#But yeah. Overall its meh. 3/10
echoesofadream · 11 months
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the fact that it literally looks like itll poison me
0 notes
sammyloomis · 6 months
2023 completions
welcome to the 2023 edition of my ramblings about video games i completed this year!! including even more unwanted opinions and even less coherency
total games: 37
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09/01 - Sam & Max Save the World - 8/10
sam and max, freelance police, begin a long string of investigations involving hypnotised celebrities, sentient computers, and conspiracies that go all the way to the TOP, baby
startin the year off good game wise then!! tbh i started this one in 2022 but it didnt make that list cause i just.. wasnt in a game playin mood towards the end i guess fghj but anyway!! really liked this one, ive seen a few mutuals who like this series so i was excited to play it and it was a lot of fun :] defo an old school point and click game and i rly liked the main characters themselves and the supporting cast!! glad theres another remaster i can jump into right after this one
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11/01 - Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me - 8/10
the crew of lonnit entertainment are invited to a recreation of the infamous murder house, the stomping grounds of americans first serial killer, h h holmes. they are hoping the location will help save their documentary, but will you be able to save... THEIR LIVES??
i feel like every dark pictures game becomes my fave dark pictures game as they come out, but this one really was Very Good. i can confidently say this is probably the most scared ive been while playing a supermassive game Ever. the characters, while dysfunctional, grew on me a lot over the course of the game which made keeping them alive even more nailbiting :’] speaking of, the deaths in this one were Particularly gruesome imo, just from a concept standpoint, so big kudos for that too!! my only gripe is that i think the new “features” such as puzzle solving and traversal mechanics just artificially prolonged the runtime without actually adding anything to the experience
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15/01 - Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space - 7/10
even more weird shit is afoot in the second sam and max game, this time our duo facing off against T-H-E-M, the bermuda triangle, and satan himself!! ... or was it santa??
2 sam and max games in one month, this may have detrimental effects on my brain :’] but really, i liked this one too!! not as much as the first, but i still liked the characters and overall story, i liked how it all connected to both the previous game and the events through this one. i found some of the puzzles a bit more difficult and obtuse, but they were still fun. another fun point and click game (tho somewhat dated in some cases fghjk)
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18/01 - Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments - 5/10
the game preceeding sherlock holmes: the devils daughter, which i completed last year, follows the titular character once more, solving 6 of his cases along with his partner dr john watson
eh, not much to say about this one. i certainly prefered the devils daughter, but that one was also kinda meh fghjk. with this one being an older game, the graphics and gameplay were a bit more janky, and i guess theyd changed voice actors for sherlock since this game cause i didnt like his voice in this one tbh. that being said, mystery wise id say its abt on par with the devils daughter. yeah, again, not much to say really :’]
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24/01 - Psychonauts 2 - 10/10
a mole in headquarters, an evil from the past is rising again, and even MORE figments hidden in really obscure places... another day at the psychonauts office :V raz once again must delve into various brains to figure out what the Fuck is goin on
okay this game was literally so fkn good in every aspect. visually stunning, amazing story, brilliant characters both new and returning... GOD!!! what the first game did well, this one blew it CLEAN out of the water, i loved it a lot!! like idk what else to even say, it was just such a solid game i cant think of much to critisise :’]
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04/02 - AI: The Somnium Files - 3/10
kaname date works for the police force for a department unknown to the general public, using groundbreaking technology, he delves into the minds of suspects and uncovers clues using their own memories. when a body shows up resembling a victim of a serial killer from a cold case, he begins his investigation
... man... spike chunsoft rly just know how to make characters that grate on me fghjk for starters ill praise the original concept and interesting story (when it finally got around to being revealed), but i disliked/was uninterested in most of the characters and thought the tropes they kept using were annoying and just plain weird. im not fully sure Why this game was a branching path type game since it never really plays into the plot and the main story could have easily been told with a single storyline. overall, didnt rly enjoy this one, but what can ya do they cant all be winners :’]
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13/02 - Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoonus - 5/10
sly cooper, youngest descendent of the illustrious cooper thief clan, had his familys secrets stolen when he was just a lad. now he sets out to retrive what was taken from him and beat up some bad guys as he does
i gotta commend this game for the humour and the creativity with it, and im defo lookin forward to playing the rest of these games based off this one, but i think this first entry suffers from a lot of Jank that made it quite frustrating to play :’] also, there wasnt any way to mute anything except the music or adjust the volume so it would routinely blow the FUCK out of my eardrums. that bein said tho, still fun, very quick game, but im keepin it a low rating cause im expecting to like the later ones better :’]
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26/02 - Hidden Agenda - 2/10
the infamous “trapper” killer makes a final confession while counting down the days on death row, claims he never killed anyone and he can help lead the police to exactly who did. detective becky marney must investige this case one more time and decide if hes lying, or if the killer is still afoot
im so so SO sorry to my friends who like this game but besties.... why fghj for starters i was locked out of playing it for almost 2 years when the app you are REQUIRED to use in order to play this thing just stopped working, and when i finally did start playing the jank didnt stop with just the app. the whole game seems to be a broken mess with textures flickering in and out, characters walking thru solid objects, its MADNESS. the story and characters are so.... not interesting :[ it takes only 2 hours to do a full runthru of the story so i never rly grew to care abt them and theyre so flat anyway that i didnt Want to. if it wasnt so clearly rushed i think itd be good, and some of the acting is actually rly stellar, but overall...... its a no from me
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04/03 - Minecraft - minecraft/10
its minecraft
technically i already got the plat ages ago but this year i finally got the coveted 100% so.... yeah ;w; i mean we all know what minecraft is so like...... idk what to say abt it guys, u already know how good it is (tho the console version is Vasty inferior to pc)
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05/03 - Death Stranding - 8/10
after a world ending catastrophe dubbed the death stranding wiped out modern life as we know it, humanity is scattered across america. its up to sam porter bridges, post apocalyptic delivery man, to travel across the country and unite those that remain
depsite how confusing this game was, and how slow it was paced, and how fkn damn weird it was half the time, i still had a lot of fun playing it :’] i enjoyed the characters, tho wish certain ones had more limelight, i enjoyed the actual gameplay, tho by the end game i was finding it a bit Too repetetive, and i found the story rly interesting, when i could understand what was going on fghj so basically for every good thing i liked, it was countered by something, tho they are fairly small things. also the ending cutscene is an hour n a half long and i was fkn 3 am when i was finally allowed to exit the damn game so, u know, beware of that
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10/03 - Ratchet & Clank - 7/10
young mechanic ratchet, with his new buddy clank, join the galactic rangers in stopping the blargs from destroying countless planets in order to build their own
another game thats been on my backlog for ages, im glad to have this one done and dusted :’] i certainly had fun playing it, but i feel like it was a bit Too kiddy in some places for my personal taste (dialogue and humour wise that is, but since this was also made by insomniac of spiderman fame, it makes sense) and after a certain point the game becomes piss easy with all the upgrades u get, but i still enjoyed it
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03/04 - Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves - 5/10
sly and his pals return to their thieving ways after learning that the infamous klaw gang have begun reassembling parts for slys arch nemesis; clockwork. they travel across the globe to stop them
man my descriptions are getting worse fghj but anyway, as with the first game, i rly enjoyed the characters!! and the music, and... thats pretty much it. i really dont know what it is about these sly games that i just cant seem to enjoy the gameplay but i Really Really dont have fun while playing them :[ which is a shame cause, like i say, great characters that id like to spend more time with. if this was supposed to be the best in the series, i think im gonna give the 3rd and 4th games a miss for now, but maybe ill come back to them in the future
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29/04 - Last Day of June - 7/10
a short game depicting a young couple named carl and june, and the tragedy surrounding their relationship
this game doesnt actually have a plat, which is something im trying not to be too picky about going forward in terms of playing games, but even tho this game was super short i really liked it!! the story is rly simple but incredibly sad, and even though theres a lack of “voice acting” in the traditional sense, there was still a lot of great emotive acting in this. that being said, the fact some of the voices sounded so odd detracted from the seriousness of the plot sometimes, and the actual gameplay was kinda boring, but still a solid short game :]
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29/04 - Predator Hunting Grounds - 1/10
and i dont like it >:[
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03/05 - Linger in Shadows - 1/10
this... isnt even a game apparently
i had it on my list of things to check out while i had the ps plus premium thinking it Was a game, but its not. its a strange kind of “art” thing according to the guide i used. i didnt rly know what was going on fghj. certainly a unique experience i suppose but nothing id recommend u go out of ur way to do, even if it takes literally 10 minutes to get all the trophies (no plat either)
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08/05 - Kurushi - 2/10
ps1 puzzle game, another one from the ps plus catalogue
not much to say abt this one again fghj seems like these last few games have been kinda duds huh :’] ah well, theres certainly better games on the horizon i suppose. as said, this is just some puzzle game from the ps1, janky controls and all. the music is surprisingly good, sounds almost like disney instrumentals :’] not that fun without assisstance tbh
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09/05 - The Gardens Between - 6/10
a very short puzzle game following 2 friends exploring a strange series of islands that tell the story of their friendship
