#But she wanna add googly eyes anyways
haroldtea · 3 years
i wrote something!!
soooo I’m a pathological “i have a fic idea and i’m never going to write it or I write a few pages and then fall off” writer buuuut I had this very cute idea and wrote 4k words of it! I wanted to post it here before ao3 because 1) not sure if I’m a fan of starting a multichapter WIP because I still may abandon it like my other stuff 2) i want feedback before i continue!!
here’s the gist: it’s princess prom except it’s a high school au and princess prom is actually homecoming. Adora is very happy and supportive of Glimmer and Bow running for king/queen. Glimmer is very, very passionate about winning. The problem is they’ve naturally got competition, in the form of Perfuma (who is equally as passionate about winning, for her own reasons) and her new girlfriend Scorpia. In a sitcom-style mishap, Adora sort of accidentally signs up to run as well...with Catra, Scorpia’s best friend who Adora doesn’t not have a crush on. The two decide to go through with it with the intention of getting eliminated from the race as soon as possible. Then, their friends come up with a different plan for them.
so, take a read below at 4k of stupidity and let me know what you think, and if you would be interested to read more :) (fyi there is a lot of swearing lol)
Adora shrieks, flailing her arms and almost knocking her lamp over in the process. She whirls around in her desk chair to face the intruder, arms raised in karate chop form (she does not know any martial arts), and finds Glimmer, who has flung her bedroom door open and has that crazed Glimmer look in her eyes that only means trouble.
“Fuck! Glimmer, you can’t just sneak up--wait, how did you get in my house?!”
“Didn’t you hear what I said?! Also, the door was unlocked,” Glimmer replies, kicking off her shoes and launching herself onto Adora’s bed, which she had just painstakingly made.
Adora presses her hand into her face, sighing. “I was kind of busy trying not to piss myself. Haven’t you heard of knocking? What if I was, you know...” she says, gesturing vaguely.
Glimmer rolls her eyes. “Please, Adora. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Anyway--the student council decided to bring back the homecoming pep rally!” she squeals, gleefully kicking her feet in the air.
Adora leans back in her chair, brows furrowed. “Bring back? Didn’t we have one last year?”
“Yes, but after the water balloon thing they weren’t gonna let us have it anymore, but it turns out that one senior who wasn’t gonna graduate did graduate so I guess they figured it would probably be fine, ‘cause like, who’s ever gonna try and top that?”
“Right,” Adora hums, thinking back to last year’s pep rally. Just before homecoming court was announced, a group of rogue seniors had risen from the bleachers, unleashing dozens of water balloons they had stashed in their backpacks. What ensued was a pandemonium Adora could only remember in flashes, resulting in almost the entire student body and the school’s hallways being completely soaked.
The catch was that the seniors had filled the balloons with blue paint. It had taken the janitorial staff weeks to get the gym bleachers, the lockers in the science wing, and the cafeteria ceiling (don’t ask) to look normal again. Classes were cancelled for almost an entire week because the paint had messed up something with the internal plumbing. It was single-handedly the coolest thing Adora had experienced in her living years.
It was all led by the legendary Mara Hart, notorious for sticking it to the man during her K-12 years. The prank had all but gotten her and her friends expelled, but given that she was otherwise an A+ student and no one could technically prove who was behind it (her friends were loyal to each other to the bitter end), she walked at Bright Moon High’s graduation to uproarious applause from her classmates.
Adora knew some of the more grisly details because Mara had been captain of the girls’ lacrosse team last year--effortlessly cool Mara, endlessly caring Mara, definitely part of Adora’s gay awakening Mara--but it had become something of an urban legend at BMHS over the past year.
“Wait, how do you know any of this?” Adora asks, because while she was personally connected to Mara in a small way, she hadn’t been aware that they were going to cancel the pep rally indefinitely.
Glimmer arches an eyebrow. “Um, hello? My mom’s the principal?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“And Mermista totally let it slip when I asked her about it after the student council meeting,” Glimmer adds, then pauses. “Okay, it was more like I didn’t even wanna be there and I wish no one had ever voted for me and I’ll tell you whatever, but still. I’m...” she props her face in her hands and bats her eyelashes, “in the know.”
Adora smirks and rolls her eyes fondly, turning back to her desk to shut her textbook and put her notes away. She can never get anything done when Glimmer’s around. “Okay, so, pep rally’s back--that’s cool,” she says.
“It’s not just cool, Adora,” Glimmer scoffs. “Being homecoming queen is literally all I’ve wanted since I was a kid. I thought my dream had died with Mara’s academic career, but now there’s hope again--it’s meant to be, Adora. It’s destiny.”
Adora had literally never heard Glimmer talk about this, but, “Um, okay.”
Glimmer huffs and dramatically rolls onto her back, flinging her arms out and further messing up Adora’s sheets. Lesson learned, it isn’t worth the effort for Adora to make the bed anymore. “My mom was the homecoming queen like a hundred years ago, and my aunt was the homecoming queen before that. It’s, like, my birthright!”
Adora lifts a shoulder, twisting around in her chair to look at Glimmer. “Okay, then we’ll just get you to be the homecoming queen too. Can’t your mom just...make it happen?”
“Ugh, no,” Glimmer sighs. “I already asked. It’s a student vote.”
“Oh!” Adora brightens. “That’s easy, then. Everyone loves you.”
Glimmer pouts. “I know, but it’s not just a popularity contest--it’s, like, a whole thing. Me and Bow are gonna have to do a talent show, and there’s a relay race, and other stuff that if we don’t do well in we won’t even get to be in the final vote.”
“Wait, what?” Adora doesn’t remember any of that from last year. “What do you mean, Bow? Is...he's running for homecoming queen too?”
“Ha! No,” Glimmer laughs, then her expression darkens, eyes narrowing. “I would crush him.”
“Right...” Adora says. Actually, Bow would make a pretty good homecoming queen. But Adora values her life, so she decidedly does tell Glimmer this.
“No, every queen nominee has to also have someone to run with them as their ‘king,’” Glimmer explains, making air quotes with her fingers. “There’s no boy/girl bullshit, but you do have to be in a pair.”
“I don’t remember any...talent shows, or whatever,” Adora points out. “I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of one of those happening in real life.”
“Well, obviously you never went. It would’ve all been during your lacrosse thingies and you would've been too busy making googly eyes at Mara Hart,” Glimmer replies, wiggling her fingers at Adora.
Adora crosses her arms and blushes a deep red. “I would not. I would’ve been playing lacrosse. And stuff.” Okay, maybe she did make googly eyes at Mara, but only sometimes, as a treat, and Glimmer doesn’t need to know that.
Glimmer flips back over on her stomach and levels Adora with a pout. “Adora, this means a lot to me. We’re gonna need your help to win this.”
Adora has no idea how she could possibly be of any help with this, but hey-- “Of course, Glimmer. Whatever you need. I’m there.”
Glimmer grins, eyes sparkling. “Yaaaaay. Also, my mom’s making meatloaf tonight, you in?”
Adora pumps her fist in the air. “Sweet. Hell, yes.”
“This is a joke, right? Like, you’re joking?” Catra says into the receiver as she shoves another handful of popcorn into her mouth.
“I am usually a pretty funny gal, it’s true--but, ah, no. This time I’m serious,” Scorpia replies on the other end.
Catra hoists her phone higher up on her shoulder while she adjusts her grip on her Xbox controller. “Okay, please explain,” she says between chews.
Scorpa sighs, and Catra visualizes her sitting cross-legged on her bedspread, hugging one of her many stuffed animals to her chest. “I know it’s kind of silly, but Perfuma sounded really excited about it, ‘cause I guess if you win, you get to pick what charity the proceeds from the dance ticket sales go to, and...I just couldn’t say no?”
Catra smirks, mashing a series of buttons on her controller as her TV screen lights up in front of her. She’s been trying to get past this level for weeks, but she’ll probably die right before the end again whether she’d answered Scorpia’s call or not. “You are so whipped,” she says.
Scorpia sighs again, but this time Catra can hear a smile in it. “I guess so, kitty cat. Still, it sounds kinda...fun? I mean, it’s more time spent with her, if anything else. She’s talking about writing an original song together for the talent show and incorporating her Tibetan singing bowls into it.”
Catra takes that in and barely suppresses a laugh. Her New Year’s resolution was to make fun of her friends less. Some days are harder than others. “Um, wow,” she says instead. “That’s, uh...that’ll be interesting. Do I have to call you Queen Scorpia if you win?”
“Oh, Perfuma doesn’t believe in gendered royalty,” Scorpia replies. “She wants us to be known as Homecoming Monarchs.”
“Of course she does,” Catra mutters. Perfuma is endlessly kind and patient and makes Scorpia smile, so by default Catra likes her, but otherwise they...don’t exactly share identical values, let’s say. Catra brings her own point home by pressing a button on her controller and chainsawing an alien in half on screen.
“Do you...think it’s a stupid idea? The whole...running for homecoming thing, I mean.”
Catra hears the telltale signs of Scorpia-doubting-herself in her reply, so she pauses the game. “Nah. If it’s something you guys wanna do, you should go for it. Fuck what anyone else thinks.”
“Okay, thanks,” Scorpia says, sounding lighter. “I think it means a lot to Perfuma. It would be cool to win it for her.”
“Well, hey,” Catra continues, un-pausing her game. “If you need any help, let me kn--oh, fuck!”
“Catra?” Panic sets in Scorpia’s tone. “Kitty cat, speak to me--do I need to call 911?!”
“No, no, Scorpia, please don’t do that,” Catra groans, tossing her controller aside. “I just got blown up in my stupid game again, that’s all. I’m never gonna beat this final boss.”
Scorpia sighed in relief. “Aw, don’t give up, kitty cat. One of these days, you’re gonna really give it to--what’s the dude’s name again?”
“Prime something-or-whatever,” Catra grumbled, reaching for her popcorn.
“Yeah, that guy. He’ll never know what hit him.”
Catra snickers into the receiver. “Yeah, okay. Thanks, Scorpia.”
The lunch period at BMHS is, naturally, chaotic. Being a regional high school, every inch of the place is usually crawling with students, and the cafeteria is no different. The student population is small enough and the cafeteria big enough to condense into one lunch period, although Adora has oftentimes heard Perfuma lament about the ethics and health concerns of overcrowding.
Adora likes chaos. She likes that the overlapping sounds of chairs scraping and garbled chattering combine to form a comforting din that allows her to drown out whatever weird TikTok plans Bow’s making (ok, to be real, she will be asking about them later) and quietly observe the antics happening at tables around them.
She takes another bite of her pudding and her eyes land on the table to their right where Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio from her math class always sit together. Lonnie is mechanically chewing her gum as she stares into a compact mirror, examining her eyebrows with fierce concentration. Across from her, Kyle is holding up something on his phone to Rogelio with one hand and gesticulating wildly with the other as he holds a corn dog. Rogelio is nodding along but is staring down fondly at Kyle rather than at the screen Kyle’s pointing to, one arm hanging loose around Kyle’s shoulders. Lonnie slaps her compact shut and shouts something at them, pointing emphatically to her eyebrows. They all pause for a moment before bursting into laughter. Then Kyle drops his corn dog.
Adora pointedly does not observe the table across from theirs. She’ll gladly watch the Star siblings silently and intensely do their homework for the next period, or listen to Mermista fight off Seahawk’s PDA attempts, but nothing could compel her to look at the table straight ahead.
That table was where Catra Weaver and her friends sat.
Including: Perfuma’s new girlfriend, Scorpia Garnet; Entrapta Dryl, who was dating one of the Hordak twins (Adora was ever completely sure which one); the Hordak twins in question, one of which who usually broods silently and one of which who usually stares around smiling at nothing and everything; the stylish and blonde ruler of the theatre kids who has been nicknamed Double Trouble for as long as Adora can remember; and finally: Catra Weaver. Effortlessly cool, effortlessly gorgeous, effortlessly effortless Catra Weaver, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed, coolly regarding the rest of the cafeteria as she holds court at her table of wonderful misfit toys.
Today’s effortless ensemble: cool jean jacket, a cool crop top, cool black jeans, cool combat boots, she got a haircut recently so--
“Um, Earth to Adora?”
“Huh?” Adora says, jerking her head up.
This is why she avoids looking at Catra Weaver’s table. Or Catra Weaver in general.
“We were talking about homecoming,” Glimmer says from her seat across from Adora, raising an eyebrow. “You were totally spaced out.”
Adora clears her throat, willing herself not to blush. “Sorry,” she replies, digging back into her pudding.
“Glimmer’s trying to convince me not to run for court,” Perfuma continues, crossing her arms.
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s totally lame and stupid and a waste of time,” Mermista answers from beside Perfuma, inspecting her nail polish. She glances up when she senses everyone at the table staring at her. “What?”
“Mermista, you’re on the homecoming committee,” Bow says.
Mermista shrugs. “So? I said what I said.”
“Look, Perfuma,” Glimmer starts, sliding her hand across the table toward Perfuma. “I just don’t want you to be disappointed if you lose. Homecoming’s a really big deal to me, and I really want to win.” She smiles saccharinely, tilting her head at Perfuma, eyes gone wide. Bow and Adora exchange a look.
Perfuma smiles back. “Oh, don’t worry about me, Glimmer! I’m sure our classmates will select the most deserving and talented couple to win,” she says, then goes back to stabbing a fork into her salad.
Glimmer’s eye starts twitching. Bow slowly and gently takes Glimmer’s hand and slides it back to her side of the table. “Glimmer, we’ll do great. The most important thing is to have fun,” he says, patting her hand.
“The most important thing is the charity,” Perfuma mutters.
“That too.”
“Is anybody else we know running?” Adora asks. Glimmer and Perfuma both shake their heads in response, until Mermista sighs dejectedly.
“Unfortunately,” she groans, raising her hand.
“Wait, what?! You just said it was stupid and lame!” Bow squawks.
“It is,” Mermista rolls her eyes. “But the rest of the student council said it would look really bad if I was on the planning committee and didn’t run. I was forced against my will.”
