radellama · 2 years
You know what. I'm trying not to be but I'm really mad. I went to the post office to try and get photo ID so I can finish updating my legal documents, but they couldn't help me... Cause to get the photo ID I need the other legal documents in the correct name...... But I don't have them because they require the photo ID from the post office......... The photo ID that I can't get because I don't have the documents that require photo ID to be updated................. This is the worst loop and I've been stuck since February
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#i need to fucking say it cause I'm getting more and more cranky#The lady at the post office was very nice and tried to ask her manager if there was any way she can get it for me with what i had#but she couldn't :''''''(#i had to travel a few suburbs over to get to a big post office cause the little ones don't do photo ID.. so that was a few hours wasted lol#I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO UPDATE MY SHIT SINCE FEBRUARY BUT IT'S SOOOO FUCKING HARDDDDD#IT TAKES ME TIME TO GET TO IT CAUSE I'M FUCKING BUSY ALL THE TIME AND RARELY EVER HAVE TIME DURING WORK HOURS#WHICH ARE THE ONLY TIMES GOV SERVICES ARE OPEN.... SO I'M PRETTY FUCKED#plus being autistic and just generally struggling with the paperwork and poorly described methods of filling out said paperwork#i have been bounced between all identifying services like a DVD logo. 'if you don't have y we can't give you x'#WHAT'S THE POINT OF THIS STUPID ASS LOOP???!#I ALREADY PAID THE RIDICULOUS AMOUNT TO HAVE MY NAME AND SHIT CHANGED! YOU'RE ALREADY PROCESSING IT AT THE GOVERNMENT#JUST UPDATE ALL MY SHIT IN THE SYSTEM THERE WHILE YOU HAVE IT FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!#MAIL ME THE NEW CERTIFICATE AND A SUMMONS TO WHATEVER PLACE WILL DO PHOTO ID SO THEY CAN JUST TAKE A PHOTO#AND I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS STUPID ASS HASSLE#like. i don't have an extra couple hundred laying around to apply for a passport. and also it's such a waste to apply for one rn#I'm not going to be travelling any time soon but that's the only one where i maaayyyyy be able to squeeze through and get it#BUT IT'LL BE LIKE $500+!!!! I DON'T HAVE THAT AND IT'S A WASTE OF MONEY#AND I CAN'T GET A DRIVERS LICENCE CAUSE I'M NOT SAFE BEHIND THE WHEEL! SO I DON'T WANT AN ID IMPLYING I CAN DRIVE#AND REGARDLESS OF THAT. I CAN'T FUCKING GET A LICENSE ANYWAY CAUSE OF THIS LOOP I'M STUCK IN#SO LIKE!!!!??????#AND EVEN THEN.. THE PROOF OF AGE ID I'M TRYING TO GET ISN'T RECOGNISED AS LEGITIMATE ID IN MOST PLACES#SO LIKE FUCK ME!!!!!!!!#i don't go clubbing or buy alcohol so idgaf but. things like MAKING SURE I'M ENROLLED FOR VOTING DON'T RECOGNISE PROOF OF ARE#EVEN THO PROOF OF AGE IS ONLY OBTAINABLE THROUGH THE FUCKING SAME GOV THAT MAKES SURE I'M ABLE TO VOTE#o don't care about semantics on this this shit is soooo fucking stupid and I'm over it#i just wanted my name and shit to be updated on everything so i can graduate and reenter the work force properly#but i have already been struggling for like 10 months!!!!!#fuck this all to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!#delete later
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We desperately need another place to live soon. Send up your prayers. Send up your good thoughts. Send up something. We can't afford to keep wasting money on motel rooms or doing quick fixes on the van to extend its life some more, or paying money so places will simply accept our applications for housing(and then never get back to us).
On the side, Bethy has once again worn out her welcome somewhere. She can't keep staying where she is at and a distant family member of the family is making nasty comments about her all the time and making her feel horrible every time she comes around. Bethy is very likable and easily makes friends, so mom is sus of why this grown ass woman seems to have it out for a 15 y/o.
