Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory: S
S: The Characters
Sally Ann | Sally Bates | Sam M’Pele | Samatha | Samantha Knight | Sarah Langworthy | Sarah Wilson | Sasha | Savannah Jackson | Selah Summers | Senna | Shalika | Shanelle Onyx | Shanice Murray | Sharon | Shinobu Jacobs | Shoutout | Shuri | Simone Bethson | Sister Helley | Sister Krone | Sister Night | Snow White | Sojourner Mullien | Solara Shockley | Sparkle Cadet | Stacy Kingston | Starr Carter | Stephanie Edwards | Storm | Sue Wilson | Sunny Madison | Susie Carmichael | Sydney
S: The Entertainers
Saidah Arrika Ekulona |  Samantha Liana Cole |  Samantha Marie Ware | Sandra Dede (sandramabelle) | Saniyya Sidney |  Sara Martins |  Sasha Lambon |  Sasheer Zamata |  Sese Madaki Ali | Shahadi Wright Joseph |  Shanice Williams |  Shannon Thornton |  Sharon Duncan Brewster |  Sharon Ferguson |   Sharon Pierre-Louis |  Shea Couleé | Sherri Shepherd | Sheryl Lee Ralph | Shyko Amos |  Sibongile Mlambo |  Sierra McClain |  Simbi Khali |  Simona Brown |  Simone Biles |  Simone Missick |  Sindi-Dlathu |  Skai Jackson |  Skye P. Marshall |  Sokhna Cisse |  Sokhna Niane | Sonya Eddy | Sophia Walker | Stefanee Martin |  Stella Okech |  Subah Koj |  Sufe Bradshaw |  Susan Wokoma |  Symphony Sanders  
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theood · 2 years
Vool shoutout to my dad ror having me have a full mental breakdown and snapping at my memere for teuinf to help no one fucking understands its my first time doing anything likw yhis of coursw i missed stuff anf didnt asl the right questions be fucking patient be nice to please i kust yelled at my memere again he coukd have been fucking nicer explaining it to mw he said its like talking to a pile of bricks how fucking heartless arw tou to say that about your own kid im nkt fucking ok rn!
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artiiistyxoo · 1 year
hellooo!! can you do enhypen reaction to meeting their s/o's parents for the first time? thank you and i love your works <33
AAAAHHHH ofc i can!!! :D hope you enjoy, ty for requesting!!
enhypen meeting their s/o’s parents
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warnings: insecurities, self doubt, negative language (about themselves), mentions of both parents (???) kisses
pairing: idol!enha x gn!reader
authors note: hii! thank you for requesting. i got a little bit lazy towards the end ( SORRY). each member has from 3-6(??) paragraphs
jungwon wold definitely be over the moon to meet your parents. he asked about meeting them on your second date together, hinting that he wanted things between the two of you to work out. so here you were the next day, outside of your house.
the same could be said about your dad. he and jungwon instantly clicked over the dinner table when jungwon brought up some small talk about sports. that was the instant way to win your dads heart over. they even loved him so much, your mom offered for him to stay the night. how could he turn down an opportunity like that?
the same could be said about your dad. he and jungwon instantly clicked over the dinner table when jungwon brought up some small talk about sports. that was the instant way to win your dads heart over. they even loved him so much, your mom offered for him to stay the night. how could he turn down an opportunity like that?
the same could be said about your dad. he and jungwon instantly clicked over the dinner table when jungwon brought up some small talk about sports. that was the instant way to win your dads heart over. they even loved him so much, your mom offered for him to stay the night. how could he turn down an opportunity like that?
heeseung wouldn’t be as nervous and some of the other members. he had seen photos and videos of you and your parents and they had seen him on tv and everywhere on social media. when you told them you were dating heeseung, they quite literally begged to meet him.
heeseung tapped his foot nervously on the floor of the small cafe, waiting for you and your parents to arrive. he had made sure to get there earlier so the meeting wouldn’t be as awkward. a few minutes later, you stepped into the cafe, your parents following behind you with subtle smiles. heeseung ahead was full of thoughts, positive and negative. you instantly rushed up to him, engulfing him in a big hug before pecking his cheek and giving him a bright smile.
