#Chizzled Abs
thebunnednun · 27 days
Ace x strawhat!reader
Carnival Confessions Portgas D. Ace x Straw-Hat! Reader
Thank you for my first "Follower Friday's" request! <<33
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This is not the best photo but I could grate cheese on this mans abs and fucking lick it off. Like a dream about him at night. (Sorry Buggy!)
Time to add a new husband to the list.
Don't be afraid to send me any requests my loves and if you are waiting for the next installment I have my masterlist posted!
Like usual, never be afraid to hang out in the comments. I love you guys feedback and snort up all the love you show. <33
As the Thousand Sunny glides through the calm seas, a distant glow catches the crew's attention. Nami, always attuned to opportunities for fun and profit, eagerly informs everyone about the nearby island hosting the renowned Festival of Stars. With its promise of dazzling lights, delicious treats, and lively entertainment, it's an irresistible invitation for a crew in need of some rest and relaxation.
Excitement buzzes among the Straw Hat crew as they prepare to make landfall. Luffy's eyes sparkle with anticipation, Sanji's culinary imagination runs wild at the thought of new ingredients, and Usopp feverishly sketches plans for the perfect carnival game.
Suddenly, the sound of cannon fire echoes across the sea, breaking the tranquil atmosphere.
Luffy, ever the goof-ball, shouts, "What's that? Are we under attack?"
"No, Luffy, look!" Usopp points excitedly towards the source of the cannon fire. "It's a welcoming salute! They must be celebrating our arrival!"
A grin spreads across Luffy's face as he grips the ship's railing.
"Alright! Let's join the party!"
Nami nods in agreement, her eyes gleaming with the prospect of potential treasures. "Indeed! But let's make sure we don't get carried away and forget our mission."
Sanji, already envisioning the culinary delights awaiting them, adds, "I can't wait to taste the local cuisine! This festival sounds like heaven!"
Meanwhile, amidst the flurry of excitement, you exchange a meaningful glance with Ace, a silent acknowledgment of your shared desire to explore the festival together. The unspoken tension between you both hangs in the air like the scent of gunpowder after a cannon blast, waiting for the right moment to ignite into something more.
Amidst the hustle and bustle, Ace found himself stealing glances at you whenever he thought you weren't looking. He admired your determination, your wit, and the way you effortlessly fit into the fabric of the crew. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to confess the growing feelings stirring within him.
Little did Ace know, you were experiencing the same internal turmoil. Your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled, and your cheeks flushed whenever he spoke to you. You admired his strength, his loyalty to his crewmates, and the way he carried himself with a quiet confidence. But like Ace, you were hesitant to reveal the depths of your emotions, afraid of risking the friendship you cherished.
Y’all were soooo down bad for each other. 
the Thousand Sunny gracefully docked at the island, the crew eagerly disembarked onto the bustling streets, immediately enveloped in the vibrant energy of the Festival of Stars. The air was alive with the scent of exotic spices and the melodies of street musicians, drawing the Straw Hats into the heart of the festivities.
Stalls adorned with colorful banners and twinkling lights beckoned them with promises of exotic treats and unique treasures. Nami, always the opportunist, discreetly pulled Robin aside amidst the bustling crowd, a mischievous glint in her eyes betraying her intentions. "Let's give those two a little nudge in the right direction," she whispered, and Robin's lips curved into a knowing smile as they exchanged a silent agreement.
Meanwhile, you and Ace found yourselves entranced by a lively carnival game nestled amidst the throngs of revelers. The enticing challenge involved tossing rings onto bottles, each success rewarded with a coveted prize. With a playful glint in his eyes, Ace turned to you, his charismatic grin inviting you to join in the fun.
"Care to test your luck, (Y/n)?" he teased, his voice carrying a hint of friendly competition.
You accepted his challenge with a determined smile, eager to showcase your skills and perhaps impress the fiery-natured pirate. As the game unfolded, laughter and banter flowed freely between you both, each toss of the ring accompanied by playful taunts and good-natured ribbing.
Unbeknownst to you, Nami and Robin watched from a distance, their subtle orchestration unfolding according to plan. With a satisfied smirk, Nami leaned towards Robin and whispered, "I think they're starting to get the idea, don't you?"
Robin nodded, her gaze lingering on the scene before them. "It seems our matchmaking efforts may bear fruit after all," she remarked, a knowing twinkle in her eye as she observed the blossoming camaraderie between you and Ace.
As the carnival game continued, amidst the whirlwind of colors and laughter, the stage was set for something more than just a friendly competition. In the heart of the festival, amidst the vibrant chaos, two hearts danced closer together, their connection blossoming like the stars that illuminated the night sky above.
