#Can you spot Dukat?
starsmadeofpaint · 5 months
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mmm gritty bad camera quality
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clowngames · 2 years
Really fascinated by the way Deep Space Nine doesnt just depict fascism but specifically depicts the psychology behind it, how it imposes itself on various classes not just in the out groups (Bajorans, the Federation) but also on the in groups (Cardassian citizens, politicians, Garak).
First and foremost you have Dukat. He's a textbook fascist. The only thing he cares about is power. Every decision he makes is in the interest of consolidating power towards Cardassia as a whole, but towards himself specifically. Even his demeanor as a polite charmer (to the best of his ability) is carefully constructed to position himself above people. He believes himself superior to everyone around him except specifically Sisko. When he joins the dominion, he always frames it as an alliance and you can tell he intends it to be temporary - that Cardassia will eventually turn against the Dominion and seize their assets.
An understated facet of Dukat is that he has a deep sexual complex where he fetishizes the people he oppresses. We don't have time to get into everything about that particular subject but I do want to mention his constant rationalization of "I'm the nice fascist!" does make me think that at least on some level he needs validation from Bajorans that he is likeable or can be kind, and he gets that through sexual gratification.
Moving on, Garak is everyone's favorite ordinary tailor. Nothing weird about him.
Damar, on the other hand-- okay, I'm kidding. Garak is unique in that he used to be in a position of power, and doesn't seem to actively want that power back so much as he just wants to go home and have friends who share his worldview (where the lights aren't so goddamn bright).
So does that mean he's not a fascist? Not quite. He sort of represents, in a weird way, the average citizen of a fascist state. Maybe the average upper class citizen. He's fully bought into the propaganda of Cardassian greatness, and clearly would have no qualms about the ethical implications of any actions he could take to maintain/restore that greatness. It's hard to say if it's specifically a sense or Cardassian superiority or just an extreme nationalism, but let's be honest, the difference between the two is hazy.
While he may not be interested in politics, he obviously has no problem with the state as it is currently being run. Cardassian trials, Cardassian interrogations, he's been conditioned to see the beauty in them in a way only a fascist culture could. He even loves fascist literature. I wouldn't be surprised if he hates modern art.
Damar, on the other hand, is in a weird spot. I mean, he's a soldier. He's not a politician like Dukat and he's not a nationalist like Garak. He's a guy who follows orders and doesn't think super hard about those orders because a) Cardassia looks down on that sort of thing and b) high ranking military officials look down on that sort of thing. He became Dukat's right hand man by being obedient.
It's only when he becomes a politician, when he stops taking orders and starts making them, that he starts to think critically about what's going on - I like to think that he sees the parallels between the Dominion and Cardassia sooner than he points them out. I think he starts out as a Liberal - someone who doesn't necessarily like fascism but isn't quite interested enough to resist it - and I think his experience with the Dominion radicalizes him. There's a strong implication that by the end of DS9, Carsassia is, at least, going to be less fascist.
The Dominion radicalizes Garak too - his love of Cardassia extends to people first, culture second, and government in dead last. One wonders if he may reconsider his stance on Cardassian trials after the rebellion.
Unfortunately the one thing fascism discourages above all else is introspection (for those in the ruling class, anyway. They tend to discourage existence entirely for other groups). Elim "trampling on the freedom of citizens who have done nothing" Garak may not notice, or may choose not to notice, the similarities between that and the Cardassian justice system.
I almost want to see like an episode-long epilogue that shows us what happens to Cardassian society post-Dominion. Do they make Cardassia great again in Damar's name, or do they bring it, finally, to the greatness they were always promised?
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
I was wondering for DS9 in particular, how did it work when the writer's room realised it would be great to have a recurring character in a particular episode? I am thinking about the logistics of knowing ahead of time that the actor for this character would actually be available to film it. For example Civil Defense (unsure if you worked on it, but it's what got me thinking about it) uses Dukat but it doesn't seem to be a plot that was written just to have a Dukat episode - but rather that Dukat was a fun addition to an already conceived plot idea.
In such a case, how did you know that Marc Alaimo would be available for the episode? Is there a negotiation with the recurring actor while the episode is being written? Did each season have a pre-negotiated number of X appearances by Marc Alaimo and you could decide where to use him? Or does a Marc Alaimo appearance actually come first and an episode gets written around him? (obviously the same could be asked for any other recurring actor)
Would appreciate any insight into how this process worked because it seems complicated to me.
We had season deals with our recurring actors, so we'd guarentee them, say 8 of 26 and that gave them a better rate and guaranteed work, in exchange for which we'd get a higher level of priority for them over, say, a guest spot on another show.
When we wanted to use someone like Marc, we'd give casting a heads-up well in advance, like when we were breaking the story, and say, "Hey, we need Marc for episode 8, can you book them?" and they'd do so. If there was an issue (and I don't ever remember one), we'd work it out by scheduling their days around the conflict, or we'd shift the episode. But since we had them on recurring contracts, I don't think this ever happened.
