#Court Reporter Vancouver
kanha99 · 5 days
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collosandcompany · 2 months
Collos and Company
938 Howe St #312, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9 Canada
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As a Vancouver Court Reporter, I stand proud alongside my colleagues at Collos and Company, where excellence in court reporting is our hallmark. Vancouver, renowned for its vibrant legal scene, finds us at the forefront, offering unmatched court reporting and transcription services. Our commitment to precision, efficiency, and cutting-edge technology distinguishes us from the rest.
Founded by an experienced court reporter in Vancouver who envisioned a blend of traditional professionalism and modern efficiency, Collos and Company has emerged as the preferred partner for law firms, corporations, and government agencies across Vancouver and its environs. Our team of highly skilled court reporters and transcriptionists ensures the accurate capture of every word uttered in courtrooms or depositions, empowering legal professionals to scrutinize testimonies and proceedings with utmost accuracy.
Recognizing the evolving nature of the legal field, we embrace innovative solutions like real-time reporting, providing instant access to transcribed text on a secure platform—a crucial asset in intricate litigations where rapid access to testimony can sway the course of a case. Moreover, we offer video conferencing and remote deposition services, acknowledging the global reach and need for flexibility in the legal industry.
Our dedication to excellence extends beyond our services to our customer-centric approach. At Collos and Company, we prioritize building enduring relationships with our clients, understanding that trust and reliability are paramount in the legal realm. This ethos has not only secured repeat business but also cemented our reputation as leaders in the Vancouver court reporting industry.
In a city as dynamic and demanding as Vancouver, we at Collos and Company serve as an indispensable ally to the legal community. We exemplify how expertise, technology, and a client-centric ethos can redefine the benchmarks of court reporting.
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grapehyasynth · 1 year
au where simon and felice run a top-tier private investigation firm, and they receive an important, secretive, big-money case that would basically allow them both to retire at 35: track down the swedish crown prince, who up and disappeared several years ago, leaving just a note asking that no one tries to find him. simon follows several leads, and it's in vancouver that he finds prince wilhelm, living in relative anonymity, working in a bookshop and hiking on the weekend and absolutely spoiling the three cats he has living with him. it's a quiet little life that simon will feel a little sorry to have to disrupt. but he has a job, and the payout could care for him and his mother and his sister for years, even if he does hate the monarchy. but the day before he's due to fly back to sweden to report what he's found, he turns a corner and nearly runs right into wilhelm himself. "hello mr. eriksson," wilhelm says calmly. "why don't you come in for a cup of tea."
back at the prince's tiny apartment, simon learns that wilhelm had clocked him days ago, has been watching simon watch him. he opens up about the party prince reputation he'd fostered years ago, how people only see what they want to see, how he'd let them think that that was all there was to him. he talks about the panic attacks he used to suffer through, the pressure of being heir to a throne. he talks about his dead brother and the first crush he'd ever had on a boy and how poorly the royal court had received that development. he admits there might've been other ways to bow out, but he just couldn't take it anymore.
he lays it all out, and he asks simon: is there any way you will consider telling them you couldn't find me?
simon can't sleep, that last night in the hotel, and he spends the flight back wracked with indecision....
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A group of Canadian conservationists says it has launched a legal challenge against Ottawa's $2 billion plan for an expanded container terminal in Delta, B.C.
The David Suzuki Foundation, Georgia Strait Alliance, Raincoast Conservation Foundation and the Wilderness Committee say they have filed an application for a judicial review in federal court under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. 
"The federal government has failed Canadians by approving this new terminal. Their own environmental review showed this project could condemn southern resident killer whales, and the chinook salmon they depend on, to extinction," said Jeffery Young, senior science and policy analyst for the David Suzuki Foundation.
The 2020 report by a federal review panel found a new terminal would result in the destruction of the protected killer whale's critical habitat.
But in April, Ottawa announced it had approved the expansion plans — which would see an additional 2.4 million 20-foot shipping containers go through the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 each year — saying the move will open up Canada's throttled marine supply chain. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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This day in history
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me WEDNESDAY (Apr 11) at UCLA, then Chicago (Apr 17), Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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coochiequeens · 2 months
Not only did the women only have gender neutral changerooms, the room had glass walls? WTF? Who came up with the idea of gender neutral changeroons with glass walls? And who paid for it? 2
By Reduxx Team April 4, 2024
A man with a history of sexually predatory behavior has been sentenced for voyeurism after it was discovered he had been using the “gender-neutral” changing room of a local recreation center to watch women undress.
