#Compleated Karn
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Compleated Karn by Michael Katchan
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coffeetime88 · 2 years
Dominaria United story?
Oh, you mean "Karn and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Phyrexian Invasion"
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Urza didn't create Karn
Many people think Urza created Karn as a time probe for his experiments with changing the past. This is partially correct, he got Karn while researching his time machine, but he didn't actually create him. He retrieved him from another plane that he found that was already resilient to the stress of time travel... This whole time. Karn has actually been a Cyberman from the Doctor Who universe that Urza reprogrammed using Xantcha's heartstone.
The metallic human-ish shape matches, the time travel matches, and then when freed from Urza's commands Karn went to create an entirely metallic world filled with metal golem people like him. When that world got overrun by Phyrexian oil that seeped from him, instead of matching the original Phyrexian ideals of perfection being earned and fought for, those New Phyrexians were dead set on "compleating" and transforming flesh people into more of their own, by integrating more metal into them. This is just the typical Cyberman programming worming its way onto Karn's own Glistening Oil.
Oh, and some people in Karn's original plane haven't forgotten about him!
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leafdrake-haven · 1 year
Spoilers for MoM: Aftermath!
So based off of packaging, it looks like Nahiri is not only alive but no longer compleated. Based on what we’ve seen so far and how much of a big deal it was for Melira and Karn to cure Nissa and Ajani, it seems wild that Nahiri would just be…. Ok? (Obviously we’re getting more story with Aftermath but STILL)
How did Nahiri get back to normal?
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hypexion · 15 days
Did the Mirari hasten or enable the creation and rise of New Phyrexia? Let's consider the facts, starting with the Mirari:
The Mirari has the ability to channel large amount of magical energy, reshaping reality when that energy is correctly focused.
However, it is trivial to incorrectly focus the Mirari's power. It will snatch the most fickle thoughts from your mind and make them real.
When Kamahl left the Mirari in the middle of the Otarian wilderness of Krosa, rather than fall dormant, it instead channeled magical energy directly into the local flora and fauna, inducing new and dangerous mutations.
Eventually, the uncontrolled magic spread from Krosa to the rest of Otaria, inducing mass corruption of living creatures. Did you ever wonder why Scornful Egotist looks like that? It's because of the Mirari.
Eventually, Karn discovered that his magic probe was causing all these problems. He took the Mirari away from Dominaria, saving Otaria and likely the entire plane from its ruinous influence.
Then like an idiot he used it to build Memnarch, and left his creation to watch over Argentum. Like ten minutes after Karn left Memnarch renamed the plane to Mirrodin.
After all the problems Menarch caused, Karn wisely turned him back into the Mirari, and sensibly... left it in the core of Mirrodin (?) under the care of Slobad, Geth and Glissa.
It can be seen that the Mirari is an incredibly power and therefore dangerous artifact. Which primarily seems to Cause Problems.
Now, let's consider some Phyrexia facts, both New and old:
Glistening oil, in addition to being the key to how compleation works, stores large amounts of information. This includes the Phyrexian language and the designs for various Phyrexian technologies and weapons. Such oil was acidentally introduced to Mirrodin by Karn.
New Phyrexia originally grew beneath the surface of Mirrodin, born from somewhere around the core.
The spread of New Phyrexia was helped due to the effect of a curious substance called mycosyth. This metallic fungus turns flesh to metal and metal to flesh, resulting in the Mirran's unique appearance. (It's quite proto-Phyrexian, when you think about it)
The oil of New Phyrexia is much more aggressive than Yawgmoth's, and is able to passively compleat even non-Mirran life that is infected by it.
Many New Phyrexians, including Elesh Norn herself, were born directly from the oil.
Slobad, Geth and Glissa were all revealed to have been compleated.
Aren't those some interesting details?
Glistening oil and the Mirari were present on Mirrodin before the rise of New Phyrexia. A substance that contains memories and designs, histories and ambitions, along with an artifact that brings such things to life. The Mirari does not need to be used deliberately, as it reshaped the wildlife of Krosa and the people of Otaria simply by existing. Mycosynth has a suspiciously similar effect to the Mirari, transmuting the organic inhabitants to be more like their metal home, and the artificial ones to be more like the people abducted from other worlds.