However, the game proved to be more challenging than expected, with each toss of the ring met with exaggerated groans and comical expressions of determination. Ace's fiery competitiveness only added to the amusement, his dramatic reactions earning laughter from both you and the surrounding crowd.
After a particularly close call that had Ace teetering on the edge of the game booth in mock despair, you finally emerged victorious, clutching the small plush toy prize triumphantly. Amidst the cheering and congratulatory pats on the back, Ace flashed you an exaggerated pout, pretending to wipe away fake tears of defeat.
"Alright, alright, don't rub it in too much," he teased, a playful twinkle in his eye.
You couldn't help but giggle at his theatrics, playfully tossing the plush toy into his waiting arms. "Looks like you'll have to settle for being my second-place prize," you quipped, earning another round of laughter from the surrounding onlookers.
Unbeknownst to both of you, the rest of the crew watched from a discreet distance, their amusement evident in the smirks and stifled laughter exchanged between them. Usopp, still disguised as a carnival attendant, struggled to contain his laughter as he approached with a mischievous grin.
"Congratulations on your win! As a special prize, how about a romantic stroll through the festival's enchanted garden?" he exclaimed, barely managing to keep a straight face.
You and Ace exchanged incredulous glances, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected offer. With matching shrugs and bemused smiles, you accepted, unable to resist the lure of curiosity and the promise of adventure.
As you ventured into the enchanted garden, laughter echoed through the night air, mingling with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant strains of music. The comedic charm of the situation was not lost on the crew, who watched with amused anticipation from the safety of the ship, ready to intervene if their matchmaking scheme veered off course.
As you and Ace embarked on your romantic stroll through the enchanted garden, the atmosphere was filled with an air of whimsy and mystery. Twinkling fairy lights illuminated your path, casting dancing shadows on the verdant foliage that surrounded you.
Unbeknownst to both of you, however, a series of hijinks unfolded in the background, orchestrated by the mischievous members of the Straw Hat crew. Luffy, unable to contain his excitement, had snuck off the ship in search of adventure, only to find himself entangled in a comical chase with a group of festival performers dressed as mischievous sprites.
Meanwhile, Sanji, ever the hopeless romantic, had taken it upon himself to prepare a surprise picnic for the two of you, complete with an array of delectable treats and a bottle of his finest wine. However, his efforts were nearly thwarted when a wayward gust of wind sent his carefully arranged spread tumbling into a nearby bush, much to his dismay.
Back on the ship, chaos ensued as Chopper and Franky attempted to quell the commotion caused by a group of overexcited seagulls that had mistaken the Thousand Sunny for a floating buffet. With brooms and buckets in hand, they engaged in a slapstick battle against the determined feathered invaders, all while trying to maintain a semblance of order.
You and Ace began meandered through the garden, engrossed in conversation and unaware of the chaos unfolding around you, the sounds of laughter and mischief served as a whimsical backdrop to your romantic interlude. Little did you know, the antics of your crewmates would only add to the memories you would cherish for years to come.
The night wore on and the stars began their mesmerizing dance across the sky, a subtle shift occurred between you and Ace. With each shared laugh and stolen glance, the barriers around your hearts began to crumble, revealing the tender affection that had been quietly blossoming between you.
Finally, as the last firework burst into a kaleidoscope of colors, painting the sky with its radiant glow, Ace took a deep breath, his eyes locking with yours in a silent understanding. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you," he began, his voice soft but steady. "I've always admired your strength and kindness, and... I think I might be falling for you."
Your heart skipped a beat at his confession, the weight of his words settling over you like a warm embrace. In that moment, all the unspoken desires and lingering doubts melted away, replaced by a sense of clarity and undeniable truth. "I feel the same way," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I've been hoping you'd say something like that."
As the crew erupted into cheers and applause from their hidden vantage points, you and Ace shared a shy smile, the joy of mutual understanding washing over you like a wave. Surrounded by the magic of the festival and the warmth of each other's presence, you knew that this moment would be etched into your memories forever.
And so, hand in hand, you and Ace walked through the streets of the Festival of Stars, the world around you alive with possibility and promise. In that enchanted moment, you realized that sometimes, the most precious treasures could be found in the most unexpected of places - even in the heart of a carnival. And as the night faded into dawn, you knew that your journey together had only just begun.
As the cheers of the crew faded from the air, Ace's expression shifted from surprise to realization. "Wait a minute," he exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and amusement crossing his features. "Did Luffy have something to do with this?"