“Isn’t that a conflict of interest?” Glimmer asks, gripping her lunch tray so tight Adora wondered if she was going to launch it at Mermista’s head.
“I don’t know? I guess not? I’m planning on getting cut as soon as humanly possible though, so whatever,” Mermista replies, flicking her hair behind her shoulder.
“We won’t win with that attitude, my love!” Seahawk roars, throwing his arm around Mermista’s shoulder and raising a fist triumphantly. “You and I are going to be the greatest King and Queen this school has ever seen!”
“Oh my god, please stop,” Mermista groans, hiding her face in her hands.
“Picture it: you, me, newly crowned, gliding down the science wing--the students stop and stare! Could it really be our King and Queen in the flesh? The teachers stare too! I am going to give them both straight A’s!”
“Please just sit and eat your sandwich,” Mermista begs.
“Never,” Seahawk says, then kisses her on the cheek and acquiesces, taking a big bite of his sandwich. Adora tries to hide her smirk when she sees Mermista blush a deep red. She elbows Glimmer and nods in their direction so she can see.
“Aw, how cute. I’m going to destroy them,” Glimmer whispers in Adora’s ear.
“I know,” Adora whispers back. “But try to at least be nice about it.”
“No promises.”
“Ok, I have to pee,” Adora announces to the table, grabbing her lunch tray as she stands, grinning at Bow’s groan of TMI, Adora!
She makes her way over to the trash cans by the cafeteria exit, waving to her friends on the lacrosse team as she dumps her leftovers in the trash and sets the tray in the dish bin beside it. She should probably go over and check in with them about practice tonight, but she really has to pee, which reminds her that she forgot her water bottle all the way back to the table and needs to refill it before her next class.
“Damn it,” she mutters to herself, still smiling at her lacrosse friends as she whips around to head back--
And crashes right into someone, their heads knocking smack together.
“Ow!” Adora yelps, losing her footing for a moment. She rubs at her stinging forehead, glancing up as she apologizes, “Shit, sorry, sorry, that was totally my fault, I--”
And stares right up at Catra Weaver.
She blinks a few times, but yes, that is Catra Weaver, rubbing at her own forehead and fixing a few strands of hair that had come loose from behind her ears. Catra Weaver, up close and personal, who she hasn’t talked to since...
“Your forehead is fucking hard. And big,” Catra says, holding her tray in one hand as she narrows her eyes up at Adora.
“Oh, um, you too...I mean! Thanks? I grew it myself,” Adora replies spectacularly, and then promptly wants to crawl into a hole and never come out.
Catra raises one eyebrow at her. “How hard did I hit you?”
Adora scrambles to answer. “Oh, not at all! I mean, not hard. It was my fault. Are you, um, are you okay?” This is going amazingly.
“I’m fine, Greyskull,” Catra replies, sending a tingle up Adora’s spine. She goes to deposit her tray. “Just watch where you’re going.”
Adora grins dopily. “Yes. I mean--I will. Sorry. Again.”
Catra glances Adora up and down, eyebrow still raised, and goes to say something else, when they’re interrupted by a foreboding, familiar voice.
“Ah, Adora! I’m so pleased to see you taking an interest in student affairs.”
Adora turns to see Glimmer’s mom looming over them, hands neatly clasped together. Maybe looming isn’t the right word as she’s smiling brightly down on her and Catra, but she’s tall, ok? “Oh, hi Ang--,” Adora starts before remembering they’re at school, “um, Mrs. Moon. What’s up?”
Angella gestures between her and Catra. “I was just observing how wonderful it will be that Glimmer will have a friend to share the homecoming experience with.”
Adora tenses again, remembering that Catra is still standing very close to her. “Oh, haha, yeah, super great. Wait, what?” Sharing?
Then she notices that her and Catra are standing in front of the wall where the Homecoming Court Signup Sheet is hanging. A sparkly pen tied to the clipboard is dangling within Adora’s reach.
“Oh, um, actually, Perfuma’s already--”
“I think this activity will make a fine addition to your college applications, Adora. And you know how Glimmer gets,” Angella leans in conspiratorially, not bothering to lower her voice. “I think it will calm her nerves to have a friend by her side. A bit of friendly competition, even!” she claps her hands together, delighted. “I remember having so much fun with my friends back in my day.”
“But, I’m already on the lacrosse team...” Adora mumbles, scratching the back of her neck. She glances down at the pen.
“Oh, but you know schools these days, always looking for that something that makes a student stand out,” Angella says, waving her hand dismissively. “And don’t worry, I’ll speak to Coach Huntara about any scheduling conflicts. You’ll get to have the best of both worlds!”
Wait, but lacrosse was Adora’s whole thing--does she not stand out enough? Will she seem boring to UEternia? “I...”
“Oh, Ms. Weaver!” Angella says, as if she’s just now noticing Catra. “I didn’t take you for the...school spirit type.”
“I’m not,” Catra replies, crossing her arms. She smiles saccharinely and adds, “ma’am,” for good measure. God, she’s cool.
“Ah,” Angella says, creating an awkward pause before brightening again. “Well, still, here you are. Are you Adora’s running mate?”
So, sometimes Adora panics.
Look, she’s in a high-stress situation. The girl she doesn’t not have an embarrassing crush on bumped into her, talked to her, and then her best friend’s mom swooped in basically saying that lacrosse is boring and dumb and running for homecoming court will get her into UEternia. At least, that’s what Adora got from all that. And then she insinuates that she’ll be doing that with Catra Weaver.
So, she panics. She panics, and she grabs the glittery pen, and she continues to panic.
“Yep! We’re running together!” she says, grinning.
“Say what?” Catra hisses.
“Oh, wonderful!” Angella squeals, clapping her hands together again. “I must say, I think this will turn out to be a very interesting competition. You’ll have to come dress shopping with us, Adora.”
“Haha, yeah...” Adora says, quickly scribbling Adora Greyskull & Catra Weaver on the signup sheet. Oh fuck, oh god.
“Hang on a fu--” Catra starts, then clamps her mouth shut, because the goddamn principal is still talking to them.
“Oh, I wonder what you’ll do for the talent show! I can’t wait...well, I’m off. It was great catching up, girls!” Angella says, and winks, and does weird-mom-finger-guns, and then she’s gliding away as quickly as she came.
Adora continues to grin and wave awkwardly until Angella is out of sight, then she deflates. That was so weird.
Then she turns and sees Catra reach for the pen that’s still in her hand. Adora has half a mind to snatch it away. Or half a brain cell, at least. “Hey!”
“Cross our names out. Right. Now,” Catra growls through gritted teeth, still trying to grab the pen. Adora tries to hold it up out of reach, but it’s still attached to the clipboard, so the best she can do is weave her hand in and out of Catra’s way.
“Um, no? I just told her we were running!”
“Well, we’re not. Give it to me!”
“No!” Adora grunts, yanking the pen away. “You heard her--she’s gonna talk to Coach Huntara. I can’t back out now.”
“Well, I can!” Catra says, grabbing at Adora’s arm, where she has the pen tucked under her armpit. “Find someone else to run with you!”
“I can’t! They’ll want to win!” Adora says, twisting her body away from Catra. She’s having a slight meltdown over Catra touching her so much, but she’s focusing on the pen for now. “No one’s gonna want to run with me anyway.”
Catra mutters something under her breath that Adora doesn’t catch, then she snakes her hand under Adora’s and takes hold of her wrist. Adora stifles a gasp. “Wait, you don’t want to win?” Catra asks, eyebrow quirked.
“Noooo,” Adora furiously shakes her head. “No, no, no. Glimmer would kill me. She wants to win. I just, um, panicked. I guess?” The heat from Catra’s hand is searing into her wrist.
Catra glances down at their hands and back up at Adora. “So, your friend will kill you if you run for homecoming. And you just signed up in front of her mom?”
“Um...” Adora thinks for a second. “Yes?”
Catra huffs out a laugh. “Wow, you’re even more of an idiot than I remember.”
Adora feels her face redden, shocked at Catra’s casual mention of the past, and glances away. “Look, let’s just get eliminated as quickly as possible and then we can forget it ever happened. Deal?”
“Ugh,” Catra lets out a groan, leaning her head back. She tugs at Adora’s wrist a few times, finding that she isn’t budging. “Fine! As quickly as possible.”
“As quickly as possible,” Adora nods, finding herself grinning as Catra loosens her grip and pulls away. “I’m gonna take this pen home, by the way,” she calls out as Catra begins to head back to her table.
After Adora finally pees and refills her water bottle, she gingerly sits back down beside Glimmer. Poor, sweet, deadly Glimmer, who’s chattering away excitedly with Seahawk about some new music video or something.
She says, in a very tiny voice, “So, um...I think I’m running for homecoming queen?”
Glimmer whips her head around, nose flaring. She stands up, slamming both hands down on the table with a smack.
“You WHAT?!”
And then the bell rings.
34 notes · View notes
markedforruin · 3 years
The Forest Lawn Mill Mystery Prologue
So here’s a small thing I wrote with Jeffery Mason and Sage Wilkinson. Will it be continued? most likely. When? who knows lol 
Reminder that Jeffery Mason as a character is solely owned by David Near, and I am in no way affiliated with him and this is just a fanwork. Nothing crazy. Go listen to his audios on youtube if you haven’t!
Story here:
It hadn’t been more than a few days since Sage had begun talking to the new kid at school.
He was kind of weird. 
He had albinism but dyed his hair black, as if he didn’t stand out enough as is. Apparently he thought black hair combined with his extremely pale face would help him blend in, but he was already hanging out with the class goth so… Sage doubted that. 
Maybe “hanging out” was an overstatement. They had been assigned a group project, and they talked a lot, but they hadn’t hung out outside of school hours. Maybe if they did, Sage would get to know Jeff better, and they could stop complaining about math class and talk about things they liked. 
“So uh… Are you doing anything after classes?” Sage was so bad at making friends, but they had to try. Jeff seemed like a cool person after all. 
“Why?” Jeff’s almost monotone voice broke through the silent school library. 
“Because I was thinking maybe you’d wanna hang out more? We can come over to my place… You could meet Beetle?”
Jeff gave his classmate a sideways glare. “You got a pet beetle or something?”
“No! No, it's a horse! He’s a horse. His name is Beetle.”
Jeff chuckled a little, covering his mouth with a fist. “That’s the weirdest horse name I’ve heard of.” He admitted. 
“But it’s not the worst! My parents own a riding school so we live on a huge farm property, and trust me, some folks have horses stabled there with even worse names.” Sage laughed, finding his phone to look up the site his parents had made. 
“Here, look-” He shoved the phone in Jeff’s face, leaning all into him.
“What the fuck- Post Stallione? Like Post Malone?”
“yeah. He’s a fine horse but his name is…”
“That’s so fucking cringe, Sage.”
“I know!”
They had a small laugh, but fell silent again quickly.
“So… Is that a yes, or?”
Jeff sighed audibly and loudly.
“I don’t know.” Was his reply. Sage thought he wasn’t going to say more, but he released a breath and opened his mouth again.
“We’re still missing some furniture at my house, and I don’t think my dad would like you, so… Fine. Fine. I need a fucking break from that house anyways…” He mumbled that last part.
“Is your dad homophobic?” Sage tapped their pencil on the paper. The numbers were swimming around on the page, and they’d resorted to doodling their horse instead of doing math. 
“Honestly I think he’s just ignorant, but he’s real fucking annoying about it. Barely knows what a transgender person is, let alone someone like you.”
Sage turned to look at Jeff, and the boy looked back.
“Because I’m nonbinary?”
Sage huffed mockingly. “When I meet him-”
“WHEN I meet him, I’ll look him in the eye and say “Nice to meet you ma’am, you must be the housewife! you’ve birthed a fine young son, i am glad to be his friend.””
That had Jeff laughing, and Sage joined in. 
“I’m not opposed to mocking my dad, that’s for sure!”
“And I’m not above kicking down the ego of dads like yours.” Sage bowed dramatically. 
“Alright, alright, I’ll come home with you, then. You’re fucking hilarious, Sage.”
Sage clicked their tongue. “Thank you, I know I gave a stellar performance.”
Fastest way out of Forest Lawn was the school bus, which meant they were surrounded by lots of noisy teenagers.
Both of them wore their earbuds to drown it all out. Sage leaned over to look at Jeff’s phone. 
The boy leaned away clearly not wanting to share his screen.
“What are you listening to?” 
“Nothing you’d like.”
“Try me.”
Jeff offered an earbud in silence. 
What came out the other end was… Oh hey! Emperor!
“Oh symphonic black metal… Good taste dude.”
Jeff looked back at Sage with almost googly eyes.
“That’s new.”
“What, somebody liking the same music as you? Dude I listen to metal too, look at me!”
“I’ve been looking at you since we were assigned that group project, Sage.”
“So?” Sage snatched Jeff’s phone to add some music to his playlist.
Jeff shrugged, and let Sage take over his phone on his watch. 
Their stop was the very last, and as they hopped out, the only things around them were trees and gravel paths.
“It’s not far from here, just gotta go up this way.”
Jeff followed along silently, not protesting. 
“What do you think about Forest Lawn so far?” Sage looked back at Jeff. 
“You want an honest answer?”
“Yeah, I live right outside the town, I don’t care what you think of it.”
“It’s fucking horrible, honestly. I hate this town.”
Sage nodded thoughtfully.
They made it to the main driveway, and the Wilkinson’s riding school property slowly came to light.
“People say the town is cursed, y’know.” Sage unlocked the main door and waltzed inside.
“I’m not superstitious. Also where’s your parents?”
It was a bit too quiet in the house. 
“They’re working until 8 pm, and also they’re both very superstitious so they’ve told me a lot of stuff about the town.”
Sage led Jeff upstairs to their room and threw the school bag they’d carried on the floor next to his desk.
They motioned for Jeff to sit on the bed. It was pretty big, so Sage joined him. 
“Ok, spit it out, tell me.” Jeff seemed pretty eager to know about all this. 
Sage cracked his knuckles. “Let’s go, then.”
They both got comfortable, and then Sage began.