Mark Istephan, 52, has been sentenced to 18 months in jail after he attempted to watch a woman shower at a community pool on Vancouver Island. Istephan was previously convicted for the attempted kidnapping of a 13-year-old girl.
During court proceedings, Western Communities provincial court Judge Ted Gouge heard that the incident occurred on the morning of May 4, 2023, at the Sooke and Electoral Area Parks and Recreation Commission (SEAPARC). The SEAPARC is a designated “LGBTQI+ Safe Space,” and highlights that it prioritizes inclusivity and “does not tolerate violence, bullying, or hate speech towards the LGBTQI+ community”
The victim, identified only as Z.R. in court documents, had been swimming at the community centre and returned to the gender-neutral change room before showering in a private cubicle. As she was getting dressed, she saw the shadow of a man in the next cubicle who appeared to be trying to watch her through the gap between the bottom of the cubicle divider and the floor.
Z.R. ran to the reception desk and informed staff, who promptly called police and Istephan was arrested. In his decision, Judge Gouge noted that Z.R. was left traumatized by the experience, and continues to suffer anxiety as a result, specifically when using public recreation facilities.
During the hearing, Istephan refused to participate in a psychological assessment, something the judge called “unique.” Istephan claimed he did not have any mental health concerns, and declined a pre-sentence interview with a forensic psychologist.
The court heard that in 2001, Istephan attempted to force a 13-year-old girl at a bus stop into his car. He was ultimately convicted of attempted kidnapping and received a conditional sentence of 18 months, which he served in the community.
In 2007, Istephan was convicted of public indecency when he was arrested for masturbating on a lakeside wharf in Victoria, resulting in a 60-day jail sentence and three years of probation.
According to a Port Moody Police release from 2018, Istephan briefly went missing after being discharged from Eagle Ridge Hospital. At the time, he was described as being a male of Middle Eastern descent who was approximately 6 feet tall.
Since his initial conviction for attempted kidnapping in 2001, Istephen has been further convicted of breach of probation for failing to complete a sex offender counseling program in 2009, and another breach of probation in 2014 for being within 200 meters of a school.
The incident in Sooke further accentuates the concerns surrounding the safety of “gender-neutral” restrooms that have emerged over the past year.
As previously reported by Reduxx, the city of Cambridge, Ontario, recently sparked outrage after announcing that plans for a new recreation center would completely eliminate traditional male-female changing rooms. Instead, a glass-walled “universal gender-neutral common area” would be established where males and females would share a common space and cubicles.
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During a meeting on April 29, the Mayor of Cambridge had a woman removed from a city council meeting for expressing her worries about the safety of the proposal.
In the United Kingdom, just under 90% of complaints regarding changing room sexual assaults, voyeurism and harassment that occurred between 2017 and 2018 were found to have taken place in gender-neutral or unisex facilities.
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deadpresidents · 11 months
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Front page of The New York Times, July 30, 1923.
After spending nearly the entire month of July 1923 in Alaska and Canada (the first sitting President to visit either location) as part of his “Voyage of Understanding” across the continent, President Warren G. Harding was forced to cancel stops in Oregon, Northern California, and Yosemite National Park when he fell ill in Vancouver and Seattle on July 26th and 27th.
From Seattle, Harding’s party, which included First Lady Florence Harding and several Cabinet members (including Commerce Secretary and future President Herbert Hoover), traveled directly to San Francisco. Despite his weakened condition, the President refused suggestions by his doctors and aides that he be transported via wheelchair from his special railcar, the Superb, to a waiting limousine. Upon arriving at the Ferry Building in San Francisco, reporters who briefly saw him said that Harding -- who was only 57 years old -- looked “old and worn.” As he and the First Lady headed to the limousine waiting for them on Market Street, someone snapped the last photograph ever taken of President Harding alive.
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When the Presidential party had left Seattle and word first started to circulate that Harding was ill, White House doctors announced that the President was suffering from “ptomaine poisoning” and acute indigestion, “due to eating crabs or canned food.” While they decided to head directly to San Francisco, only the events of the next few days, including his planned trip to Yosemite, were canceled. But by the time the President arrived in the Bay Area, it was decided that Harding’s condition was more alarming than previously believed, and the White House scrapped all events scheduled for California, announcing shortly before midnight on Sunday, July 29th that “the President is reluctantly persuaded that it will be necessary to cancel his entire California program” and apologizing to the people of the state expecting to see him. 