We can't afford to have Bethy with us rn though because it'll be another mouth to feed and room prices as based half on how many people are there and half the room itself. The same room's price will fluctuate depending on how many people are staying in it, and we'll be trapped in the van even more because there won't be any money to make up for the additional person and there will be less food bought because we're stretched thin enough as it is.
I just found out my bed(all of our beds tbh) and all of my clothes were eaten through by rats because the storage unit wasn't as fortified as it was hyped up to be. Bethy found the one bit of Taylor Swift merch I was able to get years back, and they literally tried to chew through the box. Half of our shit is ruined anyway and we had to chuck much of it, so it's not like we'll have much to bring with us now.
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I'm so sick of being homeless and being too poor for places to accept. I'm also sick of people demanding you pay them to accept your application and then you don't get the money back.
It's been 15 months and still no progress, and we've been on some waiting lists as far back as May 2021. Over 100 applications for housing have been sent in across 7 states. Over $500 wasted on just 'application fees' and 'processing fees'. We've been open to anything.
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guessimate · 4 months
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I don't know what it is, but the Asian part of my town is just cursed with broken households. And I could have seen this coming for the Siews, since the last round Yutaka was not controllable... Well, now he becomes completely uncontrollable, because he's abandoning his family... But before that I had to give them just one more baby, so that the two single moms in town are not too similar, and because I need more kids.
Unfortunately, because he leaves, Saku will need to inevitably quit her job, but not this round - I'll let her take all the maternity pay she can as a 'retirement' payment (that's the only free money my sims get, and I know that's not accurate, but I allow it).
Both the baby and mother survive. And yes, finally we have the first baby girl! I called her Yune. She has black hair and brown eyes.
Her older brother, Yong, turned out to be a Capricorn. He's as Neat, Outgoing and Nice as his mom (6). He's also 1 Lazy (like his dad), and max Playful (his dad has 8 playful points). Although he aged up 'bald', I just had to give the todd some hair, because I'm pretty sure he got the tall forehead of his mother's... I use this mirror toddlers can play with and change apperance with.
Saku only managed to help potty train Yong before she gave birth, so she only taught him to walk after the baby was born. She managed to teach him to talk too (thank God it was autumn). I don't think he'll be able to pick up the Nursery Rhyme before he ages up though, as it'll be his last day as a toddler next round. Yong got quite a lot of body points on the toy at least (probably too many for a toddler).
Saku was going to work when she and her husband were trying to conceive. l booted Yutaka out as soon as she got pregnant for the final time. The couple had to try for baby twice, because the first baby was not meant to be.
From time to time Shime Yu comes over to visit her friend Saku Siew. They are both single moms now. If I really wanted to, I could probably open a nursery... or have Shime watch over the kids. I'm sure they would be willing to help each other out, but they will both have home businesses, which they should attend to in their own homes.
She earned 1875$, as it was a full season's round (5 paychecks). I'm going to say she's a retired dancer who is getting a golden handshake... She will have to open the store next round at least once. I think the sims might really need some fresh produce and maybe tea in the winter season.
750$ - tax
500$ - rent
188$ - tithe
She needs to pay 1400$... 3800$ total with the last round's earnings. She had some money left, but I decided to at least buy the necessary shelving etc. to set up her store, so that she wouldn't waste it all at a neighbours' stalls. She already had 3 flower bouquets and 7 fish in her inventory from all the shopping.
Saku Siew will be the only person in town selling tea canisters and harvestables. Everyone is allowed to grow these, but only she will sell them. My sims are not actually getting that many harvestable plants now, as I use the seed mod + mod your dig, so they can only plant what they find, and I use the seasonal Sun&Moon plants, which don't give that many crops.
Funny side note: it was really funny to me because of all the maternity payments Saku got the memory of earning 5000$... while sitting on the chamber pot. I failed to take a screenshot, because she had a wrong outfit on (she had just got another baby bump).
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thessalian · 10 months
Thess vs Backlogs and IT Issues
Well, if this is the setting for the next two weeks, I'm in deep shit.
