#CUT! ★ ooc.
magnifiico · 6 months
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galefcrce · 2 months
Since it's Munday, I thought I'd share the mop on my head that's starting to grow wild.
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braveburned · 6 months
anyone who takes gregory in has experienced the terror of 'kid cut their own hair in the bathroom with a random pair of scissors and it looks like shit' at least once
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kitaishi · 3 months
i took a break from playing all week and picked up the again yesterday. finished ch.8 but not moving onto ch.9 until i finish the open world stuff.
so far i'm enjoying the game a lot; probably the first FF game i don't have major complaints about in like 10+ years (sorry to xvi fans that follow me but i dropped that game. didn't vibe with it - especially after yoshida's multiple comments about brown/black people in the game when asked about it). and speaking of melanin, rebirth has a lot in all shades, it's really cool to see!
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hopefully we see this reflected in the actual main cast more but i'm really pleased.
as far as the story, i have some gripes i won't go into yet but i'm really pleased with tifa's writing in this game at least. a lot of my complaints about it in remake are gone and she feels more like her OG self imo. i also think her writing in terms of her relationship with cloud is a lot better too. i told this to a friend on discord but i really didn't like the 'childhood friends uwu' stuff in remake; clo/ti should be filled with tension, bad communication, and an unspoken wall up between them despite how badly they want to talk to each other. it's why i liked the kalm and junon scenes - you see that but you also see them apologizing to each other and trying to get better at communicating and understanding each other.
I really loved this scene, it reminded me of Case of Tifa, and considering there's a lot of little details from Traces of Two Pasts, I feel like it was intentional:
I thought it’d be fine if everything just washed away. Wash away my past. Our Past. And why not me too?
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this line made nearly made me scream because a consistent post-game change i had in my older blogs was that she moves into the house cloud can buy in costa del sol ( b/c who tf would want to live in edge! )
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i will say that i wish there was more for her on her own but they're following the flow of disc 1 pretty accurately so hopefully we get more of her own in part 3 when she's the party leader. they heavily hinted at her reuniting with zangan at the end of TotP and i'll probably get the 'student surpasses the master' fight i've been wanting there.
i'll probably save more of my thoughts on aeris on her blog when i beat the game but so far, the writing for her is mostly fine but i feel like i have more gripes here than in remake. i wish there was more cetra stuff for her but i still have a couple chapters left so i don't want to start complaining too early.
i guess in terms of negatives: having the palmer fight and a shooting mini-game right after the dyne stuff was tonally kind of distasteful and i wish the devs would just let moments breathe more. the other characters don't ALWAYS have to have something to do. as far as the zack stuff, i'm struggling to see the point of them so far if i'm being honest. the concept of them felt cool originally - kind of like this laguna style other half like in viii - but so far the execution of it feels a bit botched imo. thankfully, they're short enough before they start feeling intrusive.
also i usually don't cry or get emotional playing video games but seeing this older lady and two kids at the golden saucer made me start crying for a couple of minutes; it reminded me of how my grandma, how passed just a little over two years ago, took my brother and i to disney world when we kids. we don't have any pictures of it anymore due it getting lost from moving so i just have my memories.
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tricores · 9 months
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the warp topaz being returned to where starline found it instead of being lost in the void (as it was) or destroyed (as i feared based on the covers and solicitation)... we are so back!!!!
thinking of the redesign i need to do now... but also thinking of how he can find it again, this time starting fresh without any of his prior illusions clouding his vision. augh! the potential! the beautiful, glorious potential!