No further information about Harding’s condition was officially released at that time other than the fact that the President was expected to remain in San Francisco for the next two weeks to rest and recuperate, but according to the New York Times on Monday, July 30th:
Outside of this statement and the bulletin by [Brigadier General Charles] Sawyer, his personal physician, no other information was authorized. It is learned, however, that General Sawyer was apprehensive late this afternoon of a turn for the worse in the President’s condition. While he was hopeful that a good rest would overcome the violent attack of ptomaine poisoning from which the President is suffering, he was careful to make no predictions. By some of those in the Presidential party this attitude was attributed to professional overcaution, but events tonight appear to have justified General Sawyer’s course.
As this dispatch is written (at 5 A.M. New York time) members of the corridor on which the Presidential suite is situated in the Palace Hotel. All of them show signs of being anxious. The theory of the President’s friends is that acute indigestion has affected his heart action. The President is conscious and is much concerned over the serious turn his illness has taken.
Mrs. Harding is at the President’s bedside and is greatly helping him by her calm and cheering attitude. She expresses confidence that Dr. Sawyer will be able to bring Mr. Harding back to health.
Harding’s “Voyage of Understanding” had come to a sudden halt and his planned trip through California had been canceled, sidetracking numerous public engagements and likely eliminating Harding’s much anticipated private deep-sea fishing expedition with William Wrigley off of Catalina Island. Over 5 million people were expecting to listen to Harding deliver a major speech over the radio the next night about foreign policy and American participation in the International Court of Justice, but it would instead be published as he recuperated. As Warren Gamaliel Harding rested in Room 8064 on the 8th Floor of the Palace Hotel in San Francisco on Monday, July 30th, his doctors were cautiously optimistic and First Lady Florence Harding was hopeful. 
But the 57-year-old President of the United States had 72 hours to live.
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dreameasel · 1 year
How do you feel about the accusations against Percy?
I'll answer this one time and then I won't make any more comments on the matter.
I followed the whole thing from day 1 and was more than willing to accept that the allegations could be real. However, I was also vaguely present for when a girl stole another girl's con photo of her with Joe.sph Qu.inn, claimed it was her and that he'd assaulted her. Which of course, proved to be a false allegation when the actual girl stepped up and said how that was her stolen picture. I've been on the internet since elementary school and have seen how it can be a powerful tool to expose abusers who otherwise would've never seen any justice and also how people will use those same methods to ruin someone else's life. So with all of this in mind I was ready to believe them but if they wanted me to disavow a guy and join in on trying to end his career I needed hard proof.
I followed the entire thing, saw their claims, saw the evidence that was given from their end and the side of people who'd found holes in said claims and evidence. I aimed to try and find people who contesting the claims but weren't Percy stans to try and keep things as unbiased as possible. The claims of the accusers frankly fell apart the more stress they were put under. their timeline was vague and inconsistent, there was at least one event, party they claim he had at his house in Vancouver where things occurred, that he could not have possibly been at because he was in Atlanta filming The Gifted. Aries claimed first to have gone to school with him, then knew people who knew him, then was just speaking up for the victims. She said it was hard to see her abuser blowing up now and getting famous, someone mentioned how he was already in The Gifted, a decently popular marvel show. She didn't know about it. She claimed to be Marvel fan. He's also been acting since he was a small child and fairly well known already in Canada, were they both live yet she claimed his career was only now getting big. This is basic info and if she really was close enough to have been involved in this in any way she would've known it.
There were claims of a police report being filed, when people asked if there were any records of this (something that would be theoretically possible to get if they did not already have a copy, not a ridiculous ask) they then claimed they didn't file one "because the police are useless". All this inconsistency and lack of anything solid, especially a timeline -- something they would not need any documents for to get decently right -- has lead me to believe at this time that the allegations are false.
On top of all this the people who believed and supported those making the claims willingly spread child pornography of him all over twitter as if any allegations make it okay to disseminate child porn. Which does not you know, make me really wanna be on your side since that's kinda something I'm morally against.
I understand that sometimes the only way to get any justice is going to the court of public opinion. The justice system is imperfect and sometimes going online is the only way people can get any kind of justice. Journalism was the only way we learned about Weinstein. However, if you just say shit on twitter, a site not know for it's veracity of facts or ethics, with no solid evidence I will not join in your crusade against anyone. If there is no way to prove or lend credibility to you claim I will not blindly believe it. I want that proof both because innocent until proven guilty is how the law actually works but also because if I am going to bat for you against everyone I meet from now on over this I want that bat to made of something more substantial than cardboard and vibes.