when i say short i Mean short. like even without a guide i got this completely done in 2 1/2 hours, and that included me leaving the game on while i went to get something to eat from the kitchen. that being said, its a very cute game!! i enjoyed the puzzles, the style is nice and Capital-I-Indie, the musics nice and relaxing. the story was also nice, if sad, (can i say nice a few more times??? nice nice nice nice) but i just think this game is Wayyyy too short dfghj i think a lot more could have been done with it :’] glad i didnt pay the full £15 for this as it would have been a bit of a rip off
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09/05 - Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent - 8/10
fbi agent tethers is sent out to the minnesotan town of scoggins to investigate the local eraser factory shutting down
damn we’re just flying thru em now huh! ive actually played and 100%’d this game before on steam, as well as its sequel so i suppose im a little biased :’] but i rly like this game!! another short one, and another puzzle one, but i rly love the art style and story, as well as the puzzles being fairly simple but still fun!! its a shame the second game never made it to ps or id complete that one too but yeah, fun and simple puzzle game, defo recommend :] like most games like this tho, i wish it were longer
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11/05 - ABZU - 6/10
you are a diver on a journey through the ocean, discovering the creatures that inhabit the waters
short n sweet indie game (anotha one) and this one was pleasant!! i rly liked the style and music, the story was simple but told fairly well, and just overall a nice game :] beyond that, not much to say tho fghj defo a very pretty game, and id recommend if you have an interest in marine life n such, but beyond that its pretty bog standard indie game
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11/05 - The Pedestrian - 5/10
a short puzzle game where you traverse various signs as the tiny person within them
pretty straight forward puzzle game with a Weird ending that i dont quite understand fghj but overall it was enjoyable :’] most of these quicker games ive been playing lately have been super quick puzzle games so i might be getting burnt out on them, but even then i can appreciate the creativity of this one. its also another game with no plat which, considering it came out not 3 years ago, is kind of annoying
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14/05 - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - 4/10
two brothers venture on a quest to find medicine for their sick father
another short puzzle game, with a pretty interesting feature!! you control each brother with an analogue stick each, which can make coordination in some parts quite tricky if ur me fghj overall a pretty decent game, the story was kinda meh for me but i thought the gameplay was interesting, not much else tho
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20/05 - Bloodborne - 6/10
the town of yharnam is crawling with beasts and hunters alike. fight through the corrupted streets and discover the fetid depths of this city and all the inhabitants trying super duper hard to kill you
im editing this from when i first wrote it after immediately finishing the game because i was cranky and frustrated because i cant in good faith give this game a score lower than 5 (mainly because i know the fromsoft fans would dox and kill me). this game is visually very nice, in the sense that it looks Horrible, which fits the vibe. the gothic style along with the monsters are really unique and detailed to the point where some of them are hard to look at. that being said, i personally didnt like this game. at all. i know on a “technical” level its very good, but i struggled for a Long Time to “git gud” as it were and surprisingly, dying a million times because you cant dodge within a 1/2 second window before being stun locked to death GREATLY decreased my enjoyment of this game. and thats all im gonna say about it :V
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21/05 - Black Mirror - 4/10
following the suicide of his father, david gordon returns to scotland from india to inherit his familys estate. however, there are strange mysteries surrounding this house and the family who occupy it
pretty short horror/puzzle game that was pretty light on both the horror and puzzles fghj tho this game had a surprising amount of animation that looks fairly good which was a nice surprise. the characters were fine, and the story started out quite interesting but just felt a bit... weird. especially the ending, the final climax is basically just a bunch of qtes that ends really abruptly with little push back from the villain :’] for a free game i guess i cant complain too much
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23/05 - Vampyr - 8/10
dr johnathan reid, recently turned vampire, has just returned home to london after serving as a field medic during the war. the streets are crawling with rogue vampires, and an epidemic is spreading quickly through the city, all while johnathan is searching for his maker
FINALLY A GAME I ENJOYED. GOD. okay so this was surprising because ive heard a lot of people call this game p mid, and maybe id think the same if it wasnt preceded by a whole bunch of Crap ive recently played, but here we are!! i really loved the chracters, i thought they were all fun and interesting, even the ones we dont meet for too long, and i also found the story super compelling!! the game Does have a bit of jank to it, with weirdly long loading times (even on the ps5) and the occassional graphical error, but otherwise i rly enjoyed this one :]
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31/05 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - 9/10
seperated after dr nefarious begins ripping holes into other dimensions, ratchet and clank must team up with another lombax named rivet and stop the universes from collapsing altogether
man this game was so fun!! i got the whole thing done and dusted over the course of 2 days :’] the writing was still a bit cheesy for me, and as implied the play time is Outrageously low for the steep price (which i thankfully avoided cause ps plus), but the gameplay itselt was Incredibly fun and engaging!! defo a huge step up from the first game in this reboot series. i also rly loved rivet so that certainly helped :’]
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02/06 - Lake - 5/10
meredith weiss, a successful programmer, moves back to her childhood town of providence oaks to fill in her her dad at his post office job. deliver mail to the residents of this lakeside town and decide how meredith wants to end her 2 week stint
pretty cute indie game i got through ps plus, i kinda wish the whole thing Was just a post delivery simulator :’] the characters are okay, the storys okay if a little eh.... i wanna say Loose?? like the plot beats (if u can call them that) feel kinda boring n half arsed. theres also a random romance option in this which feels?? out of place and doesnt actully impact anything that much. overall its an okay game, like i say the thing i found the most fun was driving around delivering post but maybe thats just my autism showing :V
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13/06 - PowerWash Simulator - 10/10
i mean... kinda does what it says on the tin guys
is a 10 a bit generous?? maybe. do i particularly care?? absolutely not. this game is a 10 if ever there was one. i truly dont know how else to sell this if the idea of cleaning stuff with a powerwasher isnt immeditely appealing to you like, maybe You’re the problem :V this game also has a weird amount of lore?? which is also v fun fghj so do with that info what you will
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19/06 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean - 7/10
a lego retelling of all 4 pirate movies, with all the usual lego bells and whistles
pretty typical lego game, so the gameplay and stuff is p fun!! ive actually never seen these movies so i didnt rly know what was goin on half the time, especially because this is an Older lego game so theres zero voice acting in this. i also had quite a few crashes and bugs while playing where i had to restart either the level or the whole game, which got annoying during the cleanup grind. overall tho, cant go wrong with a lego game tbh
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17/08 - Chicory: A Colorful Tale - 9/10
after all the colour in the world disappears out of nowhere, you must go on a quest across the picnic province to restore it using a magic paintbrush
you may notice the significant time gap between the last game and this one and uhhhh ngl folks i was Not Gamin dfghj i was Tired n a lil Sad but eh what can ya do, but this was a great game to come back with!! absolutely loved this one, super adorable art style and gameplay that reminded me a LOT of toem, very similar vibes but this game is much longer imo. id give it a perfect 10 if the collectibles weren’t so horrid to find fghjk but other than that cant recommend this one enough!!
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29/08 - Observation - 7/10
dr emma fisher wakes up after the space station on which she resides undergos a catastrophic failure. take control ships ai, S.A.M., and attempt to reboot the systems and find the crew, who have all mysteriously disappeared...
rly quite liked this one!! the fact u control the ships ai is a pretty interesting feature and made the interface really cool and sci-fi lookin, defo alien inspired on that front. i liked the story, even if it Did get a bit confusing, and the voice acting was also pretty stellar!! gotta dock points for some classic indie game Jank, and the fact that there isnt a whole lot goin on gameplay wise (p much entirely minigames that arent that well explained to you that u only end up doing once) but the story and overall eerie atmosphere rly saved it for me
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31/08 - OMNO - 5/10
short indie game where u travel through a mystical world, solve puzzles, and meet extraordinary animals
theres indie games and then theres Indie Games, u know?? this is the latter. and thats not a bad thing!! it just means its kinda... predictable. usual fare of no voice acting, gorgeous music, simple but stylised graphics etc etc. it was pretty cute and the puzzles were fun, but some of the controls felt a bit clunky and like i say, a little boring story wise imo (but maybe ive just played too many of these types of games). perfectly middle of the road :’]
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03/09 - Tacoma - 7/10
you have been sent on a mission to retrieve the ai from a ship where all the crew have seemingly vanished (sounds a bit familiar huh?? all sci fi is the same (affectionately)). explore the ship and piece together what happened to everyone
anotha one, anotha sci fi indie game :’] rly liked the story of this one!! and it was an interesting mechanic to be able to view scenes of the crew via an AR system, and then also view their files and such. despite their limited appearances, all the crew members were interesting and unique, and no spoilers but it made the ending and its lead up a lot more exciting and intense. gotta dock points for how Glitchy this game was, it crashed at one point and started stuttering so bad i had to restart it manually, and also for how short it is. still, good story, good characters
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06/09 - Chicken Police: Paint it RED! - 8/10
a gritty noir point and click detective game where u play as the infamous sonny featherland, one half of the crime fighting duo, chicken police. after a nervous dame shows up on his doorstep about her mistress recieving vague threats, he realises hes gotta take just one last case
anthropamorphic detective chickens..... played TOTALLY straight, mind you. like i was actually totally blown away by this game fghjk its Completely voice acted for one, and its Pretty Fuckin Good voice acting too, the story and mystery is Really interesting, the world its set in is super gritty and deep despite how little its kinda touched on through the story, i was very surprised!! i think the ending and reveal were a bit uhh.... abelist, not to get too into spoilers, but for a noir story i guess its par for the course. still, enjoyed this one!!
