valeron99 · 1 year
Saving people, hunting things.
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writerwhowritesao3 · 14 days
my current brainrot is supernatural, specifically when jack comes into the picture, and i'm obsessedddd with the idea of castiel and jack bonding as angels (or as an angel and his nephil son). like:
cas and jack grooming/preening each others wings? (in this hc, the angels have their wings restored) cas teaches jack how to groom his own wings, but also does it for him because, like, that's his kid. it's akin to a human parent brushing/braiding/styling their child's hair. but jack has some innate angel behavior/mentality, right? so he wants to preen his dad's wings, too, especially because cas mentioned that allopreening is something angels do as a social/bonding activity.
so they set aside a chunk of time every week to allopreen. they set up in jack's room, bring their wings into the physical plane, and take the time to wipe away dust and dirt with a soft cloth, zip up separated barbules, reposition displaced feathers, and release pin feathers.
they both have a lot of feathers, so it's a process that usually takes a couple of hours. they almost always talk while allopreening. they'll talk about movies or tv shows they watched with sam and dean. jack will ask endless questions about everything from human pop culture to lore to world history, and cas will do his best to answer every single one of his questions. cas will entertain jack with stories about the mischief he and his siblings would get into during their fledgling years.
sometimes they don't speak at all—they just enjoy each other's company and comfortably share the silence.
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annmariethrush · 7 months
AU picture of Castiel in one of those pairs of little kid elastic strap fairy wings— like the sparkly kind — with Claire in a matching set with the biggest smile on her face
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picklesinabottle · 10 days
I don't really understand why people only consider destiel jack's dads, not just because sam is also there, but also because it's infinitely funnier if Jack says "I have more dads than most people" and means 1. the devil himself 2. the president of the united states 3. a fallen angel 4. that guy's situationship 5. number 4's brother
who is doing it like him
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sailorsallyart · 6 days
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Destiel Pride, day 4 - divine purpose
maybe the divine purpose it to love your family and to live life to the fullest 😇👼🤠 🤲✨💕
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runraerun · 6 months
Do you guys ever think about how canonically the vessels that angels occupy aren’t supposed to age (s12e10 when Cas is impressed his buddies kept their same vessels for well over a century. Also apparently Cas tells Jimmy when he first was requesting permission to inhabit his body, that Jimmy would not age while he was doing so.)
…but Castiel definitely ages. Obviously I get that this is simply because Misha himself is aging, but *my* in-universe headcanon is that he’s choosing it, (whether consciously or unconsciously) because he wants to grow old with Dean.
UPDATE: I wrote a fic for this. Enjoy!🐝
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jareaulover · 6 months
I can't believe that there are people out there who don't see Supernatural as a love story between a man and an angel. Like, how embarrassing.
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drulalovescas · 1 year
Jack and Cas in Heaven watching Dean meddle with timelines and universes
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spn-lesbian · 1 year
Claire, trying to come out: do you ever feel like kissing girls?
Cas: no
Claire: what
Cas: what
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xlr8nrg · 24 days
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Gay Dads !!
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calibrationneeded · 6 months
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Even if spn doesn’t get a reboot at least I can draw and am deranged
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valeron99 · 1 year
More dads memes <3
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jackexmachina · 9 months
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this scene is so funny cas is literally about to be like "claire what are you talking about I'm the one who ruined your life"
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castielsprostate · 9 months
farmer's market castiel this, soft plant dad castiel that. what about arsonist castiel?? what about vandalism castiel?? castiel takes up grave-robbing as a hobby
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Not my dad thinking that DJ Qualls and Ty Olsson were getting married as friends.
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rezal-art · 2 months
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Art masterpost for A Love Beyond Boundaries
I'm very excited to post the art I made for @spnisthewayoflife's amazing fic, for the @dcwildwestfest!
Read A Love Beyond Boundaries here!
I had a lot of fun doing both the banner and the artwork. If you love cowboy Dean and Dadstiel, check out this beautiful story!
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