#Beth Chapel commentary
BFCD Reviews by Nesha: Stargirl Season 2 (Summer School)
Last time I gave my Stargirl review, I was focused supremely on Hournite. (The Review), but this time I’m actually gonna speak more about the show itself, moreso this season and of course, since this IS blackfemmecharacterdependency, Beth Chapel (the biggest Black female role in the series), other Black female characters, and how they’re written, and just the overall shenanigans and shullbit you’ve come to expect from your Auntie Nesha.
I also will likely be talking about how I won the finale and my headcanons were justified and my loves indulged.
So! The usual disclaimers apply. I’m here for the Black girls and women and if I should enjoy other things along the way (and in this show I truly do), then YAY! If I don’t, I’ma say it. I cuss, I might drag your faves, I don’t regret anything, and rarely apologize because of it. I love to complain and may or may not feel like arguing about it. But whenever I say what I say, I done said what I said. So, like. Do with that what you will. Proceed or not. 
Tagging the homies! My Beth Chapel Tribe, since that’s why I’m here. @ships-bynoa @nerd-li @bibliostopheles @nyikondlovu @sleepyfangirl18 
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So, okay. Last season whenever we left off, I will admit to feeling a way about Beth being the one person who lost what was most important to her (Chuck) while the others made it out with seemingly more clarity and hope (save for a preoccupied Yolanda). Well, we started this season out with Yolanda not just being preoccupied, but virtually consumed by what she did last season. Meanwhile, Beth’s parents are considering a divorce. They’re not okay.
But, nevertheless, the show has others to look at and more tales to tell. We got a closer look at a few more characters this season than we did last time, seeing into Cindy Burman’s life as well as Artemis, and shoutout to the Crocks. That’s my loves, as my friends can tell you. 
So, this season, we have Eclipso as the main villain. Cindy’s dumbass brought him out to settle some things and obviously had no idea what he was capable of, so he got the jump on her and wreaked havoc upon the JSA. AS WELL AS KILLED MY BABY BOY ISAAC BOWEN 😢 
That was my recap of the season.
Beth Chapel. Lets get into it. Because, like I said, last season she lost her first (and only, technically) friend. Sure, she was working on friendships with the rest of her team, but we didn’t see her really make any connections with them until the very end, so I’ve considered it her finding her friendships with them after she lost Chuck. They’re all super supportive of her getting him back and even a distraught Yolanda reassures her of this.
Now, fast forward a few months and we got her, still without Chuck and sad, then she comes across the bad news of a potential divorce. She’s already lost Chuck and now, she thinks she might lose her family. It is a super hard time for her. Pack it in with the fact that she never was picked to be on the team (she chose herself) and the way that everyone is going in seemingly different directions as they deal with their problems and we had a recipe for one lonely young lady.
The fact that she was the one who faced Eclipso by herself and was able to snuff out his plans for her, herself. Chuck is right. Her parents should be very proud. And so should her friends. She’s a boss. AND DID. WITH us getting confirmation that Blue Valley be on some racism stuff. Like, yes, Beth was racially attacked by Eclipso, but the fact that he thought that was a doorway into stirring up her hatred indicated to me that it is a situation that she has to deal with and her parents confirmed it with how the town treated her whenever she took that old doctor’s place when they moved into town.
Her parents gave her the traditional respectable negro origin story that so many folk have for whenever they integrate a place and want to put their best them forward in order to win respect that they should simply be GIVEN. The woman is a thoracic  surgeon. Her degrees should have proven that she was capable. Regardless, Beth is subjected to that underlying issue that every POC knows about and every Black person has to think about whenever they’re in situations where odds don’t seem to be in their favor. 
The gag is that writers seem to comprehend it whenever it is someone directly engaging in hate speak, but they’ve micro aggressively written nearly every Black woman in the series within negative connotations and haven’t been much kinder to other POC either. There is a WHOLE NOTHER conversation to be had about how the two “mom friends” in the hero group are the Black girl and the Asian girl. I don’t have time for it today, but my inbox is open if I don’t come back to it elsewhere. (And then all of the other Asian and Black characters are either villains or just plain mean, except Jakeem. Little cinnamon roll. Stay precious). SO, I guess Stargirl is AT LEAST getting there in terms of unpacking their problematic content.
That brings me back to the Chapels. Because, I’ve been on the side of protecting Black characters until they’ve done the unforgiveable, and with these two, every single thing that they’ve done has been deemed unforgiveable, despite the fact that they’ve been inattentive at their worst. Inattentive in a hard to notice way for them. They haven’t spoken against Beth, abused her, denied her of needs, or anything visibly harmful or dangerous. They weren’t always there when she needed emotional support. That is a mistake that most parents of teenagers are bound to make a few times throughout adolescence and I don’t trust people who have used that against this Black family to drag them up nd down the internet while we have the adult collective in Blue Valley that we do have.
Also, maybe chat about that time a teacher was inappropriately accusatory towards one of her students and was “redeemed” because HE did the work to earn her respect and HE was the bigger person and told her it was okay for her to be a shitty adult and shitty person who attacks kids without provocation based upon her own prejudices, and she drove out to give him college paperwork and apparently that’s cause for wanting to place him in her care at all times? Not no, but HELL NO. Helping him with hope for college was the least she could do and now, she can fucking go. I never wanna see that bitch again in my life.