your mom followed you with a smile almost identical to yours while your dad just lingered around. he wasn’t going to deny that he thought heeseung was much more attractive in real life, which he brought up over a cup of coffee. your mother learnt that he knows how to cook, clean and pretty much do a lot of housework, meaning he would definitely be at your house alot. your dsd just seemed to take a liking to him, complimenting him about almost everything he did.
jay definitely calls you when he was on the way to your house, mumbling something about how worried he was. jay believed that he wasn’t going to be the best image of a boyfriend to your parents for some reason. that’s why he decided to make a quick stop at the grocery store, picking up some fresh flowers and a few small snacks that he knew you liked.
springing up out of bed at the sound of your front door being knocked on, you rushed down the stairs to reach the door before your parents. clearly, you weren’t fast enough. your mother let out a gasp, causing your heart to drop. surely jay wasn’t wearing something that would give the wrong impression. you stepped to the side next to your mom who instantly stepped forward, engulfing jay in a tight hug.
how did he know your mom loved tulips? weird. you raised your eyebrows at him before he was let go from the bone crushing hug.
“ is this your boyfriend?” your mother asked you, spinning around on her heel before lacing an arm around jays shoulder to pull him inside from the cold winter air outside. you nodded, smiling from the face jay had displayed (☺️ what a cutie)
“ welcome to the family jay” you whispered to him when your mother took the flowers off him, giving him the sweetest smile she could muster up before rushing off to find a vase for them.
poor baby would be so so so worried. jake would constantly ask you if you were sure if your parents would like him which you answered yes to every single time. jake just couldn’t felt but to worry.
he wiped his shaky palms against his pants, waiting for somebody to come and open the front door of your house. was your door always this big? did you house always look so intimidating? it definitely didn’t look like this when he would pick you up, right? jake instantly pulled himself out of his thoughts when the front door opened, followed by a greeting.
jake bowed his head out of instinct, looking up to meet eyes with your dad. jake gulped, fiddling with his hands nervously until you popped your head out from behind your dad with a giddy smile. as if it was contagious, jake started to loosen up, smiling already. “ welcome, come in” your dad said, giving jake a very small but noticeable smile. your mom rushed out of the kitchen, towards you and jake who had lagged behind your dad who was headed to the living room.
“ welcome jake! we have heard so much about you. i’m glad we can finally meet you” your mom said, bowing her hair when jake turned around, only for him to stumble awkwardly and then do the same thing, pulling a giggle from both you and your mom.
sunghoon had not a single worry in his soul when walking you home from a date. the reason being was because he had no idea he was meeting your parents. to be fair, you didn’t know that he was meeting them either.
as the two of you stood infront of your front door, he leaned down to kiss you as a way of bidding goodbye. “ thanks for the date tonight, i really enjoyed it” he mumbled, staring down at you until his attention was brought to the front door of your house. your hands were in his so how could you open the-
“ ah! mom, y/n’s kissing their boyfriend!!!” your brother called out, instantly running away from the door at the sound of your moms voice. you turned around, still holding one of sunghoon hands in yours. he looked absolutely petrified. you giggled, poking his cheek before tugging him towards the door.
“ might aswell make a good first impression and fix it up hm?” you said, pulling him inside and closing the door behind him just as your dad walked out of the kitchen, followed by your mom. welp, this would be a fun story for the grandchildren.
this baby would be so whiny and pouty before meeting them, claiming they wouldn’t like him. that was until he met them. you’d say he liked them more than you if you knew any better!
sunoo whined, tugging on your arm as you pulled him out of your bedroom. “ please don’t make me do this!!” he whined, clicking his tongue when you turned around to stare at him. there was no way he would win with you. he sighed in defeat, stumbling down the stairs behind you as you walked towards the living room where your parents had just settled down from a day out.
