#Citron de Menton
askwhatsforlunch · 9 months
Lemon Frozen Yoghurt
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After spending a week in the French Capital of Lemons --and not a day went by without each of us having something lemon-y, from fresh citronnade to desserts, cocktails and the complimentary (often generous!) glass of Limoncello we were brought as digestif after dinner!-- we returned with our suitcase full of Citron de Menton delicacies. Notably, a delicious Lemon Marmalade, delightfully sharp, with that hint of sweetness characteristic of the Menton lemon, and very little sugar; absolutely delectable on morning toasts. It also makes a delightfully refreshing Lemon Frozen Yoghurt! Happy Thursday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
1 cup thick Greek Yoghurt
1 heaped tablespoon Menton Lemon Marmalade (Confiture de Citron de Menton)
2 teaspoons Limoncello
In a small bowl, spoon Greek Yoghurt and Lemon Marmalade. Give a good, energetic stir until well-combined. Gradually stir in Limoncello, mixing well.
Place bowl in the freezer, at least a couple of hours for a soft-serve sort of texture, longer if you want firmer scoops.
Serve Lemon Frozen Yoghurt with Lavender and Vanilla Biscuits.
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leparfumdesreves · 19 days
La Fête du Citron est une manifestation festive traditionnelle organisée par l'Office de Tourisme de la ville de Menton qui se tient chaque année à la fin de l'Hiver dans la ville de Menton, dans le Sud-Est de la France.
Cette Fête est aussi appelée Carnaval de Menton.
Ce Carnaval célèbre chaque année la production du Citron de Menton. Tous les chars et sculptures présentés au Carnaval sont créés à partir de citrons et d'oranges.
Cette fête a lieu chaque année durant le mois de Février. Elle a également été reconnue par le Ministère de la Culture et inscrite à l'inventaire du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel en France, en 2019.
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bluebirdsongs16 · 8 months
desultory: 1) lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm; 2) occurring randomly or occasionally.
600 words of food porn and Aziraphale and Crowley enjoying each other's company under the cut~ 🍋🍰🍷
Preview: Brunch became luncheon became afternoon tea, their familiar ritual of finding excuses to linger.
Between them, the tarte au citron meringué de Menton with thyme gelée and honeycomb crystals disappeared in desultory bites. Aziraphale savored every dainty forkful, his expression melting into bliss each time the airy, whipped peaks kissed golden via brulée torch and rich, tart-sweet filling atop crumbly pie crust touched his palate.
Or so that was what Crowley imagined Aziraphale’s taste buds were experiencing. For him, it was enough that the aroma of citrus and lightly burnt sugar wafting in his direction blended nicely with the notes of his rather excellent sauvignon blanc. If somehow the wine in his glass had miraculously traveled back in time to become the particular vintage served at King Charles II’s table celebrating the end of Cromwell’s reign in 1660, well, the Ritz Carlton sommelier would never have to know. The poor woman was no doubt doing her best with the selections available to her.
A few bites of pie remained on the plate, but Aziraphale seemed to have forgotten them. He was lost in a story, recalling to Crowley the exact sensation of warm afternoon sunshine on his skin and the breeze off the sea in his face as he strolled through the lemon groves along the Côte d'Azur in 1905. Crowley had his own stories from those days, fond memories of the marble-and-gold Casino de Monte Carlo in all its glory. When he closed his eyes and pictured it he could still taste the cigar smoke and avarice in the air, could still hear the rustle of bills being counted and exchanged and the clinking of chips.
But he was content to let Aziraphale talk, to listen to him describe the absolutely exquisite lemon meringue éclair he’d found at the most darling petite boulangerie in Saint-Tropez, and how the dessert today reminded him of those sultry, languid summer days on the coast.
Crowley, too, remembered them fondly, and let Aziraphale’s vivid recollection tempt him into sniping the last bit of pie from the plate and popping the forkful between his lips. He couldn’t help grinning as he chewed, far too pleased with himself.
