#August Annick
arietisart · 2 years
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Day 5 - Gussie!
I think putting plaid socks on him was a bit too excessive, actually, but hey, green is his color, he would definitely die to wear green and I really like this retro style for him. Little nods in his pins about him and well, his Hulk fanaticism (?).
Clothes by UnknownSpy
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hpowellsmith · 6 months
Spoilery question about Blaise and the end of Crème de la Crème from @konoi-and-noir below:
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I think the characters' feelings about the overall events would vary a fair bit depending on whether the MC had shared anything with them about Annick and Gaspard, or whether the article had ended up coming out. All of them would be horrified and shocked, and relieved that the MC was OK, with some added nuances:
Gonzalez: astounded, really grossed out
Hartmann: really guilty, especially given that they used to be friends with Blaise, and that they've always been very much pro-Lady Renaldt, and that they didn't really believe the MC's suspicions if they shared them
Max: grimly vindicated (they believe the MC at Verdancy), disgusted
Freddie: upset, a bit crushed as they're seeing some of the seedy underbelly of a world they wanted to be part of
Delacroix: jaded, like "of course something horrible was going on, ugh"
Karson and Blaise: knew about it, obvs
Auguste: some extra stuff for them - there's some here
Rosario: astonished, a bit betrayed as Lady Renaldt would have been schmoozing them a lot before everything happened
Florin: darkly fascinated by it all, a little distanced, seeing it a bit like the gossip pages rather than something happening so close by
Thoughts about the MC romancing Blaise... I think the Archambault students wouldn't really have a strong opinion about it unless they were close to the MC. Blaise doesn't register super highly on Auguste, Rosario, or Florin's radar.
Delacroix and Max might be a bit sardonic/ eyebrow-raised about it - Blaise did steal Delacroix's stuff in order to frame the MC after all, and both of them are very good at holding grudges. But Max in particular does have some fondness for Blaise and would wish them well.
Freddie and Gonzalez really only know Blaise through their hostility to the MC so would be more surprised. They might be a bit cautious / check in with the MC that they're definitely happy and that Blaise is being nice to them... Once they realised it's OK, they would be pleased for them.
Hartmann would actually be unequivocally pleased for them - they have some feelings about the fact that they didn't recognise what happened and "lost touch" with Blaise after they disappeared. So they really would be genuinely excited and happy if the MC and Blaise had gotten together through adversity and in a tough situation.
Similarly Karson by this point is just like "I'm glad that people can find some happiness out of this horrible situation".
Thank you for the ask!
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444names · 1 year
male greek forenames BUT excluding "o"
Achaias Achanis Achantis Acharatis Achil Achilis Achratevas Achridas Achriltis Adamias Addas Ademetris Agiada Ailleas Aillefthis Ailtis Alazanni Aleanas Aleas Alefsta Aleksilis Aleni Alexias Alexista Alias Alipiris Amassilida Anasseus Andamantis Andas Andemes Andreg Andrenis Angel Angelis Anike Annes Annick Annis Antes Antineias Antines Antis Anuelis Anuil Anuilis Apiris Arales Aralu Arastes Arathanaki Ardigheri Ardis Arghighil Arias Ariasilis Arida Aristel Aristris Arrys Arsene Arsenistas Arseus Artis Atataki Atelis Athemes Ather Atheri Atheridas Athris Atiri Atitris Attharis Augus August Augustiste Augustris Aurew Biketus Cardis Chaleine Chanas Channick Chanthis Chanueles Chargianas Charis Chras Chrati Chrias Chril Chrip Chris Christel Chryssilis Cleftes Clias Craki Crasiu Cratasiu Dassebas Demes Demetus Demmandre Demmaris Demmas Denes Deralu Dergherges Deris Digasseas Diketris Dimil Dimilles Dines Dinis Distas Distis Efanaelis Efanas