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conejita-canelita · 2 months
The one thing that (in a hilarious way) breaks the immersion into the Bridgerton world for me while watching is that at we are expected to unironically look at Nicola Coughlan and believe that she is undesirable even if it is for the sake of the plot. I don’t blame any of the crew or staff for this failure btw and actually I admire and respect them so much for it; there’s only so much you can do to try and make Nicola Coughlan appear undesirable as if she’s not Nicola fucking Coughlan.
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dosa-sambhar · 1 year
Charlotte and George having their little meet-cute in a garden .
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When me goddddd?????!!!!!!!
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Seen more than one person say Colin and Penelope have no chemistry. Are you sure it’s not just because you can’t get your head around seeing a plus sized woman with a conventionally attractive man?
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fgmetanoia · 8 days
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Colin dancing with Marina right after losing himself in Penelope's eyes: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Colin, babe, you're not fooling anyone
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lukethompsondaily · 19 days
Source: @/netflixlat Instagram Broadcast Channel
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drsonnet · 15 days
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"Today, in this upside-down world, we feverishly await the final vote in the U.N. General Assembly on the genocide in Srebrenica, while Gaza has been destroyed, and its people starved and denied water." (Illustration by Erhan Yalvaç)
Of villains, heroes and the final act
Of villains, heroes and the final act | Opinion (archive.org)
A UNGA resolution condemning the Srebrenica genocide is developed by countries like Germany and the U.S., despite their complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza by supporting Israel
Ino longer believe in fairy tales, although I once did.
Raised with ideals of sacredness in life, I was taught to honor the sanctity of humanity, to champion international law, and to cherish freedom of speech as the cornerstone of societal progress. I believe the Geneva Conventions were a manifestation of our collective conscience that mandated the rules of war and held nations to account. Women and children; hospitals and schools; the elderly and infirm were inviolable. I was taught that "peaceful protest" was the quintessential liberty of a sophisticated society that understood the relationship between civic activism, social change and progress. I listened, attentively, to the lofty rhetoric and was enthralled. I would utter high-sounding words on democracy, equality and freedom, and those grand glutinous words stuck to my teeth. I was – in a way, smitten.
Head-over-heels over values that deeply resonated in me, yet I slowly became disillusioned. It became evident those hollow words were never meant to be believed, only used to establish authority and reproach others with their inhumanity. Justice was not blind, and race, color and creed mattered in the application of the law. It is in this troubled context that the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will vote on whether to declare July 11 "The International Day of Reflection and Remembrance of the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide." The complex intersection of the ongoing genocide in Palestine, the war on students and free speech on university campuses across the United States, Canada and Europe, and the former genocide in Srebrenica deserves closer scrutiny. The U.N. vote on the Bosnian genocide could not come at a more condemnable moment in world history.
On May 1, after considerable delay, a draft U.N. resolution on the Srebrenica genocide was submitted to the president of the 193-member U.N. General Assembly. Recall that in 1995, the town of Srebrenica was a U.N.-declared safe zone promised protection by a U.N. Dutch force. Dozens of able-bodied Muslim men in the town were asked to disarm, which they did. Despite that, fanatical Serb forces overran the safe zone and murdered 8,372 Muslim men and boys. Such is the perverse reality of the world we live in, that a U.N.-mandated safe haven, supposedly protected by U.N. forces, was invaded by terrorist Serb forces and a genocide ensued under their watch.
Bizarre irony
Now, a UNGA resolution on the Srebrenica genocide, partially modeled on a similar resolution for Rwanda, has been developed by several countries including Germany and the U.S. Absurdly, both are collaborators in the genocide currently underway in Gaza by direct military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel. This is the bizarre irony of being complicit in an ongoing genocide and putting forth a U.N. Resolution condemning the same.
What is the point of passing a resolution on genocide and turning a blind eye to one going on for the whole world to see? Sadly, villains need masks and no better cover than virtue. It is politics, not ethics, that is driving the U.N. Srebrenica vote. Of course, this does not diminish the necessity of it or the need to condemn the Srebrenica genocide and its denial. Still, the larger macro-level betrayal of the Geneva Conventions and International Human Rights Law by the U.S., U.K. and Germany is an indictment of the Western-led global order.
It is that outright duplicity, the sheer savagery of the genocide in Palestine, and the silencing of dissent that has provoked a whole generation of young people on campuses throughout the West. After all, they, too, were told stories about diversity, inclusion and pluralism. They were taught to condemn discrimination based on ethnicity, religion or gender. About equality before the law and the inviolability of non-combatants. They were raised to feel empowered and encouraged to peacefully organize and express their opinions. And, that society benefits when individuals exercise their civic duty. Now, they are witness to the flagrant disavowal of the moral archetypes that were instilled in them. They feel duped and are protesting, as heroes do, the enabling of genocide by their universities. Idealistic and courageous, they are sacrificing their education and careers to condemn the genocide in Palestine. Except rather than being celebrated, thousands of students have been beaten, harassed and arrested. Condemned for believing in the values that they were taught.