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taytayswiftly · 11 months
@skarsbill - continued from [ xxx ]
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"you probably curse paperwork all of the time trying to fit everything into those boxes that aren't long enough." he said with a laugh. "my step-mom hyphened hers when they got married and my sister didn't change her last name at all. so do with that as you will." he couldn't imagine how much longer anya's name would become adding his into it without dropping anything that is. except he was looking forward to seeing what she was going to do. the brit was right, some people did have four houses and bill wondered how they made adequate time to spend time in all of them. the mere fact that he had one, an apartment really, and was rarely home made him feel disconnected with his stuff at times. he'd really feel disconnected if he had three more places that he rarely saw. two? that seemed a bit more doable and it was a short enough plane ride of two hours; where they could spend adequate time in each place. "we could. it would be way more doable than four houses.. those people are crazy by the way. it also makes sense for us to have one in london and stockholm because that's where our families are. if we lived in another place it would be more of a hassle in the long run. after working and getting home the last thing we want to do is make a long ass flight to see family no matter how much we love them." getting home from south africa had been an all day affair for him and if he lived in la, going to see family after that would have been rough. listening to her suggest eloping in london since they were already here and the surprise trip brought a smile to his face. "do you think we could do it at hyde park in the rose garden? not that i'm opposed to city hall, it was just a suggestion. does this mean i have to tell you what the surprise trip was going to be?" planning the trip for them had been hard as far as nailing down a date. things came up -- like cannes, work, and now their elopement; alas he knew that the date would get sorted out eventually. every time they talked about their future together his heart grew more with the love that he felt for her. there was no one else in the world for bill, she was everything he could ask for in a woman. bill laughed, "i just had the most frightening thought about us having kids.. i hope they don't get the ability to do the pennywise smile from me. but eighty percent of the family can do it so.. oh lord help us there."
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——- ❝ Oh , definitely , ❞ she laughed along with bill . hearing about his step mom and sister , anya gave a little nod of her head , a soft smile crossing her reddish coloured lips . ❝  thanks for sharing , love -- in all do time , you'll know what i'll do with my name when we marry . ❞  the blonde kissed the tip of the swede's nose before leaning back where she was sitting , across from him . the idea of keeping a place in london as well one in sweden -- sure they'd make trips else where for vacations , seeing other friends but those two places would always be home to them and would surely be home to any of their future children as well . it definitely seemed like the best bet for them at the end of it all , which that alone made the actress feel so happy with her and bill's future together . ❝  yeah -- i'll let taylor swift know you think she's crazy , ❞  the brit said more as a joke , laughing some as she teased him . ❝  yes -- london and stockholm would be perfect for us and i agree -- but who knows what crazy shit we'll do down the line . i think for the fact we're talking of our future , staying by family is for the best , for sure . ❞ 
All the speak of elopement , now it was the only thing on anya's mind , getting to have her future with bill -- the wedding they almost had if they didn't part ways mutually for work related reasons -- they'd surely be secretly married already . ❝  honestly -- hyde park in the rose garden sounds perfect , billy and you might have to tell me sooner or later -- especially if you want us to actually go and now it could basically be our honeymoon , ❞  she smiled softly , kinda enjoying the idea of not just a trip -- but also she just wanted to get away and enjoy time with bill . let her heart feel again and not worry about anyone else but each other -- they both deserved it . hearing bill mention that infamous pennywise smile , anya gave a little nod . ❝  they surely be able to but -- if we're lucky they won't know or think about it . ❞  she shared simply before gently moving forward to kiss bill , a soft smile on her face .
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dojimakaichou · 2 years
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SENT FROM @stingslikeabee​  ―  
( unprompted / always accepting )
The gift had been intended to be delivered by Hikari and Kazuya together, in an orderly fashion - but the Dojima princess couldn’t wait to climb on the couch and on her father’s lap, brightly offering the wrapped box to the former chairman with the seven year old’s best smile. Kazuya trailed after his sister, a sigh leaving his lips - but he had a sincere hug and grin for his father, one that was impressively similar to Daigo’s own as a teenager.