But, a turnaround for the Chapels? I love it. I love that they barely saw Beth do anything, and they’re still excited and proud of her as a hero. I love that they have made a verbal commitment of their decision to put more of their energy into their family. I love that Beth realized that after all, maybe a teenager, a teenage superhero at that, DOESN’T want all the attention that she thought she wanted when she wasn’t getting any. I love it all. ALSO - New outfit idea? Like the OG outfit?? MAMA CHAPEL TALKING FASHION??? Is that where Beth gets it from?MMMM music to my ears.
Beth’s relationships are top tier this season because they’re all so wholesome.
I know that some of y’all feel slighted about the lack of Hournite, but I actually was fine with it and expected nothing more. So, for me, the crumbs actually were quite nice, for all that was going on in everybody’s world. Beth’s relationship with Rick, while arguably the best relationship that she has in the show, for kids their age and with the distances that they’ve been wading through, didn’t need to be a core part of her development in this particular season. My parents are a NIGHTMARE. Never should’ve gotten married or had kids. They’re a culmination of Yolanda’s parents and Rick’s uncle, and whenever they were bouncing around the idea of a divorce, I remember 15 year old me being devastated. Me and my boyfriend broke up, I listened to Korn and was ready to end my life.
Beth is going through too much with losing Chuck and her parents, possibly, and even if she does have very deep feelings for Rick, her mind would most likely be overtaken by all of these other events that are so much more than a boy you might love.
In the same vein, Rick has been dealing with the demons of losing and never getting anything back. That’s such a desperate and desolate feeling, summed up so understandably whenever he was out in the woods yelling. HARD RELATE. And the fact is that when you’ve got that going on, most of the time, some girl you might love would be a temporary distraction and likely you’ll be hurt in the long run, because nobody was able to properly sort through these feelings.
I’m not mad or upset that hournite didn’t get more attention or more development. But... holla at me next season and if they still haven’t started working on it, I’ll probably have more feelings about it at that point.
I know I’ve been yelling out into the void about this, because everybody else was so concerned about the Starcat and Shivcat things. I 1. Knew that Starcat would be fine. I mean c’mon. So, I didn’t have to get very invested in all of what was happening there, especially since Yolanda just BEING OK was just more important to me. and 2. Do not care about Shivnite. I don’t really care about Cindy Burman, tbh. Meg is a great actress. Cindy ain’t shit. I’ll have just as much fun shipping her with Beth as anybody else, but I honestly could take her or leave her, just like I’da left her ass in the shadowlands. 
So, for me, Beth and Courtney having their moment in this season was a lot of development. Courtney HAD wanted the other two on her team. She chased Yolanda AND Rick and pressured them to be in the new JSA, while she not only did not want Beth, but literally tried to use the excuse of not knowing her, when eh knew the other two just as well at the time.
Courtney going from blatantly and openly rejecting Beth as not only a teammate, but she didn’t even seem like she was interested in being her friend. She didn’t even register as someone who had been nice to her. Beth basically didn’t mean anything to her and wasn’t her choice. She described her as having “got the goggles working,” without acknowledging that as a reason for Beth to be included and shut her down whenever she was going to come along with them to go get Rick (which y’all know by now, BETH helped them to even get Rick).
I say all that to say that seeing Courtney go from being a typical teenage Becky with Beth to them teaming up while the others are away, her calling her to protect her little brother, them hugging whenever they’re reunited, FINISHING HER SENTENCES?!?!!?? Honestly. Not noticing this beautiful growth and development is misogynoir. #StarniteRights 
The girls didn’t get the chance to fully flourish because of all the individual drama, but of the little crumbs we saw in the beginning that were so cute, it was realized early on that they’d come a long way since Yolanda not wanting her. (Honestly, they had more of a connection last season than Beth did with Courtney too - with the brief team up against Tigress and the being done with Courtney’s mess earlier that day).
But, where we knew that Beth meant a lot to Yolanda (aside from the gushy smiles they gave each other whenever Mike was voted onto the team) was at that truly grave moment when everyone looked at Beth for the last bit of reassurance that they thought Yolanda needed and Beth didn’t have it. I’m not able to rewatch the entire episode, because it was WAY too triggering for my psychosis, but I watched that scene a few times and Yolanda was DEVASTATED whenever Beth said “I’m sorry.” Beth and Yolanda were both really in pain over it.
Hopefully, we see more of them next season! 
Beth didn’t quite get Chuck back in the way that she thought she wanted, but she got a chance to be approved and affirmed by Dr. Mid-Nite, himself. She got the chance to meet a hero that she respected and looked up to. Their interactions were so cute and Beth did so well. 
The Chapels
I told you motherfuckers that until I saw the Chapels be cruel to or intentionally harm Beth that y’all wasn’t finna see my Black ass slander that hardworking Black family, and guess what? It never happened and in fact, Beth’s parents came back stronger than ever. I still say y’all was being antiblack AF for how y’all tried to drag them. Kick rocks. The Black family made it through their complications and not once did they ever actually harm Beth. 
Folk spent 2 seasons dragging them people for minor REGULAR HUMAN behavior, and some of the same folk ain’t had much to say about Pat fucked up ass parenting of Mike, so if you goofy like that, my condolences. I hope you heal.
Meanwhile, The Chapels gettin it in again, talking new costume with nanotechnology and focusing on they family. DIE MAD. Beth got her parents attention and realized that she ain’t even wanna revert to that, because she’s older, booked and busy. HA! Just like a teenager. 
Kron Moore’s cheekbones came through for us, just when you thought that writers would only let one Black girl be great. HA! 
