#Cobra Poker Night
hanniballover67 · 3 months
Johnny was desperate for some scrap of Fatherly affection which is why every poker night Sid threw at the house Johnny would be found walking around topless, muscles glinting with sweat and tiny red gym shorts slung low on his tummy to show off his barely there hair as he offered the powerful businessmen “something” with a forced cheeky smile.
Sid told him he’d buy him a 67 Mustang if he was friendly to his associates and threw the brand new gym shorts - a size too small - on his bed six months earlier. His mom always found a reason to be out the house on poker nights. Johnny wished she’d stayed.
One poker night he was fucked by every guy in attendance except for Sid.
Johnny knew that’s why Sid still bailed him out, thirty years later. The look of disgust was writ large across his ugly beaten up face. Johnny did what he wanted and he still couldn’t find a shred of kindness for him.
Johnny was personally responsible for a great many successful business deals that made Sid richer whilst breaking his soul even harder.
Johnny didn’t even give it a second thought as he pocketed the brass ornament that would pay the rent on Cobra Kai for the next year.
Fuck Sid
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spoilertv · 30 days
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agent-scotch · 6 months
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Sora headacanon dump:
She’s the best mechanic/engineer money can buy but:
Get her drunk enough and ask her about what she thinks of agents based on what car they choose
Hates hospitals, will do all costs to avoid them including patching up her own injuries.
Will prank people by controlling the car radio to play ‘mambo number 5’ on repeat
Always resorts to bribery either in the form of cars or alcohol.
Can play the guitar
10/10 cable management skills
Has two addresses wherever she lives but only one is real.
Owns 3 cars: 65” Shelby Cobra (Black) named Darcy. 65' Ferrari 275 GTB (Silver) named Hendrix, a shitty blue Volkswagen as a burner car
Keeper of keys to all vehicles at Kingsman
Kingsman Garage poker nights
Lock picking competitions
Motivated new recruits with racing, test driving new vehicles and weaponry
Not into horse racing
Multiple burner phones
as an agent she's very 'plan as you go'
Doesn't care much for sports
Hits her head more often than she'd like
Almost got expelled from MITT
Large tattoo of Lillies from her hip to her thigh that is unfinished
Soft spot for an Eggs Benedict
Inherited the assets of Agent Gin which include an island Villa off the coast of Florence, his cars and a parked prop-plane.
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whitepolaris · 6 months
The Bullock Hotel
by Scott A. Johnson
Deadwood, South Dakota. The very name evokes images of the Old West, cowboys, and hard-drinking, hell-rising good times. Though t he ruffians of the past are gone, landmarks remind visitors of days gone by-especially in those places where the smell of cigar smoke and the sound of clinking poker chips still waft down the halls, and shadows shift ebb.
In one of these historic places-the Bullock Hotel-cowboys whose lives were cut short by their revelries continue the party in the afterlife. And lest the party get too out of control, steel-gray eyes cut through the darkness, stopping many in their tracks and sending chills down the spines of the living.
When Deadwood was still in its infancy, it gained a reputation for unbridled bawdiness. Miners, transients, gamblers, gunfighters, wild men, and prostitutes made up most of the town's population, making nights rowdy and, as often as not, soaked with blood. There was money to be made form the trade vice and sin, and for a time those who owned businesses simply counted the money coming in and paid little attention to their customers' antics. But when Jack McCall shot and killed James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok (McCall was supposedly seeking revenge for the death of his brother at Hickok's hands), th eneed for law and order became apparent.
Seth Bullock, who owned a successful hardware store in town, was appointed the first sheriff of Deadwood-a role he seemed made for. He cut an imposing figure: tall, with a stare that could, according to all accounts, stop fights without a word spoken. According to his grandson, Bullock could "outstare a made cobra or a rogue elephant." In fact, during his time as sheriff, Bullock never killed a single man. Yet his reputation and demeanor brought peace and order to the once rowdy town.
When fire broke out and claimed the Deadwood Hardware Store in 1894, Bullock bought the land and built a 64-room Bullock Hotel on its ruins at a cost of nearly $40,000. Construction took two years; but when the hotel finally opened, it was the finest of its day, with steam-heated rooms and a bathroom on every floor. It also boasted a 24-hour casino on the ground floor.
Bullock remained a colorful person for his entire life, enlisting with Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders and winding up appointed by Roosevelt as the state marshal of South Dakota. When he died in 1919 of cancer, it was in room 211 of his beloved hotel. He was buried in Mount Moriah Cemetery alongside Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane. However, soon after he died, it became clear that while his body may have been laid to rest, he wasn't about to leave the hotel that bore his name. And he wasn't the only one, either.
A Posse's Worth of Ghosts
Just how crowded with ghosts is the Bullock Hotel? More than you'd imagine. Some paranormal investigators and psychics have estimated at least thirty-seven separate entities. Few other hotels in the world can boast the kind of paranormal activity present in the Bullock, and many of the phenomena sound as if they come straight out of the movies-in this case, both old westerns and horror films.
Eight of the hotel's rooms have a history of strange happenings. Guests' items are often reported to have moved inexplicably from one place to another, while others have simply disappeared, only to be found later in other locations. Lights and electrical devices in the rooms have suddenly turned off and on, often when they're unplugged. The restaurant has also had its share of activity, with plates and glasses shaking, flying off the shelves, and smashing to the floor before guests' and employees' eyes. Even bar stools and cleaning carts move all by themselves, in full view of many witnesses.
Objects aren't the only things in the hotel that provide evidence of the unknown. The second and third floors report feeling a strong presence, often accompanied by phantom footsteps and even voices calling out guests' names in whispers. Some report hearing a low, lonely whistle coming down the hall, passing them and then fading as the unseen whistler goes about his way. Many declare that they have been tapped on the shoulder, and then turned, only to see an empty hallway.
Of the apparitions, the most frequently seen include shadows that dart in and out of the peripheral vision, leaving many witnesses with the uneasy feeling that they're being followed. Photographs taken in room 211, where Seth Bullock died, have often revealed misty apparitions hovering over the bed. There is even a little girl who people claim appears and disappears with alarming regularity in the hotel.
Seth's Spirit
By far the most often seen-and most famous-apparition is that of Seth Bullock himself. Those who see him never forget his icy stare and imposing demeanor. Whether he stalks the hallways to keep the peace or an eye on his investment, those who see him claim they couldn't mistake his gaze. Still, it seems that Bullock isn't always the gritty character he was in life. On at least one occasion, a child became lost in the hotel, and according to the boy, it was Sheriff Bullock who led him back to his room.
The oldest hotel in Deadwood, the Bullock Hotel is not only still open for business but was completely restored in the 1990s. There has never been any documentation of the times of year when paranormal phenomena occur in the hotel, and investigation performed in July 2003 yielded electromagnetic energy. However, because Bullock died in the month of September , it stands to reason that this would be the most likely time for visitors to brave the steely gaze of the Deadwood lawman.
As for the rest of the entities, sightings are both random and constant, depending on which apparitions decide to make their presence known. According to the staff and many guests, not a day goes by when something strange doesn't occur in Deadwood's most famous old hotel.