Efstas Efsteris Efstis Eftes Eftevris Efthanas Efthani Eftharis Elistakis Emetris Emetus Emmanas Emmannas Emmannis Emmaris Emmarist Emmaxiada Epamathe Epametus Epanaelis Epannes Epanni Epannikas Epavvas Ephilvaris Eustas Evagas Evasiltis Evassilis Evenis Fanas Fanes Fangel Fanis Fantitras Geledasis Geleris Geles Gelias Gelines Gelis Gelistaki Geris Germetris Giachadda Giadda Giakas Giaki Gianatis Giangel Giannathis Glamas Greantias Greas Grias Gridas Grike Gustes Haianas Haleas Hanas Handa Handas Hanis Hanneias Hannides Hannistas Hanuilis Harateris Harilles Haris Hartis Hemmari Henistis Hennes Highis Hilis Hratassiu Hrisaakles Hrymitris Hryssiu Iachannis Iadda Iakis Ianaelis Iange Ianuelis Iasilias Iassilis Ighilis Ilatis Illeas Istas Kalis Kharigas Kleas Kleftes Klenis Klentelene Kridamanas Kymil Kymilis Kyrignas Kyris Kyristylis Lames Lamilate Lassis Laureanas Laureas Laurew Lefange Lefthandis Lerignas Letri Letris Letus Lexannick Lexiakis Lides Makias Maklis Managas Managge Manas Manassiu Mandigas Mandines Mandreg Mannis Maras Marike Maril Maris Matas Mates Mathangel Mathe Metralis Metris Miaki Miakis Michris Miclip Miclis Miliandas Milis Milist Milles Miltida Milvas Mitralames Mitrias Mitris Myris Neksiu Nektas Nestes Niclexis Nidaines Nidassil Nides Nikas Nines Nistaris Nistavvas Nistes Nistis Pames Panas Panatas Panda Pandemes Pandis Pandre Panes Pangelis Paninis Panis Pannas Pannikleas Pannis Pantis Paugus Paugustris Paure Paureg Paures Pavvaris Peras Pergeles Peris Petrales Petrateris Petris Petus Phaddas Phandre Phantinis Philis Plamannas Plamatis Plaugus Plaurew Saakas Sames Sametrias Savagas Savri Savrista Savvales Savvanas Seandas Seustas Seustes Silazannis Siles Silias Silis Silvannis Skymitris Skyri Skyris Spida Spidas Spides Spiri Spirianael Spiris Spyri Spyriaki Spyrianas Spyrilip Spyris Stakis Standas Stangeris Stannis Stantis Stari Stefstini Stephil Stidas Stines Stiris Strakaris Stras Strateris Stril Stris Stylis Takiaki Taklestes Tanagas Tandas Tanis Tanthilis Taris Tasseas Tastel Tasyvis Tathanas Tatis Tavas Thades Thales Thanas Thannis Thantis Tharis Tharrys Tharsennis Tharseus Tharti Thenis Theris Thilis Thilles Thipiris Tzachari Tzaharas Vageles Vanas Vandreg Vange Vannas Vannis Varales Vasil Vasiu Vasseas Vassenick Vassil Vassiu Vastannes Vastevis Xenes Xenichri Xennicles Xennis Yanas Yandemes Yangelis Yanis Yanti Yantis Yanuel Yiaki Yianas Yiandines Yianis Yiannick Zachanges Zahalis Zaharis Zanassilis Zenes Zenestas Zenis Zeuaggelis Zeuagiakis Zeustas Zeustis
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travelonourown · 9 months
Sat August 12
Checked out of the Bordeaux Marina Barge “Petite Annick” and started the drive to Toulouse. We started on the non-toll roads but quickly realized they would be terribly slow, so we returned to the toll roads with their convenient Aires (rest stops). Arrived Toulouse around 2:30pm, but drove in circles around the hotel 4 times before finally finding the Hotel de Brienne. Checked in, had a glass of Merlot from Chateau Haute-Nauve, and walked into the city center. Saw the Capitole building, and had a nice dinner on one of the small side streets. There were LOTS of people at the restaurants and sitting along the River Garonne, enjoying the very warm evening.
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444namesplus · 1 year
Aapon Aaron Aaton Aazin Abates Abawundgo Abawundti Abawunzer Abax Acamaa Acamae Ada Adam Adcaan Adcaenhu Adele Adelheid Adil Admean Admeence Adolf Adrian Adrienne Adunbehu Adunzo Adurua Adwean Adweenvi Afija Agces Aghus Agnes Agvis Ahal Ahe Ahem Ahibua Ahice Ahiho Ahimaa Ahini Ahinqivi Ahinqo Ahixan Aho Ahoin Ahon Ajais Ajerua Ajerue Ajibi Ajulf Akolf Alain Alan Alban Albert Alberta Alberto Alcen Alcerbi Alcerki Alcert Aldu Alex Alexander Alexandra Alexandre Alexis Alfan Alfjad Alfjaju Alfred Alfredo Alftad Alftaxa Alftid Alftiko Alhi Alhixan Alhon Alhun Alice Alicia Alina Aline Alison Aljit Alket Allan Allen Allison Alma Almadon Almut Alnan Alnerja Alnert Alnerzi Alnin Alnon Alo Alois Alpat Alru Alrujun Aluhia Aluhie Alvan Alven Alvin