If more substantial evidence against him were to come out in the future I will reevaluate my position on the matter and adjust accordingly. It's not that I don't want to believe them, it's that I don't want to be used as a pawn in someone's campaign to form an internet lynch mob. I do not want to be used as a tool to ruin someone's life for sport or petty grudges. I take claims like this seriously and so if it cannot stand up to a basic stress test I cannot in good faith believe it. Because if I cannot make sure it's real then the angry mob your leading could very well be damaging the life of someone innocent and I don't want to be party to that. Believing all victims does not mean automatically throwing away critical thinking and believing everything they say, it means helping them get their defense and offense straight and backing them up the whole way through. If you can't prove to me you even knew him how am I supposed to defend your stance to the rest of the world?
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Power laws, whereby a small number of people tend to be responsible for a huge proportion of any phenomenon, can be found in all human activity, whether it be income, book sales by authors, or number of sexual partners; the most well-known, the Pareto principle, or the 80/20 rule, originally comes from Italian land ownership.
Lawbreaking, too, observes a power law, so that a huge proportion of crime is committed by a very small number of offenders who have an outsized impact on society.
Inquisitive Bird wrote that power laws are ‘observed for arrests, convictions and even self-reported delinquent behavior’. He cited British data which shows that ‘70% of custodial sentences are imposed on those with at least seven previous convictions or cautions, and 50% are imposed on those with at least 15 previous convictions or cautions (Cuthbertson, 2017).
‘But perhaps the most illustrative study is by Falk et al. (2014), who used Swedish nationwide data of all 2.4 million individuals born in 1958–1980 and looked at the distribution of violent crime convictions. In short, they found that 1% of people were accountable for 63% of all violent crime convictions, and 0.12% of people accounted for 20% of violent crime convictions.’
Therefore in Sweden, some ‘70–80% of violent crimes are recidivism after an earlier conviction for a violent crime’, and ‘approximately half of violent crime convictions were committed by people who already had 3 or more violent crime convictions. In other words, if after being convicted of 3 violent crimes people were prevented from further offending, half of violent crime convictions would have been avoided.’
The author notes that, although ‘America has a reputation of a very harsh penal system that is very quick to lock anyone up’, this is not true. In fact one study found that ‘72.8% of federal offenders sentenced had been convicted of a prior offense. The average number of previous convictions was 6.1 among offenders with criminal history.’
Contrary to what received opinion in Britain believes, America is not a particularly punitive country; in fact criminals are often allowed to repeatedly offend until the inevitable tragedy happens.
The post cites analysis by the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform which finds that ‘Overall, most victims and suspects with prior criminal offenses had been arrested about 11 times for about 13 different offenses by the time of the homicide. This count only refers to adult arrests and juvenile arrests were not included.’
In Washington DC, about 60–70% of all gun violence is carried out by just 500 individuals, and the same Pareto principle applies to shoplifting, the bane of big liberal cities like San Francisco or Vancouver, where 40 offenders were arrested 6,000 times in a year.
According to the New York Times, ‘Nearly a third of all shoplifting arrests in New York City last year involved just 327 people, the police said. Collectively, they were arrested and rearrested more than 6,000 times.’ That third is therefore committed by less than 0.004% of New York’s population.
The same is true of Britain. According to the Daily Telegraph, ‘Prolific thieves are being caught and convicted of stealing up to 50 times before they are jailed by the courts.
‘Violent offenders are escaping jail until they have been convicted of up to 25 common assaults, while some are accruing as many as seven or eight repeat convictions for carrying a knife before they are given a prison sentence. Other criminals are collecting more than 20 drug convictions before being jailed.’
The paper reported that one-tenth of offenders in England and Wales commit half of all crimes, and that ‘10,400 “super-prolific” offenders who had been convicted of more than 50 previous offences each were spared jail over the past three years’. Between 2019 and 2021, 100,000 offenders with more than 16 previous convictions avoided prison.
They also found that for theft, prolific offenders had to rack up 49 previous convictions or cautions before they were jailed, ‘For robbery – theft with force or the threat of violence – it was nine previous such offences’, and for common assault 25 such attacks.
In 2020, one burglar was only jailed after 20 convictions; one knife offender was caught seven times with weapons before going down, and another eight times. ‘Even for sexual assault, the worst offender had been convicted of five previous attacks before being jailed in 2020, and three in 2021.’ How can someone commit five sexual assaults and still not be jailed?
Yet people convicted of multiple crimes will almost certainly have committed many, many more. One study ‘followed 411 South London men from age 8–9 in the early 1960s through their lives’ and found they admitted to ‘committing many hundreds of times more crimes than they were ever caught for.’ On top of this, most burglars also routinely shoplift, and the fact that people who self-report greater numbers of crimes tend to get caught and convicted later in life ‘implies that self reports have some level of validity’.