When Aziraphale’s reverie for the Riviera at turn of the last century gave way to the positively scandalized indignation Crowley expected from him, Crowley simply signaled for the waiter.
“Another tarte au citron meringué de Menton, please.” He gave the dessert’s name in melodic, flawless French. Just because he could. Then with a sleight of hand that would have made even lauded Professor Hoffman proud, he miracled their wine glasses full again without a single human noticing.
Having taken an indulgent sip of his newly refreshed Haut-Brion circa The English Restoration, Crowley settled more comfortably into his plush dining chair. Seated on the same side of the round table, it was easy to lean his long-limbed body into Aziraphale’s space with the feigned grace of casual movement.
”We’re not in any hurry, after all, are we, angel?”
"You wily old serpent.” As he said it, Aziraphale’s lips quirked up in that mischievous grin that suited him so well. He clinked their glasses together, and they drank.
To afternoons at the Ritz that would never end.
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cocktailsalamaison · 1 year
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Hello to all,
Fresh and thirst-quenching on flavors of lemons and kumquat sweetened by a touch of milk and enhanced by a Cuban rum.
Between Menton (France) and Trinidad (Cuba) let yourself be rocked by the sun.
Sweet Citrus
Recipe :
20 Ml Cream of Limoncino (Lemon)
30 Ml Milk
40 Ml Rum Santisima Trinidad (Cuba)
20 Ml Kumquat liqueur (Briotter house)
90 Ml Mandarin juice
1 teaspoon of homemade lemon jam
Pour all ingredients into the shaker filled with ice cubes.
Shake for a few seconds and strain into a long drink glass with a strainer.
Decoration (seasonal fruit)
"Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation
Bonjour à tous,
Frais et désaltèrent sur des saveurs de citrons et kumquat radouci par une pointe de lait et rehaussé par un rhum cubain.
Entre Menton (France) et Trinidad (Cuba) laissez-vous bercez par le soleil.
Sweet Citrus
Recette :
20 Ml Crème de Limoncino (Citron)
30 Ml Lait
40 Ml Rhum Santisima Trinidad (Cuba)
20 Ml liqueur de kumquat (maison Briotter)
90 Ml Jus de Mandarine
1 Cuillère à café de confiture de citron artisanale
Verser tous les ingrédients dans le shaker rempli de glaçons.
Secouer quelques secondes et filtrer dans un double verre à long drink avec une passoire.
Décoration (fruit de saison)
« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »
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lepetitlugourmand · 1 year
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Les panettones de la Boulangerie artisanale et durable @mitronbakery du chef @maurocolagreco sont de retour pour les fêtes, ils sont en ventes dans les boutiques de Menton et Monaco, les restaurants du chef : du @restaurantmirazur à @casafuego_menton @pecora_negra_pizzerias, en passant par le @themaybourneriviera, sans oublier au @grandcoeur.paris, mais également en livraison dans toute la France. Fabriqués selon la méthode traditionnelle et artisanale italienne, les panettones de la boulangerie Mitron Bakery sont réalisés à partir de farine de blé issue de l’agriculture raisonnée, de levain maison et de produits sourcés localement. @daisuke.fukuda329, boulanger de Mauro Colagreco, à ses côtés depuis la création du projet Mitron Bakery, propose ainsi 2 versions du panettone : la recette Classique et celle “Citron” : au citron confit et zeste de citron de Menton, qui a été élu meilleur Panettone de France en 2021. Ces Panettones sont disponibles en 2 formats : 500g ou 750g et se dégustent pour les fêtes en partage et gourmandise sans aucune modération. 📸 @l.eau.a.la.bouche.photographie #mitronbakery #maurocolagreco #menton #boulangerie #boulangeriemaison #boulangerieartisanale #cotedazurfrance #panettone #noel2022 #christmas #frenchriviera #monaco (à Mitron Bakery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1TRMto_No/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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De retour de Menton je retrouve mon jardin couleur citron... normal ! #automne #feuillesdautomne #micocoulier #monpetitjardinenville #natureenville #arbreenville https://www.instagram.com/p/ClLgMizM3_u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alaindenhaut · 2 years
Mercredi 6 juillet : MER MER
Je ne sais pas si ce sont déjà les embruns marins ou la crainte de la chaude journée annoncée, mais réveil à 5 heures. Il fait déjà chaud alors que la tente est à 2000m.
