#Calliope (House in the Cerulean Sea)
leticiahorta · 2 years
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Recently I’ve read the house in the cerulean sea and I loved it SO much!!! I couldn't stop thinking about them so I HAD to make a least a sketch of these lovely characters who have my entire heart
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 10 months
⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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davidbowielovesyou · 1 year
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Happy New Year! Linus’ mug says #1 Caseworker. Arthur’s mug says “I was petty today” for the rare occasions on which Arthur gets to be petty.
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baked-hylian · 2 years
Ah yes, my favourite villain, bureaucracy
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17 things about the house in the cerulean sea because March 17
2. Calliope in my head, when i imagined her looked like Miette
Mostly because of her attitude. "You ship Calliope? You ship her body from the island back into the city? Jail for Linus, jail for Linus for 1000 years" /"father is evil and i shall shut up"
Don't you wish you were there? To pet her?
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sharry-arry-odd · 1 year
"How long have you been writing?" "Two months. Maybe a little less." So only since he'd been at Marsyas. "Not before?" Sal shook his head. "I never–no one let me before. Until I came here." "Arthur?" Sal scuffed a shoe against the rug. "He asked me what I wanted more than anything. For the first month, he asked me once a week, telling me when I was ready to answer, he'd do whatever eh could within reason." "And you said a typewriter?" "No." He looked down at Calliope. "I told him I didn't want to have to move again. That I wanted to stay here." Linus blinked against the sudden and unexpected burn in his eyes. He cleared his throat. "And what did he say?" "That he'd do whatever he could to make sure that happened. And then I asked for a typewriter."
The House in the Cerulean Sea, by TJ Klune
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udaberriwrites · 1 year
@davidbowielovesyou asked for prompt 30, "as comfort" and Arthur and Linus went, "actually, we have more to say", so this has 300 words xD
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Linus stared at the bathroom mirror with a frown.
He pursed his lips, leaning closer to his reflection, trying to fool himself into believing that it was only a trick of the light; but dishonesty had never been one of his flaws. Neither was vanity, which was, perhaps, why he hadn't put the pieces together sooner.
After all, he hadn't been precisely young when he first arrived at Marsyas Island. In fact, he distinctly remembered bemoaning to Calliope the fact that he could see his hairline receding just before he got what would be last assignment.
Yet here he was, seventeen years later, and he still looked exactly the same. He sighed.
"Is everything okay?" Arthur asked from the door.
"Did you know about this?" He gestured at himself, but the phoenix only looked at him in askance. Linus sighed again. "Arthur, I am fifty-seven."
"Your birthday was last month."
"I think Lucy stopped me from aging," Linus spelled out.
Arthur's eyes went wide. He took a step forward, gently running his fingers through Linus' hair, but Linus could feel his hand trembling. There was naked wonder in every one of Arthur's movements as his eyes took him in, noting the same details Linus had seen before.
They had always known that their time together would be fleeting, a small drop in the river of Arthur's nigh-immortal life. Arthur looked up, meeting his gaze with unexpected vulnerability in his eyes.
"Is that… would that be okay?"
Linus couldn't stop his helpless smile. Now that the shock had passed, the notion of decades by Arthur's side, seeing new children come and thrive… he gripped Arthur's elbows, pressing a soft kiss to his lips and leaned his forehead against his.
"We'll have to lecture him on asking first… but it is perfect."
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So I’m rereading The House in the Cerulean Sea for the like 15th time and I had this thought …. I bet Calliope would love to sleep on Arthur’s lap seeings he’s always warm.
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ram-de · 1 year
[Read] Linus Baker ~P66
...Yes, I've picked another book while I was reading some others. I'm sorry, Good Omens and Evelyn Hardcastle. I'm sorry!!!! I bet I'd speed up reading Evelyn Hardcastle when we got to the time loop part, I promise. I kept pausing reading before I got to reach that part yet. Also, I've been eyeing on this one for a while...! And I finally got the opportunity to snatch it when an online shop restocked in their store. Love you periplus+
Anyway. I also snatched another one but I'm not opening the plastics that bundled that one until I finished this. Let's see what's the hype around this one is, yea?
The House of Cerulean Sea. At first, I was being a little shallow. Thinking I wouldn't really relate to stories with older people, and also because most of the time I'm looking for easy-to-consume YA titles or Coming of Age stories. It's much more digestible for me. And I don't like being an adult so... I know, I know, I'm being shallow. But this won me over, okay? But the author, T.J.Klune's name popped out a lot when I was looking for books to read. Fantasy, namely. I don't usually read fantasy too. (I've read Percy Jackson back in high school, I think, up until a certain book? Greek myth used to be my obsession. The premise gives me the image that it's going to be more of a book about discovering self by helping others kind of story rather than it being a romance book (though I am intrigued by the subplot of it because I'm a sucker for romance in general), and it also have this kind of found family trope?
I can guess I'm going to feel warm by the time the guy warms up to the children, getting to know their stories, bonding over it, being faced with a difficult conflict (with the guy's employer), spice it with some fluffy love interest, rediscovering self, etc. Um... Yeah, count me in. I'm here for the ride.
