#Crystal-infused elegance
candylandphotos · 10 months
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Beauty model natural organic Crystal Rush💕
"Unveiling Ethereal Beauty: The Natural and Organic Grace of a Beauty Model Enhanced by Crystal Rush 💕✨"
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soulofapatrick · 6 months
Jealousy, Jealousy - Roronoa Zoro x Reader
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Summary: A party held by Boa Hancock makes Zoro admit his feelings for you
Words 2.4k
Warnings: heated make-out session only
As the ornate gates of Boa Hancock’s mansions swung open, a hushed awe falls upon us as we step into the opulent halls. It’s a sight to behold, adorned with intricate designs and lavish decorations that whisper tales of luxury. To my right stands Sanji, a protective presence, a testament to our mutual wariness towards Hancock’s extravagant invitation. 
The air hums with an aura of elegance, the mingling scents of perfumes and exotic flowers infusing the atmosphere. Amidst the revelry, I catch Zoro’s intense gaze, his eyes fixed on me, Robin at his side as Hancock has paired us off. It’s an unspoken acknowledgement, a silent understanding amidst the glittering masks and elaborate attire. 
Boa Hancock, draped in regal elegance, moves through he crowd effortlessly. Her presence demands attention, yet your caution remains. We tried carefully, observing, while the festivities cascade around us. 
Sanji, never one to miss a chance to charm of course, offers compliments and flirtatious banter, yet his gaze shifts to ensure my safety as the ‘baby’ of the group. I appreciate his protective stance, even amidst the allure of this enchanting gathering. 
With Sanji distracted I make a swift move towards the bar, the need for a momentary respite calling me while everyone dances in vibrant colours and are having loud and bubbly conversations and elegant attire. At the bar, the ambiance shifts to a quieter melody. The bartender, a silent witness to many such gatherings, nods with a knowing smile as I order a drink, seeking a temporary sanctuary from the whirlwind of the night. The crystal glass in my hand holds the promise of respite, a momentary escape from the enchanting, yet overwhelming, allure of the mansion.
Nami appears by my side, her presence a familiar comfort in the middle of the grandeur. We exchange a glance laden with unspoken understanding, the shared sentiment of finding solace in each other’s company in these unfamiliar territories. The elegant chime of her laughter adds a touch of familiarity to the sophisticated air of the gathering. I should be appreciating the place with awe and wonder but none of the Straw Hats know that I came from something like this before they found me. 
The drink in my hand carries a subtle complexity—a blend of flavours that dance upon my tongue, a crafted elixir meant to soothe amidst the whirlwind of the evening. Its hue, a deep amber, catches the soft glint of the ambient lights, casting delicate reflections that mirrors the opulence surrounding us. 
As Nami points out how extravagant and probably arrogant all these people are here, I steal a moment to glance around, taking in the splendour of Boa Hancock’s extravagant affair. The grandeur is not lost on me; the mansion, adorned with elegance, holds a familiarity that echoes with distant memories that taste something sour in my throat. 
The soirée, a realm of sophistication and polished façades, is a stark contrast to the life I led before the Straw Hats found me. None of them are aware of my past, of the world I once navigated with practiced grace—a world akin to this one, where elegance with both a shield and a cage. I should be socialising and mingling, finding out what I can from these upper-class, self-entitled people probably being one of the best to do so, other than Sanji. 
Observing the gathering, my eyes catch a sight that speaks volumes—a moment frozen in time between Sanji and Boa Hancock. His trademark charm is in full display, evident in the way he gazes at her, a delicate hand placed strategically on her lower back. Boa's subtle blush betrays a hint of vulnerability beneath her regal composure, an unspoken exchange that resonates with unspoken truths. Their interaction, a dance of subtle gestures and lingering gazes, unravels before me. It’s glimpse into the intricate web of dynamics within this enigmatic world, a world where even the most confident souls reveal vulnerabilities in fleeting moments. 
As my gaze shifts, I find Luffy, his infectious enthusiasm palpable even from a distance. Usopp stands by his side, engaging in animated conversation, their laughter resonating through the room. Their camaraderie, a testament to the unbreakable bond forged though shared adventures, offers a grounding familiarity. 
However, it’s Zoro who captures my attention next—a figure of strengths and stoicism engaged in a conversation with Robin. His usual air of aloofness sees softened in her presence, their discussion veiled in layers of quiet intensity. The subtle gestures, the shared glances—they paint a picture of understanding and mutual respect between two individuals whose depths run deeper than what meets the eye. 
As I watch Zoro and Robin, a pang of unfamiliar jealousy stirs within me—a feeling foreign yet potent. Their connection, veiled in unspoken understanding, tugs at the edges of my composure, awakening a part of me I thought I'd left behind—the echoes of a past self yearning to resurface. 
Excusing myself from Nami’s side with a feigned smile, I set out to mingle, seeking a distraction in the vibrant tapestry of guests. Amidst the opulence and sophistication, I spot a striking figure—a man exuding an air of confidence and allure that beckons with temptation. I slip back into the persona I wore before I joined the Straw Hats—a façade of charm and sophistication, a mask that once defined me in a world I thought I'd left behind. Engaging effortlessly in playful banter and coy smiles, I mirror the flirtatious exchanges that used to be second nature.
The handsome stranger, a willing participant in this dance of fleeting connections, becomes my temporary refuge—an embodiment of the person I once was, a remnant of the world I once navigated with practiced ease. In his company I rediscover facets of myself that lay dormant, submerged beneath the adventures and camaraderie that define life aboard the Thousand Sunny. The pulse of the night quickens, the energy of the gathering fuelling the sparks of a persona that feels strangely familiar yet distant.
The charismatic exchange with the stranger is abruptly interrupted by a sudden weight on my waist, a sturdy hand claiming possession. Startled, I turn my head to find Zoro standing besides me, his presence commanding, a stark contrast to the templar refuge I sought in the strangers company. 
“Piss off.” Zoro’s voice is tinged with an edge that brooks no argument, cuts through the chatter of the gathering as he tensely dismisses the man. The interloper retreats with a flustered no, leaving a trial of confusion in his wake. Zoro’s firm grip on my waist remains, a silent assertion of his claim in the midst of the chaotic evening. Without a world, he guides me away from the commotion, leading us towards a secluded hallway—a sanctuary away from prying eyes and murmurs of the party. 
Leaning against the wall, I find myself entranced by Zoro’s commanding presence as he paces with deliberate steps. His usual attire, synonymous wit a rugged warrior’s spirit, is replaced by a tailored black suit that moulds to the contours of his frame. The fabric, sleek and refined, whispers softly as he moves, exuding an aura of understated power. 
Underneath the dark suit jacket, a forest green silk shirt peeks out, a subtle flash of color against the monochrome palette. The fabric, delicately woven and contrasting against the dark backdrop, accentuates the strength in his broad shoulders and the defined lines of his physique. His movements are controlled, each step measured yet purposeful, creating a rhythm that reverberates through the otherwise still corridor. The dim lighting casts a play of shadows and highlights across his features, emphasising the sharpness of his jawline and the intensity in his gaze. 
As I stand there, an array of emotions stir with me. My heartbeat quickens at the sight of him—Zoro, the swordsman whose strength I've always admired, now clad in this unexpected guise of refined elegance. The sight of him in this attire, so far removed from his usual rugged persona, tugs at the strings of my heart, evoking a sense of awe and longing. 
“Are you gonna stop pacing and say something?” The words escape my lips, breaking the charged silence that had enveloped us. Zoro's restless pacing, a testament to the simmering tension between us, continues as he grumbles under his breath, his agitation palpable.