“ mom, dad! sunoo is here” you said so casually, as if they already knew him. and to be fair, they did. he was all you talked about anyways. you could hear shuffling around before your mom met the two of you in the hallway. sunoo let go of your sleeve, bowing at her at almost a 90 degree angle…. yeah. he chuckled, bowing her head slightly back at him.
when sunoo stood back up, his whole face was a bright red, earning another giggle from you and your dad who had watched the whole thing from behind your mom. cute. “ let’s get you some water. you look very.. red” your dad teased, chuckling before patting him on the back and gesturing to the kitchen.
niki would probably be the most chill in the sense that he would relax around your parents depending on how much he thought they liked him. of course, it didn’t mean that he treated them like friends but he definitely wasn’t over formal * cough sunoo*
niki rang your doorbell, looking up at the ceiling over your front door before biting down on the inside of him cheek. he shuffled in his face, looking at the face that peeked through the door when it opened. “ hi, nice to meet you. i’m niki, y/n’s boyfriend” he blurted out, bowing slightly as the door opened wider, revealing you and the both of your parents staring at him. your mother was first to make a move, placing a hand in his shoulder.
“ come inside sweets, it’s cold out here huh.” she said, earning a small hum from niki. “ yeah it is pretty cold” he responded, glancing over at your dad who was almost his height. niki gave him a sweet smile and got one in return, making a sense on comfort fill his stomach. he was so glad that he already felt welcomed and accepted when though he had barely stepped into the house.
hii!! please let me know what you thought about this! i think it was a super duper cute concept and any feedback would be super duper highly appreciated!! have s good day and take care of yourself :)
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transmascpetewentz · 9 months
i'm intersex. fuck that stupid anon.
i am not developmentally disordered! i am not a DSD-haver (or whatever term gender "criticals" came up with to use as pawns to fit their agenda)! fuck off with that dehumanizing bullshit.
i know i can't speak for all intersex people, but my variation is so much more than just a medical issue. it doesn't stop there. it doesn't just affect me physically. my intersex condition affects me psychologically and socially as well. it affects me in all aspects of my life.
that's why it's called a condition. it CONDITIONS the circumstances of my life because it makes me fundamentally different from typical people of my birth sex — genetically, biologically, phenotypically and (in my experience at least) mentally as well.
from a young age i felt different and, even before i was diagnosed, i had a gut feeling there was something different about me (not just in body but in mind too).
it's exactly this mindset that we are "disordered" that encourages forced medicalization from birth and erasure of our lived experiences. and reducing us to our reproductive capability with language like this shows you don't actually give a shit about us as people at all.
"intersex" isn't a perfect term to describe people whose biology deviates from typical notions of their assigned sex at birth, and it can be confusing, but it's the best term we have to describe our shared reality right now.
sweeping intersex conditions under the rug and pretending like we're no different than typical people of our birth sex only makes matters worse and causes us unnecessary pain & confusion.
unfortunately, anon's mindset is shared by most of the world when it comes to us and our conditions. i know from personal experience.
there's a reason i starved myself at age 12 to make my gynaecomastia disappear. there's a reason why my parents dismissed my suspicions to the point where i had to get a karyotype blood test behind their back.
it's because of intersex erasure. our conditions are ignored, overlooked and many of us remain undiagnosed during our youth. puberty can be incredibly confusing for us.
just because we're a "tiny minority of the population" or some of us are infertile, doesn't mean we don't matter or don't have anything to offer to the world.
there is so little knowledge of what being intersex is like in our society, and i doubt things will change much during my lifetime.
but, hey, at least we get to be used as talking points for gender criticals and their obsessive hatred of trans people. how very exciting! /s
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mikropenisz · 1 year
Alma mater(ből cefre)
Semmilyen nyomát, hivatalos bejelentést, közleményt nem találtam róla eddig, csak pletykát hallottam, de egyszerűen sokkhatás alatt vagyok. Az ország utolsó falusi gimnáziuma volt, amig Gyurcsány 2006-ban rá nem csapta a "város" plecsnit Gyönkre. Hogy szakadt volna az anyjába a feje. De ha a pletyka igaz, és a 23/24-es tanévtől nem indul új osztály, akkor a város behajtójához is ki lehet tenni a "Gyönk vége" táblát. A gimnázium tanárai meg majd szépen nyugdíjba mennek, tanítanak az általános iskolában, vagy elvezénylik őket a Nyírségbe.