Now, I'm not saying there's a slam dunk connection here, but it lines up. The Problem Making Orb was in the same place as the Problem Oil, and then suddenly there was A Big Problem.
bonus conspiracy: the story team are aware of this connection, and the reason the Mirari has fallen out of the story is to reduce the chance people work it out. This is because it rather undermines Karn's position as the sympathetic sad robot if he almost doomed the multiverse through severe negligence.
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toweringclam · 1 year
Someone really needs to remake this cover with Magic: The Gathering planeswalkers
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Teferi LOST
Gideon SLAIN
Elspeth LOST
Wanderer LOST
(Limited this list to Gatewatch-adjacent Walkers and trying to get the most fallen characters on the list)
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tropicalscream · 2 years
i have a theory that at the end of everything Urabrask will gain a spark
, if Compleation cant be reversed. he could help rehabilitate the sleepers, the newts etc thay dont want to invade and corrupt. creates a group/village/whatever of non infector phyrexians.
even helps keep any compleated walker relevant and still fucked up but more closer to their og self bc he could help rehabilitate them snd come to terms with their sense of self
and itd be soo juicy thematic wise:
Planeswalkers completed to serve phyrexia and kill and lose their "soul"
a phyrexian becomes a Planeswalker by gaining a "soul" and learning to emphasize outside his community to help and save and heal
it would be an affront to everything that Yawgmoth stood for.
it would be a opposite to what happened to Karn & Urza it would carry the whole breaking the cycle as Urabrask is in a son to Karn, he carries on a legacy of hope snd offers Karn to have a legacy he can be proud of
plus plus plus you could do whole plots of a being gaining true freedom for the first time and like his baby steps to being a hero and walker
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vorthosjay · 1 year
Hey Jay, during today's chapter it is stated that Elspeth is immune to compleation. A lot of people seems to be lost about when this information was revealed, can you help to clarify this?
Yeah she’s been immune since Scars of Mirrodin, along with Koth and Karn
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ajofficial01 · 2 years
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“Please be mine”
I want to see her face.
The novel says that she is beautiful.
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sapropel · 1 year
Compleated Karn but he becomes a real boy
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hopeless-writer · 10 months
A Spark Ignited
The green sun shown brightly, bringing with it renewal, and life bringing mana to the forest. The metallic forest seemed to be awash in warm green light. Verina loved this time of day, with the sun high she was able to track her prey, the larger beasts that crawled along the forest floor. She stalked her way through the foliage, the trail of her current prey easily visible to her keen eyes. She hoped that it would be enough to feed her village for the harsher days a head, since so few creatures held enough non metallic flesh to be eaten.
The warm green glow vanished, replaced with darkness of the blackest pitch, and the caress of cold, like fingers, slid over her skin. When it the darkness started to fade, it was the black sun, Ingle. The forest had shifted, where once bright verdant leaves were replaced with thick spines. The beasts of the forest had changed, become twisted versions of themselves. Portions of flesh replaced with metallic carapace, dripping with what looked like oil from their broken flesh. Her people, the Elves, betrayed by Glissa. Compleated into service of the Phyrexian army, along with the rest of Mirrodin’s denizens. She looked to the sky, trying to find something to escape the horror around her. Ingle had been joined by one of the other suns, and the two stared down at her. They had become actual eyes, and she knew just who they belonged to. They were the eyes of her savior and damnation. The maker and destroyer of all. The new Father of Machines.
Verina woke, sweat stinging her eyes. They were close to the entrance that would lead them into the newly created Quiet Furnace. A layer built deep within Mirrodin, by the Phyrexians fueled by the red mana that once flowed. The ones that built the Quiet Furnace, almost entirely ignored the renegade Mirran’s allowing them to coalesce into a small resistance form. There were rumors that the Mirran Resistance worked tirelessly to find a way to wipe the Phyrexians from their world.
The valley they made camp in was near the largest, what was once a volcano, now only belched only pollution into the air of their world. There was a large cliff face that hid them from the outside world, and hopefully from the Machine Orthodoxy that had come from what use to be the Razor Fields. Made up of compleated Leonin, Loxodon, and Humans, and along with other Phyrexians. They transformed them into monstrosities clad in metal white as bleached bone. They had forcibly taken the black Phyrexians  by killing their Preator, Sheoldred. Last Verina heard they may have been marching towards the mountains, and into the Quiet Furnace itself. She hoped that it was a rumor, but feared the worst.