Before you could respond, the mischievous laughter of your crewmates echoed through the garden, confirming Ace's suspicions. "Looks like the little captain couldn't resist playing matchmaker," Sanji chimed in with a knowing smirk.
Nami, unable to contain her amusement, added, "I guess we owe him for helping set the stage for your confession, Ace."
As the teasing banter continued, you and Ace exchanged sheepish glances, both amused and touched by the antics of your crewmates. But before you could fully process the moment, chaos erupted in the garden as Luffy's laughter rang out, accompanied by the sound of running footsteps.
"Hey, come back here, you two!" Luffy's voice echoed through the night air, followed closely by the pounding of feet.
With a shared laugh, you and Ace took off running, the thrill of the chase adding an unexpected twist to the evening's festivities. As the fireworks continued to light up the sky, you and Ace found yourselves using your respective powers - his fire and your water - to outmaneuver your pursuers, weaving through the garden in a playful game of cat and mouse.
With each burst of laughter and flicker of flames, the bond between you and Ace grew stronger, fueled by the shared joy of the moment. And as the night unfolded in a whirlwind of excitement and hilarity, you couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events that had brought you closer together.
As the chase continued under the canopy of stars, you and Ace knew that no matter where your adventures took you, the memories of this magical night would always hold a special place in your hearts.
And as the fireworks danced across the sky, illuminating the path ahead, you felt grateful for the laughter, the love, and the unforgettable moments shared with your Straw Hat family.
This is also posted on the a03 account by the same name. A new update post will also be out tomorrow regarding updates and new stories.
Please check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
POsted on 4/10/24 same day as Chapter 3 to "Whispers of the heart."
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marcsmarquez · 4 years
If you had to do body shots of one rider from each class who would it be and why is it Marc Marquez
yeah fuck moto3 and moto2. I am doing three body shots off of marc’s chizzled abs 😂
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First Date My ASS
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Person: Yoon Byeongho
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 795
Requested by Anon(Im sorry anon)
Caution: Many profanity(cause y’all should know I swear a lot)
You woke up to a loud bang on your window.  You rushed out of bed not because of who or what did it, more of if your window is actually shattered into pieces.  Moving the blind aside, you sighed in relief to see your window being fine but you saw a glimpse of a particular someone.
“Y/N DID YOU FORGET?!” the boy yelled.  Since you rushed the fuck out of bed like your life depended on it, your vision was still somewhat blurry.  You rubbed you eye and squinted to get a better view.
“CAN Y’ALL SHUT UP??? I”M TRYING TO SLEEP!!!” Your neighbor yelled into a megaphone, a weird neighbor you had.  
“Hey I’ll-”Byeongho got interrupted.
“DO Y’ALL THINK YOUR ROMEO AND JULIET OR WHAT?!?!?” Your weird neighbor yelled once again into the megaphone.  You always thought it was weird that your neighbor had a megaphone, like who uses that nowadays?
You gave some hand signal pointing at at yourself, Byeongho, and your bedroom and hoped he understood that before your weird neighbor takes action.  You literally rushed everything.  Brushed teeth while pissing, putting mascara on while dressing, and doing your hair while you let your body rest because that was a whole workout.
**An eternity later and Byeongho drools becoming an ocean**
“So how do I look?” Giving a confident spin, you tripped on your own step a bit, but life did you good so you end up with a nice posture.  You gave him a wink and an awkward lip bite to impress him.
“Babe you always look fucking hot.”(I highkey know this is what he’d say, quote on quote) He brushed your hair to the back of your ear to see more of your face.  Byengho brought himself close to you, which was hard since he is a giant, “Let’s go!”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You can’t believe it at all.  Well, you did when both of you turned the block.
“I mean, why not?” Byeongho seems to be pretty proud of what he chose as a first date.  What could you have possibly expected? A cafe. NO
“I dressed nicely for you and you wanna bring me to a gym?” You looked at his face and he just shrugged his shoulders.
“I thought it’d be a nice first date,” He really is clueless with your anger, you’re almost questioning if he’s trying to test you.
“First date my ass, I’m out of here.” Your turned to step out of the place but Byeongho was quick to grab your hand.  He looked at you dead in the eye, he really wasn’t testing you.  He just really had no clue of what a girl would like as a first date.
“Hey, I’m sorry if you don’t like it.” He said poutingly,” I just thought that since your my girl now that I should teach you some moves to protect yourself from bad guys” He looked like a sad puppy, it melted your icey heart.  It was really considerate of him to think of such a first date.  You didn’t even consider what he’d liked, instead you wanted what you liked while he was just lookin gout for you.