Én 2000-ben érettségiztem, akkor még volt ÖSD és DSD vizsgáztatás is, hatosztályos tagozat, rendszeresen OTDK dobogók, diákolimpiai országos döntő a fiúk kézilabda csapatával. Aztán az elmúlt években már csak úgy sikerült mádodik osztályt indítani, hogy az iskola indított egy SNI-s/diszlexiás tagozatot.
Szóval, ha a pletyka igaz, megszűnt iskola véndiákja leszek.
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444namesplus · 9 months
1* 2.6.2. 3 3B2 5.0i 5.1 5.53 7 15kg 17 20 22nd 26 50BMG 51 69 97 312 411 414 707 737 747 757 767 777 868 888 1071 1080H 1911 1984 1997 2600 3848 8182 $ & ^ ^? a ABC ACC Active ADIU advise advisors afsatcom AFSPC AHPCRC AIEWS AIMSX Aladdin Alica Alouette AMEMB Amherst AMW anarchy ANC Anonymous AOL ARC Archives Area51 argus Armani ARPA Artichoke ASIO ASIS ASLET assasinate Asset AT AT&T Atlas Audiotel Austin AVN b b9 B.D.M. Badger bank basement BATF BBE BECCA Becker beef Bess bet Beyond BfV BITNET black-bag Black-Ops Blackbird Blacklisted Blackmednet Blacknet Bletchley Blowfish Blowpipe BMDO BND Bob BOP BOSS botux BRLO Broadside Bubba bullion BVD BZ c Cable CANSLO Cap-Stun Capricorn card Case CATO CBM CBNRC CBOT CCC CCS CDA CDC CdC cdi Cell CESID CFC chaining chameleon Chan Chelsea Chicago Chobetsu chosen CIA CID CIDA CIM CIO CIS CISE Clandestine Class clone cocaine COCOT Coderpunks codes Cohiba Colonel Comirex Competitor Compsec Computer Connections Consul Consulting CONUS Cornflower Corporate Corporation COS COSMOS Counter counterintelligence Counterterrorism Covert Cowboy CQB CRA credit cryptanalysis crypto-anarchy CSE csystems CTP CTU CUD cybercash Cypherpunks d D-11 Daisy Data data data-haven DATTA DCJFTF Dead DEADBEEF debugging DefCon Defcon Defense Defensive Delta DERA DES DEVGRP DF DIA Dictionary Digicash disruption
DITSA DJC DOE Dolch domestic Domination DRA DREC DREO DSD DSS Duress DynCorp E911 e-cash E.O.D. E.T. EADA eavesdropping Echelon EDI EG&G Egret Electronic ELF Elvis Embassy Encryption encryption enigma EO EOD ESN Espionage espionage ETA eternity EUB Evaluation Event executive Exon explicit Face fangs Fax FBI FBIS FCIC FDM Fetish FINCEN finks Firewalls FIS fish fissionable FKS FLAME Flame Flashbangs FLETC Flintlock FLiR Flu FMS Force force Fort Forte fraud freedom Freeh froglegs FSB Ft. FX FXR Gamma Gap garbage Gates Gatt GCHQ GEO GEODSS GEOS Geraldton GGL GIGN Gist Global Glock GOE Goodwin Gorelick gorilla Gorizont government GPMG Gray grom Grove GRU GSA GSG-9 GSS gun Guppy H&K H.N.P. Hackers HAHO Halcon Halibut HALO Harvard hate havens HIC High Hillal HoHoCon Hollyhock Hope House HPCC HRT HTCIA humint Hutsul IACIS IB ICE ID IDEA IDF IDP illuminati imagery IMF Indigo industrial Information INFOSEC InfoSec Infowar Infrastructure Ingram INR INS Intelligence intelligence interception Internet Intiso Investigation Ionosphere IRIDF Iris IRS IS ISA ISACA ISI ISN ISS IW jack JANET