#Ayurvedic Astrology
jyotishforyou · 2 years
Capricorn’s Hidden Characteristics
Those born under the Capricorn zodiac sign have the most resolute mindsets of all the zodiac signs. In Astrology, this is the 10th zodiac sign of the wheel. They are described as the most driven, conservative, realistic, and helpful individuals. They make effective team leaders and organizers since they are completely focused on their tasks. Their work takes precedence above everything else. They are dedicated individuals with a strong sense of duty and honesty.
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The people around them label them as workaholics, emotionless, and distant individuals. Others take into account their negative attributes such as suspicion, envy, inhibited, alarmist, and stubbornness very clearly and quickly. People, on the other hand, occasionally overlook their kind traits. They are soft-hearted individuals who disguise themselves as very hard-hearted persons in order to protect themselves from the pain of rejection. Are you looking for the best astrologer online? Get an astrology consultation with a professional astrologer to find out the answers to all of your questions.
10 Interesting Facts About Capricorn
People born under the Capricorn zodiac sign are recognized for being masters of self-control. They have the ability to be fantastic helpers and leaders. These individuals are very much in tune with nature.
These are the most dependable and trustworthy individuals. They are the most loyal and faithful. They are, in reality, the most powerful personalities and will always be willing to assist you in your tough periods.
Individuals born under the Capricorn zodiac sign are the type of people that know precisely what they want out of life and how to attain it. They are self-sufficient individuals who are fully aware of their own talents and, as a result, never depend on others to complete the task. They want to perform their work alone.
Their grin is the most powerful weapon they have against their detractors. Until you offend Capricorn, they remain the kindest soul. Capricorns have a keen sense of observation. They don’t listen or speak until they become engaged in the subject. When kids get interested in something, they begin to pay attention to it.
Capricorn is a sign that may bring happiness or turbulence into your life. It all boils down to how you handle them. They are perhaps the most devoted individuals. To them, loyalty is everything. Whenever it comes to forming friends, they have a reputation for being picky.
Capricorn is the sign of those who alter their feelings frequently. In a single glance, their mood might shift. A Capricorn is a hard worker who never stops. They’ll continue to work till they make it to the top. If they are dissatisfied with the outcome. Then they’ll work on it till they’re happy with it.
Capricorns have an intuitive nature. They even have the ability to read your thoughts. So keep an eye on what you say and consider it before you say it. Before you start challenging Capricorn, they already have some facts. Perhaps they have a golden heart.
They might be tough to comprehend at times. However, getting along with them is simple. It might be difficult for us to tell if they are serious or kidding at times. You should learn to listen well in order to make Capricorn feel at ease with you.
These people have the most aspirational mindsets and are extremely dedicated to their goals. They are people who are committed to their profession, allowing them to achieve whatever they desire in life and assisting them in being successful.
Capricorns have a reserved demeanor and it takes a long time to get to know them thoroughly. However, if they are at ease and believe the person is trustworthy, they will become close to them and reveal their playful side.
Capricorn: A Few More Details
Element: Earth is the element that this planet is related to. As a result, this sign is frequently referred to as an earth sign.
Planet: Saturn, the planet of Capricorn, is the ruling planet. This planet also is referred to as a contraction planet.
Colors: Grey, brown, and black are the hues connected with the Capricorn zodiac sign.
Day: Saturday is a good day for anyone born under the sign of Capricorn.
Strengths: Capricorns are known for being responsible and disciplined.
Weakness: They have egoistic personalities, which is their worst flaw.
Birthstone: The gemstone Garnet is recommended for Capricorn characteristics. It is thought to be an appropriate gemstone for these individuals.
Characteristics of the Capricorn Zodiac Sign
Capricorn is the symbol of steadiness, equilibrium, and knowledge in the zodiac. They are the people who are sympathetic, smart, and secure. Here are some good and negative personality qualities linked with the Capricorn zodiac sign.
Negative Characteristics
They have a reputation for being the most pessimistic people. They never seem to be content, no despite how much they do. This is just how they are. They consider themselves to be underachievers at all times.
They have a reputation for being obstinate. They are convinced that they will always make the best choices. As though they are flawless in every way and cannot make a mistake. They are rarely persuaded to modify their minds.
They are the moodiest people. It might be tough to comprehend these individuals at times. They might be pleased one minute and then act carelessly the next, jeopardizing all that is going well.
