#Bluefaced Leicester
theplantknight · 1 month
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Botanical Shawl by AlaSascha on Etsy
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icterid-rubus · 2 years
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I finally sat down and labeled all my hand spun yarn. Wish I’d thought to calculate the yardage, but I can’t bring myself to go back through it all 🥱
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letissierdesigns · 3 months
Playing Hookey
So I ditched my other projects just to play with the beautiful BFL yarn. This morning I transferred the yarn onto a 32 inch circular needle… I am very happy 😁 with the yarn 🧶 so far! Now I have to focus on some of my other projects. Happy Knitting! Lynette
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hoofpeet · 22 days
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Bluefaced Leicester girl ✌
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mothyandthesquid · 16 days
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“Ocean Calm”, a relaxing summery mix of blues and greens like an expansive ocean view. Available on eco sock, platinum sock, silky BFL lace 600, and DK. It might just be the ideal colourway to create a dream vacation project. I’m imagining crocheting in the warm evening air on a balcony in Norway overlooking a fjord, how about you?
Eco sock is a more environmentally conscious non-superwash non-nylon option spun from 80% merino and 20% linen. Silky BFL lace 600 is spun from 55% superwash treated bluefaced leicester wool with 45% silk. It has a beautiful shine and drape, as well as a luxurious feel.
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handweavers · 1 month
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spinning some wool from a local corriedale/bluefaced leicester crossbred sheep & trying to finish this weaving i started over a year ago (loom progress pic showing some handspun icelandic yarn i made during my artist residency 2 yrs ago, soon to be woven into the cloth)
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sycamorefibers · 8 months
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I wasn’t sure about this braid of fiber at first. Hot pink is not my favorite color, but this 3-ply skein is growing on me. The Bluefaced Leicester wool is very soft and the seacell gives it nice drape.
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all my wool yarn i make from trusty drop spindle !!!
all is buy wool in braid / rolag / batt / roving. and then do spin with drop spindle myself. want eventually take wool from sheep and process it (wash / skirt / comb / etc) and dye it and spin and knit it all by self (with lots of help bc high support needs but want involve in all process) but no space / time / ability yet!!
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1 this one is very first one make ever december 2022 - january 2023!! is 4 oz 70% black shetland + 30% silk roving 2ply no dye
is squishy but is not very soft is spiky and chose this as first project because want practice before make more colorful ones so don’t ruin them and it turn out very good for first project
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1.5 left one is from one single rolag of angora rabbit/merino wool/faux cashmere blend. only one rolag because accident spin too thin and hate knit thin yarn. but rolag so so soft love angora
2 right one is rainbow corriedale sheep wool with little sparkles (angelina) from rolag. do chain 3-ply so color change stay same!!! still very thin and don’t know what do with but it pretty
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3 is set of targhee sheep wool from 4 oz braid!!!! is easter egg color but end up a little too much green, but still pretty. feel like when spin up, pastel color get more muted… left is main hank, think was 4 ply??? because this still era where spin thin.
but then didn’t time yarn right so had some left over.. so the little hank on right is born!! is 2 ply and actual like this color better because more even and green not overpower.
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4 is merino 2 ply from braid!! is gift from partner and it spin very squishy and soft and then i add back the braid label so don’t lose. this time manage spin thicker but nature of hand spin with drop spindle, not very even, so parts thicker parts thinner. twist tend to escape from thick part to thin parts so the thick parts end up loose not spin enough.. but is beauty of hand spin!!!!!
feat. picture of drop spindle
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5 is very bad pictures because forget bring… but is 4oz 75 bluefaced leicester (BFL) + 15 silk in chain 3-ply braid so so pretty favorite favorite but maybe is picture bad lighting bad but finish yarn look muted and weird and sad..
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6 is also 75 BFL + 15 silk 4oz. 2 ply. is a very very very pretty pink love love!!! is actually first time spin wool that is dyed single color - always thought dyed single color is boring but fell in love with this pink and it very nice. this honestly one of favorite.