Beth has always been on her own and she’s had to try to learn to be content with it. Her loneliness made her feel like nobody ever listened to her, and that an AI was the only person who she could talk to, because the folk she was around everyday didn’t seem to value her very much.
Her parents were considering a divorce and didn’t tell her. While this is actually pretty normal, considering that kids should not be in the middle of their parents’ marital problems and they weren’t sure yet if they were going to go through with it - once they realized that she found out, she needed them to put more consideration into it than they were. That made her feel like everything was falling apart.
Yolanda and her seemed on good terms, but we didn’t get too much to indicate they were close, except for the fact that Yolanda had another of her several meltdowns after Beth couldn’t give her the support she needed. Yolanda left the team and Beth was crying because she just didn’t know what to say/do.
This season, she started out reaching out to Rick whenever something was going on. We saw her call him whenever Jennie came along, and whenever she was upset. He told her to pretend that he was her known best friend.  Rick was taken away (put in jail), and we didn’t actually really see them talking again afterwards.
When Courtney was taken into the Shadowlands, she was momentarily alone. (Jennie was there and she of course teamed up and worked with her, but they haven’t known each other as long and even though I see them being wonderful friends, they haven’t quite made it there yet). But, Beth is shown to be the most visibly upset by her being taken away (maybe because they thought she was dead), or maybe because she and Courtney had gotten closer in the days that their best friends were gone. Maybe it was because she felt alone again with her friends all away. 
At any rate, Beth handles the loss of each friend and her parents’ relationship with sorrow and tears.
She spent time talking to Dr. Midnider in the Shadowlands. She had spoken to him a couple of times before she realized what was happening with him. They became friends, similar to how she and Chuck became friends, indicated when they met and he let her call him that. He too had to leave eventually. But this time, its bittersweet for Beth. 
She isn’t crying when she loses him and she doesn’t seem to feel like things have fallen apart. If anything, she looks hopeful for her future. In the end, she says that they’ll be alright, as long as they stay together. She believes in the power of friendship, but this season, more than ever, I believe that Beth realized the power of self too. Saying goodbye got easier for her. She doesn’t seem very pressed anymore to get her parents’ attention. She told that motherfucker Eclipso right to his goddamn face that SHE chose her. 
I love her and I’m very glad for what she was able to get this season and excited for whatever she’s able to get next season.
When will Hootie return from the war?
Do I have complaints? I sure do:
It’s fucked up how every Black female character that we have seen in this show has not been in a positive light. Beth rocked, but there were clear places in the first season and even a little bit in the beginning of this one where it was either quite careless or pretty clear that writers were giving critics reasons to devalue her. Some of Beth’s development this season was likely because a lot of productions were going through their “Everybody’s looking, QUICK! Pretend to respect the Blacks!” phase. We’ll see if they have the fortitude to keep it up now that its out of style. Because here are all the other depictions of Black women/girls in the show - 
Dr. Chapel: Like I’ve said, I don’t think the Chapels are bad parents. I think the Chapels are good parents who made mistakes while going through some things. That being said, if most of the audience is able to treat the Chapels as though they are bad parents from the little mistakes that we saw from them, there’s a problem. Dr. Chapel tends to seem cold at times, and even though she is polite and seems to mean well, there are some passive aggressive comments she makes that you can’t help but side-eye. What reason did the writers have to depict this Black woman this way?
Mrs. Ordway (Jennie’s Foster Mom): A complete bitch, for no reason at all. There was nothing in Jennie’s information given that required for that woman to be so cold and rude to her whenever she was leaving the home. She has a home for children. I WORK AT, not even run a home for children, and whenever kids leave, especially when they’ve been with us for a while, and even more when they are nice kids (Jennie is a saint), it is hard to see them leave and it is emotional. This woman didn’t care and was insulting to her. What reason did the writers have to depict this Black woman this way?
Jenny Williams: She treats everyone like trash except for Cindy, perhaps because she’s afraid of her, perhaps because she’s just used to looking up to her. Whatever the case, she’s a textbook mean girl and has no other personality traits, even though we’ve seen her several times.  What reason did the writers have to depict this Black girl this way?
Mrs. Williams: Jenny and Jakeem’s mother has only spoken ONCE, and it was to be loud, ugly, and mean to her son over chores. We know from the little that we’ve seen of Jakeem that he’s a nice boy who behaves well. So, why would his mother speak to him like that? What reason did the writers have to depict this Black woman this way?
Molly Zchut: I shouldn’t have to tell you hoes that we don’t wanna see the ONLY little Black girl that they’ve ever considered to put on this show getting bullied while she’s just minding her business. The only reason I won’t complain much further is because this is a show that kills kids. Still, what fucked up optics to give your Black female audience with the one, single, solitary little Black girl that y’all let onto the show.
And these are the ones that I am pulling from memory. I don’t remember the rest of them women, so they’re trivial roles that weren’t important.  They only had 9 Black female characters billed. (All the Black Femmes) and more than half of them fell into a harmful and insulting depiction.
Now... we ALL know that as a whole, Blue Valley adults ain’t shit. But, we also know that they can’t ALL be bad, otherwise the place would be far more chaotic, even without Eclipso’s presence. But, when you have less than a dozen Black women in your series, and seemingly only that many in the entire town, maybe JUST MAYBE, give them something more than the typical antiblack tropes that Black women have always told creatives to not do. It’s 2021.  
What reason did the writers have to depict these Black woman these ways?