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08/09 - The Testament of Sherlock Holmes - 5/10
a mutilated bishop, a deadly poison, and some other shady bullshit, its another sherlock holmes game
this is actually the oldest game in the series thats avilable on ps, ive kinda gone about playing these in the exact wrong order :’] that being said, i do think this is my Least favourite of the 3 ive played thus far. like crimes & punishment, this game also has plenty of jank, and the voice acting is a lil ehhh stiff for my taste. the puzzles were fine, the story was fine, overall just Fine. this game follows 1 case rather than multiple like its sequels do
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10/09 - Garfield Kart: Furious Racing - 4/10
basically a mario kart clone but with garfield :]
now i am not one who loves racing games. in fact i suck quite badly at them. so u may wonder why i have a racing game in this list and well?? im ngl i bought this game as a meme and it ended up being so hard i had to put it down for a while dfghj BUT i came back to it and after hours of sweatin and gamer rage i DID IT!!! but at what cost. the game is fun, it looks nice, tho the only real garfield references it Has are its racers, the courses are kinda bland and generic. also the trophies...... my GOD the trophies..... not even a plat btw hhhh anyway if u like racing games check it out but if u Dont then DONT
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17/09 - The Last of Us: Part 1 - 8/10
in the fungusy zombie apocalypse, smuggler joel is tasked with taking an immune girl, ellie, to a group of freedom fighters to create a cure. a remake of a remake :’]
obviously its good. i mean cmon. i remember watching a playthru of the OG og game wayyy back when so i kinda knew all the plot beats, but playing it myself in this beautiful 4k ps5 remake was Glorious (dont get me wrong, i think it was totally unnessesary to remake it AGAIN but it do look pretty). i can certaily see why this game has such a cult following and got the reception it did. maybe a Tad overhyped?? maybe a tad. but still good!! gameplay is solid, story is solid, characters are solid, whats not to like?? docking points for the frankly OBSCENE price point (luckily i got mine Mega cheap but go-LLY)
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03/10 - The Last of Us: Part 2 - 10/10
after a devastating loss, ellie begins a gruelling quest for revenge and runs the risk of not only losing the ones she loves, but herself as well
i mean. fuck me guys. fuck ME. if the first game is good then this one is straight up glorious. the story is Vastly improved, so much tension and grey morality and Bone Deep Agony, emotionally and physically. its just such a hugely better game, both story and gameplay wise with a Bunch of new features and they arent afraid to take you to Extremely dark places with characters we already love and brand new ones too. this games going to be sitting with me for a long time i feel
and thats it for 2023!!
kinda fell off the gaming wagon in the final few months of this year due to a variety of reasons, but lets hope i can keep gettin games off the ol’ backlog in the new year :]
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sookayheresthething · 2 years
a comprehensive list of what numbers are good, from 1 to 100
good; it's One.
good; it's Two.
good; it's Three. heads up, basically all the single-digit numbers are valid, for similar obvious reasons
very good
fantastic. exceptional, even
not ideal. should be either 12 or 10. smacks of indecision. also prime, which is bad
almost as good as 10
hmm. I'm not superstitious but a lot of people don't like this one. avoid it so you don't make people uncomfortable
it's okay but it's overshadowed by 15. also has bad connotations
fantastic. almost as good as 12
A+. no notes
bad. be 20
very good
not a fan of this one but I accept criticism
positives: multiple of 11. nice symmetry. negatives: overall mediocre in tone. too close to 23, which is bad. final score: ehh
all the coolness of being double 12 is far outweighed by being overshadowed by 25. I guess it's hours in a day, which is alright
sexiest number on this list by far
not good. number of letters? try again loser
it's 3 cubed which is cool I guess? meh. skip it
bad, unless you're doing months
good! very good. not as good as 20 but better than 40
32 my beloved. how do I count the ways. me and 32 frolic in the meadows with flowers in our hair and the shimmer of laughter in our breath
much better than 22 but idk if I'd call it "good"
the first real pervert number. shame
pretty good
damn, that's a lot of nines! 36 keeps showing up where I least expect it. pretty cool I guess
bad but a little hot. naughty even
not as good as 30 but it's okay. try for 50 if you can
the answer to life, the universe, and everything. overplayed. gauche
really really bad. really bad. bad. really really bad
about the same as 33 tbh
good! great, even. very kind number
boldly going where no man has gone before. kiss me, 47
it's the same as 45 but a little sexier and no I won't explain. iykyk
honestly not sure I've ever seen this one before. when did we get this one? have we always had this one? huh.
fantastic. great. marvellous. solid number. you could moor your goddamn ship to this number. wise and strong. so good that it completely overshadows everything in its decade (see the following)
pretty good
really bad
not great but alright. maybe a little better than 40
this one strikes me as pretty cool for some reason. I don't vibe with it but I'm happy to sit back and watch it do whatever it does
oh. huh. hmm. I'm not sure about this one. it's a little scary
dude, FUCK yeah. after me and 32 frolic in the meadows we sit down for tea with 64 and comb each other's hair in the shade of a great oak tree
less than ideal but it's doing its best. honestly rating 65 immediately after 64 feels unfair.
slap another 6 on this bad boy and you get an S-tier number. as it is, feels a little rushed and incomplete
everyone's favourite two-thirds approximation! functional if clunky
nice. second real pervert number. shame
COMICALLY overshadowed by 69
no thanks <3
pretty good
I feel an odd dark kinship with this number..... it worries me
good number. fantastic. not as sexy as 25 and not as sturdy as 50 but is still wise, strong, and kind. I'd trust an impressionable child to be raised by this number
it's okay but it's no 75
wow! 77!
honestly undecided about this one
good! I like 80. has a nice shape to it. it's round in both texture and personality
baaad? kinda??
very very bad
dude, stop trying to be 64
it's pretty good if you can't get 80
isn't this a food service number? I don't like that
hmmm. this one raises some good questions
this is the nazi number. FUCK this number.
reminds me of 88. fuck it
pretty solid number! about the same as 80 but might be a little better or worse depending on context
this one's kinda sexy ngl 👀 95 got me acting unwise
I'd rather not thanks
ooooOOOooh I like this one
dude this one is GREAT
99 is a beautiful number and I love it, it's musical and enchanting and a little sensual
I have extremely complicated feelings about 100, but overall, I'm leaning towards "very good, but lacks variety"
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 7 months
Hmmmm, Did Riddle, Kalim, Epel, and Idia ever use their omnitrix during a certain bean fest. I mean the watch and its alien technically don’t use any form of magic so it’s not really breaking any of Vargas’ rules there.(heck what about during Camp Vargas itself, omnitrix alien powers are very helpful[plus I can just see Idia just fiddling with his being uhh bored and yet technically not that bored cause well, he can just go full alien later. Ben did first get his omnitrix during a certain camp trip)
If it wasn't for glorious masquerade (and that Phanthom thief/Gothic ball theme) Beanfest would be my top fav: Good cards, chaotic storyline where everyone gets to shine a bit and most importantly: ✨violence✨. It's probably the only story where everyone punts everyone for the mere motive that they are petty and want to win.
Camp Vargas... Meh... I mean it was funny... I did enjoy it... But kinda ya know... The real deal started like... Post a long exposure that kinda got me a bit bored. Pretty good event, a bit difficult of a playthrough and the cards are meh for me...
BUT! We are here for the aliens!
Camp Vargas:
At first, boi wanted to do everything by the book. You know, no alien powers, generally just having a nice camp experience.
When Ace dissapears tho, Riddle has some alarm bells ringing. Ace was a lil shit, but he wouldn't simply dissapear in a forest, where he has no shelter besides the campsite and no proper food. In fear that Ace might just eat poisonous plants, Riddle offers to search up for him. Sebek and Silver were great for leading the equestrian club on their own and the members did a pretty good job, so a worry less.
That's when he uses Wildmutt to try and pick-up Ace's trail and find him. It was pretty dark and in 10 minutes Riddle didn't get a great lead mostly since there was a lot of other scents that covered up Ace's.
But he stumbles upon tied up students to trees. That when Riddle realises that Vargas is fucking nuts and they are hunted for sports in the middle of the night.
Surprisingly, the first one Riddle finds is Deuce, thinking that Vargas might use the mine as a place to hide other students. The 2 escape and manage to reunite with the rest of the survivors.
Cue Jack and Deuce helping Riddle get 'kidnapped' so that the redhead can have an entry as Wildvine (on half since he was calm, knowing the whole situation at hand) and catch Vargas in a swamp then tie him up with vines to a tree so they could ensure this man won't hunt them for sports again.
He's trying to prove Jamil that he is capable and reliable. So he tries to do everything by the book too! :D
But Idia dissapears, then it's installed a whole bunch of chaos with more dissappearances and the wierd monster. Oh Kalim is 100% squaring up.
Kalim punts Vargas in a tree and it's glorious✨
There is also Crewel in there, so there is that. Kalim also squares up, but like, man feels SO guilty afterwards. Even if no one knew he was the alien hero. :'3
But overall, Kalim has a pretty nice camping experience. And he learned from Jade some cool fungi facts. :D
Oh heck yeah, Epel is absolutely thriving with the whole camp idea. No Vil? No Rook? Liberty, bitches! He is more free than a bird and he's feeling awesome. He wants to try everything, he tries everything, he gets tired from trying everything and eats then repeats until he has to go to sleep. :'3
The dissappearances occur and Epel immediately is ready to square up. He just yeets Vargas across the forest like a ping-pong ball.
He also fights the mine monster the same way. The poor Phanthom had 0 chances. :'3
Man doesn't wanna go camping. PERIOD!
But he finds his super cool 50+ attack stick so he's happy. Ortho said that he shouldn't use the omnitrix just to skip over his tasks, so at least he hs his super cool stick. :'3
Idia gets the first dissappearance. He was tired from the whole running around and picking sticks, so he fell asleep than poof! He woke up in Vargas's cabin and had to do squats as punishment.
Unfortunately for Vargas, he disclosed his plan to Idia, including Crewel's involvement, so the firehead was very aware of the whole situation and DID NOT like it.
But also it was the absolute best prank idea known to man, to just play as a 3rd party with a similar approach to Vargas's, but make it unbeknownst to anyone else. No one would know if he uses the omnitrix for this. They are in a goddamn forest, for all one could know, some of this NRC Students were petty enough to square up with a bear.