She hated how far Mirrodin had fallen. No one had seen it coming, they came from inside their world, corrupting every thing in their path. Once proud cities, fallen and crushed under the weight of constant Phyrexian compleation. The forests polluted, and the quicksilver ocean ecosystem corrupted for generations. What she hated most, was how the Five Suns shone on, uncaring of the world below.
If they cared at all… She thought ruefully.
“I don’t like this, last reports say the entrance should be around here, at least that’s what the report from Lorthrim says.” Koril said, examining the cliff side.
“Can we even trust Lorthrim? He hasn’t reported in weeks.” Jeran replied, taking his water skin from his pack.
“Of course we can, he’s my brother and his scouting has never failed us before.” Verina replied bitterly from her perch on top of the largest boulder in the valley. It gave her just enough height to see past the lip of the cliff.
Jeran was right, and it worried Verina. It wasn’t like Lorthrim to not report in. Last she knew he was headed to Bladehold to report on the continued rising power of the Machine Orthodoxy, lead by Elesh Norn. She hoped that he was safe in Bladehold and would head to Slagmaw after he made his report.
The four of them, Verina, Koril, Lorthrim, and Jeran, were all that was left of their village. They had lost everything when the Phyrexians first invaded the surface world. They all tried to save the young ones, the ones who hadn’t even seen their eightieth cycle. They were unsuccessful, and they were consumed, and most likely compleated into the Phyrexian army. Koril took the lead of the four, becoming the defacto captain of their group. The other three fell in line behind him, it was easier, and they so few, that there was no infighting for power. A pang of guilt shot through her heart, she felt as though she failed the young and her village by fleeing.
A rock tumbling down the cliff face snapped her back to reality. It also brought the attention of the other two toward her, waiting for her to give them a signal. She signaled for them to hide, and readied her bow. Ever so slowly she stood straighter on the balls of her feet, and peered over the cliff edge. She saw bone white of a Phyrexian. It had a faintly female form, and a large plate of metal attached to where the forehead should be, covering its eyes completely, and angled to either side of its body and ended in sharpened points. It had to be Elesh Norn, which means that rumors were true and they were headed to the Quiet Furnace, and possibly Slagmaw. Verina’s heart sank, if they invaded the furnace then they would find the last refuge of Mirrodin. She allowed herself a breath of relief as Elesh Norn turned and walked out of view, knowing that it hadn’t seen her.
Verina signaled that they were clear. Jeran and Koril slowly emerged from their hiding spots, still watching Verina for any sign that the Phyrexians were returning.
“You’re sure you weren’t seen? You didn’t even hide.” Jeran spoke softly.
“It didn’t have eyes. So I doubt it, though I think the rumors are true. I think the one I saw was Elesh Norn. Just the way she carried herself…” Verina replied, haunted.
“We shouldn’t stay here. If the Phyrexians are going to the Quiet Furnace then Slagmaw is doomed. Let’s head-” Koril was cut off by the sound of something splattering the valley floor.
They all turned and saw a black spot on the ground, then another, and another. Verina followed the growing drops up the wall and dread swept over her. The lip of the cliff was awash in a black oil like substance. She knew very well that this was what corrupted her world. Somehow she had been seen, and now they were going to pay the price for her negligence.
“Go, now!” Screamed Verina
Too late, the tipping point had been reached and a waterfall of oil cascaded to the valley below. Before she knew what happened, Koril was swept away, again she wasn’t able to protect anyone. She watched as he disappeared under the rapidly rising oil. Jeran scrambled up the boulder, and Verina reached out a hand to assist him. The current was to strong, and she watched his horror ridden eyes, as the oil ripped him away and consumed him. In the span of a few seconds, she had watched the last of her village be torn from her life, aside from her brother, she was alone.
Verina felt a surge of anger, that seemed to be echoed in the oil that lapped and bubbled at the boulder she stood upon. She looked up, searching for Elesh Norn, willing her to come back so she could see the face of the one she would kill with her own hands. What she saw, broke her mind, and soul. On the ridge stood her brother, now clad in bone white metal, the symbol of Phyrexia, a perfect circle with a vertical line through it, emblazoned on his chest. Oil poured from his uncaring eyes, outlining the cruel smile upon his face. Out of frustration, and fear Verina let out a guttural scream. Letting all of her rage, hate, and sorrow out, as she felt the oil climbing her shins.
