#Chris de ru
mmbob · 2 years
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Chris de Ru
Reunión de globos ejcutivos corporativos / Corporate ballon heads
Años 90
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graphicpolicy · 1 month
Get a look at Autobot Springer in Void Rivals #9
Get a look at Autobot Springer in Void Rivals #9 #comics #comicbooks #transformers #energonuniverse
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swedesinstockholm · 4 months
17 janvier
m. est rentrée d'espagne un peu avant minuit et la vie qu'elle a fait entrer dans l'appart m'a fait réaliser à quel point c'était une mauvaise idée, la pire idée de venir passer une semaine ici toute seule sans voir personne parce que la solitude me laisse vriller sans limite. je me demande aussi si mon anxiété diffuse et ma non-envie de sortir de la maison sont liées à mon dérèglement hormonal. je sais pas pourquoi l'idée me rassure, que ce soit mon cors qui est cause et pas moi, ma tête, la partie qui a le contrôle. c'est pas MA faute. très bon moment de la journée sinon: quand j'ai sorti les draps chauds du sèche-linge et que je les ai serrés contre moi sous les yeux du coloc qui attendait que je sorte de la salle de bain et à qui j'ai murmuré bonsoir. j'adore cette salle de bain, le plafond est en bois et il est très bas et je regardais la neige tomber par la fenêtre en contrebas et puis je me suis prise en photo en me souriant dans le miroir parce que je me trouvais jolie avec mes cheveux courts et pour me dire que j'allais m'en remettre. je m'aime je m'aime je m'aime et un jour on va m'aimer aussi mais en attendant moi je m'aime. autre très bon moment de la journée: tout le reste de la journée passée à regarder la neige tomber à gros flocons sur les saules pleureurs en écoutant des chansons douces.
18 janvier
cet après-midi en longeant le parc quand je suis tombée sur un morceau de chris weisman dans ma playlist j'ai dit non et j'ai mis avril lavigne et je me suis dit que j'aurais du faire ça depuis le début. j'ai aussi écouté une playlist de l'été 2022 et en tombant sur un morceau de danitsa que j'avais entendu dans la voiture de c. un jour en allant aux répèts à lasauvage je me suis dit et si la solution pour oublier r. était de me mettre à écouter uniquement du hip-hop féminin? j'ai presque envie de demander à c. de me faire une playlist antidote. il a passé le mois de décembre en grèce à travailler dans une pépinière et maintenant je crois qu'il est à budapest. moi aussi je veux partir. en attendant cet après-midi je suis sortie dehors et les trottoirs étaient pas salés et je marchais tellement précautionneusement que je me faisais dépasser par tous les vieux parce que j'ai zéro confiance en mes jambes mais j'ai pas fait demi-tour parce que j'étais concentrée sur mes objectifs: voir la grosse pomme gonflable sur le toit du musée magritte et ramener des mochis frais de la confiserie japonaise à m. qu'on a finalement oublié de manger parce que j'ai fait des gnocchis de patate douces et elles ont volé la vedette.
20 janvier
hier en allant à esch pour la sortie de résidence d'une autrice de théâtre j'ai mis sexy sushi parce que ça faisait longtemps et j'avais l'impression de me retrouver, comme si je m'étais perdue avec r. et sa mélancolie douce. parce qu'avant qu'il s'immisce je voulais faire des trucs électroniques, au printemps avec ru. et s. on parlait midi controler et ableton live et sampler avec des carrés qui clignotent et pas guitares enregistreurs quatre pistes et beatles. mais je l'avais un peu oublié ça.
j'ai vu f. et n. et celui qui faisait le bourreau à la soirée wip en juin et je me demandais qui d'autre dans la salle était dans le comité de sélection, s'ils avaient déjà lu mon dossier et s'ils étaient embarrassés pour moi à cause de la médiocrité de mes idées et du degré de vulnérabilité dont j'ai fait preuve dans ma note d'intention. j'avais l'impression que tout le monde savait qui j'étais. mais j'ai bien aimé la pièce qu'a présentée l'autrice avec les deux comédiens, ça se passait dans un institut un peu vague de santé mentale et ça m'a donné envie d'écrire sur la clinique. j'ai failli pleurer quand une des personnages se met à parler de sa jeunesse qui lui a été volée par son mari qu'elle a rencontré à 19 ans alors qu'il était plus vieux en listant toutes les expériences dont elle a été privée, comme être frivole avec les garçons et s'amuser et être légère. je me suis pas mariée à 19 ans moi mais c'est un peu comme si. à la fin l'autrice m'a fait un sourire appuyé comme si elle avait deviné et puis j'ai dit bonjour à f. mais j'ai pas osé aborder les autres alors j'ai mangé un mini sandwich triangle au jambon cru pour me donner une contenance et je suis partie.