Alvirpe Alvirt Alvirti Alvon Alwin Alxin Alysfu Alysnu Alysra Alyssa Amacua Amadon Amahu Amalia Amanda Amandine Amave Amavi Amber Amcer Amelia Amelie Amner Amuti Amvir Amy Ana Anain Anan Ance Ancehici Ancehieci Ancerumee Ancetsu Andja Andjaa Andjaas Andjae Andjaw Andre Andrea Andreas Andree Andrew Andta Andtaa Andtaas Andtae Andtaw Andti Andtia Andtias Andtie Andtiw Andy Anfick Anfie Angee Angel Angela Angelica Angelika Angelina Angelique Angie Angue Angul Angumadae Angumalu Angumasa Angumave Anguna Anho Anhohieci Anhu Anhuducae Anhurucu Anhuruecu Anhutza Anita Anjick Anjie Ankiihu Ankiihutza Ankijia Ankijio Ankin Anlo Anloruecu Anmuck Anmue Ann Anna Annaliese Anne Anneliese Annelise Annemarie Annette Annick Annie Anobas Anojundnu Anojundta Anojunqer Anox Anpeice Anpeicetsu Anpemua Anpemuo Anpen Anscor Ansfor Ansgar Ansgir Anthony Antlony Antoine Antoinette Anton Antonia Antonio Antreny Anttany Anve Anvemaego Anvi Anvihiwee Anvimaego Anvimago Anvitvu Anwoho Anwol Anworubo Anworuhee Anworulo Anworura Anzifia Anzifio Anziivi Anziivitvu Anzin Anzue Anzuhifu Anzuhiho Anzuhije Anzuhiqoe Anzul Anzuve Apcal Apmel April Apwel Aqelzoid Aqeno Aqil Aqo Aqom Arbahu Arbald Arbatza Ardunko Areis Arfen Arhinxa Arhoud Arkan Arlene Arlette Arloud Armando Armin Arnaud Arndt Arnold Arnotvu Arnovi Arqan Arrunju Artfir Arthur Artmur Artnir Artuld Arufi Aruhia Aruhu Arujun Arulo Arunhe Arunjoce Aruwia Arveud Arxice Arxild Arxitsu Ashbay Ashley Ashnoy Ashxiy Astcad Astmed Astrid Astwed Atais Aucack Audjay Audrey Audtay Audtiy August Aujahie Aujahien Aumeck Aupota Aurelie Aurelien Aurick Aurore Autamae Autamaen Autirue Autiruen Autoja Auwast Auweck Auwost Auziti Auzust Ave Avein Aven Axalf Axel Axikondja Axikondse Axikonxor Axitus Axix Axolpuid Axoxi Azeba Azellaid Azo Azom
Baa Baah Bae Baefee Bafas Bagawia Baho Baigh Balo Banin Bao Baolo Baolord Baon Baptiste Barbara Barru Barrun Barry Base Basrue Bastian Baszar Baziy Bcaan Bcadwot Bcatbiny Bcazutza Bduhu Bduxi Be Beacrum Beahu Bealo Bean Beanhu Beanlo Beann Beanve Beanvi Beat Beata Beatrice Bebeer Becky Bedinn Bedinve Bedinvis Bedy Bee Beedcach Beel Beelno Beetcach Beezacach Beezar Bego Begomuve Begoph Begopruvi Begotvu Behn Behnfie Behnny Behulyvi Belinda Ben Benedikt Benjamin Benoit Beqi Berg Bergu Bernadette Bernard Bernd Bernice Berqon Bertha Bertram Bertrand Besnia Bessie Best Betee Beth Bethany Betsy Betty Beulah Beverly Beves Bevetdin Bey Beyhu Bgod Bgodbay Bgonbe Bgondy Bgonkon Bhonbo Bhoncla Bianka Bicdae Bice Bicet Bick Bicqoehice Bicqoelyn Bicqoes Bidugo Bifee Bifotjo Bifpiny Bigeb Bigo Biho Bihuer Biilu Bijad Bika Bill Billie Billy Bilus Bim Bimi Bimithy Bimmy Bimuce Bimue Bimuni Bimus Bin Binya Bisfece Bisjo Bive Bixan Biy Bjanhe Bjant Bjatt Blanca Blanche Bmean Bmedzut Bmegutsu Bmettiny Bnanczo Bnanlu Bnud Bnudnoy Bnundy Bnunqi Bnunxan Boan Boancnauqe Boanfie Boanfivi Boanfnungiis Boanhirc Boanhiwee Boanjec Boanleerta Boanqaczol Boanreuis Boanroul Boanvi Boanvitvu Boavitvu Bob Bobbie Bobby Bobua Bobue Bobuen Bobuence Bobulxi Boc Bocuy Bocy Bodo Bodvog Boff Bofftay Bofkary Bofus Bois Bojes Bojuhuc Bokalba Bolnin Bonbefi Bonfie Bonfikar Bonnie Bonny Bonve Bonzofi Bopeld Bopoca Borcae Borhiivi Borho Borjas Borjen Borl Borry Bosgo Boslie Boslilu Bosnundgo Botamy Bothy Botlacahu Botz Bove Boz Bozas Boziba Bozil Bozilyn Boziruhu Bozirulo Bpoopa Brad Bradley Brandi Brandon Brandy Brenda Brent Brett Brian Briba Bridget Brigitte Brini Brittany Brooke Bruce Bruno Bryan Bsed Bsedxiy Bsendy Bsenjo Bsenjun Btanqo Btant Btatt Btint Btinzo Btitt Btooro Bundy Burbis Burkon Buttfcaed Buttrueb Buttscjolk Butz Bvencpu Bvenje Bwean Bwedgut Bwefi Bwegetvu Bwetjany Bwetu Bypon Byron Byton Byzin Bziopo