“People talk about Teenagers and young adults being brainwashed by radio static, and children keep reporting this “man in the woods”, also there’s rumors floating around about the abandoned Mill close to here… It’s complicated. Around 30 years ago Forest Lawn saw the biggest disappearance of children ever over the summer. None of them were found, until 5 years ago, when one single naked woman was found passed out on the highway with her leg torn open. Her DNA showed that she was literally one of the children that had gone missing.”
Jeff intently listened, not a noise escaping him as Sage told their story. 
“She’s still in psychiatric care at Pinehearst State hospital. Last update the public got from her was that she was adamant about some “tall man” that took care of everyone, which is the exact same thing children are saying today too.”
Sage paused for a moment.
“The Mill, though? man that’s a crazy story. It’s locked up and apparently age old paint on it from like… the 1800’s that says “plague, stay out” was painted on. It’s kind of close to here but I’ve never visited because you can’t get there by car, and going on horseback is at least a whole day’s trip.”
“I wanna see that mill, are you serious!?” Jeff was officially invested.
“What if there are dead bodies in there or something, dude? no way!”
“Uh, yes way, you didn’t strike me as a coward.”
“Group pressure doesn’t work on me Jeff.”
“Group pr- we’re two people, man.”
Sage crossed his arms. “I bet you don’t even know how to ride a horse.”
Jeff shot back at him. “Fine, then teach me.”
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allkinds-oftrash · 3 years
Ya girl is watching the latest HSM series ep and Imma live blog it hshshs and will add my reactions under the cut so it doesn't end up a long post. Anyways, let's goo:
They really said we're gonna let life imitate art with Nini and Olivia huh
Ricky was SUPPORTIVE??? Damnn I really thought we gonna get a classic Ricky tantrum....
But also wow sir that sounds salty and should definitely talk to someone abt how you're feeling...A therapist maybe 👀
I know we needed to contextualise how Ricky felt abt the song but I really wanted to see Nini's interview in full!!
Sebby you're so cute I do wanna see yall do DEH
Shjshshs not the rights not being available for another 5 years 😭😭
I dunno how they're in great shape and closer to the Menkies Gold after not having a single proper rehearsal, but go off Miss Jenn
Omg honestly Kourt's costumes are always amazing and on point Imma excited to see it
Kourt is such a simp we love to see it
Carlos is so pissy this episode we love to see it shshhs
Also love the way Seb calms him down and keeps him nice it's such a funny dynamic
"We had 20 people make our Belle dress over 50 hours" Okay North High shut the fuck up
I'm calling it now the reason North High knows so much is cos Howie is the leak and Kourt has been unwittingly telling him. The way her phone keeps going off as they discuss how North High knows everything is really good foreshadowing if my prediction is right
Also like her phone went off just as Carlos said "How did they know that?" THAT'S PEAK FORESHADOWING
If Howie ain't in North High, I dunno what Tim is doing
"I have abs" We know sweetie
"I PADDED THE THUSH FOR YOU" "AWW THANKS KOURT I NEEDED THAT" THIS INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING THAT WAS SO FUNNY!! I love that it is now canon that EJ has abs but no butt love that for him
Okay but like damn these costumes are great!! North High can fuck right off with its high end ones I just wanna see lowkey homemade costumes by students; I'd watch a Broadway show if I wanted to see professional costumes okay
Damn Carlos has killer eyesight clocking in that mask in the trunk
Nini's little look over at Gina was like "Omg you guys my girlfriend is so cute and dumb" GINI STANS HOW WE FEELING?
Miss Jenn don't be that naive, your boyfriend probably put them up to it
That Insta page is prophetic with their timing tbh; all the info is a leak obviously looking at your Howie but like the timing of it all. Those kiddos don't know that they are discussing the stolen mask at this exact moment (Kourt has put down her phone after Carlos snapped at her so Howie doesn't know they are talking abt it rn)
"We don't dance with the enemy" *cuts to her dancing with Zackey later*
SEBBY WEARING THE TEACUP COSTUME OMG HE'S GOING MAKE SUCH A CUTE CHIP (yes I am still mad Seb/Joe was robbed but Imma fangirl over the costume anyway)
Wtf why does North High look so expensive - they are literally in the same district as East High right??? How did they get this much funding
North High is a very artsy and rich for a public school; they should have had Nini go here instead of YAC tbh (like this campus feels like what YAC should have been) NOW THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING STORYLINE
Seblos' dynamic IS ON POINT THIS EP I really love my bois so much and their back and forth is hilarious
Shhshs DIANE who loves volleyball and North High okay I totally believe it
Shshsh we love Gina knowing herself and practicing self control by volunteering to be the lookout
Omg yall listen to Carlos and stfu they are so lucky no one saw or heard them yelling Wildcats
Oh no no no no no Miss Jenn you gonna get sucked in; this is gonna be so messy
Omg I saw someone post about this scene before I watched the ep YALL ARE RIGHT THAT BOI HITTING ON GINA IS SO FINE Babes go for that one, not EJ
NOT THEM FAKE DATING UGH E W TIM STOP MAKING ROMANTIC PORTWELL A T H I N G I honestly do not understand how some of yall can ship it romantically knowing Sofia is a whole underaged babey and Matty is a whole ass grown man - like I get the appeal of the Wonderstudies getting together and they do have chemistry but the irl age gap is creepy and outweighs the appeal of shipping them romantically
As I always say; Portwell/Wonderstudies should be a BROTP not an OTP
Ugh Brotp Portwell would have clocked Lily right away; romantic Portwell making googly eyes at each other isn't helping anyone
Living for Nini getting the recognition she deserves - I really like her solo arc this season she's so much more interesting without Ricky tbh
Aww Kourt you simp I love her and I'm so happy she's happy I wanna be wrong about Howie being a North High kid
Where is the mask??
Lily really wishes she was Jesse St. James huh; you could never Lily so stop
Andrew Barth Feldman and his cute little French accent I love him so much
Hnng Miss Jenn gonna get manipulated by this hoe. Omg wowow Zackey really is a hoe, making out with another girl before the show THE AUDACITY OF HIM SAYING MISS JENN WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH I WILL THROW HANDS WITH THIS MOFO
Wait the kids didn't steal it BUT WHAT IF ZACKEY DID
Ssjsgfajhdfg I CANNOT WITH ANDREW'S ACCENT but I can't tell if its really bad or really good but I'm also confused why didn't they just cast a French person as Antonie shshhs Antoine is adorableee and a little shit the best type of character
Lily is so annoying b y e sis bye and Olivia Keegan is talented I just wish they didn't make her character such a cartoony villain type
"How about if we bop to the top" SEBBY I LOVE YOU AND NEVER STOP BEING SO CUTE I SWEAR and Awww Carlos called him Honey I am s o f t
Hnng why do these fools are really gonna give into North High calling them chickens
"She told us not to dance with the enemy. She's better than this" No Sebby, she's not *cuts to her dancing with Zackey* AND OMG THE WAY I SAW THIS EDIT COMING BEFORE IT CAME
Ooooh I like this song wayyy more whatever the mess The Mob Song became (when I first heard it drop on Spotify yesterday) Around You is such a great song musically and lyrically very relevant to these two and gosh I love their voices together
They have so much chemistry damn, go home Mike (well he technically has oop) and Mr. Mazzara
Oh god this is the scene from the trailer; she's gonna make a move on Ricky isn't she?? Leave him alone Lily he doesn't need a 3rd girl to be confused about he needs a therapist
Lily shut the fuck up with quasi; STOP TRYING TO MAKE QUASI HAPPEN
"I love Nini's song" Sure, Jan.
...Okay yes you should have called him out but don't bait him LIKE THAT oop there's the scene from the trailer
Ohmygod is Andrew Barth Feldman gonna hit on Ashlyn
Okay this is so cute but also I am VERY annoyed with the way this show handles its characters like they aren't relevant or important unless they get into a relationship or a love triangle?? That's such a shitty way to give out screentime and arcs to characters. Is it not enough to develop the characters on their own and strengthen their friendship???
HUH TIM why you so obsessed with compulsory heterosexuality??(well also homosexuality for Seblos but they are the only ones I'm not annoyed with their relationship cos its a hella big step for Disney to have a gay couple and their relationship isn't in our faces or overshadows the plot and its just spinkles of cuteness every time they interact - they are honestly who Rini wishes they were; besties in love. They are a couple that Tim should be taking notes from; leave the relationship drama in the background, focus on the theatre and friendship aspect of everything)
My mini rant aside; this is a very adorable interaction between Ashlyn and Antoine.
This is so funny he keeps picking out the hottest guys of the group; as if he himself isn't the French version of Big Red they look super alike ngl shshsh
Drama between Antoine and Red is already spicing up shshsh I cannot
Why are you so dramatic with the shuffle Lily gtfo of here...also this doesn't make sense?? She wasn't even on a BATB playlist; what if a non BATB song came on ahahah
Good to know they aren't big fans of The Mob Song like I am Awww EJ you cutie, okay I will appreciate the OG Mob Song just for you
I'm being robbed of Gaston for the last 7 eps I at least deserve an EJ solo for compensation
The way the set looks straight out of Broadway but also like omg the blue lighting and fancy stage gave me intense flashbacks to that Glee episode where Vocal Adrenaline sang Bohemian Rhapsody
Howie you hoe you gonna break my girl Kourtney's heart
Yeah...still not a fan of Antoine's Dance Remix
Yall know Gina would kill the dance number if she wasn't wearing that fit
First the Beasts led it (Howie sounded better than Ricky ngl), then the Lumieres (their voices worked hella well together; I always forget what a talented singer Frankie is THEY NEED TO GIVE HIM A SOLO SONG) and now the Belles are going at it (Ashlyn's voice is superior)
...Did anyone really win, Lily??? STFU
Oooh I did see someone talk about this when the Rose Song dropped last week, apparently its illegal to add songs to a musical you're doing for a school play; I really thought the show would brush past that irl rule but I guess they are playing into it
Okay Nini is being a little pissy about leaving her song out of the show and its a little selfish to wanna keep it at the risk of being disqualified but I also understand why she's hurt
Everyone is dog piling on her right now being against her idea and it feels like they are being against her song and her herself instead of them not wanting to be disqualified. Also like she poured her heart and soul into the song after Miss Jenn lowkey rushed her to write it. So I can see why this feels like a rejection of her and her song and why she's so hurt rather than her seeing the big picture right now
It doesn't help that Ricky said the final blow causing her to walk off
Okay maybe Zackey gets some rights for being chill and wanting the kids to be peers
THIS MOTHERFUCKER I KNEW HE WAS SHADY Also the way I gasped even though I predicted he stole the mask halfway through this ep shshsh
Stab him Miss Jenn STAB HIM
Bitch why you so threatened by East High if yall have such a Broadway-esque show planned??? They honestly should have stuck to the Little Mermaid; I really wanted to see the aquarium
"It's just a song Ricky" "A song can mean everything" Do you get deja vu? Anyone else getting intense flashbacks to Jan when DL first dropped and all the drama happened 👀
YES PLEASE STAY CO ANCHORS Gosh I love them so much esp once you take the romantic connotations out of their interactions
I love this long take of checking in with everyone's relationship status (still hate how romantically focused this show has become but still a cool shot)
Okay but like looking at Kourtney's face I have never wanted to be wrong so bad GOD I HATE IT HERE I really think he likes her and I hope they work it out
Nini setting up her own music acc feels like when Olivia rebranded her whole IG to be just for her music stuff - love this for both of them
I know everyone loves her as Nini but like I have always loved the name Nina and it really suits her to be honest also shows how she's growing up now and kind of leans into the lyric "I won't be confined to your point of view" from The Rose Song because Nini is the nickname Ricky gave her so it shows that she's outgrowing him too and I love that for her!
Overall thoughts; they really crammed all the North High drama into one ep huh. Personally would have liked it if all of this was spread out throughout the last few episodes; like different hijinks for every episode. I'm just a big fan of properly setting up the overall arc over the season instead of patching it together closer to the climax/end of the show. Cos now it lowkey feels like two different seasons - 2A felt like The Rini/Rina Show esp with YAC storyline and whatever was going on with Rina and now 2B is finally feeling like what this season should have been all this time
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alittlebitmaybe · 4 years
making concessions
so i, uh, maybe wrote the nichest, dumbest cracky au ficlet in the world. i blame @yoursummerfrost who is possibly the sole audience for this. i hope you’re happy.
anyway, this is what i described in this post, aka “Geralt and Jaskier meet at a Magic: the Gathering tournament that Jaskier has no business being at but somehow he beats Geralt and then they try to have sex in the bathroom”
featuring a complete disregard for like, legal cards or real decks or any actual knowledge of MTG tournaments beyond living with someone who plays it a lot
rated M for like frottage and marking and stuff
“Fresh meat,” Yen mutters, perched against one of the folding tables, knees spread. She punctuates it with a snap of her bubble gum.
Geralt folds his arms across his chest, eyebrow raised. “This is a low-tier Magic tournament, Yen, not a grade school playground.”
“Doesn’t make him not fresh meat. He’s gonna last five minutes, tops. Someone is gonna OTK that poor bastard.”
“We’ve all got to start somewhere.”
“That kid, Geralt,” she says, “is starting nowhere.”
The man Yen calls that kid does look more like he should be at Coachella than at a Magic: the Gathering tournament—bandana, loose tank top, cuffed jean shorts, and all—but, Geralt thinks, clearing his throat, he’s definitely no kid, not with the definition in his arms and the chest hair and the light scruff along his jaw. He is, though, going around and asking people to show him their decks, which he takes from them and riffles through clumsily while oohing and ahhing.
“Good for me, at least,” Geralt adds. “One less actual competitor to knock out.”
Yen punches him lightly in the shoulder. “Sure, if you can keep it in your pants. You just went all googly-eyed. Those baby blues suck you in already?”
He drags his gaze back to her. “He’s alright. If he touches my cards like that I’ll kill him. They’re worth more than his life.”
“I know, dear. I know. Well, gird yourself, because if you both win your first matches you’re against each other.”
