#BNHA oc: Violet Santiago
harveywritings92 · 3 years
[Nurse trying to transfer a knocked out and injured Fatgum onto a hospital bed, but he’s too heavy for them even in his Low BMI form, finally Violet (oc) arrives sees their dilemma and calmly walks over to the gurney and pokes Taishiro in the ribs.]
Violet: Tai sweetie you’re snoring rollover.
Fatgum: *groggily* M’Sorry honey...[rolls on to the hospital bed.]
Nurses: *surprised Pikachu face*
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 3 years
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I drew a a new OC for an up coming story.
Name: Violet Santiago
Hero Name: Vi-Shock
Age: 24
Height: 6′0″
weight 125-200 (though it varies depending on how much calories she’s eaten or burned off, while using her quirk.)
Eyes: Teal (purple when using her quirk.)
Hair: Black- (Formerly)  Raspberry pink with purple tips  [after quirk manifested.]
Quirk: Sugar-Shock.
Quirk Type: Sugar powered electricity.
Quirk description: Violet’s quirk uses is electric based she able to shoot and discharge electricity from her hands and feet, 
Pros: She can also absorb electricity and used It’s kinetic effects to help boost her speed, jumps and power attacks. Her quirk also gives off a cotton-candy like scent after it’s activated.
Cons: Her quirk uses the blood-glucose in her body to produce said electricity, because of that she has to consume large amounts of sugar and carbs, to keep her body stabilized, If her blood sugar is too low She’ll go into a coma! (so she always has some sort of snack or candy on her person, also carried a epi-pen like dispenser, filled Glucose in case she’s got no candy to eat.)
Background: still working on it! But she’s half Dominican half Canadian . she speaks: French, Spanish and Japanese. recently moved to japan, However due to a misunderstanding and losing her wallet she’s currently in prison and mislabeled a Villain by the media. Don’t worry! she gets out I gotta idea for that...let’s just say lots of apologies and “please don’t sue us! or tell the media about this!” are had.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
{at All-Might's retirement party, at the dessert table everyone’s waiting for Sir Nighteye to bring the cake, but what he arrives with is some weird green brownie block looking thing }
Fatgum: Wha’ the hell is that?
Sir Nighteye :I was in charge of the cake. To be fair, it’s not a cake, so much as it is a vegetable loaf. (everyone looks disappointed) You’ve got your mushrooms, your alfalfa sprouts, spinach, and I added sweetened fruit reduction.
Fatgum: What did All-Might ask ya to bring — a vegetable loaf, or a cake?
Sir Nighteye: No, a cake. But this is so much healthier.
Fatgum: *angry* So not only does this thing exist, but now ya deprived everyone ‘ere of cake! 
(Violet hastily grabs his arm and pulls him back.)
Violet: Let’s take a walk, hun, I’ll buy you some Taiyaki! Fatgum: Yup. [Sir Nighteye looks around in confusion]
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Violet: I smell like beef jerky
Taishiro: That's among the sexiest things you've ever said to me.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Fatgum x OC: The Adventures of Manly Sherlock & Wattson.
Summary: It all started when Kirishima finds a positive pregnancy test The Fatgum's agency bathroom, it's been a very slow week so him and his bro Denki are on the case the to find out whose pregnant.
"Okay, I've compiled a list of suspects for us to interrogate, mostly girls we know and what guys they're intimate with."
"Why are Vi-shock and Fatgum crossed out?"
"Because my dear Denki, this *shows test in a zip-lock bag* is one of those clear-blue tests! I'm sure you've seen those commercials, they're supposed tell how far along in the lady is, It's says four weeks... That was during that charity auction for the children's hospital."
" Oh right, it can't be Santiago-san she was in Canada for her friend's wedding."
Kirishima nodded as they looked down at the list of suspects and who to question... first up!
Izuku and Casey:
(Casey got a summer job a secretary for while Fatgum's regular secretary was on vacation.)
Oh lord have mercy on these to poor nerds the second Denki flashed that pregnancy test in their faces and started grilling them on their private affairs, Casey managed to sputter out a meek "I'm not pregnant.." before going ghost white and fainting, while a red faced Izuku who caught her managing to stutter out that they can't be pregnant! they haven't even slept together... yet, the farthest they've gone is making-out! Kirishima was surprised to hear this little tidbit "What? but you were tellin' Me and Uraraka that the two of you sleep together all th-" Then penny dropped at the redhead caught on awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "Oh! you meant sleeping as in actual sleep, not..." Izuku shot him a look that screamed please leave and saw his eyes flash he was getting mad. " Ok Well, we'll just be going now!" he and Denki ran leaving the flustered couple to cool down.
{Izuku and Casey}
Shoto and Saika
Long story short Shoto was on patrol during the event and Saika was home sick, so it couldn't have be them, they always used protection then the Bi-haired teen shot the mystery solving duo a look that could both boil and flash freeze the sea in a second. which scared off Denki and Kirishima.