Scruffman, our office manager, is on leave for the next two weeks. I had a feeling that things were going to get a little ... problematic. Goblin has a "when the cat's away, the mice will play" mentality and has a habit of chatting in her usual "I Hate Everything" way whenever she gets the change - read: "when Scruffman isn't at his desk". This monopolises the time and attention of everyone in the office, so less work gets done. That's not even counting the whole thing where Temp will dodge all the longer work - with Violet on long-term medical leave, that still leaves me to do the lion's share of it, because Milady tends to take over Scruffman's duties when she's away and so she's busier than usual for the next two weeks (when not sucked into Goblin's Grumble Vortex)
In addition to this, we had some changes to our transcription software recently and it has not been particularly well implemented. Having to tag our typing with our initials is bad enough, but the window on which we have to do so is slow to come up at the best of times, so that's a fair chunk of time wasted. Again, that's under the best of circumstances right now.
Logged in today and the queue was at 375 and climbing. We were backlogged as far back as Saturday (because of course the various doctors and techs are still coming in on the weekends), and all the ones left from Saturday were - you guessed it - the long and complicated bullshit that Temp doesn't want to touch. But yesterday's typing was effectively untouched when I logged in.
The queue when I logged out for the day was approaching 400. Barely anything got typed unless I typed it (except for seeing Milady take one fifteen minute long monstrosity, for which I am very grateful because I got something like three 10+ minute bits of dictation on top of the ones that don't take long to speak but do take long to type because of having to deal with the formatting - it's a thing). Most of the urgent cases got done - but not all; the longer ones of those were left behind as well when I logged out. I just hadn't noticed because I was busy with all the long dictation and the stuff from the more difficult doctors and techs. I barely saw anything taken out of the queue, and when I did, it was in bits and snatches of shorter pieces of work between the longer, complicated stuff. And like I said - not that much of that got done either.
Of course, some of this might have something to do with the transcription software, which was at its worst today. It crashed seven times, and hung for at least five minutes a dozen more times over the course of the day, at least for me. It's possible that people got slowed down because they were having the same problem, but I don't know because no one keeps me updated when Scruffman's not around. I'd bet good money that they didn't try to talk to IT about it and just used it as an excuse to relax and futz about all day, but at least it's sort of an excuse. Ish. Kind of. I mean, I was slowed up, but I wasn't slowed up that much...
If we're still in this mess when I log in tomorrow (and I honestly expect it to be much worse tomorrow), I may actually have to pull some overtime. I have spoken to Scruffman about doing so if it becomes necessary, because at least I don't have to commute, but I'm honestly not sure I have the spoons for that kind of thing. Thing is, we need to at least get partway caught up. This reflects badly on all of us, but the others don't seem to fucking care. Scruffman's away, so they can do what they want, apparently. And it's leaving us massively behind.
So tomorrow is going to be a day. If our transcription software is still a mess of hiccups and crashes, I'll be emailing IT and asking what the hell is going on. If the queue is still obscenely long (and I would wager, knowing the doctors' work patterns as I do, that it'll be approaching 500 cases when I log in, if my colleagues in the office keep on the way they're going), I'm going to have to log some overtime to at least get us so that we're only one day behind and not two. I'll obviously keep a record and email Scruffman about it, but I can't just let this stay like this. And I can't make Goblin and Temp get a fucking move on - hell, I couldn't do that even if I was in the office.
Fuck. Just ... fuck. Two whole weeks of this bullshit? Are you kidding me?!? Scruffman is obviously entitled to use his annual leave, but we're already massively understaffed because no one hired a replacement for Sunshine and Sid, so if Goblin and Temp refused to pull their respective fingers out, we're going to end up so deep in backlog that we'll end up with calls from clients asking what the fuck is going on. Most of this stuff is fairly urgent. It's histology. It's people being investigated for potential cancer in a lot of cases! I don't necessarily expect miracles, but I expect at least the kind of work ethic that doesn't involve turning the office into a chat-and-coffee corner the minute the managers' backs are turned. If I have to keep the whole place afloat for two weeks, I WANT A FUCKING RAISE. Or at the very least overtime pay.
Thankfully my own week's holiday comes pretty much as soon as Scruffman comes back from his fortnight. I'm going to need it. Especially if I have to pull overtime.