Cabi Caborko Cacjord Cack Cacky Caclanha Cafon Cagdin Cainnud Calcen Caltu Calvin Camanqo Camasfu Camille Canafie Candace Candice Candol Candy Caqord Carcer Caredy Carhuqes Carl Carla Carlos Carmen Carnpur Carol Carole Carolina Caroline Carolyn Carrie Casey Cassandra Casxiy Cataqith Catherine Cathy Cbajenfi Cbajent Ccasgalo Cdid Cdinjal Cdirmae Cdirnos Cdirnovi Cdirretvu Ceabi Ceat Ceatcafi Cecean Cecelia Cecil Cecile Cecilia Cecky Cecqu Cecque Ceczir Cecziwea Cedric Cehubekt Ceil Celhie Celia Celine Celxan Cen Cenhunt Cenkukan Ceona Ceonot Cererly Cergefia Cergefie Cergel Cerjifi Cerlord Cerlozetza Cernd Certgom Certgond Certjo Cerunzo Ceshie Ceth Cetjony Cetkue Cetsy Cetty Cetuit Ceuhoh Cgoig Chad Chantal Charlene Charles Charlie Charlotte Chcas Chcasbi Chcasgaahu Chcasgaan Chcasgae Chcasgahu Chcasgalo Chcaskif Chcaskipla Chcaskiplar Chcasty Chcaszal Chcaszalba Chelsea Cheryl Chester Chifgird Chifpen Chinpen Chjae Chloe Chmes Chmeskuace Chmeskuan Chmeskuce Chmeskue Chmeskuho Chmespef Chmespeppu Chmespeppur Chmessul Chmessulxi Chmesti Chmesty Chogo Choiti Chotinfi Choubea Choubehu Chouze Choykin Chree Chris Christa Christel Christelle Christian Christiane Christie Christina Christine Christof Christophe Christopher Christy Chtae Chwes Chwesbian Chwesbiavi Chwesbie Chwesbive Chwesbivi Chwesja Chwesty Chwesvul Chwesvulno Chweszif Chweszipzo Chweszipzor Cian Cilomece Cilomen Cilru Cindy Cirguo Cirxan Cirzu Citeskuan Citeskuen Cith Cittfweed Cittmaeb Cittscdilk Citz Cjod Cjonbil Cjorbahu Cjorbas Cjorjatza Cjorrue Claire Clalcua Clara Clarence Claryl Claszar Claude Claudia Claudine Clayton Clemence Clement Clifford Clifton Clinton Clyde Clyqe Clyxo Clyze Cmafcord Cmafzin Cmanzin Cmeskuho Cnaita Cnanu Cnatanhu Cnauqe Cnauqia Cnauqivi Cnayzin Cnocanhu Cnocant Cnuig Cobmeel Cobmeexi Cody Coelxi Coetin Coil Colby Colette Colleen Colton Connie Constance Cora Coralie Corey Corina Corinne Cort Cory Courtney Coyxi Cpulcia Cpuryl Cpussur Cqid Cqintil Cqirhie Cqirtatsu Cqirxice Cqirxis Craig Cristina Crufgerd Crufkin Crunkin Crysbil Crysjal Crystal Crystil Cseig Cuan Culdu Cundy Curecahu Curecan Curjun Curtis Curwo Curzuo Cuth Cuttfmeed Cutthieb Cuttscqilk Cutz Cuvusgaan Cuvusgaen Cveija Cvejanni Cvese Cveujoa Cveujoce Cveuxo Cveypen Cwesbive Cxilunni Cxilunt Cycal Cymel Cyntdua Cynthia Cyntria Cyntrua Cyril Cywel Czolgoa Czoryl Czosvur
Daarl Dadzi Daenbin Daggy Dagmar Dagobert Daisy Dale Dam Damien Damvirly Dan Dana Daniel Daniele Danielle Danny Dark Darla Darlene Darrell Darren Darry Darryl Daryl Dave David Dawn Dazar Ddeyvi Dean Deanna Debbie Deborah Debra Delf Delfcong Delia Della Delnahu Delores Delphine Delvur Denis Denise Dennis Denqo Deqe Derek Derrick Dertan Desiree Deyvi Dfaght Diana Diane Dianna Dianne Didier Diedrich Dieter Dieterich Dietrich Dimua Dins Dinuld Dinveh Dinvi Dinvireta Dipold Dirhoy Dirry Dirweet Disol Ditbie Dixie Dofia Dolores Dominique Don Donald Donangu Donna Donti Donya Doprua Doprue Dora Doreen Doris Dorothy Douglas Dqeyce Duane Dubba Duby Ducaa Ducaan Ducaanhu Ducae Ducaechcasgahu Ducaechouze Ducaetlaticu Ducahu Ducalo Ducalyn Ducao Ducaon Ducaus Ducel Duciel Due Dugiru Dugzobalo Dugzue Dukae Dulhe Dulnilo Dulru Dulxo Dulxocord Dulza Dundy Dunen Durbahu Durbi Durc Durfil Durfilba Durfilho Durgahu Durgan Durgicabi Durgitit Durgitiza Durk Durnin Dursjo Dursjoll Durtjo Durvas Durvicae Durwaecaza Durwia Dury Duryann Durzue Dusgoll Dustin Dut Dutehu Duteje Dutekaruan Dutgae Duth Dutlaw Dutrieu Dutrilze Duttlaw Duttrias Duttrieu Dutun Duucafi Duutien Dux Duxalph Duy Duzebaihu Duzeruhu Dvaght Dvoght Dwayne Dwight Dxoyhu Dyhon Dylan Dynan Dyven
Earl Ebaatur Ebalo Ebeth Ebienvi Ebony Ecabo Ecac Ecak Ecan Ecara Edbee Edcor Edderd Eddie Edeld Edfan Edfor Edgar Edgir Edho Edith Edjind Edjoe Edkend Edlo Edmund Edna Edpand Edqerd Edqie Eduardo Edvan Edve Edvon Edward Edwin Edxord Efa Efehie Efel Efely Egaenhu Ehiace Ehici Ehira Ehiravith Ehixevith Ehoihu Eholyn Eholyviacrum Ehotatt Eibaen Eildird Eileen Eilhard Eiljord Eilqird Einoen Eixien Ejabee Ejaicu Ejoth Ekal Ekaly Ekarue Ekkehard Ekpadird Ekpojord Ekroqird Ekuence Elaine Elban Elcar Elcenu Eldur Eleanor Elena Elfcaeze Elfmeexo Elfriede Elfu Elfweeqe Elhie Elhir Elho Elhuse Eliane Elisa Elisabeth Elise Elizabeth Eljer Elke Ella Ellen Ellie Ellur Elmae Elmar Elmer Elna Elnigo Elnon Elnu Elodie Eloise Elojatt Elolyceacdum Elolyn Elpa Elpo Elra Elro Elrur Elsa Elsie Elve Elvira Elxin Emaavi Emafu Emafuneth Emago Emaxuneth Emcawech Emdu Emduciel Emducielba Emearko Emec Emefu Emeje Emek