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obvslybatgrl · 4 years
When I read GSA instead of JSA
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73 notes · View notes
hannahindie · 7 years
Country Roads, Take me Home: Chapter 4
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Reader, Beth (OC) Word Count: 2,605 Warnings: Dean being bad at giving advice, Sam being hardheaded, the reader being oblivious, and Beth pointing out the obvious. Some language. A/N: This is chapter four of Country Roads, so if you’d like to catch up, chapter 1 is here, chapter 2 is here, and chapter 3 is here! This was written for @ravengirl94′s 1.5 K follower challenge. So a disclaimer: I know a lot about TALA, but there’s a lot that I can’t find so I’m trying to be as accurate as possible. (FYI, the ballroom conversation is accurate as far as what it was used for...so just keep that in mind. lol)
This was beta’d by my lovelies @pinknerdpanda: “mmmmhmmmmm to all of this. It is hard not to notice a man like Sam Winchester.” And @trexrambling: “This implies that things can be taken out of pants at a later point in time...” Thank you so much for all your help and your hilarious commentary. <3
I have added a secondary aesthetic since we have finally arrived at the asylum. All photos were taken by me, and I also made the aesthetic. I hope you enjoy! As always, tags are at the bottom and if you’d like to be added, please let me know. :)
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I slowly woke up to the impressive facade of Trans-Allegheny as Dean drove cautiously down the long driveway to the mostly empty parking lot. As odd as it seemed, I felt more at home here than I did at my actual home. I’d always loved Trans-Allegheny. The architecture was beautiful; large, open common spaces, extravagant windows on the entrance so that the light could come through, throwing rainbows across the main hall, and spacious wings that stretched for acres. Although it eventually was horribly overcrowded, the original idea had been that the patients needed that space and light to help heal, instead of just shutting them away. I’d always kind of felt bad for the building, as weird as it sounded. The building itself didn’t deserve the stigma; it was the people that ran it and the practices they kept.
Dean eased to a stop next to the front door and I slipped out of the back seat, my eyes drifting from the immediately recognizable clock tower over to what used to be the tuberculosis ward. It still amazed me how much land this place took up. I felt the first drops of rain and looked up to the grey clouds swirling ominously over the building.
“Seriously? This is just stereotypical, isn’t it?” Dean complained as he wiped a raindrop from his forehead with the back of his hand.
Dean gestured vaguely at the sky, “Dark rain clouds above an already depressing looking building? It screams horror movie material with the most obvious foreshadowing ever.”
I shut my door as Sam walked around to the trunk and began loading up one of the duffels. I couldn’t help but watch the way his flannel stretched tightly across his broad shoulders, and how his arms flexed as he stretched to reach his shotgun. Dean cleared his throat, and I looked at him questioningly. He raised his eyebrows, jerked his chin in Sam’s direction, then threw his hands out and shrugged. I shook my head, embarrassed that I had been caught ogling Sam. Before Dean could make it anymore awkward, I heard the front door open and someone shouting at me.
I quickly escaped the potentially embarrassing situation and turned towards the steps leading towards the front door. “Hey, Beth!” I jogged over, and she wrapped me into a rib crushing hug.
“I've missed you!” She paused for a moment, then continued in a whisper, “Are those the guys you've been telling me about?”
I pulled back and nodded, “Yep. The taller one is Sam, the one with the short hair is Dean.”
Beth looked them both up and down, then nudged me in ribs, “Sam, huh? I can see why you enjoy that one, he's a tall drink of water, isn't he?”
I could feel the blush creeping across my cheeks, “Beth, come on-”
“Have you told him? Please tell me you told him-”
“Told who what?” Sam’s deep voice interrupted our hushed conversation, and Beth looked slowly from me to Sam, her smile widening as she held out her hand enthusiastically.
“Told you about the ghosts, of course! Hiya, you must be Sam. I'm Beth!”
Sam cautiously shook her hand and smiled, although his eyes moved over to me as if trying to decide if that's what we were actually talking about. I shrugged, and Sam appeared to let it go.
Dean sauntered over and Beth’s attention shifted to him, “And you must be Dean. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard a lot.”
Dean grinned, “Hopefully good things.”
Beth smiled back and winked, “Oh, most of it was good. Got anything else to share with me?”
Dean raised his eyebrows and thought for a moment, “I can think of a few things-”
“Alright, let's keep it in our pants until this is done, huh? Come on, Beth, I wanted to get set up in the office.” I grabbed her arm and drug her up the steps, ignoring the look that passed between Sam and Dean.
As soon as we got inside, my jaw dropped. The first time I had ever been in the building, they were still trying to repair the roof, some of the wings weren’t even accessible to the public because of the asbestos, and the buildings out back were too dangerous to walk through. The owner had clearly put a lot of work into it since then; the walls were painted and the bottom floor was set up much like it would have been when it was open. “Wow,” I whispered as my eyes took in all the changes.
Beth grinned, “Right? They’re working on the third floor right now. I knew you’d love it. We’ve even got the medical building and the morgue open now. Still can’t go through the TB ward, but that’s just because of all the haunted house props. They’ve really done a great job.”
“What’s wrong with you?” Dean asked as he and Sam caught up, taking in my slack jawed appearance.
“Nothing, it just looks a lot different than the last time I was here.” I walked into the office and dropped my bag. “So, the third floor, huh? That could explain it.”
Sam leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms, “Why does that explain it?”
I sat down behind the desk and logged into the computer, “Because the third floor is where the two patients murdered their roommate with the bed. It’s also where some of the most violent patients were kept, not to mention the shadow figures by the Nurses’ Station.” I looked up suddenly, and Beth raised an eyebrow. “Beth...is the ballroom on the list?”
