ukraine.
Those attacks and acts of sabotage haven't discouraged Russians from spending their holidays in Crimea, and as car traffic on the bridge came to a halt, long lines formed at a ferry crossing the Kerch Strait, Russian media reported.
Traffic jams also clogged a highway in the Russian-held part of the Kherson region after Moscow-appointed authorities in Crimea redirected motorists to take the land route to Russia, through the partially occupied regions of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk, according to Russian state news agency RIA Novosti.
The bridge attack comes as Ukrainian forces are pressing a counteroffensive in several sections of the front line. It also happened hours before Russia announced, as expected, that it is halting a deal brokered by the United Nations and Turkey that allows the export of Ukrainian grain during the war.
Russian media identified the dead as Alexei and Natalia Kulik, who were traveling to Crimea for a summer vacation. The 40-year-old Kulik was a truck driver and his 36-year-old wife was a municipal education worker. Their 14-year-old daughter suffered chest and brain injuries.
Kyiv didn’t initially acknowledge responsibility for October’s bridge attack either, but Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar acknowledged earlier this month that Ukraine struck it to derail Russian logistics.
Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, returned to that theme Monday, calling the Ukrainian government a “terrorist organization.”
"We must blow up their houses and houses of their relatives, search and eliminate their accomplices,” he said.
Russian authorities said the attack didn't affect the bridge's piers but damaged the deck on one of two road links. The damage appeared less serious than in October's attack.
Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence department, declined to comment but said: “The peninsula is used by the Russians as a large logistical hub for moving forces and assets deep into the territory of Ukraine. Of course, any logistical problems are additional complications for the occupiers.”
The Security Service of Ukraine posted a redacted version of a popular lullaby, tweaked to say that the bridge “went to sleep again.”
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beastofnurgle · 2 years
played Dawn of War - Winter Assault for the first time today and
my poor little guardsmen
guardsmen: we've broken down the demon gate!! guardsmen: ah shit there's demons on the other side of this thing all hope is lost
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385bookreviews · 6 months
1.71.3 A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas
Pages: 699
Read Time: 11 hours and 47 minutes
Overall Rating: ★★★★★ Storyline: ★★★★★ Dialogue: ★★★★★ Characters: ★★★★★
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
TWs for the book: War, violence, s*xual content, death, blood/gore, death of a parent, injury/injury detail, grief, torture, vomit, kidnapping, body horror, toxic relationship, domestic violence, cursing, fire/fire injury, emotional abuse, genocide/colonization, mental illness, gaslighting, panic attacks, misogyny, slavery, s*xual assault, child death, medical content, abandonment, r*pe, animal death, biphobia, homophobia, su*c*dal thoughts, alcohol, child abuse, eating disorder, infidelity, racism, incest (implied), self harm
POV: First person; Feyre/Rhysand
Time Period/Location: The Night Court, The Spring Court, The Autumn Court, The Dawn Court, The Summer Court, The Winter Court, The Middle and the human lands of the fictional continent of Prythian
First Line: The buzzing flies and screaming survivors had long since replaced the beating war-drums.