Shoto and Saika
Katsuki and Kaya:
(Kaya is also interning with Fatgum)
"OH HELL NO! YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT I'D DO IT WITH MY GIRL WITHOUT WRAPPING IT?" the Ash blond raged while his girlfriend calmly sat next to him waiting for him to get it out of his system. "We always use protection and I have an BC implant." Kaya chimed while her boyfriend snarled at them. "AND EVEN IF I HAD KNOCKED HER UP, DO YOU TWO DUMDASSES HONESTLY THINK I'D BE ALIVE TALKING TO YOU RIGHT NOW?!?" his voice cracked a bit; Kaya sweat dropped as a frigid tidal-wave fear settled in causing the teens to shiver... Bakugou had a point, if he had gotten Kaya pregnant, All-might would've killed him and Dabi would see to it that no one will ever find his body...which would be nothing but a pile of dust blowing in the wind!
(Dabi's reformed in this, and is living with his aunt and uncle as he wants nothing to do with Enji.)
With that Denki and Kirishima sulked away defeated as Katsuki was grumbling to Kaya about what just and how those two idiots are gonna be screwed, Kaya hummed in agreement "All they gotta do is ask the wrong person and BAM! they're missing some teeth!" the honey blonde huffed as a frazzled Violet walked passed them on the street not paying attention to what the teens were talking about. 
Katsuki and Kaya
Dabi and Nanami:
{Nanami briefly rented her services out to Fatgum while Tamaki was sick, she and Dabi went to the auction in place of Ame and Toshinori.)
Not gonna touch that one with a sixty foot pole Kaminari and Kirishima would like to live to see tomorrow thank-you... Plus they concluded that if Nanami were truly pregnant? they highly doubt Dabi would let her go off on her own doing dangerous mercenary work, essentially putting herself and their baby in danger.
He'd sooner bow his head to Endeavor before that’ll happen!
Dabi and Nanami
After patrol
Denki and Eijirou had pretty much forgotten about the pregnancy test as patrol had picked expectantly, the teens collapsed on the couch exhausted while Fatgum was typing out their schedules for the next patrol, while enjoying a couple bags of chips as the yellow haired teen yawned reached into his pocket he felt the zip-lock bag with the pregnancy test just chilling there and then like that he remembered their investigation this afternoon.
 "Whoa Wait, I forgot! Who the hell is pregnant bro??" He asked Kirishima who had also forgot about their little quest, the redhead sat right up and pulled out their list, as Fatgum froze mid type and looked at the teens aghast at what he had just heard. "Whadda talkin' bout now?!" he asked brows furrowed in concern that one of them was going tell the BMI hero; that Kaminari or Kirishima got a girl pregnant, A bunch of what ifs started filing through the blond's head and was freaking out!
Denki not reading the mood spoke up "Kirishima found a pregnancy test in the bathroom downstairs and we checked with all the girls who attended the auction four weeks ago, It wasn't any of them." Taishiro relaxed seeing that there wasn't going be some "Sidekick teen pregnancy scandal!" headlined in the news anytime soon... but then there was a knock at the door and Violet walks in with this nervous aura around her.
Tai broke into a big grin. "Darlin' Wha a surprise!" the red haired woman fidgeted with her shirt as she warily eyed Kirishima and Kaminari then looked back at her fiancé she bit her lip before taking a deep shaky breath. "h-Hey. Can we talk, maybe in private?" Violet murmured looking like she about to burst into tears, as her tall lover looked at her worried "Why? what's...." 
A tense silence a fills the office as Taishiro's heart sped up as he recalled what Denki had said... *Four weeks...four weeks ago, Violet came back from her trip early and surprised him! they slipped away from the auction for a quickie...Taishiro couldn't remember if he wore a condom or not, he was so happy to see his dumpling again! * His face was stuck on stun, as their sidekicks stared at the couple jaws dropped.
Only for Taishiro to snapped out of it when saw how scared Violet was which confused him. D-did she think he doesn't want it??? Why would she think that? they've talked about having kids befo-...he then remembered the two teens gawking and the tall blond realized this wasn't the right environment to discuss this! "Ah... boys you got the day off tomorrow!" he announced ordering them out of the room before getting on the intercom and telling everyone to pack up, they were closing down early for the night! 
Taishiro made sure everyone was gone before sitting down and talking to Violet for the first hour or so, it felt surreal at first! it was most when had she suspected she was pregnant and if the test was accurate or not? "I'm not really sure, I just started craving watermelon and cream cheese...things started connecting from there." She wasn't really sure how reliable that test was, but she had set a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, the blond noticed she was still nervous about this whole thing, hell! He was nervous about this whole thing!
*A dad...* he chuckled as blush and wide smile adorned  his features *'m' gonna be a dad!* he felt warm and fuzzy as he put his palm on Violet's soft tummy there's a little jellybean in there... "S-so you're mad at me?" Taishiro's bubble was deflated for a second as his yellows eyes met met with his fiancée's nervous gaze. "course not! Why I be mad? yer giving me a gift 've only thought would be happen in my dreams." he said kissing Violet's hair, her forehead, her cheek, saving her tummy for last, causing her breakdown in into happy tears as she'd been freaking out all day, so much so that she was mentally preparing herself for rejection, being a pro-hero is serious business and a lot of people would rather choose their careers and fame over having a family and both Taishiro and Violet had seen from the sidelines what that does to people.