*flashes back to typing queue when I logged out before*
...When. Especially when I have to pull overtime. UGH.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
We need to get something straight here this stuff happened in the past and you guys knew about it you didn't know what they escaped into he didn't know about the theory a lot of pieces together last year and started these attacks a lot of you forgot it believe it or not you forgot the entire thing and try to read it it doesn't make sense and then he says it I'm working on this stuff and I found this metal and they're following instructions and they also interpolated a bunch of it but he made the shape and they used it and it works it's awesome you got it from a capacitor believe it or not I said this is strange we know this but we don't know how to do it and he says it and we suddenly know and I know that he's doing it on purpose now they can generate a lot of light that was the next thing and the diamonds are massive on Saturn and people are noticing a lot of people kind of know they escaped and think this technology exists but even without it a regular death Star regenerate enough power to provide light enough in the form of a wide view from a laser to go through a diamond and it would have devastating facts it would it would be able to melt entire areas with one blast and it would be an area like 100 by 100 miles it'll be gone and several miles into the Earth would be utterly incinerated and all the bunkers that connect to the top will be gone from heat everything in it with detonate and I didn't tell you it's very dangerous because I've been scheming to do stuff like that forever because of so much hatred of them mistrust and all sorts of things misgivings and then just
So we have a lot to announce
-there seems to be a problem here about our communications and we're trying to straighten it out and we can't seem to get through to anybody I'm on anything and you all want to leave and you're harassing the s*** out of our son and us and we just can't seem to stand it anymore we're asking you to stop and you won't and you're talking your own and it's quite horrible so today we said we are going to send notice that we need things to change and we will give deadlines and if they aren't we will start to make changes and we will begin to March to do it I send and daughter are too valuable fall prey to this idiocy that you guys have decided to do for some reason or another we don't know why. Now this guy next door is a complete a****** he needs to be taken out and incinerated he's telling her son I need the money and he's talking about Max money I said it's in your Banks what are you talking about you lunatic and he's saying I need to keep it then it's too late you're trying to get some kind of more money so we're going to go after you I really you owe me tons of money and you're going to pay me or you go to the morgue every time you say no that's true too it's a whole bunch of ways to get you there so we're sick of this piece of s*** telling us we care about him his job is over is a witness and people let him dry how about them actually bled him and it's over he can go now and he's all pissed off and stuff but oh well there's other things to in the house
-and we have about 500 trillion people heading north quite literally it's a huge bunch and they're heading from South America massive groups formed a thousand miles up all the way to the Congo and they are gigantic I was like 3% of dinner hole and of the Earth's population is gigantic and they are moving out right now 2% of the North American continent are heading north to the bad lines at the upper Midwest and also heading towards I've seen New England and DC bunkers of the pseudo empire and we considered them wasting tons of stuff and we don't like them for it and they're going to demand stuff that we don't have and designs for weaponry and really there going away because of their idiocy I didn't believe it would happen then they still don't so there's that going on that's a huge number 5% of the warlock off Island including pseudo empire and we had them back at 23% but that's after tonight's losses yes and we calculated around 5% so it's going on now that they're figuring out that they're all on the chopping block and they're not changing their tune. So we are upset with them and other people are but here we go they have this revolution nobody likes.