It is mandatory to note that before the camp commenced, Idia and Ortho argued about weather the camp was good or not. Idia was absolutely against the idea of camp being 'fun', while Ortho saw it as a great opportunity. Of course, now with this goldmine of prank material, Idia wanted primarily to use it so he could prove his brother that camp was NOT fun.
He ends up have a whole load of fun while enacting his plan. Everyone was screaming and running around like headless chickens and Idia loved every second of it. He initially wanted to have Ortho for last, because Ortho would absolutely know Idia was behind a good chunk of the dissappearances if he targets him early or mid plan.
But Vargas and Crewel strike first on Ortho and that's when Idia doesn't have that much fun anymore. It was supposed to be his hit! It was supposed to be glorious and induce even more panic since Ortho was a pretty reliable and an important factor of the survivors team. He was supposed to get Ortho, not them. Plus it adds salt to the wound the fact that Vargas and Crewel tied up his lil bro to a tree while shut down so like, where's the care? Ortho was a robot, some things are fragile still!
So Idia takes out Ortho first, which unintentionally creates even more panic since now the 'actual wild monster' is targeting students that are also tied up. Idia ends up punting the teachers and all is good in the end.
By the finale of the whole thing, Ortho tries to admit defeat, that this camp was clearly a bad idea and it wasn't that fun. Idia tho, corrects that he had loads of fun and was down for a part 2.
Beans day! :D
Oh he's out for BLOOD! Man doesn't fucking hesitate. He punts Ace and Jack in a heartbeat. He is one force to be reckoned with and he will do anything to win.
In reality someone made fun of him for being smol and an easy to catch target so y'all know where this went.
Bby wants to have shawarma. Let him have his fucking shawarma in peace.
Jamil attempts to catch Kalim, but he gets captured instead because Kalim had his half transformation as Wildvine and they were in the botanical garden, where it was LUSH of plants. Same thing for Rook and Trey. The whole shawarma thing was a 100% trap that Kalim had in order to catch the monster team in a flytrap style. Doesn't mean Kalim won't get to enjoy sum nice shawarma. A double win! :D
Breaking news: kid commits usual property damage.
Epel is absolutely abusing of his omnitrix advantage. Monster team is absolutely useless against Epel who's more than ready to throw them in trees.
Vil does put him in place at one point, but Epel escapes his sight for 1 second and 4 monster players are found hung up on trees. :'3
Ortho ended up on the monster team so Idia fears for his ass, since he was in the farmers team and knew his brother was out for BLOOD. (Vargas said for the 2 to be in different teams so Idia couldn't 'use his brother to take the easy way out') Oh Ortho was absolutely merciless. Doesn't help that he teams up with Azul and Jack.
Idia's only objective: survive. He struck days prior an alliance with Azul for him to help him with loot so that he won't be targeted, but that won't fly by Ortho. Azul might spare him, but not Ortho. Idia just runs and hides all the event.
Ortho catches him in the end. Omnitrix or not. :'3
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ship opinions 🤡
disclaimer these are my opinions
ur opinions are also valid unless it’s adult/minor in which case I respectfully ask you to go jump off a bridge <3
david x gwen:
oooohohoho I used to love gwenvid so much
they,, they’re so cute together
but I don’t feel as strongly abt it anymore
overall I’ll give this an 8/10, I love it both as romantic or platonic :)
david x daniel:
0/10 booooo 🍅
daniel is a literary cultist and I hate him </3
(this applies for david or gwen x daniel or jen as well)
(ffs jen was a one-off character made for a joke. why do y’all even remember her 💀💀)
(daniel x jen I think is dumb and I couldn’t care less abt)
david x jasper:
9/10 jasper survives au or when they were both kids, I love them anyways
I can’t describe why. its just. a great ship
david or gwen x literally any other adult I didn’t mention is 0/10 and irrelevant
oh god. it’s camper time. time to be controversial :)
max x neil:
i used to love this so much and I’m currently unsure as to where I stand on this ship
rn I think they’re just friends but
still cute
max x nikki:
0/10. they’re friends
i can’t describe why I despise this ship as much as I do but alas it just is this way
nikki x neil:
idk man
on the one hand. sibling dynamic my beloved
but i 100% did have a phase where i decided the sibling h was stupid and instead decided to ship them, and that little voice in the back of my head still likes the idea
but I also know everybody doesn’t like this ship and I too am prone to peer pressure (by online strangers)
so currently I have no strong feelings on this ship at all ig
max x nikki x neil:
1/10 maybe?? but they’re better as a friend group
..harrison x nerris:
do I even need to say it
10/10 I love them 😀😀
the lake lilac dance episode still drives me insane. they,, they 100% wanted to dance together you can literally tell in the episode shhduhdbhudbhudnjisnjisnjienjienjis
“they certainly are standing next to eachother” hell yes they are. all the time. nneuindhubehuhhrbugrbsiuhbhueinuhebeuhubsiuhbsyugvsyugvsgyunrnunrijhen
ok next
presner, harriston, and nerriston all get a solid 7/10 they’re pretty nice but nerrison is still my favorite
max x harrison:
0/10 no thanks
ok moving on
neil x harrison:
0/10 this is,, no,, I don’t like it idk why
I don’t.. no
max x nerris:
i don’t care for this one at all tbh u do I ig but
Nerris x nikki:
1/10 cute in theory, I have no real complaints about them, just don’t ship it or see it happening
max x preston:
augh. I’ve been dreading this one because,, idk actually
i used to hate this one bc i just didn’t see it and I’ve felt that way for basically as long as I’ve been in this fandom but recently
I can.. sort of see it? a part of me does things it’s kinda cute, age hc (or in max’s case, just canon) is 10 & 12 which isnt horrible but do with that’s what you will
i give this one a solid 6/10 for now, maybe 5/10
ered x nikki:
0/10 nikki def has some sort of ‘crush’ on ered but I don’t ship it and it’s more just like younger kids idolizing older ones
also. ages in my hc is 10 & 15 so,, yeah no.
Ered x dolph:
0/10 no no and no. age hc is 8 and 15 no.
space kid x dolph:
5/10, could be cute but I prefer them as friends
max x space kid:
i think it’s kind of cute but I do not see it at all and don’t really ship it
nurf x anybody 0/10
i keep forgetting Nurf exists and I don’t like him so fuck off
ok I did it
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
Another Fucking Rhyme
guess what we don't hear in The Name Of The Doctor? I mean, obviously, because it's silly. anyway. onwards
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 9/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 4/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 3/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 7/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 3/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 3/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 9/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 3/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 5/10
FULL RATING: 49/100 (if I can count….)
this is not the lowest rated finale episode that M*ffat has done. I mainly find it a bit dull on the whole, with little bits of interest around it. a lot of plot for one specific thing
OBJECTIFICATION: we do pretty well on that, especially considering River Song is in it. Jenny also doesn't strip down to her sexy leather outfit to fight again
PLOT-POINT: we do much less well here because it's literally the episode of Clara-Is-A-Plotpoint, but I will say that... River both is and isn't a plotpoint, in that we get post-Library River in this and she gets to have a bit of an opinion on being left there in the first place!
she's still very much there to drive Stuff, and she's still in the library, but there's a slight complication in that so-called happy ending
COMPLEXITY: it's a very very simple storyline built in an overly complicated way, and to be honest there's only one real reason it exists, and that's for The War Doctor to be introduced
after all that build-up The Great Intelligence is sort of a meh series villain, but it feels more like it's something in production that's rushed than anything else... Richard E Grant was good though
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: Clara fell through time and saved the Doctor and I'm unclear on whether this will matter in the future or not
The Great Intelligence dies
the Doctor reveals The War Doctor
River and the Doctor have a post-library brief interaction
COMPANIONS MATTER: you know, sure, yeah. she makes a choice and goes through with it. although loses points because the opening is ostensibly all about the various people doing shit, but they're actually just getting kidnapped so that the Doctor can be Lured
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: this episode is really all about setting up The War Doctor, but in the meantime everything is also about the Doctor and how one can go in and kill the Doctor everywhere at once and the whole Universe will implode. sort of like Turn Left but on a much much bigger scale
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: this is the fuck you episode for that, isn't it? Clara is the reason the Doctor chose that Tardis. Clara actually knows everything about the Doctor, because she's in his timestream. see, it's this that initially made me go "sigh okay she's just River Redux," and yeah, it's so unfortunate to do this to her character, because now she can't just be, she's being written as The Most Specialist. just fucking let your characters be M*ffat!!!!
“SEXINESS”: mmmm, we've got a few River Song-isms, but the bit that actually annoys me the most is not actually about sexiness, but this weird moment where Vastra is jealous of Clara being a companion
INTERNAL WORLD: Trenzalore is a big graveyard, which the Tardis stands in, and it's the Doctor's grave. but the Doctor is much more special and so it's actually all of their lives that stand there in some kind of stasis, unlike in s6 where they were just burning him. or the Master who also got burnt
also it's trying to insert Clara into the past, but it's not quite all-together as concept
POLITICS: it's another one that technically omits politics, so we fall back on Clara being as per the episode (twice!) "born to save the Doctor."