Taishiro assured Violet that this was what he wanted and nothing was going change that, he was going to be there for every step of the way! there were a lot of congratulations throw around when news got around about the pregnancy. Taishiro was very doting and protective of Violet at her belly got bigger, he even hired Dabi of all people to be her bodyguard when he was unavailable, the ex-villain turned freelancer made sure no one messed with her while she was out and about, if he did see someone looking at her funny; once they realized who he was they'd back off unless they wanted to be a pile ash.
Cut to 9 months later in the dead of winter after a heavy snowstorm; there's a photo of Dabi circulating, consisting of him posing in front of a sleeping Violet whose being held by Fatgum, while she's holding a baby, swaddled in said ex-villain's jacket while an ambulance arrives in the background with the caption: [It's a girl!] which is published in the news papers. ["Ex-Villain delivers Pro-hero's baby in freak snowstorm!"]
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Fatgum x OC: Soulmate/God AU pt.1
{People receive a seed tattoo on their wrist  when they turn15, when the seed blooms into a matching flower it means you found your soulmate.]
Now for the God AU:
{the land the BNHA-god au is loosely based off of Norse Mythology each god has a pocket realm called a Hold. Taishiro's hold called Ambrosia's glade; it resembles a never ending valley of farmland; filled with orchards, vineyards, vegetable fields, crystal clear lakes and abundance of animals.}
Brief description on Taishiro he is the God of the harvest, fertility, revelry and fair weather and sunshine.
During the harvest season (early summer to fall) he's depicted as his fat form often gorging himself on savory meats, fine wines and sweet cakes and throwing grand parties and large feast that lasts for days, he's known to award his followers bountifully if they are generous and benevolent to their fellow man, and respect the land. However, never evoke his wrath for nothing will grow in a field sowed with arrogance, greed and entitlement.
During the winter seasons he's slimmed down to his fit-form often conserving his food enjoying simple meals, of cured meats and fish, Harty stews/porridges, dried fruits and warm ciders and meads, the grand parties have slowed down to small get togethers and meetings with his inner-circle on the next harvest season. he also known to wader the mortal realm in both the Harvest and Off season. often joining in on human festivities or just explore the lands.
Violet was the demi-god daughter of forgotten storm deity and a mortal priestess, she raised human and had no idea she was half god until she was fifteen years old, her mother and father were both murder by her father's "siblings" who kidnapped and forced her to take her father's place at the gods table. 
She soon earned the title of goddess vengeance after avenging her parents and wiping out her realms pantheon, leaving her the last survivor. Violet wandered aimlessly around her dying realm until one day this freak storm hit, she was knocked into the sea and pulled into a whirlpool that sent her battered body to a foreign realm on the shores of Taishiro's domain.
{Violet's realm was based of of Greece anything that the gods had built, Violet had destroyed in her quest for revenge.}
It was the mid-harvest festival in Taishiro's hold the glade was alight with drunken laughter, people dancing and chatting the night away enjoying what the harvest god had to offer. Tai sat and observed his guests from his thrown while enjoying a tankard of ale and his fifth roasted turkey leg, he was vaguely listening to a nymph attempt to flirt with him even hinting that Tai should show her his soul mark the blond man rolled his eyes, this wood nymph wasn't the first woman to flirt with him in hopes that she'll be his queen.
After all Taishiro was one of the wealthier gods in the realms... with a sigh he lifter his arm pulled down his sleeve of his tunic to show her his un-bloomed mark, But to his confusion she looked exited and quickly checked her unbloomed wrist, She frowned at her seed then looked back at Tai's arm, her face dropped in disappointment before contorting into horror. "m-my lord!" she gasped causing Taishiro's brow to furrow incredulously finally checking his wrist and his it was Tai's turn to look horrified at the sight of his now bloomed soul mark a viola that was starting to wilt at un alarming rate...that meant his soulmate was nearby! But they were dying!?
The harvest god sat up and was going to tell everyone to leave and call the oracle for help when the grand hall's door was kicked open nearly ripping the door of their hinges, the party quieted down as everyone stared in shock and horror at the sight of a drenched and out of breath Eijirou holding a bloody and mangled body of a woman in his arms, his red eyes looked around the room frantically before spotting Taishiro gawking at the scene stunned.
"Master Tai! she needs help!" The redheaded boy shouted snapping the blond out of his stupor the large man quick rouse from his throne and ran over to the panicked teen as he quickly assessed the woman who looked she been torn apart then left to die, she was cover in cuts and her blue eyes barely had life in them, but made Taishiro's breath hitch was when he caught her left wrist; there under all the grime and blood was a the viola that paired up with the one on his wrist, immediately the tall god called out for healers a couple women came rushing in and took the woman away from Kirishima as Taishiro finally noticed how soaked the young god and mystery woman were.
"Wet... why's she-- why ar' ya's wet?!"
"I was fishing out back when this storm started up, next thing I know this waterspout come crashing out of the sky and her along with it."
"Storm? wha' storm?"
"Look outside! the sky is black and red!"
That sobered up Taishiro the harvest god made the music stop allowing the sound of earth shattering rumble echo throughout the hall, they quickly went the too look outside a chill went down Taishiro's spine black clouds, red skies a white flash lit the sky, no mistaking it...