On their part, I think if they got offered another gig, they'd check with us and make sure we didn't need them for the days they were working.
In a few extreme examples, we were even able to do this with regular cast, notably when Armin was doing his BUFFY side hustle or when Colm was off doing a movie.
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okay, so.
rarely have i watched an episode and immediately come here to talk about, but i have a lot of thoughts i need to get out
so firstly, the title. obviously a callback to duet from the first series (still the best single chunk of star trek i've seen yet). that one was a two-hander between kira and marritza, the former already having condemned the cardassian and the latter struggling to work through what he did in the occupation, and this is the same with sisko and dukat. except marritza felt genuine remorse, accepted he was wrong, and that's what dukat can never do
he's awful, i know, but he's a fantastic character, because he is a character. he has a sense of humour, soft spots, humanising (so to speak) moments, he's a real, fleshed out person, who just happens to be, as sisko says, true evil. and that works because he truly, genuinely believes he isn't. and what's more, he needs everyone to see that too. we saw that with his relationship with kira, his banter with sisko, his constant bemoaning that the bajorans didn't accept him, it wasn't just posturing, or pr, he genuinely needs to be liked, and he can't understand why people don't, because as far as he's concerned, as people so often point out, he's the hero of the story in his own mind, and he can't be wrong
that's played out superbly in his hallucinations here; weyoun is his cold and clinical side, dumar his arrogance and pride, kira his doubt and self-loathing, and they criticise and needle him throughout, but in the end, crucially, they're all telling him the exact same thing - what he really thinks
and what he wants to hear is that he's the good guy, which is where the political metaphor gets interesting. this whole time i've interpreted the occupation of bajor as a holocaust allegory, obviously, the cardassians are the nazis, bajorans jews. and that is of course a big part of it, but the connection i didn't make until now is the british empire
dukat's big speech is fully "white man's burden," the bajorans as savages centuries behind cardassia, following backwards religion, no technology, who clearly needed civilising by their superiors, bringing into the light, and dukat was the kind father helping guide them into the light. and he really believes it's for the best! he tells himself he doesn't despise them, that he doesn't want to wipe them off the face of the galaxy, it's their fault for being too stupid to appreciate him, to see what he's trying to do for them, how he only wants to help them if they'd only stop resisting and submit to those who know better than they do
part of this is that he insists that he's "one of the good ones," that another prefect would have been harsher, crueler. and this is where it gets interesting, because he's probably right. a leader who didn't care about being liked might have killed more bajorans, worked them harder, starved them more, executed them more. dukat may, indeed, have been the lesser of the evils, and that's not really in dispute. what's really compelling about this is that the story never lets this be an excuse. so death rates dropped by 20%? that's great! why didn't they drop by 100%? so labour camp output dropped by 50%? cool, you were still keeping people in labour camps and enslaving them
and i find that uncomfortably compelling in the current climate. i'm not american, but i see full well what's going on there, and it disgusts me. because there's several genocides going on right now, and i'm going to focus on palestine, because the democrats are gleefully funding that genocide and protecting its perpetrators from any repercussions, brutally coming down on any protests. and when people understandably say "hey what the fuck," they remember there's an election this year and go "well is the republicans were in power this genocide would be way worse! you gotta pick the lesser of two evils!" and you know what? they're right! the genocide would probably worse if the republicans were in power! but the democrats committing a less-bad genocide doesn't mean they aren't still committing genocide! because the lesser of two evils is still evil, and sometimes there's no shade of grey
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deepspacedukat · 5 months
This could apply to any Vulcanoid character (or even a Cardassian tbh), but I’m specifically imagining pre-Surak!Soval (or Dukat) when writing this.
His little human mate already smells divine, but when she finally, inevitably, falls pregnant with his child? She smells irresistible. He just can’t stop himself from burying his face into the crook of her neck, both to display to others she’s taken (as if the swell of her belly isn’t display enough), and to get closer to the source of her pheromones; her neck is where they smell the strongest, second only to her pussy, which he also takes every opportunity to bury his face into until she’s a shaking, moaning mess. She deserves it, after all, for giving him such a precious gift. He loves worshiping her pregnant body, lavishing her in gentle kisses and caresses, tending to her pleasure thoroughly before his own even crosses his mind.
And now for the second, unrelated idea that I have no Segway for. But, you know how Garak complains that the station is always cold? I know for a fact that man would probably cum on the spot the first time he has sex with a human. They’re just so warm and soft, especially on the inside! He loves to hold them, wrapping them up in his arms and having them warm his cock at night. Give him a blowjob and he lasts like five minutes MAX. But if you want to tease him a little, to make him whine and squirm? Blindfold him and suck on an ice cube before going down on him to make your mouth cold, and watch him squirm before pulling away to let your mouth warm back up, leaving him shivering from the cold and begging you to keep going. Then take him back into your warm mouth all at once, and watch his eyes roll into the back of his head.