Geralt smiles. “No problem. I’ve been playtesting against every meta deck for weeks. My win ratios are favorable against almost anything. This whole thing is mine.”
“Nerd,” says Yen.
Geralt tugs at the hem of her vest, and she kicks out at him with her boot heel. “You’re literally a judge here. You’re certified.”
“Exactly. I’m in a position of power, but you’re just here to show off. Nerd.”
“Keep it up and I won’t share the prize.”
“Half the prize money would barely buy me dinner at Applebee’s, but thanks anyway, darling. You can keep it, I think I’ll manage.”
And well, that’s fair, actually.
“It’s not about the money,” Geralt protests.
Yen snorts. “Obviously, or no one would be here. We all just bow to the whims of MTG. And thank them. And hand over our credit cards.”
Coachella man has dropped someone’s deck all over the floor and is apologetically gathering the cards back into a haphazard pile. The spectacle has drawn stares.
“Who’s the fool, really?” Yen asks. “Him, or us?”
“Hm,” Geralt replies.
“Geralt,” says Geralt. “Bant ramp.”
“Jaskier,” says Coachella man, smiling brightly and taking the proffered hand as he settles himself across the table. “Was that last bit English?”
“It’s…my deck,” Geralt explains dubiously. “Bant ramp? Green, white, blue?”
Jaskier pulls an impressed face. “They’ve got names for things like that? You really know your stuff, Geralt.”
“Uh,” says Geralt, nonplussed. “Yeah, thanks. What are you playing, then?”
“Oh, I’ve got this great deck! It’s got all the colors because I couldn’t pick just a few, and all the cards have such pretty art, you know? I had to put in the best ones. A few of ‘em are even shiny. She’s treated me well so far, this deck. I love her.”
Geralt scans down the list of players on his tourney pamphlet. Next to Jaskier’s name it says only Five color aggro???
Geralt huffs out through his nose. That is nonsensical, and—most importantly—not something he ever playtested against. But no matter what is in that deck, Geralt’s got this in the bag. There’s no way this Jaskier guy has the land base needed to support five colors. Especially if he chose his cards, apparently, based on the art.
Jaskier begins slowly pile shuffling his deck of utterly unsleeved cards. Not even inner sleeves, much less double sleeves. Geralt’s blood pressure ticks up.
“So, uh,” he begins, “you’re new to this, huh? What got you into Magic?”
“Ah, my friend Essi plays here and there, she mentioned this and it seemed like it’d be a lark. New experience and such. And hey”—Jaskier looks up and grins—“maybe I’ll win!”
Geralt thinks about the hours and weeks and years he’s spent studying cards and losing games and analyzing pro matches. “Good luck,” he says.
“Thank you, you’re sweet.”
Jaskier continues placing each card meticulously on its own stack. Geralt shuffles his own deck again and again as he waits.
“Do you want me to, uh.”
Jaskier looks up and says, “Oh, would you? That would be so helpful. I’ve never quite got the hang of the—,” he makes a riffle shuffle gesture, “—whole shuffling thing.”
He loses the coin toss, which, he realizes a few turns later, is not an auspicious beginning. But even with Jaskier on the play and him on the draw, certainly it won’t make that much of a difference. Not when Jaskier has to squint at his hand like he’s reading all the card texts for the first time ever. At one point he even goes “Oh, that’s an interesting one,” as if surprised. It cannot make that much of a difference to go second.
And it doesn’t. Because he can’t draw shit to save his life.
While Geralt draws white mana after white mana, Jaskier throws down creature after creature, ignoring effects and the stack entirely in favor of big numbers and building a “board aesthetic.” Whatever the fuck that means. He drops a land on every turn and his mana costs curve out perfectly, despite the stretch over five fucking colors. It’s nothing short of miraculous.
Finally, Geralt is staring down a board of attackers against the lone creature he’d managed to play, and Jaskier says “Ooh, I’ve got enough of the land thingies to play this fella!” and drops—of all fucking things—a Craterhoof Behemoth. Like Geralt isn’t already nearly dead on board.
Geralt eyes the board wipe in his hand that—for fuck’s sake—requires blue.
A single blue mana needed, and a stack of Plains in front of him a mile high.
“It resolves,” he grumbles.
“Woooooo,” says Jaskier. “I mean, that’s good, right?”
“Yes,” says Geralt. “For you.”
He’s got one more draw step to try to dig for an Island. One fucking Island, a fetch land, a mana-producing artifact, anything. He’s spent way too much money on his mana fixing for this to happen.
On his draw, he takes into hand a worthless green creature.
“Fuck!” He scrubs a hand over his face, drops his hand onto the table. “That’s the game. Good one.”
Jaskier looks confused. “What do you mean? You mean I win? But I didn’t get to, you know.” He mimes pushing his attackers across the table like an advancing army. “Kill you.”
“I’m dead on board and have nothing.”
“But I wanted to attack with my big fella!”
Geralt sighs and faintly hears Yen laughing her ass off down the table. And they play out Jaskier’s turn. In which Geralt immediately dies.
As Jaskier celebrates and gathers his cards, Geralt levels him with a tired stare. “Look, be straight with me. Is this a fucking hustle?”
Jaskier laughs brightly. “What, didn’t think I could play, eh?”
“You can’t,” Geralt says. “Obviously. Unless it’s a hustle.”
“No hustling here!” Jaskier then wiggles his eyebrows lasciviously. “Unless you’d like to hustle me later. If you catch my drift.”
Geralt does. “That is not a real come on.”
“Sure it is, since you know I’m coming on to you.”
“Let’s just play out the match,” Geralt says with finality.
He’s down one, but he just needs two wins. Two wins against a deck that will, eventually, be inconsistent and impractical. He shuffles his own deck—tested and massaged until its consistency holds up to real life statistics—four times, just to make sure.
Then Jaskier holds out his deck and Geralt begrudgingly shuffles that, too.
“You have nice hands,” Jaskier comments, following his fingers on the cards. “Big. Strong. Capable.”
“Shut up,” Geralt mumbles, and pretends to ignore it when Jaskier says, Yes, sir.
He loses the match on game two, and it’s his own damn fault, this time, because Jaskier drops an infinite combo and doesn’t even realize it until Geralt opens his dumb fucking mouth.
“There it is,” he groans, resigned, as Jaskier lays down the last combo piece. “Lucky draw.”
“You comboed out?”
“Eh?” Jaskier says again, fingers still on the card like he’s thinking of taking it back, face utterly perplexed.
“You—holy fucking Christ.” Geralt throws his hands in the air. “You don’t even know you have that combo, do you.”
“I—do not, per se, know that, no.”
“That effect will untap your artifact, which lets you—oh, who cares. Fine. You win. Congrats.”
Jaskier’s expression brightens. “I win? Really? But I didn’t even attack!”
“You win. Really.”
Geralt wants a beer.
“Oh!” Jaskier is now beaming. He glances at his watch, a gold-trimmed gaudy thing. “Well, that was quick. We’ve got some time before the next round, if you wanna—uh—”
“Yeah,” sighs Geralt. Heat curls in his belly alongside the mingled anger (shame? embarrassment?) and disappointment. “Whatever.”
Might as well.
Geralt shoves Jaskier back against the bathroom door as he locks it, and Jaskier promptly wraps his legs around Geralt’s waist. Without a moment of hesitation Geralt leans in, biting at Jaskier’s lips, feeling arms circle his neck and hands weave themselves into his hair. Their bodies align perfectly and when Geralt thrusts forward, Jaskier gasps into his mouth.
“Yeah,” he breathes, “yeah, like that.”
A growl leaves Geralt in response, frustration with this stupid, clueless man bubbling up within him. Jaskier tastes like red Gatorade and smells like that body butter Yen keeps on her bathroom counter.
It’s less off-putting than it should be.
He keeps going like that, not because he was told to but because it’s infuriatingly good, Jaskier’s body warm and firm and pliant against his as he rolls his hips.
“Oh, God,” Jaskier groans on a thrust that results in a particularly good drag, which separates their mouths enough for Geralt to redirect his attention. With one hand he drags down the idiotic bandana tied around Jaskier’s neck and starts to suck harsh marks into salty skin. Jaskier keeps up a noisy litany of gasps and muffled, bitten-off encouragements. “Oh, that’s—good, fuck—your mouth—like it rough, don’t you…”
Geralt doesn’t particularly like it rough, actually, when he hasn’t been fucking hustled at his own game, but Jaskier still doesn’t seem to have caught on to the part where Geralt is sort of fucking furious about this whole situation.
Instead of explaining himself, he just bites down on Jaskier’s pulse point and curls his hand around Jaskier’s waist where his shirt is rucked up, nails digging in.
“Yeah—” Jaskier says, and tugs at Geralt’s hair, and then there’s banging on the door.
“We can hear you, assholes. There’s a line out here and we gotta piss,” an angry voice calls from the other side.
“Use the ladies’!” Jaskier yells hoarsely. “There’s never anyone in there. This one’s occupied.” Geralt moves against him again. “Oh, that’s—more.”
“No,” says the angry voice. “No more.” Another round of banging. “We’re calling property management. They’ve got a key.”
“Shit,” Geralt says, dropping Jaskier, who makes an indignant noise. He unlocks and opens the door.
There is, in fact, a small crowd around the men’s room, headed by a red-faced man half a foot shorter than Geralt.
“Can’t you mind your own business?” Geralt says.
“Can’t you keep it in your pants?” the man sneers back.
“Technically,” Jaskier pipes up, straightening his bandana and swiping at his hair, “nothing ever came out of any pants.”
“Jaskier,” says Geralt, “don’t help.”
An official-looking group of people rounds the corner, accompanied by Yen, who spots Geralt and nearly falls to the floor in a mirthful fit. He rolls his eyes.
The officials don’t like that at all.
A few months later, Jaskier kneels on the other side of Geralt’s coffee table, considering his hand. He licks his lip and taps a few lands to place an enchantment, which Geralt promptly counters.
“You and your fucking—control decks,” Jaskier sighs. “Let me play one some time.”
“Make your own,” says Geralt. “You can use my collection.”
“Ah, maybe I will, and then you won’t be able to play anything at all, ever, and how would you like that?”
“Do you have anything to get rid of my flyers?”
“Unfortunately, no, Geralt, I do not, or I would have played it by now.”
“Then you should probably concede.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He picks up his cards, sleeved properly, and slides them over to Geralt’s side. “Shuffle please.”
Geralt shuffles them.
“Shame we can’t go to the tournament today,” says Jaskier wistfully. “Banned. What rot. We didn’t even get off that day. Rudely interrupted.”
“Yeah, well, someone had no business being there, anyway.”
“I still think I could have gone all the way. Beat you, didn’t I?”
“Haven’t since.”
“Only because you learned my tricks.”
“Jaskier, you don’t have tricks.”
“Exactly.” He smiles, and Geralt can’t help but smile back. When he places Jaskier’s deck back on the table, Jaskier’s hand rests on top of his. “I am, though, Geralt, absolutely thrilled that we met. Whatever the circumstance. Or consequence. If it needs saying.”
It doesn’t, but Geralt meets his eyes and says, “Yeah, me too.”
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hayleysstark · 3 years
words: 1062 warnings: none summary: "It's a Snack Pack Christmas tradition," Chenille says. / "And," Satin adds, "you're part of the Pack now too, Branch."
Read on AO3. 
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Branch isn't even halfway in the door before Poppy rushes over to him and throws her arms around him in a hug so tight, it knocks the breath out of him.
(But Poppy always knocks the breath out of him. She doesn't need a damn thing to help her with that.)
"Branch!" she squeals in his ear, loud and excited like she's happy to see him, and he has to hide his smile in the soft, warm crook of her shoulder, because he can see the Snack Pack behind her, sprawled out on her fuzzy pink carpet and smirking at him and—
Branch blinks and pulls back a little, because he doesn't actually believe his eyes right now, and he's got to get a better look to be sure. "Uh, what are you guys wearing?"
Smidge, draped in a shapeless green-and-gold sack big enough to swallow her tiny frame, sniggers into her own fist. Cooper, dressed in some sort of red-and-silver atrocity, and Guy Diamond, in white so bright it hurts to look at him, let out wild bursts of laughter.
But Chenille, in warm shades of red and gold to match her sister, tosses him a sharp smirk. "Well! Funny you should ask."
Branch isn't sure what sets off the alarm bell in the back of his brain, but damn if it's not blaring like a horn all of a sudden. "Why?"
Chenille arches a brow at Poppy. "You wanna break it to him?"
"Of course!" Poppy says. 
“Break what to me?” Branch says warily.    
But she just bounces back to beam at him, brighter than the sun, and spreads her arms wide, showing off the red-and-green monstrosity wrapped around her, where a dark blue Christmas tree, with plastic googly eyes glued all over, stands proudly on the front. It is, bar none, the ugliest thing he has ever seen in his entire life. "What do you think? Do you like it?"
He can't see what this has to do with whatever Chenille meant, but he tells her the truth anyway. "Not even a little."
Poppy giggles (Branch's stomach does a funny little flip at the sound). "Of course not!" Which is the last thing he expected to come out of her mouth. "It's an ugly Christmas sweater!"
If he's supposed to know what that is, he's not sorry to say he doesn't. "A what?"
"It's a Christmas tradition!" Biggie, in a slightly less horrible sweater of his own (red-and-white stripes, like a candy cane) crushes Mr. Dinkles to his chest and smiles warmly up at Branch from where he's settled on the floor. "Well, it's a Snack Pack Christmas tradition," he amends. "Every year, Satin and Chenille make us all these lovely group Christmas sweaters!"
"Ugly Christmas sweaters," Chenille breaks in, with a little shudder.
Satin nods, tugging lightly at the hem of her own pullover with a little grimace. "Only true loyalty could get us to put these on."
Poppy giggles again. "But! We stay warm all winter, and we celebrate the beauty and magic of our unbreakable friendship!" She claps a hand to her heart. "It's a win-win!"
"Sure," Branch says, dryly, because he can't say that sounds nothing like a win-win, that actually sounds closer to public humiliation. "Looks like it."