Unsurprisingly, British criminals released after short sentences of less than 12 months are more likely than not to reoffend within a year, while only 5% of those who endure stretches of 10 years or more do so.
All of this has huge implications for crime policy and suggests that merely relying on higher clear-up rates, and the stronger possibility of detection, are not enough in themselves. [...]
What matters is that persistent wrongdoers are kept away from society.
A friend based in Singapore has on occasion sent pictures of his bike, in a rack on a main road where he leaves it overnight, unlocked. The fact that he does so, and expects to see it in the morning, is almost mind-blowing to me. [...]
But such levels of civilisation are simply impossible when a small minority of criminals are allowed to mingle freely in society. Urban honesty boxes are impossible not because British society is inherently wicked but because a relatively tiny number of people would clear them out. Imprisoning several thousand more persistent wrongdoers, for long stretches, would bring Britain’s crime rates down to similar levels enjoyed in Singapore, where shops can stay open into the small hours without security, and women can walk home late at night listening to music on their earphones.
Until policymakers accept that prolific criminals have to be incapacitated, the rest of us are condemned to a quality of life well below what we should expect.
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Murder in the Dockyard or a question of seniority
It is 13 January 1798, two men face each other in the darkness of a dockyard in Antigua - and only one will survive this meeting... 
It is January and only two ships are in English Harbour, Antigua, the sloop Favourite commanded by Lieutenant Lord Thomas Pitt Camelford, 23 years old and a cousin of William Pitt and Admiral Sir Sidney Smith. The other was the frigate Perdrix, commanded by Captain Fahie, who was not on board, leaving the ship in the hands of his first lieutenant Charles Peterson, also in his early 20s. Both went about their work, ignoring each other where they could, which already surprised many. As luck would have it, they already knew each other and not very well. Peterson had already served under him on the Favourite as Camelford, even though he had been appointed lieutenant two years earlier. However, Camelford had been luckier and, thanks to his kinship, already had a command. This already led to tensions. Even more of a problem was the fact that they were courting the same woman. Around 1798, mutinies broke out on various ships and Camelford, who as commander also had a bad reputation and a tendency to violence towards his men, found himself confronted with a burgeoning mutiny. And then the fort at English Harbour reported that enemy ships were approaching and that something should be done, but who was in command? Camelford, who as a lieutenant commanded his own ship, or the more senior Peterson. Camelford, who saw it as his duty, let Peterson know that he was in command and that he and his men would have to place themselves at his disposal. Peterson, being the senior officer, did not see the point and sent Camelford an order asking him to provide the guard boat, signed "Lieutenant Charles Peterson, Senior Officer of HM Ships and Vessels for the time being in English Harbour". The situation began to escalate.
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The Caneing in Conduit Street by James Gillray (1796), a caricature of Camelford's assault on George Vancouver - showing his insane behaviour. (x)
Camelford, now fully in a rage, sent his acting lieutenant Milward and some marines to arrest Peterson for insubordination and preparing mutiny. Milward forcibly gained access to Peterson and, in a scuffle that broke out, Peterson threatened Milward with his sword. A marine sergeant then knocked the Favourite master's head off his shoulders. Peterson called his party together and disembarked (unfortunately it is not known what happened to the sergeant, but he was presumably arrested) and went to the dockyard. Camelford, who learned of this a short time later, now gathered his men in a frenzy to join Peterson and threatened to either whip them to death or shoot them all if they joined the mutiny. Milward, now completely confused, tried to mediate, and it was Peterson who made the first move. He ordered his men to ready their weapons. Anticipating that the next order would be to fire, Camelford stepped forward and shouted loudly to ask where Peterson was. I'm here, damn you!" came the reply. Camelford then asked if he was still defying his lawful orders, and when Peterson replied, "Yes, sir," he shot him in the heart at close range. After that, his men dispersed quietly.
The enemy did not attack Antigua, which was fortunate considering the chaos aboard the two Royal Navy ships. A private report by Captain Mitford of HMS Matilda, who then investigated the matter, said that "the whole thing arose out of a great deal of bad blood which has long existed between the parties" and that he assumed Camelford simply wanted to get rid of a rival in love and career. However, Lord Camelford was acquitted by a court martial, which found his actions justified. It also found that the rules were unclear as to whether a lieutenant's appointment "to the rank of commander confers on him seniority above other lieutenants". The Admiralty promptly changed this and ruled that seniority among lieutenants should be determined solely by length of service, and this remains true today. In memory of Peterson, there is an anchor in the dockyard where he died, known as Peterson's anchor.