“Ah geez baby, “ You cupped your hands around chin and jaw, and shook his head a bit,”I’m so sorry”
“If you don’t want to, we can go somewhere else,”Byeongho was more worried about your state since you basically insulted his whole interest.  You did know that he worked out a lot, he does have very chizzled abs and nice toned biceps.
“No, let’s do this!”
**A beating later**
“Y/N let’s go eat” Byeongho held out his hand, in which you grabbed, and he pulled you up.  Byeongho pulled you up with too much strength that you slammed onto his chest.  He was playing games with you, he wrapped his strong arms around your waist tightly so you couldn’t move in any way.  He whispered into your ear, “Or do you want to do some more?”
“What? No, I’m hungry!!”
“Okay then!”
Byeonho kissed your lips.  That three seconds felt like an eternity.  His lips were soft and plump.  You were in such shock, you didn’t know what to do or say.  You just froze there until that eternity ended.  There was a moment of awkward silent and the only thing that came out of your mouth was” What the fuck?”
“You don’t like it? I thought you were hungry?” Byeongho acted all innocent like he didn’t just pull the most cliche thing.
“Are you an idiot or what?” you rolled your eyes at him.  You weren’t quite upset but you really couldn’t deny you wanted more of his kiss>
“I’m your idiot.”
Note: This is a weak ass comeback but I was writing this while writing a research paper. My mind a tweeking.  Lemme tell yall, anon wanted a cute fluff hand holding and kissing, but like lets do my mix.  I also updated the masterlist!
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lustyloris · 5 years
I imagine Nero watching Queer Eye on Nico‘s Netflix account.
He‘s wearing those fluffy sweat pants while sitting in bed, but NO shirt
He’s snacking on a kilo of protein bars. The crumbles that fall onto his chizzled abs melt instantly because of his high body temperature (and because he‘s hot, duh)
Nico tries to walk in on him (let‘s be real, knocking‘s not her style), but he‘s locked the door.
Nico: “Hey, asshole, what‘cha doin‘ in there?“
“Wait a second, will you?“ he responds, his mouth full of chocolate nougat. He starts to panic and tries reaching for the remote to turn off the TV.
Nico: “Wait, are you doin‘ somethin‘ dirty in there? No judgement, but ew. Oh, and there should still be some body lotion on the night stand.“
Nero sighs. He prefers Nico thinking he‘s masturbating.
BONUS: Nero‘s favorite member of the Fab Five would have to be Kamaro. He really appreciates how excellent he deals with his fellow humans and he’d love to have Kamaro listen to his problems once, too.
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
3 sentences fic: mj is turned on watching peter train
She is a grown-ass adult with rent and bills and a job with fucking benefits, okay? Michelle Jones should not be drooling over her boyfriend training in the middle of their living room because, ugh, she is not some high school girl with a crush; no, she sleeps with her boyfriend and runs her fingers down his perfectly chizzled abs whenever she damn well pleases. And, apparently, when she pleases is now because she drops herself into Peter’s lap as he comes up for another sit-up and crushes her mouth to his firmly.
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One of my lagging body parts has now become my abs. Having a thick waist and alot of body fat doesn't help of course 😅 a huge overall goal is to grow some decent chizzled abs, and with any luck bring that waist in. Stubborn area to improve but anything is possible. Trying to remain positive even when not seeing what you want to see is hard. On the plus side, I'll rock a tan ! 😎 #noabsyet #training #gym #fitness #diet #nutrition #harrogate #north #yorkshire #teamtbw #putdownthechocolate
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joecrazyass · 7 years
"At 5:30 PM thursday I could tell my left arm was getting bigger over these past couple of months,it's technically even with my right but when I walked out of the bathroom and turned off the light,it always seemed very small and bothered me but I could tell it was getting bigger from spending many hours at the gym and it filled me with joy,and more vanity. I turned back to look at myself in the mirror and felt that I was not looking at myself but at someone who was making decisions for me. Someone..a narcissistic,intangible, dictator who I constantly felt I was sharing a body with. I spent a lot of time talking to myself and when I can't think of anyone to imagine being there,I'm forced to talk to him,and the situation interest me and I felt obsessive, and the more obsessive I felt the more I hated myself and the more I hated myself the more I grew content,because I had spent so much time loving myself. I figured if I convinced myself to be consumed with self hatred,when someone gave me a compliment I would show modesty,and maybe a sense of humility,but as soon as the idea came it disappeared,I knew I would take the compliment in and feel superior to those around me,and I wasn't sure how that made me feel,or if it made me feel anything. I often felt faceless, but the entity staring back at me through the mirror had a certain charm,elegance,and some form of masculine beauty I don't believe had existed until he was born. I could stare at him for an extended period of time and bask