21 janvier
ce soir je suis allée voir poor things au cinéma et j'ai complètement reconsidéré mon plan d'écrire un roman d'autofiction pour écrire un livre de science fiction à la place. un poor things contemporain et à ma sauce. j'ai réservé le livre à la bibliothèque dès que je suis rentrée du cinéma. je veux écrire un personnage hilarant et cru qui se comporte de façon non encombrée par son égo, qui a un gros désir de savoir et de connaissance et qui soulève le voile sur le monde. le seul truc que j'ai pas aimé: les scènes de sexe qui m'ont mise mal à l'aise. je sais pas si c'est à cause de mon traumatisme du sexe non expliqué, ou si c'est parce que c'était trop douloureux de voir cette fille qui découvre le monde découvrir le sexe avec joie, un truc que je suis censée connaitre mais que je connais pas, ou alors si c'est juste une histoire de male gaze. mais à part ça ce film m'a apporté beaucoup de joie et d'exaltation et j'aime tellement quand le cinéma fait ça.
après le film je suis allée manger une pizza avec maman et d. et n. et pendant qu'il me parlait de rognons et de pattes de poule je voyais l'écran de mon téléphone qui arrêtait pas de s'illuminer avec des notifs de r. qui répondait à mes messages et j'étais contente d'avoir une distraction, même si c'était juste une pizza et le père de a. qui me parlait d'abats. je lui ai raconté mon épopée du weekend dernier avec chris weisman (à r. pas au père de a.) et il me disait qu'il le trouvait un peu agaçant parce qu'il exagérait trop et je me suis dit merde est-ce que je l'ai idéalisé comme j'idéalise r.? mais je crois pas que j'idéalise r. je lui ai pas répondu, j'essaie de le traiter comme le commun des mortels de mes autres amis, c'est-à-dire: mettre trois plombes à répondre.
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writer59january13 · 23 days
The monumental bane of OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder
As origin of Homo Sapien species surged ahead, harboring nascent predominance asper said primate reproductively bred, (albeit via incremental fits and starts) evolutionary forebears didst dread Tom Tom Club former members an American new wave band founded in 1981 by husband-and-wife team Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth as a side project from Talking Heads, rocketing them to super stardom similar to heights of fame and fortune, where band zeppelin led exemplifying, fortifying, and glorifying QED quod erat demonstrandum meaning "that which was to be demonstrated," whence, (since time immemorial) nasty, short brutish, loutish, and vampish anthropological, genealogical, and millennial report card found forebears precariously perched, pitched, and positioned quart toured pièce de résistance purport head supremacy devastatingly, heavily, and literally bruited nearly did abort tentative tenacious status being supreme species oft times challenged minuscule leading edge proto humans rendered stronghold atop ACME perch (on evolutionary leading cusp) fund hedge ching hypothetical bets said simians nearly toppled off figurative ledge against being easily uprooted akin to one weeding out unwanted sedge imposing fledgling breakfast of champions clinging to niched wedge while serial incessant challenges nearly wrote snuffed out clinched placed viz ass him tote often at fateful loggerheads, where survival of the fittest smote cream of the crop sacrificed for Ares poised to strike dawn of dusky mankind viz apish creatures almost got rote off while chance dominance, eminence grise pitted, spitted, and got vetted sans un quote able primal screaming expletives pitted Neanderthal progenitors note worthy kickstarter scrum held dim promise, whether weathered brood which smattering population comprised a scattered handful of rudimentary destined to become a GOAT contemporary competitive lass or dude, whence latent talent to net fame and fortune voluntarily sharing wealth as altruistic, deterministic, humanistic, and idealistic amidst looming global warming legacy of industrial revolutions, which pointedly wreaked havoc radioactive Superfund sites still exude toxins, where dangerous fallout glommed,
rained, and frankly zapped the tocsin muted, muffled, muddied waters where pollution never
confronted Wilma or Fred Flintstone
generic Geico caveman/woman respectively, and aside from external threatening ecological depredations violent crime comprises tribal (family) feud where might versus right,
the deterministic factor aye include at undoubtedly animalistic behavior defied being categorized as lewd since each monkey's uncle similarly frolicked, gallivanted, and hocked like a CRO-MAGNON European early modern humans,
when he flirted in done nude videre licet dangling modifier attested courtesy punctuated equilibrium
(the hypothesis evolutionary development marked by isolated episodes of rapid speciation between long periods of little or no change) courtesy Stephen Jay Gould fate didst not occlude also absence of consciousness rued until...fast forward to the present day, when carnal, feral, and integral leanings attempted to rope hormonal, gonadal, and banal found more recent ancestors (discovered visa vis like Ancestry.com and/or 23andme) rolled in the hay under the natural predilection to lay naked, especially frisky comb early May procreative force engendered the writer of this poem, when his parents coaxed foreplay unbeknownst, that their singular heir, would be afflicted with countless obsessive compulsive mailer to slay ritualistic controlling psychic threnody dominated favored holistic paradigm oy vey
dystopia prevails every which way
Gaia will be declared winner yay!