“Happy father’s day, otou-chan!” Hikari’s voice echoed in the room, joined by a less enthusiastic version from their son (albeit fond) and Melissa’s laugh, clearly amused by their children’s antics. She came to stand behind the ex-chairman while he balanced his daughter and son on the furniture to open the box - inside he would find a very customized puzzle, of the traditional kind - but made with Daigo’s favorite family picture, one that he kept on the surface of his desk at Osamu. They had commissioned it - the puzzle had roughly 500 pieces, and should be an entertaining task for parent and kids for an afternoon.
Melissa’s own gift, however, was different - once the kids allowed her some room to approach her husband, the ex-hostess sat by his side on the coach and handed him a smaller box, but just as carefully packaged. Inside, Daigo would find a pair of cuff-links - but they were not the same; rather than a matching set, they had been engraved with the kanji of the names of his kids, Hikari’s name slightly bigger if only because hers was composed of a single letter unlike her brother, with two (a fact that she promptly deemed to mean that ‘her dad loved her more’).
“Happy father’s day, anata,” she pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek, nuzzling his face affectionately for a moment and then resting against his shoulder, briefly accommodating herself to make some room for Kazuya who had shifted to her other side, “Perhaps we should get you more picture frames for your office - just as an excuse to keep making more family-themed puzzles for you later.”
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★. ―
‘ Sit here. ’ Daigo chuckled at the instruction he was given. His young children seemed to know exactly where they wanted him. The ex - yakuza obeyed without complaint. He settled onto the sofa comfortably and smiled at the delighted pair in front of him. If there had been a plan, Daigo sensed that it was quickly abandoned ; Hikari bounded ahead of Kazuya and ( as usual ) had an idea of her own. Their father lifted an arm to let the girl settle as she pleased. She found her place was ease : legs folded over his lap and her side pressed into his wide chest. It was a pose that she clearly learned by watching her mother, but there was an extra flair to it that could only be attributed to the bundle of mischief currently perched on the former Chairman.
          Daigo’s rough - textured hand started at Kazuya’s cheek before it slid behind the boy’s back and drew him closer. For a moment, he was content to hold them both. ‘ Stop growing ! ’ he wanted to shout, but his plea to the universe would do no good. Hikari’s impatient fingers tapped the box and broke Daigo’s reflection. She was excited to see him open it, and there would always be time for more hugs LATER.
          “ Happy Father’s Day, otou-chan ! ”
          The former Chairman grinned. His wife’s sweet laugh and the greetings their children gave surrounded him. He truly was the happiest man in the world during instances like this. He tore away the paper and was finally able to see what Hikari was so excited about. Daigo’s fingertips brushed the image imposed on the front as he looked over it with a softened smile. It was a picture that he knew well and turned to often in his office. Kazuya’s hand appeared in his father’s view, pointing out the number of pieces ; Hikari, not to be outdone, joined in showing off what she liked best. The size of those hands ( while still small ) compared to those in the portrait was bittersweet. 
          Melissa’s arrival somewhat separated their children. Kazuya helped Daigo place the puzzle safely on the coffee table before he moved to snuggle in next to his mother. Meanwhile, the ex - yakuza accepted his present from Melissa. He was opened it gingerly. A quick inspection revealed the nature of her thoughtful gift, and Daigo found it difficult to speak for a moment. The ability to carry their children’s names on his sleeves may have been insignificant to some, but it was incredible to the former Chairman. Now, he had a way to bring Kazuya and Hikari with him  ―  though likely only for special occasions, as he would hate to lose one of these precious pieces.
          Hikari’s commentary regarding her place as their father’s favorite given the size of their names caused Daigo to shake his head fondly. “Little gremlin,” he cautioned, placing the cufflinks back into their container with great care. “  ―  I love you and your brother equally. You know that.” The edge to his tone suggested he would accept no further debate on the matter. Kazuya beamed triumphantly across Melissa at his sister, who rolled her eyes.