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critterfloozy · 17 days
Vote on Suvi Yarn Base!
Help me choose the base for the Suvi Yarn!
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No matter what, I'm planning to use these two pieces mini batts - the one on the left is random animal fiber, the one on the right is recycled sari silk (it's not obvious in the picture, but there's some little bits of red in there, for childhood thematic reasons). It'll be about 1.5 ounces together. For reference, both of those together will be about the same as either the brown or the silver in Eursulon's yarn.
Pictures under the cut:
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Neighborhood Fiber Arts can be found here! All of them are 75% Bluefaced Leicester, 25% Silk, because Suvi should be a silk blend
316 Dye Studio can be found here! This is a Merino/Alpaca/Camel/SIlk blend - fancy (and not that dissimilar to what Eursulon's yarn is made out of.
Honeygold Acres can be found here! They're merino and targhee, respectively.
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cypriathus · 3 months
Here is my version of Asmodeus!
WARNING: There are mentions of coitus, genitalia, and gambling.
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Utsimoderva is a good-mannered archdemon of lust who can show genuine concern and understanding towards those that are experiencing misfortune. However, he isn’t afraid to be cruel and merciless in order to do anything that will help him to achieve his lustful conquests. Despite how ruthless he can be, he’s quite the canny satirist and critic of mortal and immortal societies. He’s a creative strategist with a lot of passion and wisdom for military, scientific, mathematical, and artistic exploits. He possesses a strong aesthetic sense and enjoyment in the finer things in life, thriving in social situations. As a result of his seductive and tempting nature, he can lure individuals into self-indulgent behaviours. He can convincingly gain favour by playing to the emotions of crowds, masses, and even single individuals without dishonesty. He calmly holds firm to his chosen moral position, strictly following through with determination. Due to being a hedonist, he lovingly enjoys luxury, sensuality, and pleasurable, yet bloody confrontations. Utsimoderva’s impulsive, attention-seeking nature and sensitivity to criticism can cause frustrations in his life.
He’s 9’ 3” (281.94 cm) with an oval-shaped mesomorphic body type that has muscular limbs, four arms, a well-endowed penis, and an engorged vulva. His skin appears to be a whitish-red from the ashes and blood of corpses that are smeared all over his body, and his neck is a purplish-blue due to holding poison in his throat. He has muscular rooster legs, sharp claws, six turkey buzzard wings, four intertwining serpent tails, and a prominent feminine chest. He also has three heads; that of a man with Indian hog deer antlers and elvish ears (front), a palomino Mustang horse (right), and a Bluefaced Leicester ewe (left). His human head possesses two rows of shark teeth sticking out of his mouth and pupiless heterochromia eyes, the right is greyish-blue and the left is yellow-brown. Utsimoderva wears long, flowing, slightly tattered robes of brilliant turquoise that have golden hemming and purple stars. He possesses a four-arched imperial crown with a golden pig that has open feathered wings on the top, a red velvet cap, and a brown ermine band. His crown has an openwork gold frame, a Black Prince’s Ruby, a Cullinan diamond, a St. Edward’s Sapphire, 17 amethysts, 11 emeralds, and 269 pearls. He occasionally wields a light lance of blue and pink flames, and a rose gold banner depicting a decapitated sapphire-eyed ram’s head with an encircling peridot ouroboros.
He’s capable of breathing hellish fire and spitting out poison that induces vengeful nightmares, and the aura surrounding him can cause fear and repudiation to sinful people. He possesses the strength of his biological father and aunt, and the stamina, dexterity, and durability of his mother. As a result of his supernatural agility, he can dodge projectiles that move several times faster than light due to his heightened balance, motor coordination, reflexes, and speed. Utsimoderva can clearly mimic the voices of humans and Æylphitus, but he can’t imitate the Äylcephomus and Hirczalotepus Tejasozuri. He’s able to feel textures and tactile sensations outside the range of normal perception, helping him to locate potential danger or lustful sinners. Depending on the situation, he can hijack the body of humans, Ufrajozlens, and Azhelowins by accessing their souls and overtaking their mind for three weeks.