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my-universe-rpg · 2 months
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A - B - C - D Aaron Taylor-Johnson ✦ Milky Bang Chan ✦ Ru Ben Barnes ✦ aldycrowleyfell Brock O’Hurn ✦ Lionheart Byeon Woo Seok ✦ Neverland Byun Baek-hyun ✦ Betelgeuse Choi Beom Gyu ✦ Shinmon Choi Soobin ✦ ddalki Choi Yeon Jun ✦ Nubes Chris Evans ✦ The Firefighter Colby Keller ✦ Nham Diego Luna ✦ Tamal Rojo Dove Cameron ✦ Aurora Dylan o'Brien ✦ Shezza
E - F - G - H Han Jisung ✦ Smile Hugh Dancy ✦ Nefelibata Hwang Hyunjin ✦ Gin&Tonic
I - J - K - L Jackson wang ✦ Kitsune Jang Won Young ✦ Star Jeon Jung Kook ✦ Nubes Jeong Yun Oh (Jaehyun, NCT) ✦ Diaval John Seo (Johnny) ✦ Pumba Jung Eun Bi (Eun Ha) ✦ Pommie Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) ✦ Natilla Kai Kamal Huening ✦ Cocoroco Kim Chae Won ✦ Star Kim Jennie ✦ BlueLagoon Kim Kibum (Key) ✦ Smile Kim Min Jeong (Winter) ✦ Pusheen Kim Seok Jin ✦ Limonada Kim Tae Hyung (V) ✦ Lilium Lalisa Manobal ✦ Watermelon Lee Dong Min (Cha Eun Woo) ✦ Lord Barkis Lee dong-wook ✦ Kitsune Lee Felix ✦ Bunny Lee Hee Seung ✦ Creep Lee Ji Eun (IU) ✦ Hare Lee Minho (Lee Know) ✦ Bunny
M - N - O - P Madison Beer ✦ reckless Min Yoon-gi (Suga) ✦ MYuniverse Minatozaki Sana ✦ Fancy Nakamoto Yuta ✦ Hanasaki Park Jimin ✦ Limonada Park Seon Woo (Sunoo) ✦ Vixen Park Sung Hoon ✦ Dheixa Pedro Pascal ✦ Sixsmith
Q - R - S - T Seo Soo Jin ✦ Patata soviética Shen Quan Rui (Ricky) ✦ Mockbeth Song Yu Qi ✦ Haku
U - V - W - X
Y - Z Yang Jung Won ✦ Blas Yeh Shu Hua ✦ Patata soviética Yoo Ji Min (Karina) ✦ fancychild Yoo Si Ah (YooA de Oh My Girl) ✦ Kintsugi
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regioonlineofficial · 4 months
Op zaterdag 24 februari 2023 organiseert Bibliotheek Gelderland Zuid een Young Adult Book Event in Bibliotheek Mariënburg, samen met de Radboud Universiteit en Dekker v. d. Vegt Boekverkopers. Speciaal voor boekenwurmen en fans van Engelstalige Young Adult-boeken. Docenten van de Radboud Universiteit verzorgen flitscolleges, er zijn interviews met bekende YA-auteurs en vertalers, creatieve workshops, spelletjes, shops met ‘bookish’ items en nog veel meer. Young Adult Book Event Met de opkomst van Bookstagram en BookTok zijn Engelstalige Young Adult boeken ongekend populair onder jonge leesliefhebbers. De bieb en de universiteit zetten tijdens het tweede Young Adult Book Event deze boeken in het zonnetje. Boekhandel Dekker v. d. Vegt is aanwezig zodat bezoekers meteen hun boekenverzameling kunnen aanvullen. Het event duurt van 19.30 tot 22.30 uur. Zes docenten van de Engelse Letterenfaculteit van de RU verzorgen flitscolleges, waaronder dr. Lindsay Janssen over animatie, prof. dr. Marguérit Corporaal over opgroeien in conflictzones en dr. Ruud van den Beuken over seksualiteit, gender en queerness. Schrijvers aan het woord Gedurende de avond zijn er online interviews met de Nederlandse Young Adult-auteur Marieke Nijkamp en de Ierse auteur Sarah Maria Griffin. Mariekes debuutroman This Is Where It Ends verscheen in 2016 in de Verenigde Staten en stond in de bestsellerlijst van de New York Times. De roman gaat over een schietpartij op een middelbare school in Amerika. Chris Cusack gaat in gesprek met Sarah Maria Griffin, een getalenteerde Ierse schrijver, dichter en performer. Haar YA roman Spare and Found Parts werd geprezen vanwege de manier waarop ze complexe verhaallijnen en diepgaande personages verweeft. Hertalen en vertalen Vertalen of hertalen, wat is het verschil? Alleen al die vraag is interessant om over in gesprek te gaan. Maria Postema, vertaler van veel bekende YA-boeken, en striptekenaar Emma Ringelding bespreken de verschillen, overeenkomsten en waarde van een goede vertaling of hertaling. Hierbij hertaalt ze klassiekers naar beeld. Emma tekent strips voor o.a. Volkskrant, Zwijsen, Eppo, ArtEZ en de Boekenkrant. Maria vertaalde vele YA-romans, waaronder de hitseries Twilight en The Hunger Games en boeken van de bekende Amerikaanse YA-auteur Jason Reynolds. Lekker bezig Voor jongeren die liever doen dan luisteren zijn er verschillende workshops, zoals ‘Van tekst naar tekening’, boekbinden en Dungeons and Dragons. Schrijfcoach Esther O’Toole is aanwezig om jonge schrijvers feedback te geven op hun werk. Gewoon een spelletje doen kan ook, of shoppen bij kraampjes met ‘bookish’ items. Kaartjes voor het YA Book Event kosten € 5 voor bibliotheekleden en € 6,50 voor overige bezoekers. Kijk voor het hele programma en ticketverkoop op www.obgz.nl/yaevent.