Emen Emhi Emhiseel Emhiseelno Emil Emilie Emily Eminy Emjecach Emlumech Emma Emmanuel Emmanuelle Emmerich Emony Emru Emrugoel Emrugoelxi Enaivi Encahee Enla Enmeqoe Enna Enoaxir Enove Enpu Enrique Enwedae Enzo Epi Eqal Eqaly Eqamae Eqany Eqeld Eqith Erceskuce Ercest Erdird Erdu Ereigo Erelyhuacrim Erelyn Ereqie Eretitt Erhard Erhi Erhusgahu Erhust Eriarxa Eric Erica Erik Erika Erin Erjord Erma Ernest Ernestine Erqird Erru Eruahu Erucu Eruhaceth Erunu Erunuceth Ervisbivi Ervist Eshie Eslie Esmae Essie Essulxi Estelle Esther Estlar Estpur Estzor Esvulno Eszalba Etaici Etajoe Ethel Etienne Etlal Etpul Etzol Eufihu Eugene Euguvi Euho Eujifi Eula Eumuni Euna Eunice Euve Euwohu Euzuce Eva Eveice Evelyn Evelyneachim Everett Evo Ewald Ewearju Ewec Ewek Ewelu Ewen Ewesa Exiabar Exiho Exold
Fabien Fabienne Fabrice Facesra Faebpo Faith Fajiftid Faldu Falhord Fallalkalo Fallalm Fallnuth Falruam Falrue Falsur Faltwed Fanfcaed Fannie Fanny Faximee Faxinkun Faye Fcaedcach Fcaezedunn Fcatz Fecatz Fecfuel Fecpual Fecpuhice Fecpul Fecpulxi Fecpuxi Fecqiel Fecqieve Fejailxi Fejibo Fejihee Fejira Fejojed Feldjad Felicia Felix Felly Felo Felpen Femeam Fendy Fenho Fenmue Fercas Ferdinand Ferge Fergihu Fernando Fero Fersi Fesenhe Festy Feta Fetcpull Fewoel Fgonck Fgonfis Fgonguicu Fgonguis Fgonk Fgonkrun Fgonwihu Fgonwis Fgonwisgu Fgonz Fgoupo Ficlonas Ficlono Ficu Fidcac Fifirua Figh Figinas Figinaus Figino Finsur Firua Firuhu Five Fivirt Fivolxa Fiwiba Fiwil Fiwirua Fiwoetsu Fiwuna Fjacaan Fjad Fjadjoe Fjadmek Fjago Fjahe Fjatinfi Fjatint Fjaxomec Fjaxomeck Fjayd Flora Florence Florent Florian Floyd Fmeedmech Fmeexorunn Fmetz Fnunck Fnuncus Fnuncusgi Fnuncuvi Fnungiigo Fnungiis Fnunhus Fnunk Fnunkman Fnunz Fnuupa Foanra Fobweel Fobweeno Foejan Foelno Foil Foll Folly Folrue Fort Fory Foyno Frances Francine Francis Francisco Franck Francois Francoise Frank Franklin Franz Frauke Fred Freda Freddie Frederic Frederick Fredrik Frenu Fretanhu Fretant Frewean Freyd Friedemann Friedrich Fritz Fsenbuce Fsenbus Fsenbusge Fsenck Fsengeici Fsengeis Fsenk Fsenkhin Fsennis Fsenz Fseuro Ftad Ftadqie Ftadwek Ftajanni Ftajant Ftamean Ftaqewec Ftaqeweck Ftaqo Ftase Ftayd Ftid Ftidbee Ftidcak Ftizecac Ftizecack Ftizo Fubweve Fuhintdi Fujan Fujiel Fukue Fukuvi Fully Fulvoxar Fum Fume Fumece Fumen Fundnu Fundwevi Fundy Funqer Funu Funuh Fuqie Furbelond Furl Furlonko Furlpuinz Furssun Furuwia Furux Furve Fuse Fusu Futbi Futhryn Futhxien Futhy Futmeho Futmen Futpumece Futya Fuy Fuyve Fweedwech Fweeqehinn Fwetz
Gaanfu Gabriel Gabriele Gaelle Gaetan Gafe Gafethy Gafnony Gail Galhie Gall Gally Galo Gam Gart Gary Gayle Gban Gbann Gbanzo Gcan Gcanjulyn Gdusveice Gebhard Gedy Gegolzor Gegona Gegono Gejay Gelby Gelnert Gelnos Gelpen Gelxien Gemeho Gemence Gene Geneva Genevieve Gengur Genmue Genstinni Georg George Georges Georgette Georgia Gerald Geraldine Gerard Gerd Gerhardt Germaine Germar Gernot Gert Gertrude Gery Gese Gesehie Geurtcey Geve Gevitvu Gexitsu Ggofi Ghislaine Ghodys Gibcaeba Gibcael Gidy Giebin Gielba Giil Gilbert Gilby Gilles Gilnoen Gilzin Gina Ginette Ginfie Ginger Ginotvu Ginsjanhu Ginu Ginumae Giry Gisela Gisele Giselher Gitay Giurtviy Giwenvi Giweve Giyba Gjacaa Gjacury Gjag Gjasu Gjasul Gjatcpun Gjati Gladys Glen Glenda Glenn Gloria Glun Glunkolyn Gmen Gmenxalyn Gnadys Gnon Gnonn Gnonqo Gnuhu Goan Gocjoel Goclal Gofelo Gofen Goheel Gohowen Gohowevi Goihur Golhi Golph Gondy Gonoel Gonzoll Gopjoel Gordon Gorgeo Gorgu Goth Gottfried Gottlieb Gottschalk Gotusbian Gotusbien Gotz Goul Goy Goyfend Goyfenze Grace Greg Gregory Greta Gretchen Grete Gretel Grewea Grishoihu Grusnaivi Gseni Gtaciry Gtag Gtaja Gtamea Gtatczon Gtavu Gtavul Gtibi Gtibury Gtig Gtitclan Gtiza Gtizal Guadalupe Gubatza Gubdird Gucalo Gucanhu Gucetsu Gucilpur Gucive Gucixi Gudy Gugo Gugorue Guho Guido Guillaume Gulbaen Gulby Gulkin Gulvirt Gulxis Gunjie Gunsbinfi Gunther Gunuld Gunulqivi Gunurd Gunzur Guorg Guorgea Guorgu Guorgus Guorgutvu Gurd Gurdirdt Gurhiivi Gurhir Gurt Gurtduqe Gurxit Gury Gutiy Guurthuy Guvi Guviceeho Guvivo Guy Gvedys Gwen Gwendolyn Gxin Gxinhe Gxinn