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Peterson’s anchor in the dockyard of English Harbour, Antigua (x)
Thomas Pitt Camelford, however, only continued with his aggressive and impulsive behaviour. In October 1797, Camelford commanded a ship near Grenada and attacked what he thought was a hostile but was in fact an English fortress. In Barbados, he tried to press men into service at sea, which was legal in itself, but Pitt shot two men who resisted him in the process. His family and rank protected him once again from the consequences of his actions.
However, the Commander-in-Chief of the West Indies Fleet sent Camelford back to England.There, he attracted attention through increasingly wild and violent behaviour. He was soon called half-mad lord in the press. In May 1799 he was convicted of pushing a man down a flight of stairs during an argument; this was just one of many brawls he was involved in. In January 1802, an angry crowd broke the windows of his house because he refused to illuminate the building to celebrate the peace treaty with France.
In 1804 he quarrelled with his friend Captain Best for allegedly making a derogatory remark about Camelford to the latter's mistress; the woman, a high-class prostitute, had previously been involved with Best. Camelford challenged Best to a duel, rejecting later efforts by Best to reconcile. On 7 March 1804, the two met in the grounds of Holland House. Camelford missed his opponent, but Best hit and shot him in the chest. The latter died of his injuries three days later at the age of 29.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Former child actor Ryan Grantham has been sentenced to life in prison for the shooting death of his mother, Barbara Waite, at their home in Canada in 2020.
Grantham, known for his roles in Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Riverdale, pled guilty to second-degree murder for killing his mother. At age 21, he shot Waite in the head with a .22 rifle as she played the piano at home in Squamish, British Columbia.
On Wednesday, Grantham, 24, was handed his mandatory life sentence in Vancouver's British Columbia Supreme Court, and as part of his sentencing, he will not be eligible for parole for 14 years, according to CBC.
Grantham confessed to the murder and filmed his mom's body in GoPro video footage taken shortly after the crime and shown in court.
One day after killing his mother, Grantham left the property in a car packed with three firearms, ammunition, and 12 Molotov cocktails with the intention of killing Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the nation's capital, Ottawa.
Partway through his journey, he decided instead to commit a mass shooting, before driving to a Vancouver Police Department building and turning himself in.
At Grantham's sentencing hearing, Justice Kathleen Ker said his change of heart regarding the killing spree was his "saving grace," and that statements from those close to Waite, including Grantham's sister, showed how "life-shattering" the impact of the tragedy was.
Ker said that Grantham had struggled with his mental health in the weeks leading up to killing his mother and had been viewing violent video footage on the dark web.
According to CBC, the judge said that Grantham is showing signs of improvement amid his ongoing psychiatric treatment in jail.
Grantham's lawyer Chris Johnson told CTV News: "I think he anticipated what the judge gave him as a sentence.
"I think he's pretty apprehensive about the whole thing. He's a fairly tiny person, and to go to the prison system, I'm sure it's a daunting and scary thought for him."
Making note of Grantham's "diminutive" stature, Ker said that she would not recommend that the actor serve out his sentence in a maximum-security prison.
Two psychiatric reports referenced by Crown prosecutor Michaela Donnelly said that Grantham had been experiencing an "intense period of clinical depression" in the months before he killed his mother.
Grantham was "experiencing urges to commit violence and kill himself." According to the reports received by CBC, he killed his mother "to spare her from seeing the violence he intended to commit."
Complex said that Grantham's sister, Lisa, found their mother—who had been battling cancer—on April 1, 2020, the day after she had been killed.
"She was vulnerable, and Ryan gave her no chance to defend herself," Lisa said in her victim impact statement. "It pains me to know he was a danger to her life."
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incarnateirony · 2 years
lmao god
apparently using my blog for myself, instead of to perform for anybody else, mystifies the fuck out of people. like. lmao needy ass anon nobodies trying for attention and stan wars still when it's like no. I told yall, I'm done. you wanna lie to yourselves to feel better because you're still hate stalking here, that's fine, but expect it to be multi interest and not branded. I'm not needed as a branded power account anymore, catch a clue. i'm not needed to be on call for riots and boycotts and numbers like dude i cannot emphasize enough how over this is. i'm retired I"m out yall more obsolete than you ever been and that's impressive, I'm just here to enjoy everybodys hard work pay off buddy
genuinely adorable they thought this show would stay insular forever. All those years of ignoring talking about the gulf and history. all the time they just ignored it because they expected their vancouver bubble to keep them worlds apart. Now there's salty motherfuckers with sand in their cracks that, plot twist, i'm still ex media (well, actually take off the ex with new contracts) and suddenly they think they can revise history and pretend I'm a psychic genius that made the master decade long intricate lie interwoven to court records just to fuck with you guys when we eventually got a spinoff in nola
just to rebuild that bubble world from an extinct film era
jesus christ, therapy people
so for the 100th time
I'm out
this isn't a stan account, this is a personal account, that also enjoys Supernatural
I'm done doing labor for you guys, or against you guys, depending who you are
no more riots, no more boycotts, no more reports needed
mark p is already dealing with his attorneys, i don't care who you think you are or what you deserve to know.