Finally, he does halt, in front of me, his intense gaze locking with mine. His eyes, dark pools of determination and depth, sweep over me, and I feel his scrutiny like a tangible caress. There’s an unspoken question lingering in the air, a tension thick enough to be sliced with a blade. The dress I wear, chosen for the occasion, drapes around me in delicate layers of midnight blue. Its fabric, a dance of silk and lace, moulds to my form with a grace that contrasts sharply with the tumultuous emotions swirling within. The dress, simple yet elegant, accentuates curves and hints at vulnerability, a stark contrast against the backdrop of the secluded hallway. 
As Zoro crowds me against the wall, a myriad of emotions surge within me—a mix of apprehension and anticipation. His hands, placed firmly on either side of my head, are a testament to his strength, yet they evoke a sense of protection rather than fear. There's an undeniable intensity to his proximity, a closeness that crackles with unspoken desires and unresolved tension.
As my gaze flickers down to Zoro’s lips, a rush of nerves tingles through me. His growled question pierces the charged silence, the intensity in his voice sending a jolt through the air, “Why were you flirting with that guy?” His worlds, rough and direct, catch me off guard, the weight of his inquiry echoing in the tense space between us. 
Meeting his eyes again, I sense the vulnerability underlying his intensity, “Why were you flirting with Robin?” I shoot back, my voice carrying a mix of defiance and uncertainty. The tension in the air tightens, the unspoken emotions swirling between us like a tempest. 
Zoro’s eyes roll in exasperation, his response sharp and abrupt, “I wasn’t flirting with Robin you dumbass.” His words, laced with frustration, hang int he air, echoing in the hollow silence of the hallway, the muffled chatter and music fading to silence as all I can focus on is Zoro. 
Before I can protest or rationalise further, his proximity intensifies. The world dissolves into a whirlwind of sensations as Zoro’s hand finds the curve of my neck, tilting my head upwards with a gentle yet firm touch. His lips crash against mine in a fervent collision, igniting a fiery storm of pent-up emotions and desire. 
The kiss is everything I expected from Zoro—hot, heavy and charged with an intensity that sends electric pulses coursing through my body. His mouth moves against mine with a raw hunger, a passionate urgency that leaves no room for doubts or hesitation. There’s a fervour in the way he tastes, a heady blend of passion and restraint mingling in the heat of our entwined mouths. His lips move against mine, teasing and exploring, each movement setting my senses ablaze with a fire that refuses to be contained. 
The heat of the moment amplifies the sensations—a mingling of fervent desire and unspoken yearning, an uncharted territory where emotions collide in a tempestuous dance. It’s a kiss that speaks volumes, conveying a depth of emotions that words could never capture. 
As the fervour of the kiss begins to ebb, Zoro breaks away, his lips trailing a searing path along the sensitive skin of my neck. The sensation is electric, sending shivers down my spine as he leaves behind a trial of intense marks, sucking gentle hickeys into the soft flesh. His touch, both possessive and tender, electrifies my sense, awakening a torrent of desire that courses through me. The intensity of his actions speaks volumes, conveying a depth of passion that words could never encapsulate. 
Simultaneously, his hand, previously at the curve of my neck, journeys down my side, navigating the bend of my knee, coaxing it upwards. His touch is insistent, yet surprisingly gentle, guiding my leg to bend and part slightly, inviting and intimate. With a deliberate move, his hand slips beneath the silky fabric of the dress the contact sending a jolt of anticipation through me. His touch on my bare skin ignites a whirlwind of sensations—a mix of heat and tenderness, each caress leaving a scorching trail in its wake. 
The silkiness of the dress offers no barriers to the warm h of his touch as his hand trails along the length of my thigh, massaging the skin and setting my nerves ablaze. The sensation is almost overwhelming, a tantalising blend of desire and anticipation, as his touch explores the uncharted territory of my skin. 
Finally, he pulls his lips from my neck, and his eyes roam over my face and chest, capturing the rise and fall of my breath, a testament to the charged atmosphere between us. In that moment of heightened tension, I find myself mumbling almost incoherently, "Don't be in love with someone else.”
A guttural groan escapes Zoro, accompanied by a frustrated facepalm, as if my words cause him a mix of annoyance and exasperation. His demeanour shifts abruptly, and with a firm grip, he grabs my face in his hands, forcing me to meet his intense gaze. With deliberate slowness, he enunciates each word, his voice carrying a weight that leaves no room for doubt. "I am in love with no one else except you." His declaration, spoken with unwavering conviction, hangs in the charged air between us, resonating with a depth of emotion that pierces through the tumultuous emotions and uncertainties.
His eyes, searching mine for any trace of doubt or disbelief, hold an intensity that reflects the sincerity of his words. In that fleeting moment, enveloped by the gravity of his confession, the world around us seems to fade, leaving only the raw honesty and vulnerability in his declaration of love. 
“Okay.” He nods once, “Let’s go back to the party.” 
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One Piece Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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sandara-and-coco · 6 months
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₊˚⊹⋆ Hello! As promised it’s time for the girls ! ₊˚⊹⋆
Sandara pulled off her jewelry making skills again to prepare these magical sandy rings for every sandrocker who wishes to propose to their soulmate ! So without further and just like the boys here’s a little story behind each design ;)
Nia - In a heartfelt request asked for a ring crafted in the essence of her dearest bloom, a symbol of love shared with her cherished one. Adorned with pink diamonds and fashioned from rose gold, it mirrors the sentiment embodied in the exquisite "Heart Blossom."
Grace - With a desire profound to gift her beloved a symbol of her unwavering support and sought to give them a keepsake to bear her essence wherever destiny may lead. Entrusting Sandara with the task, she envisioned a ring of pure white gold, cradling a gem akin to the one gracing her ears, a tangible testament to the boundless love she holds for her soulmate.
Catori - This ring was made with the very gold from the Golden Goose tokens at Catori's request so she could share a part of her passion with her promised one !
Venti - Came by with this special raw mineral she extracted herself asking Sandara to make the most unbreakable ring ever !
Amirah - Wanted a special ring to crystallize her emotions into a tangible treasure. She tenderly sought a ring that echoed the ethereal beauty of the Mountain Rose for her beloved.
Heidi - The architect of her own ring's design crafted a plan infused with finesse and elegant details, each element meticulously chosen to hold the strong bond she share with her soulmate.
Elsie - Envisioned for her loved one a ring that seamlessly blended elegance and practicality, a pretty jewel in shiny silver ornate with a deep blue gem that would also speak volumes about her journey with her beloved.
Jane - Wished for a jewel that could eloquently express her deep attachment to her most cherished one. The delicate butterflies adorning the piece carry a special message, symbol of their love and heralding a new beginning filled with boundless happiness and joyful moments yet to unfold !
Mi-An - Driven by a wish for her lover's prosperity and a testament to her diligent efforts in revitalizing Sandrock, commissioned a ring with a distinctive touch. In response, Sandara crafted a four-leaf clover adorned with enchanting green gems, a radiant embodiment of Mi-An's sincere emotions and her dedication to transforming their shared world into a flourishing oasis.
Hope the girls could win your hearts with these custom rings!
Again I had a great time making these for the fandom with the help of my fellow tumblr builders out here so big thanks to them too ♡
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
Hello! So I had this Poly!Volturi Knights x Reader idea
Where (y/n) went to a “Red and Black ball”(you can pick the readers outfit if you want) made by the Volturi kings themselves.