FULL RATING: 49/100 (if I can count….)
some episodes are Really Bad. some are there and you feel they maybe should be better, because after all, they're a season finale, but you can move past it because you've already seen much much worse
this was hard to write about, mainly because I was kind of in "shrug" emotions the whole time. it happened. it ended. kind of a let down to a big mystery, but don't worry because there's another mystery on the back of this one
at least it's not trying for sexy I guess
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thekidsarentalright · 7 months
ignore im awake again i needed to go piss girl but i saw you wanted albums so … ABAP and evermore :-3 also MUAH
ignoring ur awake and kissing you for sending my fav albums
abap: the first song from this album I heard: i think. it was uma. or centuries. one of those fuckers came on the radio and changed my life forever idk which </3 do I own the album?: (side eyes the vinyl of it literally displayed on my wall rn) yeah no i can't say i do sorry my favorite song: ....................... might be the kids aren't alright idk though my least favorite song: uma thurman i am making out w you but i also like you the least sorry babygirl a song I didn’t like at first, but now do: bff this is gonna be the shock of a lifetime to u but i actually used to, when i first got into fob, dislike twin skeletons KFJSDN clearly i. i more than like it now tho a song I used to like, but now don’t: literally none of them <3 my favorite lyric: "and it's our time now if you want it to be / maul the world like the carnival bear set free" overall rating out of 10: 100000000/10
evermore: the first song from this album I heard: willow!! do I own the album?: yessssss i do! my favorite song: ivy. forever and ever i love ivy so much it is such a gorgeous song my least favorite song: evermore </3 i just dont like bon iver's voice in it i cant listen to it fkjsdnfds a song I didn’t like at first, but now do: closure took a bit to grow on me but now i really really like it!!! being able to now relate to it probably helps w that tho lmaoooo a song I used to like, but now don’t: no body no crime </3 its a fun song just kinda meh my favorite lyric: "I'd live and die for moments that we stole / On begged and borrowed time / So tell me to run / Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become / And drink my husband's wine" (but every lyric from ivy is a masterpiece i literally am so in love w this song) overall rating out of 10: 10/10 evermore is one of my fav albums of all time forever and ever
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tobotgaming · 8 months
season 2 episode 27
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Well i’ll be
QUATRAN TIME oh boy oh boy oh boy
Transformation: Yeah its meh The start of the transformation goes well but the rest feels "spaced out" This music is also not doing it for me I do like the fact that they show their hands before beating someone with them
Fit check: 
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This did not hit  Quatran is strange because it looks *too much* like a car robot Like for other tobots, sure it looks like a robot with some car parts here and there (Like C's arms or R's shoulders) , but Quatran looks like they duct-taped 4 cars together without much thought
Give me one second hopping into MS paint
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Quatran pretty much looks like this It just looks blocky and unnatural  Also idk why they decided to wash out the colors it looks boring
Why did they have to give him eyes Why did they have to give him eyes Why did they have to give him eyes Why did they have to give him eyes Overall a let down
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Wait I was joking dea arc real?
Oh yeah quatran’s voice isn’t hot either
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luciapines · 1 year
Ranking The Other One:
1. Maya: A SLAY not much more to say tbh
2. Mirror mirror: so interesting i love every sound in this song
3. Believing: i really like the lyrics and even tho i kinda hate robotic moa at the end i like the sound and vibe of the song overall
4. Monochrome: when i heard the teasers i thought i wouldn't really like it since im not the biggest fan of slow songs but this is so good and has been holding up so well since the release. i ADORE the sound it is beautiful and with enough punch to keep me in the song and not bore me (unlike the piano version 😭 su sings beautifully but yeah)
5. The legend: i really didn't expect to put this here (had it at 8 at first) but its just so special..... idk so spacy and beautiful and not what i was expecting ?? very chill vibe and a fucking saxophone??!!! hell yeah so superior to the one in every way not gonna miss it
6. Metal Kingdom: great way to start the the album super cinematic and really cool lore song me likes
7. Time Wave: really cool! i like it but making a ranking is hard jsjsj i love screaming TIME WAVEEE
8. Divine Attack: it can be repetitive but its hype its really special to me because it was the first single and its my fav vid of the album
9. Metalizm: club song (derogatory) i don't really like edm (idk id this song classifies as that but it kinda sounds like it to me) the only base part in the middle ruins the mood for me. maybe i had too many expectations from the snippet tho but i know it will hype the public in the shows so its okay
10. Light and darkness: the dance is cool and moa lines are good but all the punch monochrome has is absolutely nowhere to be seen here very meh to me even tho it has a super catchy chorus
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thedreadvampy · 11 months
Watched the new season of Black Mirror and like. I'm pretty meh on Black Mirror generally, I think it's overall good but not great
less cause it's wanky or fire-bad-Thomas-Edison-witch (I don't think it is either of those things and I think short film is the right format for speculative fiction and works really well, plus I'm always a slut for speculative fiction or horror anthologies) and more cause it's often a bit obvious and also I find the self conscious universe building a bit cringe (short stories can be standalone short stories! overarching narratives or crossovers are not necessary!)
but I gotta say off the back of the new series I really think the further away it gets from sci-fi the more I like it. mazey day was ok with a solid twist, loch henry was really effective and I truly found demon 79 really delightful (although that's like 90% cause I just think Anjana Vasan is such a great presence, loved her in We Are Lady Parts too).
whereas the most sci-fi one, the astronaut one, felt kind of stale and unfinished to me, like I knew from about 10 minutes in where every beat of the story was going, and it kept feeling like it wanted to say something about trad families or about fridging women or about trauma or about like. anything. but nah it was just exactly what it looked like, it was a mid 60s-style sci-fi/horror. it read like a Dick story and there clearly was some satirical intent there in the idea that both men were misogynistic and abusive in similarly veiled ways, but like. didn't go anywhere did it? still ended up fridging the women and framing the men as victims of their own brutality and if your story beat for beat could have been written 60 years ago, it's not exactly effective modern satire, is it?
the opener for the season was fine. fun. very classic-mode Black Mirror. I liked what it was doing but it was another one which felt slightly undercooked, like it had a lot of good ingredients but a lot of the episode was just treading water. it was a fun caper if a little cringe at times.
but yeah the non-scifi episodes worked a lot better for me. Demon 79 feels very Asimov but, unlike Beyond The Sea, it didn't feel outdated - it's got a really nice central conceit, engaging characters and it's constructed really well for me, plus the performances and aesthetics were strong. Mazey Day was simple but effective, really clear about its intents and again with some really engaging, fun performances. Loch Henry was just a good tight thriller with again some clear ideas to convey which I thought were on the nose but not obnoxious.
I think that there are some really strong Black Mirror episodes - 15 Million Merits, White Bear, Men Against Fire, Hang The DJ - and the common thread for the ones that work for me is that they have a really tight central concept and a strong idea of what the question they want to ask is. and tbh I think this is the strongest season because only one episode was actively cringe for me and there were 3 really tight ones. To me where the show consistently falls down is that it gets too invested in the Black Mirror Expanded Universe and the idea of what the show is 'meant' to be. Almost all the weakest episodes start with an on-the-nose piece of technology and end with 'hey if that happened would that be fucked up or what?'
I reckon that this season Brooker's been quite actively trying to get off the hook of 'Black Mirror Is About Phone Scary' and it's by a long way an improvement cause freed of the need to in any way shoehorn in a central technology the show's got solid space to find new core concepts and new ideas instead of 'what if there's a 15th fucked up thing you could do with memory recordings or perfect AI personality clones?'
like black mirror's always mostly been interested in a few core themes - voyeurism and panoptica, paranoia, self-perfection and performance, and what it takes to push people towards violence and when that's justified. a lot of the time the devotion to telling that through a really specific near-future sci-fi lens has been a bit of a millstone around its neck. this works better.
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arrogantsoap · 7 months
Reviewing horror movies I watched for the first time this halloween season
(I'll keep updating this post as I watch more. Also I'm going for the classics here, if you have recommendations feel free to tell me)
- The Blair Witch Project: 7/10
I guess watching it in cinema when it came out must have been so good and I appreciate it for the originality. It's great at portraying the fear of being lost and haunted and shit and i wasn't bored for a single minute. But idk i guess knowing everything that happens in it before even watching it made the plot kinda... meh lol
- Friday the 13th (1980): 5/10
Had I not known who the killer was maybe it would've been surprising and I would've liked it better. But it's just y'know a product of its time and it's alright i just didn't like it very much, it's clumsy and funny at best and at its worst it makes murder seem boring. I have yet to watch the sequels because from what I've heard they're better.
- Evil dead (1981): 7/10
Really good! Love the plot, but most of the main characters are so dumb i just got angry sometimes. The practical effects got a good laugh out of me sometimes but overall it's really impressive. I had watched Evil Dead: Rise before this one. That one I found better because it improves on the mistakes of the original, but you have to appreciate the source material because it's already pretty fucking good.
- Sinister: 8/10
When it comes to the haunting subgenre this one really nails it. I've deducted a few points because it's pretty cliche, most horror movies with little kids tend to do the same thing and this one rarely escapes those tropes. But the ending was impressive and I liked it a lot. Plus Ethan Hawke playing a dad. Do I need to say more?
- Scream (1996): 10/10
Was it really supposed to be a horror movie and not a gay romcom? Anyway........ It's a classic and it deserves that title. Fucking awesome. Perfect characters. The main girl is not dumb. Great ending. I've watched it like five times in a week. Am not doing okay.
- Scream 2 and 3: 6/10
Okay I think it's pretty safe to assume from now on the series is hardly even trying to be a horror series. As comedies, these are great. The meta elements always get me. But they just lack the spiciness of the first one. Tbh would only recommend if you got time to spare otherwise you wouldn't be missing much.
- I know what you did last summer: 9/10
Exactly my cup of tea. It's a shame Julie is SO. FUCKING. STUPID. But I loooooove me some who done it horror. It's sort of a distant sibling of Scream so if you liked that you'll probably like this one too.
- Poltergeist (1982): 9/10
Really great. It's a classic for a reason. It nails everything right on the head. Love the metaphor behind it too. It's just not exactly my type of thing so yeah...
