rehankanuga · 1 year
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New Arrivals 👟 Nice pair of shoes from @cure.fitness with amazing comfort. Get set ready to run. #curefit #avant #freekaamaal #shoes #loot #deals #discount (at Ankleshwar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmRILYjLWDI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jessyka-fitness · 8 months
Equipment Workout for Beginners | Equipment Workout | Workout for Beginners | @cultfitOfficial
Download the Cultfit app to access more such content – https://bit.ly/30pXU5L This Dumbbell Workout for Beginners is the perfect workout for you to stay fit at home. Say yes to healthy living with CultFit! Check out our Fat Loss Workouts playlist by Cult Fit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx2kRt3QlDI&list=PLYzUD5yJQ02n5VGrMkr5wkw8QKSIphlZI Subscribe to Cult Fit channel now:…
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nuinindia2023 · 11 months
Day 17
Happy Birthday Gauravi! We kicked off today with breakfast from the buffet at our hotel. It has delicious food spanning from Indian cuisine to Western cuisine. Then, we went to the headquarters of CureFit, a health and fitness company.
First we got an office tour from Rishi. It was interesting to learn that there are no role titles at CureFit, and there are no assigned desks. Each floor is stocked with fitness equipment that we got to try out. They had treadmills, monkey bars, ellipticals, a basketball court, and even a massage chair.
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Then, we listened to a presentation from Shalabh, a strategy leader at CureFit. He gave us an overview on CureFit, and told us that they are a new age company attempting to make health easy in India. After that, Mujtabha, who works in the fitness group, spoke to us about the fitness business within CureFit, CultFit. He told us that CultFit exists in 90 cities across India. Then Shahbaaz, a brand manager, presented to us and told us about an exciting upcoming collaboration with Marvel. Next, we had lunch on the open-air top floor. We ate the delicious and nutritious Indian food that CureFit caters for its workers every day.
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After lunch, we listened to Phalguni present on the brand and marketing side of CureFit. She taught us that CureFit has the mission of making fitness fun, easy, and accessible. Then Rishi presented to us and showed us CureFit advertisements. Lastly, Mujtabha told us about the history of the company, and his journey working at CureFit. It was a pleasure getting to learn from so many inspiring members of the CureFit team. Then, we celebrated Gauravi’s birthday with a chocolate cake. Pictured is Sagar feeding the cake to her after we sang. Finally, we visited SugarFit, a health-tech company owned by CureFit that aims to manage and reverse diabetes.
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To end our visit, we did a CultFit Zumba class. It was easily one of the highlights of my time in India. It was a great break from our learning and work! We came back to the hotel and all did our own thing for dinner because we are prioritizing our case studies due this week. Excited to visit the Incubation Cell tomorrow!
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eazy-group · 4 months
LOSE BELLY FAT IN 7 DAYS Challenge | Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week At Home | Cult Fit | CureFit
New Post has been published on https://eazyfitness.net/lose-belly-fat-in-7-days-challenge-lose-belly-fat-in-1-week-at-home-cult-fit-curefit/
LOSE BELLY FAT IN 7 DAYS Challenge | Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week At Home | Cult Fit | CureFit
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storiesofzeeen · 6 months
At Curefit, they make fitness fun and easy. They have best-in-class trainers & offer group workouts ranging from yoga to Boxing.Workouts can be done both at a cult center and at home with the help of do it yourself (DIY) workout videos. Curefit uses the best in technology to give you a world-class experience. You can book classes, follow workout videos - all with the click of a button from the cure.fit’s app or website.They provide both online and offline experiences. Now they are the leading health and fitness services in India.