And during their time at the ball they made eye contact with each of the knights as they walked pass by them
Almost like a slow motion moment Yknow😅
This is so cool I can definitely do this and I’ll even have it as each of their povs further down in this
↱ queen of the ball ↰
➘ summary : the volturi goes all out for their newest member, it’s a good thing they are hosting a ball tonight
➘ a/n : I don’t feel I did my best for this but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless :)
➘ Jane x Alec x reader x demetri x felix , volturi x reader
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The grand halls of the Volturi castle were adorned with opulent decorations, a tapestry of black and red intertwining to create an ambiance of both elegance and power. The anticipation was palpable as guests from all corners of the vampire world gathered for the much-awaited black and red ball, hosted by the Volturi kings themselves.
In a secluded chamber within the castle, the newest member of the Volturi, (Y/N), stood before a full-length mirror. She was surrounded by a whirlwind of activity as skilled hands worked to transform her appearance. The dress that had been meticulously designed for her lay across a chair, a masterpiece of black silk with intricate red accents that mimicked the patterns of rose petals.
Marcus, known for his impeccable taste and eye for design, had overseen every detail of the dress's creation. He had chosen to infuse it with an air of enchantment, a nod to the fairy tales that humans so often told. The dress clung to her figure in all the right places, the red accents tracing delicate lines that emphasized her natural beauty.
Aro, with his flair for the dramatic, had arranged for a hairstylist and makeup artist to enhance (Y/N)'s features. Her (h/c) hair was woven into an intricate updo, adorned with delicate red crystals that caught the light and shimmered like stars. The makeup artist had worked magic with brushes and pigments, enhancing her eyes and lips in a way that accentuated her allure without overpowering her natural radiance.
As the finishing touches were applied, (Y/N)'s reflection stared back at her with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was a night of celebration, a chance for her to make her mark within the Volturi and to showcase her newfound place as a member of their family. She had been embraced by the kings, and tonight, she would step into her role with grace and poise.
With a final flourish, her reflection smiled back at her, and the transformation was complete. She turned to face the attendants, gratitude filling her eyes. "Thank you all. I never imagined I would be part of such an extraordinary event."
Caius, whose taste leaned towards luxury and indulgence, entered the room, holding a pair of red and black heels with a glass-like sheen. "To complete the ensemble," he declared, a rare hint of a smile tugging at his lips. The shoes were a work of art, a perfect match to the dress that had been crafted with such care.
Finally ready, (Y/N) took one last look in the mirror before stepping out into the bustling hallway. The whispers of admiration that followed her as she walked towards the ballroom were a testament to the effort that had been put into her transformation. The dress swirled around her with each step, the red accents catching the light and creating an ethereal glow.
As she entered the ballroom, the atmosphere shifted. All eyes turned towards her, the sea of black and red parting to make way for her presence. The Volturi kings stood at the center, their gazes filled with approval and a touch of awe. Aro's grin was infectious, and Caius's nod of approval held more weight than she could have hoped for.
Marcus approached her, his calm demeanor softened by a smile. "You look stunning, my dear. Your mates will surely love seeing you in this."
With each note of the music that filled the air, (Y/N) felt the weight of her new role lifting. She was not just a member of the Volturi; she was a part of a family that celebrated her, appreciated her, and had dressed her in a gown fit for a modern Cinderella.
Demetri's eyes were fixed on the entrance to the grand ballroom, his heart pounding with an excitement he couldn't contain. He had heard the whispers and the anticipatory hum that had swept through the castle, signaling the arrival of someone special. And then, like a vision materializing from his most fervent dreams, she appeared.
(Y/N) walked into the room, her presence captivating everyone in its wake. His breath caught in his throat as his gaze traveled down her figure, taking in the sight of the black Cinderella-like dress with its delicate red accents. The dress hugged her curves with a grace that left him momentarily speechless.
The red accents seemed to dance like flames against the darkness of the dress, creating an enchanting contrast that mirrored her captivating aura. Her (h/c) hair was elegantly styled, adorned with crimson crystals that caught the light and shimmered like stars in the night sky. The makeup that enhanced her features was a masterpiece, drawing his attention to her mesmerizing eyes and the curve of her lips.
Every step she took seemed to be guided by an otherworldly elegance, as if the very air around her recognized her significance. Demetri's heart swelled with pride as he watched her, a fierce possessiveness welling up within him. She was his mate, a beacon of beauty that had captured his heart and soul from the moment they had met.
Her eyes scanned the room, a mixture of curiosity and wonder reflecting in their depths. It was as if she was seeing the grandeur of the ballroom for the first time, and in a way, he realized, she was. This was her introduction to the world of the Volturi, and he was both honored and anxious to be a part of this pivotal moment in her life.
Demetri's thoughts raced as he continued to watch her. The way she moved, the way she interacted with the other guests—everything about her was a testament to her innate grace and charm. He knew that this was a night she would remember, a night that would etch itself into her memory just as indelibly as it would in his.
As the music swelled and couples began to dance, Demetri found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her. She was the center of attention, the embodiment of the beauty and elegance that the night represented. And in that moment, he knew that he was the luckiest man alive to have her as his mate, to witness her in all her glory as she graced the ballroom with her presence.
Jane's crimson eyes were fixed on the entrance to the ballroom, her usually impassive expression betraying a flicker of anticipation. She had heard the whispers and felt the subtle shift in the atmosphere, signaling the arrival of someone who held a special place in her heart. And then, as if stepping out of a fairy tale, (Y/N) walked into the room.
A rare warmth spread through Jane's chest as she took in the sight before her. The black Cinderella-like dress with its intricate red accents was a striking choice that perfectly complemented (Y/N)'s allure. Jane's lips curved into a small, genuine smile as she recognized the dress as a creation from Marcus's impeccable taste. It seemed that even the reserved Volturi kings could not resist the allure of such an enchanting design.
(Y/N) moved with a grace that demanded attention, her every step exuding confidence and elegance. Jane's gaze lingered on the red accents, noting how they seemed to capture the light and create a luminous effect against the dark fabric. Her (h/c) hair was styled in a way that emphasized her beauty without overpowering it, and the makeup highlighted her delicate features.
The transformation was remarkable, turning (Y/N) into a vision that was hard to ignore. Jane's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions, a potent blend of pride and possessiveness. This was her mate, someone who had captured her heart and whose presence held an undeniable significance in her life.
As (Y/N)'s gaze swept across the room, Jane couldn't help but admire the way her eyes sparkled with curiosity and wonder. She was taking in the grandeur of the ballroom, a place that was undoubtedly foreign to her. Jane felt a desire to protect (Y/N) from the attention and scrutiny that came with being a part of the Volturi, even as she recognized (Y/N)'s inner strength.
The music resonated through the air, couples twirling and dancing to its rhythm. Jane's attention, however, remained solely on (Y/N). She watched as (Y/N) interacted with the other guests, her genuine smile and the ease with which she carried herself drawing people to her like moths to a flame.
In that moment, Jane was overcome with a sense of gratitude. She knew that finding a mate was a rare and precious gift, and having (Y/N) by her side was a privilege she cherished. As the night unfolded, Jane knew that this would be a memory she would hold onto—a memory of the night she watched her mate, resplendent in a black dress with red accents, make her mark in the world of vampires and within the depths of Jane's own heart.
Alec's gaze was unwavering as he stood at the edge of the ballroom, his typically calm demeanor masking the rush of emotions that surged within him. The anticipation in the air was almost palpable, the collective excitement of the guests adding to the electric atmosphere. And then, like a beacon of elegance and beauty, (Y/N) walked into the room.
His breath caught in his throat as his eyes locked onto her figure. The black Cinderella-like dress adorned with delicate red accents clung to her form in a way that seemed almost poetic. Alec's lips curved into a rare, genuine smile as he recognized the elegance of the dress as a creation of Marcus's meticulous design.