She nodded, “Yep, they’re wanting to reopen it to the public again.”
I sighed, then clicked through the several video feeds that were pulled up in front of me, stopping on the ballroom. “There ya go. They’re remodeling, of course it’s disturbing all of them. To my knowledge no one died in there, but that whole floor...it could be almost anyone.”
Dean waved his hand, “Wait, wait, wait....reopen it to the public? There’s a ballroom on the third floor that was open to the public? Are you freaking kidding me?”
“Nope. They held school dances, plays, movies… At one point, it even housed the chapel.  It was the biggest place to have town gatherings, so they used what they had,” I said with a shrug.
Dean looked at me as if shocked, “That’s crazy! They brought townspeople onto the floor with the most violent patients, like nothing bad could come of that?”
Beth shook her head, “Nothing ever happened, at least that we know of. It’s not a big town, Dean, and it was a long time ago. It’s not like they had a fancy community center, we don’t even have that now.”
“Okay, so getting back to the point, how are we supposed to figure out who’s responsible for this? Are any of these people actually buried on the property? Were they even buried? Do you even have any burial records?” Sam asked as he walked around to look at the computer screen while I flipped through different files.
“We have some records, but not all of it is online. We found some filing cabinets in the doctor's quarters, and I think we have some in the back here.” Beth smiled at Dean, “We could always split up, two of us look here, two of us look in the doctor’s quarters.”
Sam nodded, “Sounds good. Beth, why don’t we take the quarters, and Dean can help Y/N here?”
Beth looked at me sharply and raised her eyebrows, to which I replied with a shrug. “Sure. That’s fine.” I glanced at Dean, who had opened his mouth to argue, but then shut it when he saw the look on my face. I looked back at the computer and tried to pretend that Sam dismissing me didn’t hurt.
“Great. Beth, lead the way?” He motioned for her to go and Beth walked out ahead of him, giving me one last look over her shoulder. Dean let the two of them disappear around the corner before he turned back to me.
“What the hell was that about?”
I shrugged, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Dean put his hands on the edge of the desk and leaned over the computer, “Sam never gives up researching with you, not willingly. You guys have been weird all day, so I’ll ask again: what the hell was that?”
I shifted in my chair, unsure of how to answer him. We had been weird all day, ever since Bear Town, but I had no idea what had caused it. “I honestly don’t know, Dean. We were fine earlier today, we’ve been fine this whole trip, but then all of a sudden he didn’t want to talk to me.”
Dean walked around the desk and sat on the corner of it, his arms crossed across his chest, “All of a sudden? You can’t think of a single thing that may have happened today that would have made him act like that?”
I thought back to what we’d done that day, up until the moment we had been alone in the woods. “We talked a little while we waited on you to catch up, and how I was glad you guys were finally getting to see some of my favorite places.”
Dean raised an eyebrow, “That’s it? Other than making fun of me, which, screw you by the way, you didn’t talk about anything else?”
“No, I just mentioned how you guys were my new family and then...oh…” I looked up at Dean with wide eyes, “He might have been holding my hand at the time...and I may have said how both of you were my life. The hand holding didn’t last long after that.”
Dean dropped his head as he ran a hand across his eyes, “You’re clueless, you know that? Both of you are idiots. Okay, well, we don’t have time to worry about this right now, and I don’t have the coping skills to deal with it, so let’s just get this done, get home, and you two can sort your shit out later.” Dean moved towards the back of the office and opened the closet door, “I think I found those files. What do you want, computer or paper?”
“Computer, it’lI go faster. I don’t think there’s a lot on here, and I can come over and help you once I’m done with this.”
“Great.” Dean grabbed a chair and dragged it over to the closet, then yanked open the top drawer. “You owe me, Y/N. This isn’t exactly what I imagined when we decided to go on a road trip.”
I sighed, “Me neither.”
Sam strode quickly down the hall and towards the main staircase, and Beth ran to catch up.
“Hey, slow down there, Sasquatch. Your legs are as long as my entire body, and this girl isn’t as in shape as she used to be.”
Sam stopped at the foot of the stairs and turned to face Beth, “Oh...sorry.”
Beth shook her head and continued up the stairs past Sam, “So, what’s your deal, huh?”
“What do you mean?”
She laughed as she hit the second floor landing and slid her hand up the worn banister, “So you normally just blow off Y/N like that?”
Sam cleared his throat, “I didn’t blow her off. We needed to split up to speed things up, so...that’s what we did.”
Beth rolled her eyes even though she knew Sam couldn’t see her, “No, see that’s where I think you’re full of shit. No offense, string bean, but I think we both know that there’s something else goin’ on.” They hit the fourth floor landing and she motioned for him to follow her. “Y/N didn’t say anything, of course she won’t because that’s how she is, but if you’re upset with her about something you should mention it to her.”
“I’m not upset about anything-” Beth had stopped in front of a closed door, but turned and put a hand on Sam’s chest.
“Listen, I may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night. I can see how you look at her. So do us both a favor, and quit lyin’ to yourself and start thinking about what’s got you so upset.” She pulled a key ring out of her pocket and flipped through the keys, “So, what is it? What’s got you torn up?”
“Nothing. We had a conversation earlier today that didn’t go the way I thought it would. Wasn’t a big deal.”
“Right. Not a big deal, got it.” She slipped the key into the lock and the door creaked open. “So there aren’t any working lights up here, so we’re going to have to use the light from the windows.” She pulled the filing cabinet closer to the window and pulled open the top drawer. “I don’t know the guys’ names that we’re looking for, but look for patient’s records from the third floor, murder, you know the drill.” She began flipping through the folder and Sam knelt down and pulled open the bottom drawer to begin his search.