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muznew · 5 months
Traxsource The Sound Of Melodic Techno January 2024
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  DATE CREATED: 2024-01-12 Tracklist : AADJA - Introvert Problems (Original Mix).mp3 Alosoul - Alive (Original Mix).mp3 Alosoul - Humanoids Attack (Original Mix).mp3 Andreas Kraemer - No Rules (Original Mix).mp3 Andreas Kraemer - Reboot (Original Mix).mp3 Andreas Kraemer - Say My Name (Original Mix).mp3 Arni - Memory Reboot (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Amazonas (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Ballerina (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Don't Stop With You (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Metrix (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Rassvet (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - The Same Story (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Velvet Voyage (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Zakat (Original Mix).mp3 Avocado, Dave Dinger - Robert Love (Original Mix).mp3 Berto (DE) - Game Over (Original Mix).mp3 Berto (DE) - New Wave (Le Son Du Placard Remix).mp3 Berto (DE) - New Wave (Original Mix).mp3 Chris Nord - Containment Breach (Original Mix).mp3 Conntex - Chapters End (Original Mix). Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 5 months
Traxsource The Sound Of Melodic Techno January 2024
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  DATE CREATED: 2024-01-12 Tracklist : AADJA - Introvert Problems (Original Mix).mp3 Alosoul - Alive (Original Mix).mp3 Alosoul - Humanoids Attack (Original Mix).mp3 Andreas Kraemer - No Rules (Original Mix).mp3 Andreas Kraemer - Reboot (Original Mix).mp3 Andreas Kraemer - Say My Name (Original Mix).mp3 Arni - Memory Reboot (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Amazonas (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Ballerina (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Don't Stop With You (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Metrix (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Rassvet (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - The Same Story (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Velvet Voyage (Original Mix).mp3 Arturo (RU) - Zakat (Original Mix).mp3 Avocado, Dave Dinger - Robert Love (Original Mix).mp3 Berto (DE) - Game Over (Original Mix).mp3 Berto (DE) - New Wave (Le Son Du Placard Remix).mp3 Berto (DE) - New Wave (Original Mix).mp3 Chris Nord - Containment Breach (Original Mix).mp3 Conntex - Chapters End (Original Mix). Read the full article
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graphicpolicy · 3 months
Darak and Solila Face Certain Death in Void Rivals #8
Darak and Solila Face Certain Death in Void Rivals #8 #comics #comicbooks #energonuniverse
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lgbt-tiktoks · 3 years
Description under cut:
Description: [ A video showing a black person lip-syncing to audio from Family Guy while text on screen is used to act out a conversation with themself about RuPaul's Drag Race. The video flips the person's position for each character speaking:
Peter: "But since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel like I have to share with you... I did not care for the Godfather".
Text: But since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you... I do not care for RuPaul's Drag Race.
Lois: "What?!".
Text: What?
Peter: "Did not care for the godfather".
Text: Do not care for RuPaul's Drag Race.
Chris: "How can you even say that, dad?"
Text: You're literally a drag artist.
Peter: "I didn't like it".
Text: I think it has a lot of negative elements.
Lois: "Peter, it's so good. It's like the perfect movie".
Text: But it's so entertaining, it's like the perfect TV show.
Peter: "This is what everyone always says".
Text: That is what every straight girl and cis yt gay man always says.
Chris: "Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, I mean you never see- ROBERT DUVALL!!".
Sasha Velour, Symone, Bimini Bon Boulash!!!
Peter: "I know- fine, fine actor. Did not like the movie".
Text: Adore these drag queens, but I don't like the show.
Lois: "Why not?".
Text: Why not?!
Peter: "Did not- Couldn't get into it".
Text: It's harmful to a lot of drag artists.
Lois: "Explain yourself, what didn't you like about it?".
Text: Explain yourself- why is it harmful?
Peter: "It insists upon itself, Lois".
Text: It's gentrifying drag.
Lois: "What?!".
Text: What?!
Peter: "It insists upon itself".
Text: It's gentrifying drag.
Lois: "What does that even mean?".
Text: What does that even mean?
Chris: "He has a valid point to make IT'S INSISTING!!".
Text: They have a valid point to make, it platforms a narrow view of drag and ignores other, valid forms of drag.
Peter: "It takes forever getting in and you spend like six and a half hours. I can't even get through- I can't even finish a movie. I've never even seen the ending".
Text: Excludes or tokenizes trans ppl, excludes drag kings/things and women drag queens, has pushed a cookie cutter 'Ru Girl' aesthetic, belittles important local drag scenes. Even if they allowed drag kings, I would never apply.
Chris: "You've never seen THE ENDING?!".
Text: You wouldn't even apply??!!
Stewie: "How can you say that you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?".
Text: Well why do you even care about drag king exclusion if you wouldn't apply?
Lois: "I agree with Stewie it's not really fair".
Text: I agree, I think you're just being negative.
Peter: "I have tried on three separate occasions to get through it. And I get to the seen where all the guys are sitting around in their easy chairs...".
Text: As long as RuPaul is at the helm it will always be riddled with misogyny and transphobia, I mean did you SEE the Drag Race Down Under yeast spread episode...]