taw is still blacklisted
anti assholes are still muted/watchlisted to the crew
kiss my shiny corner pocket
everything else is attention seeking in my inbox to make yourselves feel better and sell something to yourselves.
TPTB don't need mercenaries to get rid of you guys influence anymore. We can relax. not sure what part isn't clicking yet
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He Faced Allegations of Sexual Assault and Rape From Students for Years. Now Bikram Choudhury is “Back” Teaching in Canada. Following scandal after scandal, the founder of hot yoga refuses to pay court-ordered damages or admit wrongdoing. How is he still teaching? Last week, the Vancouver Sun reported on an upcoming series of yoga classes and lectures taking place in Vancouver, British Columbia, and being promoted across social media as “Boss is back!” “The Boss” is Bikram Choudhury, the founder of hot yoga and the defendant in half a dozen civil cases alleging sexual misconduct. Starting in 2013, seven women—six of them former Bikram yoga students—filed civil lawsuits against Choudhury for sexual assault, harassment, creating a hostile work environment, wrongful termination, or rape. Click the link in our bio to continue reading. 🖊️: Renee Schettler https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUsD2Isgc1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dianaknowles · 2 years
DIANA KNOWLES,   41 years old,   strip club manager.
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full name: diana marie knowles nicknames: di, ana, mama knowles dob: june 19ths, 1981 occupation: strip club manager residential area: gastown length of time in vancouver: 23 years click here for full statistics.
Diana Knowles is born already scorned, fearless. Her mother gives birth, not by choice, six weeks early, causing her tiny bundle of wailing joy to enter the NICU until further notice. And the NICU is where Diana first fights. She fights to the better end, doing everything in her power to progress and make her way home to her mother and her mother alone. Her father is absent. Hell, her mother to this day has no idea who the father of her daughter might be. “Probably some random I slept with one evening, it doesn’t matter.” Is what her mother would say when Diana became curious. And she learned to be okay with that.
For as long as Diana could remember, her mother was always sick. She was always coughing into napkins, needing help with dinner, and whatever came along with that. Diana always helped, even if this took up much of her adolescence. And her upbringing remains this way. By some miracle, she’s able to squeeze in various extracurriculars. Dance, cheerleading, and soccer are the more prominent ones, the ones she loved the most. Her mother doesn’t leave the house, too afraid to due to her many ailments. But she insists that Diana recount all of her activities from school, still wanting to be a part of her daughter’s life and enjoyment regardless of anything. So, Diana gushes about her growing life, and her mother nods along.
High school goes by in a blink and before she knows it, Diana is off to college. She gets accepted into a college in Vancouver and she moves there to study to become a physical therapist. She had always been fascinated by the way the human body works, especially when it came to dancing. And her lifelong dream was to help those who needed it, to ensure that their bodies were working right.
Seven long years later and Diana is graduating, though her mother is not there to see her shine. She calls soon after though, happy to hear that her daughter was content and achieving something worthwhile in life. This is the first time Diana feels real sorrow, real loneliness. And she was exactly that within herself: sad and alone. With that, she attempts to make friends and does so successfully. She enters a practice to shadow some physical therapists and she makes friends through work. Up until she loses her passion for the profession and finds herself at a strange crossroads. Dance was still calling to her and she eventually follows the same route her mother went down, dancing in nightclubs. In an instant, Diana Knowles feels at home under neon lights. She takes up the stage name Miss Platinum and becomes a club favorite.
Eventually, Diana becomes the club manager and steps down from dancing. Her love for helping people eventually came back swinging and she began to deeply adore the process of hiring girls. The girls become like her children and she takes care of them, houses them, and more. So much so that everyone begins to call her Mama Knowles and nothing has ever filled her with so much pride.
Like most stories, tragedy strikes, and it does so in the most random of ways in Diana’s story. One evening while she was locking up the club, she was jumped by three men. They beat her up and stole her shoes, jewelry, watch, purse, and more. And when she got home, her house had been broken into. About three weeks prior, she reported a stalker that had been showing up at the club every single night. Diana didn’t really think anything of it until he approached her one night and wouldn’t leave her alone. She instantly knows this was the work of her stalker and called the police. The case is still ongoing and Diana has been living in fear ever since, knowing she will have to testify in court against the men who jumped her while her stalker is still unable to be found.