“You know, it’s funny...I’ve known Y/N my whole life, and I’ve never heard her talk about anyone the way she talks about you two.” Beth paused and Sam hummed in response. “She talks about one of you specifically, but she never says a name. See, she’s pretty private, so even someone she’s known her entire life has to pull that out of her. I get the impression he’s pretty special though.”
Sam paused as he flipped through a manila folder, “Huh.”
Beth pulled out a folder and sat on the edge of the nearby desk, “Whoever it is though...they should be proud of themselves. Even before the whole thing happened with her mom and Alex...she was pretty closed off. She never needed anyone. I think it had something to do with her dad dying. Alex took over a lot but Y/N really kept them all together. She just never...she was really independent, you know?”
Sam nodded and tossed the folder to the floor, then went back to flipping through the drawer, “I've noticed.”
Beth laid down her charts and crossed her arms as she watched Sam dig through the records. “What I'm saying is...whoever it is she's been talking to me about...she needs them. Honest to God, pretty sure she would go to the ends of the earth for this person kind of needs them.” Sam flipped his long hair out of his face and looked up at her, and Beth knew in an instant why Y/N had fallen for this one. “I just hope that the person in question understands how lucky they are to have Y/N, and her trust. That's all.”
“They know.” He smiled at her gently, then looked back down at the open file still in his hand. “Holy shit...I think I found something.”
Beth clapped, “Well, hallelujah, string bean! Why don't we get downstairs, see what your handsome devil of a brother has found, and get this damn show on the road?” She winked, but immediately jumped off the desk when a blood curdling shriek echoed through the halls. “What in the ever lovin’ hell was that?”
Sam stood quickly and took off for the door, “It sounded like Y/N.” Beth scrambled after him and the two raced downstairs, terrified of what they might find.
Read Chapter 5 HERE.
Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-baby @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell @owllover123 @rosie-winchester @amionthetumbler @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl @goldenolaf25 @authoressskr @nanie5 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @zincomms @kathaswings @crazynerdandproud @barbedwireandbubblegum @sandlee44 @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj
Country Roads: @karlilarki @dontslurp @supernatural-fangirl13 @night-thinker-23
Sam Only: @winter-in-wakanda
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I read this interview where Anjelika is speaking about the episode and while I know that she definitely mentioned how the statements reflected ones said to her about Beth's character, she also said that some of it is stuff that's been said to her simply as Anjelika.
Because there has been a lot of chatter about the way that Beth's character is treated and how Anjelika is treated over playing her, but I need to point out that it's not simply about a character being mistreated. They harm real people with their words and among those, even this young actress just trying to do a job she loves.
So, full support of Beth defense and Beth validation in this place, always. Please also defend and validate Anjelika and the multitude of Black girls who she resonated with last night.
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Hey! I saw your ask game, and I don’t really watch Stargirl but I thought I’d ask about Rick and Beth
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Okay, you may know that I did a thing after season 1 and then after season 2, and I definitely left those for fans, so for this lemme look at the rules...
1. What made me ship it?
Well, that’s easy. I saw a cute Black girl with natural hair and I decided that I would give her anything whatsoever. Tuned into the show to see what was what and wouldn’t you know? The writers, several members of the fandom and half of the characters were sleepy on this kid. Now, I am no regular supporter of CW, but I was told that it didn’t initially belong to them and therefore other folks were at the helm, so that explains why I enjoyed the first season so much, and a few trips into her tag told me that there were grounds for this to be a ship, so I didn’t need a huge amount of prompting from the show itself (and didn’t get a lot, you know). I shipped this on cute and want to, almost exclusively. I still don’t even know if I have expectations within canon, especially with The CW, but, if it happens, that’d be super kewl.
2. What are my favorite things about the ship?
For one - they remind me of Shatlas. And you, as my kiddo know that for me that’s a huge draw. For strangers and onlookers, what that means is that I enjoy seeing a smart Black girl who’s soft and sweet but brave and passionate get taken up by this rugged bad boy who is actually a softie who’s had such a rough life that he just knows how to fight and survive before he makes friends. It’s a dynamic that tugs on my heartstrings in certain instances. Not in instances where there’s an empire and he’s in charge of imperial forces. But, that he’s just a member of a society that doesn’t love him and now somebody does. Powerful stuff.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion that I have on this ship?
I think that I would be fine if they never made it to that. I know that a lot of the fangirls would be heartbroken and many felt robbed for not having more given to them in the actual series, but not being much of a “go down with this ship” kinda chick, I would be absolutely fine with them two being friends or whatever and not exploring romance. Romance just isn’t as important to me as it is to ship culture, despite me having many ships that I really love.
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The saddest things about Beth holding in her feelings is that Beth once told Courtney that nobody pays attention to her, meanwhile, it's been frequently commented on about how much she talks.
So, she's literally just not doing the one thing she's known to do and nobody seemed to notice, probably confirming her thoughts that nobody pays attention to her anyway. I hate it.
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Okay, lemme get on my bulls**t for just a moment, because there is this super troubling trend of people coming for the Chapels and labeling them things like, "the worst parents," and really trying to drive home this idea that they don't care about Beth.
I will give you that they're inattentive. I will even give that they're neglectful to a certain degree. But, the notion that they're bad parents is a bit of a stretch for the content that's been provided here.