in the knowing that I had a protective coating around my emotions that was his face,and I would analyze this coating until my sister barged in the bathroom,or called for me to do some chore. I only felt real a couple moments out of every minute,and a couple minutes out of every hour. The period of time when I don't feel real I'm reduced to my persona,an entity. An allusion of the last time I felt I was really existing in the moment,which forces me to constantly live in the past because I'm often trying to recall true feelings,and reasoning for those feelings,and wondering if true feelings are really relevant,when I never speak them,and they seem to disappear so quickly. My sister barges in the bathroom and tells me that it's time to go to the ceremony,my brother-in-law Sam is deploying to Korea and we're going to a ceremony to say our goodbyes,I haven't been to one in a very long time and I couldn't conjure up any emotion to apply to the event other than the fact that it was going to be interesting. I always imagined the worst possible scenarios, I figured it was always productive to prepare for the worst so in the case the worst didn't happen, I was filled with joy and relaxation, and in case it did I wasn't thrown off because I was prepared. When we stepped into the gym that the ceremony was being held,my eyes strolled through the crowd on the bleachers waiting to see their loved ones shipped away. I imagined an explosion,and several lives being taken away. I always imagined people around me dying,I felt like death would be good reasoning as to why my point of view on the world was so nihilistic. By the end of the ceremony the room was filled with tears,and love. It occured to me that love seems more real when it's represented by sadness,not happiness, because happiness could too easily be confused with an illusion. I thought of taking pictures, to capture the deep moment but then I thought being here should be good enough. My sister was crying like the rest of the wives,and I stood there watching. Their wasn't anything I could do, or anything I really felt like doing. I imagined myself from everyone elses point of view,and wondered if I looked observant. I wasn't good at things like this,but I wasn't necessarily bad. This is how I believed I was at life,I wasn't good or bad,I was okay..I was okay,at life. While we drive back I imagine the next 9 months with my sister. When we get back to the house I tell my family I'm going to sleep,so I go to my bed and pass out,oddly quickly. The next morning I wake up and it's 4:50 in the morning,I walk into the bathroom and look at the mirror. Theirs nothing special there,just me. I look at my arms and they look very thin today,I have to flex to see my abs,and my pecs don't look big this morning either. This morning I hate myself. I imagined bodybuilders talking about sculpting their bodies. I imagined my hand was a hammer and my nails the chizzle. I started clawing abs into my stomach,red line after red line. The stinging feeling made me feel very alive in the moment,anything but an allusion to once existing feelings . I drew my pecs bigger with my nail,put a red line between them,as if they were bigger in the upper portion like they'd be if I did more incline bench. After a moment or two of carving all the muscles that should be there into myself ,I looked in the mirror and began to cry. The figure in the mirror looked disappointed, and while he cried too he said" you aren't even that good looking,and you'll never be in a body that you'll feel comfortable in". Out of my anger I started scratching myself deeply all over the upper portion of my body,until I had red lines going in all directions . It looked pathetic,not a work of art,not a beautiful sculpture. My shoulders looked small,my arms very thin,my chest didn't pop out like I'd love it too,and flexing very hard to show my abs to myself, began to hurt. I stood there staring at myself,and wondered if it was really me. If I was really in this body,and this was really all there was for me. I imagined being skinny forever,and I started to cry more. As I took a shower,washing myself,I imagined sculpting something worth talking about,something I would look in the mirror,and love. But this morning was very far away from that day that may not even exist,so I sat in the shower,and let the hot water hit me as punishment for not pushing harder the last time I was in the gym."
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sobernation · 4 years
4 Ways to Improve Your Health Right Now
4 Ways to Improve Your Health Right Now
If I see another Facebook ad with some chizzled couple standing there with big cheesy smiles and shiny skin I am going to throw my lap top.
These ads usually come with something like “Get 6 Pack Abs in 4 Weeks.”
If you ask, most people would love to be healthier. There is a large majority of people who are lazy and just don’t want to work to be healthy. However, there is also a large group…
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alcfitness · 7 years
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Today The Guru was in Dallas and he taught us ways to chizzle our abs no matter what level you are. He is doing a fitness tour and u can't miss out. Follow him and get his 30-day ab sculpting program @guru_of_abs #watchmework (at The Jam Box)
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