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jiannguo · 3 years
Our Song S1 Rewatch : Episode 4
Full Episode with subs:
Conversation between Na Ying and Xiao Zhan is pure gold. Na Ying wanted to know more about Xiao Zhan, was very surprised that he was just 28 years old (so are we all Na Jie 😆), and both their zodiacs are 'sheep', old sheep matched with little sheep 😆😆. Couldn't help but smile when she said his fans are very cute, and his response was yes they're very pure 😊. Xiao Zhan likes Szechuan cuisine, and Na Ying used to eat a lot of Mala Hotpot when younger, and she generally likes spicy food.
Xiao Zhan and Na Ying came up with the Team Name 'NaZhan' meaning 'That Battle'.
Ayanga and Tanya's Team name is 'XiaoYaGaGa' (Small Ya Quack Quack 😆)
Emil Chau and Jiang's Team name is YiJianQingXin ('Love at first Sight')
Christopher Wong and Mimi Lee's group name is FeiDie (flying saucer) HuoJian(rocket) NanNu (male and female) group.
Today's episode will have audience votes that will also decide rankings among the four teams. Votes will be given by not just the audience but also the non battling teams for Round 1. The bottom three teams will battle it out in Round 2.
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Xiao Zhan picked #1 for this round. He chose Na Ying's song "Love you but Lonely".
Next up is Tanya and Ayanga. During their meetings, they decided to play it through Ayanga's strengths. He is a musical theatre singer, and Tanya remarked how it would be good for them to sing on a tragic love story theme. Ayanga immediately came up with many musical theatre examples such as Phantom of the opera, and Notre Dame de Paris. The first song they sang was 'Halted' a sample from 'Danse mon Esmarelada', from Notre Dame de Paris, Ayanga using his Bel Canto opera Style.
It was pretty cute how after they finished Na Ying remarked "Our Xiao Zhan is pretty great, but the other team sang Opera right? This is a masterstroke, will get them extra points 😆😆" No wonder NaZhan started practicing their second song while sitting there itself 😆 The thing to remarked here is Ayanga is a trained musical theatre singer and that is his strength, it was sweet of Na Ying to stand up for Xiao Zhan.
As expected, both remaining sitting teams chose Ayanga's song over NaZhan's. 261 audience votes, 152 voted for Team Ayanga. However they already started from +20 points from the other two teams. Though Ayanga's Team won the overall round, NaZhan had won the audience votes.
Next up is Emil Chau and Jiang singing 'Dao Jian Ru Meng' (Swords like dreams). This is originally Emil Chau's song, he is also the songwriter for it. This song was originally one of the theme songs of the 1993 TV adaptation of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber. It is a martial arts classic go-to song for Emil Chau, and very special for him.
Voting meters are up and Emil/Jiang Team lost to Ayanga/Tanya's team with 134/140. For Team votes, Na Ying voted for Emil and Wong Laoshi voted for Ayanga. So Ayanga/Tanya remain the reigning champions.
Next up is 'Late Autumn' by Christopher Wong and Mimi Lee. This was originally sung by Chris in the 90s. Learning the song was a challenge for Mimi, as this song is in Cantonese and she is still learning Mandarin, uses Pinyin to read most of the time.
I was really surprised at this performance, props looked good. And the singing... Wong Laoshi is amazing! And Mimi did try her best to keep up with it. Her voice is quite modern, and she memorised the entire lyrics. And she pulled off a whistle register too.
The team lost against the champions Ayanga and Tanya with 129 points. Ayunga team got 146, which included the 20 by Xiao Zhan and Jiang's Team scores.
Team NaZhan, Emil/Jiang and Chris/Mimi will battle for round 2.
NaZhan Team sang Lu Guang (Green light) by Stephanie Sun. The song was chosen by Xiao Zhan, Stephanie Sun is his idol after all 😊 Na Ying remarked how excited Xiao Zhan was during the rehearsals, he pulled up all his staff to join in.
Emil Chau and Jiang sang 'Yi Ge Ren' in a format by Ling Kai, a student of Tanya Chua. Song was chosen by Jiang, and they organised it slightly differently. It was meant as a tribute to Tanya Chua.
Christoper Wong and Mimi Lee sang 'Mang Zhong' from 2019.
Final results were audience votes only
Na Zhan Team wins this round and cements their position as second place. Followed by Emil/Jiang at No 3 and Chris/Mimi after.
As this was just a trial battle, the real battle happens in the next episode.
Xiao Zhan/ Na Zhan photos during rehearsals and the show:
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yuriplisetsky-rp · 3 years
The ISU has updated the World Standings for the upcoming season. Points are given for this season and the last two seasons for best two results in each category (Championship, GP/JGP and International events).
Top 20 Listed.
Yuri Altin - RUS - 2747
Seung-gil Lee - KOR - 2256
Guang-hong de la Iglesia - CHN - 2161
Jean-Jacques Leroy - CAN - 2038
Otabek Altin - KAZ - 1858
Leo de la Iglesia - USA - 1774
Emil Nekola - CZE - 1720
Michele Crispino - ITA - 1698
Phichit Chulanont - THA - 1531
Christophe Giacometti - SUI - 1369
Alexei Yevtushenko - RUS - 1260
Kenjirou Minami - JPN - 1254
Adam Loughton - GBR - 1139
Carlo Bonacci - ITA - 1114
Michael Anderson - USA - 985
Dmitri Andreyeev - RUS - 945
Jack Morgan - USA - 890
Andrei Egorov - RUS - 809
Brian Cartier - FRA - 799
Alexander Carpenter - USA - 790
This will be Chris’s last season on the WS list - once it’s updated this time next year and this last season he was in is dropped from the rankings, he’ll be gone as he’s no longer competing.