Hacjoryadcaen Hafia Hannah Hanne Hannelore Hans Harald Harold Harriet Harry Harvey Hattie Hazel Heather Hector Hecuvirt Hedy Heengan Hefeen Hegrur Heho Hehud Heidemarie Heidi Heiner Heini Heino Heinrich Heinz Heisy Helen Helena Helene Helga Helge Hellmuth Helmut Helmuth Helo Hemuel Hemuelxi Hemuexi Hen Henny Henri Henrietta Henriette Henry Herbert Herjall Herjan Herman Hermann Hermine Herryl Herve Herwig Herxice Heryl Hewn Hexi Hiaho Hibaca Hibaqamaan Hibavi Hibno Hidhuy Hie Hiegfcaed Hiesl Hifehu Hifen Hifoma Higgee Higpand Higqonove Hihiace Hiho Hilceve Hilda Hilde Hildegard Hilhian Hilhie Hilma Hilnia Hilvu Hindciy Hindray Hindy Hinel Hinhe Hiocel Hiqae Hiqemavi Hiqenoivi Hira Hirbewee Hirbin Hirbivi Hirbus Hirc Hircen Hircua Hirfotat Hirfotavu Hirfoweja Hirgee Hirhul Hirhulna Hirhulno Hirja Hirk Hirnovi Hirsdi Hirsdill Hirtdi Hiry Hiryann Hirzuewevu Hiseel Hisvith Hitbie Hitrueu Hitrulqe Hittruas Hittrueu Hittzow Hitzow Hiutaen Hiuwehu Hive Hiwea Hiwean Hiweanvi Hiwee Hiweechwesbivi Hiweecnauqe Hiweetzotago Hiwelyn Hiweo Hiweon Hiweus Hiweve Hiwevi Hix Hixin Hiy Hizuspand Hobeshous Hoegagaa Hojoa Hojoce Hokiya Holger Holhi Holly Holo Honce Honcy Honfi Honu Hoofe Hope Hopofidae Hopofilu Horerhu Horry Hors Horst Horve Horxin Hotihie Hotisqi Hotqihie Hotqimuel Hotqin Houcae Hougo Houti Houtin Houtinfi Houtint Howard Howtinfi Hubert Hucda Hucdae Hucky Hucpemea Hucper Hucul Hucumaa Hucuno Hudwec Hugh Hugo Huguette Huhuan Huhumaa Huil Huljun Hulrue Humaa Humavi Hunnint Hunter Huove Huoxit Hurgul Hurgumua Hurgumue Hutgae
Ian Icalqo Icas Ices Icez Ida Ifan Ifu Ifuac Ifunel Ifunelna Ifunelno Ihe Ihus Ihuz Ijace Ijalo Ijelzo Ilona Ilulhe Imelda Imes Inbu Inci Incu Ines Inez Ingcad Ingmed Ingo Ingrid Ingwed Inu Inuac Inucel Inucelba Inucelho Ipin Iqo Ira Iraac Iravil Iravilve Iravilxi Irdu Irene Ireve Irhi Iris Irma Irru Isa Isaac Isabel Isabella Isabelle Itaho Itavi Itihu Ivan Ivis Iviz Ivon Iwes Izo
Jaca Jace Jacee Jack Jackie Jacob Jacqueline Jacquelyn Jacques Jafe Jago Jaguce Jaguho Jaguhold Jagus Jahinu Jaho Jaic Jaime Jainqird Jainreld Jais Jakutdi James Jamie Jammy Jamy Jan Jana Jane Janet Janice Janie Janine Janis Janjie Janu Janya Jaqa Jared Jargoihu Jasdi Jasmine Jason Jatihu Jatilo Jatintz Jatitbi Jatjor Jauelho Jauicu Jauis Javicje Javier Jay Jean Jeanclaude Jeanette Jeanfrancois Jeanlouis Jeanluc Jeanmarc Jeanmarie Jeanmichel Jeanne Jeannette Jeannie Jeannine Jeanpaul Jeanpierre Jec Jeciy Jecua Jecue Jecuen Jecuenvi Jeculno Jecy Jedvag Jefelxi Jeff Jeffery Jeffrey Jegin Jegjon Jehojie Jeingod Jeis Jejady Jelhun Jelnin Jelus Jelvu Jena Jenheni Jenjoni Jenna Jennie Jennifer Jenny Jeremy Jerfizes Jerl Jerlun Jermaine Jermee Jerome Jerry Jertas Jerunzo Jerusnu Jerve Jesas Jesrandse Jesse Jessica Jessie Jesus Jethy Jetibeth Jetohice Jetohiho Jetol Jetolyn Jetoxi Jetpumece Jetz Jexacec Jez Jezild Jezord Jictaba Jictahos Jiguba Jiguhos Jiguhous Jiliho Jill Jilo Jim Jimmie Jimmy Jipilko Jiweel Jo Joace Joachim Joaho Joan Joance Joanho Joann Joanna Joanne Jocelyne Jodi Jody Joe Joedmech Joel Joelle Joesumech Joesur Joetmech Jogold Johann Johanna Johannes John Johnnie Johnny Jojoer Jon Jonas Jonathan Jonhu Jonhujati Jonloh Jons Jorcaet Jordan Jorg Jorge Jorrey Jorry Jose Josefina Joseph Josephine Josette Joshua Jost Jotgae Jotue Joxal Joy Joyce Jozild Juan Juana Juanita Juceer Judith Judy Jufemuqoe Juhold Juhonwo Jujaen Jujia Julia Julian Julie Julien Juliette Julio Jumes Jun June Junho Junku Junya Jupp Jupria Juprie Jurgen Juse Justin Justine Jutajas Jutothy Jutta Juugves