I read this last night (even though I didn't get a chance to respond till today) and I'm so here for that!! I could totally see a Vulcanoid (or Cardassian, for that matter) treating their mate exactly like that! Utterly smitten and at their beck and call, but also not-so-secretly being pleased that she was so visibly theirs. *screaming internally*
(I kinda sorta explored an idea kind of similar to ^^that^^ in a fic about one of my Vulcan OCs, if you're interested. You can find the tumblr post here or on AO3 here.)
Ooooh, and the Garak idea! Honestly, I agree. Humans would be incredibly warm to Cardassians, so I could definitely see them being overwhelmed as soon as they get inside one. (This totally works for the Garashir ship too, btw. Or pretty much any Cardassian/Human match. 👀) The temperature variation bj stuff is making me incredibly Calm™ btw... The mental image alone is 🤤💯🤌 *chef's kiss*
Nonny...friend...bless you for dropping this in my ask box! I hope you're proud of yourself! 💖
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justanothergaymess · 2 years
Star Trek DS9 - First thoughts after the first episode
Might also be the first two? Netflix labels it as a part 1&2 but they are like, connected?
- My DS9 mutuals made me believe that this was a romantic story between Liquid Man and Quark. I am not getting that impression yet. This isn’t a homoerotic slashfic, this is a treatise on politics
- Last time I interacted with Star Trek in any meaningful capacity was at the age of 14 when some obscure German television channel ran dubbed episodes of TNG. I didn’t pick up on it back then but they certainly made some heavy choices in the writing of the Ferengi. I hope I am just imagining things but it feels really bad
- Liquid Man looks like my grandfather on my father’s side. I do not like that. Also, the only major spoilers I have for this show is that he is like a quadrupel agent or something? Don’t know what I think about him
- Xiomara was so goddamn spot on when she said I would love Kira. Exactly the stuff my blorbos are made out of. Firstly, she is hot, and secondly, she is correct; why should the Bajorans shed the Cardassian occupation just to subject themselves to the hegemony of the Federation? The only meaningful difference between the Federation and the Cardassians is that one has intense soft power and the others have hard power. I know this is a Star Trek show so the Federation have to be the good guys and Kira will slowly learn to trust and at the end of the show be in support of the Bajorans joining the Federation. But! If TNG is anything to go on, a third to half of the main cast will inevitably end up with evil clones/models of the same design/parallel universe selfs as the show goes on. Can I get an “evil” alternate universe Kira that blows up Federation Ships and breaks Picard’s nose or something. Please. As a treat.
- Speaking of Picard; I have only watched TNG in German and since then, I have only heard Patrick Stewarts voice as Uriel Septim and (in my memory more importantly) Richard III. So. Uh. Weird. I can’t trust this voice after hearing it speak so many wonderfully evil Shakespearean monologues.
- Speaking of Captains, my goddesses, is Sisko acted well. Genuinely surprised how good he portrays the emotions of a traumatized, grieving man trying to outrun the call of destiny. I am just afraid that your name is one of the first to appear in the intro, good captain; you can’t deny the call, I am afraid. “You exist here” and “It is not linear” got to me.
- Sisko called Worm Lady “old man” and she is now a genderqueer transfem in my mind.
- Genuinely positive reaction to Kira shutting down the doctor for romanticizing “frontier medicine”. I love her. She should be allowed to break more people’s noses. I am not sure if this show will manage to meaningfully address the colonial narratives imbued in the original Star Trek but at least we get that moment.
- O’Brien becoming permanent cast member is nice but! I feel this station could profit from an openly slutty bisexual. Send Riker, too.
- One of my mutuals has Gul Dukat as a pfp and hm. I mean he is as pompous as he is pathetic and could become an interesting character but just like Liquid Man I am not seeing it yet
- Not to be a lesbian but Kira’s nose...
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basingstokemercury · 8 months
Thinking about how DS9's most terrifying antagonist (sorry Dukat you're great but I'm measuring pure creep factor) has no mask-off moment, no villain monologue, no confrontation with the protagonists, not even a single spoken line outside his cover
But he can just ask about someone's family and make it the most disturbing thing ever
The writing is just spot-on throughout, all those little bits of dialogue that are nice, normal, and perfectly in-character for the man he's impersonating but are clearly said because he enjoys his private little mindgame
And of course the delivery, the balance of "just slightly off in a creepy way" with "close enough it's just plausible nobody would notice"
If you're going to pull a twist reveal with no proper setup, at least make it this perfectly done. (Shh next episode. You have no right to talk.)
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hellpmeimobsessed · 3 years
Laser Tag With The Crew (And Some Guests) Of: DS9
Ben and Jake team up so Ben can teach Jake how to shoot, get behind cover, etc. And they collectively get their asses handed to them but Ben insists he teaches him.
Nog eventually manages to steal Jake away and they find a loose panel and camp there; they're disqualified after Odo finds them because he turned into a mouse so he can keep an eye on things and Odo finds Nog's range on his gun is tampered with so there's no limit to how far away he can shoot someone, even through walls.