7h : mont Mangiabo, MER MER 🥳😍🌊🌊🌊, cette fois on l' aperçoit bien. Le mont ouvre sur une vue à 360 degrés. Petit déjeuner : jambon, fromage, lait concentré + eau + céréales, de quoi tenir les 5 heures de descente vers Sospel. Depuis la vallée des merveilles, plus d'eau, pas une fontaine, ni un village ; et Sospel sera le dernier ravitaillement possible jusqu'à Menton. Marche tôt le matin et plus tard le soir pour éviter la chaleur, encore 1200m de dénivelé positif pour atteindre le col Razé et le col du Berceau. Mes chaussures sont à l'image de la journée : déguenillées. Elles sont à bout mais font le boulot. A croire que le corps est devenu une machine à faire un pas devant l'autre, peu importe la chaleur, le dénivelé, le poids du sac. Arrivée à Menton DEMAIN si tout va bien. Ça sent l'orange-citron pressés. Dernier bivouac ⛺.
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admelioraii · 2 years
Menton, the Hidden Gem of Southern France
The city with the golden gardens; the lost Eden
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The golden city of Menton, France.
Follow the divinely scented breeze, it will lead you to a remote corner, on the edge of two worlds. What you will see next will take you by surprise.
A pastel-coloured historical city, surrounded by a bright yellow paradise garden. It is from here that the fragrance originates, and when you find this golden garden you realise you have found the secret.
While tourists from everywhere flock around the famous French Riviera, anxious to see the glamorous and glittery cities of Nice and Cannes, they are just footsteps away from an undiscovered gem. Passing by its vicinity they remain oblivious to the hidden charms of Menton, one of the small forgotten villages dotting the Azur blue Mediterranean.
Menton is special in all aspects; it is a tiny bit too small to be called a city, but somehow also too big to be a village. Simply put, it is a city under a village coat!
Caught between two worlds
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Lemon trees. 
Menton is a lovely small town in the southeastern most corner of France, that has the best of everything; a warm climate year-round, beautiful gardens, excellent French and Italian cuisines, sandy beaches at the foot of the aqua blue Mediterranean Sea, and a colourful historic old town. The old town offers an uphill climb, something in between a walk and a hike.
It forms the borders between Provence in France and Genoa in Italy. The city was Italian until the disputed French plebiscite of 1860 when it became French. Every location has its special qualities, individual traits, and unique attributes that make it suitable for distinctive purposes. The truth is that Menton lies on the edge of two completely different worlds; exactly on the borders between France and Italy, we can sincerely say that it has got the best of two worlds!
It is blessed with the perfect environmental circumstances needed for optimal lemon cultivation. According to locals, it all began when Adam and Eve were thrown out of paradise, and had brought with them a magnificent “golden” fruit, the lemon.
As they feared retribution and wanted to get rid of the fruit, they searched everywhere for a suitable location worthy of planting their lemon. Finally, they chose Menton and called it “the lost Eden”.
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The special Menton lemon.
A more modern idea is that Menton’s lemon rise started with the fruit’s arrival from Spain in the 15th century. It quickly adapted to the beneficial and suitable temperate microclimate created by the unique combination of a protective mountain range and the close proximity to the sea. It started as small, intimate family cultivations only to later grow into a large-scale commerce.
Menton has the warmest climate in France, a much-needed attribute for the sensible lemon tree that cannot handle cold weather, frost and ice. The countryside around Menton became gradually covered in an authentic “lemon forest”. By the 18th century, the region was estimated to produce one million lemons annually.
