#Business Best Practices
mentorshelly · 1 month
Unleashing Efficiency: The 4 Indispensable Benefits of SOPs in Business
Navigating the complexities of business can be daunting, but with well-crafted Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), your enterprise can move with precision and confidence. Let’s delve into four transformative benefits of SOPs: 1. Unmatched Consistency: SOPs are the secret ingredient to uniform excellence. They ensure every product and service meets your high standards, reflecting the reliability…
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dhspeller · 1 year
Emails: Let’s Talk About Them
Emails: Let’s Talk About Them... can we not use the "No-Reply" email address ...you might be missing something important...🤨
Let’s talk about emails.   Today, to start the new year off right, I had the bright idea of tackling my emails more vigorously.  Mind you, during down time over the holidays, I had already fought my way through 7,000 of the 20k sum I had just sitting in my Inbox(es); but now, I wanted to strategically go through them to see what I might have missed or could salvage.  (Just don’t ask and stop…
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pratchettquotes · 5 months
"Just a minute," said Lobsang. "Who are you? Time has stopped, the world is given over to...fairy tales and monsters, and there's a schoolteacher running around?"
"Best kind of person to have," said Susan. "We don't like silliness. Anyway, I told you...I've inherited certain talents."
"Like living outside time?"
"That's one of them."
"It's a weird talent for a schoolteacher!"
"Good for grading papers, though," said Susan, calmly.
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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[ID: a coloured and shaded digital sketch of Luz and Lilith from the owl house. They're depicted with their designs from For the Future. Luz is tackle-hugging Lilith, ugly crying and exclaiming "I missed you so much". Lilith braces for the hug and smiles with tears also in her eyes. The background is a pale yellow colour and previous versions of the sketch can be seen at low opacity behind the full drawing. End ID]
When you see your cool aunt (actually a loser but you love her) for the first time in months and she has a badass apocalypse makeover but still somehow looks like a librarian
#the owl house#toh#luz noceda#lilith clawthorne#I have a distinct feeling they won't reunite until the last episode (which I'm cool with#we're kinda busy rn)#but that won't stop me from imagining self-indulgent scenarios!! I love their relationship so much#luz really went from calling Lilith a bitch in the only way the disney channel would allow to being like. okay she's pathetic#in the first few episodes of season 2 and then by elsewhere and elsewhen when Lilith is visibly doing better luz is so supportive#of like. her new job and hobbies and stuff#and Lilith is still the same cringe fail slug woman we all know and love but she cares about Luz!#she wants to help her and share her interests with her!#they're so lame together and I adore them soooo much. adhd and autism best friends forever (real)#this was a quick doodle that i put way too mucn effort into colouring and posing wise to not post#I'm proud of the shading not bc it's especially intricate or pretty#but because the process was entirely me colour picking each individual colour and futzing with it until i got coherent shading#it's not something i do often but i love to practice it cause i feel like it improves my colour sense#and also allows me to micro manage the palette#like how Luz's azura outfit and the inside of her mouth and Lilith's skin are all the same shade of off-white#BUT i gave Lilith's a warmer shading tone (bc it's skin and has blood beneath it) while Luz's teeth has a yellow shading cast#(since that's the colour teeth turn w/o enamel and most ppls teeth is a yellowy off-white anyway) and then Luz's outfit has a teal cast!#bc i wanted white fabric to look different to pale white skin or teeth#that's such a niche thing to have fun doing and appreciate abt my own work but like. it's there!#I'm not a master of colour by any means it's just nice to be able to do that
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 11 months
Hiii! Ty for doing this! Could you pls write the soft kissing prompt number 11 with a female reader? Tyvm!
Hello, nonnie! I am truly sorry for not finishing this sooner, but I was finally able to rescue it from the draft purgatory, and here is it for you! I do hope you like it! ^_^
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 11. Sharing a kiss while lying in bed - Arno Dorian
It had been an overall quiet day for you, void of much stress or worry. Business at the Café Théâtre had been slow, which gave you time to take care of some early spring cleaning in the attic space.
Some may have found it dull, but when you were the wife of a man who was secretly an Assassin, the aura of calm monotony was always a welcome thing.