(Y/N)'s every movement was a symphony of grace, her steps measured yet exuding a confidence that drew all eyes toward her. Alec's gaze lingered on the red accents that seemed to come alive under the light, casting a mesmerizing glow against the backdrop of the night. Her (h/c) hair, styled with a touch of understated glamour, framed her face in a way that enhanced her natural beauty.
Alec's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as he watched her. There was a sense of pride that she was his mate, a feeling of possessiveness that he had never experienced before. Her transformation was remarkable, turning her into a vision that was both captivating and enchanting.
(Y/N) turned her head slightly, her eyes scanning the room with a mix of curiosity and wonder. Alec's heart skipped a beat as he imagined what thoughts might be passing through her mind. She was stepping into a world vastly different from her own, and he couldn't help but feel an urge to shield her from the complexities that came with their world.
The music filled the air, couples swaying to its rhythm, but Alec's focus remained solely on (Y/N). He watched as she interacted with others, her genuine smile and engaging presence drawing people to her effortlessly. He admired her strength and warmth, traits that had won him over from the moment they had met.
As the night unfolded, Alec knew that this moment would remain etched in his memory. Watching (Y/N) navigate the intricacies of their world, dressed in the black and red ensemble that mirrored her grace and beauty, was a memory he would treasure forever. She was not only a part of his world but a part of his very soul, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude that fate had brought them together.
Felix's dark eyes remained fixed on the entrance to the ballroom, his usually composed demeanor betraying a subtle restlessness. He had heard the murmurs and sensed the excitement that hung in the air like static, announcing the arrival of a special guest. And then, as if emerging from the depths of his most cherished dreams, (Y/N) stepped into view.
A slow, appreciative smile tugged at the corners of his lips as his gaze traveled over her. The black Cinderella-like dress with its intricate red accents was a masterpiece that held his attention captive. Felix's usually stoic expression softened as he took in every detail—the way the dress clung to her figure, the red accents that seemed to shimmer like embers against the darkness.
(Y/N) moved with a regal grace, each step exuding a confidence that drew the eyes of everyone in the room. Felix's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and possessiveness as he watched her. This was his mate, the person who had captured his heart in a way that he had never thought possible. Her transformation was nothing short of breathtaking, a testament to the care and attention that had been poured into her appearance.
The (h/c) hair that framed her face was styled in a way that highlighted her features, enhancing her natural beauty without overpowering it. Felix's eyes lingered on the delicate details—the crimson crystals that adorned her hair, the makeup that accentuated her eyes and lips in a way that left him entranced.
As (Y/N)'s gaze swept across the room, Felix's heart skipped a beat. He admired the way she carried herself, the ease with which she engaged with the other guests. There was an air of curiosity and wonder in her eyes, as if she was seeing this world through a new lens. And in a way, she was. This was her introduction to the Volturi's grandeur, and Felix was both humbled and anxious to be a part of this pivotal moment in her life.
The music filled the air, couples swaying in time to its melody, but Felix's attention remained solely on (Y/N). He watched as she interacted with others, her presence commanding attention, her genuine smile captivating those around her.
With each passing moment, Felix felt an overwhelming surge of gratitude. This was the mate he had longed for, the one who completed him in ways he hadn't thought possible. As the night unfolded, he couldn't help but marvel at the image of (Y/N) dressed in the black and red ensemble, a representation of her beauty and the depth of their connection. This was a memory he would hold close, a moment in time that encapsulated the beginning of a new chapter in both their lives.
A sense of unity seemed to permeate the air as Alec, Jane, Felix, and Demetri exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Their posts were important, but this was a moment they couldn't let slip by unnoticed. As if guided by an unspoken agreement, they discreetly left their respective places and converged in a more secluded corner of the ballroom.
Alec's gaze held a soft intensity as he spoke first, his voice low and filled with genuine admiration. "You look breathtaking, (Y/N). The dress, the way you carry yourself—it's truly enchanting."
Jane's crimson eyes held a warmth that was rare for her, her lips curving into a genuine smile. "I must admit, I'm not one for compliments, but tonight you've managed to capture everyone's attention, including mine. You are a vision."
Felix's usually boisterous demeanor was replaced with a subdued reverence. "You've managed to stun even me, and that's saying something. The dress, the way you've carried yourself—it's as if you were made for this moment."
Demetri, who often wore a laid-back smile, looked at (Y/N) with a blend of fondness and pride. "You've brought a different kind of light to this event. It's like you've breathed life into the room, and I have to say, you've made quite the impression."
As (Y/N) listened to their words, her heart swelled with a mixture of happiness and gratitude. To have the attention and affection of these four individuals, each of whom was so integral to the Volturi, was a feeling that she couldn't put into words.
"Thank you," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "Your words mean more to me than you'll ever know."
Alec's lips curved into a small smile as he exchanged a look with the others. "We're not ones for public displays of emotion, but tonight is different. Tonight, we want you to know just how much you've enriched our lives."
Jane's gaze held a softness that spoke volumes, and Felix nodded in agreement. Demetri, always one for straightforwardness, offered a warm grin. "You're an exceptional addition to our family, and you've made this night unforgettable."
As they stood together, the Volturi guards and their mate shared a moment that transcended words—a connection forged by shared admiration and affection. And as the music played on, they returned to their respective posts, knowing that this night would forever remain etched in their memories as a testament to their unity and the strength of their bonds.
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johnny-depplyloveyou · 3 months
Gale's data mined info from Idle Champions
source: [X]
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(He's only 35? And his alignment is Neutral, not Neutral Good to begin with? I know it can be changed into Neutral Good in this game, but... I'll pretend I did not see it)
Item descriptions
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Fond Memories: Even at my lowest, playing with Tara lifted my spirits...
Ball of Retrieval: ...though the ball's purpose eluded her. I was always the one fetching it...
Cat Flap of Displacement: Tara comes and goes as she pleases. But she's always pleased to help me.
Ring of Evasion: A ring as evasive as Tara, when I asked how she obtained it...
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These Old Things: Comfortable, practical, and relatively unsinged.
Wizarding Robes: Not as flashy as Elminster's, but at least they've plenty of pockets.
Robes of Increased Potency: I could get used to these. Elegant, but powerful - just like Tara.
Archmage's Accoutrements: Incredible! Every stitch is infused with Weave. Like wearing magic itself...
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Nothing Much: I'd have preferred something with a library...
Camping Tent: ...but it will do. For now.
Crystal Ball: Handy for glimpsing the future. And also shaving.
Celestial Spyglass: I like gazing at the heavens. To remember. And to forget...
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Crumpled Chapbooks: At least they're written in full sentences.
Well-thumbed Tomes: I've lost count of how many times I've read these. Still just as magical.
Magical Miscellany: A spell for all situations. And my improvements in the margins.
The Annals of Karsus: You can trust me with this - you have my word.
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Boots of Ambiguous Enchantment: A little pick-me-up, for when any Weave will do...
Lonely Boot of Elvenkind: A snack-sized shoe for the wizard who travels light.
Boots of Very Fast Blinking: Blink and you'll miss me. But I'll always hit you.
Mystra's Grace: These were a gift from... well, never mind.
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Cramped Jotter: Magical musings and mullings. Not my best handwriting.
Waterdhavian Quill: This was... well, it was expensive, let's leave it at that.
The Chosen's Earring: A symbol of Mystra's faith in me. Former faith, I suppose...
Wizard's Pouch: All manner of wizarding sundries. Pungent but powerful.
Feat descriptions
Selflessness (Gale): If it’s me or the realms - I’ll save the realms every time.
Inspiring Leader (Gale): Their magic is strong, but our will is stronger!