Positive Characteristics
Capricorns have a realistic mindset. They are noted for their pragmatic attitude, in which they utilize their intellect and reasoning to gather all available information before making any decisions.
They are the most driven individuals. They have a lot of self-assurance. These people always have high objectives in their lives, and they work extremely hard to reach them so that they may be satisfied with their accomplishments.
These are wise, mature individuals who do not believe in delusions. They always have trust in themselves and their judgment, and they have faith in their ability to persevere.
These people have a guarded demeanor. They don’t have a fiery personality since they pay close attention to the details of each situation. Capricorns are the types of people that would never take a chance and do something that will endanger their life.
This isn’t a thorough account of the Capricorn zodiac sign’s remarkable spirits. They are so much more. If you want to learn more about them, such as their negative and good character qualities, compatible zodiac signs, and other details, you should read the complete information provided below about this zodiac sign.
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Read Also:- Suggestions For Buying A House Or An Apartment Based On Vastu
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michelleberrybliss · 3 months
The Art of Vedic Astrology: Understanding its Significance
Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is a Hindu science of predicting life events. Unlike Western astrology, it considers both the Sun and the Moon signs, offering valuable insights into personality, ancestral healing and life.
Have you ever wondered what Vedic astrology is? This ancient practice of predicting human life events based on celestial movements and positions is more than just a belief system. It is a philosophy that connects us to the universe and the cosmic forces that influence us. What is Vedic Astrology? Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, is the traditional Hindu science of astrology. This ancient…
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bahadur-nishad · 2 months
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संत रामपाल जी महाराज ने सतभक्ति साधना के साथ परमार्थ करने को श्रेष्ठ बताया है। इसी कारण उनके अनुयायी आए दिन जरूरत मंदों की सेवा में सदैव तत्पर रहते हैं। संत रामपाल जी महाराज के अनुयायी जरूरत मंद लोगों के लिए रक्तदान सेवा में लगे हुए हैं
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skvvindia · 4 months
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spartanmemesmedical · 10 months
Can Ayush doctor (BAMS),Homeopathy,Naturopathy ,Dietician,Physiotherapy Doctors work in the UK. Useful courses and vacancies in UK
Hello everyone ,i hope you are doing good . well,the topic is about Ayush (BAMS),homeopathy,naturopathy ,physiotherapist ,dietician doctors work in the UK and Useful courses and vacancies in UK. so answer is yes ,definitely they can work in uk .but the position may same or different if you compare with your own country .so now the question is about how they can work and what they have to do for…
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sartatva2023 · 11 months
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Astrology Secrets
When Rahu and Jupiters are in the same house together or giving aspect to each other, Jupiter cannot function appropriately. Jupiter is knowledge, affects all heavenly nature within us, Rahu is named demon or monster factor within us. If this Rahu and Jupiter both are powerful in a chart and conjunction so the person comes to be extremely well known, people may recognize him as a very decent person, but behind his prestige, all wicked deeds are implicated. The individual could be from any area, he will have the outstanding status of proficiency but will utilize all those understanding for wicked actions.
The conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the chart establishes a lot of hardships in life. If this mixture is existing in the 8th house or 8th house lord is related to this mixture so the disastrous emergency is unavoidable. In the 4th house, the person may require to go for crucial heart surgery at least once in his life. If you have Saturn and Mars mixture in the 4th house so it is advisable to keep up away from smoking, and eat relatively light food, use ayurvedic therapy to keep your heart powerful.
While refereeing chart some folk do not bestow significance to 12th house, it is the most hidden house. But, the 12th house has tremendous significance to judge every path of life.
12th house from Lagna exemplifies what you provide physically or mentally. This house affects – bed happiness, clinic, cost of consciousness, payment of any way or living in an ashram. In this means, the 12th house from Moon also indicates many things. Without the 12th house, any astrological review is preliminary.
Whether that is a job judgement or of the wedding, The assortment of the lord of the 5th and 11th house gives rise to a profitable love connection. It transpires if both house and house rulers are empty of malefic consequences. If the 7th house meets that mixture so it will come to be a profitable love relationship. One Thing requires you to know here, the wedding will be only 100% verified when D-9 will help it, oppositely, the relation will stay as a fair remembrance and nobody will be eligible to ignore each other throughout their life.
If you are Manglik, do not worry, follow an easy rule, get wedded after 26 years of age (for women), and after 28 years of age (for men). Mars’s ill consequences on wedding become softer after these age gangs.