Odo hides by transforming into multiple things like the panels in the room (if you could see it in the light, it appears slightly thicker then the ones beside it) and small animals to make sure no one's cheating or doing anything dangerous like using a real phaser, or so no one camps. He comes out of hiding only to shoot Quark and Kira.
Jake actually learns quite a bit, both while in the game and outside of it; he catches onto people's patterns and habits and memorizes them for next game.
Julian and Garak get way too into it, with Julian dramatically telling people to 'hold on!' and 'don't you quit on me!'. Jadzia and Kira die of laughter when he does.
Garak 'watches Julian back' to make sure 'the patient gets out safely, and so do you', also makes jokes like 'I think you might have to amputate, doctor, that wound doesn't look good' and 'it's no use, we have to go!' to which Julian pretends to make a fuss like 'I won't leave them!' It's fantastic to watch unfold.
Dukat gets ganged up on by everyone; he has to pass through an intersection and everyone jumps out and tags him all at once; Damar also secretly shot him from behind when he was forcibly teamed up with Dukat. He'll never know, his entire suit vibrated because of all the hits. He swears revenge on everyone and never gets it.
Jadzia kicks names and takes ass, and hits everyone at least once, and she only got tagged out thrice; once by Ben, secondly by Garak who was 'protecting' Julian, and finally by Damar.
Kira goes full commando and wears black to the occasion. When questioned by Dukat who's funeral she was attending, she swiftly replies 'I haven't decided yet, it's most likely yours though.'. Dukat spends the entirety terrified she'll actually kill him and forces Damar to team up with him because 'he's of higher rank'.
Damar, at first, goes alone and finds a couple good spots to ambush from, until Dukat joins him; he never tells Dukat the spots and only uses them once he's free of Dukat and kicks half of the crew's ass and is extremely observant of everyone's tactics, habits and spots.
Quark at first tries to exploit the crew by setting up a drinks stand outside of bounds and hiking his prices, but after it doesn't work he says screw it and joins in. Whenever someone gets him cornered he pulls a whole 'come on, I'm just a little guy, what could I possibly do to you? I'm just trying to have fun, same as you!' except he actually has a very quick draw, it even surprises Odo when he catches Quark buying people out not to shoot him and letting him shoot them so he has a higher score.
Rom rigs anyone who'll pay him and Quark's guns so they can shoot through the walls or auto-fire when they're aimed at a sensor and rigs his own sensors so even if he gets hit it doesn't register.
Weyoun joins with his Jem'hadar and immediately gets turned on and struck out, after they've gotten that out of they're system, he's absolutely persistent and keeps coming back swearing he's gotten better with his aim, or less skittish. He never does, but he always has fun.
Keevan convinces his Jem'hadar to give him a boost onto the barriers of the labyrinth and far too late do they realize he's out of range for the laser guns and he calmly sits out the entire round taking a nap on the barrier until Odo knocks him off and disqualifies him and puts him on the bench.
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cakemagemaeve · 2 years
So I've been watching DS9 all the way through for the first time (yes, I know, what the fuck have I been doing with my life and how dare I call myself a Trekkie, but hey, at least I'm getting around to it now!) and all of the gifs and clips I've seen before simply do not do it justice. It's been a great distraction from all the shit I've been going through lately, and since I've got nothing but free time right now, I've been on a real binge. I've just started the episode where Rom is trying to start a union, and boy howdy is it as relevant today as it was when it first aired, just like so many of the other episodes I've seen so far. Side note, I did not expect to love Rom so much, and yet here we are. I just want to give the poor guy a big hug and a sackful of gold-pressed latinum just for being a sweetheart.
Anyway, here are a few of my other thoughts on the series so far:
-Garak/Bashir OTP. They're basically already married, but so far Garak seems to be the only one who realizes that.
-I would let Mirror!Kira do whatever she wanted with me.
-Same goes for regular Kira, obviously, but Mirror!Kira has the edge over her for being just so deliciously evil and hedonistic that she's basically irresistible to me. Gloriously flamboyant and campy female villains are basically like catnip to me, I can't help it.
-Jadzia Dax may also do whatever she wishes to me. That sexy spotted worm-lady is flawless and Lenara Kahn was a fool to give up on her, taboos or not.
-On a similar note, Dax/Worf is okay but not as good as Kira/Dax would have been.
-I still headcanon Worf as autistic. Captain Sisko, too.
-If DS9 didn't win any awards for "The Visitor" then there is no justice in this world. That episode BROKE me to pieces and then put me back together.
-Dukat used to be a legitimate threat but now he's kind of, I don't know, adorably pathetic? Like dude, Sisko and Kira are not going to fuck you. Move on with your life. Team Rocket has more dignity than him.
-Quark and Odo need to just fuck and get it over with.
-Miles O'Brien and Harry Kim need to start a support group for people who are the designated chew-toys of the universe, and Bradward Boimler from Lower Decks should join.