Long Studies (Gale): It’s not as easy for me as a sorcerer or warlock. No offense, Wyll.
Arcane Experience (Gale): I’ve had experiences that other wizards can only dream of.
Arcane Threads (Gale): You can’t manipulate the entire Weave, merely a small piece of it.
Spools of Magic (Gale): Maybe I was wrong, as rare of an event as that is. This power is strong!
Mage of Waterdeep (Gale): It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Gale of Waterdeep!
Sword Coast Sage (Gale): One day, my name will be known up and down the Sword Coast!
Netherese Teachings (Gale): These are certainly things Elminster wouldn’t have taught me…
Netherese Knowledge (Gale): The risk is worth the reward. This could be just what we need to save everyone!
Neutral Good (Gale): My mind can be changed. …Sometimes.
Immolation (Gale): Magic can be elegant, but sometimes, a good fireball is the answer.
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simpforfandom231 · 5 months
stunned by the Blyth sister *PT 2*
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Hunter, ever perceptive, noticed the shift in Rachel's demeanor as she observed Tom and his sister, Y/n. Sensing an opportunity to tease her co-star, Hunter leaned in with a mischievous grin.
"Rachel, what's got you looking all starry-eyed? Is it the leading man, or did you spot someone else on this crowded carpet?" Hunter teased, a playful twinkle in her eye.
Rachel, momentarily caught off guard, tried to brush it off with a light laugh. "Oh, you know, just enjoying the whole spectacle. It's a big night for all of us."
Hunter, not easily deterred, continued the playful banter. "Come on, spill the tea! Is there a secret crush on our leading man, or perhaps someone else has caught your fancy?"
Rachel, maintaining her composure, replied with a smirk, "You know me, Hunter, always a fan of great performances on and off the screen. But no, no secret crushes here."
Hunter, undeterred by Rachel's response, continued to playfully nudge her. "Well, something had you a bit stunned back there. Maybe you just need to let go and embrace the evening. It's all in good fun."
Rachel, though accustomed to navigating the spotlight, felt a twinge of confusion. She wasn't ready to share her personal life with the world, and the unexpected attention on Tom's sister added an element of unpredictability to the night.
As the banter continued, Rachel couldn't shake the feeling of being scrutinized. She glanced once more at Tom and Y/n, trying to understand the source of her co-star's amusement. Unbeknownst to Hunter, Rachel's thoughts lingered on her own journey and the complexities of self-discovery.
The cast of "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" made their way from the dazzling red carpet into the opulent hall, guided by ushers through grand double doors that opened into a space of sheer luxury. The grandeur of the venue was evident in the sparkling crystal chandeliers that hung from the high ceilings, casting a warm glow over the lavish decor.
As the stars entered, the ambient chatter of excited voices filled the hall. The atmosphere was one of anticipation, and the grandeur of the setting reflected the magnitude of the cinematic event about to unfold. Tables adorned with elegant floral arrangements and fine china were set for the pre-movie meeting.
The cast members mingled, sharing anecdotes and laughter, the energy of the evening flowing seamlessly from the red carpet to the opulent interior. The air was infused with the clinking of champagne glasses and the tantalizing aroma of luxury appetizers being circulated by impeccably dressed servers.
Rachel, Hunter, Tom, and the rest of the ensemble found themselves in the midst of a surreal blend of cinematic fantasy and real-world glamour. The camaraderie among the cast members grew stronger, their shared journey from the red carpet to the lavish hall creating a bond that transcended the roles they played on screen.
In a private corner, Rachel and Hunter continued their banter, now joined by Tom and other cast members. The teasing and laughter carried a genuine warmth, and any lingering tension from earlier moments on the red carpet melted away in the convivial atmosphere.
The pre-meeting, a moment of celebration and reflection, allowed the cast to relax and savor the culmination of their hard work. The clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation filled the hall as the stars prepared to witness the fruition of their collective efforts on the silver screen.
As the cast members engaged in animated conversations and laughter, Rachel found herself occasionally glancing in Y/n's direction. Y/n, engrossed in discussions with various people who had worked on the movie, seemed at ease in the midst of the bustling pre-meeting atmosphere.
During one such glance, Y/n caught Rachel's eyes. With a polite smile, Y/n raised her hand in a friendly wave, acknowledging the connection with someone from the cast. Unbeknownst to Y/n, her friendly gesture sparked a momentary flutter in Rachel's heart.
Hunter, ever observant, nudged Rachel with a playful smirk. "Caught someone's eye, huh?" she teased.
Rachel, blushing slightly, tried to play it off. "Oh, it's nothing. Just being friendly."
Hunter leaned in with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know, friendly looks a lot like something else sometimes."
Rachel, still feeling the warmth of the unexpected exchange, chuckled nervously. "Well, let's focus on the movie. That's what we're all here for, right?"
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As the pre-meeting continued, Y/n moved through the room, gracefully navigating conversations with those who had contributed to the film. Her infectious enthusiasm and genuine appreciation for the collaborative effort behind the scenes endeared her to the crew and fellow cast members alike.
Unaware of Rachel's occasional glances, Y/n's attention remained on the shared excitement for the premiere. When she encountered Rachel's gaze once more, she offered another friendly wave, a genuine smile gracing her features.
Rachel, now feeling a mix of curiosity and a touch of self-consciousness, couldn't help but wonder about the nature of her own feelings. The hall, filled with the hum of conversations and the anticipation of the upcoming screening, became a backdrop to the subtle dance of unspoken emotions.
As the movie's premiere drew near, the cast members continued their lively conversations, sharing excitement and anecdotes about the film. Amidst the chatter, Josh Rivera, Rachel's ex, approached her with a warm smile.
"Hey, Rachel," Josh greeted, his voice carrying a tone of friendly familiarity.
"Hey, Josh," Rachel responded, returning the smile. Despite their past, the two seemed amicable, maintaining a professional and respectful demeanor.
"I just wanted to say how great it is to be a part of this project with you. It's been a journey," Josh remarked, reflecting on the collaborative effort that had brought them together once again.
Rachel nodded, appreciating the sentiment. "Absolutely, Josh. It's been quite the experience, and I'm grateful to have such a talented cast and crew."
Josh, sensing the need for brevity in the bustling pre-meeting atmosphere, kept the conversation light. "Well, here's to an amazing premiere. May the odds be ever in our favor," he said with a playful glint in his eye, a nod to the iconic line from the Hunger Games series.
Rachel chuckled, toasting with her champagne glass. "May the odds indeed."
As Josh excused himself to join other cast members, Rachel couldn't help but reflect on the unique dynamics of working alongside someone from her past. The exchange was a reminder of the interconnected web of relationships within the entertainment industry, where personal and professional lives often intersect.
As the cast continued their conversations, Rachel found herself lost in her own thoughts, a glass of champagne in hand. The dazzling lights of the pre-meeting hall seemed to blur as she contemplated the complex emotions stirred by the evening's events.
Tom Blyth, perceptive as always, noticed Rachel's distant gaze. Sensing her need for a moment of privacy, he subtly signaled to her, raising an eyebrow and gesturing toward a quieter corner of the room. Rachel, recognizing the familiar expression, nodded in agreement.
They navigated the room, weaving through the lively conversations until they found a secluded spot away from the crowd. Tom, treating Rachel like a sister, couldn't help but notice the turmoil in her eyes.
"Hey, you seem a bit caught up in your thoughts there. Everything okay?" Tom inquired with genuine concern.
Rachel sighed, a mix of emotions playing across her face. "Yeah, just a lot on my mind tonight. It's such a big moment, you know?"