Kacaam Kacjoeho Kacjoel Kaclaal Kaclaba Kaclal Kaclalba Kaclaruhu Kacrael Kagonzo Kaja Kaldtid Kalkin Kamacua Kamax Kandy Kanjie Kanlo Kapo Kara Karen Kargu Kari Karin Karine Karl Karla Karlheinz Karli Karqivend Karsten Karvenxa Kasty Katclall Kate Katherine Kathleen Kathryn Kathy Katie Katiilba Katja Katrin Katrina Katya Kawael Kay Kayla Kcasbi Kcasga Kcasgae Kcasgahu Kcasgalo Kcasgan Kcasty Kcaszan Keith Kell Kelley Kelli Kellie Kelly Kem Kemeel Kemmy Kemqae Ken Kendra Kenneth Kent Kerry Kerstin Kevin Khous Khous-dazar Kiarl Kidd Kidpo Kifoas Kiggy Kiji Kim Kimberly Kimmy Kinny Kiny Kinya Kirk Kirry Kivur Klaus Klaus-peter Kmesku Kmeskuce Kmeskue Kmeskuho Kmeskun Kmessun Kmesti Kmesty Knaus Knaus-kivur Koafija Koan Koave Kocas Kody Kogo Kohuer Kojatis Kokajihee Kolold Komaa Komaan Komae Komaen Komaetvu Komao Kon Konlo Konrad Kopp Koqith Korgun Kosbin Kosbivi Kotien Kotja Koughos Kovi Kozithy Krista Kristen Kristi Kristie Kristin Kristina Kristine Kristy Krysbil Krysjal Krystal Krystil Kuansa Kucheelyn Kucheeruhu Kuchees Kuck Kucqoe Kufleny Kugub Kuho Kuhu Kuhut Kuije Kujes Kujie Kujifi Kujihu Kujis Kujun Kukae Kull Kully Kulmae Kulo Kum Kun Kunier Kuqa Kuqathy Kurt Kuskahu Kutid Kuy Kveus Kveus-qusur Kwesbi Kwesbie Kwesbin Kwesbive Kwesbivi Kwesja Kwesty Kwesvun Kyba Kyle Kyno Kyxi
Laatlar Labahu Labalo Laban Lackir Ladislaus Lady Laetitia Laibe Laihur Laiji Laincach Lainz Laitu Laizeducae Lalgi Lallpath Lalpat Lalpath Lalwo Lana Lanca Lancaetbi Lancaetza Lance Lanry Larcert Lardun Lardunn Larfag Larkahu Larre Larry Lars Latoya Laura Laure Lauren Laurence Laurent Laurie Laverne Lawrence Lea Leah Lebmeni Lee Leerta Leertatvu Legaen Legaence Leigh Leith Lela Lellgoth Lena Lenmue Lenny Leo Leon Leona Leonard Leroy Leslie Lester Leticia Levin Lewis Leye Liana Lidviy Liegfweed Liesl Ligesjind Ligjind Lila Lilcea Liliane Lillian Lillie Limin Limivi Lina Linda Lindsay Lindsey Lingod Lionel Lisa Lisbeth Ljayd Lloyd Lobea Lobehu Lobirue Lobisjo Loderd Loic Lois Loki Lola Lolgur Lolly Lolru Loncy Lonhu Lonnie Looka Lora Lorban Lorena Lorene Lorentz Loretta Lorho Lori Lorraine Lorst Lose Lothar Lotjojiel Lotjon Lotjorue Lotomuje Lotomuqoe Louella Louis Louise Lreyd Ltayd Luc Lucas Lucia Lucie Lucien Lucienne Lucille Lucon Lucy Ludovic Ludwig Lugoy Lugqin Luherd Luhinhe Luhisra Luinsed Luis Lujajoth Lukas Lula Lulcen Lulhun Lulte Lundy Lunqihu Lunqohu Lunxal Lupol Lupolyn Lupomave Lupomavi Lupono Luqalno Lurcan Lurhur Lurl Lurna Lurnixos Lurnlar Lurres Lurwee Lusbay Lusfundnu Lutady Luthy Lutold Lutz Lutzowevi Luvemue Luz Lybea Lybee Lycetsu Lydia Lydie Lyhutza Lyjoa Lyjoe Lynce Lynda Lynette Lynhe Lynhu Lynn Lynne Lynqo Lynvi Lynzo Lyqia Lyqie Lyvitvu
Maave Mabel Mable Madcey Madeleine Madeline Mae Maegfmeed Maesl Mafu Magali Magdalena Maggie Magkend Maguskend Malhua Malmaan Malmae Malte Malvina Mamaavi Mamie Mana Mandfuy Mandgoy Mandy Manon Manqo Manuel Maovil Maqace Maqan Marc Marcel Marcella Marcelle Marcia Marcus Margaret Margarete Margarita Margie Marguerite Maria Marian Marianne Marie Mariechristine Marieclaude Marietherese Marilyn Marina Marine Mario Marion Marius Marjorie Mark Marlene Marsha Marshall Marta Martha Martin Martine Marvin Mary Maryann Masneth Mathew Mathieu Mathilde Matthew Matthias Matthieu Mattie Maureen Maurice Mave Max Maxime Maximilian Maxine May Meahu Meck Mecky Mecpunxe Mecqird Medard Megan Meghan Meinrad Mejerju Melanie Melba Melinda Melissa Melody Melvin Mendy Mensol Mercedes Meredith Mernzor Mervir Mesgan Mesnoy Meti Miahutza Mian Mianchouze Mianducae Miandurc Mianfgonguis Mianhu Mianhutza Mianjauis Mianjie Mianjihu Miankaclal Mianmoc Miantoul Mianxierti Mib Mibby Mibgae Michael Michaela Micheal Michel Michele Micheline Michelle Mickael Midicad Miff Mifftiy Miffury Mifidae Mifilu Mifisa Miguel Miju Mike Mildred Milly Milo Milton Mindy Minjie Minjifur Minlo Minmue Minna Minnie Minny Miranda Mirco Mirduihu Mireille Mirfovi Miriam Mirko Mirry Mirwes Miscu Mishibo Mishie Misty Mitchell Mitimy Mive Miwetz Mixes Mizije Moacetsu Moan Moanboc Moance Moancetsu Moancveuxo Moanfecpul Moanfsengeis Moanmuce Moanmue Moannoerja Moanpoul Moanrumee Moanrurc Moantauis Mob Mobby Mobkue Mobos Moc Mocy Modfag Moff Moffjay Mofsary Mohamed Moho Mois Mojamy Mokild Mokonic Molly Mona Monfie Monho Monica Monika Monique Monmue Monmusar Monny Moras Morgane Moritz Morris Morruice Morry Mosci Mosmae Mosmaje Motolu Motz Mowia Mowie Mowien Mowienhu Mowilba Moxa Moxus Moz Mubu Mucert Mucreves Mucrexi Mufalju Mugeves Mugeveus Mugexi Mugh Muho Munzar Muriel Musive Muwaetza Mycaam Mygo Mymeam Mynu Myra Myriam Myrtba Myrtle Myrtno Myrtxi Myse Myweam
