"If you're going to be a good and faithful judge, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you're not always going to like the conclusions you reach. If you like them all the time, you're probably doing something wrong."
Antonin Scalia (1936-2016) U.S. Supreme Court justice.
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tomorrowusa · 1 month
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Joy Reid, a liberal constitutionalist, finds agreement with Robert Kagan, a conservative constitutionalist, on the danger of another Trump term.
Casting an idiotic "protest vote" for an impotent third party could put the country in the hands of Mein Trumpf.
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asagi-asagiri · 4 months
It's pretty telling how libertarians focus on economics and not, like the bits of their agenda people might like such as the drugs/porn/spying stuff
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canichangemyblogname · 5 months
The text of the constitution is helpful, but often only suggestive. Ardent defenders of textualism fail to acknowledge this. They may insist we are either textualists or Judicial Activists, manipulating the Constitution to serve changing ideals and changing times. Aside from eligibility clauses that put in place strict age and residency requirements to hold office, almost all constitutional interpretation rests on unwritten understandings; rests on subjective interpretation. To fail to acknowledge this only distorts the text and puts words into the mouths of our founders that would have never been spoken in the first place.
Originalism is still a version of subjective judicial interpretation. One must interpret that which he or she thinks our founders would have believed or meant. The precise text of the Constitution is too vague to yield the decisions that have been reached by the highest court. The argument that if we do not bind judges to original meaning, the judges will render decisions based on their own moral and political inclinations is not derived from Constitutional text but, rather, a justice's own preconceptions of the judiciary and its role in our government. Textualism is based on unwritten understandings of the Constitution, just like judicial activism. Do not take this to mean I deny the importance of the text or believe that judges can just make things up. I believe that judges should be more candid about their preconceptions and accept that their unwritten understandings give meaning to the text. To suggest otherwise is a mistake.
--Text from one of my Con Law essays in undergrad
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pasquines · 10 months
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not to keep posting about the murderbot casting but alexander skarsgård simply does not look like someone who would watch 49 seasons of sanctuary moon
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drdemonprince · 3 months
like, i think what's happening is that plenty of people do find something approaching egalitarianism to be plenty erotic enough, but not everyone, because well a lot of us have very big gendered power dynamic baggage (among other fun insecurities that we also eroticize! cool!) but natalie experiences love as this engulfing, life ruining forbidden thing for UM A LOT OF REASONS THAT WE AS HER VIEWERS ALREADY KINDA KNOW hii, and so in making sense of other people's sexualities and romantic lives she mistakenly assumes that everybody goes that lana del rey for people but it turns out only some of us crazy bitches seem to
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anghraine · 7 months
petty ranting about the LOTR movies
I've been in various fandoms where an ostensibly "faithful" adaptation was frequently held up as the One True Version of the text, the author's vision brought to life, the one nothing could ever compare to and the reason no others should ever be made, how is it possible to envision the characters or interpretations of them differently blah blah blah. (1995 P&P fandom is very frequently like this, sometimes Faith and Fear fans are, esp wrt The Borgias, etc.)
But I'm not sure I've ever seen an adaptation so uncritically adored by so many as the Jackson LOTR movies. I don't think any fandom is so insistent on an adaptation as people are insistent on the movies as the one true version of Middle-earth, even where they're radically different. Even when people agree with criticisms, it's been really noticeable that people often also add disclaimers about how they love the movies, they're perfect in almost every way, they're super faithful apart from this thing, of course the reason for [choice that was made] was understandable it's just that... etc.
And the thing is, I may hate some of the interpretations in other allegedly faithful adaptations. Like, speaking of the 1995 P&P, I dislike a lot about it and its influence on popular perception of what P&P is, of what adaptation should look like, of the brooding version of my fave hero Darcy, and so on. But I do understand why it's often held up as a faithful adaptation.
It uses a lot of the original text (though it can be subtly or glaringly different in execution), it's able to blur the lines between its own inventions and material from the text in a way that's often convinced audiences that things from the adaptation are actually in the novel, and it's more successful at doing this than any other Davies version of Austen IMO, it has a very convincing cast, blahblah. Like, I disagree that it is as faithful as it's reputed to be (by a long ways), but I get why it has that reputation, at least.
But I genuinely find Jackson's LOTR so different from the book! The movies certainly draw from it in significant ways, but dialogue is heavily altered or manufactured, motivations and characterization are simplified, altered, or just outright transformed into something entirely different, themes are shifted around, the structure is seriously changed (something Tolkien specifically did not want to happen), the relatively compact battles in the book are turned into big action set pieces taking up major swaths of screen time, a lot of the lore is heavily contracted, changed, or simply absent where it casts heavy shadows over the dynamics in the book, and oh yeah, they manage to be even more racist.