He knows the private lives of people and hidden secrets and treasures of the earth, and he can easily bestow invisibility to mortals. He possesses absolute knowledge of and mastery over sexuality, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, and the mechanical arts. He can manipulate astronomical bodies, lust, desires, vengeance, biological essence, and sexual force, and induce fanaticism and emotional attachments. By using hypnosis, Utsimoderva can easily seduce people of weak will through his eyes and sensual touches. He’s capable of utilising telepathy, mind-reading, and zoolingualism, and seeing nearly all the variables of any situation in order to predict desirable outcomes. He can change his form into sexually attractive humans, bulls, goats, a basilisk, an aphrodisiac mist, and white smoke.
Unnamed destroying angel grandmother
Unnamed seraph grandfather
Aysuvozel (aunt)
Samuvozeli (father)
Lerszukotha (mother)
Ezasvoghin (aunt)
Kairszoben (half-brother)
16 half-sisters
24 half-brothers
Usraphoniel (lover)
Breeding Freak
Gambler's Choice
His Writhing Lust
Lord of Perversion
Provider of Endless Pleasure
Chaser of the Beckoning Flesh
He’s omnisexual
He likes to pretend that his birthday is on February 14th (Aquarius), which is known as Valentine’s Day.
As an Æylphitus, his name means “wrath demon”.
He has a somewhat noticeable limp
He’s the prince of Concupiscence
He’s a banker at the baccarat table in the Nifjazroghetus palace
He commands seventy-two legions of demons
He finds enjoyment in punishing sinners for their carnal desires
He owns many gambling houses in the Concupiscence and Avarice levels of Nifjazroghetus
His bedroom has a large heart-shaped waterbed with koi of all colouration varieties, a fur-trimmed blanket of burgundy and dark purple, and feathered pillows of saffron-yellow. He possesses rose gold walls and purplish-black statues depicting musquelibets, dragons, pigs, nymphes, satyrs, and centaurs. He often has libertine demons in his room that wear the heads of roosters, serpents, sheeps, and bulls as masks. In his bedroom is a frigidarium that can fit seven people and it’s full of hot emerald water with pink and red rose petals sprinkled on top.
His favourite dish is a fish’s heart with rabbit liver, scalloped potatoes, cubes of blue cheese, and garlic naan bread.
Belaszothi and Ipalosuzeh are his two closest friends
He rides an African lion with a draconic neck, the tail of a blue whale, and black swan wings.
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letissierdesigns · 3 months
Glory in the Snow
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hoofpeet · 1 month
(Srry if you already answered this but) Which sheep breeds are your favorites? :33
Bluefaced leicester and border leicester are my favorites...
And others in no particular order.... babydoll sheep, red engadines, ryåfor sheep, hampshires, Scottish blackfaces.. p much any Corsican breed
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mothyandthesquid · 21 days
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“My Life is Lava” on several new bases for you to try:
1. merino/bamboo sock that is ideal for those who wish to avoid nylon but still prefer a durable superwash
2. Bluefaced Leicester/silk, a luxurious blend with a stunning sheen, beautiful drape, and a wonderful feel
3. merino/cotton (the base I introduced yesterday)
4. DK and aran
There are further details you-know-where so please do go look if you’d like to know more or see extra photos. I’ve also dyed it on platinum sock but I’m saving that for @thewoolmontyshow where you can also see and touch all the new stuff.
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sycamorefibers · 7 months
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It feels good to get back to dyeing wool. I spent a good amount of time this year working on building a workshop (read: sweat equity, emphasis on the sweat down here in the south). The workshop is not quite done but I can see the light at the end now.
