#Chronic migraines fucking suck
greenunoreversecard · 5 months
Having physical ailments is like;"I'm gonna do shit!" While feeling shitty and then wondering why the shitty feeling is getting worse
( I say this because I stood up to fast while my head was already pounding them proceeded to almost pass out while cleaning my room)
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cryptidtumbleweed · 2 years
My head is currently committing third degree murder on me
A double length class of psychology is not helping
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laneaconite · 3 months
“Take this pill,” They say.
Take this pill and it should work
 In a month,
                    Three months,
Take this pill,
And it will make you tired.
                                        They all make you tired,
Because they act on the brain, 
                                                  You see.
Take this pill,
“We’re sorry the others didn’t work.”
We will smile
                                                 We do care.
Take this
                  It will make you dizzy.
Take this
                           Since it is treatment resistant
It will hurt,
                 It will make you itch.
You can still keep taking the old ones,
                                                         In case they end up working
Take this pill,
                      It should work in one month,
                                                                    Three months,
No, we don’t know
                               Why this is happening.
We don’t know
                     How to fix it.
Your blood screening was
Your CT scan was
Take this pill.
-Lane Aconite,
March 5th, 2023
#poetry#my work#lane archives#chronic pain#chronic migraines#chronic illness#this poem is still pretty ouch#the us medical system can really suck in its cyclical lack of progress regarding finding out what's “wrong” with a person#due to crazy long wait times for appointments & processing referrals as well as 4 profit health insurance#my chronic migraines had to escalate into epilepsy for me to be seen by an actual neurologist and be taken seriously & even now I still fee#neglected by the system#not because my drs are bad but because they're overloaded with patients#it's really exhausting & difficult to have to fight at every turn to receive the care we need & deserve when we're bent over in pain#in my experience this repetitive cycle really broke down my ability to advocate for myself for a while because I was just too depressed#but hey if you're reading this and you relate: I love you. You deserve to feel better and to be supported by your physicians#I'm getting better care now but healing isn't linear#and if you have insurance & you're feeling absolutely fucking crushed by the system pls look up if they have a nurse advice line & call the#to see if they're able to set up a complex care coordination plan & if the nurses themselves can set up appointments for you#it really helps to have an insurance lady or 3 you can call to set up appts & referrals or check on them to see where they're stuck#I could write a poem dedicated to all the wonderful women in social services who are literally saving my life every time they call
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the-habitat-ring · 19 days
I always want to post more about my yard on here, but I get frustrated and self-concious because my disabilities prevent me from doing everything I want to do and frequently derail my plans. I do want to post some of the cool stuff I’m doing, though! I just need to get over the mental hurdle where I feel frustrated about all the cool stuff I’m not doing or have failed at.
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I get this recurring pain and pressure at the base of my skull where it joins to my neck and today its flared up so bad im getting those swimmy not-quite-passing-out feelings from standing up/moving around and literally nothing I've tried has made it better so if you lot have any advice, hit me
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tofu-bento-box · 4 months
i hate comorbidities my body explodes in eight different directions and then shouts go white boy go
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I understand that your doctor wants to see you before renewing prescriptions, but I put in a request for a refill on Monday and it was denied on Tuesday. I talked to a nurse this morning who set up an appointment for next Thursday. When I told her my nightly medication that I take to prevent migraines will run out before then and asked for a few days worth of meds to be filled to get me to the appointment, they just said 'nope.' Apparently, people are asking for one month to hold them over until their appointments and then after filling the prescription canceling the appointment. So, my neurologist's new policy is to just have her patients go without until she sees them. I really wish I had known that two weeks ago when I probably could have been squeezed in before I run out of meds.
I know that making an appointment was just one of the many balls that got dropped this Fall thanks to buying a house and moving and transferring my job. But it really feels shitty that I'm going to be without my preventative meds for four days just because some people go against the office policy. I'm already so stressed about possibly having a migraine for four days straight and possibly having to call out of work (where I've only been for about a month at this point).