Granted, some anxiety did eventually begin to bubble up when nearly an entire day passed and your husband, Arno - whom you knew had some quick Assassin business in the early morning, but nothing else, as far as you were aware - hadn’t come back yet.
As you now sat in bed, reading as you waited for supper that was currently being prepared downstairs, you tried not to harbor any discomforting thoughts regarding your spouse’s fate.
Your few fears were finally put to rest, though, when you heard the sound of heavy boots ringing through the hall outside of the bedroom door, rhythmically occurring with Arno’s usual gait. Although, if you had paid more attention, you would’ve noticed that the footsteps were heavier than usual - almost as if they were driven by anger or annoyance.
However, you were still too caught up in your book.
It wasn’t until you heard the irritated mumblings and the door being closed slightly harder than usual, that you finally caught on to the now-obvious fact that something wasn’t quite normal.
You jumped slightly at the noise and looked up to see Arno had indeed returned, and was indeed, quite put off.
“‘He solves ‘em, you get the credit’,” he muttered in a light-toned, mocking way to himself, seemingly not noticing you were in the room. His voice then switched to a lower, more gravely pitch, as he added, “‘Meanwhile, I have more important things to do’.”
Turning your entire attention to him now, you rested your book on your lap and watched as he removed his gloves and locked the door behind him.
“The things I get myself into,” he grumbled, still talking to himself, once again in his normal tone of voice.
When he turned around and finally saw you staring, he only paused in his movement for a moment or two, before tossing his gloves aside and trudging his way over to the bed.
“Uh...good evening?” you chanced, a little unsure of how he was going to reply.
He only harrumphed in response, his eyes not quite meeting yours. Not bothering to remove his Assassin’s robe or his gear, he flopped down, belly-first, onto the bed and buried his face under his pillow like a petulant teenager.
A blink in confusion was your initial reaction. “Problem?” you prodded gently afterwards, though you couldn’t stop your eyebrow from raising.
“Sometimes I wonder why I bother with people,” came the muffled response.
You smiled, in spite of his attitude. “Because as much as you try to put on a standoffish front, deep down, you actually care,” you pointed out, as you tossed your book towards the end of the bed and turned your entire attention to the man.
He groaned in response.
A sympathetic look appearing on your face that you knew he couldn’t see, you reached out and began to rub his back - a silent way of letting him know you were listening.
However, there was only silence, save for the occasional sigh, as his tense back relaxed into your welcomed touch.
“Arno? Arnoooo...” you cooed to him in a sing-song tone, trying to get his attention.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you prompted in a gentle voice, undeterred by his grouchy response. Your hands smoothed over his back and down his sides to rub them, as well.
There was a soft moan in response to your touch, and he finally removed the pillow from his face. Putting it behind his head, he rolled onto his back to look at you. Almost immediately, you could see in his eyes how fatigued he was, and you leaned down to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Talk to me, Arno. Tell me what’s on your mind,” you entreated. You lay down next to him, molding your body into his side, and rested your head upon his shoulder.
He glanced down at you and seeing you looking up at him, he took a deep breath. Leaning his head back on the pillow more, he stared up at the ceiling as he began to recount. “I was over in the Ile de la Cité district earlier. When I was passing by a spot, I heard some commotion...and my curiosity got the better of me, so I went inside to investigate...”
“Mmm-hmm? Go on...” you prompted, before giving his jaw a few encouraging, affectionate pecks. Your hand rested upon his chest.
“And there was this...this Police Minister...if you could call him that...he does nothing but sleep, apparently...” he added, his speech peppered with a few pauses as his body started reacting to your kisses. His arm wrapped around your waist and rested upon your back, mirroring your earlier action of tenderly rubbing it. “...and there also was some thief named Vidocq...”
“Yes...?” After a couple kisses to his neck, those lips of yours trailed up to his earlobe, where they soon attached themselves, nipping and sucking one of the spots you knew Arno liked best.
“And...and...” Closing his eyes, his voice hushed down to a deep, long sigh as his senses finally caught up with him. It was as if all the stress and frustration had left his body at that moment along with the sound.
