#Clicker training for dogs
nocturnowlette · 2 months
it's so funny when people are surprised that they can be clicker trained like a dog. of course you can, you're an animal too. thing is, when you clicker train dogs it's actually harder to.
dogs don't know they want it already, after all. you could be trained in a week.
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Dog Training Techniques: Exploring Effective Techniques for Having a Well-Behaved Companion
Hey there, dog lovers! Are you ready to unleash the full potential of your furry friend? Look no further, because this article is packed with valuable insights and new techniques to help you train your dog to be an obedient and well-behaved companion. As a senior copywriter with expertise in dog training, I’m excited to share with you the best practices and tips that will make your training…
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hexitart · 7 months
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Hypnovember 23: Prompt 4 "TRAINING"
Installment number four into the hypnosis month theme. This time, a bit of education / programming of Cobalt with the theme of "Training". Admittedly, I had to resist the urge of doing a stupid mick-take of boring power-point presentations at work, because, everyone finds those utterly brainless! :P Artwork & Characters © Hexit / hexitart, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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maternal-extinct · 8 months
ill forever remember the 2 weeks where every doggiegirl on this website wanted to pilot big stompy robots
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mercyandme007 · 1 month
Im not "lucky" to have a service dog
Having a dog that is well behaved enough to be in public spaces is not luck. It is commitment to training and learning animal behaviors. Being legally eligible to have a service dog you must be disabled. Not just anyone who wants to take their dog into public can slap a service dog vest on their dog, this is breaking federal law and harms the rep of real service dog teams. Having a service dog is not at all luck, when people start to consider service dogs as a treatment/management plan they will do so much research to make sure they are getting the right kind of dog for them and their needs. We do not pick service dogs as a treatment because we are asking for attention. I have been told multiple times that I dont need her because i can and do function without her a lot of the time. Me not having her with me 24/7. I do care about making sure the dog wants to work as a service dog. A service dog is task trained to mitigate a disability, not a pet that emotionally supports you cause you have ✨anxiety✨. I could go onto a whole rant about how people are really just wanting attention and trying to romanticize anxiety.
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ssruis · 5 days
I think Tsukasa is trained like a dog with a clicker wrt listening to Rui’s Serious Director Voice & it takes all of rui’s restraint to not abuse this power because if he does it’ll lessen the effect. Rui’s reading a script & absent mindedly tells tsukasa to go grab something for him and instead of telling rui to grab it himself tsukasa immediately goes to grab it. and then they both stop and stare at each other as they process this (tsukasa with slowly dawning horror rui with slowly dawning glee). Nene literally never lets tsukasa live this down it’s the highlight of her month.
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stimboardboy · 1 month
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dog training clicker ring
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fayeandknight · 6 months
Progress on the ring stacking trick, up to three rings!
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tired-bee · 2 months
My mother Clicker trained me as a child so when my bestie wants my attention, he just fuckin clicks and my head snaps over like a fuvking dog istg.
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nocturnowlette · 12 days
gonna get Click! (2006 (by Adam Sandler)) trained
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rowanthestrange · 4 months
one minute of silly puppy playing with and teething on his nylabone, to the background restaurant noise of a silent travelvlogger (to get him used to the television and different kinds of ambient sounds).
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Kávé had fun mostly sleeping through ClickerExpo LIVE this weekend but I learned a ton!
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slopit · 9 months
when i was in primary school doing rehearsals for my communion i'd always fuck up eating the little wafer bits on purpose so the nuns would make me do it again and give me more wafers
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callmecottontail · 7 months
The sound of a dog clicker
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healingheartdogs · 2 years
NGL, it is very mindboggling to me as a person coming from a police and commercial detection dog training background that so many people who do nosework seem to struggle with imprinting? Like I see it brought up frequently as one of the most common challenges people have and want webinars or classes for, and I’m like... but that’s the easiest part of detection???
#which also seems to imply that nosework people aren't taking any pointers from actual detection dog training too which I find odd#because imprinting is a non-issue for working detection dog training#it's like the first easy step that you breeze past and is mostly done in the form of playing games#not even involving any sort of formal training setup or clicker or often even treats because the play is the training and the reward#unless you have a dog who is significantly more motivated by food than play in which case food rewards might be used#not to like downplay the struggle of people who are having issues with imprinting I'm just very curious *why*#like what is the piece that nosework trainers or classes are missing that is leading people to struggle with it so often?#is it the method they're using? the equipment? is it missing base knowledge on how scent works scientifically and how dogs imprint on scent#maybe I'll take some nosework classes one day to see more of what things look like on the sport side and why those issues keep popping up#my suspicion is that it is mostly method and equipment#causing cross contamination issues for imprinting and causing people to expect the imprinting to be successful before that's feasible#basically rushing it and not having enough direct in-nose-and-mouth target odor contact before moving on to searching and alert shaping#I'm just rambling because detection is a special interest of mine don't mind me#if you ever want me to talk forever and never shut up ask me about detection dog training lol#OH also trying to imprint multiple odors at the same time#i bet thats a part of the problem#i see posts with people talking about inteoducing 3 or 4 odors in one session sometimes and am like??????#imprint one odor completely then start the next one or at least keep them confined to separate sessions
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fayeandknight · 6 months
Success for Faye!
One of my favorite things about clicker training tricks is encouraging the dog to keep trying. This is only the second session on the first day of working on this.
If people are interested I can break down how we got here. It's very much a multi step process. But clicker training tricks is so much fun for dogs and I highly recommend it, especially when it's dark/cold outside and you're looking for inside things to do.
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