The lemon has been the fortune of Menton, lemons were exported all the way to the United States and Russia, and became a production on a global scale. The Menton lemon was world-renowned, and its peels were perfect for producing exclusive perfumes and essential oils. These perfumes also contain essential oils from neroli and orange blossoms produced in Menton. Just as luxurious were their jams and marmalades, not to forget their uniquely famous “Tarte de citrons”, or lemon pie, from Menton.
Menton falls into oblivion
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The mediaeval streets of Menton.
But when disaster strikes it seldom comes alone. Mishap after mishap kept coming to the little pastel-coloured city.
The Menton lemon decline began at the end of the French Revolution. The sun king (Louis XIV) and his advisers had long protected the little city’s lemon commerce, but towards the end of the revolution, the laws that protected it against competition from rival lemon-producing regions were lifted.
The second blow came when Menton was discovered to have a healing effect on tuberculosis sufferers, because of its beneficial climate, which also attracted an army of Russian and British aristocrats. These aristocrats erected extravagant mansions, palaces and luxury hotels, many remaining until today. The arrival of these winter tourists prompted the construction on land that earlier was used for citrus terraces.
The third and final blow came in the 1950s when an unusually cold winter with an inclusive cold snap spelled the Menton lemon’s demise. The big freeze killed the remaining lemon trees and put an end to Menton’s once-prosperous lemon commerce.
The secret was forgotten, no one remembered neither Menton nor its lemons.
In the 1980s the city began its slow comeback, thanks to several locals that saw the potential in the Menton lemon and relaunched its production. Cultivating lemon trees is a cultural heritage in Menton, and as a sign of their lemon heritage, they celebrate a citrus festival every year in February.
The Menton lemon is drastically different from other lemons, simply incomparable. Its scent and sweetness are perhaps what distinguishes it the most, it is so mild it can be eaten directly off the trees as a fruit. It is a rare product with a different flavour and texture from all other lemons you find elsewhere. It has a vivid golden yellow colour and a strong scent that makes its peel very suitable for essential oils. The white albedo or zest is thick, thus keeping the juiciness of the fruit for a longer time, preventing it from drying out and simultaneously giving it a lovely, perfume-like, smell of freshness.
A second bright yellow secret
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The golden mimosa flower of Menton. 
Menton’s historical centre, the old town, is home to a maze of narrow and steep mediaeval streets. Roads that echo the pirates that founded the town in the 13th century, the old town contains a concentration of seven centuries of history.
Nevertheless, Menton has another yellow secret apart from the lemons, it doesn’t belong to two worlds for nothing.
Just as the sensitive lemon trees need full sunlight and warm temperatures, another tree, with the same needs, has also found sanctuary here and put its roots in the earth of Menton and its surroundings. It is the Italian Mimosa Púdica or simply mimosa tree. This exotic and aromatic tree gives masses of fragrant yellow flowers in late winter- early spring. They are abundant in this area around Menton and have become like a second symbol of the region, after its lemon.
The mimosa flower has an intense scent, but it tastes very different to its fragrance. It is frequently used in making chocolate, ice cream, desserts, vines and perfumes in the region. It has long been used as a natural medicine for burns, skin disorders, healing wounds, colds and coughs, as a booster for the immune system, depression, and as a blood coagulant.
The bright yellow mimosa tree also has a nickname: “touch me not”, and is not only stunningly beautiful but its smell is just as divine as its appearance. Together the French golden lemon trees and the Italian bright yellow mimosas have given Menton the best of both worlds.
Personal thoughts
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View of Menton from the Mediterranean. 
When passing by or walking through the narrow charming streets of Menton what stands out the most is the fragrance of its divine, sweet mimosa flowers, the fresh, strong scent coming from their citrus terraces mixed with the salty aroma from the Mediterranean.
Menton’s little valleys leave it to the breeze to allure travellers and to get attention. The breeze that passes through these valleys carries the divine fragrance of lemon trees and mimosas to far away places, as a reminder of its existence through its unique and distinctive perfume.
Have you ever heard of this city before? Have you visited it before, or would you ever consider visiting?