Diana being Diana, she keeps a stern stance and refuses to let anyone see her afraid. Or upset. She left the hospital after one evening, returning to work with a bruised cheek and cracked ribs. And that’s exactly how she’s always been. A fighter, even from the very beginning.
her girls aka the women/dancers who work at her club
her younger sister, nicole (will most likely be a wc on the main)
best friend(s)
close friends
bookclub buddies
fellow dog parents
exes gone wrong
blind dates
first love
ex she married back in vegas when she was 17 and drunk
anything at all!!!!
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"A Vancouver police officer was found guilty Monday of assault with a weapon for using a stun gun a Black man who’d been arrested for jaywalking, five years after the assault happened. 
Const. Jarrod Sidhu used a Taser on Jamiel Moore-Williams three times on February 11, 2018, after Moore-Williams had been stopped by police on Granville Street for crossing at a red light. 
Judge Emmet Duncan ruled in Vancouver Provincial Court that the Taser was not “proportionate [or] necessary.” 
“I reject … that Mr. Moore-Williams posed a risk of imminent bodily harm to anyone,” Duncan told the court in his guilty verdict.
Moore-Williams said he had crossed in a hurry to get away from someone who was throwing rocks at him. Police flashed their sirens, then demanded his ID. His interaction with police was filmed, and showed multiple officers kicking and kneeing him. 
Azuka Nduka-Agwu, an organizer with Black Lives Matter Vancouver who ran a GoFundMe to help Moore-Williams with his legal fees, told CTV News that the assault was likely motivated by anti-Black racism. 
“Race definitely played a role in this,” Nduka-Agwu said. “The most recent data shows how much more Black and Indigenous men in particular are criminalized.”
Recently released data from municipal police departments found that, between 2016 and 2021, Black and Indigenous people were disproportionately reported to the police, and had more charges recommended against them. In Vancouver, around one per cent of the population is Black, but about five per cent of charges were brought against Black people."
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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This day in history
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Today (May 10), I’m in VANCOUVER for a keynote at the Open Source Summit and later a book event for Red Team Blues at Heritage Hall; on Thurs (May 11), I’m in CALGARY for Wordfest.
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#20yrsago Lying, plagiarising NYT writer outed, ousted https://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/11/national/times-reporter-who-resigned-leaves-long-trail-of-deception.html
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#10yrsago My Re:publica talk: “It’s not a fax machine connected to a waffle iron” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWqx_1tDyqE
#10yrsago What makes a project remixable? https://mako.cc/academic/hill_monroy-remixing_dilemma-DRAFT.pdf
#10yrsago Bike lanes led to 49% increase in retail sales https://web.archive.org/web/20130315222708/https://www.americabikes.org/nyc_study_finds_protected_bicycle_lanes_boost_local_business
#5yrsago FanFlick Editor: an entry in EFF’s Catalog of Missing Devices https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/05/fanflick-editor-entry-catalog-missing-devices-eff-supporter
#5yrsago Here are the official lyrics to the Mr Softee jingle https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/mister-softee-jingle-has-lyrics-who-knew
#5yrsago Bite-Sized Linux: a zine collecting awesome *nix tutorial webtoons https://wizardzines.gumroad.com/l/ltywT
#5yrsago West Virginia Senator laughed at the idea that hating on teachers would bite him in the ass — then he lost his job https://theintercept.com/2018/05/11/west-virginia-primary-teacher-strikes/
#5yrsago Pentagon sucks up to Trump by censoring mentions of climate change in its global risks assessment https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2018/05/10/pentagon-revised-obama-era-report-to-remove-risks-from-climate-change/
#5yrsago Teens are cyberbullying themselves as a form of self-harm https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/04/21/604073315/when-teens-cyberbully-themselves
#5yrsago Indigenous Canadians sue the Canadian government over decades of secret, involuntary, inhumane medical experiments https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/11/canada-indigenous-people-medical-experiments-lawsuit
#5yrsago Individual FBI agents can be sued for blackmailing potential informants with no-fly list threats https://www.techdirt.com/2018/05/11/court-fbi-agents-can-be-held-accountable-tossing-immigrants-no-fly-list-because-they-refused-to-be-informants/
#1yrago The (billionaires’) case against billionaires https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/11/a-dent-in-the-universe/#eminently-guillotineable
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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