This storm was the realms effigy to a dying god! the last time a storm raged; was when Touya the god of war's eldest son had past away, the sky was lit up purple with eerie blue flames for two weeks before calming down. Tai looked down at his wrist and felt his heart sink the flower was still wilting, but it had slowed down some, that was good... right?
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
[Violet is looking for Taishiro when she looks up sees Fatgum’s silhouette is projected by a spotlight in the sky. their kids see it out the bathroom window as they brush their teeth]
Yato: Hey, look! Is that Dad?
Taiga: Either that, or Totoro’s the new Batman!
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Violet: I got Pilsbury cinnamon rolls for us to have tomorrow, but I don't have the willpower to leave them in my fridge overnight, so I am eating them all and getting us more in the morning
Taishiro: I love you more by the minute
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Fatgum x OC: Ex-Boyfriend
Note: takes place before Taishiro and Violet are married they're on their 3 month mark when an old flame of Violet's shows up out of the blue.
Taishiro and Violet were just getting off patrol and were walking debating where to go for dinner, not noticing the tall brown haired man talking English on his cellphone, as they passed him the man stopped and slowly turned to look at the couple his green eyes widened when he recognized the redhaired woman who was oblivious to his presence. "Hey Dawn? I'll call you back!" he hung up his phone and sprinted after the tall couple, he reached out his hand to grab the redhaired woman's arm about call out to Violet!
When a large hand suddenly caught his wrist, bottle green eyes met yellow eyes that regarded him with wariness as the man was lifted off the ground by the owner of said eyes. "Ey bud, I dunno where ya grew up, but around 'ere we don't go stalkin 'n grabbin other guy's wives." Taishiro said brusquely as the man struggled to get out of his grasp.
Violet nervously peeked out from behind her giant husband "Donny?" she choked out as the color drained from her face and her blue eyes widened in shock "T-Tai! it's alright, I know him... we used to date" she mumbled the last bit, Taishiro looked at her surprised then looked back at the shorter man hanging in his grasp who nodded vigorously.
That's how the couple ended up skipping dinner and sitting in the park drinking soda "And that's how it went down, I was the other woman the whole time." Violet sighed looking back on her relationship with Donny, a rare frown plastered on Taishiro's face as he absorbed this story, a almost a year this Don had her played, had Violet believe she was his only love. until his Don's fiancé found out about Violet and confronted her.
"It really messed with my ability to trust people for a while, but eventually I moved forward and I glad I did..." the blond man paused taking a sip from his coke, staring at the shy smile Violet was showing him "I wouldn't have transferred here from Canada and thus would never got mistaken for a villain and in turn, I would've never met you." She chuckled as her blond husband's stomach suddenly felt like it was full of pop-rocks and butterflies.
"I think I should go meet him tomorrow, tell him thank you for breaking my heart cus' now I'm happi-" Violet was cut by Taishiro suddenly pulling her into a warm hug. "Please don't say stuff like that, I can't take anymore!" he pleaded feeling lonely and getting teary eyed at the thought of never meeting Violet only settling down when he felt her hug back.
 Two days later...
It was awkward morning for Taishiro he was in his Low BMI form and didn't feel like cooking so, he went out to buy some breakfast he was at the 7/11 looking at the onigiri selections he was reaching for a couple salmon onigiri when a hand reached out and met his. Taishiro turned to see who was aiming for the same food, and immediately felt his stomach drop at the sight of Don the dong looking at him.
there was awkward silence before the brown haired retracted his hand. "Uh, g-go a head sir." he stammered clearly intimidated by the taller male. "Naw, Is fine you can have it." Taishiro said with a tight smile this cause Don's brow to furrowed as he eyed the blond man befuddled. "Urm, do you have a brother?" Taishiro cocked a brow why Don was asking.
"Nope, why?"  
"Well, y-you kind of remind me of this squishy brute I met other night!"
"Yeah, well considerin' that was me, would be no surprise ya'd be reminded of that!"
"You? but-bbut--"
Don sputtered as he looked at Taishiro up and down in disbelief the now tall and muscular man "It's my Quirk." the blond huffed then noticed a bunch of people looking at them oddly, Taishiro smiled tightly and threw his arm around the stunned man's shoulder. "Say man let's go catch up, I know this café around the corner." his smiled dropped as he leaned near Don's ear. "Play along..." the BMI hero hissed and as the green eyed man swallowed nervously and smiled. "s-Sure thing bro, lead the way!" Don stuttered before the two men left the store.
You could cut the tension in that café with a knife as the two men eyed each other down while sipping their coffee. Before Taishiro broke the silence. "Violet told me what went down between ya." he huffed Don flinched knowing Violet wasn't one to keep personal things to herself especially if it had hurt her in some way, the brown haired man squirmed under Taishiro's scrutinizing gaze. ""Look what happened it.. wasn't what she thought alright I--!" the taller male slamming his cup down caused Don to flinch. "Oh?~ so you didn't have an affair with Violet?, hm?~" Don started to stammer over word before .
"A-afair? no! it wasn't like that it..I-"
"So what would you call seeing another woman behind your fiancée's back?"
"She wasn't my fiancée!
"...Alright, let's say I believe ya, who was the lady and why was she tellin' Violet she was you're bride to be?"