- Scream 4: 7/10
So far I found this to be the best sequel. The "reboot" thing works well, but Emma Roberts' performance annoys me deeply idk. Everything else was very entertaining idk. Still kinda mid comparing to the first one
- Signs: 10/10
I think a close second to horror/murder mystery/slasher to me are these apocalypse/end of the world type of movie. And this one is probably the best one I've watched so far. I don't even get scared watching movies anymore but this one made my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. Also the family drama makes me really emotional lol. This movie does everything right, loved it. Is it even horror? Idk, but I liked it a lot.
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anosci · 10 months
Media Thread
im making a list of media ive watched/played/etc this year with brief thoughts. its going to be far less featured than my music list, but still a bit long. again mirroring twitter except this time because fuck twitter.
list below the cut
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1/ Princes Arete (2001) I was sold on this movie under the premise that it's similar to Kino no Tabi. and… it is. kinda. Kino and Arete would be cool pals. Every character is interesting, which seems rare(?) Only real drawback: the hostage situation kinda really sucked.
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2/ Time of EVE (2008/9) the classic tale: androids indistinguishable from humans as an allegory for racism. but unlike DBH, this is actually really good. its a story that feels like a single thread in a vast tapestry that'd be fascinating to explore, but too bad: you only have 6 eps
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3/ Spice & Wolf (2008) i remember loving this show. i don't remember understanding the economics. I took notes this time. I still struggled. (spoilers for ep3) regardless: wow this is a good show. weirdly, I saw myself in the relationship portrayals. I guess that means its realistic?
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4/ Spice & Wolf II (2009) i feel like this kinda fell off? :( like it tried too hard to be action-packed. and that worked sometimes. but that first arc was just… :( it feels like a case of "just needs an editing pass. needs a bit more focus" i'll treasure S1 more, after all
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5/ Double Fine PsychOdyssey (2023) absurdly captivating. i say that it's a miracle that any video game gets made ever. this shows that Psychonauts 2 was several miracles in succession. it's simultaneously illusion-shattering and inspiring.
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6/ The Owl House S1 (2020) finally sat down to watch this. it's GOOD. lots of worldbuilding to chew on, and then it picked up quite nicely. im immediately pouncing on S2 and feeling glad i was late enough to be able to marathon
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7/ The Owl House S2 (2022) stumbling down the boulderest mountain and hitting every rock on the way down. the rocks represent engagement. i am engaged. i adore this show. it is a little weird to suddenly freeze mid-tumble.
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8/ Broken Age (2014) (Dr. Mick's LP) delightful start! brilliant, even! then the big bad is revealed and…. meh. I watched Dr. Mick's playthru tho, and holy shit that's some really cool commentary.
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9/ Double Fine Adventure! (2015) its a little unfortunate that the nature of gamedev means that the ending is kinda anticlimatic but good lord what an amazing journey. i'd watch a million of these.
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10/ Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) ok ok fine ill [finally] watch it …oh its good. like really good. its rly funny but in a way that fascinatingly beside the point? yeah I can see why some ppl didnt like this but i think its super fun
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11/ Nichijou (2011) a nice and cute slice of life thing… that occasionally breaks out some quality jokes. though only half of them landed for me. i feel like i would've gotten more out of this if I caught it at the time.
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12/ The Owl House S3 (2023) i had a lot of reservations about the collector initially but having seen the entire arc: that came together nicely! still sad that it's The End, but like. good overall!
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13/ Penguindrum (2011) i DONT think i followed 90% of the themes and their connections. that said, i DO love the way metaphors are treated as "literal". confusing maybe, but i adore the idea of "paint what you feel not what you see" applied to storytelling.
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14/ From the New World (2012) this has a mess of an opening (several) episode(s), but it eventually found its footing and became quite a cool action adventure… thriller i guess? i do take some issues with bits and pieces but it was a good watch overall.
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15/ GinGitune (2013) fluff. the lightest, fluffiest of fluff. melts in water. there are several elements that couldve been mined for drama and intrigue but they were all treated as background elements. (this isn't a bad thing, but it's not what you might expect.)
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16/ Space Dandy (2014) dropped after ep4, but on good terms i guess? fun animation, funky vibes, sometimes even funny! anime johny bravo…or I think i saw a Dirty Pair comparison, which feels right. but im not meshing with the silly wacky high nrg antics rn. maybe another time.
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17/ Death Parade (2015) rly misleading intro (i was ready to drop lol) rly rly promising setup by ep4 RLY good development and mildly biffed ending, but hard to fault considering its a 12ep. i love the aesthetics, worldbuilding, characters. overall i really really liked this!!!
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18/ One Punch Man S1 (2015) i forgot how fun this show is! and the great worldbuilding! i dont plan to move to the second season again tho. i thought about grabbing the manga instead but good lord it's way longer than i thought. oh well.
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19/ Flying Witch (2016) slicest of life with a la croix touch of supernatural. the normal slices didn't do much for me 90% of the time. but the supernatural slices? choice. (…mostly.) tbh i just want an entire season of that cafe.
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20/ Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto (2016) i was skeptical, but this actually worked rly well. for moment. a short, beautiful moment. most of the potential here was stifled by trying to add high school drama/plot. the comedy tho, at its best, had a vibe i havent felt since hayate
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21/ Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (2016) it is VERY EASY for a comedy show to slide from "absurdity = funny" to "this is just annoying". somehow, this never crossed that line, which was weirdly refreshing? not always a winner, but overall a good mix of laughs and superpower exploration.
21b/ edit to add: oh this was right after Sakamoto! Man. The two feel kind of kindred but Saiki is leagues better at staying fresh.
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22/ Viewfinder (2023) short but very sweet mind-bender puzzler thing. the story had a cool foundation but fumbled in execution imo. but the gameplay? top notch. felt great through and through. never too difficult. beautiful idea and beautiful execution.
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23/ Flip Flappers (2016) uncertain about the show at first, and then, after watching… im still uncertain. i did enjoy it, but I also felt outside the audience ig? a case where I can imagine a version of this show that knocks my socks off, but as-is it's just a fun ride
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24/ Fionna & Cake (2023) my expectations were very low and they were VASTLY exceeded! think this show is at its strongest when exploring characters w short stories, which was most of this. the ending felt slightly fumbled…i think it couldve rocked me but instead it was just :).
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25/ Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye (2021) i already played and loved this game, but happened upon About Oliver's playthrough and fell in love again. truly that is The Most outer wilds playthrough. good lord.
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26/ The Amazing Digital Circus (2023) interesting and filled with style… but not for me. i'd list complaints but basically all of them are strengths and favorites for someone else. yknow?
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27/ Little Witch Academia TV (2017) as the credits roll, i find myself with two thoughts: croix was done dirty and wow this is SPECTACLE. aptly magical. oh also! it was quite fun to follow along with contemporary discussion
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28/ Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (2023) oh it's like. really good. i dont remember the movie so i cant compare but this stands well on its own and i love the character exploration, even if i dont like some of the uhh… what would you call that? scifi jokes? (spoiler territory soz)
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29/ Land of the Lustrous (2017) FLOORED by how much I loved this. qualms about the CG turned into admiration, the shading drawing me into the world. worries about annoying characters melted away to find admirable layers. THE USE OF SYMBOLISM kept me SO well fed. and the pacing!
29b/ cont: my only complaint that isn't a nitpick: i hate how it left so, so, so many threads loose. i faceplanted my dashboard during the decelerating pace between the first 10 eps and the final 2. i get that it's from an ongoing manga but that still felt maximum bummer.
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fourspiceblend · 2 years
Nobody asked for this but now that we have all the student trailers these are my actual thoughts on the redesigns (since I know we won't get a trailer for the faculty next week and even if they're unlockable/DLC later I don't trust IS to give them a glow up). I'm only talking personal preference here, no deep analysis into what the costumes signify or whatever.
Edelgard: on its own? It's a cute design, and the hair looks pretty nice in spite of how thin the braid looks. Coming from 3H? Uninspired and bland. The red emperor dress had presence, it signified power, it had that Enormous Bitch Who Will Ruin Your Day energy. I'm not sensing any of that here, it's like they wanted to remind us she's 5'2" and likes teddy bears and probably wears floaties to the beach. 6/10, isn't lower because I like red.
Hubert: massive downgrade. They masacred him for the meme potential. 2/10, would hate it less if his original TS design didn't exist and set such a high standard for Hubert swag, but sadly this is the timeline we live in.
Ferdinand: meh. The hair looks fine but his outfit says nothing. 5/10
Linhardt: Gender/10. The clear winner of the Eagles. He's even wearing a nun collar to boot! May as well be wearing that "I really wish I weren't here right now" button and I love that for him. His whole cozy outfit looks like it would be great for naps. I wish him the best.
Caspar: deserved better. I always hated his TS outfit to begin with, but his undercut gave him a cute shonen boy edge. This hairstyle makes him look like all of my male classmates in middle school, and I went to middle school in the 2000's. I can smell the Axe body spray from here. 1/10
Bernadetta: she looks like an onion. 4/10, and only because I like her outfit and color scheme. No, I don't care that "it fits her".
Dorothea: pretty, but doesn't do much for me. 7/10, but overall a downgrade. The braid is sick tho.
Petra: 9/10. It's grown on me. I like that they gave her sandals, and THE BRAIDS ARE BACK!! Braids good.
Dimitri: 7/10, not great, not terrible, always good to see him with both eyes. His original TS look will always be iconic though. Hard to top that honestly.
Dedue: 10/10. They took everything we love about his design and made it better, gave him his earring back, and gave him a BEARD! AND a BRAID! I am a simple human with simple tastes, and I love everything that's going on in here.
Felix: 6/10. No tsundere thigh highs, no poofy sleeves, he's wearing a bump-it. The hair itself isn't terrible but I got so used to the spiky volleyball hair that seeing him in a hairstyle that actually looks normal feels out of character for him. It's fine I guess, but his outfit is missing that wealthy douchebag energy the old one had.