Maybe Satin misses the sarcasm—or maybe she just pretends it's not there at all—because she glances up at him with a grin on her face. "Glad you think so, Branch."
"Because," Chenille adds, with that snarky little smile still playing at the edges of her purple-lipstick mouth, "it's a Snack Pack tradition."
"And," Satin jumps in, just before she pulls an entire sweater out from behind her back, and holds it up for him to see, "you're part of the Pack now, too."
That's not where Branch thought this was going.
Not even a little.
Not at all.
Is he part of the Snack Pack now? Is that what he is? He looks blankly from Satin to Chenille to Poppy, and he waits for this to make some kind of sense—he waits for Satin to laugh it off, to tell him she's just kidding, it's just a joke, she didn't mean it, but the quiet stretches on, longer and longer and longer, and she never does.
It looks like, maybe, Satin is serious about this.
It looks like, maybe, they're all serious about this. It looks like they all really mean it. You're part of the Pack now, Satin said, and he's never thought about it like that before, he's never thought he's—
"Oh," he says, numbly, "I am?"
The quiet lasts about a half second longer before Smidge lets out a loud, inelegant snort. "Uh, yeah, duh."
"Of course!" Biggie smiles. "You saved us from the Bergens! You stood by us no matter how dangerous it got! You’re a true friend, Branch!"
"Yeah, you're pretty cool," DJ Suki clicks a finger gun at him. "You really grew on us."
"Like a fungus," Chenille nods.
"No!" Satin swats at her sister. "Like a flower! Of friendship!"
Poppy laughs. "Yeah, Branch, you're our friend! Sorry, but you're stuck with us. Forever. We kinda permanently bonded with you in Bergentown."
"Bonded with him?" Guy scoffs. "Adopted him, more like."
Branch has a comeback for that. He definitely has a comeback for that, but what tumbles out of his mouth is just a blank little oh, okay, which is nowhere near a comeback for anything.
"Come on!" Satin gets to her feet and holds the sweater up a little higher. "Come here and put it on! We want to see you in it!"
"You do?" Branch says doubtfully, but he comes over and he takes the sweater from her anyway. He still thinks this might be some weird joke, but Satin said you're part of the Pack now and Poppy said you're our friend, so he takes off his jacket and he pulls the sweater on over his head.
It's ugly. 
It's horrible, it's even worse than what Poppy got—it's a dark, deep blue with an awful reindeer splashed on the front, its bright red nose alight, and it's the most obnoxious, atrocious thing he's ever seen in his life and he stares down at it to hide the stupid smile blooming on his face.
It's his new favorite sweater.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Eden's Gate: Left Behind Chapter 9 - Man's Best Friend
Warnings: Swearing, few insults towards women, a few Supernatural moments, Demons.
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: Kate and Morgan investigate the bodies of dead and animals. Kate debates on breaking up with John. Haley the German Shepard to the rescue.
Bonus: Kate makes a few hints that exist (only;to me at least) outside the FC5 universe. 
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Getting dragged towards the water by some peggies.
Unable to fight back or resist.
John holding a white book staring down Kate as she gets dragged closer to him. 
“John please!!” she pleds. “Please, I love you, don’t do this”.
He grabs her arms aggressively.
“John please, don’t do this” she cries, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“You will be cleansed. Let the water purify your ugly soul.  Either way God, and myself will leave you behind” he says, and his eyes go black. Like a demon, before she could protest.
He pushes her head under the water. Drowning her.
She tries to fight back but he overpowers her.
He pulls her back up, and all the peggies behind him. 
Their eyes are completely blackened like demons.
“I never loved you. I just used you. You Winchesters mean nothing. All you do is cause trouble. You’re the reason for freeing Lucifer! You should’ve said “Yes” to Lilith instead of killing her, now look at you, trying to play hero?. You are not a hero. You’re just a weak human!”.
Demon John says before pushing her head back underneath the water.
Her screams muffled by the water. Filling her lungs.
Drowning her. Suffocating her. Killing her instantly. 
John pulls her back up, and the demon leaves his body.
Leaving John with a dead Kate in his arms.
“Kate?!” he cries out. He slaps her cheeks to wake her up.
“Kate!!!” he yells, shaking her, tears forming in his eyes.
He bridal carries her out of the water, and performs CPR on her.
He pushes down on her chest, blows into her mouth, again pushes on her chest.
He repeats this a few more times, and realization hits him.
He drowned his girlfriend. The one he loves dearly is dead because of him.
He cries violently into the crook of her neck, holding her closely to him.
Kate wakes that morning to the sound of Morgan singing “Heat of the Moment” by Asia while making breakfast.
She gets out of bed, goes to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror.
“I look like fucking shit” she says to herself.
She looks down at her hands, and sees she still has some blood on her hands. 
She tries to wash off as much as she could, and she did.
Leaving the bathroom, and the smell of bacon fills her nostrils.
Kate stops dead in her tracks, and sees Morgan dancing to the song.
“What are you doing?!?” Kate asks, laughing. 
“Rise and shine Katie!!!” she says, over the music. 
Kate laughs at this sight. This is something that Paige would do.
Morgan and Paige had always got along, they were practically the same person.
So it was kinda like living with Paige, a blonde, shorter version of her with the same temperament as her. 
Kate sits down at the table as Morgan cooks scramble eggs while singing along to the song.
She laughs at her best friend’s stupidity. Morgan puts a plate on bacon, scramble eggs and toast in front of her.
“Is this the Costello special?” she asks, laughing. 
“Sorta. Not enough bacon, lack of hash browns, and waffles” she says, laughing. 
After breakfast they get dressed and leave for the bridge. Taking Haley along with them.
They park the car next to the O’Hara Haunted house, and walk towards the bridge.
“So where were the bodies dumped?” Kate asks.
“Underneath the bridge near the water” Morgan answers. 
“So is there a pathway we can take to get underneath the bridge?!” she asks.
‘Yeah we just need to cross the road, and go underneath it. Towards the water, careful it gets steep as you go down” she says
“Isn’t that a fishing spot?!” she asks, trying not to fall forward.
“Yep, I’m surprised the bodies weren’t called in” she says.
“Well I’m sure everyone in Hope County is used to seeing the dead carcusses of humans and animals” Kate chuckles. 
“Huh, yeah for sure” she chuckles. 
They get to the edge of the water, and find the dead, rotten, decaying bodies of 3 cows.
“Oh god” Kate gags, covering her mouth and nose.
“Yeah this screams demon” Morgan says, covering her nose.
“So now what?!” Kate asks.
“Well, we can kick the bodies into the water, but they look like they’re one with the ground now” Morgan says.
“Yeah, or we can-” Kate gets interrupted by Morgan’s phone vibrating. 
She sighs loudly. 
“What is it?!” Kate asks, concerned. 
She shows her the message on her phone, “Another body was found. But this time, it’s the body of some lady, and it’s in the Whitetail mountains”.
Kate sighs, “Another case?”.
“Yep, lets go!!’ she says. 
They get into the car, and drive off to the Whitetail Mountains.
Kate driving, Morgan in the passenger, and Haley in the backseat with her head out the window.
“So where was this other body found?” Kate asks, keeping her eyes on the road.
Morgan sighs, “Underneath that bridge next to the Silver Lake Parking lot”
“Clagett Bay?” Kate asks.
“Yep” she answers. 
“Alright. What is up with these demons dumping bodies underneath bridges?” Kate asks.
“I don’t know. Probably a crossroads thing” she replies. 
They drive down the road, past the Henbane River Chalets, on their left they’re about to go past the Bridge of Tears. 
“Don’t be surprised if you get a message about a body found underneath the Bridge of Tears” Kate says, sarcastically. 
Morgan scoffs, “Yeah, no shit”. 
They drive further down the road, past Eden’s Gate Outreach Center.
“That place is a fucking joke” Morgan says.
“What is? The outreach center?” Kate asks.
“Yep, pure fucking shit. A massive shithole” she says. 
“What is it anyway?” she asks.
“They “help” you, and you become “reborn”, and all that religious bullshit” she says, flipping off the place as they drive by.
Kate laughs.
They drive onto the bridge leading them into John’s region, near Dutch’s region.
“The Power of YES. Take the leap!!’ Morgan mocks the sign as they drive past it.,
“Take the leap Kate!!. Take the leap!!! Say YES!!!. 
Kate laughs at her obnoxious impression of her boyfriend John Seed. 
“No thank you. I don’t want to take the leap” she laughs. 
As they drive down the road past Rae-Rae’s farm, a billboard sign catches Morgan’s attention.
“John loves you Kate. He’ll take you!!!” she mocks the sign.
“He’s already taken me already” she says, not realizing what she had said.
“Oooh so John has taken you” she says, teasing her friend.
Kate looks at her, and does a double take.
“Oh no, no, no. Not like that” she tries to explain. 
“You know I’m messing with ya” she says, hitting her on the shoulder. 
“Yeah I know” she says. They cross the Silver Lake bridge leading them into the Whitetail Mountains.
“Welcome to the Whitetails” Kate says. “Wait, isn't the Wolf Den not far from where the bridge where the body was dumped?”.
Morgan gives her the googly eyes, “Oohh does someone want to go visit their other boyfriend?!?!” she teases.
Kate scoffs.
“So when you break up with John for being a founding member of the cult. Are ya gon’ date Wheaty?!” she asks. 
 “I don’t know, probably. I don’t know how to tell John that I wanna cut things off with him” she tells her.
“Don’t worry you’ll figure out a way, I’ll help ya. But first we need to solve this case” Morgan tells her. 
They get to the bridge, park the car on the side of the road. Approaching the bridge they each check both sides of it.
“Oh shit. Morgan!!”Kate calls out.
She approaches her, and they see the body of a woman.
Haley barks at them, digging at something near the water.
They check to see what she was barking at, and they find an amulet necklace buried underneath the dirt. 
“What is that?!” Morgan asks.
“It’s a protection amulet. A cousin of mine had one. It’s an Egyptian safety symbol” Kate says. 
“Come on let's get a better look”
They both go down to the water, and examine the body.
A woman who looks around the ages of 25-30 years old, brown hair, green eyes.
Has stab wounds on her abdomen, chest and left shoulder. 
“Looks like she was murder” Morgan says.
As they’re examining the body, a man approaches them from behind.
They don’t see him but Haley senses him, and starts to growl in a defensive manner.
“What is girl?!” Kate asks, not turning back. Morgan looks back and sees the man approaching them. 
“Hey, hey” she whispers to Kate, gently hitting her shoulder. She turns around, and sees the man in a well tailored black suit, and looks completely out of place. 
Haley’s growl turns into a defensive, threatening bark as he gets closer to them.
“I see you’ve found my latest artwork” he says in a friendly tone. 
Then his eyes turn completely black.
“Demon” Kate mutters to her, and pulls their guns out. 
Aim at the demon.
He chuckles at them, “Now, now ladies, I’m sure we can all be civil, and make a deal”
“Yeah, not a chance” Morgan says. 
“What the fuck do you want?!?” Kate asks aggressively. 
“I want you Kate” he says, taking a few steps closer to them
“What is up with every guy wanting you?!?” Morgan asks, turning to Kate.
“Sorry, I don't date demons” she says sarcastically. 
He chuckles, “Yes, yes. I know. I also happen to know you’re with that Seed fella. Good looking, tattoos, bad temper, lawyer”. He sighs.
“You have a very interesting taste in men, young Winchester” he adds. “Does your mommy know you’re in love with a psychopath?!”  he asks in a childish voice. 
“Fuck you” Kate says, and shoots him in the chest. 
The shot only annoys him, and does very little to no damage on him.
“Okay, how about we start from the beginning. My name is Saleos, and I’m a demon”
Kate shoots him again, and this time it does damage to him. Making him go down.
“Come on let’s go!!!” Kate yells, they run to the car, and speed off home.
“Shit!!. Fucking shit!!!” Morgan yells, looking back.
“Once we get home, we’re warding off the house. Who knows how many demons there are in Hope County” Kate says. 
Once they get home, they put up demon warding sigils, hex bags and all other stuff they can think of to keep demons away, and keep them off of demon radar. 
After what felt like several hours, and it's almost close to dinner time.
“Dude, I’m fucking hungry, and I’m too lazy to cook” Morgan says, 
“You wanna order out?” Kate asks.
“Yeah sure, what does the Spread Eagle have?” she asks.
“Chicken wings, cajun fries. You want some Rocky mountain oysters?” Kate says, laughing. 
“Not in the mood for bull testicles in my mouth” she jokes
 “Burgers, I haven’t really been there so I really don’t know the menu, or know if they deliver”
“Cheese burger, cajun fries and chicken wings” Morgan says, she hands Kate her debit card, “I’ll buy dinner”. 
Kate phone orders their food, and for some reason goes to pick up the food instead of having it delivered. Even worse she’s walking to go pick it up because she’s “tired of driving”.
She arrives at Spread Eagle Bar, and leaves Haley outside. 
She grabs a hex bag to keep her ass off of demon radar, taking Haley with her as back up because she helped out with the demon from a few hours earlier. 
“Stay” she tells her in a command voice.
She walks in, and approaches the counter with Mary May behind it. 
"Hey Mary, I'm here to pick up my order" she tells her. 
In the corner of her eye Kate sees an older man who is probably a truck driver sitting at the end of the bar, eyeballing her, which makes her a bit uncomfortable. 
She turns around, and fixes her order together. While she’s doing that Kate looks around the bar, it isn't too busy just the usuals, music playing some old country rock music. 
She looks away, looking at the flyers on the wall next to her. 
"Hey girl" he calls her in a slurred voice. 
"Hey look at me when I'm talking to you". 
Before she could even turn her head to face him. He yells at her again in a slurred voice. 
"Who the fuck do you think you are?!?!" he yells, almost throwing his glass at her. 
She looks around in a "I hope you're not talking to me" kind of way. "Can you let me turn around first you jackass!!" she yells at him, trying to make herself sound threatening. 
"Hey Darryl, leave her alone before I kick you out" Mary tells him but ignores her. 