Tom nodded, understanding the weight of the premiere and the expectations that came with it. "We're all feeling it. But you can talk to me, you know that, right?"
Rachel, appreciating Tom's concern, hesitated for a moment before opening up. "It's just... I saw your sister, Y/n, and something about her caught me off guard. I can't quite put my finger on it."
Tom raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Y/n? What happened? Is everything okay?"
Rachel, choosing her words carefully, replied, "Oh, it's nothing bad. She's just... captivating, I guess. But not in the way you'd expect. It's like she has this aura, and I can't figure out why it's affecting me so much."
Tom chuckled, relieved that the issue seemed lighter than he initially thought. "Ah, the Blyth charm strikes again. Y/n does have a way of leaving an impression on people. But, Rachel, she's just my little sister. Is there something specific bothering you?"
Rachel, hesitant to reveal her feelings, decided to keep it vague. "No, no, it's nothing. Just caught me by surprise, that's all."
Tom, always the supportive friend, placed a reassuring hand on Rachel's shoulder. "Well, if you ever need to talk or figure things out, you know where to find me. Let's enjoy the night, and whatever happens, happens."
Rachel, grateful for Tom's understanding, managed a smile. "Thanks, Tom. You're a good friend."
As they returned to the bustling pre-meeting, the unspoken tension lingered in Rachel's mind.
Tom and Rachel rejoined the group, seamlessly blending back into the lively conversations. Hunter, with her keen sense of observation, sent a questioning glance toward Rachel, her eyes curious and probing. Rachel, catching Hunter's gaze, subtly mouthed, "It's okay," reassuring her friend that everything was fine.
As the group continued chatting, Y/n Blyth approached, her energy infectious and her smile genuine. Hunter, ever the playful tease, couldn't resist an opportunity to stir the pot. She shot Rachel a sly smirk before turning her attention to Y/n.
"Well, well, if it isn't the mysterious Y/n Blyth joining the party. What secrets do you hold, I wonder?" Hunter teased, her tone light but with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Y/n laughed, playing along with the banter. "Oh, you know, just here to add a dash of mystery to the evening. A Blyth tradition."
Hunter, exchanging a knowing look with Rachel, couldn't resist a follow-up. "And what about you, Rachel? Any secrets you're hiding tonight?"
Rachel chuckled, deciding to go along with the playful banter. "Just the usual. My love for cinema and a few million other insignificant details."
Hunter, not one to be easily deterred, continued her teasing, her gaze flickering between Rachel and Y/n. "Oh, I'm sure there's more beneath the surface. We'll have to unravel those mysteries one day."
Y/n, unaware of the subtle undercurrents, joined the banter with a smile. "Well, if anyone can uncover mysteries, it's you guys.
The announcement echoed through the pre-meeting hall, drawing the attention of the cast and guests. A wave of excitement swept through the room as the anticipation for the premiere reached its peak. The realization that the moment they had all been waiting for was imminent sent a ripple of energy through the crowd.
"Alright, everyone, take your seats! The show is about to begin," a voice over the intercom declared, prompting the cast and attendees to make their way to the adjacent hall where the screening would take place.
The group, still buzzing with conversation and laughter, moved gracefully towards their assigned tables. The hall, adorned with intricate decor and dimmed lights, set the stage for the cinematic journey that awaited them.
Rachel, Hunter, Tom, Y/n, and the rest of the cast found their places, each seat a front-row ticket to the spectacle about to unfold on the silver screen. The air was charged with a blend of excitement, nerves, and the shared anticipation of witnessing the fruits of their labor.
As they settled into their seats, the room hushed, and the lights dimmed further. The atmosphere transformed into one of collective focus, the hum of conversation giving way to a quiet expectation. The premiere of "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" was about to begin, and the stars, both on the screen and in the audience, were poised to embark on a journey that would captivate hearts and minds alike.
The next hall, now a sanctuary of cinematic enchantment, awaited the unveiling of a tale that had been crafted with passion, dedication, and the collective spirit of the talented individuals who had come together to bring Suzanne Collins' world to life. The red carpet, the pre-meeting, and the banter were but prologue to the grand spectacle that was about to unfold. The audience, eager and expectant, braced themselves for the immersive experience of "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes," ready to be transported into a world where intrigue, drama, and unexpected connections awaited.
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hexora · 6 months
Lunar Water Infusion Vessel: Elevating Your Hydration Experience with Celestial Energy
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🌟 The Essence of Lunar Water Infusion:
Immerse yourself in a realm where lunar energy converges with hydration, where the celestial dance of the moon becomes an integral part of your daily routine. The Lunar Water Infusion Vessel elevates the act of drinking water to a spiritual experience, harnessing the ethereal qualities of the moon to enhance the subtle properties of the water it holds.
💧 Key Features of the Lunar Water Infusion Vessel:
Design Elegance: The vessel's design is a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics. Crafted with precision, it provides an exquisite platform for lunar water infusion while adding an element of sophistication to your hydration ritual.
Crystal Clarity: The Lunar Water Infusion Vessel is made from high-quality, crystal-clear glass that allows for an unobstructed view of the water within. This transparency accentuates the purity of the water and facilitates a visual connection with the lunar infusion process.
Energy Transfer Mechanism: Engineered with precision, the vessel maximizes the interaction between water molecules and lunar energy. The unique design optimizes the infusion process, ensuring that each sip carries the subtle yet potent influence of the moon.
Convenience in Utility: The vessel's ergonomic design considers ease of use, making it a seamless addition to your daily routine. A secure lid and non-drip spout enhance practicality, allowing you to savor the lunar-infused water effortlessly.
🌙 The Ritual of Lunar Water Infusion:
Preparation: Begin by selecting pure, high-quality water to fill the Lunar Water Infusion Vessel, ensuring a pristine canvas for lunar energy transmission.
Alignment: Position the vessel in a place where it can bask in the moonlight during the designated infusion period. The vessel's design facilitates optimal exposure to lunar energies.
Intention Setting: Before commencing the infusion, express your intentions for the lunar-charged water. Channel your aspirations and desired influences into the water, creating a personalized energetic resonance.
Infusion Process: Allow the water to bask in the moonlight for the specified duration. The Lunar Water Infusion Vessel orchestrates a seamless transmission of lunar energies into the water, imbuing it with the celestial essence.
Consumption: Delight in the enhanced flavor and rejuvenating qualities of your lunar-infused water. Consciously savor each sip as you absorb the subtle energies bestowed by the moon.
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diamondcrownacademy · 7 months
DCA Info Part 20: Chateau Beastiale Dorm 📚🥀🐗
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Chateau Beastiale (シャトー・ビースティアーレ寮, Shatō Bīsutiāre Ryō) was founded on the Intellect (知性) of the Golden Maiden and is inspired by the world of Beauty and the Beast. Students of this dorm excel in Basic Etiquette and Magic Incantations.
Dorm Founder: Belle
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Known in-universe as the Golden Maiden (黄金の乙女).
Dorm Crest
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The dorm crest features a shield like emblem with a gold exterior outline and blue interior. Within the interior there are silhouettes of The Beast, Belle and a red rose. On the upper right of the emblem's exterior, there is a rose crown with three red roses on it wrapped around it's edge. Near the bottom, there is a red banner with the dorm's name on it. On the bottom and lower sides of the exterior, there is a garland of red roses. There are also household items on top and on both sides of the exterior, with a candelabra at the top, a teapot on the left and teacups on the right.
Dorm Leader: Rozeline Pierrette
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Chateau Beastiale's current dorm leader is Rozeline Pierrette, a young woman who's famous for her novels, playwrights, songs, inventions and alchemy class experiments. But she has a bit of a dark secret.