They do need to pay more attention, but it is a super normal habit of plenty of adults to think that their teenager is fine so long as they say they are. Beth is always smiling with them. She's always cheerful. She makes good grades. She never has a dispute in the community. She shows no signs whatsoever of being unbalanced or unhappy in front of them.
With busy schedules and their own issues between them, noticing the changes in her would be a little harder than it is for us as an audience who gets to see her when nobody is in the room.
They do need to grant her more quality time, but she's 15-16 and can legally be on her own as long as she isn't abandoned or left without resources. When she was younger and unable to be left alone, they did everything with her. They indulged her interests and they talked to her, according to her, their resistance to being around her is a recent development.
So, it feels a lil' shady that they've somehow in the very few instances of representation we've gotten of them managed to be blackballed as these terrible parents who have been horrible to her.
They don't even speak unkindly to her. They're fake AF, but they use gentle voices, pet names, kind tones, and at the very least her mother is apologetic in the appropriate moments. Ionknow. At least see if y'all gotta check on why it's fine for Pat to forget he got a whole ass son, but the Chapels can't read Beth's mind and are the worse parents for not realizing that there is a problem in her life, while she's trying to hide that there are problems.
They seem to me like they're trying not to drag Beth into whatever issues they're having and avoiding each other. Yes, Beth has fallen between the cracks, like many teenagers do, and a normal parenting problem is not knowing where the boundaries move to once they navigate teenage years... Something that some of these other parents seem to be allowed to do without being stamped these big bad horrible parents.
Just check on that shit. That's all I'm tryna say. It's some double sided standards happening in these streets whenever the Chapels are mentioned. Hell, Courtney mama the only person in this town that understood the assignment.
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Bruh, Rick really said, "I'll live" when Beth told him he broke a rib. My love, do you know that you are a growing boy? Go to thee hospital. 😭😭😭
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I kinda like the idea, too, of Beth and Rick being friends and comfortable with each other and basically in each other's space a lot and stuff, so very casually, albeit affectionately at times. Never actually discussing a crush or a relationship, then just kissing one day because it felt right to do, and seeing each other in that moment, and knowing that they're involved, then just being together from then on.
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Beth finna have to up her fighting game too, like, "Rick cannot keep getting his ribs broken defending me in battle! 😤"
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BFCD Reviews by Nesha: Hournite (CW’s Stargirl)
HEY! When was the last time I made time for one of these? Actually, whenever I initially asked that, it had been a HOT minute and I think I’ve done one since I started this. Anyways. I was gonna do a review of the show itself or of Beth Chapel’s portrayal by the ADORABLE and talented Anjelika Washington BUT... A bitch fell in love with a ship that might not go anywhere (Yet, they can’t stop me from dreaming), so HERE I AM, hopefully on Beth’s birthday of May 15th to rave and such for a moment, if y’all let me.
Beth Chapel (Dr. Mid Nite) and Rick Tyler (Hourman) who make up the seeming fan favorite ship called “Hournite.” 
Disclaimer for somebody who stumbled across this post because of the fandom tags - I am an independent partaker of this content, not part of the fandom, and my audience in particular is not for everybody. SO. If you may have been criticized in the past for casual racism, tone deafness to Black women’s concerns or accused of misogynoir or antiblackness, leave now. If you don’t like cussing, AAVE, general ratchetness and mean lesbian energy, you too might wanna go. A bitch can be eloquent, but I type like I talk, at times, so it is what it is and I don’t curate for kids, dudes, or nonblacks. That’s just what that is. 
NOW. To my homies that now how I act. Let’s. Get. Started. @andromidagalaxie @sleepyfangirl18 @shslargue Who TF else watched this show? (IDEK if Krystal watched this, but she be present for all my reviews even though Tumblr REFUSES to let a bitch tag her)m but I stay sending these to her because we love Krystal in this place.
OKAY, a bitch might be finna be all over the place. Because I’m not going step by step down the line of every single interaction. I'ma start where I kinda got the shipping getcha gotcha, and that was the scene where Rick is literally ready to go beat a bitch ass and Beth puts her body in front of his person to be like, "No, no. We not doin that, Hun."
He really looked her right in her face and basically told her she wasn't shit and she was like, "Mm, okay. Hurt people hurt people," and I'm on the borderline of being like, "Hold up White Devil," and THE VERY thin line that crosses into "Poor Lil' Boy." But, Miss Chapel can handle herself. Without saying something hurtful back, like my ass woulda did, and y'all know me, I'da scalped that boy, talking to me like that.
Beth instead shuts Buddy down with a smart chick observation and a soft chick assertation. "You hurt so much that you want to hurt others. Is that it Rick?"
This part mattered so much, because I bet nobody ever said to him that he was hurting. They've probably called him a delinquent bad kid said he was angry said he was violent all this other s***.
And she straight up said is it that you're hurting that you want to talk to me that way? And he can't do nothing but stop because she didn't do nothing to him, and what he's mad about is another friend being hurt... so he has to think about the fact that in his anger, he's hurting somebody else (whose also supposed to be his friend, or AT LEAST at this point his teammate) who didn't do nothing to him. And instead of her being like "you a piece of s***." She said is it because you're hurting? People grossly underestimate the power in noticing somebody's pain.