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如果说印度有一个令人愉悦的行业、旺盛的就业来源和收入来源,那就是医疗保健行业,毫无疑问!随着印度对医疗保健服务的高需求,对创新医疗保健、医疗保健设施、医疗旅游和邦政府的需求不断增加,印度政府专注于医疗保健的发展,整个行业一直在排斥就业市场,同时正如其他人自由地后退和进步一样。本周的更新描述了印度医疗保健 - 市场规模、投资、政府举措和挑战。 市场规模: 印度医疗保健市场总体价值约为 1000 亿美元,预计到 2020 年将增长至 2800 亿美元,复合年增长率 (CAGR) 为 22.9%。医疗保健服务包括:医院、疗养院、诊断中心和药品,占整个市场的 65%。目前医疗保健信息技术 (Health IT) 市场价值 10 亿美元,预计到 2020 年将增长 1.5 倍。 德勤印度公司预测,随着数字化应用的增加,价值约 1000 亿美元的印度医疗保健市场可能会以 23% 的复合年增长率增长,到 2020 年将达到 2800 亿美元。 全球用于抗击艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合症)的抗逆转录病毒药物中 80% 以上是由印度制药公司提供的。 考虑到医疗保健支出占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例不断上升,提高医疗保健服务的空间很大。占人口70%以上的印度农村地区将成为潜在的需求源。 印度在未来5至6年内需要增加60万至70万个床位,这意味着投资机会为25至300亿美元。鉴于这种资本需求,预计医疗保健领域的交易数量在不久的将来将会增加。私募股权基金对医疗连锁企业的平均投资规模已从5-1500万美元增至20-3000万美元。 全国共有 3,598 家医院和 25,723 家药房提供 AYUSH(阿育吠陀、瑜伽和自然疗法、尤纳尼、悉达和顺势疗法)治疗。
印度医疗旅游业每年产值达 30 亿美元,预计接待游客 23 万人次。印度医疗旅游业预计到 2018 年将达到 60 亿美元,未来 4 年内前往该国就医的人数将增加一倍。随着越来越多的医院获得认证和认可,人们越来越意识到需要提高其质量以满足国际标准。 该部门的投资: 根据工业政策和促进部(DIPP)公布的数据,2000年4月至2016年3月期间,医院和诊断中心吸引 手机号码列表 了价值35.9亿美元的外国直接投资(FDI)。 印度医疗保健行业的一些主要投资如下: 思科系统公司已与 Narayana Health(班加罗尔)达成协议,利用其虚拟专业知识数字解决方案为全国各地的远程患者提供价格实惠的专业医疗保健服务。 TPG Global 的成长型股权投资平台 TPG Growth 斥资 22 亿卢比(3300 万美元)收购了 Rhea Healthcare 的多数股权,该公司以 Motherhood 品牌经营连锁母婴护理中心。 其创立的医疗保健平台CureFit在成立当天就从Accel Partners、IDG Ventures和Kalaari Capital筹集了1500万美元。 Aster DM Healthcare(总部位于迪拜)计划在未来 3 年内向喀拉拉邦的各种医疗保健项目投资 60 亿卢比(8894 万美元)。 总部位于迪拜的医疗保健集团 Aster DM Healthcare 收购了总部位于维杰亚瓦达的多专科连锁医院 Ramesh Hospitals 25% 的股份,交易价值 11 亿卢比(1,631 万美元)。 初级医疗保健网络 AddressHealth 在由 Gray Matters Capital 领投的 A 轮融资中筹集了 150 万美元,该轮融资将用于扩大其在班加罗尔的基于学校的社区诊所和学校健康项目的模式。 PurpleHealth.com 是一个数字健康和保健平台,旨在为消费者提供选择医生的无缝界面,已从技术投资者 Katabole Technology Venture 筹集了 10 万美元。 Versate Software Technologies 是美国 IT 咨询和软件工程服务公司 Versate Technologies LLC 的印度子公司,目前正在于 2016 年 3 月之前筹集第一轮外部资金 100 万美元,所得款项将用于用于手持式和便携式患者护理设备的初步推广。
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总部位于迪拜的私募股权 (PE) 投资者 Abraaj Group 将收购印度公司 Quality CARE India Ltd 的多数股权,该公司经营 CARE 医院。 包括医疗专业人士和商人在内的卡塔尔非居民印度人 (NRI) 计划在科钦建立一个价值 130 亿卢比(1.9271 亿美元)的大型世界级医疗保健项目 美国跨国技术和咨询公司 IBM 宣布,马尼帕尔医院的企业和教学设施将采用“Watson for Oncology”,这是一个由 Memorial Sloan-Kettering 培训的认知计算平台,可分析数据以识别基于证据的治疗方案,帮助肿瘤学家为癌症患者提供个性化的医疗保健。 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise (AHEL) 计划在未来两个财政年度内再增加 2,000 个床位,耗资约 150 亿卢比(2.2236 亿美元)。 总部位于马来西亚的 IHH Healthcare Berhad 已同意以 128.4 亿卢比(1.9284 亿美元)收购印度第四大医疗保健网络 Global Hospitals Group 73.4% 的股份。 淡马锡控股私人有限公司收购了 Global Health Private Limited 的 Punj Lloyd Limited 全部 17.74% 股权,后者拥有并经营古尔冈的 Medanta 超级专科医院。 英国发展金融机构 CDC 向多专业医疗保健提供商 Narayana Hrudayalaya 投资了 4800 万美元。通过这项投资,Narayana Health 将在印度东部、中部和西部扩大负担得起的治疗。 Apollo Health and Lifestyle Limited (AHLL) 是 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise 的全资子公司,以估计成本 135-145 千万卢比(20-2100 万美元)收购了 Nova Specialty Hospitals。
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LOSE BELLY FAT IN 7 DAYS Challenge | Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week At Home | Cult Fit | CureFit 👨‍👧 https://newsinfitness.com/lose-belly-fat-in-7-days-challenge-lose-belly-fat-in-1-week-at-home-cult-fit-curefit/
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sayantan1 · 2 years
Liked on YouTube: Belly Fat Workout For Men | Belly Workout At Home | Belly Burn Workout | Cult Fit | CureFit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iga0h0p6DcI
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recromedia12 · 2 years
Marketing and Advertising Company in Bangalore