Dorm Fairy: Rosia
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Rosia (ロシア, Roshia) is Chateau Beastiale's dorm fairy and vice dorm leader. She is described as being very elegant and giving good advice. Rosia carries herself with confidence and likes to quote from books when speaking sometimes. She is known to be a good tutor for students having trouble with anything, be it studies, manners and much more. She is able to speak her mind even though it can be blunt sometimes, Rosia doesn't see the need to sugarcoat anything otherwise the students won't learn.
Her current appearance represents Rozeline's ideal self, wanting to show what she is capable of without having to worry about being feared or called a monster because of her unique magic.
Dorm Living Quarters
• The exterior of the Chateau Beastiale dorm living quarters is designed to the likeness of the Beast's castle. It has a beautiful rose garden at the entrance leading to the main building.
• The entrance to the gate has a small marble house filled with soft pillows and a few pet essentials. This is Palmiers' station, she guards the gate entrance and won't let others pass unless they offer her sweets. So Rozeline has a sign to notify students and visitors on the guard bear.
• The interior is colored beige wallpaper and metal made to look like gold, decorating the hallways and a number of furniture is enchanted and can talk and some even wander around the dorm.
• The first one you notice is the large grandfather clock, he calls himself Edgar (エドガー). He greets the students and has the duty of ringing the time where classes should begin and when the students should wake up.
• Next is the stove, Gustove (グストヴェ). He is in charge of the kitchen and he makes the food in the dorm. The plates and cutlery aren’t sentient but for some reason they are able to levitate, due to a magic crystal infused within, Gustove’s metal body. SO he can do whatever he pleases with the items in the kitchen. Also he dislikes leftovers, but with Gustove as the chef every plate comes back empty.
• Lastly, there’s the talking wardrobes placed in every room. They aim to please by helping the students out with their outfits. Also they love to gossip, so there are those old pipes that is called a speaking tube that they use to communicate with.
The dorm's name is derived from the French word "château" meaning "castle" while the word "beastiale" is a portmanteau of the words "beast" and "castle".
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XI. Once Bitten, Twice Shy
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Erichthonios, Themis thought, truly did not give himself enough credit.
Although Themis would readily admit that he had not the requisite knowledge to judge this particular category of magicks to their most minute detail, it was clear Erichthonios’s execution of Interment had been flawless. With naught more than an infusion of aether, this single Warder had banished the fearsome beasts of Asphodelos back unto their cells one by one. Even with the assistance of Azem’s familiar and the cadre of phantom warriors called to aid them in weakening each one, sealing away even a single subdued creature of the size and ferocity of the Hippokampos or the Phoinix was no small feat. 
Indeed, although Themis had cautioned Erichthonios on the importance of getting the spell right the first time, he would not have thought any less of him if he had not succeeded. The idea that anyone could perform an incantation without the tiniest flaw on their first try–and under the pressures of self-doubt and little time–was a request that bordered on the absurd, one Themis would not have imposed if there had been a more palatable option. Theory and observation could only get one so far, but nevertheless Erichthonios had succeeded with breathtaking speed. Themis’s aether and own dearth of knowledge of Interment would not have been able to compensate for any inconsistencies, any lapse of concentration.
Though prudence reminded Themis that time was not on their side, a part of him still wished the shimmering sigil lingered on the floor just long enough so that he could observe its design in full. For Erichthonios’s sealing magick was not merely a functional thing; in the glimpses and snatches Themis caught, he was struck by its beauty, how enchanting the lines and geometries were in their flawless symmetry.
The sigil consisted of a perfect circle, with lesser–but no less perfect–circles at each of the cardinal points surrounding a curious but elegant divet. Capped at each of these cardinal points was a design which resembled a crystal stopper, and at each of the greater circle’s intercardinal points were notches that called to mind the knobs of a harp or some other stringed instrument. Most tellingly, crisscrossing throughout the interior of the sigil were chains in alternating warm and cool colors–links forged in fire and sealed with ice, as the powers of Erichthonios’s transformation when he first stumbled out of Pandaemonium attested to.
Though other Interment arts might share foundational similarities–Themis had not the opportunity to observe, but it would stand to reason–each sigil would ultimately be unique to the individual. Such things acted, in effect, as a signature. And although Erichthonios did not seem to give any thoughts of vanity to his designs, they were aesthetically wondrous and so undoubtedly his. Rare was it that Themis observed such fine work outside the expertise of his colleagues in the Convocation. 
In a moment of respite, when Azem’s familiar had left to attend to other business and he and Erichthonios had tasked themselves with the matter of reaching Abyssos, Themis told him as much. Even in the absence of other observers, Erichthonios’s cheeks visibly colored, and he looked away and said it was naught special compared to what the other Warders were capable of, and certainly not worthy of comment by someone sent by the Convocation. 
It was a reaction Themis was beginning to anticipate from him, but it did not make his heart ache any less for it. How self-deprecating Erichthonios was! Were his mentors and colleagues so single-minded in their valuation of magical aptitude that it made them dismissive of aught else? 
Perhaps so, Themis realized with some dismay but not a terrible amount of surprise. Although all professed to acknowledge and value the myriad ways one could contribute to the good of the star, the insistence in the value of all things–no matter how small or unconventional–marked the current and previous Azems as unusual to most of their contemporaries. 
Though Themis had scarce known Erichthonios for half a turn of the sun by the end of their forays into Asphodelos, even then there was no question in his mind that despite Erichthonios’s shortcomings in innate magical ability and his tendency towards rashness, he had a generous and kind heart, and was certainly more than capable in his duties as a Warder.   
Yet Erichthonios clearly did not see it as such, and was quick to downplay his achievements. ‘Twas so instinctual, so ingrained, Themis knew it could not merely be a case of once bitten, twice shy. He sensed the feedback Erichthonios had received up until now was largely critical, if not outright belittling. And although Themis was careful in ensuring that his arbitration of judgment did not extend to his fellows’ personal lives, even those of the Convocation and their constituent bureaus, he lamented whatever had happened to make Erichthonios view himself in such a poor light.
And so despite Erichthonios’s insistence to the contrary, Themis saw no reason not to give credit where credit was due. ‘Twas simply a matter of course that he commented on the achievements of his fellows, and unless Erichthonios outright told him to cease, Themis did not intend to. However disbelieving Erichthonios was, however far he placed himself below Themis (another thing which made Themis’s heart dully ache), with each acknowledged success he stood a little straighter, and the determination in his words and in his eyes became more assured. 
And that too, like Erichthonios’s sigil, was shining and beautiful and something which Themis could only pray that he would see more of.
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josephquinnstyle · 4 months
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Joseph Quinn is wearing Robert La Roche's Mambo Sunglasses in Crystal
PRICE: £485/$616
The Mambo is an exquisite pair of unisex glasses, meticulously handcrafted in Italy from premium acetate, showcasing its most captivating form. Within the Design Liaison Robert La Roche + Christoph Rumpf collection, these frames exude timeless elegance and subtle charm, emphasizing individuality and infusing every moment with a touch of extraordinary allure.
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kaito-akimoto · 4 months
Valentine's Day 2024 [Kainoka, from Hanoka]
@the-silver-peahen-residence asked:
"Since you gave me this beautiful necklace. I wanted to get you something too." She shows a hand wrapped box and held it to him blushing. "H..Here you go. Happy Valentine's day, my precious snow owl." she said. Inside would be a hand made choker strap necklace but their was a metal piece having a elegant design. Two peahen feathers wrapped around a crystalized shard crafted as a little owl. She had some of her chakra infused in the crystal shard but it would glow to show of her love for him. She would always be there for him even if she is far away.