-This is one of those rare shows where I don't think there's a single character I dislike, at least among the main cast. Kai Winn can go fuck herself with something hard and sandpapery, though. Betch.
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severeannoyance · 2 years
star trek 👀👀
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): oh god so many. Garak. Martok. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, preferably together. Bashir. Jadzia. As a short Former Gifted Kid with Genderfeels, getting more sympathetic with Ezri.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Ok no Bashir belongs here.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) Okay so I have the biggest soft spot for Admiral Ross and I literally don't know why. Also the Romulan Commander from the Enterprise Incident. Thank you Diane Duane for giving us more to that story (and if we're talking the Star Trek novels... Ael t'Rllaillieu leads this list).
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): It's star trek they're all fucking problematic. Also, Damar. Canon really kicked that kid's ass.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): James T. Kirk. To be honest, the showrunners seem to have shared this sentiment. Don't worry, he'll bounce back.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Uhhhh like blorbo so many. Gul Dukat. Kai Winn (also known as Pope Karen). Weyoun, except for that one Weyoun, you know who you are. FUCKING EDDINGTON.
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tribbleclefs · 3 years
Jadzia and/or Sisko for the character ask!
1) sexuality headcanon: bisexual worm my beloved
2) otp: for me jadzia and lenara were one of the most compelling couples in all of trek, right up there with TOS spirk. I have a big soft spot for kiradax as well!
3) brotp: jadzia and julian are such a fun duo when the writers aren’t awkwardly trying to force them into a relationship >:/ also sisko and jadzia are amazing bros, I love their friendship and the mutual respect they have for each other across multiple lifetimes 
4) notp: I haven’t really watched enough of the show to hate any specific relationships
5) first headcanon that pops into my head: (shamelessly projecting) this character is a she/he/they that says ‘gender is what you make it’ while doing cool skateboarding tricks on the promenade
6) favourite line(s) from this character: man. literally all of rejoined especially her speech when she’s confessing to sisko about her feelings for lenara and also when she’s like “aha! this is a slab of stone with some writing on it.” I love her so much it’s unreal
7) one way in which I relate to this character: she has this sort of gentle and wry sense of humour about her that I’ve been told is somewhat similar to mine <3
8) thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing I can think of that isn’t entirely the fault of the writers/producers. fuck rick b*rman
9) cinnamon roll or problematic fave: jadzia is one of my fav characters EVER I could go on and on about how cool she is for an embarrassing amount of time. yes I may also have a huge cr*sh on her what about it
1) sexuality headcanon: straight but like the Coolest kind of straight
2) otp: so far I’ve only seen them together in the baseball episode but sisko and kasidy yates are super lovely together and very underrated!! sisko x tossing dukat into a trash fire (figuratively or literally) takes 2nd place
3) brotp: sisko and jadzia ftw (it’s so fun that he calls her old man)
4) notp: I honestly can’t see him being romantically involved with anyone else besides kasidy (and jennifer sisko in flashbacks) at this point
5) first headcanon that pops into my head: you can’t tell me he and the senior crew wouldn’t have a super strong familial bond after so many years knowing each other. He would definitely invite them over for big family dinners whenever possible (though I can imagine a select few of the participants are banned from doing any of the actual cooking)
6) favourite line from this character: his big personal log at the end of “in the pale moonlight” (which I have still not seen yet whoops) and also when he sings “no no you can’t take that away from me” in this one really cute scene with odo
7) one way in which I relate to this character: we both visibly brighten the second you bring up our interests in conversation and will happily talk about said interests with you extensively
8) thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: the first few seasons where he wasn’t allowed to have facial hair for some weird reason?? I don’t know the full story behind that but I’m glad they changed it later on, the bald + goatee look suits him perfectly
9) cinnamon roll or problematic fave: sisko is a great leader and he has this innate warmth and integrity to him that you can’t help but admire. definitely one of the best if not the best star trek captain imo
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
Dukat absolutely trying his best to copy the accent to mess with Damar. ‘Come on Mary do it again!’ The first time he does it they’re on the bridge alone and Dukat wishes he taped it because Damar has about 1000 emotions in one second.
Damar only finds out she’s Mary Poppins’ voice because Garak or some other ambassador (lbr Garak is in charge of SOMETHING after the war, so’s Natima Lang) either points it out or pisses her off enough to use her Poppins takes no shit voice on them.
A group of teen lizards or college graduate internist babies crowding the hallway and she made lunch so she does the ‘Spit spot and off we go’ at them and they just immediately run out of her way or cling to the wall because it’s very powerful.
The thing is I’m sure someone would ask how Damar didn’t notice considering the credits for the voice actors on the film does include photos and video of them actually saying some of the lines (and they also play the original dialogue from the original actors as well as a comparison).
I absolutely love this! Square Lizard Himbo having a brain blast! 😂 (Outdated Jimmy Neutron reference) Omg I can totally see him confronting her/fangirling at her about it - but in a very aloof trying-not-to-seem-like-he’s-a-fangirl-when-he-actually-is type of way. Sorry, my brain went in a direction...