Seung-gil is still holding on to second place. JJ dropped one place. Otabek dropped two, but he’ll move up again. He had just had a rough season that is still being used... GH moved up five places! Minami moved up two places!
Mila Babicheva - RUS - 2655
Sara Crispino - ITA - 2515
Aura Nosdod - USA - 1928
Hanako Furutani - JPN - 1897
Svetlana Kuznetkova - RUS - 1880
Kamiko Ikeda - JPN - 1804
Polina Levitskaya - RUS - 1603
Ashley Rodriguez - USA - 1593
Veronika Petrova - RUS - 1272
Sakura Hisakawa - JPN - 1253
Anastasia Vetrova - AZE - 977
Alana Teale - USA - 966
Hae Choi - KOR - 958
Brianna Jones - USA - 888
Elena Yevtushenko - USA - 828
Tatiyana Demidova - RUS - 818
Leila Nikolaidze - GEO - 784
Regina Nikitina - RUS - 770
Yuliana Harkova - POL - 763
Anu-Lisa Raidma - EST - 741
Mila tops the list, finally overtaking her girlfriend.
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muznew · 9 months
Weekend Picks 35: Trance by Beatport
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-09-01 GENRES: Trance (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Psy-Trance, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Trance (Main Floor) Tracklist : 1. Pico Boulevard - Retroplex(Extended Mix) 2. Robert Babicz - Saturn Rings(Original Mix) 3. Character 1 - Upside Down(Original Mix) 4. Boston 168 - Before Us(Original Mix) 5. Chris Oblivion - Lilium(Original Mix) 6. ELECTRIC FOXX - Scáthanna(Original Mix) 7. Stum - Orbit(Original Mix) 8. R.A.T. - Rebirth(Original Mix) 9. Fuenka - Akkala(Extended Mix) 10. Quantor - Weil Ich Dich Mag(Extended Mix) 11. Keecen - Higher Energy(Jeku Remix) 12. Boo - Neoteny(Original Mix) 13. Robert Babicz - Wonderland(Original Mix) 14. Robert Babicz - The Sculptor(Original Mix) 15. Platon (RU) - Pu 94(Home Shell & Olven Remix) 16. Deborah De Luca - Awake(Original Mix) 17. Triforce - Silence(Original Mix) 18. Sparta - Phalanxes(Original Mix) 19. Intensiva - Colliding Atoms(Original Mix) 20. Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 9 months
Weekend Picks 35: Trance by Beatport
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-09-01 GENRES: Trance (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Psy-Trance, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Trance (Main Floor) Tracklist : 1. Pico Boulevard - Retroplex(Extended Mix) 2. Robert Babicz - Saturn Rings(Original Mix) 3. Character 1 - Upside Down(Original Mix) 4. Boston 168 - Before Us(Original Mix) 5. Chris Oblivion - Lilium(Original Mix) 6. ELECTRIC FOXX - Scáthanna(Original Mix) 7. Stum - Orbit(Original Mix) 8. R.A.T. - Rebirth(Original Mix) 9. Fuenka - Akkala(Extended Mix) 10. Quantor - Weil Ich Dich Mag(Extended Mix) 11. Keecen - Higher Energy(Jeku Remix) 12. Boo - Neoteny(Original Mix) 13. Robert Babicz - Wonderland(Original Mix) 14. Robert Babicz - The Sculptor(Original Mix) 15. Platon (RU) - Pu 94(Home Shell & Olven Remix) 16. Deborah De Luca - Awake(Original Mix) 17. Triforce - Silence(Original Mix) 18. Sparta - Phalanxes(Original Mix) 19. Intensiva - Colliding Atoms(Original Mix) 20. Read the full article
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voguingtodanzig · 3 years
Again, some of this is personal and sentimental, linked to time and place and experience.