If this Mars is related to any wedding associated house or planet so it can give delayed wedding similarly.
Most people know when Sun and Venus are jointly in a house within 7 degrees 20 minutes, then Venus losses its all energy and Sun evolves the verdict planet. In my logical knowledge I have seen this is not valid in every case, venus constantly stays very close to Sun, so you will find at least an absolute proportion of charts with Sun & Venus together. Certainly, if Sun is very powerful so Venus relevant matters in the chart come to be sluggish in providing the outcome. If Sun is not powerful then take it like other ordinary planetary mixture, no need to pertain to it is combust.
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elliotitxk286 · 2 years
14 Savvy Ways to Spend Leftover blood magick spells Budget
Performed normally for its symbolic worth (as in a rite), a ritual is an organized development or series of actions and activities tailored towards the achievement of a particular objective in accordance with religious, spiritual, or social custom-mades of the past to the here and now.
What is Spellwork and a Spell?
A spell is a magickal formulary of spoken, composed, or the mentalization of particular words performed with varying degrees of magickal and meditative intent black magick rituals for wealth or function. Frequently, a spell is carried out just as an incantation without being consisted of in a full ritual or ceremony. There are many branches of spells and spellwork varying from healing to enjoy to maleficium (i.e., malevolent sorcery or hexing).
What is Magick?
The term "Magick" is frequently spelled with a "k" in order to differentiate it from the artistic practice of Illusionist, Sleight of Hand, and Parlor Magic for entertainment purposes. Performing Magick is based upon the specialist's capability and "will" to bring about (cause) and affect change in people, places, courses of occasions, scenarios, and physical items through the aspects or elementals (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Aether or "Light-Bearing or Spirit"), magical (mystickal), paranormal or supernatural (metaphysical) implies. If a specialist is utilizing Ancient Chinese Viewpoint in his or her magickal workings, then she or he will deal with the 5 Components or Wu Xing (i.e., the "5 movements, stages, or steps/stages over elements") of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.
The appropriate working and working out of spells and routines are necessary in any spiritual or divinatory system. Whether it be Low (Folk) Magick, Ceremonial (High or Ritual) Magick, Understanding Magick, or Black Magick (the Dark Arts), all have their own form of and technique to rituals and spellwork. Excellent examples of extremely ceremonial religio-spiritual systems include however are not restricted to: The Craft, Khemeticism and Tameran (Ancient Egyptian religions), Qabalah (Hermetic Kabbalah - distinguishing between Judaic doctrinal and the Hermetic magickal viewpoints), Hoodoo, Freemasonry, Alchemy, Chaos, Vodou (Voodoo), Ayurvedic, Vedic, and numerous other systems that might take part in the practice of spellwork (spell casting), rituals (ritualistic rites), and magick.
A few of the esoteric techniques and tools used within these systems include the elementals, altars, circles, pentagrams and hexagrams, meditation, prophecy (tarot, astrology, etc), prayer, solar and lunar correspondences, conjuration, beauties, talismans and amulets, dolls, wands, and lots of other powerful instruments for the invocation, evocation and petitioning of spirit. Within Native American spirituality and ritual, for example, there tends to be an effort at maintaining balance, peace, and consistency in between the ordinary world and the universal forces (energies) of Spirit or Gitchi Manidoo.
Keep in mind that there are many different methods to perform routines and to cast spells, particularly, within the realm of Alternative Faiths and Spiritualities (i.e., non-mainstream religio-spiritual courses). Keep in mind that these approaches or practices are not set in granite because each spiritual course, circle, coven, grove, temple, or event has its own particular method of doing things. There are some standard components or element parts that one will discover in almost any spell or routine-- some comparable and some not so similar in name:
Anatomy of Magick, Routine & Spellwork - Actions
- Kind or Kind Of Ritual
- Function - Intent of the Ritual
- Routine Tools (Preparation, Cleansing, and/or Consecration).
- Lunar & Solar Correspondences.
- Preparation - Ground and Focus (Center).
- Producing Sacred Area, Circle Casting - Pentagram, Hexagram, Triangle (Pyramidal).
- Invocation - Evocation of Divinity (Several deities).
- Duplicating the Routine's Purpose.
- Working the Ritual.
- The Nexus of Energy (NoE - Raising energy or power then releasing it into deep space).
- Offerings - Food, Libation, Objects.
- Meditation (Exhalation).