Don gave him what had happened on his side of the situation, The woman's name was Emily... She and Don they were childhood friends who had reconnected in college; the same time he was already dating Violet before they met up again, at some point Emily was starting to have relationship problems with her boyfriend and Don being the big brother figure in their friend group, tried to help her through it and reconcile with her boyfriend however one night... "I'm not sure how it happened, but one thing led to a another and we had sex."
Taishiro frowned deepened as the brown haired man continued his tale, by rewinding a bit about his relationship with Emily, the girl had major crush on him when they were kids, but he never saw her in that light, so when he heard she got a boyfriend he was happy for her, and figured she moved on from him. He was wrong... "She mistook that night for me reciprocating her feelings, I tried telling her I had a girlfriend, but she wouldn't hear it!" than he got to Violet's part of the story.
Emily confronting her, lying about being Don's fiancée causing their break up, when he confronted Emily about it she got pissed, when he told her that he wasn't even interested in her! "Emily slapped me and demanded to know why I slept with her? " he was left speechless because he didn't know what to say, Don's green eyes glared down at his empty coffee cup.
"I know why ya couldn't answer her." Taishiro said having traded his coffee for Melonpan, Don looked up the table and nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw Taishiro had gotten fatter during the five minutes he was talking, but kept silent as the blond swallowed bread and spoke up. "You were scared, cos’ ya didn’t love Violet." He stated as if he was describing what color his shirt was.
Don face flushed with anger and was about to snap that it wasn't true he did love Violet, but the taller man held his hand up telling the shorter guy to let him finish. "It’s obvious ya didn't love her, or at least ya aren't ready for a commitment that deep and was lookin' for an exit, and that exit was labeled Emily." the growing BMI hero said carefully watching the man sitting across from him, just like that all that regret and anger Don was feeling all these years had simmered away into a semblance of clarity and realization that Taishiro was absolutely right. 
The firs time Violet told that she loved him, Don never really gave her clear response he got scared and mumbled some gibberish and left it alone assuming it was slip up, then she started talking about moving in together and meeting his family it was starting get to him about how fast the situation was going! So when Emily started making advances towards him he didn't push her away... the clarity slowly shifted to guilt as he realized that he screwed over two girls just to put an end to a very avoidable situation, had he just talked to Violet about his feelings or broke up with her in the first place, none of this would've happened!
"Ya startin' to feel like a dong Don?"
"More than you know, I think I should go I got work."
"And gotta go open my agency before my sidekick's get worried."
"Toyomitsu, When you see Violet tell her I'm sorry for how everything went down."
Taishiro was about berate the shorter man over why he couldn't just go tell her himself, but the next words solidified why that wasn't very a good idea. "Also, I want to apologize for trying to kiss her last night.." the last thing Don saw clearly was an angry fist heading his way.
His vision became fuzzy and there was loud ringing in his ears when the fog cleared, Don was knocked out of his shoes and his nose was bleeding and could feel some of his teeth were knocked loose, his eyes focused and saw a very pissed off Taishiro was standing over him. "tha..t-that's Fair." was all Don could say and as he managed pulled himself off the floor walked out of the café. 
the old man who ran place gave Taishiro a thumbs up and tall blond grimaced stormed out of the place and went straight home finally getting why his wife so angry last night, and would not calmed down eventually he decided it was best to let it run it's course and let Vi cool down and they'll talk about it in the morning.
So when Taishiro got to his apartment he found Violet pacing the living room which she does when she close to having a panic attack. "Vi-" Before he could even finish calling her, the redhead launched herself and him burying her head into his belly. "Tai, I'm sorry I went to meet Don last night a-a we had a few drinks and... hetriedtokissme I'm so sorry!" she broke down sobbing.
Taishiro's anger simmered down into concern as it became very obvious that Violet wasn't trying to hide what happened last night from him, in fact she overwhelmed by the whole situation, Taishiro was soo glad he punched that rat's lights out! as he wrapped one arm around Violet's waist while his other hand patted her on the "It's alright darlin' I saw Don earlier."  Violet looked up at him surprised. 
"You did?" she croaked her husband nodded wiping her tears with his hoodie sleeve. "He said he was sorry, fore everything...especially for last night." the redhead was still stunned. "He did?" The blond mmm-hmm'd to her while kissing her hair. "Yep, in fact he was really remorseful …(Especially after that "love tap" I gave him back at the café!)" the BMI hero mentally jeered as he focused on calming his girl down... And fantasizing throwing Don the dong into the sun. 
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
[After Mineta gets hit by a food truck, everyone’s just standing around waiting for the ambulance. ‘cept for Vi-shock who is ordering food from the truck.]
Fatgum: You bought tacos? 
Vi-Shock: Uh-huh.
[Violet offers some tacos to Taishiro he shrugs takes them.]
Suneater: From the truck that hit Grape Juice?
Vi-Shock: Well, me starving isn’t gonna help him.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Violet: Is that tape working? Cos’ earlier when my mom called, you just nodded and stared at a box of Twinkies on our kitchen counter while she talked.
Taishiro: Forbearance is the watchword. That triumvirate of Twinkies overwhelmed my resolve.
[Violet gives him a look.]
Violet: Yeah...There's another thing I want to talk about.