50 Cent, “Many Men (Wish Death)”
100 gecs, “800db cloud”
10,000 Maniacs, “Candy Everybody Wants”
Bryan Adams, “Everything I Do”
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass, “Spanish Flea”
America, “Sister Golden Hair”
Julie Andrews, “My ​​Favorite Things”
Animal Collective, “Brother Sport”
Aphex Twin, “Tha”
Fiona Apple, “Extraordinary Machine”
Louis Armstrong, “What a Wonderful World”
Ash, “Shining Light”
Atlantic Starr, “Always”
Atlas Sound, “Washington School”
Autechre, “Vose In”
The B-52s, “Deadbeat Club”
Bananarama, “Cruel Summer”
The Beatles, “All My Loving”
Beck, “Girl”
Belle & Sebastian, “Seymour Stein”
Benoit & Sergio, “Boy Trouble”
Beyoncé, “Countdown”
Bikini Kill, “Alien She”
Bilal, “West Side Girl”
Bjork, “It’s Oh So Quiet”
Black Dice, “Pigs”
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, “Stop”
The Black-Eyed Peas, “Imma Be”
Blast Off Country Style, “Cutie Pie”
Blondie, “Heart of Glass”
The Bloodhound Gang, “Your Only Friends Are Make-Believe”
The Box Tops, “The Letter”
Brainiac, “I Am A Cracked Machine”
Michelle Branch, “Everywhere”
Laura Branigan, “Gloria”
The Breeders, “Off You”
Danny Brown, “Gremlins”
James Brown, “Get Up I Feel Like Being a Sex Machine”
Jackson Browne, “Somebody’s Baby”
Vanessa Carlton, “A Thousand Miles”
Harry Chapin, “Cat’s in the Cradle”
Tracy Chapman, “Fast Car”
The Carpenters, “Yesterday Once More”
Julian Casablancas and the Voidz, “Human Sadness”
The Chemical Brothers, “Free Yourself”
Chixdiggit!, “My Restaurant”
Cibo Matto, “Sunday, Pt. 1”
Ciara feat. Missy Elliott, “One, Two Step”
Clipse, “Dirty Money”
Jim Croce, “Operator”
Crosby, Stills, and Nash, “You Don’t Have To Cry”
Christopher Cross, “Ride Like the Wind”
Cryptacize, “Mythomania”
Crystal Castles, “Air War”
Culture Club, “Karma Chameleon”
Terrence Trent D’Arby, “Sign Your Name”
Daft Punk, “Around the World”
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich, “Hold Tight”
Dead Kennedys, “Kill the Poor”
DeBarge, “The Rhythm of the Night”
Deerhoof, “+81”
Deerhunter, “Octet”
Depeche Mode, “Personal Jesus”
Dial, “Helium”
The Diplomats, “Dipset Anthem”
DMX, “Stop Being Greedy”
The Doobie Brothers, “Black Water”
Dr. Dre feat. Snoop Dogg, “Nuthin’ But a G Thang”
The-Dream, “Love King”
Duran Duran, “Hungry Like The Wolf”
Bob Dylan, “Positively 4th Street”
The Eagles, “Lyin’ Eyes”
Eat Skull, “Cooking a Way to be Happy”
Elastica, “Connection”
The Everly Brothers, “All I Have to Do is Dream”
The Ben Folds Five, “The Battle of Who Could Care Less”
Eleanor Friedberger, “Stare at the Sun”
Eminem feat. Dido, “Stan”
Brian Eno, “Cindy Tells Me”
Eurythmics, “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)”
Extreme, “More Than Words”
The Fall, “Glam-Racket”
Roberta Flack, “Killing Me Softly With His Song”
Flipper, “Ha Ha Ha”
Dan Fogelberg, “Longer”
The Free Design, “The Proper Ornaments”
Fur, “Devil to the Lamb”
Garbage, “Only Happy When It Rains”
Judy Garland, “Over the Rainbow”
Kevin Gates, “Paper Chasers”
Ghostface Killah, “Shakey Dog”
Freddie Gibbs, “20 Karat Jesus”
Godspeed You! Black Emperor, “The Dead Flag Blues”
Gorillaz feat. De La Soul, “Feel Good Inc.”
Go Sailor, “I’m Still Crying”
Granddaddy, “A.M. 180”
Colleen Green, “I Want to Grow Up”
Green Day, “Basket Case”
Grimes, “REALITi”
Gucci Mane, “Break Ya Self (Brrrussia version)”
Guided By Voices, “Teenage FBI”
Harvey Danger, “Flagpole Sitta”
Helium, “XXX”
Keri Hilson, “Pretty Girl Rock”
Hole, “Malibu”
The Hollies, “All I Need Is The Air That I Breathe”
Michael Jackson, “Rock With You”
Jay-Z, “Hard Knock Life”
Henry Jacobs, “Guitar Lesson”
Jawbreaker, “Fireman”
Jeremih, “Oui”
Jewel, “Standing Still”
Jimmy Eat World, “Sweetness”
Billy Joel, “Uptown Girl”
Scott Joplin, “The Entertainer”
Journey, “Don’t Stop Believin’”
Juelz Santana, “Mixin’ up the Medicine”
R. Kelly feat. T.I. & T-Pain, “I’m a Flirt (Remix)”
Kool and the Gang, “Celebration”
Lana Del Rey, “Off to the Races”
Lagwagon, “May 16”
The Libertines, “Horror Show”
Limp Bizkit, “Re-Arranged”
Lindstrom, “Where You Go I Go Too”
Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam, “Lost in Emotion”
Lit, “My Own Worst Enemy”
The Lonely Island feat. T-Pain, “I’m on a Boat”
Lotus Plaza, “What Grows?”