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torchbearing · 2 months
i have a lot of thoughts on the current up plot as a Kyle Fan but i am not coherent enough to talk about it bc you guessed it, my health sucks rn
speaking of being a kyle fan, i am going to do the annotated gl1990 run thing still whenever i can actually read comics for longer than 30 minutes
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aspenshadow · 9 months
the way that stress and trauma fucks with your body is nuts to me. Like your brain decides “wow do you know what else we can do besides cover ourselves in the Mental Gunk(tm)? Give you heart palpitations and chronic migraines”
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stardustedknuckles · 11 months
There's something comforting I guess about waking up feeling wrong and bad and not really knowing why... And then getting an alert on my phone that the pressure is dropping. Silent migraines are embarrassing as hell because even though I'm glad to not have the awful pain, the fact that it just screws me up emotionally (at first, before moving on to mild stroke symptoms) makes it so hard for me to take seriously and I assume nobody else does either. I wanted to strangle my roommate this morning because they woke me up, even though I had gotten enough sleep. Just tear them a new asshole. But I don't do that, so I just sat on it, and then the alert showed up and I just. Ah. I'm entirely overstimulated and sensitive to everything because the migraine is coming. And I woke up that way.
I don't want to be someone with moods like the weather. It's embarrassing. I want full control over everything in my brain, which I know intellectually is not possible and even harmful to try for but I HATE being at the mercy of basically the literal wind. It's not something a mood stabilizer can fix. Caffeine, my adhd meds, and migraine meds as a last resort are all I have, and each has their pitfalls.
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monsieurenjlolras · 1 year
Yo sicky tumblr I've been to the hospital 8 times this month anybody got me beat
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holytrickster · 1 year
listen i dont like fëanor but i can't deny that getting so mad you literally burst into flames and crumble away into ash is kinda fucking relatable
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How to professionally say “I feel like my mind and body are failing me and it’s causing me to be mentally and physically unwell to the degree that I can’t do anything nearly every day”
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tcfkag · 1 year
The worst kind of insomnia is the kind where you are exhausted all day and manage to even get a nap. And almost fall asleep at your "normal" bedtime. ... But, for whatever reason, you DON'T fall asleep, and then suddenly it's 1:30 in the morning and you're still awake. It's like my brain is like "well, you missed your chance to fall asleep so I guess you didn't REALLY want to." Add not feeling great due to an unclear malady (possibly a multi-day migraine....possibly something else) and a 19-month-old and you have a recipe for a very shitty day tomorrow. Luckily Monotasker is WFH tomorrow so at least I'll have a chance to sleep in or take a nap despite Peanut not having daycare. And I might get to go out to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a while (as long as I feel up to driving) so that will be great. I think my insomnia is somewhat caused by how much of my days with Peanut keep me kind of constantly "on" without being able to use my computer or anything so I end up sacrificing sleep to get that time at night. 0/10 - not a strategy I would recommend.
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lavender-femme · 2 years
One thing about me I’m going to complain about not wanting to go to work the night before an opening shift but I’m gonna complain more when I get scheduled for mids
#people who have work before 5am rise up#work in 4 hours and I simply do not want to go#couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the fact that I’ve got immense stress in my life coupled with immense sadness#and it’s causing a chronic pain AND migraine flare up#I was supposed to get all my tasks done today but instead I just ended up getting 2 things done and then feeling extremely sick#the 100+ degree heat is not helping anything#my car’s ac doesn’t work#my car is repeatedly overheating#i miss [redacted] so goddamn much I can’t even explain or fully comprehend it#my mom won’t tell me how she actually feels because she doesn’t comprehend the gravity of the situation (live laugh love dimentia + MS)#I’m down hours this week because I’ve sorta called out plus I was only at 25 originally because the store near us is closed for remodel and#we have some of their people taking up labor hours at our store#managed to get back up to 36 hours but then I left early monday#and got 2.5 of my 5 hours covered Tuesday#so now here I am and I’m stressed and it just fucking sucks#i miss having her as a constant#as an anchor#even with chaos happening in my life I could always count on her#and did my best at the time to make sure she knew she could count on me#i tried so hard#i miss her#i miss my lovebug keeping me grounded when my brain felt like it would just float away#guys I’m so tired I need to try and go back to sleep#send good vibes please#especially if you made it this far#I’m talking#broken petals
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steampoweredskeleton · 3 months
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