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violetsystems · 1 year
Been a little happier lately despite all the gloom, doom and fuckery. I can't say anything has been getting any better in my normal life. I fear that sooner or later everything is going to implode around me. I received an email back from a recruiter Friday night. I don't really get much contact from anything in the job market at all. I send about three or four resumes a week depending on the listings. The recruiter admitted that the hourly pay rate and role probably wasn't of interest for a person at this stage of my career. That's interesting poker call in the game of job hunting. Some of the jobs I've applied for customer service in certain fringe industries only offer barely above minimum wage. This opportunity would have been fixing computers. So it kind of told me how low in my field I shouldn't go salary wise. I've applied for three or four jobs in the Marijuana industry here in Illinois. Those are a little easier to present yourself professionally to ironically. But everything out there for me is a mixture of closed doors, reluctance to interact, and some grand cult like civic agenda I'm supposed to already know. For the record, finances are my own problem. This is what has stressed me out so much about being retired early. It isn't so much about the money. It's that everybody just assumes I don't have to work. The pension payout I got wasn't exactly enough to live on for the rest of my life. Not that anyone around Chicago appreciated my birthday even happened let alone admit I"m alive and still sell music. I keep thinking of myself as a test subject. That Generation Z and Millennials are going to be hit worse when their time comes. Imagine hitting your ten year mark in a career you went to college for at thirty three or something. Then being forcibly retired and having to plan out the next fifty or so years of your life. I've spent almost three years doing that. And all I ever get is recruiters asking me if I can refer them to someone more fit for the roles they offer. Why blog about it when I can just worship a woman I'm in love with at her feet? Because I'm kind of fearful the things we both love about this country are going into a financial tailspin. I just read that a population of gen z was polled as thinking women's rights have "gone too far." That shit scares me. That the children of generation x are complete fuck ups in so far that they've erased any culture we brought to the table. I'm completely invisible these days. I tend to use it to my advantage to stay alive and protect the things nobody really needs to know about.
I've always thought the thing about me that probably is the most attractive is that I try to deal with the present in a creative way. Even if dumb people don't understand it. I don't care. I know I'm in a completely losing situation. And I know people are just always trying to trap you into some petty shit to make you trip. My immediate neighbors fucking unplug the laundry when they see me get quarters so I lose them when I try to do my wash. They've stolen my 5g phone after being delivered by fed ex by asking me to unlock the laundry room while someone else lifts the package. They've set up makeshift shit traps on the fence so that I'll be covered in feces when I take out the trash. They work with my old job to intimidate me at the mailbox when my COBRA extension gets delivered. All of this is true. Nobody wants me to prove it. And has happened over a two or three year period. I've been trapped here writing about it. I've been applying for jobs overseas, in la and New York to get away from it. And I just sit here day after day watching nothing happen. I get that ultimate the joke is on other people. But some of the things I've had to do recently just fucking piss me off. I was expected to literally spend down my whole retirement and wait for another offer. I haven't done that yet. But the way the stock market has behaved the last two years, I've been left holding the bag on a lot of shit. I don't really understand how anyone in the future is supposed to retire with things behaving this fucked up. The value of Tesla as a company is ten times it's future revenue. That's like ten credit cards stacked on top of each other with Jerome Powell tap dancing at the top with a cane that twirls the interest rates around like a magic show. This recent bank failure is the result of nobody having enough liquid cash on hand to cover their ass. And yet everyone listens to whatever the fuck some twit whole stole an entire free speech platform to bankrupt it has to say.
And the FDIC bails out exactly 250k max for each "victim" at Silicon Valley Bank they protect. Around the same time they cut pandemic food benefits for poor people. I tried a number of things over these years to buffer myself. I didn't just lose my job yesterday. But even the two universal basic income programs I applied for in my country and city I was denied. I didn't qualify for unemployment because my pension payout was too much income. I basically got fucked. Now Monday morning an entire mess of startups will implode because there is no way to payroll with two hundred and fifty dollars thousand dollars unless you are paying minimum wage. Maybe that was intentional? That's one way to sabotage the employment of America. I still invest just the same. I was taught by America that this is the only way to stay alive. But my perception of money, capitalism and rich people is that of a gluttonous demon who plays tricks on the townsfolk like the idiots fucking with my laundry. If you've read this far, you understand that I don't think there's a solution in complaining. I'm not even on health insurance anymore. Not like COBRA payments weren't as much as my rent. I've been literally left to die by most of the people who say they knew so much about me from my past. I've been on LinkedIn the entire time professionally. If people wanted to find me for a real opportunity it's right there. I cut off my Facebook. I cut off my instagram. I block people on Tumblr that I think are too locally nosy about what I'm doing. I have to ignore entire friend groups now out of proactivity simply because they're not worth the liability of gossiping about my personal life. I know the way forward in the future is to leave it all behind. I just am a person who thinks deeply a lot. I am hurt that people don't want to fix things. I am hurt that when I get given a new shovel by my building maintenance the rest of the neighborhood treats this shit like a school yard bully and thinks I'm the teacher's pet. This isn't fucking high school. And yet with child labor and child marriage, maybe it's not far off. People out here have turned severely populist, encumbered by their own financial decisions that seem to be blowing up left and right. I think we're all a little more aware of the dangers of being blindsided by absolute failure here in this country. But it's getting beyond scary that you can communicate so well but the people around you will actively collude to fuck up your only line of communication to people who care about you. That's fucking terrorism. And these people out here are motivated by it for the dumbest fucking reasons. They aren't smart and they don't appreciate smart people or talent. Mainly because everyone would rather hoodwink, trick and grease people than work together. The more people get tricked? The more people get angry and the more society here in America starts to turn worse than it already is for me. I know my future is a lot brighter especially when I think about things that inspire me. And I am still inspired don't get me wrong. But I'm fucking dying out here in a literal ghetto prison of bullshit that I don't think anyone hasn't observed being fishy at least once. I just live every day like people are camping out waiting to surveil me on every corner. They literally take my garbage out of the trash and leave it on my porch facing back at me. Like we know what you spend your money on. I know what you did a couple summers ago too. And if the tips I sent in the government are any indication. Everybody gonna lose their fucking jobs sooner or later. I'm not hiring. <3 Tim
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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Good late morning!
Oh what a beautiful morning!
Especially when first opened my eyes & look right into my huge stuff tiggers face! Lmao! It gave me giggles! What a good wake up! Then the dappled sunlight, birds a twittering, & cool crisp fall air.. love it! And yes, 30°s are cold in Georgia! Lol!
Now me.. I'd rather be waking up looking into my loves eyes.. give a kiss on the nose.. or wherever.. & have a beautiful start to the day!
But gotta really work on falling asleep in recliner & then bed & unable to sleep for an hour or so so fall asleep at 2am. And then alarms start yammering at 7-10am. It kinda sucks. Btw, do I count the sleep in my chair?..🤔 doing a number on my neck, shoulders & spine. Grimace.
But I've been on the phone since 9.30a & now gotta get back to it. See if ins/cobra is situated yet. Sigh. I'm gonna stick a flaming hot poker up somebody's ass here! Gr!
My life seems to be full of shenanigans & craziness these days! But I'm still gonna be me! Sunshine & silliness. I'm God's stormy warrior queen! And I'll keep on fighting off the long black train until I get onto the beautiful scenic ride! Well.. I'll enjoy those interludes. But once I free myself here freaking soon! I will probably become a bit more... Energizer bunny than lazy kitty? At least.. I hope to have the crazy energy my dad had! Geeish louise! How that man ran a large business on 2~4 hrs sleep a night I've always been mind boggled by!
Anyways.. back to work!
My loves .. whomever.. wherever.. you may be.. I miss you so much! & I love you.. without end.
I work. I await. I believe.
These will never cease.