Jasmine JAVA JICC jihad JITEM Juile Juiliett Keyhole keywords Kh-11 Kilderkin Kilo Kiwi KLM l0ck LABLINK Lacrosse Lebed LEETAC Leitrim Lexis-Nexis LF LLC loch lock Locks Loin Love LRTS LUK Lynch M5 M72750 M-14 M.P.R.I. Mac-10 Mace Macintosh Magazine mailbomb man Mantis market Masuda Mavricks Mayfly MCI MD2 MD4 MD5 MDA Meade Medco mega Menwith Merlin Meta-hackers MF MI5 MI6 MI-17 Middleman Military Minox MIT MITM MOD MOIS mol Mole Morwenstow Mossberg MP5k MP5K-SD MSCJ MSEE MSNBC MSW MYK NACSI NATIA National NATOA NAVWAN NAVWCWPNS NB NCCS NCSA Nerd News niche NIJ Nike NIMA ninja nitrate nkvd NOCS noise NORAD NRC NRL NRO NSA NSCT NSG NSP NSWC NTIS NTT Nuclear nuclear NVD OAU Offensive Oratory Ortega orthodox Oscor OSS OTP package Panama Park passwd Passwords Patel PBX PCS Peering PEM penrep Perl-RSA PFS PGP Phon-e phones PI picking
Pine pink Pixar PLA Planet-1 Platform Playboy plutonium POCSAG Police Porno Pornstars Posse PPP PPS president press-release Pretoria Priavacy primacord PRIME Propaganda Protection PSAC Pseudonyms Psyops PTT quiche r00t racal RAID rail Rand Rapid RCMP Reaction rebels Recce Red redheads Reflection remailers ReMOB Reno replay Retinal RFI rhost rhosts RIT RL rogue Rolm Ronco Roswell RSA RSP RUOP RX-7 S.A.I.C. S.E.T. S/Key SABC SACLANT SADF SADMS Salsa SAP SAR Sardine sardine SAS SASP SASR Satellite SBI SBIRS SBS SCIF screws Scully SDI SEAL Sears Secert secret Secure secure Security SEL SEMTEX SERT server Service SETA Sex SGC SGDN SGI SHA SHAPE Shayet-13 Shell shell SHF SIG SIGDASYS SIGDEV sigvoice siliconpimp SIN SIRC SISDE SISMI Skytel SL-1 SLI SLIP smuggle sneakers sniper snuffle SONANGOL SORO Soros SORT Speakeasy speedbump Spetznaz Sphinx spies Spoke Sponge spook Spyderco squib SRI ssa SSCI SSL stakeout Standford STARLAN Stego STEP Stephanie Steve Submarine subversives Sugar SUKLO SUN Sundevil supercomputer Surveillance SURVIAC SUSLO SVR SWAT sweep sweeping SWS Talent TDM. TDR TDYC Team Telex TELINT Templeton TEMPSET Terrorism Texas TEXTA. THAAD the Ti TIE Tie-fighter Time toad Tools top TOS Tower transfer TRD Trump TRW TSCI TSCM TUSA TWA UDT UHF UKUSA unclassified UNCPCJ Undercover Underground Unix unix UOP USACIL USAFA USCG USCODE USCOI USDOJ USP USSS UT/RUS utopia UTU UXO Uzi V veggie Verisign VHF Video Vinnell VIP Virii virtual virus VLSI VNET W3 Wackendude Wackenhutt Waihopai WANK Warfare Weekly White white Whitewater William WINGS wire Wireless words World WORM X XS4ALL Yakima Yobie York Yukon Zen zip zone ~
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menalez · 2 years
I don’t think it’s racist to say African countries should take responsibility and not push to have biological males in women’s sport. On the contrary, I have the same expectations of them as of other countries. Believe me I would say the same thing if the US tried to send Lia Thomas to the Olympics in the women’s category.