Anyway, I absolutely adore this, friend. Thank you so much for blessing my inbox! 💜
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malewifeboimler · 4 years
In this essay I intend to answer whether Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space 9 fits the “Tumblr Sexyman” mold, and more specifically the “Komaeda” archetype. @sicklywhitedudes has created a TVTropes style checklist to categorize Tumblr fandom’s responses to various characters, which I will apply to Garak. Many thanks to @helltabby for creating the definitive Komaeda checklist, which will also aid me in this goal. 
Main Four Komaeda Checks
✔️Play a large role in the story
Yes, I know he’s supporting cast, but a lot of the episodes he’s in end up being very relevant to the overall plot (The Search, Improbable Cause/The Die Is Cast, In Purgatory’s Shadow/By Inferno’s Light, A Time to Stand, In The Pale Moonlight, When It Rains--What You Leave Behind). His chaotic energy cannot be contained.
⭕Play an antagonistic role, but are not originally presented as such
This can go either way. He’s introduced as a spy for the Cardassian Union, who were the main bad guys at the time, but as the stakes change so do his loyalties. He’s presented as helping Julian out in Past Prologue, but for his own mysterious reasons.
✔️Are morally grey; have a justification for their actions and/or reason for redemtpion
He’s a sad gay who just wants to go home, that’s all. He’s like if Zuko were middle aged, and we never knew his backstory.
❌Split fandom which woobifies or demonizes them
I have seen some criticism leveled at him (imperialism apologist, he murders people, kinda racist), but the split isn’t really there.
Tumblr media
Does this look like a fandom that either loves or hates the guy?
Additional Qualifiers
✔️Is male
❌White/Silver/Grey/Pale Blond Hair
Kelas Parmak isn’t a Tumblr Sexyman for the same reason that Roan Lands isn’t a Tumblr Sexyman.
He murders people for fun and profit (Body Parts, Empok Nor, In The Pale Moonlight). And we do love that for him, but it’s not the best way to look dignified.
✔️Young or not traditionally masculine
Andy Robinson said “I am going to be the campiest lizard possible” and they tried to stop him but he had already stolen the fandom’s hearts.
✔️Have gay subtext, coding, or baiting
In an attempt to wash away the gay subtext, they had him date a 19 year old girl. Like this post if you want to steal Rick Berman’s kneecaps.
✔️Protagonist has a ‘soft spot’ for them despite objectionable actions
Remember when Garak went to jail for six months for committing attempted genocide and Julian was like “cool now you have time to catch up for book club!” I think Kasidy Yates went to jail longer for like. Smuggling food and medical supplies for the Maquis.
❌Actually hiding the true antagonist
Garak hates Dukat and wants everybody to know it.
The Sexypedia Archetypes 
suitguy/well dressed
He’s a tailor. His clothes are ugly but it’s the future so who cares. Also,
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He’s an alien, but he’s played by a white actor and like. He is canonically from and in support of a colonialist power and he will not let you forget it.
when people outgrow the twinks and move on to older men
How old is he? Not stated, but likely in his 50s (or the Cardassian equivalent). Not a dilf, but like. Not not a dilf. (Sisko said there was room for only one dilf on the station)
edgy duality
mirror!garak is literally collared and chained up to worf. he doesn’t interact with regular garak because the chaotic energy would be too much.
he murders
i am going to cause problems on purpose
civil defense: he wants to not die, but he’d be okay with dying if he got to piss of dukat on the way down
questionable gay rep/gay-coded villain
i dont fucking trust rick berman. ira steven behr can stay but hes on thin fucking ice
twisted freaking cycle path
empok nor, afterimage where he FINALLY gets some therapy 7 seasons in
in canon, garak is just a normal human man with shit glued to his face and painted grey. yall draw him as an archaeopteryx? alligator?? godzilla???
There are still people who are surprised that people are horny for Garak. 
These are people who have just started the show, or like. Watched DS9 in the 90s bc Terry Farrell is 6′0 and then got bored but saw it was on Netflix and they’ve been stuck at home since March. These are Facebook group fans. They haven’t been exposed to the weird shit that this fandom can produce.
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aurorawest · 4 years
ten faves
Rules: name ten favorite characters from ten different things (tv, movies, books, etc.).
Thank you for the tag @thegirlwholied!
Loki (Thor, The Avengers, general MCU)
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I mean...obviously, right? He’s got it all. A sympathetic villain with a tragic backstory, a snarky, sarcastic sense of humor, The Smart One, but also, complete and utter trash fire, emotional wreck; just wants to be loved. His redemption arc hits me right in the feels and I’m here for the disaster of a relationship that he has with his big brother. His angst and dramatics make him an utter joy to watch and write about. V pretty, too; makes me wonder if I am in fact just a little bisexual. 