I will never stop.
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
I await on my cliffside.. Forever.
Your complex warrior queen daughter.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺
🤓🤔☔⚓🙏🙇‍♀️🌂🔗💡⛓🧰⚙⚒🛠⚔⚖🗽🦅🥧🥤🍁🧣🥾🥮🥤🍋🍯🍼☕🍫🍎🍑🍒 🐯🐾🐐🦉🐢🐛🦋🌱🌺🌹🌻🌷🌳🧶🧵 ⌚⚡🌠🚀🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🧩♠️♾🎯🧭🕯🎶💋
This is so cute! I've had black & bicolored cats for years! Just had to share the lil rascals!
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Oh & yeah I think Halloween can be fun. I just never have experienced it. My childhood home was well off the road. And me & sibs were only kids around so.. didn't really do anything for it. That & strict Southern Baptist before the whole trunk or treat thing came along. When first here kids here didn't like me because I gave raisin boxes! Lmao! Now.. they got other places for "free" candy.🙄🍬🎃
Th.10.20.2022 10.48am est.
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justfriendly · 2 years
Molly bloom
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#Molly bloom driver
When writing the screenplay, Aaron Sorkin did not interview Bloom's real-life lawyer, Jim Walden (pictured below, right). Obviously Molly Bloom did hire lawyers, but Charlie Jaffey is a fictional character. Is Idris Elba's character, Charlie Jaffey, based on a real person? Bloom read in the newspaper that the FBI had arrested close to 125 individuals in a large-scale mob roundup. She was to be contacted about setting up a meeting but it never happened. He made off with her cash and jewelry, telling her that he had been sent by the mobsters. He roughed her up and threatened her family. When she refused, a man showed up at her door with a gun. They offered her protection for a slice of her profits. He introduced her to some of his mobster friends.
#Molly bloom driver
Like in the movie, she had hired a driver for security reasons. "I saw someone lose $100 million in a night," says Bloom, "and he paid the next day." -Ellenĭid a mobster really put a gun to Molly's head? She stayed silent on the others, protecting their identities. In her book, Bloom only mentions the celebrities who had already been outed in the media prior to the book being published. Molly ran two underground games that attracted some of Hollywood's biggest stars, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Macaulay Culkin, Alex Rodriguez, Pete Sampras and others. Who were some of the celebrities who played in Molly Bloom's poker games? She became known as the "Poker Princess." "Ultimately, it got to $250,000," Molly Bloom said during an interview on Ellen. In researching the Molly's Game true story, we learned that initially the buy-in started at $10,000. How much was the buy-in to get into Molly's poker games? Like in the movie, her boss fired her from his game, so she decided to utilize the contacts she made to start up a poker game of her own. How did Molly end up starting her own poker game? Molly Bloom's memoir Molly's Game provided much of the basis for Aaron Sorkin's script. It was a popular celebrity hangout and is famous for being the location where actor River Phoenix died of a drug overdose on Halloween morning in 1993. The club had been partly owned by Johnny Depp from its opening in 1993 until 2004. In answering the question, "How accurate is Molly's Game?" we learned that the real nightclub where the poker games initially took place was The Viper Room on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood. There were A-list actors, the most famous people we see on television, politicians, and they're all seated around this table playing this game that I didn't know what it was, but it seemed to be super compelling to them." -Ellen I recognized in that instant that this is not an opportunity that a girl from a small town in Colorado gets. "I made this mix CD with 'The Gambler' on it and other really clichéd songs," says Molly, "and I had a cheese plate, and my cutest outfit, and I walked into this room and it was incredible. One day Feinstein told her, "I'm going to need you to help me run this poker game." Molly went home and started Googling, "What kind of music do poker players like to listen to?" and "What do they eat?" While taking the year off between undergrad and presumably law school, Molly went to LA in 2003 and began working a number of different jobs, including as a cocktail waitress and an executive assistant to real estate entrepreneur Darin Feinstein, one of the co-owners of the Hollywood nightclub The Viper Room (renamed The Cobra Lounge in the movie).
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wicked-jade · 3 years
Here’s my contribution to the Poker Face prompt @allvalley100
This one’s for you, @ceruleangold See, I can write something without angst! 
“Fold,” Bobby sighed, throwing his cards down with a look of disgust.
“Too rich for my blood.” Johnny tossed his hand down, as well.
“Welp, it’s all up to you now, buddy.” Jimmy smirked, clapping Dutch on the shoulder.
Dutch squinted at his opponent, watching for a tell.
“All-in,” he grinned, shark-like, pushing his chips to the middle. “Four of a Kind. Beat that!”
“Miren y lloren, muchachos.” Rosa laid her cards down with a smug flourish.
Royal Flush.
Dutch’s face fell.
“No mercy…bitch.” Rosa cackled, raking in her winnings.
Johnny laughed so hard, he snorted Coors up his nose.
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surveyhoursss · 3 years
Bold the ones that you know of!
1.Who Let The Dogs Out? -Baha Men
2. All The Small Things -Blink 182
3. Amazed -Lonestar
4. Oops, I Did It Again -Britney Spears
5. Graduation -Vitamin C
6. Bye, Bye, Bye -N*Sync
7. Independent Woman -Destiny’s Child
8. Let’s Make Love – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
9. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 4000
10. I Turn To You – Christina Aguilera
11. I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden
12. It’s My Life – Bon Jovi
13. Breathe – Faith Hill
14. Shake Your Bon-Bon – Ricky Martin
15. Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65
16. Goobye Earl – Dixie Chicks
17. Let’s Get Married – Jagged Edge
18. The Bad Touch – Bloodhound Gang
19. The Real Slim Shady – Eminem
20. Say My Name – Destiny’s Child
21. It’s Gonna Be Me – N*Sync
22. Party Up – DMX
23. Sexual (Li Da Di) – Amber
24. Country Grammar – Nelly
25. Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) – Aaron Carter
1. Hanging By A Moment -Lifehouse
2. Allin’ -Alicia Keys
3. All For You -Janet
4. If You’re Gone -Matchbox Twenty
5. I’M Real -Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule
6. Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) -Train
7. Let Me Blow Ya Mind -Eve ft. Gwen Stefani
8. Thank You -Dido
9. Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!) -Blu Cantrell
10. Independent Women Part I -Destiny’s Child
11. Again -Lenny Kravitz
12. It’S Been Awhile -Staind
13. Stutter -Joe ft. Mystikal
14. It Wasn’T Me’ -Shaggy ft. Ricardo “RikRok” Ducent
15. U Remind Me -Usher
16. Where The Party At -Jagged Edge With Nelly
17. Angel -Shaggy Featuring Rayvon
18. Ride Wit Me -Nelly Featuring City Spud
19. Peaches & Cream -112
20. Follow Me -Uncle Kracker
21. Drive -Incubus
22. What Would You Do? -Alicia Keys
23. Survivor -Destiny’s Child
24. Lady Marmalade -Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & Pink
25. Ms. Jackson -OutKast
1. A Moment Like This – Kelly Clarkson