But it is irresponsible, look what it’s doing to women’s sport. Look what is doing to African women? They risk losing their spot to an XY DSD male and the world is taught they are simply women with slightly higher testosterone levels, not that they are XY males (who, in these cases, can make use of the testosterone their bodies produce), leading to a stereotype being established that black women look masculine. Thought this tweet sums it up pretty well.
but you're assuming women are biological males purely on the basis of them being african women with higher testosterone levels. instead of recognising the more likely option, which is that black women are disproportionately targetted by these criterias because racism is so widespread. bear in mind that when black women arent being excluded over their testosterone levels (weird how this hasnt been impacting white women at all and the assumption is it must be bc african federations are putting bio males in womens sports instead of .. this being racially targetted), theyre being excluded over shit like a positive result for marijuana use (what kind of advantage does that create in sports??) looking up the women who were disqualified, there's nothing indicating theyre somehow male... women can have naturally higher testosterone levels. they may be outliers but it doesn't make them male. this is why im saying what you're saying feels racist. here is two examples:
the assumption that theyre male is ...disturbing to say the least. that tweet was not convincing either. this feels like creating a conspiracy to justify blatant racism
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
You’ve got me falling in love with random Vulcans I’ve never seen before- DSD
As if that isn’t my life any time you post Vulcanoids 🤣🤣🤣🤣 anyways how was your break? Did you have fun?
Fun fact Ark of Truth and Continuum are on Tubi, not sure about the 90’s film. *Hides in corrupting you with Stargate*
😂😂 Whoops, I guess that is a little rich coming from me lol.
Anyway, I'm doing great! How about you? You staying hydrated and fed? Rested? Are you being kind to yourself?
👀👀 Oooooh, looks like I've got a date with Tubi tonight! Thanks for the heads up, Horta!! ILY FREN! 💜💜💜💜
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gadgetsboy · 1 year
Sony Unveils New NW-A306 Walkman
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Sony has introduced a new music player, the NW-A306 to the Walkman series family. The NW-A306 is designed for users looking for high-quality sound and style. Weighing just 113 grams, equipped with WiFi connectivity, a 3.6” touch screen and tactile physical music controls, it's designed to be used on the go whilst being immersed in a high-quality music experience. The premium aluminium milled frame on the NW-A306 provides superior rigidity for low impedance and precise, stable sound and solid bass. NW-A306 main features S-Master HX digital amp technology, independently developed for Walkman is compatible with the native DSD format. It reduces distortion and noise across a wide range of frequencies, for rich and full-bodied sound, further enhanced by new high-quality sound lead-free solder. Just like the latest Signature Walkman model, the NW-A306 applies a reflow solder containing gold, whose effect is significant in the overall improved sound localisation and wider sound space. To realise the music player’s evolutionary sound, a dual clock, film capacitor and fine sound register have been precisely placed within the Walkman. The NW-A306 uses Edge-AI (Artificial Intelligence), and DSEE Ultimate (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine) which accurately upscales compressed digital music files to higher quality. The evolving algorithm now delivers even greater benefits for CD-quality (16-bit 44.1/48kHz) lossless codec audio. Restoring acoustic subtleties and dynamic range provides a richer, more complete listening experience. With further progress from its predecessor models, listeners can enjoy DSEE Ultimate for upscaling music, whether it is Wi-Fi streamed or downloaded. Plus DSEE Ultimate can also be enjoyed with wireless headphones. The NW-A306 features a longer battery life than previous models so listeners can immerse themselves in more of their music. The NW-A306 has a battery life of up to 36 hours of 44.1kHz Flac playback, up to 32 hours of 96kHz FLAC high-resolution audio playback or up to 26 hours with the streaming service app to meet user demand. Sustainability in mind Sony products are not only designed to be stylish but also with the environment in mind. No plastic is used in the packaging material for the NW-A306, reflecting Sony’s commitment to reducing the environmental impact of our products and practices. Pricing and availability NW-A306 will retail price for £350 / €400 and will be available to purchase across Europe from January 2023. Read the full article