He gets up from his seat stumbling, almost tripping over his own feet. "Fuck you, you stupid whore" he yells at Kate.
She looks at him with a death stare and yells. "Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are??!" 
"Darryl sit down, and leave her alone!!!" Mary yells at him. 
Mary hands her take out order "Here you go hon. I'm so sorry about him".
Ignoring her once again, slowly approaches Kate with a violent rage in his eyes. A few of the locals in the bar try holding him back but he pushes them away causing glasses to fall and break. 
She quickly leaves the bar. She’s had enough trouble for today especially with that damn demon, and she doesn’t feel like having anymore with some drunk asshole. 
“Come on Hale” she tells her, motioning her to walk forward. 
The drunk asshole grabs her by her hair ripping out some of it while yelling out. "You stupid whore, you little-" Haley cuts him off by lunging at him. Locking her jaw on his arm. Trying to take him down. His arm bleeding out.
Before she could punch him in the face, knocking his lights out. 
He screams, and kicks her off of him. Kate is in full on John Wick mode for that asshole hitting her dog.
John let's go of him, throws him to the ground "You better stay the fuck away from her" he says to him, almost in a whisper.
John comes out of nowhere. Grabs him by his shirt, pushing him against a wall. "What the fuck do you think you're doing Darryl?!?. Huh? You're gonna beat up a woman?!?". Too drunk to even say anything clever he mutters, "Fuck you Seed" 
He turns to her, his blue eyes piercing into her soul. "Are you okay?" he asks, placing his hand on her cheek and the other on her hip. 
She nods her head. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks" she says, voice trembling a little, he places a kiss on her lips. 
Mary May sees this, and a confused look appears on her face. "Why is John Seed coming to Kate's aid, and why is he kissing her?!?!" she thinks to herself. 
He pulls away from her lips. "I'll take you home" he tells her, putting his arm around her lower back. 
Escorting her to his car. Pulling up in front of her house. He walks her to her front door, Morgan who is inside sees this, and is beyond confused 
She’s about to open the door, he cups her face and says to her. “I’m gonna come by tonight and pick you up. We’re gonna spend time together. Okay?”
Morgan hears this, and is concerned. “Okay, that sounds good” she says, with a slight smile. 
“What was that?!?” she asks, concerned.
“Good” he says, with a smile, and he kisses her again. Kate goes inside, and is greeted by Morgan.
“To be honest, I don’t know anymore. I’ll explain it over dinner” she says. 
“Okay so what are we gonna do about that demon?!” she asks.
Kate sighs, “I don’t know but in the wise words of that same cousin I mentioned from earlier “When in doubt. Eat”. 
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loversandantiheroes · 5 years
Sorry, I thought about bodytype/appearance hc for Dragon Age crew.
Ah! I see, sorry!  I can’t say that’s something I’ve really thought about, especially by the time you get to da:i, where the brunt of my interest lies.  By that point they were at least getting used to the idea of "people look different and also do not have yaoi hands.”
Seriously what the fuck was with everybody’s hands in Origins.
(my kingdom for a gif of Cullen going “The stuff of nightmares.”)
Lemme see what I can rattle out here.
Blackwall:  A little torn.  On the one hand I just wanna toss my hands up and yell “BARA” and be done with it.  But given the way he’s been living since taking up the Blackwall name, I reckon he’s probably a little more on the rangey side these days.  He’s still got the frame that says he was a big guy, though.  A bit Jeffrey Dean Morgan after he lost all that weight a few years back.  Not terribly tall, though.  About average, 5′8″ ish.
Cassandra: Not sure why, but I feel like she’s long.  Near-to if not over 6′.  Figure otherwise is about as depicted in game, though it doesn’t do justice to the frankly terrifying muscle tone on this woman.  Fucking shredded.
Cole: 5′11″ish.  Ruler-straight from shoulder to heel.  All but disappears sideways - even when he’s not trying to.  Eventually does round out a bit if you encourage him to be more human.  
Dorian: 5′10″ and surprisingly muscular given he’s a mage.  I feel Tevinter might have a few more martial disciplines they pair with their magic than is common in Ferelden and the Marches (save of course for the knight-enchanter sorts).  Absolutely has a bubble butt.  Absolutely is proud of it.
Iron Bull:  There is literally nothing I can add to that character model.  Except maybe that arm canon that was in concept art.  That woulda been cool.  But yeah no, his design is too unique for me to really squiggle around.  And like, yeah.  Well over 7′.  Has to be.
Sera: She’s another one with a surprisingly unique character model.  Much curvier and more in line with human proportions than the elves we’ve seen to date.  I’m pretty ok with that, as it at least gives us the option of imagining that not every elf in this universe is a toothpick with googly eyes. 5′5″-ish or thereabouts.
Solas: I can’t help but think about golden thigh cladding.  What even was that armor?  Someone worked out how to spin gold into spandex, I guess.  Anyway.  Tall for an elf.  About on par with Dorian or Cole.  Wiry as hell.
Varric: The Littlest Bara.  On the upper end of Dwarven height.  4′10″ maybe.  I won’t contest the gunshow DA:I decided on (I’m not a monster), but I will contest the abs.  I will absoLUTELY contest the abs.  There’s just no way.
Vivienne: Only about 5′8″ or so.  But then you add heels and a hat and the posture, and well, it adds up.  Fit but very much not muscular.
Bonus Advisor round!
Cullen: Ah.  The noodle.  A bit over 6′, maybe 6′2″ tops.  Probably a wee bit bulkier than the game’s basic model.  Also, probably going a bit ropey during his time in the Inquisition.  There is no way that man is eating that well with an army to run on top of the recovering lyrium addiction.
Josephine: A little bit soft.  Just a bit.  She’s rushed off her feet almost constantly due to her position, so the occasional indulgence of Orlesian petit fours doesn’t leave her needing to get her clothes re-tailored. 5′5″ish.
Leliana: 5′7″.  The wiriest of the wiry.  She doesn’t look anywhere near as strong as she is, and it’s a little terrifying.  Behold the dex-based min/maxer.
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jq37 · 5 years
The Gary Gygax Job (An Adventure in Two Parts)
I was asked to post my “Hardison forces the gang to play D&D fic” that I wrote for @alexromero​ so here it is. It’s actually just the set up and not the game itself because that would have been a whole undertaking but, anyway, I hope the anon who asked for it enjoys it.
Part One
BASE. Gyutou. Paris.
It's Parker's idea, surprisingly. Well, surprisingly to someone who knows Parker well but not very well. The team is breaking up, at least partially (though the kids have a secret pool running about how much wedded bliss Nate and Sophie can stand before they're ready to get back into the fight). She's not ready to lose two people from her very small inner circle.
"We should do, like, a girls' night," she suggests out of the blue, over the comms while crawling through air ducts (she has some of her best ideas in air ducts, which makes sense, statistically speaking).
"Girls' night?" says Hardison from the van. "You and what girls?"
"Me and Sophie. But also you and Nate and Eliot."
"Tha-that's just hanging out Parker. It's not a girl's night if there are guys."
She shrugs (tries to shrug. There's not enough space in the air duct). "Whatever. We should do it. I miss Sophie. And Nate," she adds, belatedly.
"Me too."
"Me three," Eliot finally cuts in. He's been providing an ambient background of grunts and things smashing into other things for the past minute or so, but that kind of thing is surprisingly easy to ignore after a while. "But can we do this AFTER THE CON???" They grudgingly decide to put a pin in it while Eliot runs his hand through his hair in annoyance. Honestly.
When they call the "Call us if you need us but please try very hard not to need us," number, they get Sophie, which is good. She'll be easier to convince and if they convince her, they've got Nate too. Parker explains her idea and Sophie is very into it: Group activity, once a month, full team.
Sophie's in so they're in business. Hardison puts all of their names into a randomizer and Parker ends up with first pick.
"Greece!" she says, immediately.
"Excellent choice, Parker!" says Sophie, picturing the food and beaches and museums. And then she remembers who she's speaking to.
"Parker, what are we doing in Greece?"
They find out two weeks later and Hardison thinks that it's a good thing he loves Parker to death, because he's pretty sure she's going to get him killed.
BASE Jumping on Zakynhos Island.
"Oh, come on!" Hardison whines as he's tossed a parachute. Sophie is also not thrilled, but she seems to think that encouraging Parker's social skills is worth 5-ish seconds of sheer terror.
The jump order is Eliot, Sophie, Nate (who is choosing to be amused by this whole thing), Hardison, then Parker. Hardison and Parker are the last two on the cliff.
"Come on you big baby," she says. "You've jumped off of buildings before."
"Not for fun."
She touches his chest very deliberately. "Then don't do it for fun. Do it for me."
He shakes his head and steels his nerves. "Sophie's rubbing off on you and I don't like it."
He is so happy to land in one piece that he immediately drops to his back and makes sand angels. From above, he can hear Parker's adrenaline-high scream. He opens his eyes, sees her parachute explode out, and then closes his eyes again. Maybe if he pretends to be asleep, she won't make him go again.
Somehow, Eliot's pick is worse.
He says they're going for a cooking lesson which sounds safe enough. The lesson is at a tiny sushi place in Brooklyn and the chef is some Japanese buddy of his. They're not allowed to know how they know each other specifically (Eliot says he's a "work friend") and they're not allowed to know his name, so they just call him Chef.
Everyone's having a good time and whatever work Chef did with Eliot before, cooking is obviously his calling.
And then…well, Hardison's not sure. It happens really quickly. The door bursts open and a man in dark clothes bursts in. There's a flash of silver from Chef's side of the room and the man drops. Hardison doesn't even have time to jump.
Chef isn't holding his knife anymore, Hardison notices. He looks across the room. It's implanted in the intruder's chest. A gun falls out of his hand and Nate kicks it away.
"What just happened?" says Hardison, trying to keep his voice level.
"It's a Gyutou," says Eliot. "Sharpest knife in the game."
"I'm not asking ab--why would you think I was asking about the knife?"
"Because the guy's Yakuza. Obviously."
"Wait, Yakuza? Like, Yakuza-Yakuza?"
"No, one of the many other Yakuzas out there. Yes, that Yakuza!" In the time it's taken them to have this conversation, Chef has dragged their attacker's limp body into a supply closet, found a clean knife, and gone back to chopping ginger.
Hardison has so many comments that he doesn't know where to start. He just throws up his hands and goes to stand in the corner for a minute. When he remembers that the corner he's in very recently had a dead body in it, he picks a new corner.
Sophie takes everyone for a weekend in Paris because of course she does.
Paris is great. No one tries to kill anyone in Paris. There's no jumping off of anything in Paris.
But it's a little like being on a three-day date with your parents sometimes. And Hardison has been Team Nate and Sophie since day one basically. That doesn't mean he wants to know every museum in Paris they've done it in. Not that he's asking, for the record. But they'll walk in and give each other this kind of smug smirk and he can just tell. It's disgusting.
So, when Hardison's turn rolls around, he feels exactly zero guilt for choice.
"Dungeons and Dragons?" Eliot says with the kind of scorn he reserves for especially bad bad guys and Hardison.
"Oh, I don't wanna hear that tone from you, alright? I don't wanna hear it from any of y'all. Little miss adrenaline junkie over there," Parker blows him a kiss, "And your crazy Samurai friends," Eliot rolls his eyes, "And y'all two making googly eyes at each other for three solid days."
Nate takes a second from doing just that to say, "You're exaggerating."
"He's really not," says Parker.  
"BASE. Gyutou. Paris," Hardison rattles off again. "I did your thing now you're doing mine." He pulls a d20 out of his pocket and holds it between two fingers with a satisfied smirk. "Age of the geek, baby."
Part Two
Nate claims character creation is too complicated for him to understand which is a blatant lie because Hardison has seen him rig an election and manipulate the stock market on the fly and give a guy a nosebleed with his mind like he was freaking Professor X.
"This isn't my thing, Hardison," he says. "Just make a character for me. I don't care about the details. Do whatever you want."
Do whatever you want.
Famous last words.
Hardison makes him a dwarf barbarian character with an intelligence score so low he'll have trouble scratching himself.
Nate texts him a one-word response: No.
Well if you don't like my painstakingly created character you can make your own, Hardison texts back.
Just fix it.
Oh, he'll fix it alright. But first, he has to deal with Eliot.
He tries a different tactic with Eliot.
"Alright," he says when Eliot reluctantly drops in the chair across from him, looking like he's just been plunked into the heart of Gitmo. "You don't have to make a character. I premade one for you. Check it."
He fans out the materials he's printed out that show the character he created--premade for Eliot's approval. He's a human fighter, with a greatsword as his main weapon. He's proficient in several languages, weapons, tools--Hardison had to fudge the rules a little to give him so many skills at level one but it's nothing more ridiculous than what he can do in real life. He even had a sketch commissioned--he knows from experience that Eliot is a sucker for cool artwork of himself.
Eliot's eyes scan the sheets of paper and Hardison thinks he detects that trademark grudging approval he was going for.
"Did I do good or did I do good?"
Eliot looks up, scowls, and then something clearly goes off in his head because a slight smirk replaces the scowl. Hardison doesn't trust it but he doesn't react either.
"OK," says Eliot. "I'll play your character. One change though."
Just one? He can handle that. The way Eliot was looking at him he thought something much worse was coming.
"Sure, what?"
"I want to play as a pacifist."
Hardison's brain BSOD's and reboots in time to see Eliot's slight smirk go full Cheshire cat.
"I'll play your guy in your little nerd game, but I want to play as a pacifist."
"You're telling me, you want to play this character, this fighter--a guy whose entire skillset is based on fighting--as a pacifist?"
Hardison scatters the papers in front of him as he thinks of all the high-level encounters he'd planned, counting on Eliot's super buffed fighter to keep the party alive, just like in real life.
"I don't get no respect around here."
While he's reworking the campaign, he gets a text from Nate re: the second premade character Hardison sent him--a sexy tiefling ranger. A sexy, female, tiefling ranger.
You're aware that I know where you live, right?, the text reads.
Not my fault you won't be specific. I'm working on pure guesswork here, Hardison texts back.