          “They’re beautiful, Melissa,” Daigo said earnestly. “ THANK YOU. ” An arm wound behind her back in an effort to tie them all together. He kissed the top of her hair and leaned his head tenderly against her own. His wife’s comment drew a proper laugh out of the former Chairman, sharp and loud ; the gesture shook the assembled occupants of the house, which were so tightly knit as one unit on the sofa, but no one protested. “The puzzle is sweet. You know, I’ve seen people glue the pieces together and frame them after they’re done. I could hang it in my office here at home if we learn how to do that. One in each.”
          “I love you,” the ex - yakuza murmured. The volume of his voice then rose, and he affectionately squeezed their children to the best of his ability. “ I LOVE ALL OF YOU. ” 
          Daigo could think of no position he would rather hold than that of their father. What had once terrified him out of nights’ sleep and set his feet pacing the halls was now the light of his existence. It hadn’t always been easy, but he looked forward to every new hour he shared with their children. (  ―  who would not be sitting here without Melissa, and Daigo kissed her deeply once her face was raised in overflowing gratitude. )
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attroxx · 27 days
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ghost normally: silent type
ghost the moment he puts on his mask: has a degree in yapology
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impulsivitytm · 10 months
okay i did not get to anything like I wanted to. I’ll try to get to things Thursday
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datapadz · 1 year
i wanted to write today but everything has changed so much since i last did it lmfao can someone give me a lowdown on how this place works now please and thank u
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dizscreams · 1 year
can I request a hobie brown x fem reader where hobie swings to his friends apartment and knocks on her window and the reader has to patch him up and hobie is just kinda quiet because he hates people caring for him (he doesn’t want to be seen as a burden) but reader assures him its fine and maybe hobie confesses to her? <4
— Hobie Brown ★
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PAIRING: Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
A/N: DISCLAIMER I’ve never read a single Spider-Man comic in my life, this is PURELY based off of what I saw in the movie. THIS IS VERY VERRRYYY OOC BUT enjoy! :)
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You were finishing up on homework, even though it was 2 in the morning. It wasn’t uncommon for you to stay up late to finish your assignments. It also wasn’t uncommon for your best friend Hobie to knock on your window injured.
You took off your headphones and looked to see where the knocking came from. You saw the familiar Spider-Man mask with spikes staring back at you through the glass. He was holding his side and his mask was a little beat up. You quickly got up and opened the window for him. “Hobie? Are you alright?”
He climbed inside your room and ripped off his mask, throwing it somewhere on the ground. “Yeah, just peachy,” he said, his voice was low and very clearly sarcastic. You frowned and gently grabbed his hand, “C’mon lets get you patched up.” He stepped back and took his hand away from your grasp shaking his head. “No, it’s alright.”
“Hobie, you’re bleeding. Lets go,” you told him firmly. Before he could respond you grabbed his hand and started walking to the bathroom. You flicked on the light and pointed to the toilet seat, “Sit.” He groaned but didn’t argue against it, he knew better than to argue with you this late. He could see the bags under your eyes as he observed you grabbing the first aid kit.
He sat down and you walked toward him, placing all your supplies on the bathroom counter before looking over at him. His face was cut and he had a wound on his side. You grabbed a rag, you ran water over it before kneeling in front of him. “You’re lucky it isn’t that bad, I’ve definitely had to help you with worse,” you chuckled looking up at him.
He only nodded in reply which you thought was weird but didn’t question. You focused back on cleaning the wound, luckily it wasn’t deep, but you could feel his burning gaze on you. You knew he didn’t like getting cared for like this but he was your best friend, it was basically your job to help him. “You know I want to help you right?” You asked softly, breaking the silence.
You looked up at him seeing a look of confusion on his face. You explained further, “I mean you don’t have to feel bad about me helping you all the time. Your job is dangerous and I’ll always be here help you out.” You offered him a small smile and he snickered, “You’re corny.” You playfully hit his knee and the both of you fell into a comfortable silence with small smiles on both of your faces.