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poddyshobbies · 1 year
中古 ~ マランツ HD-DAC1
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中古で入手したパワーアンプ(Lo-D HMA-9500)を楽しむのにプリアンプの問題が浮上してきました。現用の USB-DAC を手持ちのプリアンプ(3機種)につないでみますがどれも古くてしっくりきません。… レファレンスとなるものがない。
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S社のゴージャスな(中古)AVプリは高音がきつすぎて全く対象外(古いが故に?)。主に使ってきたコントロールアンプ(フォノ入力無し・デジタル処理)は低音たっ��りで好みでしたがあ���ためて聴くと高音が奥に退いたようでもう少し主張してほしいような(これまた古い)。そこで、数年前にコンデンサーの一部交換メンテを行ったオールド山水(さらに古い)のプリアンプを引っ張り出すと … マスターボリュームに若干のガリがあるものの、音のバランスは3機種の中ではまあまあ。ですがなにぶんにも接点の多い昔のプリアンプ。ピンジャックも古い。まぁ、こちらの耳も古くなってるので高域がどうのこうのと言った局所的な音の違いは既に判らなくなってるので感じ取れるのはバランスだけなのでよいのかも。
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現行品のプリアンプでお手ごろな製品はなさそう。中古でもそこそこの価格だし再整備するとさらに費用が掛かる。思い切ってアキュフェーズ? ~ いやいや、サブシステムでとっかえひっかえ楽しんでるだけなのにそれはない。いっそパッシブボリュームか?…。そんなこんな、いろいろ検討する中で見つけたのがこれでした。… 現用の USB-DAC が無駄になりますが。(リモコン付いてるし。)
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 この機種は既に生産終了となっています。また、USB-DAC ではなくヘッドホンアンプとして紹介されてることが多いようです。さて、この機種を選んだポイントですが … 「192kHz および DSD 対応であること」そして「ボリュームと連動した RCA 出力があること」+「妥協できる費用対効果」でした。
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hifilounge · 2 years
Limited Edition dCS Vivaldi One Apex Now on Demo, One of only 50 Worldwide!
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Hi All,
This is just a quick one to say that we now have the the dCS Vivaldi One Apex on demo and installed in our Reference system, for those who don't know the Vivaldi One Apex is what I, and many others, consider to be the best digital one box source in the world today, it is certainly sounding amazing in our demo system.
There are only 50 of these available in the world, most are now sold I am being told by dCS, so if you would like to come in for a listen please feel free, we have managed to secure one more for stock but once that is gone there will be no more Vivaldi One's I am informed by dCS.
Please find an overview below and a few pictures -
Key Specs
Latest generation dCS Digital Processing Platform delivers state-of- the-art measured performance
dCS Apex Ring DAC™ with double speed Ring DAC 2.0 mapper – as used in flagship Vivaldi DAC
High-quality streaming from TIDAL, Qobuz, Deezer and internet radio via the dCS Mosaic Control app
Roon Ready, AirPlay, Spotify Connect and UPnP compatible
USB, AES, Dual AES and S/PDIF digital audio inputs
Integral TEAC Esoteric VMK3 VRDS-Neo CD/SACD mechanism
Multi-stage DXD oversampling with optional DSD/64 or DSD/128 upsampling
User-selectable DSP and DSD filters
Flexible output configuration can be used with and without pre amplifier
Key Features
Comprehensive auto-clocking architecture improves ease of use and minimises jitter
Multi-stage power regulation and twin mains transformers isolate sensitive analogue and clock circuits from digital circuitry
Separate power supplies for digital and analogue sections further enhance power supply cleanness
Firmware upgradeable over the internet for future functionality and performance improvements
Features a full MQA™ decoder. This MQA™ implementation is unique, as it is the first opportunity to enable a DAC which, by providing exact rendering to beyond 16x (768 kHz), matches the desired temporal response with very low modulation noise
Aerospace grade machined aluminium chassis fitted with tuned acoustic damping panels reduces magnetic effects and vibration
More Information -
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lunachi369 · 26 days
I fu ked s Mexican like boy and an et girl so I am the h r mphatdir dsd
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impress-vinyl · 28 days
Vinyl vs. Digital: Which gives best sound quality
In the realm of music appreciation, few topics stir as much passionate debate as the comparison between vinyl records and digital audio formats. Vinyl enthusiasts argue for the warmth and authenticity of analog sound, while digital proponents tout the convenience and clarity of modern technology. Both sides have valid points, but the question remains: which truly offers the best sound quality?
The Resurgence of Vinyl
In recent years, vinyl has experienced a remarkable resurgence in popularity. Audiophiles and casual listeners alike have been drawn to the tactile experience of handling vinyl records, as well as the nostalgic allure of analog sound. Advocates of vinyl often praise its warm, rich tones, attributing these qualities to the unique characteristics of the format.