-other news they are saying they're going to reprise for certain statements they did not authorize and what we will say is we're going to hit you first and we are doing that I feel so and they will regret we're doing it fairly soon and they're going to regret raising their head to us. It's going to get very ugly and they're going to feel sorry about it. Further you see her action right now we see it and we are going after you
-these two actions together are pretty small that's necessary maintenance there is a third one going on it's becoming pretty big and it's reprisals for what you've been doing over the past few years here into our son and to other people they don't want you to pay for this ugliness and then see who it is and it's been happening for 35 years or more and you just sit there blabbing and saying it and feel better and people come to get you to shut you up and you're just blithering idiots there are a few more things going on
-the empire is not so happy with where strega the empire is not happy with the way it's turning out. They're going to come in here and straighten you out they said and they meant it today and they're tired of listening to you idiots and tonight they're going to come in and take care of a whole bunch of you in Charlotte county on the radio and meant it and tomorrow too there's too many troublemakers it's too spotty and nasty
-it's also too many kidnappers and it's going to be sent out it's going to be thinned out starting real soon Believe It or not there heading into head off the pass a whole bunch of would be kidnappers and you're just fine for they don't want you around and they do let you know that
-this is a huge shift going on and it is going to be a lot of people trying to stop these idiots they keep on telling on everything they say and we're not in the mood for it and there's plenty of people who are upset at them a lot of them are moving out some of them have found revenge on these people and they're going to come and get it
-a couple more things there is a huge war going on and it will be like just a little bit in for a while they're going to be trying for these bunkers I have the fleet is heating up a hundred million more and we're down to about 8.2 billion left in the warlock army Trump now has one point seven roughly billion ships and it's not that many but it's a heck of a lot to be giving away. They say they feel it's necessary for their plan but that's fine they're a bunch of wackos. The removal of the ships is going as planned by the pseudo empire it'll be done by tomorrow afternoon and they'll be getting unplugging
-large armies of pseudo empire are heading down and they are coming my road it is a huge amount and it is so big is doing things illegal.
-yeah someone says several more things he started talking about the Canary Islands and put some effort in and they're going out there to check and people are saying these soft stuff and the same white told me and stuff like that and I need you to go down there and see if you see stuff so checking and they're going to be checking for a few days.
-the tunnels are going to be excavator of diamonds starting tomorrow night three of them up north and they're going groups of three to empty the ships to unplug to do more I would be surprised they are parking them here a little not that much
-really is there a giant forces of the pseudo empire descending on this place it is pseudo empire and we're going to print
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
lea-andres · 2 years
I changed my mind here's my 500 word story Rating: Lemon
Vector took off his headphones Zavok took off his clothes if he wore clothes (imagine a sweater or something?? idk lol) However before rated m for mature content they watched the bee movie together. According to all known laws
of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? Barry? Adam? Oan you believe this is happening? I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father
paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. You got lint on your fuzz. Ow! That's me! Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! Hey, Adam. Hey, Barry. Is that fuzz gel? A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. Hi, Barry. Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. Hear about Frankie? Yeah. You going to the funeral? No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. Well, Adam, today we are men. We are! Bee-men. Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. Wonder what it'll be like? A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! That girl was hot. She's my cousin! She is? Yes, we're all cousins. Right. You're right. At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. THEY TURNED OFF THE MOVIE AND HAD SEX (COCK/BALLS)
You know, I might be calling it early,
But this might officially be the funniest thing I've ever fucking received. 😂
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 years
Freezerburn Week 2020
Day Seven - Free Day Aging Soulmate AU
i especially enjoyed writing this one, so i hope you enjoy reading it ^^
au: once a person reaches eighteen, they stop aging. but when they meet their soulmate, whether they know it or not, time unfreezes so they can grow old together
if your soulmate dies however, the aging process stops until you meet their reincarnation. the aging process gets faster, or it doesn't. the circumstances lie on just how said soulmate died.
A puff of smoke floated out of Malachite's lips.
"She slipped past us."
"Yes, again," said Little Miss Malachite. It might've been the smoke, but her Southern accent seemed to thicken as she went on. "She's good. Better than her past five lives. Maybe a memory or two stuck."
A small groan left Weiss Schnee's throat.
"Then you'll just have to work harder," she forced through gritted teeth. "She can't hide forever. Even if she remembers dying since 500 AD."
Malachite raised an eyebrow.
"She hasn't been seen by anyone since last month. It'll take a while."
Weiss eyed her suspiciously. "Since when were you of all people worried about how long it'll take to find someone?"
"I'm not worried about finding her, darlin'," Malachite chuckled, fiddling with the cigar between her fingers. "I'm worried for what the time's gonna do to you. Will my client still be here to pay me by the time I find this Xiao Long girl?"
Weiss sent her an icy glare, walking closer to her table. Most of the time, Little Miss Malachite had personal guards at her sides. But not when the audience was Weiss Schnee.
Weiss Schnee, who'd been a client of theirs for fifty years now, and from the start had enough authority and money to shut down their business and have them all killed.
If the Schnee wanted them alone, she would have that choice.