You took a dry towel and dabbed at his side. Once you cleaned it you put on a bandaid. You stood up and smiled proudly, “There!” He nodded and stood up, about to walk out until you stopped him. “Wait-” you grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back down on the toilet seat. “You still have a cut on your face.”
“Just a small one, it don’t matter.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll treat it anyway.”
He glared at you but nodded, deciding that you might as well since you already cleaned his other one. He hated getting help and he hated people telling him what to do but he couldn’t help but let you. He wasn’t proud of it, honestly he was slightly embarrassed. But as long as he never admitted it out loud, he would be okay.
Except for the fact that he wanted to tell you how he felt.
He wanted to tell you he’s attracted to you and that he’s thought of being more than friends with you but he didn’t know how you felt about him. And it wasn’t like him to talk about his feelings, even to you. You began running the wet rag across his cheekbone gently. You made sure to wipe the blood off and clean the cut.
You noticed Hobie gulp and you looked at him, now noticing your close proximity. You smiled softly to yourself and continued your work on the cut. You grabbed a bandaid and put it on his cheek. Hobie slightly shivered at the contact but got up as soon as you were done. “Alright, cya later.” He walked out of the bathroom and went into your bedroom quickly.
“Woah woah woah, wait a minute,” you called out for him. He stopped in front of the window and turned around to look at you. “You’re just gonna leave? Not even a thank you?” You asked. He pointed at you, “Thank you, now goodnight!” He turned around to the window again but you pulled his arm and pulled him back to face you. “What’s gotten into you? You’re acting weird.”
“Not that weird.”
“Pretty weird.”
He tossed his head back and huffed out a breath. You raised your eyebrows waiting for him to give you a clear answer. He slowly lifted his head back up to look at you. He stepped a fraction closer to you, now close enough to able to feel your body heat. He examined your features for a moment before shaking his head.
“Nothing. Night.” He swiftly grabbed his mask off the floor and opened the window. “Bye Hobie,” you said quietly. He looked back at you and then forward again. He put on his mask and in a flash he was gone. You flopped on your bed and covered your face with your hands.
You stayed like that for a moment thinking about the interaction you just had. You shook your head to clear your thoughts and pulled the covers over you, ready to sleep. What you weren’t aware of was Hobie peaking his head to look into your window. It was too late to tell you about his feelings now, so he’d tell you another time! Probably in a year or two.
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adveanture · 2 years
i really am trying to finish st4 i swear lol 
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vainvenus · 2 months
⌲;꒰ Pretty please!! ꒱
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Characters :: John "B" Routledge, JJ Maybank, Pope Heyward, Rafe Cameron.
Synopsis :: You ask your boyfriend to do a simple task for you just to see if he will.
Includings :: Short drabbles, established relationships, acts of service, nicknames, just lots of fluff, maybe ooc Rafe
An :: Just because I think this trend is adorable
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« J. Routledge »
"JB, can you pick out the pomegranate seeds for me? I don't like how sticky it is."
John B glanced back over at you as he stated at the Pomegranate and his lips press together in a thin line.
"Why didn't you get it in the cups? Where it's already all seeds?" He asks and you shrug, still holding the fruit out.
"It's sweeter this way. Please?"
He doesn't want to do it, not because he just doesn't want to; but because he doesn't really know how to peel a pomegranate.
But he nods with a smile as he grabs it from you and moves to grab the cutting board. "Of course, baby."
« J. Maybank »
"JJ can you pretty please with cherries on top peel this orange for me?"
JJ chuckles a bit as he raises his brows in slight amusement, tilting his head towards you.
"What? Can't peel it on your own?"
He snickers, sort of making fun of you and you just shrug, holding it out to him again and he rolls his eyes playfully as he takes it from you.
He digs his nails into the skin of the fruit as he peels it back. He's a bit messy with it, but he gets the job done.
He takes one of the slices, popping it into his mouth and hands you the rest.
"There. Is there anything else of yours that I can peel off?"