2. Hot In Herre – Nelly
3. Complicated – Avril Lavigne
4. Girlfriend – N Sync & Nelly
5. Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne
6. Can’t Fight The Moonlight – LeAnn Rimes
7. Dirrty – Christina Aguilera
8. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton
9. Heaven – DJ Sammy
10. Gimme The Light – Sean Paul
11. The World’s Greatest – R Kelly
12. Jenny From The Block – Jennifer Lopez Featuring Jadakiss & Styles
13. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) – Toby Keith
14. Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch
15. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie Minogue
16. The Game Of Love – Santana Featuring Michelle Branch
17. Young’n (Holla Back) – Fabolous
18. She Hates Me – Puddle Of Mudd
19. Starry Eyed Surprise – Oakenfold Featuring Shifty Shellshock
20. The Middle – Jimmy Eat World
21. Say I Yi Yi – Ying Yang Twins
22. Just A Friend 2002 – Mario
23. Hey Baby – No Doubt and Bounty Killer
24. Work It – Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott
25. U Don’t Have To Call – Usher
1. In Da Club -50 Cent
2. Crazy in Love -Beyonce w. Jay-Z
3. Get Busy -Sean Paul
4. When I’m Gone -Three Doors Down
5. Ignition -R Kelly
6. Baby Boy -Beyonce w. Sean Paul
7. This is the Night -Clay Aiken
8. Bring Me To Life -Evanescence
9. Right Thurr -Chingy
10. Unwell -Matchbox Twenty
11. Picture -Kid Rock w. Sheryl Crow
12. Drift Away -Uncle Kracker & Dobie Gray
13. Get Low -Lil’ John & The East Side Boyz
14. Beautiful -Christina Aguilera
15. I’m With You -Avril Lavigne
16. Miss You -Aalyiah
17. 21 Questions -50 Cent & Nate Dogg
18. Shake Ya Tailfeather Nelly -P. Diddy and Murphy Lee
19. All I Have -Jennifer Lopez & LL Cool J
20. I Know What You Want -Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey
21. Magic Stick -Lil’ Kim w. 50 Cent
22. Bump Bump Bump -B2K and P. Diddy
23. Flying Without Wings -Ruben Studdard
24. Here Without You -3 Doors Down
25. Work It -Missy Elliot
2004 (my birth year !! )
1. Yeah! -Usher
2. Burn -Usher
3. This Love -Maroon 5
4. The Way You Move -Outkast
5. If I Ain’t Got You -Alecia Keys
6. Hey Ya! -Outkast
7. I Don’t Wanna Know -Mario Winans
8. The Reason -Hoobastank
9. Confessions Part II -Usher
10. My Immortal -Evanescence
11. Naughty Girl -Beyonce
12. Let’s Get It Started -Black Eyed Peas
13. My Boo -Usher and Alecia Keys
14. She Will Be Loved -Maroon 5
15. The First Cut Is the Deepest -Sheryl Crow
16. Toxic -Britney Spears
17. Someday -Nickelback
18. I Believe -Fantasia
19. Breakaway -Kelly Clarkson
20. Slow Jamz -Twista
21. Dirt Off Your Shoulder -Jay-Z
22. Freak-A-Leek -Petey Pablo
23. The Way -Clay Aiken
24. Numb -Linkin’ Park
25. Dip It Low -Christina Milian
1. We Belong Together -Mariah Carey
2. Let Me Love You -Mario
3. Since U Been Gone -Kelly Clarkson
4. Hollaback Girl -Gwen Stefani
5. Boulevard of Broken Dreams -Greenday
6. Don’t Cha -The Pussycat Dolls and Busta Rhymes
7. Candy Shop -50 Cent
8. 1, 2, Step -Ciara and Missy Elliot
9. Gold Digger -Kanye West
10. Don’t Phunk With My Heart -The Black Eyed Peas
11. Drop It Like It’s Hot -Snoop Dogg
12. Shake It Off -Mariah Carey
13. Disco Inferno -50 Cent
14. Behind These Hazel Eyes -Kelly Clarkson
15. Beverly Hills -Weezer
16. Just a Lil Bit -50 Cent
17. Lose Control -Missy Elliot
18. How We Do -The Game & 50 Cent
19. You & Me -Lifehouse
20. Soldier -Destiny’s Child
21. Rich Girl -Gwen Stefani
22. Mr. Brightside -The Killers
23. Oh -Ciara and Ludacris
24. Pon De Replay -Rihanna
25. Hate It Or Love It -The Game and 50 Cent
1. Sexyback – Justin Timberlake
2. Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean
3. Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland
4. Everytime We Touch – Cascada
5. Temperature – Sean Paul
6. S.O.S. – Rihanna
7. Beep – Pussy Cat Dolls
8. Waiting On The World To Change – John Mayer
9. Pump It – Black Eyed Peas
10. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt
11. Maneater – Nelly Furtado
12. Single – Natasha Bedingfield
13. What Hurts the Most – Rascall Flatts
14. Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It – Dem Franchise Boys
15. Walk Away – Kelly Clarkson
16. It’s Goin’ Down – Young Joc
17. Dance, Dance -Fall Out Boy
18. Smack That – Akon & Eminem
19. I Write Songs, Not Tragedies – Panic! At the Disco
20. We’re All In This Together – High School Musical Cast
21. Ms. New Booty – Bubba Sparx
22. How To Save A Life – The Fray
23. Rompe – Daddy Yankee
24. Check On It – Beyonce Featuring Slim Thugg
25. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
1. The Sweet Escape -Gwen Stefani & Akon
2. Girlfriend -Avril Lavigne
3. Irreplaceable -Beyonce
4. Before He Cheats -Carrie Underwood
5. Crank Dat -Soulja Boy
6. Rehab -Amy Winehouse
7. Umbrella -Rhianna
8. Hey There Delilah -Plain White T’s
9. Glamorous -Fergie
10. I Wanna Luv U -Akon
11. Bubbly -Colbie Caillat
12. Walk It Out -Unk
13. Don’t Matter -Akon
14. Fergalicious -Fergie
15. Lip Gloss -Lil Mama
16. Candyman -Christina Aguilera
17. Break It Off -Rhianna
18. S.O.S. -Jonas Brothers
19. Stronger -Kanye West
20. Thks Fr Th Mmrs -Fall Out Boy
21. Pop, Lock and Drop It -Huey
22. Shut Up and Drive -Rhianna
23. Because of You -Ne-Yo
24. Home -Daughtry
25. Tattoo -Jordan Sparks
1. So What – Pink
2. Just Dance – Lady Gaga
3. Leavin’ – Jesse McCartney
4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
5. Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects
6. Damaged – Danity Kane
7. Shake It – Metro Station
8. Love Story – Taylor Swift
9. When I Grow Up – Pussycat Dolls
10. I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry
11. Don’t Stop The Music – Rihanna
12. Burnin’ Up – Jonas Brothers
13. Low – Flo Rida featuring T-Pain
14. Calabria – Enur featuring Natasja
15. Love Like This – Natasha Bedingfield and Sean Kingston
16. 7 Things – Miley Cyrus
17. Lollipop – Lil Wayne
18. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield
19. Circus – Britney Spears
20. Summertime – New Kids On The Block
21. Our Song- Taylor Swift
22. All Summer Long – Kid Rock
23. Closer – Ne-Yo
24. Viva La Vida – Coldplay
25. See You Again – Miley Cyrus
1. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas
2. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
3. I Know You Want Me (Calle Oche) – Pitbull
4. You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift
5. Lovegame – Lady Gaga
6. Don’t Trust Me – 3OH3!
7. Please Don’t Leave Me – Pink
8. Right Round – Flo-Rida
9. Poker Face – Lady Gaga
10. Goodbye – Kristinia Debarge
11. Say Hey – Evan Taubenfeld Michael Franti & Spearhead
12. New Divide – Linkin Park
13. The Climb – Miley Cyrus
14. Best I Ever had – Drake
15. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship Featuring Leighton Meester
16. Lucky – Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet
17. Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry
18. Paranoid – Jonas Brothers
19. Wanted – Jessie James
20. Fire Burning – Sean Kingston
21. Not Meant To Be – Theory of a Deadman
22. Love, Sex and Magic – Ciara & Justin Timberlake
23. Use Somebody – Kings of Leon
24. Day N Nite – Kid Cuti
25. Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus (they let us learn the dance at res)
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souryogurt64 · 3 years
sarah please indoctrinate me into stanning gabe pls provide me with some fun facts to make me like him ur the only one who can do it i think. also how is he a good influence on pete?