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La fête des citrons
#citron #menton
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necht · 5 months
Recette : Le poulet au citron de Menton | Archive INA
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sky60038 · 6 months
Crèches_Provencales_2023 par Olivier Boyer Via Flickr : Menton_01 2 - Menton (/mɑ̃.tɔ̃/, en occitan Mentan) est une commune française du département des Alpes-Maritimes située à la frontière franco-italienne, proche de la principauté de Monaco (7 km). C'est une station touristique balnéaire de la Côte d'Azur, connue notamment pour sa fête du citron.
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askwhatsforlunch · 9 months
Olive and Lemon Baked Ling
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Your Sunday Roast doesn't necessarily needs to be meat, especially in the Summer. This Olive and Lemon Baked Ling, with its generous citrus-scented coat of black olive tapenade (both brought back from our holiday in Menton!) makes a more-ish lunch! Happy Sunday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
1 large Green Onion
1 1/2 heaped tablespoon black or Green Olive Tapenade
1/2 (Menton) lemon
1 tablespoon olive oil
680 grams/1.5 pound fresh ling, cut into thick fillets
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
Preheat oven to 200°C/395°F.
Spoon Tapenade in a small bowl. Grate in the zest of the lemon halve, and thoroughly squeeze in its juice. Stir in olive oil; set aside.
Thinly chop Green Onion.
Scatter chopped white part of the Green Onion at the bottom of a large baking tin.
Sit ling fillets onto the Green Onion. Season each fillet on both sides with black pepper.
Then, generously coat ling fillets with Tapenade and lemon mixture.
Place in the middle of the hot oven, and bake, at 200°C/395°F, 25 to 30 minutes.
Serve Olive and Lemon Baked Ling hot, sprinkled with reserved chopped green part of the Green Onion, and a side of Creamed Spinach.
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maisondesbieres · 11 months
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Nouveautés 8 Juillet
Voilà une belle collection pour cette belle fin de semaine ensoleillé :
Microbrasserie la Memphré
- Chiquita
Berliner weisse à l'ananas
- La framboise
Witbier aux framboises
- Lemon Haze
NEIPA De Session au Citron
- Double menton
Double IPA
- Rivière aux cerises
Kriek Belge
- Sauvignon Blanche
Blanche au moût de sauvignon blanc
Cidre Choiniere
- Les Hirondelles
Cidre plat avec du caractère.
- Brousaille
Cidre d'été macérées avec des marcs de pinot noir.
Vignoble Couchepagane
- Blanc de Swenson Nature
Assemblage des cépages Louise Swenson 40%, Adalmiina 40% et Oceola Muscat 20%.
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dixvinsblog · 1 year
Almanach Vermot 1939: La légende du Citronnier de Menton
Le citronnier de Menton est sans conteste le plus merveilleux de son espèce et voici la légende qui s’y rattache : Lorsque Eve fut chassée du Paradis avec Adam, elle emporta un fruit d’or dont elle se promettait de faire don au pays où l’aspect et le climat lui rappelleraient le mieux les douceurs de l’Eden perdu. Ce fruit était un citron qui fut semé par elle sur le territoire mentonnais.…
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naoparis · 1 year
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■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【フランス】【Mardi gras マルディグラ】【Carnaval de Nice】【Fête du citron à Menton】
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■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【カヌレCannelé】【冷凍スイーツ】【PICARD】2023年2月16日【PARIS】
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jogallice · 1 year
Aliments : agrume, le fruit le plus consommé au monde.
See on Scoop.it - JamesO
L'agrume apporte des équilibres en cuisine : nous sommes en pleine saison des agrumes, avec la fin de la clémentine, le début du pomelo, ou le parfait moment du citron de Menton, actuellement fêté sur la Côte d'Azur.
JamesO's insight:
Via l’agence JamesO Média❗️N.D.L.R. : article de presse (temps de lecture : 1 minute + audio de 3 minutes)  publié par Franceinfo (Radio France) le dimanche 19/02/23.
      #aliments #alimentation
#consommation #fruits
  Le fil rose de JamesO.InfO
#alimentation #consommation #santé
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