Fix it, Nates texts again. Then he adds, Don't forget I know how to hypnotize people.   
Hardison snorts: And I can hack your bank account and spend everything on My Little Ponies. Make your damn character Nate.
Sophie is confused.
"If there's no goal, how do you play?" she asks him over Skype.
He never got a chance to really explain how the game worked and clearly, she hasn't looked it up in the meantime.
"There's a goal. There's just not one singular goal. You usually get some kind of quest and then you choose whatever you want to do. It's an RPG, just without the computer." When she squints in confusion he explains. "Role playing game."
Recognition goes off in her eyes and he realizes how he needs to sell the game to Sophie. "You get to pick a character. Well not pick. Make a character. You come up with a backstory and their abilities--"
"It's like coming up with a cover."
"Yes, exactly. It's exactly like that but you can also do magic if you want."
After she makes the connection, she's sold. The next day, she comes over with her backstory prepared. Or, rather, her backstories.
"I made more than one character because I couldn't decide on playing as a bard or a rogue. They're both very me. Oh," she gasps in much more excitement than Hardison thought he would ever see Sophie Devereaux show about Dungeons and Dragons. "Is there any way I could play as a bard and a rogue?"
"I got you," he says pulling out an info sheet he'd printed in anticipation of her request. "Bam. Sophie special."
"Songfilch?" she reads from the top of the sheet.
"It's not an official class," Hardison explains. "It's kind of a homebrew hybrid I whipped up. Half thief, half performer."
Sophie lights up. "You made me a grifter!"
"I told you this was a fun game."
"One more question," she says. "Is it possible I could play as a vampire? They get the thrall ability which would be useful I think."
"Uh, well you could," said Hardison. "But vampires also can't enter homes without being invited. The whole point of being a rogue is sneaking into houses without being invited to steal stuff. You can't expect them to just open the door and let you…" His words trail off as he remembers who he's speaking to. She bats her eyelashes at him, teasingly. "Yeah. Vampire songfilch. Go for it."
Nate texts him again later in the afternoon. He thinks it's gonna be in response to the munchkin baker character he sent (not a real race or class but Nate's not gonna check) but, miracles of miracles, it's a real character. Not a full character, mind you. It's just sketchy notes for a character: A cleric turned paladin. Servant of the god Helm--god of protectors.
There's not a lot there but there's enough for Hardison to know he actually put effort into it. He thinks Sophie must have gotten to him. Either way, it's enough for him to fill in the blanks and make Nate a character he will actually enjoy playing once he gives it a chance.
An enjoyable character who kicks ass since Eliot is still refusing to.
Parker is actually pretty game about the whole thing.
Which she better be, Hardison thinks. You can't force a guy to jump off of a cliff and then get mad about a little geekery.
She picks her class easily (rogue, natch) but she has trouble picking a race.
"What are you playing as?" she asks.
"I'm not playing," he explains. "I'm running the game. I'm like the narrator."
"Oh." She frowns. "That's lame. It would be more fun if you played."
"Someone has to run the game, Parker."
"I guess," she says. "It's still lame though."
He helps her finish her rogue (halfling rogue they decide), but he's only half paying attention. By the time they're done, he realizes there's someone he needs to call.
Hardison arrives at the game sesh with a guest. "Hey guys," he announces. "This is Chris, my foster brother. He's exactly like me, minus the criminal activity and rugged good looks."
He's also white, but no one mentions that.
"What's he doing here?" Eliot asks.
"Hardison asked me to DM for y'all," Chris answers.
Parker realizes what this means first. "You're playing?"
He nods. "Elven Wizard. I'm gonna hack reality, baby."
Chris rolls his eyes. "You can't just use the word hack whenever you want to. It has a very specific meaning."
"I can if I hack the language," Hardison shoots back as he sits down.
Chris grits his teeth like he's had this argument many times before (which he clearly has). "Let's do this before I kill you. Not in the game, in real life. Are you guys ready?"
Hardison looks around the table: Fighter, Songfilch, Paladin, Rogue, Wizard.
It's a weird group.
He grins.
"Ready. Let's do this."
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lisbonsteresa · 6 years
🎄12 Days of Christmas 🎄
Day 2: Ugly Sweaters
“Hey hotlips!” Tahani glanced up to find Eleanor smirking at her, one eyebrow raised, over the piles of ribbon, glitter glue, and tiny bells that cluttered the table between them. “You do remember they’re supposed to be ugly sweaters, right? If we don’t at least pretend to play along, the neighbors might get suspicious”.
Tahani let out a soft huff of irritation as she turned her attention back to the deep navy sweater, onto which she had painstakingly affixed small pearlescent beads that formed large and - she hoped - elegant, glittering snowflakes. “Well I am trying,” she began petulantly, “but this is very difficult for me! I’ve never been a ‘worst dressed’ before, much less sought out the title with…. handmade Christmas sweaters”.
Eleanor snorted. “And thats barely even a Christmas sweater. Now if you wanna see Christmas,” she went on, standing and ignoring Tahan’s affronted look, “check out this bad boy!”. The thick mauve sweater she brandished proudly clashed horribly with the bright pink blobs she had added with puffy paint, all wearing Santa hats made of pompoms and surrounding the words ‘Merry Shrimpmas!’ in golden sequins of varying sizes.
“Do you get it? Shrimpmas? Because they’re….” She narrowed her eyes at Tahani’s barely contained look of disgust “You get it, right Chidi?”
Chidi looked up at the mention of his name “Its…..” he paused as he regarded Eleanor’s masterpiece, “definitely something”.
“Oh like yours is any better” she huffed as she leaned closer to get a better look at the forest green sweater Chidi was working on. “Wow, what a shock. Where’d you get the Kant iron-on?”
“Janet” he replied simply as he focused his attention back to carefully writing “Merry Kantmas” with a fabric marker above the philosopher’s face. “ Do you guys ever wonder about how the residents of this neighborhood come from all over the world but we only celebrate Christmas?”
“Yeah, dude, that’s real cool” Jason interrupted in a bored voice, “hold this for me?” He didn’t wait before foisting his slate grey sweater into Chidi’s arms. “I gotta finish putting ‘Bortles’ on the back but I don’t want to mess up the front, isn’t it sweet?”
“Yeah., it’s…” Chidi trailed off as he held the sweater at arms length to see it better, “great.”
“Great job man” Eleanor agreed, barely containing her laughter at the explosion of gold, black, and turquoise glitter, sequins, and fringe in front of her.
“It certainly is an….ugly sweater”. Tahani’s voice was light and supportive, even while her expression resembled someone sucking on a lemon. (Thankfully Jason didn’t seem to notice as he beamed back at his companions).
“Anyway,” Eleanor began, flopping her sweater back onto the table, “I’m gonna add googly eyes to my shrimp”. She rose on her tiptoes as she reached across Chidi to grab some out of a bowl on the other end of the table.
“Eleanor!” Chidi suddenly exclaimed in a strangled voice. He looked positively panicked as she turned her head back to shoot him a puzzled look. “You- you have…..” he made a few furtive hand gestures and his eyes flicked from her face to somewhere at little farther down.
Eleanor’s face screwed up in confusion “what’re you…?” She reached her hand behind her and swiped at her backside, eyebrows raising when it came back covered in silver glitter. “Aw shirt, this is never gonna come off; I’m gonna have the herpes of craft products all over me for the rest of the day….wait a second”.
She straightened up and turned her head towards Chidi with a wicked grin “You checking out my butt Cheedster?”
Chidi’s sputtering protests could hardly be heard over Eleanor and Jason’s laughter. Tahani realized what was being implied a moment later and immediately clapped her hand over her mouth to stifle her giggles.
“Aw don’t be embarrassed!” Eleanor laughed “I happen to have a very nice butt”.
Chidi abruptly stood and walked quickly out of the room, grabbing a bowl on his way and mumbling something about getting more pompoms. The other three sat in silence for a moment before Jason said consolingly “I’ll check out your butt Eleanor.”
“Thanks bud”.
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decdends-blog · 6 years
whaddup y’all !!!!! i’m super excited for this rp bc the plot is :’) i’m 20 from the est tz, i’d love to be all ur friends so we can hc nd send musing posts back nd forth and what not, my d_isc_ord is lorna#7220 feel free to add ‘er up. like this if i can message you to plot.
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ana de armas. — oh, have you met dominique rojas? she is a twenty seven year old cis female that is feeling relieved about the planet’s imminent doom. a secretary, this cancer is known around town as the wolf in sheep’s clothing, because she is loyal & gregarious, as well as ordinary & secretive. hopefully, dom will survive.
dom came to america basically the second she left the hospital as a baby with just her father, who unfortunately died not too many years after. really it was all when she was so young she can’t quite remember most of it. she grew up for the most parts hanging out on the streets, when she was in homes she didn’t have a permanent one for any long enough period of time to rly have a family. 
as a kid she always craved attention, it in her ‘home’ situation so a big friendly buddy personality has really always come from need. the fact that she’s pretty and cute has always helped her not care and just go out there. she’s always the first person to approach people and the type of person who seems to be able to diffuse any kind of awkward situation. her personality is very warm and easy going, she’s so outward she’s that type who’s presence u just feel comfortable around even after only 10 minutes of meeting her.
she did have the downsides of someone like that though, she could often be very dramatic just in her personality, and also the fact that everything in life has always seemed like her opportunity to do something so everything was a big deal – that’s better now but it used to be… wow.
she has always been very competitive and hungry to be the best because like.... she wanted the perfect suburban family nd lowkey probably used to hope that if she was good enough some kid’s in her class would want to replace their kid with her ghjdkghjk, but anyways u’ve always known
@ 15 she took up boxing & martial arts, she fought for money after getting kinda good at it and that’s how she kept her own like daily needs a float most of her life.
anyways blah blah blaaahahhhhhhhh nothing interesting happened to her till she was like 23 aside from disappointment. her life was actually pretty good, she became a cop, was very passionate about that, she met this cute ass gal that she made googly eyes at and was in love with
shit got pretty real with her job a few years in, and it was kinda her big break case that would get her moved to better places and put into higher positions. long story short she bit off more than she could chew, her hopes got the best of her and it was bad…. she was like eaten alive by the job and it definitely became personal like on those cop shows tht u see and it affect like her friendships and her relationship w this lady she was ready 2 like marry got totally put on the rocks, and at a certain point these dumb italian criminals compromised her nd had stuff of her and BLAH BLAH BLAH it really sucked bc she had to let everything in her life go and go into witness protection when she finally decided to tell some1 after her partner was murdered so here she is :) after having to leave the two stable things in her life her gf nd boxing coach replacement dad
she kinda hates it like she found her true calling with policing nd now she’s working as probably some big bosses secretary answering calls outside her office nd like,,,, she’s a  buffy summers type like she wants 2 be doing something and have excitement but she is just so sad and even tho she probs has lots of friends nd stuff she’s just .... missing something
that being said hjdhg i can see her kinda being like a vigilante now that there’s a ton of chaos and stuff like she’s walking around sketchy alleys just waiting to b able to beat some criminal’s butt and then report it to the police like ya idk some girl just came out of no where!!!!!!!!!!
personality wise she’s such a fiery little sweetheart, she doesn’t really hold back so she’s very outgoing and loves being around people. she’s pretty playful and a slick gal nd her personality is almost shiny? it reflects in everything she does and u see her smirking at people and laughing so loud without a care in the world and it’s kinda like oh i wonder what that girl’s story is i wanna know about her! 
bc of her cover she probs seems so like idk ordinary 2 ppl like she answers calls, goes to yoga, walks her dogs, writes in her journal and goes 2 sleep if ppl look close enough at the actual details of her life they’d probs realize how static she is nd be either like wow she’s so boring in her life or be like hmmm
she’s a phat hopeless romantic and i want to experience her heartbroken :)
she is a huge nerd and thinks she knows what’s best all the time, that being said if you’re friends she has a bad habit of putting her nose in all business it’s kinda a downfall of hers but she’s trying to work on it ok!!!!!!!l
oves attention but loves to love people with her whole heart even more than that and will give 4x more than she receives, very susceptible to  brotps
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fitzykreiner · 7 years
To me, what really pisses me off is how Shamier was treated this season. Like you said he may have had other projects but you can work around it and not just have him appearing just to be in episodes but you can actually give him a storyline. And the thing is, they need him so fucking much, he saves the day almost every single time. Then he just disappears because he doesn't get any recognition for all that he does for everyone. There were so many opportunities missed. It's Problematic as fuck
yep!!!!!!!! that’s what i’m saying -- fine, the actor has other projects going on, that doesn’t mean you have to then half-assedly write the character. :/ 
im putting a cut bc im just gonna answer all these asks that y’all sent me like a week ago,
What I really hate about this whole situation is how hardly anyone is calling them out on their shit. Like shit how do people expect us to feel watching this show as POC's when the POC's on this show are treated like shit. Idc if they add another cast member and they're POC, it won't take away from the fact that one of them is a lead and constantly sidelined, one is now a villain and was treated like shit and one is only there for comedic timing and to give googley eyes at doc.
“one of them is a lead + constantly sidelined, one is now a villian + was treated like shit, & one is only there for comedic timing + to give googly eyes at doc” you........just hit it right on the fucking head there. im so pissed. dolls was treated like an actual nuanced main character, then he wasn’t. rosita was given an AMAZING story by having her be a revenant yet be kind and just tryna live her life, then they decided to somehow pull off the double trope of “poc sacrifices themself for white friends” + “poc is the villain”, like what kind of racist two birds w one stone kinda bullshit.......and then ya, jeremy. he’s never really been anything but comedic relief apart from the few hints that he’s got an interesting past + him saying that he never left purgatory bc he doesn’t fit in there but no one asked him to fit in anyway . 