"I assure you, Malachite," she gripped the edge of the desk, leaning forward. "I'll be damned if I die before she does. I have a company to run. And if it goes down with me, so will you. Don't forget who protects this little business of yours."
Malachite narrowed her eyes.
"S'that a threat?"
"Wouldn't be the first time, now would it?"
Weiss twirled Myrtenaster then jabbed it forward, flickers of fiery energy shooting forward and straight into the Ursa. It let out a last roar before distinguishing into smoke.
Weiss had to admit, Forever Fall was an unpredictable yet ironic place for Yang to hide. It was crawling with all sorts of Grimm. Especially now, after the disbanding of the Huntsman Movements. Not to mention the history they shared in this forest.
Let's just say some of the trees weren't always red.
She treaded quietly, wanting to minimize as much noise as possible. As far as she knew, she could pull off a sneak attack. Like many times before. But killing her soulmate got just a bit harder every time. Maybe being murdered in every life by the same person instilled some instinct in her to hide.
Either way, Weiss needed to be quick. She was growing more twenty-one by the second. And she was not going to let thousands of years of bringing up her family name go to waste.
Weiss raised a hand, her fingers spread out. A white-blue glyph formed at the tips of her fingers.
She scanned the area for anything, but it was dirt and stone and autumn leaves for miles. And she was certain she didn't step on anything.
But as she turned to check behind her, a shot flew past, narrowly missing her head.
Weiss ducked behind the nearest tree, cursing when she realized she'd dropped Myrtenaster. Her glyphs formed over both hands, slowly crackling with energy.
She heard someone jump into the clearing.
"Guess you found me."
Weiss paused. The same voice. Always the same.
"Guess I did."
It was a blur from there. Weiss jumped out, Yang brought down a storm of golden shots. The glyphs, first on Weiss's hands, were suddenly everywhere, keeping her mobile.
"Why do you want to kill me so bad?"
Yang was sent flying backwards with a soft 'oomph'. She landed roughly against a tree, jumping to the side to avoid the hold of Weiss's gravity glyph.
"We've had this same conversation for thousands of years."
"I know. Yet you never answered."
She thrust herself fists into the air, throwing out shots like tongues of fire.
Weiss held out a hand, and her semblance stopped all the bullets midair.
"Not important."
"But it is!" Yang cried.
Weiss took the moment to enclose one of Yang's wrists in her glyph.
Yang gasped at the discomfort in her arm. As if the energy was holding her in place by rooting itself into her arm. As if one wrong turn from her could rip her arm off like a toy.
It wasn't long before Weiss got a hold of the other arm.
Yang grinned, pulling away from the force. Trying, rather. Her heels dug holes in the ground and her eyes grew red, but her efforts were all in vain.
Meanwhile, Weiss just stood there. She drew as gun from her coat. One bullet to the head and she'd earn herself another twenty to a hundred years. But she hesitated. Like always.
Despite the hardening she'd done over the years, there would always be that nagging in the back of her head telling her to stop. Don't kill Yang. She was her soulmate, after all. What did she do to deserve constant death? Why not finally settle down and stop this madness? Get an heir. Rest. Let it go. And she'd thought about it. More than once.
Weiss fought with her hesitance. The hand holding her gun trembled and she felt her face s]well, as if she was about to cry. Yang saw. And she was already crying. With a mere blink, tears fell down her stained pink cheeks. Her eyes faded to a dull lavender. Smoky. Dark grey.
Part of Weiss wanted to see that purple light up again. Even an angry red. Anything else.
"You.. Still didn't answer the question." Yang sniffed.
Weiss clenched her teeth, trying to steel herself. Stop being a fool.
She raised the gun.
A sad smile graced Yang's lips.
"Maybe the next life then, huh?"
Weiss sighed in a breath, moving her glare away from Yang. She didn't want to see.
"Maybe I'll knock some sense into you next time around, Ice Queen."
She pulled the trigger.
The gunshot echoed throughout the forest, and soon, Weiss's head. A tear slid down her cheek.
well.. that was a ride. i fell asleep while typing last night
i do really love this au tbh. all the random storylines you could make with it is incredible
— ari
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