- Thanking the Deities, Spirits, and other Energies or Forces.
- Closing, Eliminating the Circle.
Depending upon one's spiritual path, scenarios, or intent, the professional will Call the Quarters just after circle casting. And bear in mind that routines, spellwork, and magick are the adjustment of meaning.
Often, a spell is carried out just as a necromancy without being included in a full ritual or ceremony. The correct working and exercising of spells and routines are crucial in any spiritual or divinatory system. Whether it be Low (Folk) Magick, Ritualistic (High or Routine) Magick, Supportive Magick, or Black Magick (the Dark Arts), all have their own form of and method to rituals and spellwork. Extremely excellent examples of extremely ritualistic religio-spiritual systems include however are not restricted to: The Craft, Khemeticism and Tameran (Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs), Qabalah (Hermetic Kabbalah - identifying between Judaic doctrinal and the Hermetic magickal viewpoints), Hoodoo, Freemasonry, Alchemy, Mayhem, Vodou (Voodoo), Ayurvedic, Vedic, and lots of other systems that may engage in the practice of spellwork (spell casting), routines (ritualistic rites), and magick.
Keep in mind that there are lots of various methods to carry out routines and to cast spells, especially, within the realm of Alternative Faiths and Spiritualities (i.e., non-mainstream religio-spiritual courses).
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Know about business according to the planets in the Kundli
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In today’s run-of-the-mill life, every person wants to get progress, for which he chooses different paths and objectives, but even after working hard many times, he does not get success. Many times a person is ready to do business but he does not know what kind of business he should do.
Through Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla we should choose business according to the planets of our Kundli:
Sun Related Business
If the fifth house or ninth house is related to the Sun, then the person can proceed with his father or family work. Government job, Government service, High-level administrative service, Politics, Goldsmith, Jeweller, Financier, Management related to medicines, Mantra work, Fruit selling, Clothing, Grass, Copper, Gold, Ruby, Horn or bone material, Farming, Wealth Appropriation, Insurance agent, Government informant, Pertaining to wheat, Foreign Service, Aviation, Medicine, Grains of all kinds, Scarlet matter, Honey, Work of wood and plywood, Relating to the fourth wood used for building, Wool and woolen clothing, materials science, space science, photography, drama, directing films, etc.
Moon Related Business
In the field of business, the moon is a water planet, due to which opportunities can be found for trading water-related goods in its works.
Water, beverages, milk, dairy products (curd, ghee, butter), foodstuffs, ice cream, soft drinks, mineral water, ice cream, white matter, silver, rice, salt, sugar, flower decorations, pearls, other than coral Other products Soft clay (Multani), Plaster of Paris, Vegetables, Textile business, Readymade garments, Magicians, Photographic and video mixing, Foreign works, Ayurvedic medicines, Water supply department, Mushrooms, Fish, Vegetables, Laundry, Import-export Related areas Glass, glasses, women welfare, water supply department, canal, and irrigation department, excise department, navigator, travel related work, hospital, nursing, transport, public relations officer, story-poem writing, etc.
Moon is considered a feminine planet, so when it interacts with another planet like itself, one can associate with the feminine side.
Mars Related Business
In astrology, Mars is depicted as the commander. Mars is considered to be the planet of fire element and the factor of land. Army-related work and police department related work can be seen in the context of this planet.
Police & Army Jobs, Fire Work, Electrical Work, Adventure, Metal Work, Land Work, Land Science, Department of Defense, Mineral, Electrical & Electronic Engineer, Mechanic, Lawyer, Blood Bank, Chemist, Drug Dealer, Blood Sailing, Civil Engineering, Arms Manufacturing, Body Building, Adventure Sports, Wrestling, Sports, Sportsman, Firefighting, Chemistry, Circus, Job Recruitment, Energy Work, Fire Insurance, Hearth, Stone, Clay, Copper related work, Work areas related to metals, paint, bakery, catering, confectionery, cook, brick kiln, hotel and restaurant, fast-food, gambling, barber, appliance, etc.
If Mars, being the lord of the work area, makes a relation with the fire-fired planets like the Sun, then the person earns money from the works related to fire. There may be furnace work, electrical work, food preparation, or work in factories.
Mercury  Related Business
Mercury is a complete Mahajan form planet. There is a planet associated with a business that helps in making a person stronger with his causative elements.