After being brought back to the Spring Court by Tamlin, Feyre plays the part of Tamlin's fiancé in order to bring down the court from the inside. She also gathers information from the presence of Brannaugh and Dagdan, two Hybern commanders, and Jurian, the crazed, resurrected human commander from the war 500 years ago. The commanders search for a way to bring down the Wall using the Cauldron, and Lucien and Feyre accompany them on their journey to find the hole. During this time, Feyre sows seeds of discord and mistrust throughout the court, and finally makes her move to leave and return to the Night Court. She encounters Lucien, however, being assaulted by Ianthe, and she orders her to smash her own hand to pieces. Brannaugh and Dagdan reveal that they knew what she was doing the whole time and have laced her and Lucien with faebane, a stone that negates faerie magic. She kills them regardless, and flees with Lucien to the Autumn Court. While there, they are confronted by Lucien's brothers, and manage to escape into the Winter Court to be rescued by Cassian and Azriel. Rhys and Feyre are reunited, and she goes to the House of Wind to see her sisters that have now been turned into High Fae. Nesta is enraged at the situation, not for herself but for Elain, who is withering away from grief at losing her chance at being married to Grayson, the human boy she was in love with. Despite Lucien being her mate, she shows no interest in him. Cassian and Feyre plan to unleash the Bone Carver, a death-god kept in the Prison, in the upcoming war, but he demands a mirror called the Ouroboros from her that is kept in the Court of Nightmares. The Court of Dreams (minus Cassian, Elain, and Lucien) go to the Court of Nightmares to ask for the mirror and request Morrigan's father Keir to promise is Darkbringer legion in the coming war. Rhys offers a deal with Eris, the eldest son of Beron, High Lord of the Autumn Court, and Morrigan's former betrothed, to Keir for his forces. Keir demands that the Court of Nightmares also be granted access to Velaris. Morrigan is appalled and begs Rhys not to agree, but he does, and Keir also agrees to part with the Ouroboros, but only if Feyre can take it by looking into it, which is rumored to drive the person mad. Mor and Rhys have a brief fall out after this encounter even though he assures her that he has taken precautions to ensure Velaris won't get ruined. Rhys demands a meeting of all of the High Lords. Elain begins speaking in riddles. While waiting on a response, Amren, Nesta, and Feyre all delve into research about a way that Nesta can maybe repair the holes in the Wall. When Nesta went into the Cauldron, she took a piece of it's power, and it wasn't strong enough to bring down the Wall on its own. Nesta and Feyre are in the library when the King of Hybern's "Ravens" attack. They are saved by a mysterious, terrifying creature at the bottom of the library named Bryaxis. Bryaxis and Rhysand kill the Ravens, and when they return to the townhouse, they realize that Elain had warned them of the attack before it happened, and they realize she is a Seer. Elain also reveals that the sixth human queen was sold to a death-god on the continent and he cursed her to be a firebird by day and a human by night and that she was sold out by her fellow queens. Lucien agrees to go and search for her in case she can make a difference in the upcoming war. Adriata, the capital of the Summer Court, is attacked by Hybern, and despite the blood rubies on their heads, Rhys, Feyre, Mor, and a unit of Illyrians go to try and help Tarquin defend his city. He is still angry at them for stealing his half of the Book of Breathings, but doesn't have them killed and agrees to come to the meeting of High Lords.
The meeting takes place in the Dawn Court, and all of the High Lords attend, even Tamlin. A lot of bickering ensues, and Tamlin claims that he intended to betray Hybern the whole time, but was now weakened by Feyre destroying his court from the inside. Feyre ends up attacking Beron, causing him to flee the meeting, but the other six High Lords stay the night and agree to reconvene the next day. That night, Nesta says there is something wrong, but the rest of them, unable to sense anything, stay. The next afternoon, Nesta begins profusely vomiting and they all feel a huge blast wave. Nesta then explains that they are too late and the King of Hybern used the Cauldron to bring down the Wall. They immediately leave and prepare for war. They first go to the Summer Court to beat back Hybern's invading forces, and then go north to ensure they don't reach the Winter Court. It was a trap, however, and the mass of Hybern's army went and invaded the human lands. Elain is kidnapped by the Cauldron, and Azriel and Feyre infiltrate their camp to retrieve her. They barely make it out alive with the assistance from Jurian and Tamlin, both of whom were double crossing the King of Hybern, and rescue a human girl named Briar while there. The final battle begins in the human lands with Hybern holding the high ground. Feyre reveals that she went and retrieved the Ouroboros mirror and freed the Bone Carver and Bryaxis, and Rhys reveals he freed the Weaver of the Woods to fight for them. The battle is going alright