« P. Heyward »
"Pope! Tie my shoe, please."
"Of course." Pope hums and stops right in his tracks, he doesn't even question it or give you a confused look.
He gets down on his knees, patting one for you to place your shoe on his knee and he brings your hand to his shoulder to use as leverage.
He smiles as he ties your shoe, a simple task that he knows you could have done yourself but he doesn't mind doing it for you.
He taps your other shoe so both of them are tied the same and have less of a chance of untying without you even having to say anything.
He finished both shoes and dusts off his knees as he grabs your hand, entwining it with his and he places a kiss on your temple.
"There. Anything else you need?"
« R. Cameron »
"Rafee! Can you reapply my lipgloss?"
Rafe looks over at you, not quite hearing you the first time so he walks over to you, leaning his golf club against the golf cart where your seated.
"What was that, princess?" He hums when he finally got close enough and you hold out your [f/color] lipgloss tube.
"I asked if you could reapply my lipgloss for me."
He's amused and a bit astonished at your request because it's so simple for you to do it yourself. He even narrows his gaze at you a little bit and you only smile.
"Are you fucking with me?"
"So is that a no?"
He inhales deeply and sighs, grabbing it from you. "Fine."
Rafe grabs your face softly to tilt your head up as you pucker your lips at him and he applies the lipgloss to your top and bottom lip in a fresh glossy coat.
"There. All better now?"
You nod, smiling and he can't help but smile back as he places a kiss on your lips and you groan that he messed it up.
He only shrugs and leans back in for another.
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blaisegun · 5 months
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- pairing ୧ draco x gn reader , tom x gn reader , mattheo x gn reader , blaise x gn reader
- warnings ୧ none much but blaise’s was written with curly hair reader in mind. sorry blaise’s part is so long and poetic idk what happened there
- molly’s notes ୧ i only did those three cause theyre my friends’ favorite,, and ofc blaise cause hes my fave ♡ sorry if this is ooc,, i never really wrote for hp before ,,,, mattheos part is so short sorry kira
。    ✧    ⁺     。
he wasnt exactly planning to give you a kiss during the fireworks but it just kinda happened. he wasnt paying much attention to the fireworks, more on your excited face. he’d look at whatever fireworks you would point out but thats it. he kept his hand on your hip, happy to just be there with you. suddenly, you thought about new year kisses and how much you want to do that with draco. “draco, lets kiss!” you giggle out loudly so he could hear you through the fireworks. you looked at you with a shocked yet confused face. he heard you but he wasnt exactly processing what you said. “what?—“ he asked before he felt your lips on his. he eventually melted into the kiss; pulling you closer into a soft hug as the fireworks drew patterns behind you two.
he did not plan to give you a kiss during the fireworks. he didnt really understand why you wanted to kiss so bad no matter how many times you explained it. you sighed and let it go, accepting the fact he wasnt gonna kiss you. you didnt mind too much though. you were extremely focused on the fireworks; smiling and pointing them out. tom was watching you, he didnt care much about the fireworks. he thought it was okay. he would watch for a little bit just to make you happy. but he realized it wasnt enough. he could tell you were missing something. he could see it in your eyes. you still wanted the kiss. “hey tom look at that o—!” you pointed out before getting cut off by a small peck on your lips. he gave in. he gave you the kiss. now your new year was perfect.
he was so excited to kiss you on new years. he was so excited to spend new year with you period. he was pointing out the fireworks with you, watching them with you, doing everything with you. he was running around the place with you to look for a better view of the fireworks. you two were laughing and smiling and it was amazing. he had his phone in one hand, to make sure he can kiss you at exactly 12am, and your hand in his other. then, the clock hit. he held you up high and spun you around, his lips on yours. you were caught off guard but you were happy. the kiss felt like it lasted forever, until he broke it. “happy new year, my sweet !”