King Candy (Wreck-It Ralph)
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YMMV but another villain with a sympathetic backstory. The way he turns on a dime from goofy and fun to kind of straight-up murderous is great. Another one where there’s a rich trove of angst and pain to explore in fic. Alan Tudyk’s spot-on Ed Wynn imitation made me fall in love with this guy before three words had left his mouth the first time I saw Wreck-It Ralph.
Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange, general MCU, yes I’m cheating because this is 2 MCU characters)
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Okay, so my soft spot for Strange admittedly came about because I ship him with Loki, but I’ve come to love him in his own right. He’s a smartass and a jerk—plus magic! How can I not like a guy who has all the terrible qualities I love in a character, but who dies over and over and over again to save humanity? And in a weird twist, I vastly prefer Benedict Cumberbatch’s American accent to his actual English accent.
George Weasley (Harry Potter)
Though I came to be a huge Snape fan later, my first loves in Harry Potter were the Weasley twins. And George is the one I keep coming back to. Who doesn’t love the Weasley twins, right? But I appreciate kinder, gentler George, and imagining his life after Fred’s death has resulted in thousands and thousands of words of fanfiction.
Weyoun (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
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We stan one Vorta clone who presided over a genocide, got his neck snapped by Worf, eats pizza with chopsticks, and had to put up with both Dukat and Damar. Another villain for the list here. Weyoun (and the Vorta in general) are fascinating and it’s a crime that we never got to learn that much about them. The DS9 writers seemed to think we all wanted to know more about the Jem’Hadar, but I just wanted more of these weird, purple-eyed gremlins. Weyoun trying to appreciate art despite his lack of aesthetics? A+ moment from a guest star in a series that was full of them (both A+ moments and guest stars).
Megavolt (Darkwing Duck)
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Ah Megavolt, the character that I’ve loved since 1991. He’s crazy! He’s definitely committed murder (he’s been sent to the electric chair multiple times)! And yet there’s something kind of sad about Megavolt; high school bullies turned into who he is, his memory problems are...a hindrance. He’s not all bad either—he has a friend group and sometimes he even works with Darkwing Duck.
Vinny Santorini (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
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(with bonus Audrey Ramirez, because I’m not going to lie to you, it was hard to choose between the two of them)
Vinny is the snarkiest on this team of looters and he blows stuff up, so how can I not love him? Atlantis does its best to give us character development for its ensemble cast but it can only give us the broad strokes (its runtime is only 96 minutes. 96 minutes!), but it’s hard not to see Vinny as someone who uses sarcasm and humor to cover up a pretty big heart. In a way, a character with a minor redemptive arc, since the team betrays Milo.
Benjamin Linus (Lost)
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The first thing you need to know about Ben is that he spent the majority of Lost looking beat up, which is a really attractive quality in a character. Ben is another one of those villains with a sympathetic past and a redemption arc—though unlike many of the villains I love, he actually survived! So he’s an exception to redemption=death. I loved Ben, I think, from the moment he hypothetically detailed how, if he were an evil Other, he would have tricked Sayid, Ana Lucia, and Charlie and lured them to their deaths, and then looked up at Locke and asked with that dead-eyed stare over his cereal, “Got any milk?” He was the one character who continued to get interesting on Lost as the rest of the show was falling apart.
Telemain (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
So I couldn’t find a photo of the back cover of Calling on Dragons, which actually features an illustration of Telemain, so you’ll all have to trust me that he’s My Type. His description from the Enchanted Forest Chronicles wiki: 
Blue eyes, dark hair, and neatly trimmed beard and mustache
Plus he wears knee-high black boots and a giant, useless belt with a bunch of stuff hanging off it? Might I point you to another wizard on my favorite characters list. Telemain is a know-it-all wizard who doesn’t understand how to talk to others like a normal person. He’s very smart, fiercely solitary, and very snarky. Hm.
Éowyn (The Lord of the Rings)
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How can you not love her? The absolute shit this woman has been through. Her parents are dead. Her brother is banished. Her cousin is killed. And her uncle looks like a ghoul and is going crazier by the day, all while she’s got freaking Grima Wormtongue undressing her with his eyes at every opportunity. I love Éowyn because she’s basically in the process of having a constant meltdown but dammit, she’s going to keep it together because what else can she do? And I mean, obviously, “I am no man.”
I’ll tag...ummm @iamanartichoke, @mareebird​, and @thelightofthingshopedfor​ but no pressure! And anyone else who wants to do this definitely should! Consider yourself tagged, I’m always interested to know what characters other people like!
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wat-the-cur · 4 years
ds9 (idk if have you done yet but don't mind me😉 I'm just curious)
I have not done this one, yet. Thank you for asking! :D 
OTP: Hm, this is pretty complicated, but right now I have to say it’s WeyLana (Weyoun/Kilana). The only Weyoun I would not ship with Kilana is Seven, because Kilana deserves better than Weyoun 7. I know this probably sounds like a super dull pairing to a lot of people, but these two just feel like they were made for each other, though they are never shown together onscreen. Platonic, or romantic, they would fit together like puzzle pieces! I can just imagine how adorable their chemistry would be. I enjoy that they are both so dedicated to their faith and their work, and I wonder what that could mean for them if they loved each other. Romantic relationships between Vorta is never discussed in canon, so it is interesting to think about the religious and cultural implications of such things, within the Dominion. 