Taishiro: Tut, tut, gentle Violet. Here in the boudoir the gourmand metamorphoses into the voluptuary! *takes off shirt*
[He starts unbuttoning her top, while Violet looks at him bewildered]
Violet: What in God's name are you talking about? *Taishiro kisses her* ...Oh.
[Two days later Taishiro is eating his sixth helping of curry, when his girlfriend comes up behind him.] 
Violet: Tai, do you know what today is? Taishiro: The vernal equinox? Violet: No! It's been two weeks since you got that tape. Let's see what you’ve learned!
 [Violet speaks French, Taishiro looks at her blankly, she finally checks on what Tai been listening to for the last two weeks, Instead of how to learn French, they got How to improve your vocabulary. ] 
Violet: This isn’t the tape we ordered. [Tai Angerly takes the tape from her] Taishiro: Disingenuous mountebanks with their subliminal chicanery! A pox on them! [tosses tape in the trash.]
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
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A drawing of my Hero OC Violet Santiago (Vi-Shock) in her civilian clothes.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Fatgum x OC: Halloween party
"Man I love Halloween, the school has the best parties!" Denki exclaimed over the loud music in the U.A. Gymnasium as he and Mina (who was dressed as Dorothy Gale.) were in line for the costume contest held by student counsel, this party was big deal considering it was the last party before they graduated, the electric user was dressed as a detective. "I know right? say... wasn't Fatgum and Vi-shock supposed to be here as judges?" she asked looking around for her yellow haired friend's mentor and her large husband.
"Oh yeah, they stepped out for a second, something about helping Fatgum into his costume?" Mina was curious now, she asked Denki and Kirishima {who was dressed as Soul from Soul eater) about what the couple were going to be dressed as? neither of them knew, Violet was very good at keeping it a secret, but for some reason they needed their two year old daughter for it. Mina thought it was going to be something cute like Totoro or little red-riding hood!
Just at that moment the scary music suddenly shifted to a somber tone everyone's attention suddenly drawn to the stage where a person was laying on the ground like a dead body, a random student said out loud "Hey isn't this music from Bioshock2?" as they said this a tiny figure toddled onto the stage everyone stopped their mingling and looked at the little girl they now recognized as Toyomitsu Taiga. She was standing on stage bare foot in a dirty and tattered lavender coloured 1950's style dress holding a large syringe with red liquid inside, who was looking off stage almost impatient.
"Mr. Bubbles let's go!" she called out then was a whale like groan coming from backstage as large form suddenly walked into view jaws were dropped in awe there stood a man who was obviously Fatgum- dressed up as a Big Daddy Bouncer from Bioshock! He walked over to his girl who turned around and gasped seeing her mom laying on the ground. "Look Mr. Bubbles angel!" and crouched down as "Mr. Bubbles" groaned keeping watch, if someone from the audience tried to get closer Taiga would flinch, causing Taishiro to look at them; the lights in his helmet would turn red and spin his drill as a warning the person would quickly snap a photo and back-off.
"Holy shit that's so badass dude!" Denki yelled from audience as the father and daughters pair continued their little act, as they approached "the Angel" Taiga jabbed it with her needled before pulling away and drinking the red liquid inside her syringe, she giggled before sniffing the air exclaiming "More Angels Mr. Bubbles! dis way!" she led him away. The stage lights turned off before turning back on, Violet who was dressed as a rosebud splicer wearing a welding mask.  
Fatgum was standing next to her holding Taiga in one arm; said toddler was busy eating a Mummy rice-krispy pop while her mom and dad, thanked the audience for their patience and hope they enjoyed their family's little skit before announcing the start of the costume contest and reminding any last minute entries to hurry up, before reading out a list of prizes. 
"First prize is a candy shopping spree for the winner and four friends, second place was a large jar of candy and meal ticket, third is little jack-o-lantern filled with candy, fourth giant stuffed bear dressed as a skeleton. other participances will be given gift bags." 
With that family left the stage with Violet helping Taishiro get back stage, where Kirishima and Denki were waiting for them practically bouncing off the walls and immediately started asking questions, how could they hide this from them? how did  Fatgum make the lights change? can the BMI hero even breath and see in that helmet?
"Taishiro's laughter echoed in the helmet as Violet helped him open it up showing them set-up inside, the inside was one of those plastic domes from a playground ,chicken wire, wood and pvc piping, with four tablets were held together synched up to go-pros that were hidden in the cage like casing outside the helmet; letting Fatgum see where he was going. 
At the bottom of the helmet was a vent letting air cycle through, the lights were fairy lights and styrofoam cups. how he was able to change the colour was a small joystick hidden in his drill, he showed them a switch with the settings, Yellow, red and green, as for the drill all he do a was squeeze the trigger and the drill spun around. 
"It took us both 2 months to get this ready!"
"And believe me when I say this helmets heavy!"
"and we had to wear these around Taiga a few times so she wouldn't freak out!"
"Vi's been thinkin of turnin' this suit into a statue, when this is all done!"
After a bit of Q&A Violet helped her husband put the helmet back on. "That so freaking cool, we totally thought you'd come as Totoro or something!" Denki said the older electric user who smirked. "Well, actually that was first idea! but, it seem to... painfully predictable." the redhaired explained. "So, you can imagine my surprise when Taishiro suggested Bioshock to me!" she said grabbing a soda from a cooler, both teens gawked at Fatgum in shock that he was the one who came up with the idea.