most of what i know about gabe comes from the pete orbit but
gabe immigrated from uruguay and he was undocumented growing up and his family shared a one bedroom apartment and his father worked as a street vendor selling scarves until he finished medical school. gabe got super into music, specifically hair metal, and would tape it from the radio. eventually his dad finished medical school and they started living an upper middle class lifestyle. then his parents divorced.
then he got more into music and his brother started a booking company and he joined his first band at 16, then got kicked out, then started midtown, then went to college (he studied philosophy and politics sci [pete also studied poli sci] and he was a very good student). he was apparently very business minded and focused on making it big.
then midtown got kind of strained and then broke up after pete dumped flour on them at a show and gabe thought it was cool and the singer of the band hated it. the fallout of midtown breaking up was very dramatic.
he also bought a ruined house and had it put together under the table by working directly with undocumented immigrants rather than going legally through contractors. he also owned a restaurant with his friends. and then played poker in clubs run by the mafia to make ends meet because he was really good at it. then cobra got its big break with snakes on a plane.
however recently on petes podcast gabe admitted he lied about the famed story of cobra forming by him taking peyote on a vision quest and angels telling him to start a synth pop band. like it never happened. so everything he says is a little suspect
a lot of cobra was an act, sort of like the beastie boys, and he really douched it up. “youre not in on the joke” is about this, the fake chain with his own face on the viva la cobra album cover, etc. bikini kill is one of his favorite bands. i do still think hes sexist (because every last band dude is) but for example he said he worked a job cleaning waste disposal chutes and his sleazy boss told him to treat women like shit and that inspired “nice guys finish last.”
however gabe has some serious issues with women. he has mommy issues from the divorce and alleges his mom was trying to suck his dad dry of money and planned the divorce in advance to fuck him financially. being mad at his mom triggered him getting into punk.
(TRIGGER WARNING) gabe also said on loveline that the first time he had sex he was raped by a girl a year older than him. he did repeatedly use the word rape but he also described it as an enjoyable experience and “awesome.”
i dont feel the need to go into cobras lyrics and how he speaks and behaves stuff but anyway i dont care, i have given up, i also think theyre really funny.
ANYWHO, pete cites gabe as a really good influence and the most famous quote is probably: ““Gabe taught me the idea that our lives are about service to others. The night I freaked out and lost my mind- Gabe Saporta got on a plane no questions asked and was at my house the next day. He hung with me through my lame freak outs and made me laugh when we free styled late at night in my living room. He never assumed shit about me and is one of the most fiercely loyal people I have ever met.”
he also seems like a very good friend, as mentioned before he flew out to help pete through a breakdown. i also feel like i remember hearing that he stayed with pete for a bit post-divorce to take care of him because pete was off the deep end BUT that may have been just travie and im misremembering, i also feel like i heard that gabe would fly with him because he had freakouts on planes but idk a source on that
there’s this story which i fucking loooove
“I was on the plane next to him, I saw him in the morning, leaving Seattle. I sent him a text, like, ‘Where you at?’ We didn’t even know we were on the same plane home. He was like, ‘You don’t want to see me.’ And I just thought he meant he was really tired or something, but … his whole face was covered and bandaged.”
The injury attracted quite a bit of attention from passengers on the airplane.
“And so I sat next to him, and he would not stop bleeding. I was cleaning the blood off of him,” he continued. “I think the stewardesses thought we were a gay couple, because I kept cleaning him up with tissues, very gently, because I didn’t want to screw it up. But that’s all I’m going to say about that right now.”
i cant figure out what happened to pete, petes publicist said he “fell” (LMAO) but based off what gabe said it was probably a little sketchier. i personally think he got in a fight (wouldn’t be the first time) or possibly had a freakout and hurt himself (wouldn’t be the first time)
im gonna conclude with some of my favorite photos
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works cited
https://href.li/?https://web.archive.org/web/20140802063021/http://www.mediabistro.com/portfolios/samples_files/88544_RM8g0Dgmnnq3yUID7N_FtiD7x.pdf (most of his past stuff, i really recommend reading this even just for the quotes lmao, gabe is very smart and also fascinates me even if half of what he says is not true)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI6uNEmW8bQ (loveline, the thing about being assaulted is an hour and ten minutes in and then he mentions it again at an hour 29. trigger warnings obv)
https://falloutboyfan18.tumblr.com/post/650845408264880128/gabe-saporta-and-pete-wentz-talking-on-the-loud (petes podcast)
https://www.antimusic.com/news/09/dec/21What_In_The_Hell_Happened_To_Pete_Wentzs_Face.shtml (petes injuries)
https://idobi.com/news/gabe-saporta-knows-what-happened-to-wentz-face/ (plane article)
https://youtu.be/x65YJao7c0I?t=144 (more injury photos)
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I want to see the mayhem involved with Kim Da-Eun falling for Terry's beloved and betraying him to take over cobra kai and have beloved for herself 😩😩😩
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Da-Eun thinks Silver's love life is ridiculous when she lands in the States.
First thing that hits her is the saccharine, inane, trite nonsense that goes about in the manor she and her members of The Fist are stationed at. A woodsy estate. Tactically concealed. All black Oak-wood, glass and steel minimalism tucked into the forested mountainside; perfect for her men to scatter across like so many soldiers while the companion Silver keeps is like something out of some stupid American TV drama. A kindly host, admittedly, gracious and all smiles. Too many smiles. Da-Eun always thought people out West smile to artificial, intrusive excess. Beam to artificial, often distasteful degrees as well. Show their teeth too much. They're too big, bulk, loud and over-emotional as a whole. A bit oafish too. This too, was in effect, oafish. Maybe she wanted it to be, trying to demean it all in her head, yet finding something fascinating in the closeness Silver and his paramour exhibited right off the bat, so in tune, like magnets tugging at each other. When she moved, he did too. When he reacted, she did as well. Silver felt like he would catch a flying arrow with his own body mid-flight just to shield her, getting hit himself. Love. Da-Eun witnessed this in his eyes. His very posture. Balanced synchronicity. Then again. Why did it matter so? Why did this irk her so much in the first place? She was her with a mission of legacy in mind, not to analyze the Sensei's personal doings unless it interfered with the task at hand and at no point did the Sensei's private matters interfere, deeply intimate as they were; she did observe that too, naturally. She came here to observe. This was just some woman Terry Silver kept. It was as inconsequential as a water-droplet in the sea.
So, why do you watch them as they dine out on the terrace?
When they coo at each other in the hallway?
Hold hands, thighs brushing against each other?