If you are looking for a Marketing and Advertising Company in Bangalore, you will be glad to know that there are many options available. Many of the top agencies are specialized in specific niches and can provide the services that you need. Some examples of these firms are Ace Turtle, Crayons Advertising, Dentsu Webchutney, and Team Pumpkin.
Recro Media Digital Marketing Agency
recro media has been in the industry for over 2 years now, and has been instrumental in assisting Prega News with their digital presence. The company now has over 2.37 lakh fans across various social media platforms, and has executed impactful campaigns that have yielded 16.9 million YouTube views. It is dedicated to helping brands establish an online presence and create an engaged community of followers.
Recro Media
recro media a leading omnichannel retail platform company in India. The company recently announced that it has inked a definitive agreement with Kontoor Brands to be its licensee in India. Through this agreement, Ace Turtle will be able to sell brands from Kontoor's portfolio, including Lee(r) and Wrangler(r). The brand will be sold through Ace Turtle's digitally connected network of brick-and-mortar and online retailers.
Recro Media
With over 200 employees, Dentsu Webchutney is one of the most creative agencies in India. They work with brands to build memorable experiences that connect with consumers in a new way. From mobile to online advertising, they can create campaigns that engage customers and increase sales.
Recro Media
recro media is a marketing and advertising company in Bangalore, has recently been selected as part of the Roncaglia & Wijkander network, the largest independent advertising network in Europe. The network comprises of the leading independent advertising agencies from various countries, including Italy, the United Kingdom, and China. As part of the network, Crayons will handle the brand management in India for national clients, as well as advise them on how to succeed in the Indian market.
Recro Media
recro media is a creative communication agency that specializes in written, visual and social media communication. The company offers a full range of services, including strategic planning, branding and production. They also help with life and movie-themed campaigns. The company's unique approach to communication includes thinking outside the box.
Recro Media
recro media is a digital marketing agency in Bangalore that specializes in performance marketing, display advertising, e-commerce, and programmatic buying. It has clients including BigBasket, ClearTrip, and P&G. The firm is led by Jyothirmayee JT, a serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience as a key marketing strategist. The company also serves many start-up companies in the country, including Zoomcar and Curefit.
Recero Media
recro media one of the largest digital marketing companies in India with branches in three major metros and the head office in Bangalore. The company provides different digital marketing services for businesses including Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, and Web Development. They also specialize in UI UX and Website Design and Development. The company has been around for seven years and has been helping companies grow and thrive.
Recro Media
recro media in digital marketing and advertising campaigns. The company has a team of over 150 copywriters and has helped brands reach consumers, boost sales, and build their brands. They also provide content writing and advertising services for businesses. They are one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Bangalore and have clients such as Spotify, Royal Enfield, and Nike.