Verina felt a snap, and suddenly her lungs had the air ripped from them. It felt like she was falling but couldn’t open her eyes. This must be what they call Phyresis, the beginning of compleation, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. There was one comforting thought, she would be with her village, and her brother again, just not how she hoped. Then she hit solid ground, cool air clawed into her lungs, and felt warm sunshine on her face. Slowly she opened her eyes, and it took a few seconds for them to adjust to the bright light, instead of permanent clouds of pollution over head. She couldn’t understand what happened, or where she was. The trees of the forest she landed in were green with life,  and she could hear the sounds of the creatures that lived within it. She couldn’t help the surge of elation, and tears that flowed freely from her face. She quickly dried her eyes, and took stock of herself.
She still had her bow, and seemed to be physically unharmed, though there was a permanent stain of black oil from the bottom of her knees to her feet. Instantly she felt the familiar pang on shame, and guilt remembering what had happened. The tears came again, unbidden, in great heaving waves.
“You followed me. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone from Argentium would come.” Came a voice from behind her.
Quickly Verina readied her bow, and made some room between her and the owner of the voice. She tumbled, nocked an arrow, and loosed it. It hit it’s mark, but instead of a smack of it sinking into flesh. She heard the metal of the arrow head hitting metal, and landing uselessly on the forest floor.
“Good, you have fight. We’ll need it in the coming fight against the Phyrexians, and the secret places they hide.” The metallic golem said proud.
Verina stood in awe.
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markrosewater · 2 years
When is the last chapter of the story releasing? I thought it was supposed to come out before today's stream.
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simicmimic · 2 years
Wondering if we’ll ever get an explanation about when Ajani was compleated. We know earlier in the DMU story Karn tried to check on him with his scrutiny device, but it was blurry, which happens when there’s Phyrexians.
I think it’s one of two things:
•He was fighting Phyrexians then, lost, and got compleated.
•Compleated Tamiyo tricked him into a meeting, where he was captured.
Could it have been much further back? Probably not without some retconning, or at least making Jin look like an ass if Tamiyo wasn’t really the first compleated walker.
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fierceawakening · 2 years
Okay I'm confused.
Was Rona compleated or not? On the card type line she's just Human not Phyrexian Human. She has augmentations, but so do her human helpers who Karn tells "You're not Phyrexian but you're working with them." Implying that they're, well, not compleated (yet?) but want to be, as shown by them modifying themselves (badly, as described. Ow.) There are humans being compleated in the base, but it seemed like for some reason the acolytes... weren't?
And it wasn't clear if Rona was or not. She modified herself too; she’s had the red eye implant for a long time. It’s likely she’s the one who taught the others how to do it too. She was researching Gix years before the Phyrexians returned. And her card implies, again, that she’s not Phyrexian.
Which confused and kind of saddened me. Like. Sheoldred what. What are you playing at. Why. So I figured she's probably holding it out as a reward for good service, and that Rona must be scrambling to prove herself. Or some such instance of Sheoldred being the queen bitch she is.
And in one of the side stories that takes place a bit later Rona is shown in charge of the troops after the mana rig thing, and Elspeth sees her as "more human than the others, but more monstrous" because she sided with Phyrexia willingly.
But in the same story, when she’s injured by Elspeth in battle, she’s described very clearly as "oozing blood and black glistening oil." Which would imply she was compleated, whether or not she's as weird looking as the guys with wings and spider legs.
SOOOOO was she Phyrexian the whole time and her card is lying, or was she compleated somewhere in the middle of the story and I was either skimming or they for some reason DID NOT GIVE US THIS MOMENT AND I'M MAD AT THAT?
who wants me to write it
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neon-dynasty · 2 years
Some thoughts on Dominaria United Story (in no particular order)
Spoilers under the jump.
I love seeing the old characters come back and do what they do. Jaya blows things up in new and inventive ways. The Weatherlight crew bickers amusingly. Ajani shows up to save the day.
I love how all of the expectations are subverted, especially because of Phyrexia. Jaya dies horribly. The Weatherlight itself is Phyrexianized. Ajani shows up to save the day... for Sheoldred.