Why is there a strange pang in your chest when he retires to his bedroom with her at night, as should be his right? Why do you wonder what she is up to while you and Silver are busy teaching at the dojo? Now it is you who is intrusive, Da-Eun's subconsciousness chastises her strictly. Pull yourself together! Remember who the hell you are! So, she does. She pulls herself together. Except, it doesn't last long. Her resolve comes undone at the seams quietly beneath a well-rehersed poker face. She spots her laughing at something Terry Silver said, catching their exchange through the glass barrier of his training gymnasium and Kim Da-Eun wishes the laughter was for her.
-"He awaits you and you're late."-
Da-Eun, instead, goes for discipling The Grandmaster's paramour like an angry harem-keeper later on another occasion, hating that she cannot think of a thing to say that would be as funny and charming, so strictness will do as compensation. Terry Silver was upstairs in his bedroom for the evening and Da-Eun as was his ritualistic habit after a hefty workout, and Da-Eun has her hands poised behind her back at the bottom of the stairs takes to criticizing his mistress for not being in his company already, as she ought to be. Everyone had their specific set of duties in the tightly knit hierarchy of Cobra Kai and this woman's duty was to please and make Terry Silver happy, acting out the role of a cherished confidante. So, a Concubine, Da-Eun's most pragmatic, cynical part reminds. She is just a concubine.
You are a master too. Why don't you have one?
Kim Da-Eun has no clear-cut, concise response for herself (which is downright offensive) as she watches an apologetic shape walk up the stairs slowly, slightly hunched after being spoke to so roughly and somewhere in her heart of hearts, Kim Da-Eun wishes she used a gentler tone of addressing. The old man was good to the woman. Excellent even. A perfectly devoted man. Ready to kill for her. Die for her. As he should. Kim Da-Eun accessed that much, and she bids herself to think of this no more because she was the one feeling ironically oafish obsessing over someone's romance, yet that same night as she retires to her own slumber Kim Da-Eun cannot help but indulge what it would be like to one day inherit full-leadership of the dojo as a whole and inherit the woman along with it.
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spoilertv · 1 month
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trinityofone · 2 years
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I posted 543 times in 2021
85 posts created (16%)
458 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.4 posts.
I added 482 tags in 2021
#lawrusso - 161 posts
#johnny lawrence - 64 posts
#art - 52 posts
#my fic - 38 posts
#fic rec - 32 posts
#billy zabka - 31 posts
#kreese x silver - 29 posts
#cobra husbands - 27 posts
#ckhalloween - 25 posts
#cobra kai - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#2) simultaneously fighting together super effectively and reading each other's moves and just...feeding off each other's skills omgggg
My Top Posts in 2021
( @allvalley100​ Poker Face, Sam and Anthony, R )
“What did you do?”
Sam stared at her brother, squirming from foot to foot. He was making the exact same face as when he’d spilled grape juice all over their white sofa. Except now…
Sam looked down at the body lying on the floor, blood pooling around its head.
“He was up the chimney,” Anthony sputtered to explain. “Like Krampus. So I…” Hands shaking, Anthony set the fireplace poker down.
Grimacing, Sam turned the body over. Recognized him.
She yanked her brother into a hug. “Anthony, that was…” Sensei Lawrence’s voice in her mind provided the only possible response. “Badass.”
45 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 16:58:48 GMT
What if whenever Daniel does his kata it’s just the dance moves from Kate Bush’s “Wuthering Heights” video.
61 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 05:09:35 GMT
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I went out with a colleague last night and inevitably started talking about Cobra Kai but instead of eyerolling, etc. she just stared me dead in the eyes and said “HAVE YOU SEEN RALPH MACCHIO’S WEDDING PHOTO, it’s one of my favorite things” and then texted me. I only just now remembered that this happened and found this incredible artifact on my phone.
65 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 22:40:09 GMT
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Amazing typo, thank you for this, Variety.
170 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 18:21:03 GMT
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Uh...so the zillowgonewild instagram has pointed out that the LaRusso mansion is up for sale, and the show has somehow neglected to show the master bath.
Can’t imagine why.
Anyway: challenge to write about Johnny and Daniel (or Johnny, Daniel, and Amanda) fucking in this insane shower.
218 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 19:12:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ldh-imagines · 4 years
Dating High & Low Boys
- will do anything you want if you dress up sexy
- takes you on roadtrips with his motorcycle
- can' keep his hands for himself
- Hiroto will be annoyed if you can't keep your hands of each other
- Hiroto : "Get a room" banging on the wall, because you were too noisy
- Masaki "But we are inside a room"
- almost beat up Masaki because he flirted with you, would never admit this incident
- takes you to outside on dates, so Masaki won't annoy you
- probably saved you from something or someone already
- "Think of me as your wall"
- peverted side comments from Masaki, when you both are near him
- husband-material TM
- loves to give you a lot of expensive gifts
- takes care that you wake up each day with a fresh rose right next to your bed
- likes to have you always at his side
- Kou frequently acts as a butler for you
- will give you his blanket if you feel cold, even if it means he has to freeze the whole night
- you will insidt to share the blankets
- he will take you to the highest place inside the namless street to give you a great view over the city
- the rest of rude boys will help you to climb if needed
- tries to hide his poor health from you
- often thinks he is not worth of being with you
- buys often cupcakes for you
- "Cobra, i will turn fat if you keep on bringing me cupcakes"
- he will love any sweets you would bake for him
- will take you around on his motorbike
- would teach you to fight, so you wouldn't need any 'bodyguards' and he would be less worried
- raps in his club about you
- sneaky side comments from the other mighty warriors
- ice takes you shopping to be sure you have the latest trends and designer clothes
- chilling out inside the VIP lounge of Funk Jungle
- if you ever cook for him, except him to come with some kids from the neighbourhood
- is a puppy when you are alone with him
- has zero experience with women
- but will still try his best with
- punched the wall right next to your face during a fight
- his hand was bloody from it
- frequently destroys things in your apartment during a fight
- but even if this he would NEVER hurt you
- calls you babe or 'my queen'
- gives you pocket money after a job he had
- "buy yourself something nice, babe"
- often pulls you over into corners to make out with you and he doesn't care if anyone sees you
- shares his place on the car with you
- gets you your own daruma ikka jacket
- love it when you serve him sake
- always in for striptease poker with you
- doesn't allow you to gamble
- probably bought a really short and sexy 'kimono'
- asks you for help on his homework
- calls you a genius if you get his homework easily done
- wouldn't stop teasing you, after he catched you wearing his headband
- you are the only one allowed to call him an idiot
- a lot of kisses on your cheek
- gets your clothes dirty with motoroil
- commented infront of everyone already, how nice your ass is
- his mother catched you making out in the garage
- she will give you advice on how to deal with Yamato
- you will learn about tools because Yamato will have you help out in his garage
- will tidy up after you, if you live together
- calls ou Princess when you are alone
- is sometimes too busy with his gang buisness
- Rocky constantly reminds him to treat you well
- ties your shoes if they opened up
- most romantic one in Sannoh Rengokai
- actually will make candle light dinner for you
- will protect you no matter what
- but also teaches you to fight for yourself
- other Sannoh members will tease him about how good you both match together
- actually teared up after you agreed on dating him
- annoyed Takeshi by telling him too often that you are the most beautiful woman he knows
- will bake cakes together with you for the kids in the nameless street
- once found an injured mouse and took care of it together with you
- calls the mouse your baby and your both are her parents
- comes with all his worries to you
- will forget you anniversary but never your birthday
- leaves small notes behind for you
- "The sunrise was almost as beautiful as you"
- always walks you back home to be sure you're safe
240 notes · View notes
fictionally0bsessed · 4 years
Mammon x MC one shot/Fic
Just something I whipped up listening to these two songs lol. BIGBANG - FANTASTIC BABY
And Cobra Starship - Hot Mess
EDIT: Taio Cruz - Troublemaker for the dancing scene.. It fits xD
I am calling it a one-shot or fanfic just because it turned out a lot longer than expected. I haven’t proof read it so apologies if some of it doesn’t make sense. I just sat down and typed lol. Either way, hope it is enjoyed. I might edit it again at a later stage or delve further into it, depending on the feedback received.