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skinnygirldiariez · 5 years
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Fitness is like a relationship, you can't cheat and expect it to work. 🤸‍♀️ . . Wearing the latest premium sports wear @cultsportindia from @becurefit India's largest chain of fitness centers. Totally love the "I AM CULT" leggings super comfy and great stretch. - At first glance its fashionably athletic. And meant for both performance wear and street wear. - Sizes and fit specifically designed for the Indian body type. So feel confident after wearing it in the gym or outdoors. - Comes in bold colours to brighten your day. - Great price, 4-way stretch and Seamless Check Link in bio to shop 😘 #adaywithcultsport #cultcode #cultsportxwinkl @itsonwinkl . . . . 📸 PC @rishabh1319 edits me. . . . #skinnygirldiariez #cultsport #curefit #curefitness #becurefit #lifestyleblog #skinngirlfitness #bangaloreblogger #ootd #sportswear #atleisurewear #itsonwinkl #winklinfluencer #teampixel #fitnessaddict (at Novotel Bengaluru Outer Ring Road) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Skew4n0Qx/?igshid=lhr2wae975nt
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lorcantips · 2 years
Yoga For Weight Loss | Yoga For Beginners | Weightloss Yoga | Yoga At Home | Cult Fit | Curefit
Yoga For Weight Loss | Yoga For Beginners | Weightloss Yoga | Yoga At Home | Cult Fit | Curefit
This Yoga Video from Cult Fit for Weightloss is the perfect workout for you to start your day. Say yes to healthy living with Cult Fit! source
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sppharmaceuticals · 2 years
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Nari sudha Syrup is an ayurvedic tonic meant to cure a wide range of body ailments, from blood purification, hormonal imbalance to menstrual disorders it is practically known to heal almost all physical and mental disorders that women face throughout her life.
BUY NOW :- https://sppharma.co.in/
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nuinindia2023 · 11 months
Day 16
Today we had our visit to Fidelity and Flipkart. We started off with some breakfast at our hotel and then rushed to the bus to head over to Fidelity. After about an hour drive, we were greeted by Fidelity employees. We heard about marketing analytics, AI and how it changes the workforce, and played some fun games! We especially loved getting to know some of the younger staff on the team - Chandan, Aditya, and 3 others. Aditya even flew in from Chennai to meet with us! Everyone also sang me happy birthday since my birthday was yesterday :)
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After our Fidelity visit, we hopped back onto the bus and headed over to Flipkart. We spoke to the Vice President of Marketing which was such an amazing opportunity. Learning about Flipkart, the "Amazon of India" was super insightful. The speaker talked about the difference between his previous and current jobs which provided insight about careers in marketing and what they can look like.
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After Flipkart and being on the bus for two hours, everyone rushed to get dinner before starting our case studies! Time to log off and finish up my work before heading to bed! See you all tomorrow for Curefit :)
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inventivaindia · 3 years
Tata in talks with pharma app 1MG to buy a majority stake: Here is everything you need to know
Tata in talks with pharma app 1MG to buy a majority stake: Here is everything you need to know
In the series of investments that Tata has made as a part of their strategy to create a super app, the company has recently announced their decision of buying a majority stake in the digital health company, which is 1MG. This decision is noted weeks after they announced their partnership with CureFit and BigBasket. Pratik Pal, who is the CEO of Tata Digital said in a release that this investment…
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deepbhalla · 3 years
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Your body can do it. It's time to convince your mind. . . . . . #healthylifestyle #motivation #deepthefitnesscoach #fitnessmotivation #healthmotivation #mind #mindset #mindfulness #mindsetiseverything #mindbodysoul #corona #covid_19 #oxygen #cure #curefit #befit #relax #viral #trend (at Global World) https://www.instagram.com/p/COF5feKrEZi/?igshid=twv7igw0tu6s
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samarshukla1 · 3 years
Til Ke Laddu - Til Ladoo or Til Gud Ladoo, an Indian sweet which not only completes the festival of Sankranti but is also considered a Superfood. Watch & learn from the guided recipe on Cure.fit.
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