Some of this (not the racism) is defensible even if I don't personally agree w/ those defenses in a lot of cases. But there are a ton of differences between them! And you can talk about the films as their own thing cinematically and that's its own discussion. But the conflation of the movies with the actual things Tolkien actually wrote is even more widespread and absolute and annoying than with things like the 1995 P&P, with not half as much reason for it.
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Deep Lore Measurehead can't have ALL the leaks, surely? (text by @palms-upturned)
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friend-crow · 3 months
I'm home, and it's so good to be in a comfortable bed and ALL ALONE.
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metamatar · 4 months
also whenever i fall sick when im alone which obvs sucks i think of this by @theburialofstrawberries
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shrikeseams · 24 days
I would very much like to know why you think Finwe is a shitty husband.
Pretty sure I have exhausted this topic elsewhere on this blog, so in essence (and with the understanding that there are other interpretations etc etc):
Finwe asked his first wife (who was functionally elf!suicidal) to permanently forfeit her fundamental right to life for his convenience. Explicitly because he had found a replacement for her.
Then he also abandons his second wife because he was angry at the valar for usurping his political prerogatives and she was no longer convenient/his favoritest son didn't like her.
I know there are other opinions and interpretations on both of these events, but on numbers alone Finwe has outstripped every other shitty elf husband. After all, Eol was only complicit in the death of one spouse, and he wasn't even aiming at her! Eol never tried to ditch Aredhel for a hot new thing!
(There is an argument that Finwe did, ultimately, let Miriel go free. But my stance on that is that it was fait accompli, and I see no reason to think it would have occurred to him if he hadn't already died. It's not like he was offering to die on weekends so Miriel could meet her grandchildren or anything. [Tbh my counter-canon take on it is that Namo was fibbing, and the valar had decided that finwe was too politically inconvenientfor reimbodiment, so they pressured Miriel to reimbody first. Thus why she technically only hangs out with Vaire.] )
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 7 months
🌈 and ⛅️
🌈 something soft/fluffy from your wip
But for now, Jamie was deep asleep on his chest, fingers wrapped loosely in the fabric of Roy’s shirt, ribcage expanding and contracting in a steady rhythm against his own while on his other side, Keeley sprawled on her stomach, right arm dangling off the edge of the sofa bed. It was the first time Jamie’d slept through the night since his dad called, and Roy held himself still, scratching a hand through his hair as he stared up at the ceiling, carefully unmoving in a way he hadn’t been since Phoebe was a baby and woke at the slightest movement.
🌤️ favourite line of dialogue from your wip
“I need to postpone the surgery.” Keeley offered a gentle smile. “It’s normal to be scared—” Roy growled. “—But the doctors do it all the time, babe, and you know they said you’ll regain more mobility the sooner you have it done.” “Won’t be enough mobility to play, will it?” he snapped, harsher than he’d meant. Took a deep breath, pressed another kiss into her hair in apology. “It’s not about that. Not about some fucking… tough guy footballer shit, either, okay?” At Keeley’s skeptical look, he pressed on, quieter. Jamie was still deep asleep, snoring faintly. “I just— look, it doesn’t fucking matter if I can use the fucking knee. It doesn’t. And he’s fine now but you know it’s only a matter of time before everything that fucking shitfucker put him through catches up, and what if he needs me, Keeley, and I can’t—” he cut himself off abruptly, chest heaving.
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bolithesenate · 5 months
also you know what is deeply funny to me?
if we go with the Thame Cerulian > Dooku > Qui-Gon > Obi-Wan > Anakin > Ahsoka lineage (as god intended imo), they all are *technically* a Correllian Jedi lineage (Thame's Master Unskette being a Correllian Jedi) (and Thame as well?)
which, honestly, explains it all
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fauvester · 2 months
being awake on a quiet night shift is honestly so peak and real….. im out here reading hualian fic and everyone here thinks im doing such a good job cause i didn’t fuck off and go to sleep at 10 pm
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jondrettegirls · 1 year
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[ID: A comic of Grantaire and Eponine from “Les Misérables.” Grantaire bursts in on Eponine, exclaiming, “‘Ponine! We should wear matching makeup—it’d be such a good bit.” Eponine agrees, “Yeah yeah, if you shut up while I do it.” Eponine does R’s makeup while speech bubbles surround him, suggesting him talking a lot. R looks in a compact mirror, surpised, then laughs, “Haha perfect, I look so stupid.” Eponine punches his arm, saying, “Fuck you, my makeup is good. You look hot.” R looks at himself longer, touching a hand to his cheek. He looks back to Eponine, makeup now smeared across his face, saying, “I think I smudged a little.” Eponine is exclaiming, “Oh my fuck—“ in a cut-off speech bubble. End ID.]
r who only does things he genuinely wants to as “bits”
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