And after that shit, did he or did he not get him some ack right when he addressed her? I coulda missed it, but I don't recall him talking to her crazy again. Like, he was stern whenever he said that he wasn't helping her with whatever that was, but he was also right next to her on the couch, working cozily on his daddy notebook, so... 🤷🏾‍♀️
Like... Nobody else said "Great job Beth," so I was very soft. Even though she was like, "Me and Chuck!" Still. Episode 1 Rick wasn't gon' give you a complement, and I... Did I see him give another compliment to another person? He mighta and I missed it, but until I notice it, that's what happened.
And the group hug after the battle. That was probably the first hug Rick had in years... Which in my mind says that one of his first good touches in a while (before that, yanno) was carrying Beth when Yolanda YEETed her out Cindy window.
Can you imagine Rick like, being very confused as to how he had somebody in his bubble like that and wasn't consumed by anger? 🤣 Like... Wait a minute, now. Some touching is soft and tender... "Got you," even was said softly and this like... Right around the time, shortly after the time he was like, "What yo ass gon' do to stop me," so like... She got him together right, and didn't even have to talk crazy to him to do it. Which, with that bum ass uncle, we can assume he's used to, whenever he makes a mistake.
Headcanons: If somebody fw her, he'd be ready to beat TF out of them. She makes sure that he eats every meal, cooking for him or preparing snacks.
Listen. I keep thinking about how Rick whimpered, "Don't leave me," the last time he saw his parents and the fact that Beth was trying SO HARD to hold on to her parents and came to the conclusion that she understands why Rick's always so mad because he lost his parents and wouldn't they just... Always hold on to each other because of their reluctance to lose the ones they love? Until somebody prove me wrong, that's what happened.
Hey. Beth getting Rick to test food out whenever she feeds it to him, but fussing when he steals it and she's not done. Not mean fussing tho..
When was the last time Rick had a birthday cake or a party? The "singles," the "losers:" we seen they home life. His parents dead, Yolanda's is santimonious, and Beth's are trying to cut back on her. That isolation probably makes for more understandable connections between them and since all three of them did Christmas at Court's, like... This is family and Court and Yolanda have their hearts already occupied where we leave off, so... My. Heart. Is. Open. For. Hournite.
I'm ready for whatever the show gives us, or don't give us, because I'm not that much of a mystic, to expect the Black girl to get canonical shipping in a series like this, but I also do not give a fuck, because bitch its canon somewhere and we gon' ride that shit for all it's worth. Who finna stop us?
Anyways, thank you to whoever read this whole lil' rant, to all the Hournite content creators, to all the shippers that tell us about the canon version because we ain't got the comics at home, to all the Black girls that get to see a superhero with a whole ass afro!!! And friends and associates who intend to take my hand and stay on this path with me for as long as my ass be on it.
Happy Birthday to Beth Chapel, human sunshine, cutie patootie, Rick's Poundcake. If you know, you know.
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Just Beth Things
Just Beth Things that the emotions didn't let me handle earlier, but now that I've had a chance to sit with them, I need to talk about include:
Beth's diligence to romantic getaways and planning out such activities include golf and bungee jumping. Get you a girl that can do both. She cooks AND she can plan out a golf, thrill-seeking, spa extravaganza.
Whenever she got upset, FIRST REFLEX is to call Rick. And when Rick don't answer, first question is "Where are you?" And its not the first time she's asked him this. Remember the woods? That mean that it's typical that whenever she call, Rick is available and the times that he isn't, she wants to know why.
Also that she's taking that "Pretend I'm Chuck" with her, because Sis said, "I need to talk," and she expected him to be there for that purpose. 😭
ARTEMIS has known Beth at least since 7th grade and even as the star athlete who just said that Beth was "afraid of the ball," she uses the word "perfect* to describe her. Listen. Shippers could go nuts with this. EYE can go nuts with this. "Perfect Little Beth Chapel" could be my tag for them.
And okay, but how come after Artemis threatened and released her, she didn't even really look scared so much as concerned and she rushed to her phone and looked at it and there were her JSA friends, in a group photo on her cracked phone. And I couldn't help but think about how she lost Chuck, her first friend, and she's losing her parents, in her mind, and now this image of a huge crack on her remaining solid connection. 🥺
The fight scene, of course. I been talking about it all night. The Hournite of it.
But, can we please remember that Beth wisely utilized the time when the fighters was fighting to go save Mike? And she looked so genuinely happy in the background when Courtney and Mike hugged?
I just. I love you Beth Chapel. ❤️ Babey Gurl.
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Yes. Yes I did pull out a Beth Chapel Bitmoji for this.
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BFCD Masterlist: Beth Chapel
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This is  a collection of the various Beth Chapel of The DC Universe content that can be found on this blog
Beth Chapel Tag | Original Beth Chapel | Happy Birthday Beth
Fan Art
Fanfiction (Hournite)
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@chenoahchantel I'm moving our convo. 😅
Yeah, no... There wasn't a lot, but I do have a little review where I took them crumbs and made a recipe. 😏
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Me, in Tina's inbox:
Just now realizing that everybody has actually lost somebody except for Beth until Chuck, so like everybody already knows what she's going through and she had no idea was going to hurt so much because she's never even had a friend and her parents are still sort of there..
Yolanda was class president and when she lost her first serious boyfriend, also lost all her friends, her reputation, and whatever relationship she had with her parents. Then, Henry literally died.
Rick lost his folks and was raised by an abuser.
Courtney's dad never showed up when she was little, then she convinced herself he was killed, plus she moved across country and couldn't even do gymnastics anymore. They all had had serious life changes much deeper than their parents being busy.
She was pretty sheltered, then she got ONE friend and he got destroyed.
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Out here missing Beth Chapel and Rick Tyler 🥺
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