until Nesta feels the Cauldron about to wipe out the Illyrian forces. She screams for Cassian and he rushes to her, just in time for him to avoid being incinerated by the Cauldron. The Bone Carver is also wiped out. Their forces begin to lose, only for the Autumn Court army, the remaining Spring Court army, and a human army led by Grayson and Jurian to join the fray. Feyre, Amren, Nesta, and Elain plan to neutralize the Cauldron, but Nesta is damaged by the affects of the Cauldron being used, and Elain was too shaken. The rest of Hybern's army appears on ships, largely outnumbering them. But then another fleet appears, along with an aerial legion from Rhys' long lost friends, Miriam and Drakon. The ships belong to the sixth firebird queen, Vassa, who was temporarily freed from her bond to the death-god by none other than the Archeron sisters' father. The tide starts to turn in their favor, and Nesta and Cassian agree to be distractions for the King so Amren and Feyre can neutralize the Cauldron. Nesta is about to kill the King, but he had captured her father and kills him, making Nesta lose focus on her powers. Cassian is brutally injured, and they are about to die when Elain stabs the King through the neck and Nesta finishes the job by beheading him. At the Cauldron, Feyre realizes that Amren lied to her about neutralizing the Cauldron. Amren uses Feyre as a conduit to free her from her High Fae form and she becomes the creature that she came to Prythian as 15,000 years ago. In one fell swoop she kills the entirety of Hybern's army and then fades away. Her doing this breaks the Cauldron into 3 pieces, and reality begins to unravel and be sucked into a void. Feyre uses Rhys' magic to heal the Cauldron, but it kills him. She begs the High Lords to bring him back to life as they did with her, and they all agree, except for Beron, who is forced to by Mor. Even Tamlin steps forward, and wishes Feyre to be happy, and agrees to bring him back. Amren also appears in the Cauldron, except only High Fae this time.
The High Lords and humans and all other remaining factions meet and discuss a new Treaty. It doesn't go badly, but also doesn't go well, but they all have a path moving forward.
Feyre Archeron (Feyre Cursebreaker): The one thing I especially love about how Feyre is in this book is that she makes mistakes. In the first part of the book she is so angry and hellbent on revenge against Tamlin (rightfully so) that she doesn't consider that destroying his court would make it easier for Hybern to take hold. While she doesn't necessarily apologize to Tamlin for this (because he acts like a real asshole), she does realize her mistake. Also, after she looks into the Ouroboros, she tells Rhys that she loves and forgives everything she saw in the mirror, all aspects of herself, the good and the bad, and I found that to be really beautiful character development from her and a lot of growth from the self loathing she felt in A Court of Mist and Fury.
Amren: There has definitely been a lot of speculation of what Amren really is but my favorite interpretation (and one I think might have been confirmed?) is that she's a biblically accurate fallen angel. Which is so cool and makes her ten times more awesome and scary in my opinion.
Tamlin: Tamlin became even more unlikeable than I thought possible in this book, but the ending really leaves it open for him to get a redemption arc. The scenes with him in it can definitely be difficult to read if you've ever had an abusive ex though.
Storyline: Once again, Sarah J Maas did not disappoint with the plot twists and heart stopping scenes. I've reread this series more times than I can count but Rhys' death and then subsequent resurrection at the end still makes me shed tears. There are a few minor plot holes and convenient occurrences, but in my opinion it doesn't do much of anything to take away from the story.
Representation: Madja, Tarquin, Varian, Cresseida, Helion, Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Miriam, Drakon, Vassa, and quite a few other characters are described as being POC. It is revealed that Lucien is mixed, as his true father is Helion, not Varian. Lucien still has his mechanical eye, Nuan, an alchemist from the Dawn Court, is an amputee with a mechanical arm, and Nephelle, a Seraph from Miriam and Drakon's land is described as having malformed wings. Morrigan is revealed to be bisexual (or perhaps a lesbian, it's left a little unclear), Thesan has a male lover, and Nephelle has a wife. Mor also mentions that Rita, the owner of the club she frequently visits, is also "like her".
Summary: This was a great end to the first part of the ACOTAR series. The plot was always compelling and kept you sucked in, and all of the characters, while flawed in their own ways, are deeply loveable and you are rooting for them the whole time.
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lodgeofthecat · 1 year
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I'm also streaming Dawn of War: Winter Assault, check it out! https://www.twitch.tv/schoolofthecat
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pinercode · 2 years
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iamanartisttype · 7 years
Is Dawn of War Soulstorm really so bad?