Profession work, Teaching of Vedas, Writing work (writer), Astrological work, Publishing work, Bookkeeper, Teacher, Mathematician, Lawyer, Interest, Stock market, Computer work, Writing, Oratory work, Craftsmanship, Poetry, Priest’s work, Story speaker, vocalist, physician, teacher of mathematics and commerce, vegetable, seed and plant work, newspaper, brokerage work, commerce, telephone department, post, Korea, traffic, journalism, media, insurance company, communication sector, brokerage, agent, green matter vegetables, accountant, computer, photostat, printing, postal telegraph, newspaper, messenger, typist, courier service, insurance, sales tax, income tax department, salesman, etc.
If both Mercury and Venus are strong, then the chances of getting good success in the clothing business increase. Mercury gives the task of writing, if it is influenced by the Sun which belongs to the state, then the person can join any writing organization.
Jupiter Related Business
Jupiter is considered an auspicious planet among all the planets. Along with this, he is considered the factor of knowledge, wisdom, and wealth.
Brahmin’s work, discourse work, charitable institution, religious business, astrology, politics, court-related work, judge, law, lawyer, banking work, politics, economics, mythology, auspicious work, teaching work, teachers, educational institutions, library, Publication, management, educational institutions, work related to books, yellow material, gold, priestly, editing, work related to paper, interest work, house construction, fine furniture, sleeping equipment, pregnancy-related work, food items, gold work, Related to clothes, work related to wood, all kinds of fruits, sweets, candles, ghee, grocery, etc.
Venus Related Business
Venus is considered to be the ruler of the areas associated with beauty, opulence, and art. The strong position of Venus makes the person physically beautiful and attractive. Women are very attractive due to the strong influence of Venus.
Artistic work, music, acting, motion picture decoration, dress designing, entertainment, film industry, video parlor, marriage bureau, interior decoration, fashion designing, painting, makeup, cosmetics, perfume, gift house, painting, and women’s Products for use, work related to marriage, work related to women, luxury goods, car, vehicle dealer, transport, decorative items, sweets, restaurant, hotel, food items, white matter, milk products, milk production ( Dairy), curd, rice, paddy, jaggery, foodstuff, gold, silver, diamond, jeweler, clothing manufacturer, garments, veterinary medicine, elephant horse rearing, etc.
If Venus is in a strong position in the livelihood house, is the tenth lord, or if is situated with the tenth lord, then the person has the qualities of becoming an artist. He is a playwright and musician. 
Saturn Related Business
Saturn has a special relationship with the land area. Saturn is the factor of matter found inside the earth.
Iron-related work, Machinery work, Chemical products, Flammable oil, Cooking gas, Antiques, Archaeological department, Research work, Astrological work, Raw metal related to iron, Coal, Leatherwork, Shoes, Heavy work, Job, Labor, contracting, handicraft, repair work, woodwork, coarse grain, plastic, and rubber industry, dark matter, spare parts, building material, stone and chips, bricks, glass, tiles, masons, carpenters, labor and social welfare Department, tire industry, plumber, clockwork, scrap work, executioner, oil extraction, road construction, cement.
Rahu Related Business
Rahu has been a factor in the horoscope, especially separation in spiritual work, in such a person can do work related to broker, commission agent, etc.
Computers, Electricity, Research, Work of sudden profit, Pertaining to machines, Vengeful substances, Espionage covert work, Related to the subject, Wrestling, Gambling, Snake charmer, Poisonous claim, Leather and skin,
Ketu  Related Business
If Ketu is calculated in the same position in the horoscope, then K is the factor of religion, in such a situation, the person does work related to religion, devotional therapy, etc.
Work-related to social service, religion, spiritual work, mystic science, etc.
If you liked the above information, then let us know by commenting in the comment box.
The initial phase of a new business is very important and everyone wants to start a new business in a positive way. If you also want to start a new business, then you can take guidance by talking to astrologers.
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jyotishforyou · 2 years
Wanting To Buy A Car? Here Are The Best Days Per Astrology!
For most of us, a car is still considered a luxury item. More so than functioning as a way of commuting, it reflects our social status. However, for some individuals, a car is a hard-won investment that they treasure above all else. Simply put, buying a new car could indeed give some people far too many emotions at a moment. This emotion can be amplified if the vehicle purchased remains by one’s side for many years.
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Taking decent care of the car will almost certainly extend its life. However, misfortune might strike at any time. Whilst also you pledge to look after your car, a seven-year-old can easily derail your plans, and we would not want to tell you how. So, to avoid such a mishap, you may either keep an eye on the priceless asset at all times or simply follow the Car purchases shubh muhurat to avoid any damage to your vehicle.