Anyhow, here’s a fresh batch of hand dyed wool! This colorway, called Rhapsody, is on Bluefaced Leicester, which is an absolute JOY to touch and spin and knit or crochet with.
I just loaded it into my shop! https://artisans.coop/products/rhapsody-hand-dyed-bfl-wool
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uk3d · 5 months
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Blue faced sheep | Limited edition fine art print from an original drawing. The Bluefaced Leicester is a longwool breed of sheep which evolved from a breeding scheme of Robert Bakewell, in Dishley, Leicestershire in the eighteenth century. My sketches start life as hand-drawn graphite images made on cartridge paper. I often work on these with charcoal, oil pastel or Caran d'Ache to create the look I'm after. The artwork is then scanned and finessed digitally ready for fine art printing. This process often referred to as Giclée printing uses the highest standard of printing methods to give gallery quality results that maintain all the details of the original sketch. The graphite pencils I use are Faber-Castel, the oil pastels are Sennelier and the china-graph is Caran d’Ache. The inks are pigment based archive quality (100years+). The heavyweight specialist papers I use are of the best professional quality having a wonderful surface designed specifically for fine art drawings and illustrations. Very limited editions with only ten per size printed. All artwork is signed and includes a certificate of authenticity. The A5 are 5.8" x 8.25" (14.8cm x 21cm) The A4 are 8.25" x 11.7" (21cm x 29.8cm) The A3 are 11.7" x 16.5" (29.8 cm x 42cm) The A2 are 16.5" x 23.4" (42 cm x 59.4cm) Originals are A3 11.7" x 16.5" (29.8 cm x 42cm) Frames not included in price. Free shipping on artwork to all destinations. https://www.seanbriggs.co.uk/product/blue-faced-sheep/?feed_id=2588&_unique_id=659e4834cf57f
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milkweedman · 2 years
Promised to show the stuff i got from the fiber festival i went to with @rival-the-rose (i.e. look at how little restraint i showed in a huge room filled to the brim with wool). Also, look, yes, I probably deserve to be judged somewhat but in my defense, a lot of this was actually very kindly gifted to me and the rest of it is the result of showing up with probably more cash than I should have because i got paid in cash the day before. So. This could have happened to anyone.
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5 oz (142 g) of Dyed locks (unknown breed), plus 1/2 oz (14 g) of dyed border liecester locks
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1.3 oz (37 g) very soft sparkly batt, 4 oz (113 g) braid of bluefaced leicester roving, 4 oz (113 g) ball of very shiny corriedale top
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TOP: 3 oz (85 g) of assorted bits of carded wool, breeds unknown, very soft.
BOTTOM: 1 oz (28 g) of cotton. It's been carded but looks like it has some seeds still. Not sliver though, which is the only way I've worked with it before.
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24 oz (680 g) of assorted rovings. Shiny stuff seems to be mostly merino, nonshiny stuff was unlabeled wool. The merino is pretty much just for blending.
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Spindle ! Was super cheap because the vendor didnt know what kind of spindle (we both agreed it must be a supported spindle of some kind, since it's way too heavy to use in the air and spins supported for a long time). I was doing some research last night trying to find out what kind, if any, of supported spindle this is, didn't see much of anything with a notch like that. It spins really nicely though, super pleased I got it.
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1 oz (28 g) of silk caps, plus 2 oz (57 g) of silk brick, and a few small bags of dyed caps and noil.
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5.2 oz (147 g) of really nice carded merino fluff.
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10 oz (283 g) of carded fluff, very short staple and breed unknown. The person selling it to me looked stricken when I said I was a spinner and not a needle felter because it was 'too short to spin'. Happily untrue, it works great for long draw without any additional processing. Has the texture of a good soft down breed.
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And lastly, a raw shetland fleece that weighs at least 3 pounds (1360 g), hard to say for sure because it doesnt fit on my scale.
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