The BMI hero shrugged as his distorted voice came from the helmet "Well I mean I’m already her big daddy, so why not?~" Violet choked on her drink as soon those left his mouth, causing Taiga to started giggling at how silly her mommy was being, while Kirishima and Denki blushed and winced at the same time.
 "O-okay, that we didn't need to know" the redhaired teen said before dragging his friend away to watch the costume contest . "That was mean Tai!" Violet wheezed glaring at her husband who just chuckled. "What, I was just tellin' the truth sweet-queen.~" he purred before leading her out to the party to watch the costume contest.
if anyone's curious the contest results were.
First prize: Toga Himiko dressed as Harley Quinn from the 90's Batman TAS (She crashed the party as a spy and ran as soon as they gave her the prize.)- mumbles incoherently when they ask for her name. 
Second: Katsuki Bakugou : dressed a fantasy Katsuki.
Third: Tenya Iida as Space sheriff Gavan
Fourth:  Toogata  Mirio  as Vault boy { gave his prize to Eri) 
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Fatgum x OC: oneshots 1 Daddy and baby's day out.
Taishiro's wife Violet is exhausted from staying up with their baby, so the tender tank hero decides to take their little one to work with him, Not on patrol! their gonna spend time in his office, so mommy can have few hours of sleep. While there they gets a lot of familiar visitors.
"Ai-chan!~ you’re going out with daddy today!" Taishiro cooed to his two month old daughter as his wife got the baby secured in the carrier for him, unfortunately the carrier was a little too small on his bigger form, so it was gonna be Fit-gum today! or at least until they get to his office... where he always keeps extra food around in bulk, Tai's thoughts were broken by his wife handing him the diaper bag, while rambling about Taiga's naps and feeding times. "She's starting to roll, So try make sure she's on her back during a nap. If the formula is too hot- put it in the fridge for-"  
The blond man cut his wife off by pulling her close and kissing her on the head. "You don't have worry my little sugar queen, We'll be fine,  just worry about you today, Okay?" the red head blushed and tiredly mumbling "I love you." before going to their bedroom, the pro-hero waited a few minutes before Violet's soft snores reached his ears.
He carefully looked in their room Taishiro felt a wave of relief wash over him seeing his wife sleeping like a log, before looking down at Taiga her little yellow eyes looked up at him curiously before calmly settling against chest soothed by the rhythmic beating of his heartbeat, Taishiro smiled before double checking the that the carrier was secure before zipping his hoodie up half way and quietly walked out of the apartment.  
[At Fat-Gum's Office.]
Taishiro had Taiga set up in her baby swing facing him so she wouldn't get scared and think he left her alone, the tv was was playing some cartoon a low volume which seemed to occupy her little mind, the pro-hero enjoyed some snacks while catching up on his paperwork, occasionally Taiga would babble causing, the blond to look over making she was alright. So far the little bean looked confused as to why her dad's body seemed to be looking taller and rounder by the hour. Just then the office door swung open to reveal Kirishma walking on in, He was asking about his patrol schedule for the week, Taishiro told him to hold on a sec while he typed it out. when the redhead noticed Taiga in her swing.
"Ai-chan!~ are you and mama Gum visiting your papa?" the teen asked in a cutesy tone as he crouched down to see the little one better. Taiga babbled at him as Kirishima's red eyes surveyed the office confused not seeing his mentor's wife anywhere; nor did he remember seeing her downstairs. "Did Vi-san step out?" he asked curiously as it was rare for Violet to be far from the baby.
"Nope, It's just me Taiga today."
"Oh, is Vi-san sick or something?"
"Oh no, Violet is just tired, we've started putting Ai-chan to bed in her nursery now, and it's causing her suffer from a bout of separation anxiety. my wife has working to prove that we haven't left her alone." Fatgum explained regret was evident in his tone as he wishes he could've been home to helped Violet a bit more then just giving her today off!
"Hey I'm sure your wife understands..."
Just then Taiga started crying causing Kirishma to panic, he started waving random toys and shaking rattles to try and calm her down! Taishiro who was watching calmly saved what he was doing on the computer and went to check on his daughter. "What's wrong Teddy Graham?" he cooed picking her up, he checked her diaper, Nope. all clear! "Guess you're just hungry, eh? Don't worry Daddy got ya covered!" Taiga quieted and gave her dad bright hopeful eyes at the mention of food, causing Kirishma to chuckle at her reaction, Yep! this was definitely Fatgum's baby..
"Dang, Babies sure do eat a lot!" Kirishma exclaimed brow creased as he and Tamaki who had arrived shortly after him; were watching their mentor feed his daughter for a second in amazement. While most babies would normally have one or half a bottle of formula, Taiga however has about two or three... "the doctor think it's because of mine and Violet's quirks intermingling is causing her have a abnormally large apatite." Taishiro explained while resting Taiga against his shoulder gently rubbing his daughter's back until he heard a little hiccup, with that the blond sat her on his lap, as the redheaded teen absorbed this information, it made sense Both Fatgum and Vi-Shock need to consume an enormous amount of calories and sugar to keeps their quirks active...