“You were saying?” you prompted, wanting him to know you were still listening. But nevertheless, you couldn’t help stop the secret smile that appeared on your lips, pleased at his reaction.
His eyes flew open. “Hmm? Right...! Well, somehow they ended up enlisting me to solve some murders that had nearly turned cold. So, add that to my constantly-filling plate, I suppose,” he lamented.
“And you will soon clear that plate with ease, I’m sure of it,” you told him as you nuzzled his neck.
His hand now in your hair, he pulled back a little to look at you, a question in his eyes. “Do you really think so?” he asked softly, displaying the rare look of uncertainty he was always so good at masking with sarcasm or mirth.
You nodded a little, reflecting a look of love back into his eyes. “I do.”
After regarding you and your words for a moment or two, a small smile finally appeared on his lips as he took your encouragement to heart.
“Then, hang it,” he said. before unexpectedly rolling over on top of you to give you a full-on, proper kiss. “I’m not going to let some lazy Police Minister and a petty thief ruin my evening.” He tenderly stroked your cheek. “Not when I have better things to spend what little energy I have left on.”
“Wise decision, dear husband,” you praised, before pulling him in for another kiss.
“I do come up with those sometimes, you know,” he lightly quipped in return.
Seeing his normal, semi-sarcastic humor on the rebound, your heart lifted and your grin only grew. “A good heart and a wise mind, it’s no wonder why I love you.”
He lightly rested his forehead against yours, looking deeply into your eyes. “And I, you,” came a husky murmur before he kissed you again. Something in his voice seemed to change the mood right then and there, and a tiny moan unexpectedly slipped from your mouth into his. (Though perhaps, feeling his hand slip under your petticoats and run up the outside of your leg could’ve also had something to do with it.)
“Thanks for listening,” he whispered between kisses. “I sometimes wonder what I’d do without you.”
“You’re welcome,” you replied simply, knowing no other words needed to be said. You merely wrapped your arms around his neck and shifted your body closer to his as your lips met again and again. You could feel his fervor increasing, but as welcome as it was after his previously somber mood, you needed air - so you reluctantly broke the kiss.
“By the way...speaking of filling one’s plate...supper should be ready soon...” you murmured, panting ever so slightly. Gazing up at him with a sweet look in your eyes, you combed your fingers through his ponytail, certain that information would please him. After all, you knew a good meal typically improved his mood after a long, tiring day. Do to his exhausting work, it seemed like there were times he could never properly enjoy one. Certain that he was probably aching as well, you made a mental note to consider suggesting a post-supper bath to him, as well.
Hearing your words, a hungry half-smirk appeared on his lips. Though, when he gently gripped your thigh and pressed it against his hip, your suspicions of just what exactly he was hungry for increased. They were soon confirmed when he purred, “As much as I’m glad to hear that, I think we may have a little time to spare for ourselves before then.”
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Look at me. Look at me.
Get out your phone or laptop or whatever, go to dropout.tv or the dropout app
And use your three-day free trial to watch Dimension 20 season 20: Burrow’s End
Go do it you will not regret it
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reegis · 5 months
Your new UDAD design is fabulous!!! Any chance you'll put it on your redbubble?
thank you so much!!! its actually linked in the post, but pretty subtly jssjsjs
heres the link again!
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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Hello! As you guys have seen, I’ve been figuring out the dip pens recently for a project, and I’d love to draw a guy of your choice as practice!
Head Over Here (Or Input The Link In The Picture Above) To Get A Slot
Three slots will be available every time I open for this! Please read and follow the instruction for sending references upon purchase; if references are not sent after 24 hours since the purchase is made, I’ll assume you’ve cancelled the commission and refund. If you need an extension on that, please leave me a word in Tumblr message or email!
UPDATE 20/06/2023: 3/3 slots filled. Thank you so much for your support, and please stay tuned for the next round!
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a-eo-iu · 2 months
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Gay people in my head....