he knew he wanted to kiss you, he just wanted to wait for the right moment. he wanted your new year kiss to be absolutely perfect; he only wants the best for his precious. he smiled at your excitement; his rings shimmering when the lights of the fireworks hit them. you were happy, he was happy, and that was enough for him. he had his arm wrapped around your waist. he was anxious, he had no idea when the “perfect moment” would happen. but when he saw the light from the fireworks bounce off your hair, and the happiness in your eyes, thats when he knew it was the right time. he tilted your head to face his, giving you a soft yet passionate kiss. and suddenly the world felt quiet; like the fireworks lost sound and the only thing you could focus on was the warmth in your heart. it was sweet, it was happy, it was everything you two could ever dream of. it felt like all your worries melted away. and after what felt like a life time, the kiss ended and blaise took you back down to earth. “happy new year, angel. got a kiss from your favorite loverboy, huh?”
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7encore · 1 month
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎domesticated. ‎ ‎ ��� ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
𖤐⭒๋࣭ sukuna ryōmen x fem! reader ⭑ .ᐟ ᡣ𐭩
꩜ .ᐟ — cw: strangulation, slight mentions of sex and pregnancy, mentions of sukuna with intentions to kill reader, slightly sub sukuna, ooc.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ── ˙ ̟🦐 !! english is not my first language, so sorry if there is anything misspelled! ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )★
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— SUKUNA SOUGH TO ERASE any trace of his humanity, disappear any slightest thing and being that reminded him of who he was many years ago.
that's how he came to you again, the last thing that tied him to an almost forgotten humanity.
small compared to him as he remembered you, with that fearless gaze before his imposing and violent figure, who despite having massacred the old village where he once resided, you still having open arms inviting him into the same warmth and love that you provided when you were children. he couldn't help but ignore the fact in how he walked towards you, like an addictive mantra as he knelt in front of you to let you hug him, earning surprised looks from the few badly injured survivors, servants, and even the toughest swordsmen.
he ignored how he carried you in his arms and began walking back towards his temple/palace, and how the humble life you led in the village quickly turned into a life full of luxuries.
but he can't ignore how his hands try to tighten around your neck when you're sleeping next to him, so peaceful and angelic. he could just cut you, give you a quick death, but he doesn't, he can't even put pressure on your neck to cut off oxygen when you frown in your dreams and look for him to settle into his arms.
he gets frustrated and feels guilty, how could he do that when you ignored all his actions and just kept calling him 'Ryō' with the same affection as always?
how could he when you ride him in such a way that makes him shake and arch his back as he tries not to whimper and whine? you knew him better than anyone and no other woman could have made him feel in the same way as you. not when he constantly thought about those hours at the river near the village in his youth with you when he was with his concubines, looking for that same euphoria he felt with you years before; but not even the best women did it.
how could he do it when he saw you in the temple garden, wandering without any disturbance and looking at the plants and birds flying above the place?
nor could he ignore how the rumor of having been 'domesticated' by a woman, his woman, so full of life and happiness that it infected him. the one that made him feel human again — it made his blood burn for that feeling of compassion and humanity that was granted to him again.
he didn't want that, he didn't want love or compassion, much less humanity and that encouraged him to want to put pressure on your neck until the life leaves your eyes little by little.
but how could he do that when you traced the tattoos on his chest while you told him the small details of your day with such calmness and confidence? he felt so small, it felt like deja vu; when you traced his second pair of eyes wiping away his tears after a group of children had made him cry.
how could he do that when you try to close your arms around his back and whisper about wanting to have a baby with him, who looks like him because he's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
At that moment he knew that he was really domesticated, and at the same time he knew that you would not be the one who would end up dead; it would be him for your actions that make him kneel and praise you.
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attroxx · 5 months
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i don't think i mentioned it here yet but i booked my naruto tattoo a few weeks ago and i'm so excited T^T i already have a gaara tattoo and it's gonna be similar to it so, it's gonna be so cute AAAAAAAA
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