Ashe: cute, very Ashe, a little bit of gender going on. 7/10, nothing much to say here.
Sylvain: 0/10. They didn't even try.
Mercedes: ara ara/10. Absolute perfection. I do admit I miss the hat, but her hair is so gorgeous she doesn't even need it.
Annette: 10/10. The winner of the Lions. It's like she's ready to open up her bakery. I do still have a soft spot for her old timeskip dress but the hair is very much an upgrade. I want to pick her up and put her in my pocket.
Ingrid: 3/10. I just wanted the braid back.
Claude: 8/10, would be higher if he still had a beard. The color scheme is pretty nice.
Hilda: 8/10, love her look but still prefer the original. I'm glad they didn't really change much and kept it very much her.
Lorenz: 8/10, again not much of a change, he's very Lorenz and I'm here for that.
Raphael: 9/10. It just fits him better than his original TS look. He looks ready to go rock climbing with you. He looks like he would host the sickest barbecue ever.
Ignatz: 6/10. Love the hair clips and side swept thing going on, not the biggest fan of everything else.
Lysithea: 7/10. I will not forgive them for taking the veil away, but the outfit overall is cute, it's just not as great as the original. It's just kinda... plain? Yeah, sorry.
Marianne: 9/10. HAIR DOWN!!! That's it. That's literally the only thing I wanted and I got it so I can't complain. Also she still looks very much like a holy woman, but her hair is short enough that we can see her back window... business in the front, party in the back.
Leonie: 7/10. While I'm happy the short hair is back, the actual haircut itself doesn't say much and would have preferred something much closer to her academy hair. Still a cute design overall tho.
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r4bbitdragon · 3 years
yeah there’s a Lot of them so im not going to force them all into one post. cross-zbuild’s legacy. going to try and order them by the show release order, since that’s probably easiest for me
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1. ryuki set (fancy)- 7/10
now, i’m not sure this Quite fits as a set to include. i cant find any proof of them being meant to be worn together and interlocking, which is the main point of the rings im collecting. that said they were sold as a set, so i’m letting them pass. especially they both look quite fancy and nice, in a way that’s not immediately clockable as toku jewelry. in contrast to the next set...
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2. ryuki set (boring)- 4/10
first set of interlocking rings! unfortunately, also the first to show a problem with a lot of the interlockable rings, which is the interlocking parts just being two logos next to each other, with no interesting relation. unfortunate. still reaches a 4 for not clashing with each other.
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3. den-o mega set- 8/10
skipping ahead all the way to den-o since i don’t think there’s been that many phase one ring sets. this set technically breaks my other rule for these, as they weren’t all sold together in one set, but separately to mix and match. since they were clearly designed to interlock though, im forgiving it.
i really enjoy the interlock mechanism on this one, simple but looks great as you stack them up. the etchings also differentiate them quite nicely, although some definitely are cooler then others. quite a nice set!
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4. decade rings- 2/10
these are again on the edge of being included because they dont even interlock (booooo.) they were sold together though, and are currently the only decade ring set so in the end i decided to include them... just so i could dunk on them.
these are so bad, guys. really boring, with, again, no actual interlock. and, yknow, maybe the decade ring could work on its own? simple, but it works
the diend ring completely drags it down though. absolutely hideous, doesn’t exactly look great on it’s own, then completely clashes as a set. shameful stuff. maybe try again, pbandai, decade deserves Something better then this
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5. w rings (first) 1/10
huh? what? no.
listen the engravings on the band matching the halves is kinda a nice touch but otherwise this is unforgivable. a design that manages to be a little too boring to actually recall w, and is vaguely phallic? this was your first attempt for the 2 in 1 kamen rider? they deserve a good ring set more then anyone, this was just shameful
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6. cyclone joker rings- 7/10
ok yeah thank goodness. falls a little into ‘two logos next to each other’ but at least these are letters meant to be read together. vast, vast improvement on the first set though
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7.  dead ankh ring- 9/10
a bit unique amongst the pair rings in that it doesn’t exists to represent two characters, but to remind you of one character, and the fact that he is dead. it sure does remind you that ankh is dead! a very successful set at reminding you that ankh is dead
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8. wizard ring set- 3/10 and 10/10
ok yeah overall this would fall into my ‘just two logos’ meh category and 3/10 is probably more accurate overall. however one of these rings is beast, and reminds me of my dear friend Whom Beast Is For. 10/10... for Beast
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9. gaim and baron- comedy/10
pfft yeah ok just two logos whatever. this set wins sheer comedy points for being for two characters who just never really get along, before one of them eventually kills the other. just awful. what a duo to immortalize. i love it
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egyptian-sun-god · 3 years
Never Have I ever S2
SPOILERS.....Turn back now I’m serious.
I’m waiting....
Okay cool your fault at this point
I was fairly critical of NHIE S1, I won’t lie. And I’ll be real I still stand by the fact that NHIE S1 was fairly meh overall. 
But holy shit, they knocked this season outta the world man. The show really really found its proper footing this season. They were smart to keep the cheating for only two episodes and explore the repercussion for the other 8. 
1.Devi Vishwakumar.
Let’s start with the main character.  Devi still does immensely fucked up shit this season. Dating two boys and have them find out in the MOST humiliating way possible. Yikes. Being a really sucky friend to Aneesa and starting that rumour about her (inadvertently) and pretending to her. Stalking her mother and being possessive of her. The really awful apology that was pretty self centred, a bit not good. 
 But she really does do her best to improve and I am SO proud of that. She uses her father’s advice and apologizes better to Aneesa, she actually handled the Ben and Aneesa dating WAAAAY better than I’ve seen some people handle things like that. I might’ve blown a fuse if two of my friends had 4 tickle fights and had major PDA sessions when we were trying to do a group project. Like she handled that shit fairly well all things considered. Devi actually gets into the beginnings of delving into her trauma and her temporary paralysis and healing from it. I
 really see how the label ‘crazy’ weighs on her and how she blew up with it and the message of destigmatizing mental illness. (Crazy Aneesa and Crazy Devi)  Her properly bonding with her mother and watching videos of her father and remembering/honouring his memory hit REALLY HARD (since I lost many people in my family recently and that fear of forgetting them has been real). Devi is actually beginning to heal from the loss of her father by strengthening the relationship with her Amma. And the slap from Paati was so so needed, it really gave her a better respect of her mother and fixed the problem I had with Devi mouthing off so much to her Amma. I live to see good maamiyar marumagal relationships. Her relationship with Paxton is really good and it gets developed very logically and having her be scared of being pathetic but in the end she accepted her own self worth and stopped chasing after them which was good. 
Overall Devi really blossomed into her own developing person and I actually like her so much more this season. 
2. Paxton Hall Yoshida
I was honestly, like genuinely sad last season he was like 80% eye candy with not much else going for him. Paxton had so much faith as a character and Ms Kaling has really pulled him into such a better person this season. 
Paxton got hit by a car before swim season, lost his ticket to college and wow, got two timed by a girl he liked all in two episodes. If he was salty about that for more than one season I would’ve completely accepted it. Cause that’s a bad public humiliation. 
Paxton episode really really made me love him as a character (honestly more so than Ben) I think because I heard Paxton’s entire worry and irritation that he was being underestimated and no one really expected him to go to college from a friend of mine not more than a month ago. That shit is real, and it hurted my friends a lot that people were really underestimating them and just seeing them as a dumb athlete who has no hope of college. It’s really nice to see Paxton actually want to go to college and learn Japanese American side with his Oji-chan giving him advice and supporting him. And him bringing his grandfather to speak about the internment camps, that seriously do not get spoken about enough.
Also him putting effort and making a genuine effort to work hard and bring up his grades with Devi and therefore bonding with her was really nice to see. I wouldn’t mind them being endgame but Devi does really work a lot better as his pushy Indian mom/best friend/tutor.  And Devi getting mad at him for him expecting him to hold his hand throughout really hit well. Was it deserved yeah. But Devi also did blow him off after promising him to study so his anger is justified there. I’m just kinda vibing with Paxton like coming up and taking a better interest in school and being a full 3D character. And that one scene where he gives the extra credit presentation and Trent high fives the man. Classic. 
Can I also just say, it’s kinda valid that Paxton didn’t want to date her in public. Is it a dick move...yeah? But he’s within his rights to ask and she’s within her rights to deny. And he didn’t press her once she said no, he went along with it. And what Devi pulled on him is awful, and speaking as someone who’s seen popular kid cliques. Reputation really is important. Like what Devi did made Paxton lose face, if he gets back with Devi he ain’t gonna have any respect left in him. And Paxton was pretty right in deciding to not date her publicly, like even in the end he knows that his reputation is shot for what he did. Do we even know if Paxton has friends that aren’t fixated on his social status? Because becoming a social pariah without having any support of friends is gonna hurt like a bitch. Lord knows how Paxton gonna deal with it. I think Trent might be his only homie after the social downfall he will inevitably face. 
I’m just gonna say, Paxton is my favourite now and I’m really rooting for him. Something I decidedly did not do last season. I’m happy Ms Kaling developed him so much and got me interested. 
3. Ben Gross
Ah. Ben. Ben’s not my faaavouriteee.......like he’s fine. But I don’t love him. I can definitely see him and Devi becoming an almost endgame couple though. Especially with S2 ending. 
Ben is fine and he’s pretty developed, especially with his episode in S1 and it was good he took a backseat this season and let everyone else star. I feel like he’ll come back strong next season though. 