Warnings: dirty dancing, sexual tension, a wee bit of violence
Word Count: 2357                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mammon had manage to twist your arm into accompanying him to the local casino. It sounded like it'd be fun. Apparently there was a club upstairs and a pool and spa outside on the deck of the building. You didn't particularly feel like taking a swim, and you'd heard all about the heat demons preferred their waters to be at. No way did you feel like being boiled alive like a lobster. Honestly, you had wanted to let your hair down and have some fun. It had been a while, the club sounded like your best bet.
Instead, here you were sipping your drink through a straw watching as Mammon was repeatedly losing at a poker game, only to make an incredible comeback after a few rounds. He'd give you a knowing wink every time he won. You just rolled your eyes looking around the room for something anything more interesting. Right now, Mammon was too interested in the game and his promise of a good night for both of you had left his mind completely. That's The avatar of Greed for you, you thought to yourself with a small bit of affection towards the white haired demon.
He'd just won another round and was pulling a ton of chips towards him, grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat, his greedy eyes gleaming. You sigh and smile as he then looked over to you. "Check it out, didn't doubt THE Mammon for a minute did ya?" he leans over to you, shoulder ever so slightly touching yours. You rolled your eyes, grinning and pushed his face away with your hand. "Glad someone's having fun," and you were, but the alcohol you'd been sipping on was urging you to find the fun you wanted.
 As Mammon went back to placing down more bets you looked up at the roof, listening to the bass thumping ever so lightly. The demons in the massive gaming lobby didn't seem to mind. You found your heart and mind wandering. It had been a while since you actually went and had a dance. Sure you'd watch the demons' dance out their battles, but it wasn't the same as just letting loose. Another drink was served to you in which you quickly skulled down. Mammon was still busy looking and thinking deeply about his cards. Time to move.
You got out of your chair and started for the stairs leading up, turning around to see that Mammon hadn't noticed you leave. A passing demon butler bowed to you and held out a tray of drinks. "A drink for the human?" he smiled at you. You quickly grabbed one of the glasses and downed that one too. Putting the glass back down on the tray you turned on your heel racing towards the stairs without so much as a thank you to the demon. Another set of demonic eyes watched as your farm ran from the one guarding you. Mammon still hadn't noticed you leave as a dark figure moved through the room behind the Greedy demon.
 With a deep breath and hands on knees you had finally made it to the door of the club. As you stood up your head swam and felt light. Probably shouldn't have skulled those drinks earlier but... YOLO! It was dark in the foyer, only the pulsating lights emanating from under the doors illuminated the room a little. The door handles were neon as well, so as to be able to find them. It was already loud in the hall as your hands reached for the doors. You were practically brimming with excitement as your hands reached for the way in, giddy on the spot you watched another hand grab your wrist from behind. Thinking it'd only be Mammon you went to throw the hand off and swing around, only to have your mouth covered by another one. "Mmphf." A chest pushed against your back. This certainly is some joke, Mammon.
In one swift movement you seen the demon get thrown to the side of the room and a hand grabbed your arm to stop you from sailing with it. Looking to the demon who, in fact wasn't Mammon, crumpled on the floor you heard a familiar voice speaking over the music, hand still grasping your arm, albeit a near vice grip on it. "What do ya think you're doin' leavin' my side?!"
You turned to Mammon then, trying to shrug his hand off, seeing he was in demon form and looking rather angry. "OK, well I'm sorry, I just wanted to-"
"Ya could've been killed!" he cut you off. His eyes flashed a little as he spoke. "I'm meant ta be protectin' ya but how am I s'posed to do that when you're always wanderin' off?!" his words sliced the air but his grip lessened. "What if I lost ya, are ya crazy?"
 His last sentence was said in a lot softer tone.
 Mammon horns started retreating back into his head and his form returned to normal in front of you. "I just wanted to have some fun, and gambling isn't my kinda fun, Mammon." Your arms folded across your chest in annoyance.
"Yeah but didn't ya see the money I made?" he smiled then, eyes closed. You rolled your eyes again, this time huffing. Grabbing his arm now you dragged him towards the doors of the club and reefed them open. "We're dancing," maybe it was the fact you'd been in the Devildom for a while, and was nearly used to having your life threatened, maybe it was the alcohol talking, but this time it was your turn for fun, and if he wasn't going to let you do it without him, then he was coming with you.
"MC, wait!" you, being smaller than he was you were able to make your way through the dancing demon bodies, eyes watching you as human heat touched demonic skin, fairly easily. He was pushing demons out of the way, one that was moving to follow you Mammon wasn't as polite to and shoved the demon extra hard, added a quick life threatening glance as he made his own way through.
You slowed down and turned, you'd found a spot that was a little less crowded. The bass boomed through your body, reverberating in all the right ways. The music was taking you in. Mammon reached you then, yelling over the music he looked around warily and back to you, "These demons in here all wanna eat ya, ya know that right?" His eyes were flicking to the various staring eyes and various moving bodies around the room. "I'm not the only one who can smell ya human scent."
You moved closer to him then, holding one of his hands pressing yourself against him, his eyes quickly flicked back down to you then and a blush on his cheeks as you pressed your body into him. Was it the atmosphere making you so bold? Your mouth moved to his ear, his heat radiating onto your flushed cheeks, "Then dance with me, and show them I'm not here alone."
He shivered against you and as you leaned back down you watched his eyes full of wonder and surprise.
 Letting his hand go you took a few steps back and swaying in rhythm to the music. Your eyes closed, allowing the sound of the beat flood your mind and guide your body. As the music thumped you began rolling the up half of your body and hips followed along in time. Your hands moved into the back of your hair as you swung your head.
Mammon stood there arms crossed, and eyeing off the demons that were also dancing but their eyes were focussed on you and lips were being licked. He looked pretty pissed, so you stepped still in rhythm over to him and grabbed his jacket. "Oi, no. We need ta -" pulling him closer that his body pressed against you for the second time that night. He felt so warm that a rush of heat flushed over your own body. Looking into his eyes, swinging your arms around the back of his neck you swayed your hips inviting him to hold them. His cheeks and neck were alive with a red blush you noticed in quick flash of lighting amidst the blue hue. It made you giggle, filling you with all thoughts of ways to get him flustered enough to dance.
 A voice boomed over the music close to your ear, "Do you want to dance pretty little thing?" Mammon hadn't noticed the demon close in on you two, being too fixated on you and what you were doing to him. His hands quickly moved possessively to rest on your waist. Turns out that jealousy was all he needed.
Mammon eyed the demon until he back away then his gaze moved to you again. "Fine," it was his turn to roll his eyes. "But don't think for a secon' I'm gonna be enjoyin' this. I'm only keepin' you safe is all." You beamed then, and began to move with more excitement than you had. As your hips swayed with more fever, Mammon's hands slowly made their way down to sit on  them allowing you to guide how he also moved.