Up until the point I read, I just want to say that the world seems so fascinating. Starts out with how Linus does his job, how he interacts with magical youths in the orphanage, and slowly getting to know about the courageous guy in his own element. Why is the department that he works in seems like a black company (a trope in Japanese media for a corportate that exhausts their employees and used exploitation, etc. Well, it's not a trope because it's a real thing there. I don't know the more general phrase to refer it.), but also the fact that it's the department that handles children too? What are we dealing with, hmm? Also... Black cat, Calliope. <3
Anyway!!!!!!! It's not a review but more of what my thoughts when I read. So. Yeah!!! I'm just excited to read more.
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almostorphic · 1 year
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Book Review: The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Harry Potter vibes set in a cozy mansion on the sea. Linus Baker works for DICOMY (Department In Charge Of Magical Youth) as a caseworker. His job is to oversee the well-being of children in government ran orphanages. Linus lives a very melancholy and lonely life, his only friends being a mischievous cat named Calliope and the sunflowers he grows outside his house. Linus would be content continuing to go through the motions of his drab life, until everything gets turned upside town when he is summoned by Extremely Upper Management and given the assignment of a lifetime. He is sent to the Marsyas Island Orphanage to ensure that it is being run properly and upholding DICOMY’s strict standards. He is chosen specifically for this task, as his reports have always been extremely detailed and detached (as it is not a case worker’s job to get emotionally involved with work.) Though he clings to DICOMY’s Rules and Regulations guide as if it were the bible, it won’t help him as he begins a journey that will change not only his life forever, but countless others as well. Marsyas Island is special, unlike any other orphanage Linus has ever been to. It houses six highly-classified children: a gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, an unidentifiable green blob, a shapeshifter, and the Antichrist. This eclectic group of children, along with the orphanage’s enigmatic and charming caretaker named Arthur Parnassus, will change Linus Baker forever. Join Linus on his journey of self-discovery and fall in love with a tight knit group of outcasts who make the best of their situation and unconditionally love each other through it all.
Quote: “I’m afraid I don’t have magic.” “You do, Mr. Baker. Arthur told me that there can be magic in the ordinary.”
TJ Klune, The House in the Cerulean Sea
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Stay tuned for additional book reviews, cozy content, and more! As always, thanks for reading!
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vkelleyart · 3 years
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I am slowly making my way through the cast of T.J. Klune’s wonderful story, The House in the Cerulean Sea. 🥰 Meet Sal, the sensitive, sweet, and tender-hearted poet of the orphans on Marsyas. I have plans for another image when he is in his were-state, but for now, enjoy him in his element: hanging out with Theodore and cuddling Linus’s cat Calliope!
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applequills · 3 years
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recently consumed the House in the Cerulean Sea in one day. it was really good read, I recommend to anyone needing an instant gay seretonin boost.
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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das-wil · 2 years
Theodore, Sal and Calliope!!!!
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[ID: two wax pastel drawings on light blue, green ground. One shows a little bat like creature with a dragon tail chewing on a button. The other shows a Pomeranian on top of which a black cat is lying. END ID]
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hitorimaron · 3 years
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linus baker and his cat calliope
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#he talkes about how he sometimes wants to take all his videos down and leave social media forever and i mean nothing has happened on tiktok
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
I did not remember Linus calling merle "Bastard" and it completely caught me off gard.
Also i love how zoes reaction to that basically is
"the boy can curse? Welp time for first name basis then. Let's be friends."
Similarly to how she heard Helen say "daft little bitch" and immediately created a dream wedding pinwall on pinterest
105 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 26. Juli 2022
The last time Linus Baker wears a Tie is a few weeks before his wedding while trying on wedding outfits, after wearing it for less than a minute he decides that no this isn't it, Arthur would still love him whatever he's wearing and nothing makes him more uncomfortable than ties these days and so he instead wears the red sash that Arthur wore on their first adventure
108 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 27. Februar 2022
One of my favorite things in fics is when Arthur and Linus talk about their experience, like the ones where Linus tells him he's insecure because he doesn't have any because first of all yeahy healthy communication! And also i love the ones where Arthur is like "im a gay philosophy major and father of six, in a racist/homophobic town, you really think i got game?"
I love everything so much! The authors, the author, the island dads, the island wives(even tho they don't have anything to do with this particular thing, they're just important anyway)
169 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. April 2022
Hi yes i just realized Linus love language is gift giving? Like he probably spends most of his money on calliope (s. The discribtion of how he got her)) and then when he buys toole for Talia and wants to get a jacket for Chauncey and vinyls for Lucy and that makes him getting a present from them even more meaningful, right? Like they just instantly hit his love language? He hadn't gotten a present in years? Maybe that's even why he was so brainwashed by diacomy, bc they gave him monogrammed pjs and noone else got him a present since his mum died oh my poor baby boy! I'm actually crying do you think calliope sometimes killed things for him? Do you think that of course Linus was a little disgusted by it but also couldn't help but feel grateful? Bc his cat is the only one to get him presents?
186 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Juni 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Linus : hey guys look what i found: Jenga! Do you wanna play?
Talia: put that away! Are you mad?
Chauncey: we don't play that here anymore.
Phee: never again. Never again.
Linus : what why? What's going on?
Lucy: because of him
Arthur, pulling a plate from a staple of plates the other ones dropping onto it neatly and without breaking or disrupting: :)
Linus : isn't... Isn't that physically impossible?
Lucy : it is and he doesn't care.
398 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 13. Januar 2022
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