Soulstorm is definitely the black sheep within the crop of the Dawn of War games. It was the one expansion Relic had nothing to do with. They were busy working on Dawn of War 2. That left Iron Lore Entertainment to do the job. Some will say they did a horrendous job and others say they did okay. I personally think they did better than people give them credit for. Given that they’d never made a strategy game, especially one as niche as DoW, and the only game they’d made was Titan Quest, an action role playing game, and an expansion for it. I’m willing to pull back some of the blame for inexperience. So, how did they do?
I’ll start off with the gameplay. Having been playing it for the last few weeks, I have to say at times it’s both better and worse than Dark Crusade. It’s superior since it adds two more races and gives them their unique roles and playstyles in the game. I have to give them this point for doing so well with the new races. The worse comes in with the gameplay itself. The controlling of the units can be a bit off.
The Sisters of Battle are where they should be as a mix between the Imperial Guard and the Space Marines. They also have the attribute of powers given to them through their faith. The powers are there to offset the lack of a super tank and elite infantry. They do have the saint, but because they’re like the Guard and Marines, they only get one or the other. The saint was good enough for what they do. They’re a  much better armed horde army with the boost of FIRE, lots of fire to cleanse the impure, and to also break morale. It’s an interesting concept that brings the player back to the basics of the game where morale breaking is your best friend. It’s the saints best friend too.
The Dark Eldar, much like the normal Eldar are just infuriating. A different kind of infuriating. They go a lot further into the blood, guts and gore of combat while the normal Eldar are clean and quick. That’s really it. The Dark eldar are just darker slave trading Eldar with some interesting warp powers that will build up over the course of a game to make up for the fact that like the normal Eldar they’re underpowered in the early game.
I hate the Dark and normal Eldar, so that’s fine with me, but from a balance standpoint they’re pretty weak. They are movement races, so it could just be my lack of experience with them in this regard. I am a Guard player after all. Staying stationary is what we do best. We die standing.
Here’s where the chinks in the armor start to show up. The gameplay itself is lacking in comparison to Dark Crusade. There’s a weird bug where I’ll tell my guys to go in one direction and they’ll take an off route. If a base is right in front of them they’ll attempt to go around it instead of into it. It only occurs when I’m attack moving, but it has messed me up on occasion and given the enemy a superior position.
Otherwise, the combat feels lifeless. I don’t get this rush during combat that I once did. In the previous games when you entered combat it was an epic battle. Tanks firing ordnance into melee skirmishes with gunfire galore flying all around. Now it all just feels stale. I feel like this is for two reasons.
I’m used to the combat by now. It’s been a game and three expansion packs. It makes sense I’d grow tired of it, but I’m not tired of the other games. Winter Assault, to me, still has the most epic feel when it comes to combat. I think that’s because of the second reason.
The games been so streamlined by this point. You can only have X amount of this troop while the rest of your troops are barebones basic. Winter Assault allowed me to field any kind of army to combat whatever was in front of me. Orks? Break out the hellhounds. Space Marines? Chimeras with lots of Kasrkan with plasma guns. Eldar? Ogryn tended to do the job right. Chaos required a mixture of hellhounds and chimeras. There was so many ways to field an army. Now it’s two Russ’s, three Basilisks, one Kasrkan and one Ogryn squad. I do get a couple of bombers and heavy weapons teams, but it was more fun when I could field an entire elite army. Now, it’s just Guardsman.
I’ll move onto looks now. The game definitely looks prettier with it’s uptick in graphics. The expansion packs have all added to the graphical fidelity of the base game. Especially with Dark Crusade that brought in 1920 by 1080p resolution. If you’re like me and own the games outside of steam the updates are not easy to comeby without risk. If I was to take one shot at steam, It’d be that, but old games are just that, old.  