He was tense against your body, and felt hotter around his neck than he had done a moment ago but he couldn't take his eyes of the way your body convulsed and rolled in time with the music and feeling you move this way against him - he couldn't deny he was loving it. Your scent was tickling his nose and causing hungry thoughts to ravage and beat at the doors of his mind. You swung around then so your back was against his chest, and your arse swayed against his own moving body. Intentionally you moved your arms back up and ran a hand down from his shoulder as you dipped and moved back up.
Mammon's hands moved back to your hips as you stood but kept sliding up and down against your hips and waist, one hand pushing your top up ever so slightly and you shivered with the feeling of skin on skin contact. His hand left a burning trail where it roamed. Mammon's face moved to reset in the crook of your neck between the arm you kept over the back of his shoulder. His body was pushing into your back with more force, his hands and arms drawing you in close. The familiar feel of arousal pitted in your stomach when you felt him take a long sniff in against your skin. An arm scooping around your middle, the other still caressing your side. "Ya smell different, ya smell good," he voiced in your ear. Even with the music deafening, you could hear a rasp in voice, making it sound husky. Again another wave of heat burnt through your body at his words and tone. Pushing back in against him, too his grip on you wasn't budging. It was almost like he was holding onto you to keep himself grounded, like he might float off is he dared to let go.
It wasn't far off the truth. He growled, low, a noise you hadn't heard from the demon before, not like that. A small quirk made it's way to your lips and you signalled with body movements you wanted to turn to face him again. He allowed it, and you spun moving your arms again to rest over his shoulders. You couldn't deny that you were being caught up in the sex-fueled atmosphere of the room. You drew in again towards him, again body pressed flush against him, though he seemed to be keeping his lower half out a little. His yellow and blue hued eyes were half lidded, and there was a hunger in them. It sparked you once again inside your gut, that familiar arousal again. You couldn't deny you'd always been attracted to the demon. Always getting in trouble together, causing havoc and playing pranks around the House of Lamentation. But seeing him looking at you the way he was right now, it was your turn to blush.
In such a close proximity you could see his nostrils flare as he breathed, was he.. smelling you? Your eyes must have reflected the thoughts starting to flood your mind. He moved down close to your ear and neck again, you shivered. The tension at the moment between you was nearly palpable. His fingers moved up your flimsy shirt and touched the skin of your back and then retreated as if you'd set him on fire. Moving his face away but enough to speak so you could hear, "Follow me," he grabbed your hand and pulled you over to a wall. In one swift move he spun and rested his back against it lazily and legs slightly open he pulled you forcefully into his embrace, and spoke low into your ear. At this point you had both hands against his chest and honestly quite shocked that you couldn't move, standing between his legs and pressed against him like this.
"I can smell ya," he repeated, this confused you. Of course he could, you had had it made clear in the first couple of days in the Devildom that you smelled like prey. You looked up at him, your lips slightly parted and your bafflement at his words clear on your face in question. He looked beautiful in this light but was hesitant to answer you. "We need ta get you home," he lamented, not giving you any answers. He looked like he was battling a war within himself. He couldn't decide something, but he also looked really concerned all of a sudden and looking around the room again. You followed his gaze, noticing his hand still on your back. There were a lot of eyes on you now, and they all reflected a hunger that you'd seen in the demon against you. You turned back to face him.
"OK," you nodded with a little disappointed beading in your heart. "Let's go home."
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hollowempire · 5 years
It’s Gonna Be Okay || Actor!Mark x Reader
Request: none
Summary: Reader comforts Mark after a particularly rough morning.
Word Count: 894
It was getting late. Y/n had come over to Mark’s manor a few hours ago for dinner, which was only supposed to last about an hour. An hour turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into many more. Y/n and Mark soon found themselves laughing loudly in the living room at one in the morning. Mark has draped himself dramatically over his couch while y/n lay face down on the floor.
“God, what time is it?” y/n asked, breathing heavy as they calmed down from a fit of laughter. They lifted themself up in cobra position and looked at the clock. “That late already? I should probably get home...”
“Wait, it’s not safe to be on the road so late,” Mark said as they sat up and stood. “Stay here tonight, I’ve got plenty of spare rooms to choose from... or just mine,” he added with a wink. Typical Mark.
Y/n laughed. “I’ll take one of the spare rooms, thank you,” they said. Mark led them upstairs and left them alone. Y/n fell into bed with all their clothes on and was asleep quickly.
A few hours later, y/n woke up in a dimly lit room, the sun only just beginning to rise. Mark was likely still asleep, to they decided to take a walk around the manor. Something in the laundry room caught their eye as they walked past, and y/n slipped inside. The laundry was piling up, which likely hadn’t been done in over a month. It wasn’t like Mark really wore anything other than his robe around the house, and he rarely went out anymore so there wasn’t a need for him to wear his suits. When he did he could just grab one of the many other ones he had in his closet. There wasn’t a need to get the laundry done because of this fact, but incredibly bored waiting for Mark to wait up the only other person around besides the couple staff members thought it was best to save him some trouble when he actually did end up needing to do it.
They waited patiently for it to be done, still having nothing to do as while waiting for Mark. When the machine finally signaled it was done they folded everything neatly into a basket and brought it upstairs to Mark’s room.
They balanced the basket on their hip and knocked on the bedroom door.
”Mark?” y/n called upon receiving no answer, instead pushing past the door using their side and walking inside. They set the basket of laundry down as they passed Mark’s bathroom, concerned. There was crying coming from the other side of the door. “Mark?” they said again, knocking on the door. The water was running, so y/n decided that it was okay to come inside. His shower had a tinted glass door that would hide anything unwanted.
When Mark gave no response they leaned up against the glass and slid down it. Y/n sat there at the door, waiting. They knew that feeling, hopelessness and dread. The hot water in a shower was often a good cover while sobbing. They wondered what had Mark in such a mood. It was unusual for him to be like that, especially when he knew he had guests.
“Wanna talk about it?” they asked, still hearing the occasional sob from Mark. They eventually felt the door shift and rattle as Mark sat down on the other side.
Y/n heard him take a deep breath. “I can’t,” he claimed. “All I can say is I don’t think I can go on anymore... I feel awful all the time. My life has taken a turn for the worse and I’ve just been pretending it’s all okay,”
“Hey, no,” y/n said when he spoke. “Come out of there.” they said, not quite demanding but they certainly weren’t asking.
Y/n waited on Mark’s bed. They heard the water shut off and Mark soon walked out in his robe. They stood and approached Mark when he paused in the door way. They soon had their arms around him in a tight hug.
”What are you doing?” he asked, trying to keep his composure. His voice was shaky, barely audible, but noticeable enough. Though as y/n continued to hold him he felt tears roll down his face. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because I care about you and need you to know that you’re not alone,” y/n ran their fingers through his wet hair, slightly cringing at the feeling, but went on because they knew Mark always found comfort in the gesture. “Whatever it is that’s troubling you, I promise you you’re going to be okay,” they whispered.
Mark allowed himself to show his emotions in front of a friend for the first time in years. He had kept this facade up of being totally fine, never letting it fall. He trusted y/n, though. They were the only friend he saw regularly and acted genuine around. He cried into their shoulder and held them tightly. He hadn’t been touched affectionately in forever and wanted to take it all in.
Y/n shed a few tears as well. “It’s gonna be okay... you’re gonna be okay,” y/n whispered continuously into his ear.
And it was... for a while. Until it wasn’t. Until Mark decided to do poker night with his friends.
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