Personally do I ship him with Devi? No. I’ve been in a friendship with the similar competitive dynamic as Ben and Devi. And it was terrible. We loved to argue and we got each other’s super brainy side as Devi puts it. But we pushed each other faar too much and even the small things became arguments and each pthers achievements became jealousy. So yeah....I don’t have too much faith in the dynamic due to personal bias, but I’d love to see how it gets handled. 
Also my brother Ben, PDA is a thing and it is common courtesy to refrain from it. Man’s really going at it with Aneesa half the time. But also the moment where Aneesa sort of choked on the presentation and Ben’s irritation at it gave me BAAAD vibes. It feels like while Devi can match him, they might push each other too far, 
4. Kamala 
I LOVE KAMALA. Girl is an ENTIRE vibe. My sweetheart, love of my life. I could go on. I really like her development as well and the banter between her and Nalini. The part where Nalini practically said she looked like a call girl and she was like ippadi potathaan velaila mariyaatha kidaikum. I legit had to pause, scream in laughter for a good few seconds. 
They had such a good story with her and wanting to fight against the fact that they took her work and didn’t credit her and everyone was telling her to like take it bowing. Prasanth’s advice unfortunately checked out to me, because I’ve been told that all my life. My dad says it a lot and I know he doesn’t say it cause’ he doesn’t believe in me, but he loves me and wants my life to be easier and for me to succeed and his experience is that he’s had to deal with things like this and fighting won’t help. So yeah, what Prasanth said did not rub me the wrong way at all and I agreed with it and I’m fairly disappointed about that. I get that she got nervous and had cold feet about marriage but I do hope she and Prasanth can work this out through communication. Because I really don’t feel like Prasanth is the bad guy here. It’s just a miscommunication. 
So yeah, a LOT of Kamala’s storyline continues to really hit me hard. 
5. Nalini Vishwakumar
Nalini really had so much more screentime to blossom. I love that she has a good relationship with Mohan’s amma. It’s wonderful and I love it. Also I was shocked to see the house in Chennai. Like this house...in Chennai. The Chennai I’m used to and the Chennai they are used to are different Chennai’s. Basically wealth gap is crazy as hell and I was lowkey highkey confused if the actually shot this shit in Chennai. But props to the directors for putting some proper Tamil vibes in there. Like the scene where they kaala thottu kumbudurathu (touch the elder’s feet) before they leave for the US is so real and so vibes. I like that they decided to bring paati back. I was like hoping for it.
Also they really went at developing Nalini’s character as a workaholic mom who doesn’t get her daughter. That’s also a really common thing in Indian households with one working parent so I’m happy they portrayed that. I’m happy Nalini actually has a life outside her family portrayed and is still such a typical mother that it hits HARD. I love Nalini and she really developed as a character dealing with grief from Mohan’s death, the wish to move on with Dr.Jackson but knowing that she isn’t ready yet. 
They gave her character a life and proper working outside Devi and it really has shown to develop her character and impact her relationship with Devi. The advice to “just say yes” works with cousins and younger siblings as well, I’ve heard it before and used it..and it saves so much time. Especially with small children. 
(A memory I have is of my younger cousin going on and on about a princess and a castle and fighting a dragon and the witches and so much fantasy shit and ended with do you wanna come? I just clocked off my CCA’s and I had no energy left to question it so I just went yeah sure. Easiest decision, and 10/10 advice. )
6. Aneesa
I’m not gonna lie. I was skeptical of Aneesa and I didn’t like how Devi saw her in the trailer. But Aneesa reminds me so much of me....and its killing me. 
Also the scene where she charms the hell out of Nalini and paati ma has literally happened to me before. Most of my Indian friends hate it..because I was raised with a lot more traditional manners with my grandparents so me and my siblings all are old fashioned which parents LOVE. And I really saw that Aneesa charming them and Devi also realizing, Damn none of my friends actually treat my family the way they should be treated, perks of having an Indian friend. 
Also the scene where she gets Devi out of trouble is so so real. Because if you have one responsible friend that you parents trust, you could lie the hell to them, get you homie to back you up and it will work. Personal experience. So yeah, Aneesa character resonated with me a lot.
I also like that she wasn’t just a popular 1D Indian girl but she was genuinely cool and actually had proper issues and development where she gets more open to Sherman Oaks and actually kinda properly rebels against Noor, with having Ben as a boyfriend. 
I feel like Aneesa has a lot more potential for growth, especially with the relationship with Ms Noor and Aneesa acting as a foil to Nalini and Devi’s. Also, I feel like Aneesa can grow within her social status at school as well and have Devi maturely handle it. Aneesa I feel will really really challenge Devi’s ability to be mature. 
7. Eleanor and Fabiola’s plotlines
Okay like actually, major props to Ms Kaling man. This show touches so so many teen issues in one goddamn show. Emotionally manipulative relationships. So SO good. A lot of newer age relationships have a much more subtle and dangerous line of abuse that’s hard to find out. Like honestly it took me a while to see it as well and I realized oh fuck. oh fuck...I see it it’s bad. They really got the essence of Eleanor’s flamboyance matching with Malcom? (is it Malcolm..fuck it it’s Malcolm now) his “suaveness” and traditionally charming tendency. It made sense and it’s very realistic how Eleanor got played like a damn fiddle. I also again feel that the make up was faar to quick but I really appreciate that Eleanor got her own storyline with her step-mom and understanding of relationships instead of the show hyperfocusing on just Devi. I respect that a lot.  Petition to get a Eleanor narration episode. 
Fabiola’s storyline also was well taken. It’s an interesting added layer to the queer experience and how queerness can be expected to be performative and but really its all about being more of yourself. The idea that queer people don’t owe nobody anything or have to perform an ideal version of queerness and Fabiola struggling with that kinda hit. The part where they talked about her mother learning to support them and being Cricket? Queen/King. Like being trailblazers for the POC community and the LGBTQ+ community having overlapping struggles. Again, I liked that Fabiola was getting more personal screentime and less of her story revolving around Devi’s. 
8. Everything else
I liked that there was more Tamil being casually thrown around. Like the Kamala vaadi to hold the suitcase down as they zipped it together was funny and relatable. The accents were really interesting because I promise you, I had no clue what they were saying sometimes. Nalini’s dialogues in Tamil were like immensely difficult to understand, and my Tamil is fluent. This isn’t a criticism... I’m fairly certain the difference is to do with the regional difference. American Tamil and Malaysian + rural Tamil slang are going to have huge accent differences so there’s no surprise that I found Nalini’s Tamil hard to understand. 
I’m really really really meh about the Kamala and Manish/Mr Kulkarni thing. I still think she should sort it out with Prasanth maybe but I’m open to seeing where it goes. I might change my mind with it. 
This show like any other show had its highs and lows. But I really really do feel that NHIE season 2 managed to truly figure out what the hell it wants to do and developed into a very strong and very entertaining show in terms of representation and diversity. I’m looking forward to season 3. 
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salingogon · 3 years
amaya isn't historically logical
here are the reasons why:
1. the drama's main essence in terms of culture is stereotypically presented which is based on the reoccurring visions of the modern filipino. yeah that's all sis
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2. the dresses are sickening, again it is stereotypically presented rather than the recorded fashions such as the Codex Boxer (unknown, c. early 1590s) and History of the Bisayan Islands (Alcina, 1668). all of them fucking men all wear the same style of fashion which consists of a fucking vest and some loincloth bullshit, and oh god, the women, they be wearing croptops (wtf disg0stAng) and the hair accessories are even fucking non-existent. straight hair pins bitch? those gunungan-looking pins, i can't. some are also even borrowed from distant ethnic cultures. ALSO THE NECKLACES ARE JUST FUCKING TBOLI SOUVENIR ITEMS, THE HEADDRESS IN THE PIC IS FUCKING FROM CARegion. edit: ALSO, THE TIMELINE OF AMAYA SEEMS FUCKING LONG, THE DRESSES SHOULD'VE SHOWN EVOLVING THROUGHOUT THE YEARS AND DECADES. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE HISTORICALLY ACCURATE, ITS ACADEMICALLY GUESSING.
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3. the names are fucking tacky, again based stereotypically, names or even words should be of Visayan or at least from Central Visayas that precedes 16th century or even fucking modern visayan. if the creators say, some or most of them are of Visayan origin, it sounds not (i be a bisaya-mostly-understanding-least-speaking bitch, and i know the VIBE of bisaya, so fuck you).
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4. the house is just a fucking MARANAO-ish torogan (it's just what i perceive) and them house ornaments are of maranao too. i also see some ming dynasty porcelain dishwares but whatever. i cant find the right pic
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5. bruh them music instruments omg, a basic-ass tube zither that isn't even found in the region. and the dancing? girl, my wig didn't flew off.
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6.why of all them men are fucking warriors? i know some are having their professions like fishermen or blacksmiths but like why all of em be wielding weapons wtf
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7. THE TOXIC MASCULINITY GIRL omg the main male protagonist be disliking killing someone to earn a fucking tattoo but him daddy (wtf) be like biTCh r u maN? like bRUHV priests in precolonial visayans be fucking transgenders bc they be tapping both male and female energies like Y U SPITTIN BULLSHIT? ugh
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8. bruh idk but polygamy in precolonial philippines (sorry im fucking generalizing) is kinda accepted, am i right? why are them women plotting petty revenges towards their husband's lovers? like idk rbuh
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10. girl there be muslim characters in the drama, but why dress 'em like maranaos? bruh first of all, that dress? fucking tacky. second, maranaos aren't the only muslim ethnic group in mindanao. duh look it up.
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i'll update this post when i remember something.
there are quite some parts in amaya that seems logical so applaud to that (meh).
i even saw an exhibit in vietnam i guess in their museum WITH AMAYA SHIT AND CLOTHING I REALLY CANT
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