The problem with the look of Soulstorm is that it’s too clean. Look at Dark Crusade, Winter Assault and the base game's campaign. The maps were grainy and dark with a lot of history behind them. This is supposed to be a war torn system from years of battle between the orks and guard, why isn’t it shown? You see it in in the previous installments. The world of Tartarus and it’s dead Guard and demolished cities, Lorn V with Its Guard inhabitants eradicated, It’s Chaos and Orks inhabitants strewn about fighting each other with a massive destroyed base of operations just ready for the winner to claim. It looks to have a massive amount of history to it everywhere as you march through it with your army to take it back. Dark Crusade has the feel of a guard/Tau planet in that they weren’t really fighting until everyone showed up, which is fluff friendly. The Kauraven planets feel like noone was there fighting, ever. You’ll find a couple of areas if you look hard enough, but most of the areas are squeaky clean. It doesn’t feel grimdark.
There’s also an odd mesh of the tabletop terrain with the game's background. It comes off as eye popping in some areas. The destroyed buildings just don’t mix with the pretty foliage that looks like it has not been affected in any way by the war torn years of strife.
Sound and ambience I’ll summarize quickly. It’s stellar just like the rest of the series. The new tracks of the holy organs really capture what the Sisters of Battle are fighting for. Their scorching xenos filth in the name of their glorious God Emperor. I much prefer the chanting and war drums laced with flashlights/laser pointers, but that's me. The Dark Eldar’s soundtrack is just menacing, evil and extremely epic. It truly reflects who the Dark Eldar are. If you don’t know then go and look up their history. Don’t if you’re against pure sin.
Now I come to the story. The story is pretty much the first game with a cluster of extra races thrown in. Orks and Guard and are fighting each other for control of the sector. Obviously, that’s a secondary goal for the Orks, but it helps their primary goal of “fightin” and “winnin”. Then all of that changes when near every single other race attacks. Once they’re all there a massive warp storm traps them all in and their left to fend each other off. It’s not entirely like the first game, but it’s close.
It’s not a top notch story that truly exceeds either of Winter Assault or the base game's story. What it is is a typical tuesday for Warhammer 40k. Everyone killing each other off in the most brutal of fashions and only the strongest can come out on top. Who wins? You’ll have to judge that yourself. Unless you want a lore winner, that's where you find out the lore is quite fond of a certain blogger. Too bad everyone hates this game.
The last thing I'll look at is the voice acting. Honestly, this aspect of the game gets far more scrutiny than it deserves. The only voices that hit me the wrong way were Commander Boreale, who just sounds off. He sounds as if he came from an entirely different universe and can barely get into the way Space Marines talk. It’s just offputting. The other voice is Gorgutz, I am so used to his original voice being hammy and amazing in representing the Orks perfectly. Hearing him talk like he just smoked his voice away just saddens me. One other complaint with the voice acting, the characters hardly intermigle. You got a mixture of everything in Dark Crusade. Everyone had something to say to each other and here it’s just everyone talking amongst themselves. It’s not as fun when there’s no banter involved. As bad as Gorgutz and Boreale sound, I bet some banter would have helped out the situation.
Looking back I didn’t have the hate that some others have towards it. I treated it as a lesser expansion than the rest, but it was still good and that hasn’t changed. Being older and more experienced with games and being far more observant, I have to say I found a lot more problems than I used to see. To me, the weakest part of the game is the feel to it. I don’t feel these worlds are as wartorn as was presented. They just seem like a little bit of war happened. Both the Orks and Guard had been stalemating for years and now everything else has shown up and are wiping each other out. It just needed to be shown more.. Everything else wrong with it can be overlooked slightly since it was Iron Lore’s first and only crack. I feel like if given another shot they’d have hit the mark. The gameplay had very little problems and the banter they’d have picked up on if given more time in the world. The voice acting wasn't perfect, but the marks that had to be hit with the new races were spot on.
Give it a shot if you haven’t. It’s still worth a playthrough or two.
Thank you very much for reading!
May the Emperor guide your blade.