"Is that so? You didn't have to, you know," Kaito replied, having not given Hanoka much notice of his surprise return, but he appreciated it all the more.
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"Hanoka, it's beautiful..." he commented on her gift. It was so thoughtful and meaningful with its design, a symbol of her love that he can wear. It felt reassuringly warm too, just like Hanoka and her chakra. Feeling a little emotional, he pulled her into a hug to hide it, and to show his appreciation.
"Thank you, I will cherish it."
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candylandphotos · 10 months
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Beauty model natural organic Crystal Rush💕
"Radiating Beauty: The Grace of a Natural, Organic Beauty Model Enhanced by Crystal Rush Elegance 💕✨"
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styleofdiamandis · 4 months
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Step into the romantic world of "Wedding Bells", a collaborative masterpiece that unfolds the symbiotic relationship between acclaimed designer Hasan Hejazi and his muse Marina.
Captured through the lens of renowned photographer Tim Bret-Day and brought to life in a mesmerizing fashion film by Thomas Knights, this project is a celebration of style, elegance, and artistic synergy.
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The spotlight shines on three bespoke luxury evening dresses, each a testament to Hasan Hejazi’s unparalleled creativity. The intricate embroidery, meticulously crafted by Hawthorne & Heaney, draws inspiration from Victorian florid ornaments, infusing a timeless charm into contemporary couture.
Executed in cutwork, the embroidery unfolds like a delicate tapestry, mirroring the colors of the dresses with a seamless fade, transitioning either to lighter or darker shades. The addition of strategically placed crystals introduces a touch of luminosity, creating a captivating interplay of light and texture.
Check out the fashion film below:
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strawberrynida · 7 months
Jewelry-Tober Day 14: Crystal Heart
October is over and I didn't have time to update my Tumblr! Sorry!
Thankfully, I only did Jewelry-Tober till day 16 which includes this crystal necklace! I was inspired to craft a silver-toned necklace featuring my favorite silver-toned pearls. There's something captivating about these pearls, especially when they mingle with sleek metal chains. It's a nice contrast.
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To add a touch of enchantment, I combined these pearls and chains with clear quartz and clear flower beads. The heart charm, seamlessly integrated with dainty silver heart links, completes the composition, infusing a subtle elegance into this unique piece! I hope you enjoy <3
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Details: ♥ Puffy Heart #1 | Silver-tine indented heart, 12 freshwater pearls, 925 mini hearts, clear beads, clear flowers, 925 chains, 6 clear quartz, paperclip chains.
♥ 18 inches at the tightest, 21 inches at the longest.
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🖤 ₊ ⊹ This necklace has already found a home. But don't feel down! I create similar necklaces like this on my Etsy @Strawberrynida. Simply type it into Etsy OR click on my website link below to access it. Only one of one and handmade by me <3
Thank you and have a great day! 🖤 ₊ ⊹
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pssstttt, use code “TUMBLR” for a discount!
All socials are under the username StrawberryNida with the same profile picture.
Etsy: https://strawberrynida.etsy.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strawberrynida/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/strawberrynida/
My account is a safe place for any kind, strawberry-loving, person <3.
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[In the Fae Court AU, at least, but possibly other timelines as appropriate, Hriob and The Weaver over at @shatteredwastes have a very close working relationship, on top of mutual respect and friendship over what they've accomplished and overcome together thus far. Especially as his Advisor, most trusted assistant and ally, and de-facto Oracular strategist, it is Amata's word he values most of all amongst his court... even if he doesn't always listen to it that strictly all the same.
[With that in mind, coupled with the nature of Amata's 'projected' presence and Hriob's skill with enchanting and working with materials such as crystals, it would not take long before he would create a method of 'summoning' his most tried and true attendant to his side... or to the side of anyone else he gave the damn methods to, much to their immeasurable irritation and long-suffering stoicism.
[Starting with a voluntary infusion of the Weaver's raw magical presence into a series of small, alchemically grown crystals in order to bind them to the right 'resonance' for her to potentially connect to each one, these 'seeded shards' are then carefully wrapped in a faraday-like cage of rune-inscribed silver and bronze, resulting in an oddly pretty yet otherwise unassuming trinket roughly the size of a thick pen or an average person's thumb. These in turn are often hidden within other items for convenience or utility: the emblem-embossed badges given to all position-bearing members of Hriob's Court each have one such crystal hidden within the lacquered oakwood, and other allies of note may be given a larger, decorative coin with the crystal-and-cage situated within its center more visibly.
[In effect, each crystal 'remembers' the Weaver's presence despite not being truly or fully 'bound' to her, and thus Amata can reach out to each if she so chooses as a secondary 'anchor point' to project her existence from, and can in-turn sense when someone with such a shard is trying to 'call' her... though being contacted does not require full materialization on her part, and if need be they can 'reach' through the connection to preemptively shatter a shard in mere moments - if she senses that it has found its way into the wrong hands.
[Both simple and elegant in its use and design, these are the backbone for letting Amata not only help organize and observe all the members of the Court of the Wanderer, but also an additional tool to allow them to explore far beyond the extents of Hriob's little isolated corner of the Faewilds, with the help of all those who travel to-and-from the Halls whom are trusted accordingly... though the potential for abuse still technically exists, each Shard has been made specifically to foil the efforts of would-be malicious actors... leaving mere annoyance as the only effective method of using the technically-disposable artifacts against her.]
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kawaiilizzie · 1 year
Trivia - Lennox
Oddly enough, the hardest part of this trivia was finding a fitting GIF that wasn’t too NSFW. Either way, the final trivia for now is fittingly focused on the final boss villainess, Lennox, played by FRUITS ZIPPER’s Mana Manaka!
Warnings: Spoilers for Saber, implied trauma and other dark stuff when I think about it depending on your perspective.
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A little meta fact is that she was initially played by Fumika Baba, best known in Drive as Medic, before switching to Mana Manaka. A recent change I made was that she also had her hair down before I settled on a ponytail hairstyle with my Discord friends, her Megid form also has a ponytail, though it’s more subtle.
Her name is of Scottish origin and means ‘with many elm trees’.
She was the Seirei of the Unbreakable Crystal Element before being vanquished from Wonder World by Artemis.
She has all the Megid generals wrapped around her fingers because they know she'll dispose of them the moment she finds them useless.
She’s even more manipulative than Storious while hiding behind a cutesy exterior and personality.
Artemis hasn't seen her ever since being vanquished and knows that she’s working with the Megid from the Sword of Logos.
She is the one behind the Megid's whole scheme as well as the true mastermind behind the manipulation of Isaac and Storious.
She has infused her Seiken into her own body by the time of the series.
Due to her Seirei past, she can pull off the same spells that the Swords of Logos is capable of while keeping her powers over crystals. She also uses a dagger alongside her magic which can enhance it in her Megid form.
She holds a hint of elegance via her fluent movement. Something which is reflected through her dresses in her civilian form.
Her Megid form's primary motif is a succubus with hints of a fallen angel, befitting her past.
She’s more manipulative and vicious in nature after dropping her facade.
She and Tassel were swordsman and Seirei before Lennox fused with her Seiken. However, around the time after Falchion and Kyomu (And by extension Naiko) were sealed in the Book of Ruin by Yuri, Tassel accidentally killed a rogue swordsman, causing Lennox to lose trust in him because she thought he would attempt to save the person. Feeling angry and remorseful, she began to use the Megid for her own selfish gain. Tassel informed the original Master Logos, who of course would later form the SoL, in which they'd also have some contact with Tassel.
During her time in Wonder World after the 'betrayal', Artemis vanished her per the advice of Tassel.
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