Among the most sought-after features of astrology is the Shubh muhurat. Anything done during shubh muhurat enhances the luck of the deed, whether it be marriage or merely purchasing a car. Shubh muhurat occurs whenever the stars and their graces immediately approve of everything you wish to accomplish. When people say “har cheez ki ek sahi waqt hota hai,” they are most making reference to shubh muhurat accidentally.
Get an online consultation with an Ayurveda expert and know the truth about Ayurveda with the Expert himself. Book an appointment now!
Muhurat for buying a car in May 2022
Dates Nakshatra Tithi
May 6, 2022, Friday Punarvasu Panchami,Shashthi
May 13, 2022, Friday Hasta, Chitra Trayodashi
May 16, 2022, Monday Anuradha Pratipada
May 22, 2022, Sunday Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha Ashtami
May 23, 2022, Monday Shatabhisha Ashtami
May 26, 2022, Thursday Revati Ekadashi
Muhurat for buying a car in June 2022
Dates Nakshatra Tithi
June 2, 2022, Thursday Punarvasu Tritiya
June 9, 2022, Thursday Hasta, Chitra Dashami
June 10, 2022, Friday Chitra, Swati Dashami, Ekadashi
June 19, 2022, Sunday Shatabhisha Shashthi
June 26, 2022, Sunday Rohini Trayodashi
Muhurat for buying a car in July 2022
Dates Nakshatra Tithi
July 1, 2022, Friday Pushya Tritiya
July 6, 2022, Wednesday Hasta Ashtami
July 7, 2022, Thursday Hasta, Chitra Ashtami
July 8, 2022, Friday Swati Dashami
July 10, 2022, Sunday Anuradha Ekadashi
July 15, 2022, Friday Dhanishtha Tritiya
July 20, 2022, Wednesday Revati Ashtami
July 24, 2022, Sunday Rohini Ekadashi
July 25, 2022, Monday Mrigashirsha Trayodashi
Read Also:- Stop Believing These Myths About Ayurveda Right Now!
Muhurat for buying a car in August 2022
Dates Nakshatra Tithi
August 3, 2022, Wednesday Hasta, Chitra Shashthi
August 5, 2022, Friday Swati Ashtami
August 7, 2022, Sunday Anuradha Dashami
August 11, 2022, Thursday Shravana Purnima
August 12, 2022, Friday Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha Purnima, Pratipada
August 21, 2022, Sunday Mrigashirsha Dashami, Ekadashi August 24, 2022, Wednesday Punarvasu, Pushya Trayodashi
August 25, 2022, Thursday Pushya Trayodashi
August 31, 2022, Wednesday Chitra, Swati Panchami
Muhurat for buying a car in September 2022
Dates Nakshatra Tithi
September 1, 2022, Thursday Swati Panchami, Shashthi
September 8, 2022, Thursday Shravana, Dhanishtha Trayodashi
September 9, 2022, Friday Shatabhisha Purnima
September 28, 2022, Wednesday Swati Tritiya
September 30, 2022, Friday Anuradha Panchami, Shashthi
Muhurat for buying a car in October 2022
Dates Nakshatra Tithi
October 5, 2022, Wednesday Shravana, Dhanishtha Dashami, Ekadashi
October 7, 2022, Friday Shatabhisha Trayodashi
October 9, 2022, Sunday Revati Purnima, Pratipada
October 10, 2022, Monday Revati Pratipada
October 14, 2022, Friday Rohini, Mrigashirsha Panchami, Shashthi
October 17, 2022, Monday Punarvasu, Pushya Ashtami
October 27, 2022, Thursday Anuradha Tritiya
Muhurat for buying a car in November 2022
Dates Nakshatra Tithi
November 2, 2022, Wednesday Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha Dashami
November 3, 2022, Thursday ShatabhishaDashami Ekadashi
November 6, 2022, Sunday Revati Trayodashi
November 10, 2022, Thursday Rohini, Mrigashirsha Tritiya
November 11, 2022, Friday Mrigashirsha Tritiya
November 13, 2022, Sunday PunarvasuPanchami Shashthi
November 14, 2022, Monday Punarvasu, Pushya Shashthi
November 21, 2022, Monday Chitra, Swati Trayodashi
November 28, 2022, Monday Shravana, Panchami Shashthi
November 30, 2022, Wednesday Shatabhisha Ashtami
Muhurat for buying a car in December 2022
Dates Nakshatra Tithi
December 7, 2022, Wednesday Rohini Purnima
December 8, 2022, Thursday Rohini, Mrigashirsha Purnima, Pratipada
December 9, 2022, Friday Mrigashirsha Pratipada
December 11, 2022, Sunday Punarvasu Tritiya
December 12, 2022, Monday Pushya Panchami
December 18, 2022, Sunday Hasta, Chitra Dashami, Ekadashi
December 19, 2022, Monday Chitra, Swati Ekadashi
December 21, 2022, Wednesday Anuradha Trayodashi
December 25, 2022, Sunday Shravana Tritiya
December 28, 2022, Wednesday Shatabhisha Shashthi
December 30, 2022, Friday Revati Ashtami
If you are a believer in lucky dates, finding the best dates to buy a new car in 2022 is critical. Shubh muhurat for car buying is a boon that will help you make critical decisions and will support you.