What hurts even more is how all three POC characters have been used to prop up the white male character. Dolls has just been sidelined the whole season and am I supposed to believe that wynonna didn't give two shits about him in the finale when this is the same woman who fought so hard to save him in 2x01. Rosita was treated like shit from doc. And then Jeremy treats him like he can fucking walk on water. I didn't mind him but this and his fans have made me hate doc with a passion now.
it really feels like there’s a divide in the writers’ room between who likes wyndolls(+dolls) and who likes wyndoc(+doc) bc its just.......one or the other whenever either make an appearance. like i feel like when an episode is written by a person who prefers wyndoc, dolls barely makes an appearance or is mentioned maybe once, and vice versa lmao. i really wish they would make up their minds instead of having one wyndolls episode, then a wyndoc episode, then a wyndolls episode, ad infinitum. plus ya this season had way too much doc praise from everyone imo.................whoops
I know you don't hate doc but what makes me even more mad about him, is that he constantly makes mistakes and treated people like shit. Like how tf does he get away with this constantly??? Yet whenever Dolls makes a mistake it's the end of the world and he needs a talking to. I really don't know if I can carry on watching this I want them to pick a ship and just stick with it (hopefully wyndolls) because the whole triangle is convoluted as fuck and it's making me dislike the show.
i think doc has truly grown from who he was back before the well happened, but he still is an asshole and can be a shitty person (esp re: rosita lmao). i think he’s a flawed man and that’s... acceptable, but what i don’t find acceptable is that, like u said, he’s never called out on it. in order to deserve all the praise he got from every character this season, he really should have apologized to ppl abt things he’s said and done. 
lmao.......u know why dolls’s mistakes are treated more seriously and actually brought to his attention vs. doc’s mistakes.......You Know Why
I just wanna say thanks, it feels good to be able to rant like this, so many people treat this show likes it's perfect when it's extremely problematic at times. I'm fucking praying, like down on my knees praying that they don't carry on this romantic wynd*c bullshit in S3 and this love triangle because wyndolls is far superior and shit I think everyone knows it. I think a lot of the fandom is a lot more receptive to their relationship because it's so beautiful compared to that mess.
no probs im always here for u to rant to!!!!!
Coming from a hardcore wyndolls shipper this shit has really hit me hard. Trust me I know they're a fictional character and it's just a show but I've been through so many times of my fav characters (who happen to be POC) either getting sidelined or killed off and I'm not sure if I can deal with it anymore. And the person who I'm really upset for is shamier. Because shit man he deserves so much better. This has actually made me lose so much trust in the writers and I have no hope left for S3.
listen u don’t have to come here and justify why this has affected u so much to me, i understand completely. a lot of people (including me) cling really tightly to some fictional worlds & characters and when the creators fuck up it hurts. also ya shamier no doubt deserves better, tho im happy he’s out doing other things too, not just being wasted by wearp
I was just reading all your asks on the finale and I remembered wynonna telling doc that she never would've kissed dolls if she knew doc was back and I'm just like... what! That whole sentence just contradicts one of the main themes and relationships of S1. Listen I loved the moments that we got of wyndolls in S2 but this forced wynd*c relationship has me feeling so disappointed in the show. when S3 is back on I'm just gonna wait to see how dolls/wyndolls is treated before watching. I cba
rip i just had to look up what “cba” meant bc i thought maybe u ran out of characters and misspelled a word and i just never got the second message alkdfjalkdsalk
no really that so came out of left field bc like???? wynonna + dolls were being built up the entire first season, it was all leading to dolls admitting his feelings and them kissing. (remember when wyn dared dolls to admit that he cares for her?? and he couldn’t? so she called him a pussy and walked away???? then he finally did admit that he needs her in the finale? im crying) wynonna + doc was just them learning to trust each other and fucking in the forest that one time, there was nothing OVERTLY romantic abt their relationship compared to wyndolls. 
I just don't get how they expect me to believe that forced ass relationship. She literally looks at dolls like he's her whole world, and when he came back she looked so relieved and happy again. I hate love triangles in shows and this season especially has made me intensely dislike doc, especially after 2x03 with that whole "I ain't doing it for him" comment. And his treatment of Rosita and his actions during 2x06. I cannot deal with this shit and I really don't trust them anymore, not at all
oh ho hohoho boyyyyyy i forgot abt the “i aint doin it for him” which, first thing, is such BULLSHIT, doc cares abt dolls, it’s been established. anyway, im this whole ask,,,,,.
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mylittlebubbles · 7 years
Drunken Antics
Can you write an imagine where Archie likes a girl but he thinks she likes Reggie so he does nothing about it but then he drunkenly confesses to her after a party? I absolutely adore Archie so much and I'm going to miss Ross Butler as Reggie Mantle 😭 but I'm happy that his career is taking off too. Anyway, enjoy this one! *** 'Why him, Jug? Why?' I slurred, drinking from my red solo cup whilst watching the girl who I was in love with, Y/N, sweet talking with my suppose best friend, Reggie Mantle. Her face lit up every time he made her laugh and smile, managing to have an effect on her that I wish I had. What was so special about Reggie? Oh - right, he was the captain of the football team, which I could've been. I ran my fingers through my hair, getting frustrated watching the two interact. They looked like a couple which infuriated me. 'Arch, you need to chill out.' Jughead interrupted my thought process. 'How do you know they're not just talking like normal people do? I mean - it's basic human interaction, right?' 'Because she's looking at him all googly eyed and he's looking at her like a piece of meat,' I slurred, downing the rest of my drink. 'I need to do something.' 'No, no you don't,' Jughead stood up, trying to hold me back. 'Uh - Betty! Little help!' I tried shoving him off of me, but Betty soon stepped in front, blocking my view of Y/N. 'Archie, what the hell are you doing?' Betty asked, pushing at my chest to push me back. 'I need to tell - to tell her how I feel...' 'Who, Arch?' 'Y/N!' I exclaimed, getting shushed by Betty and Jughead. I noticed Y/N peered her head over in our direction, frowning in confusion before excusing herself from talking with Reggie. Oh shit - what did I just do? She must've heard me say her name. Her name was gorgeous though so I didn't care. 'Oh sure, now you've done it...' Jughead muttered, frowning at me. Y/N walked over, her face glowing, making me blush unintentionally. 'What's wrong with Arch?' She asked, studying me up and down. 'He's had far too much to drink, he needs to go home.' Betty explained, giving me wide eyes of annoyance. 'I'm...I'm fine...' I dragged out, chuckling a little before almost falling over, Y/N catching me before I fell. 'I've got him guys, let him sleep for a little before taking him home. Go have fun.' Y/N smiled, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. Betty and Jughead watched me closely, walking away from them with Y/N inside. It was finally peaceful and quiet, since everyone was outside and partying, the quiet caused my head to spin. 'You okay there, Arch?' Y/N asked, sitting me on the black leather couch and sitting next to me, closely may I add. I stared at her, her Y/E/C eyes gazing at me in wonder. She had an effect on me that no one else had, and I was okay with that. 'Why Reggie?' I asked, blinking slowly. She stared at me like a confused puppy. 'What? What do you mean "why Reggie?", Arch you make no sense?' She chuckled, that adorable little laugh. 'What does he have that I don't?' I asked, getting agitated. She frowned at me, but soon turned into a small smirk. 'That attitude of someone who is too up himself for his own good,' she laughed, placing her hand on my knee. Wait - what? 'Huh?' I asked, causing her to laugh again, shaking her head. 'Archie, I have no feelings for Reggie - in fact he's nowhere near my type.' She explained. I had a chance, I finally had a chance! 'What is your type?' I asked, leaning closer to her face, watching her give me a small smile back. 'Someone who is sweet, kind, gentle - I don't know.' She shrugged. 'Well, I like you. I like you a lot actually.' My drunk mouth spilled. I finally admitted my confession. I told Y/N I like her. Gah, shit. 'Really?' She asked, her smile turning to a grin, 'you? Archie Andrews actually like me?' She asked. 'I've liked you forever!' I over exaggerated falling back into the couch. 'Well I like you too, Archie.' She went to lean in, kissing me before I stopped her, kissing her forehead instead. She frowned a little, tilting her head. 'Why did you do that?' 'I'm not sober,' I yawned, closing my eyes. 'I wanna remember our first kiss together...' I dragged out, feeling sleep starting to consume me. 'Now I know why I fell for you, Archie Andrews.' And that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. Tags - @sweetvengeancee
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elaeomyxa · 4 years
*chants* tell me about your oc's! Tell me about your OC's! TELL ME ABOUT YOUR OC's!!!! (only if ya wanna) :3
I've already ranted about Sasha here before, so basically I'm just gonna give you the gist of the whole story.
Sasha is a human who gets swept up in this mysterious company where their whole purpose is to stop nightmares. The deal with nightmares is that parasitic entities attach themselves onto various creatures and then feed off of their deepest fears, eventually growing a corporeal form based off of them. The company sorts its workers into groups, where each group's job is to go into the mindscapes of people to fight the nightmares before they can escape. The company is entirely run by sentient non-humans, because humans don't possess the ability to go into people's mindscapes, or see the corporeal forms of nightmares. (The whole workaround for Sasha is that she's not entirely human.) Due to that, humans are kind if discriminated against in the community. The whole reason that Sasha doesn't get found out immediately is that everyone has to hide their identity to work for the company. Anyways, she's found out after she gets hurt during their first assignment, and the others kind of shun her. She ends up striking a deal with an entity from her dreams in order to make herself stronger, but just ends up getting possessed and she disappears. So the rest of the group finds out and then they have to go on an adventure to get back to where they were back before they were staying at the company, because they need to get some sort of memory from their childhood in order to do a spell to release Sasha (they need memories, specifically, for... Plot Reasons). And that pretty much brings us to a place where we can talk about all their backgrounds.
So first is Nix, he's a fire elemental. He's fairly tall, sort of lean and muscular, and mixed black/east asian. He's got half shaved hair in long dreads that fade from red to yellow, and he's missing an arm and half of his face. He's the self proclaimed leader of the group, and is just overall peppy and cheerful. He's still quite smart and capable, though, so it wouldn't be a good idea to underestimate him. He helps others, even if it may be to his detriment, and he was actually the one who had introduced Sasha to the company when he found out that she could see nightmares. The way he hides his identity is with a welding mask. The deal with fire elementals is that they pretty much live with humans, blending in and that jazz. Nix used to live in a small village with his family, when there was a flood that wiped out all but him. He was only able to survive because of his parents sacrificing themselves, so now there's that whole thing with his guilt.
Next is Kai. She's genderfluid, so I use alternating he/she pronouns for him. She's sort of an anarchist, sort of pessimistic, sort of sarcastic, sort of chaotic, and sort of an ass. He's in a love/hate relationship with Nix, though that could change for her. He's a changeling, but ever since the family whose child the fae had used her to replace kicked him out, she's taken on more the appearance of a usual fairy. That is, short, winged, pointy eared, and pink. He's actually got red bug eyes, with two extra ones above each primary eye. She's got blue freckles, and a short pink side shave with a blue streak. The shaved parts actually appear to be a bunch of short, dense flowers. He hides her identity with a ski mask. So basically after he was abandoned, she was homeless.
Next is Apollo. He's an incubus, but kinda decided "fuck that," which has actually been taken pretty well within their society. He's taller than average and has a chubby build and curly ginger hair, always partially tied back. He has yellow eyes, and he's kinda freckled. He's also got horns and a tail, cause, y'know, demon. He's got real bad anxiety, though he's pretty much the only one in the group with any common sense. He really doesn't want to be working for the company, but once he joined he couldn't leave. So now he's pretty exasperated of his team's antics, but he's still nice to them. He hides his identity with a face mask and sunglasses. See, in this ~universe~ succ/incubuses aren't actually that bad. They don't feast off of souls, they just gain energy from getting it on. They can use their power of charm to convince people to do things, but they never actually use it to gain consent if the human wouldn't otherwise. Their whole deal is that they gain energy from sex, and it's not sex if the human doesn't consent. They're actually a lot stricter with that than some people are. They deal with people not wanting to get in the business of sexing people up pretty well, and they always do their best to find alternative ways to get then energy. Since Apollo's away from them, though, he's pretty much tired all of the time. He gets by on human food and such, but he's hardly ever able to do magic and such. He only really left their society as a sort of vacation, but then he got stuck working for the company.
Next is Ari. I'm love her. She's a species, that's for sure. By that i mean I haven't found a name for her species yet, so that sucks. As for appearance wise, her eyes are kind of hard to describe. Ice used the term "forth dimensional googly eye" before, but idk how well that works. Well, just imagine a snowglobe but instead of snow it's jam packed with bunch of eyes of various size, color, and species. Her skin is just a bunch of mottled colors. She's very cold, flat, and inexpressive. She doesn't interact with the others in the team much, but she's fiercely protective. She has a few misfit animals that she rescued from off the street, one of them being a legless calico. Honestly, with the way the cat acts she's not sure if she adopted it or the other way around. She hides her identity with just a huge cloak. She's got chronic pain and a limp, though she hasn't really done anything about this because of the way she was raised. Speaking of that, she's sort of the runaway royalty type. She was born of an affair between the queen and a servant, so she's kind of resented for that. The thing is, her society has a caste system based off of the amount of eyes and markings on skin. The "royalty" are supposed to have one eye and perfectly clear skin, and so Ari's had to learn from a very young age to use glamour to pretend to be that way. But yeah, she's been expected to be perfect for her entire childhood, so that kind of fucked her up.
Lastly, there's Iya. Xe's a bipedal speckled black fox, and has orange yellow eyes. Xe's pretty much the height that a normal fox would be on two legs, so, that is: not very tall. Xe hides their face with a veil on xyr hat. I have yet to add xyr pronouns to my phone's dictionary yet, so that's fun. Anyways, xe's very arrogant, and seems to act like they're royalty. Xe's also pretty repressed due to their childhood, but xe hasn't realized that xyr childhood was bad. Xe was expected to be a fierce warrior pretty much birth, so that means that xe feels llike xe isn't allowed to feel any vulnerability. Xe really cares for xyr teammates, but is afraid to show it.
Ari, Apollo, and Iya have banded together (some more reluctantly than others) to get Kai and Nix together because their constant almost-flirting was pissing them off, so I've started referring to them as the matchmaking crew.
I also am probably really bad at describing them visually, so I might sketch them all later.
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