NOTP: This is difficult as well, because I cannot think of one particular pairing that I really dislike. I guess I’m not too fond of Bashir/O’Brien, Damar/Weyoun, Damar/Kira, Or Dax/Bashir (both Jadzia and Ezri). 
OT3: I’m not really one for polyships, but I guess Weyoun/Ezri/Kilana. Just because I ship each of them with each other. 
A currently canon ship I’m okay with, but don’t prefer: Benjamin/Kasidy were a well-matched couple, there’s no denying it, but they did not really grab me. 
A ship that would only work in an AU, but would be awesome: Bloody Grilka/Pel! Give me a little latinum winner and a gorgeous Klingon warrior, who cherish each other like a summer flower cherishes the sun! There isn’t room in the Alpha Quadrant for the amount of charm these two would have. 
A ship I’d like to see explored, but not stick around: I have a bit of a soft spot for Ziyal/Nog. Really, I mean Ziyal as played by Cyia Batten, who seemed much younger than her two successors. I just think that it would have been sweet to see her and Nog interact, maybe go on a couple of dates. They are both young characters, struggling to fit into two opposing cultures, so I feel they would have a lot in common. I think it would give Ziyal the opportunity to bond with someone her own age and have a good time, and it would give Nog some character development as he would learn to see a girl as person and a friend, as opposed to merely a female. 
A ship that may as well be canon: Garashir and Kira/That Romulan Ambassador who’s name I can’t recall, sorry and Jadzia Dax/Lenara Kahn. 
The ships I’d give my OTP pair, if the other died: For Weyoun, either Ezri Dax, or Yelgrun. For Kilana, either Ezri Dax, or Eris. 
A crossover ship I’d dig: To be quite honest, I’ve never really thought about it! Off the top of my head I’d say Jadzia Dax/Soolin (Blake’s 7). 
A ship that would work great in a Coffee Shop AU: EzLana (Ezri Dax/Kilana). Specifically, these two would work brilliantly in a 40s/50s Coffee Shop AU. Give me shyest butch, Ezri and glamorous femme, Kilana, or give me death. 
A ship that would work great in a Sitcom AU: I have said before that Dukat/Weyoun 5 are the Basil and Sybil Fawlty of Star Trek and I stand by that. That said, for a happier sitcom couple, I would say that Quark/Odo, or Garashir would both work perfectly. 
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vaiyamagic · 5 years
Garak and Julian fanfiction is a strange thing. They have so many changes and character development throughout DS9, that I feel like, depending on when they might have gotten together, their entire dynamic changes. 
If they get together right away, their relationship is very superficial. Garak is high as a kite, and is trying to kind of distract himself from all he’s lost while likely trying to get an inside man just in case he can somehow become a spy again. Julian is wet behind the ears and honestly super naive. Probably in the relationship because it’s EXCITING. And you know what? That’s a great place to be. There’s a lot of growth that can happen there. They can grow together.
And if the relationship starts up at The Wire, then you’ve got some vulnerability there. A lot of truth and truth within lies, and that, too, is a great place to be. To work towards a mutual understanding. To unravel the mystery. To heal a bit. To open up just a little.
And of course, the after-the-show get-together is incredibly full of potential. Garak is so vulnerable, yet loyal to his people. Julian has always wanted to help the underdogs. The challenge. But there’s a lot of history there, and a lot to work through, but they’re both in a state of things needing change. They can change together.
And then there’s this weird middle ground. 
Somewhere mid-show, when the Dominion War is just heating up, and Julian and Garak were in the internment camp, and Ziyal is a thing, and Garak just watched his father die, still refusing to admit what Garak wants him to, and he’s just lost his people to the Dominion and Dukat, and he’s had to self-torture himself to escape that camp and save everyone in that cell with him, and he’s in a really poor spot emotionally. He’s lost his people, his father, and any hope of ever returning to his home.
And Julian! He’s been in that camp for far longer. He’s learned that no one really noticed he had been replaced by a changeling, and not even a few weeks later, he’s outed as genetically enhanced, nearly loses his job, and has to watch his father go to jail.
They’re both kinda broken around that point. and writing a fic with them starting a relationship in that time frame is hard.
Which is why my fic has been sitting unfinished for FOUR FREAKING YEARS.
I went and reread it last night, which I do every once in a while, thinking, you know, I really should finish this. And then I never do. 
I’m working on the why’s, but I’m thinking that my slow burn needs to be even slower. I’m moving them too fast, and they’re fighting me. They’re both too broken for this, and need to work on fixing themselves before they can really help each other.
I’m going to try really hard to get a new chapter out by the end of the month. I have some ideas, but the corner I’ve written myself into may need something creative. I’m working on it. 
Do fics often come back after a 4 year hiatus? I really do want to make this one work.
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