The Analog Advantage
One of the primary arguments in favor of vinyl is its analog nature. Unlike digital audio, which is comprised of discrete, quantized samples, vinyl records store sound as continuous waveforms etched into grooves. Proponents of vinyl argue that this analog process results in a more natural and dynamic listening experience, with nuances and imperfections that add to the music's charm.
The Vinyl Ritual
Beyond sound quality, vinyl aficionados often extol the ritualistic aspects of playing records. From carefully selecting an album to delicately placing the needle on the groove, the process of playing vinyl is seen as a deliberate and immersive experience. This tactile engagement with the music is thought to deepen the listener's connection to the art form.
The Digital Age
On the other hand, digital audio formats have become ubiquitous in the modern era. CDs, MP3s, and streaming services offer unparalleled convenience and accessibility, allowing listeners to enjoy vast libraries of music with the click of a button. Digital audio also boasts advantages in terms of portability and durability, with no risk of scratches or warping.
The Clarity of Digital
One of the key arguments in favor of digital audio is its clarity and precision. Unlike vinyl, which is susceptible to surface noise and degradation over time, digital recordings can faithfully reproduce the original sound without degradation. Proponents of digital argue that this fidelity allows for a more accurate representation of the artist's intent, free from the distortions inherent in analog playback.
The Role of Technology
Advancements in digital audio technology have further blurred the lines between analog and digital sound. High-resolution formats like FLAC and DSD offer audio quality that rivals, and in some cases exceeds, that of vinyl. Additionally, digital audio players and streaming services now offer features like lossless compression and high-quality DACs (Digital-to-Analog Converters), further enhancing the listening experience.
The Subjectivity of Sound
Ultimately, the debate between vinyl and digital audio comes down to personal preference. While some listeners may prefer the warmth and nostalgia of vinyl, others may prioritize the convenience and clarity of digital formats. Moreover, factors such as equipment quality, mastering techniques, and room acoustics can all influence the perceived sound quality, making it difficult to declare a definitive winner.
Conclusion: Finding Harmony
In the end, the question of which format offers the best sound quality may be less important than the enjoyment derived from the music itself. Whether spinning a vintage LP or streaming the latest album on a smartphone, what truly matters is the emotional connection forged between the listener and the music. As technology continues to evolve, perhaps the best approach is to embrace the diversity of formats and appreciate each for its unique contributions to the world of audio reproduction. After all, in the symphony of sound, there's room for both vinyl and digital to coexist harmoniously. Source: vinyl v/s digital which sounds better
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menalez · 2 years
What do you think of this cause personally I can’t make up my mind on the whole thing cause everyone seems to say something different
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i also didn’t like and didn’t agree with the apparent caster semenya quote. i do think such a line should be established in sports regulations because im sure there are intersex women with a sex-based advantage and while they are a tiny minority of the population, creating these distinctions and cut offs is so that women also get the chance to compete and succeed. i i don’t fully agree with OP either because various studies argue that the role of DHT is also significant, more significant than the op argues. the regulations are still not perfect and accurate and it’s also pretty blatant to see that caster semenya doesn’t have the same advantage the average biological male would. it is possible she has some advantage, nowhere near as much as males but still an advantage, and i think that should be adequately studied and evaluated and determined. also the 5-ard thing, while i see many people attribute that to caster semenya, i see no official documents singling out 5-ard or saying caster semenya has it. what i found confirmed was that she has 46, XY DSD iirc, but not 5-ard specifically. it is also true not all intersex conditions are excluded, but rather like 6 specific conditions. so i partially agree and partially disagree
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bigjoe11 · 6 months
Simaudio Moon 791 Streaming Preamplifier $9500 REVIEW
https://www.soundstagehifi.com/index.php/equipment-reviews/1842-simaudio-moon-791-streaming-preamplifier That the MiND Controller app showed the DSD resolution is one indication of the tight integration of Roon, MiND 2, and the 791. Another is that Roon also transfers each album’s graphic to both the MiND Controller app and the 791’s front-panel display. This integration goes beyond the sharing…
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