Short story is the wrong format for this. Each chapter is one action scene, completely disconnected from the ones that come before and after it. Sometimes it's an action scene focusing on a different point of view character somewhere Karn isn't.
Because of that, the big heavy moments don't feel like they were earned. The Weatherlight being compleated happened out of nowhere. It's like there were several scenes written where it was slowly happening, but those scenes were cut so that we could jump to it happening. Same with Ajani's turn. Same with Aron Capashen. Same with every other major beat.
It also makes it harder to remember who did what, and when. Dominaria is uniting, but that's almost happening in the background. The New Argivian knights and the Keldon barbarians are in peace talks when this story starts, but they get interrupted. Did anything happen with that between Aron getting kidnapped and then Danitha, Radha, and Meria swooping in to fight off the biggest battle yet? Oh right, the three second fight between Danitha and Aron.
Without character development, it's hard to care about the cast or their actions. I get that we've seen Teferi a lot recently, but why did Saheeli Rai show up without any introduction? What's been going on with Jodah in all of this, or Jaya, or Jhoira, or literally anyone but Karn? Were we supposed to care about Stenn, like, at all? If so, who the heck was he?
I'm being a bit hard here, I know. It's an exciting story, but one that feels like it's missing 90% of what makes something a story. The stakes are there, but only because of what we already know or can interpret from past excursions. As a consequence, the large beats don't feel earned.
In short, I feel that these set stories should have been novels instead of short story collections. The checklist style of big event writing didn't work for War of the Spark, and it's done a little better here, but it's still all key frames and no animation. All meat and no veggies. All flash and no substance. I hope that we can fill in the blanks - or at least take a more relaxed pace - in the coming months.
Finally, I adored Squee's story. I truly hope we follow up on him in a satisfying way. Little dude deserves it.
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leafdrake-haven · 2 years
I still dislike the Ajani bit greatly. It feels they're just gunning for shock value but there's two bits I think could make it otherwise
1. Elspeth has a lot of phyrexian drama in her backstory and her and Ajani have history. This may become a more prominent character beat for her and be setup for something narratively satisfying later 2. It's been explained to compleat a walker you need to leave the soul intact. Both walkers compleated have been shown to have strong bonds to other characters: Tamiyo's family and Elspeth. This could be setup for a solution to un-compleat walkers later in the story, similar to how Picard is un-borg'd in Star Trek TNG. They may just be setting the scene for a later cure
Either way it leaves the same taste in my mouth Game of Thrones shock value did. I dislike it greatly and just know there's gonna be more and worse things to come.
That’s totally legit. I’m definitely still bummed cause all my favorite characters keep having bad stuff happen to them (Gideon, Tamiyo, Ajani Dx). I kind of expected at least one other walker to get compleated though so I wasn’t really surprised (Jaya on the other hand really surprised me). Honestly the Weatherlight being compleated felt the most shock-value-y to me. They didn’t really do anything with it narratively to make it interesting and we have no idea what happened to the crew, and it’s never brought up again. I wish they hadn’t bothered with that or at least leaned into it more if they were going to go that way.
But because of both the points you mentioned above I am still holding a little hope for it. Otherwise why choose Ajani? But Elspeth coming back and them reconnecting and Elspeth working with Urabrask just seems too carefully put in place to be completely random or non-significant. I don’t know if they’ll be able to revert their bodies but if they can at least restore themselves that would be good (thought I will feel very bad for Ajani if/when that happens because anyone killing their friend against their will is terrible but for someone who specifically sees themselves as a protector? Oof).
Plus yeah, Ajani and Tamiyo have strong bonds with others that can help and I feel like it must be significant that they have strong bonds to each other. Maybe being in contact will awaken something in them.
But yeah idk, I know WotS was kind of a disaster but I do think the story has been improving so I’m holding onto hope that it will at least be a satisfying story. Especially since they’ve really been taking their time with it and we’ve got a few sets for the actual conflict and not just one big one. But who knows, I could just be overly hopeful. We’ll see! Hopefully our buddies can come back T-T I do hope we don’t get any other walkers compleated but I feel like there’s a good chance of at least one or two more. I don’t know what I expect to happen with Karn since he is supposedly immune but who knows what the little sapling means going forward.
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