Buying a car is one of life’s most significant moments. You must always observe shubh muhurat for automobile purchasing before making a decision.
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Read Also:- Apply These Astrological Tips To Ace Your Business
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michelleberrybliss · 1 month
Ayurvedic Healing with Jyotish and Yoga: A Holistic Approach to Well-being
Ayurveda, Jyotish (Vedic astrology), and Yoga form the bedrock of holistic health. Ayurveda balances doshas, Jyotish uncovers cosmic influences, and Yoga encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual practices. Make an integrative appointment with me!
In the rich tapestry of ancient wisdom traditions, Ayurveda, Jyotish (Vedic astrology), and Yoga stand as pillars of holistic health and well-being. Each of these disciplines offers unique insights and practices for cultivating balance, harmony, and vitality on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. In this blog post, we will explore how the integration of Ayurvedic healing with Jyotish and Yoga…
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olameni · 1 year
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If you have a fondness for the occult, plants, herbalism, or alchemy you are going to love this book.
I came into this in an effort to develop my awareness of herbalism as it is one of the skills I am expected to master as a priest. And I wanted a craft of some kind, something practical I could do with my hands.
What I found was essentially a cheat code to herbal practice. What Popham does is use western alchemy and astrology (with some Chinese herbalism and Ayurvedic medicine as points of comparison) as a translation key between plants and people in an effort to create more tailored medicines. The text doesn't require a person have any pre existing knowledge as most of its 488 pages is spent explaining the different concepts and showing how they work together in an herbal practice. Popham does an excellent job of citing his sources and preparing the reader for a deeper study.
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moonlightserenities · 2 months
Healing the whole
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A true system of healing is concerned with the restoration to the state of wholeness.
The negative emotional mental pattern is in constant tension and out of tune with the whole reality. The energy current that establishes the whole is blocked or out of phase and therefore creating uncertainties and subtle depression.
The human energy field known true acupuncture or Kirlian photography or practiced with Reiki, where the therapist stimulates the body energies of the client’s own healing forces.
This energy awareness brings one back to the fundamental needs, potential and growth.
The understandings of chakras, from the yoga tradition are states that aim to the reintegration to the natural forces of life.
In Polarity therapy and Ayurvedic medicine is a great concern about the association with the nervous system and mind sensation (air), blood in its circulation (fire), the function of glances (water) and the elimination of (earth) matters.
Vedic Astrology and its astronomical earth perspective have its accuracy and to the point interpretation, that takes its energy formula as a whole in time segments.
Wholesome healing is the decision from the heart and the wound where the light can enter and becomes the end of conflict.
The loving and forgiving mind is the language as whole and becomes the attraction of open the hearts for others to get better.
One’s own confusion at time is the recognition of one’s insanity and the beginning of sanity and transcendence towards a peace of mind and healing.
Some Astrologer use the term that time heals all wounds, the truth is that time does not heal anything and merely passes; it is the courage and will at the right time that changes direction to assist the healing process towards the whole.
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navagiraga · 2 months
Thirukadaiyur Near Sirkali: Your Gateway to Navagiraga Bliss
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Nestled in the enchanting town of Thirukadaiyur near Sirkali, the Navagiraga Resort is a perfect getaway for those seeking tranquility and spiritual rejuvenation. Located just around 20 kilometers away from Thirukadaiyur, this divine retreat offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and religious significance.