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||Jam Sesh with Da Boyz||
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moonchemistry · 7 months
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teaching myself to use pens and colored pencils ft. calypsy crew
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zacksnydered · 1 month
Always insane about how all the lex luthors i've read and watched, BvS Lex Luthor is the only one that WINS
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despairforme · 1 month
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Why should he take out the trash, when he can just throw it out the window instead?
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dutybcrne · 2 months
The most openly bratty/fussy Alhaitham anyone can ever get is when he is sick, send tweet-
#hc; alhaitham#//He feels so gross & icky; everything & anything gets So overwhelming; he LOATHES getting sick so much#//WILL make it anyone’s problem if they try pushing him for whatever reason; even if he’s the slightest bit sick#//The only person he’d actively try NOT to ‘inconvenience’ is Kaveh#//But that’s bc he’s WELL aware Kaveh would try & make him being sick his business anyways if he found out#//Even if Haitham would rather he not—bc he knows 1) Kav’s got a lot on his plate & 2) Kav WILL get sick in the process#//Kav surprisingly does Not get whiney or anything when sick—rather; mans LOCKS TF IN#//He got so used to being alone and taking care of himself; mans would NOT ask for help until he is practically passing tf out#//And even THEN it’s begging whoever caught him to finish his task for him; not asking to be taken care of. Would be MORTIFIED if sb did#hc; kaveh#//Bc that’s there now jfbfb#//ANYWHO back on subject#//Haitham gets VERY clingy when sick. VERY clingy; VERY dependent and Vulnerable#//Around his trusted people; anyways#//But ye—if you’re friends; chances are he WILL hunt you down first above all when sick; esp if he had to go in for work#//And he WILL need a little help and attention; any and all of it that can be spared#//Or at the very least suggestions to help with the Ick until they are free to help him more#//In my mind's eye; Nahida is his most sought out friend in such times#//He'd curl up in the Sanctuary of Surasthana and nap the day away the Instant he gets inside. Esp bc she’d never turn him away#//She’d be fucken ECSTATIC to have him there; even make him a nice little place to sleep & everything; dim the lights & not let ANYONE in#//Best of all; she can’t get sick (by regular means) so she’s p safe. He wouldn't be as worried abt her catching anything he'd got#//Would dote so much on him; he’s like a baby brother to her#//Everyone in the rescue squad is basically just as well family to her too#//But he’s her favorite#//dendro god’s specialest boi (after Wanderer; ofc)#//Shh; no one tell the others jdhfbf#hc; nahida#//Whoop there’s that too hebfb
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bahadurislam011444 · 3 months
Unveiling the Best SEO Worker in Bangladesh: Driving Digital Success
#https://dev-seo-worker-in-bangladesh.pantheonsite.io/home/: With years of experience and a deep understanding of search engine algorithms#[Insert Name] possesses unparalleled expertise in SEO strategies and techniques. They stay abreast of the latest trends and updates in the#ensuring that clients benefit from cutting-edge optimization practices.#Customized Solutions: Recognizing that each business is unique#[Insert Name] tailors their SEO strategies to suit the specific needs and goals of every client. Whether it's improving website rankings#enhancing user experience#or boosting conversion rates#they craft personalized solutions that yield tangible results.#Data-Driven Approach: [Insert Name] firmly believes in the power of data to drive informed decision-making. They meticulously analyze websi#keyword performance#and competitor insights to devise data-driven SEO strategies that deliver maximum impact.#Transparent Communication: Clear and transparent communication lies at the heart of [Insert Name]'s approach to client collaboration. From#they maintain open lines of communication#ensuring that clients are always kept informed and empowered.#Proven Results: The success stories speak for themselves. Time and again#[Insert Name] has helped businesses across diverse industries achieve unprecedented growth in online visibility#organic traffic#and revenue generation. Their impressive portfolio of satisfied clients serves as a testament to their prowess as the best SEO worker in Ba#Continuous Improvement: In the dynamic landscape of SEO#adaptation is key to staying ahead. [Insert Name] is committed to continuous learning and refinement#constantly refining their skills and strategies to stay at the forefront of industry best practices.#In conclusion#[Insert Name] stands as a shining beacon of excellence in the realm of SEO in Bangladesh. Their unw
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belladonnafleur · 3 months
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