Kirishma felt his teeth start to itch as he thought back to that summer when he first met miss Violet. watching the red haired woman straight up eating raw sugar cubes while she used her quirk like bug zapper on hungry mosquitoes. "What do you think Ai-chan's quirk will be?" Tamaki suddenly asked causing their mentor to pause as he thought this over he had absobtion, Violet was electric...
"Conduc-"  before he could answer Gang Orca (who is Taiga's Godfather) burst in to the office along with a very annoyed Endeavor following behind causing everyone to jump. "Where's my little pearl?" he exclaimed before taking Taiga from Taishiro and held her in the air causing her to babble and giggle while Orca cooed and awwed "and what are you two doing here?" Taishiro huffed at the two invaders.
Endeavor grimaced watching orca act like an idiot. "We were having a meeting when this idiot spotted your spawn from the restaurant window... " the fire user grumbled clearly annoyed as they listened to Gang Orca gush to Taiga. "Oh you're getting so big! and looking like Violet every passing day!" he exclaimed cuddling the two month old, her father had tight smile on his face while he and everyone else eyed Taiga and sweatdropped. From her blond hair to her yellow eyes, right down to her toothless Cheshire-like smile; they all thought the same thing.
[No matter how you see it, that baby looks exactly like Fatgum/ Me...]
[Timeskip brought to you by Taiga barfing on Gang Orca.]
Violet woke up with a start as she read the alarm clock on the end table. it was almost midnight?! Holy crap! she slept for 14 hours?! she's gotta make dinner! do the laundry!?… she gotta... gotta...Holy damn! she's really gotta pee! the redhead winced as she rushed into the bathroom to do her business, before groggily making her way out into the hall and crept to the baby's room and saw Taiga sleeping soundly with the radio playing a lullaby in low volume...
the redhead's brow as she listened to the woman singing it sounded familiar... Violet sucked in a breath as she realized it was her voice! Her husband must of made a recording of her singing... Why didn't she think about that? but how did Tai... or rather when did Taishiro record her singing?...speaking of which where was her husband?
Teal eyes surveyed the hall before noticed the soft glow from the tv coming from the living room, quietly the tall woman made her way over the living room to find Taishiro in his mid-body form sleeping on the couch; surrounded by snack wrappers and soda cans, on closer inspection Violet could see he had earbuds in and his phone was unlocked...
curious the Canadian hero gently took one of his earbuds out, and brought it to her ear and blushed when she heard her own voice singing "Highway to hell" in the shower! she looked through his playlist and saw he had whole bunch of recordings of her singing when she thought she was alone! Violet's face was almost as red as Kirishma's hair as she set the phone back down and went to put the earbud back, when her teal orbs suddenly met the mischief filled yellow eyes of her husband.
"How long have you been wake for?"
"Since I felt you fiddle around with my earbud, got scared I was going deaf for a second..."
"Sorry gummy, would you like me sing you back to sleep?"
Taishiro stared at his wife's bare legs peeking out from his T-shirt, which was big enough to be a dress on her, his eyes then focused on her exposed shoulder, her clavicle was begging to be kissed and decorated with hickeys. "Gum? are you still there?" the redhead was suddenly down into Taishiro's lap. "I'm not really sleepy...I'm in the mood for a different type of music." the blond said huskily Violet gave her husband a blank look before feeling his hand trail up her thigh... oh!
{after a quiet smexy time because baby in the house..]
Taishiro was back in his fit form, he had a dopy grin on his face as Violet was resting against his chest as they enjoyed some-post sex lollipops. "...Y'know" Violet hummed causing Taishiro to looked at her curiously. "What?" her blond husband asked asked while unwrapping another lollipop and tossing his old chew up stick in the trash. "That was pretty genius...making a mix-tape of my singing for Taiga." She said pointing her lollipop at him. "Oh I didn't come up that, Endeavor told me to do it." Violet gave him skeptical look Taishiro snorted. "I don't quite believe it myself, but it's true."
Endeavor and Gang Orca dropped in unexpectedly, Orca pulled his favorite uncle routine on Taiga and played with the baby until she threw up on him and Gang Orca awkwardly handed Taiga back to Fatgum and the two left. but, not before Endeavor paused stared at back at Taiga then at Taishiro with an unreadable expression. "Does your wife sing to your kid?" the large hero looked back at the fire user incredulously. "Urm..yes?" Fatgum answered unsure why the redhaired man was asking, Endeavor was silent before speaking back up "Make a recording and play it for the baby when it's time to sleep." with that Endeavor left the office.
[flashback end.]
Taishiro finished his story now on his fourth lollipop, Violet still had a rough time believing it. "I thought it wasn't going to work!" the blond said anxiously "I thought the second I put her down she'd start crying, but nope! She heard your voice and Ai-chan just settled down." Just then the couple were interrupted by the startled wail from Taiga's room Violet sighed about get up, only to yelp in surprise when Taishiro put his boxers on and lifted her up bridal style and her brought her to their room laid her down on the bed "Tai the bab-" her husband cut her off with a kiss and pulled away with a smirk. "No,no sugar queen, papa-gum got this!" he said with a wink before going to check on their daughter.
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