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wolfleblack · 3 years
Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War Master Collection Review - A RTS Classic
Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War Master Collection Review – A RTS Classic
In 2004 my teenage brain was blown apart by a Bolter shot to the skull. Not only was I discovering the crazy world of girls and hormones, but Relic Entertainment had just released one of the greatest RTS games ever. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War brought the daunting table-top game to PC in spectacular fashion, introducing a whole new generation to the Space Marines, the WAAAAAAAAAAGH! loving…
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ashley-jones · 2 years
Oc information
Marvel actress - Celeste Johansson
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Name: Celeste Maria Johansson
Age: 21
Height: 5'4
Weight: 126 lbs
Hair Color - Brunette - Pink & Blue - Blonde
Eye Color - Emerald Green
Citizenship: America
Affiliation: Actress - Singer - Songwriter
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 - Cadiance
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Cadiance
Marvel Age of Ultron - Selina Romanov
Ant-Man - Salina Romaov
Marvel Captain America Civil War - Selina Romanov
Spiderman Homecoming - Selina Romanov
Avengers Infinity War - Salina Romanov
Avengers Endgame - Salina Romanov
Black Widow - Salina Romanov
Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness - Salina Romanov
Ultimate Avengers the Movie - Salina Romanov
Conjuring 1 - Miya Warren
Conjuring 2 - Miya Warren
Conjuring 3 the Devil Made me do it - Miya Warren
Spiderman No where home - Salina Romanov
The Falcon and the Winter Solider - Salina Romanov
Hawkeye - Salina Romanov
WWE Royal Rumble - Herself (Singing)
WWE WrestleMania - Herself (Singing/Guest)
The Witcher - Misty of Cintra
Mother - Melanie Sloan
Father - Karston Johansson
Sister - Scarlet Johanson
Sister - Vanessa Johansson
Brother - Hunter Johansson
Brother - Christian Johansson
Brother - Adrian Johansson
Brother in law (ex) - Ryan Reynolds
Brother in law (ex) - Romain Dauriac
Brother in law - Colin Jost
Niece - Rose Dorothy Dauriac
Nephew - Cosmo Jost
Sexuality - Came out as Lesbian at 16
Known relationships:
Mackenzie Fay - 4 years
Elizabeth Olsen - 6 months
Rhea Ripley - Current
Celeste is the youngest of all of her siblings, starting her career off at a very young age with singing and voice acting just like her siblings hit off with bigger projects. She first signed a contract with marvel in 2011, where she voice acted Salina Romanov, the Adoptive daughter of Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers, later in the production of lice styled marvel she came into Age of Ultron, just appearing out of the Red Room and HYDRA, and falling into the arms of the assassin and super solider at only 14.
Celeste is a lesbian, and a proud speaker for the LGBTQ, BLM, SA, and Democratic groups. Anyone who usually describes her says that she has a very bright and open personality. But once she turned 17 she came out about being groomed at the age of 10 and 11, by one of her directors, the movies no longer marked to her name due to a lawsuit, ending in her retrieving $2.5 millions, and the directors losing their jobs and everything that was around them.
Throughout the years of acting in marvel, Johansson has had three girlfriend that we know of. Mackenzie Fay and Johansson dated for 4 years not longer after turning 12, but the relationship ended on good terms and the action of maturing. Once she turned 18, she and Olsen mentioned that they where dating, but not long after the announcement they broke up due to overbearing schedules. Currently she is dating Rhea Ripley, the youngest Australian WWE wrestler, and are going on 1 year in late July.
Johansson currently lives with Rhea Ripley in $6.5 million home in Miami Florida, with over 14 pets, 22 security guards, and her older brother Hunter Johansson. The home is covered in security after a fan broke in and assaulted the actress, earning in $1.2 million worth of damage, and an immediate lawsuit and restraining order against the attacker. After this incident Johansson had tightened her security and has stopped meeting fans at regular basis when alone. She currently has no social media accounts, having deleted them out of her life. Rhea Ripley keeps us updated on their relationship through Instagram stories.
Red Carpet looks:
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Net Worth: $14.6 billion
Date of Birth: 4/16/2000
Current Relationship Status - Taken
Favorite Color - Pink
Favorite Actress - Meghan Fox
Favorite Actor - Will Smith - Robert Downey Jr.
Favorite Singer - Andy Black/Biersack
Favorite Band - BTS
Favorite Wrestler - Rhea Ripley - Becky Lynch - Roman Reigns
Favorite Movie - Labyrinth
Favorite Show - Alice in Borderlands - The Untamed
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