Lower Dens, “Candy”
Courtney Love, “I’ll Do Anything”
Love As Laughter, “Idol Worship”
M.I.A, “Bamboo Banga”
Madonna, “Hung Up”
Madlib, “Mystic Bounce”
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, “Ramp of Death”
The Mamas and the Papas, “California Dreamin’”
John Mayer, “New Light”
Meek Mill, “Dreams and Nightmares Intro”
Men at Work, “Safety Dance”
George Michael, “Faith”
The Modern Lovers, “I’m Straight”
Modest Mouse, “Heart Cooks Brain”
The Moldy Peaches, “Nothing Came Out”
Chris Montez, “The More I See You”
Alanis Morissette, “Head Over Feet”
Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat, “Lucky”
MXPX, “Party, My House, Be There”
My Bloody Valentine, “You Never Should”
Nas, “The World Is Yours”
Johnny Nash, “I Can See Clearly Now”
Neu!, “Hallogallo”
New Order, “Subculture”
New Pornographers, “The Laws Have Changed”
Wayne Newton, “Danke Schoen”
Harry Nilsson, “Jump into the Fire”
Nine Inch Nails, “Wish”
Nirvana, “About a Girl”
The Notorious B.I.G., “Warning”
Maura O’Connell, “Summerfly”
The Orb, “Little Fluffy Clouds”
Panda Bear, “Mr Noah”
Pavement, “Harness Your Hopes (BBC Evening Session)”
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth, “They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)”
Liz Phair, “Shane”
Pinhead Gunpowder, “I Am An Elephant”
The Platters, “Only You (And You Alone)”
The Pointer Sisters, “Jump”
Michael Praetorius, “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen”
Elvis Presley, “A Little Less Conversation”
Primal Scream, “Keep Your Dreams”
The Prodigy, “Breathe”
Propaghandi, “Anti-Manifesto”
Brian Protheroe, “Pinball”
Psychic Graveyard, “No”
Public Enemy, “Fight The Power”
Aileen Quinn, “Tomorrow”
Radiohead, “A Wolf at the Door”
Gerry Rafferty, “Right Down the Line”
Bonnie Raitt, “Something to Talk About”
The Ramones, “Chain Saw”
Otis Redding, “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay”
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, “In Motion”
Lou Reed and Metallica, “Junior Dad”
Rihanna feat. Jay-Z, “Umbrella”
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, “Islands in the Stream”
The Rolling Stones, “Sympathy for the Devil”
Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram, “Somewhere Out There”
Rosemary Krust, “Private Amber”
Diana Ross, “Theme From Mahogany”
Roxy Music, “More Than This”
A Savage, “Eyeballs”
The Shangri-Las, “Leader of the Pack”
Shanice, “I Love Your Smile”
Ed Sheeran, “Thinking Out Loud”
Sightings, “Yellow”
The Silver Jews, “Blue Arrangements”
Alan Silvestri, “The Back to the Future theme”
Paul Simon, “Kodachrome”
Ashlee Simpson, “Pieces of Me”
Slade, “Cum On Feel the Noize”
The Smashing Pumpkins, “Here’s to the Atom Bomb (New Wave version)”
The Soft Pink Truth, “Do They Owe Us A Living?”
Sonic Youth, “Jams Run Free”
Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown, “No Air”
Spoon, “The Mystery Zone”
Starving Weirdos, “Land Lines”
Stereolab, “Plastic Mile”
The Strokes, “12:51”
Swell Maps, “Let’s Build A Car”
Taylor Swift, “Style”
Stylophonic, “R U Experienced”
Jazmine Sullivan, “Mascara”
Suicidal Tendencies, “Institutionalized”
Taco, “Puttin’ on the Ritz”
James Taylor, “You’ve Got a Friend”
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”
Throwing Muses, “Not Too Soon”
TLC, “Baby-Baby-Baby”
Tortoise, “Djed”
The Toys, “A Lover’s Concerto”
John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, “Summer Nights”
A Tribe Called Quest, “Can I Kick It?”
UB40, “Red Red Wine”
Joe Walsh, “Life’s Been Good”
Scott Weiland, “Paralysis”
Steely Dan, “Do It Again”
Stiff Little Fingers, “Suspect Device”
Stylophonic, “RU Experienced?”
T.I., “What You Know”
Mary Timony, “Blood Tree”
that dog., “I’m Gonna See You”
The Tymes, “So Much In Love”
Ultimate Painting, “Out in the Cold”
The Unicorns, “Child Star”
The Velvet Underground, “The Gift”
Waka Flocka Flame, “Hard in da Paint”
Ween, “Even If You Don’t”
Weezer, “Endless Bummer”
Kanye West, “Devil in a New Dress (G.O.O.D. Fridays version)”
WHAM!, “Wake Me Up (Before You Go-Go)”
White Hassle, “Oh, What a Feeling”
Matthew Wilder, “Break My Stride”
Bill Withers, “Lean on Me”
Wolf Eyes, “Human Animal”
Stevie Wonder, “My Cherie Amour”
Wye Oak, “Siamese”
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Maps”
Yo La Tengo, “My Heart’s Reflection”
Zaimph, “Removing Bits of History”
The Zombies, “Time of the Season”
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the-brides-diaries · 3 years
The Brides Diaries Playlists.
Lucia - @nightmare-gigi
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Adam Lambert - Runnin’.
Au/Ru - Outsiders.
Heroe de leyenda - Heroes de Silencio.
Imagine Dragons - Warriors.
Little Mix - Salute.
Lost Sky ft Chris Linton - Fearless pt II.
Rag’n’Bone Man - Human.
Sam Tinnesz - The Hunter.
Sia - Black and Blue.
Stephen - Crossfire.
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