Thirukadaiyur is renowned for its ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, known as the Thirukadaiyur Abirami temple. This temple holds immense importance among devotees, as it is believed to grant longevity and marital bliss to couples. People from far and wide visit this sacred place to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Abirami.
The Navagiraga Resort, situated in close proximity to Thirukadaiyur, provides a serene and peaceful atmosphere where guests can immerse themselves in spiritual practices and connect with their inner selves. Surrounded by lush greenery and picturesque landscapes, the resort offers a range of modern amenities and comfortable accommodations, ensuring a pleasant and rejuvenating stay.
One of the highlights of the Navagiraga Resort is its proximity to the Navagraha temples. The term "Navagraha" refers to the nine celestial bodies in Hindu astrology, and each of these temples is dedicated to a specific planet. These temples are believed to possess unique energies that can influence the lives of individuals. Being just a short distance away, guests at the Navagiraga Resort have the opportunity to visit these sacred temples and seek blessings from the respective deities.
Apart from the religious and spiritual attractions, Thirukadaiyur and its surroundings offer a rich cultural experience. The town is known for its vibrant festivals, traditional music, and dance performances. Visitors can witness the captivating rituals and ceremonies that take place during festive occasions, providing a deep insight into the local culture and traditions.
Exploring the nearby town of Sirkali is also a must-do while staying at the Navagiraga Resort. Sirkali boasts of several ancient temples and historical landmarks that showcase the glorious past of the region. The impressive architecture and intricate carvings of these temples are a treat for art lovers and history enthusiasts.
Thirukadaiyur near Sirkali and the Navagiraga Resort offer a gateway to Navagiraga bliss. With its peaceful ambiance, proximity to sacred temples, and cultural richness, this destination is perfect for those seeking spiritual solace and a deeper connection with themselves. Whether you are a devout pilgrim or a traveler looking to explore the cultural heritage of the region, Thirukadaiyur near Sirkali is a place that promises a truly enriching experience.
Here's some more information about Thirukadaiyur near Sirkali and the Navagiraga Resort:
Accommodations at Navagiraga Resort: The resort offers a range of comfortable accommodations to suit different preferences and budgets. From well-appointed rooms to spacious cottages, guests can enjoy a peaceful and relaxing stay amidst the natural beauty of the surroundings. The rooms are designed to provide a serene ambiance and are equipped with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable experience.
Spiritual Practices and Retreats: The Navagiraga Resort provides an ideal setting for spiritual practices, meditation, and yoga. Guests can engage in these activities to rejuvenate their mind, body, and soul. Additionally, the resort organizes spiritual retreats and workshops conducted by experienced practitioners, allowing visitors to delve deeper into their spiritual journey.
Ayurvedic Spa and Wellness: The resort also features an Ayurvedic spa where guests can indulge in rejuvenating treatments and therapies. Trained therapists offer a range of Ayurvedic massages, herbal therapies, and wellness programs to promote relaxation, healing, and overall well-being.
Navagraha Temple Visits: As mentioned earlier, Thirukadaiyur near Sirkali is known for its proximity to the Navagraha temples. These temples are dedicated to the nine celestial bodies in Hindu astrology, including the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. Guests can embark on a spiritual journey by visiting these temples, seeking blessings, and performing rituals to appease the respective planetary deities.
Cultural Experiences: Thirukadaiyur and its neighboring town of Sirkali offer a treasure trove of cultural experiences. Visitors can witness traditional music and dance performances, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region. The local festivals, such as the annual Brahmotsavam at the Thirukadaiyur Abirami temple, are celebrated with great fervor and are a sight to behold.
Sightseeing Opportunities: Apart from the religious and cultural attractions, there are several other places of interest near Thirukadaiyur. The ancient port town of Poompuhar, known for its historical significance, is located nearby. The Poompuhar Beach, adorned with ancient sculptures and artifacts, offers a serene place for relaxation. The famous Chidambaram Nataraja Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva as the cosmic dancer, is also within reach and attracts devotees and art enthusiasts alike.
Thirukadaiyur near Sirkali and the Navagiraga Resort provide a holistic experience, blending spirituality, wellness, and cultural exploration. Whether you seek spiritual solace, want to indulge in Ayurvedic treatments, or wish to immerse yourself in the vibrant local traditions, this destination has something for everyone. It is a place where you can find inner peace, connect with divinity, and create lasting memories.
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astro-nidan · 2 months
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