Now, we seem to be in the final act. One of impunity – if you will, in which we close our eyes to the genocide in Palestine, condemn students who protest it, and negotiate ways to commemorate a past genocide in Srebrenica – when ignoring it while it happened. Today, in this upside-down world, we feverishly await the final vote in the UNGA on the genocide in Srebrenica, while Gaza has been destroyed, and its people starved and denied water.
Yet, no matter the outcome of the resolution, it will not stop future genocides. Still, if nothing else, it will forever be a testament to the twisted dystopian reality in which we live and be a symbol of the urgent need for a new world order. Maybe, one faraway day, we can muster the will – for whatever purpose, and pass a U.N. resolution condemning it. Or name a highway after the martyrs. We will tell noble stories about those who were killed since it seems our twisted world only after their death feigns to honor them.
Professor of International Affairs, Visiting Research Faculty at Al Waleed Center for Muslim Christian Understanding at Georgetown University
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starkeylover · 1 year
convinced that if ur attracted to live action prince eric ur also attracted to benedict bridgeton (and vise versa)
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 2 months
(This has probably been done but I must.)
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"Dancing is a union."
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
Brimsley and Reynolds quite literally be  scheming in the sunrises and sunsets for and against their King and Queen
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unteriors · 4 months
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Fairton Millville Road, Bridgeton, New Jersey.
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Simone Ashley as Kate Sharma in Bridgerton (TV Series, 2020- ).
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for your WIPs I'd love to know about either a careless man’s careful daughter or project Penelope! :)
OMG I haven't gotten to talk about a careless man's careful daughter in literally years!
To recap, a careless man’s careful daughter is a canon-era Polin AU (show/book fusion) in which Penelope has an older brother which opens after the carriage scene happens and Colin just walks into their house and casually asks for Pen’s hand. Big bro is just like “hell nah” and chaos ensues. In the tag above, there's one scene I've already shared from it and I'll share the opening scene below:
When Lady Featherington says “Felicity” before Colin can get a word in edgewise to ask for Penelope’s hand, her older brother rolls his eyes. “Good God, Mother! Of course not Felicity, he arrived with Penelope and insisted she sit beside him. Not that he’s good enough for either of them.”
Colin’s polite smile freezes on his face. He’s known for years that Preston Featherington doesn’t like him and he’s tried not to let it bother him, but he wasn’t expecting this level of aggression. 
“Preston,” Lady Featherington hisses, her daughters’ exclamations equally disapproving.
“Over my dead body.”
Lady Featherington’s jaw drops and Felicity’s eyes are as wide as saucers.
Penelope whispers her brother’s name.
It is only the second time in his life he’s been stunned speechless. He’d honestly thought this conversation would be more of a formality than anything else, given that Penelope is very much of age and doesn’t need her brother’s permission. But to be met with this much hostility . . . “I beg your pardon?” he finally manages.
“The answer is no. I wouldn’t let you marry Penelope if you were the last man on earth.”
“Preston Featherington!” Lady Featherington looks to be on the verge of a nervous attack.
“You cannot be serious,” says Penelope, having finally recovered her voice.
“Deadly,” Preston replies.
“I would like to have a private moment with you, my lord,” he manages through gritted teeth.
“And me,” adds Penelope instantly.
“Not you,” Preston retorts.
 “Yes me,” Penelope insists.
“Fine. Not that it will change my answer.”
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mcverse · 9 months
Sooo Idon know if y’all seen bridgerton or queen charlotte or not butttt imma need someone to create a imagine for lo’ak && Neteyam kinda based off queen charlotte.
The part when they meet ;
Charlotte: I do apologize, Your Majesty.
King George: George. Just George. The "King" situation. It towers over us. Accident of birth on my part, but I thought, maybe, perhaps as my wife, you could ignore it, and I could be just George to you.
Leading to this when they are under the bed (don’t quote me on that, could have been a different setting?);
Charlotte: You did tell me the truth. You said you were just George. That is who you are. Half king, half farmer, but always just George.
Ugghhhhhh imagine the potential angst leading up that line ALONE! We know Neteyam feels pressure to be the next leader and we know Lo’ak feels pressure for not being the perfect son.
IMAGINE, okay, if reader came along and did their thing. Hurt to comfort: to them you are this, dot dot dot. To me you are just [Neteyam or Lo’ak]. I see you, *cue kissy faces*
I’d cry. I would.
Fine if I must write it, I will!
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milicent-bystander · 1 year
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I'm quite proud of this meme
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