Nadia Nadine Naebibia Nahorvi Nancy Nanhu Nanne Naomi Naqisnaus Narry Nars Natalie Natasha Nathalie Nathan Nathaniel Naunu Nauta Nautan Nautanhu Nautant Nauwee Nave Nawtanhu Naziya Ne Neacdum Neaja Nean Neance Neanho Neann Neat Neatwehu Neci Necijiho Necipduce Neciph Necitsu Necky Nedy Nee Neel Neelxi Nehn Nehnmue Nehnny Nehorly Nehos Nehotqin Neil Nejo Nellie Nelson Nemanqo Nen Nenilyce Nentiqan Neqinces Neqinho Neqinn Nerfihu Nerg Nerhen Nernd Nertdi Nertnum Nertnund Nerveqetvu Nerverd Nerzu Nesfia Neslie Nest Netdiny Neth Netsy Nettie Netty Neunah Neviqikt Nexiit Ney Neyni Nibuhia Nibul Nibuxi Nicholas Nichole Nici Nickicaa Nickir Nicky Nicolas Nicolaus Nicole Nicqo Nicqoe Nidmec Nigh Nihia Nihice Nikola Nina Ninert Ninfint Ninian Ninihia Ninvur Niobat Nioho Nirzujia Nirzujie Nirzul Nivaldo Nizuetvu Noa Noah Nobcafi Nobicua Nocen Noe Noemie Noerja Noerjatsu Nofoen Nofoenhu Noigh Noith Nona Nonjie Nonny Noo Noon Noove Nooverd Nopoy Nora Norma Norman Nosmae Nosvur Novas Nove Noye Nubcalo Nubee Nucdiel Nuczol Nudael Nuduntjo Nufohu Nugo Nugoh Nuivir Nully Nulph Nulpikor Num Numin Numive Nundcahu Nundgo Nundy Nunqoll Nunzer Nupael Nupdiel Nupiel Nuul Nuy Nuymind Nuyminqe
Obeba Oceane Odette Odile Ofiahu Ogo Ohihua Ohihuer Ohilo Ohof Ohuavi Ojoxi Olaf Olco Olfo Olga Olgi Olhie Olive Olivia Olivier Ollie Olmae Olrue Omacea Omaceer Omaho Onaf Oniace Onu Opal Opol Oqetvu Oqino Ora Orol Ortdud Ortrid Ortrud Ortwed Orunia Orunier Orure Osbor Oscar Ose Osjer Oslur Othdur Othhir Othmar Othrur Otki Otkidur Otol Otpe Otperur Otto Ottomar Otzi Otzihir Ovef Oxotsu Ozetza
Pacael Pacen Paith Pall Pally Palma Palmae Palnoy Pam Pamela Pamfee Pammy Pan Pandnu Pant Panvith Parry Parsbin Pascal Pascale Pat Patrice Patricia Patrick Patsy Patti Patty Paul Paula Paulette Pauline Pcaswilho Pduhip Pduhipp Pduhippo Pduhipqu Pdulhip Pearl Pedd Pedro Pegaas Peggy Pem Pemmy Pemu Penny Peny Penya Perry Peter Philip Philipp Philippa Philippe Phillip Phylhis Phyllis Phylmas Phylrus Pibacae Pibangan Pibwehu Pierre Pierrette Pihusnu Piith Pikuen Pikuenvi Pillseth Pilzar Pinfie Pinny Piye Pmesbulve Pobyn Poczolno Podviy Pofu Pofumae Pogo Pogohiry Pogohiwee Pogur Pohiin Pohin Poith Pojunvi Pokun Polbay Polf Polie Polive Polly Polru Polrue Poluve Pom Pon Ponand Pondgo Ponerja Ponert Ponerzi Ponfie Ponhuth Ponin Pont Porry Porsgan Posjel Posjexi Poss Pot Potku Potmebua Potmeck Potmeni Potsy Potty Pouhice Poul Pouve Pouxitsu Poveld Poy Prilrup Prirup Prirupda Prirupp Prirupto Priscilla Prulmap Prumap Prumapki Prumapp Prumapro Puatpur Pucper Pudy Puiba Puicer Puijo Puimu Puinmech Puinz Puixorumee Pulco Pulket Pulketh Pullketh Pulzu Punme Punmeetsu Punmeetti Punry Purfece Purlo Purrun Purrunn Purvirt Purvog Puxice Puxiho Puxin Pwesculna
Qab Qabby Qabfoe Qacdiel Qacdiena Qacsael Qaczoal Qaczol Qaczolno Qaczomavi Qaczono Qaho Qako Qaldtad Qally Qalzin Qametz Qamufu Qamuje Qamuqoe Qandy Qanfie Qanjie Qanunqo Qanve Qapa Qaqilud Qarcoce Qare Qargi Qarmes Qarwu Qasty Qatailno Qatczoll Qaweam Qazuel Qean Qeanve Qebkue Qebnu Qefigo Qefis Qelf Qelfging Qelitae Qelna Qelpruvi Qelsur Qelveni Qemaa Qemonuh Qenfis Qenhe Qeretas Qerjan Qerweck Qetak Qexo Qeyce Qianve Qianvi Qiave Qiavi Qibae Qidol Qiedwech Qietwech Qievur Qievuwech Qijia Qince Qincetaja Qinhoh Qins Qiqier Qirloy Qirmeet Qirry Qiseld Qitkue Qitold Qoced Qocinert Qoenkun Qofiel Qofielno Qofieno Qoghir Qoho Qoisy Qom Qomcerly Qon Qonny Qono Qoqaen Qork Qorna Qornovi Qorryl Qortall Qortan Qoryl Qove Qown Quarl Qudto Quentin Quggy Qum Qumnerly Qunny Qurk Qurry Qusur
Rabmeho Raca Racahu Racan Rachael Rachel Rafael Ragace Ragae Rago Rainer Rajoe Rakeel Ralfajur Rally Ralph Ram Ramon Ramona Randall Randmece Randse Randy Ranxor Raphael Raquel Rarho Rarl Rarllainz Rarszan Raruntqi Rase Raseh Ratcalo Ratcan Rathbaen Rathryn Rathy Ratin Ratku Ratlacahu Ratya Raul Ray Rayho Raymond Raymonde Raza Rebecca Regina Reginald Regine Regis Rego Reic Reinhard Reinhold Reis Reldu Relly Relzur Remi Remy Rena Rene Renee Renfie Renu Reqerd Requ Rerlo Rernuivi Rerst Rertun Retantz Retatja Retave Retavi Retdir Reuelna Reuigo Reuis Rewe Rezijibo Rezijihee Rhonda Riavi Riby Ricardo Richard Richenza Rick Ricky Rijulph Rildu Rilze Rilzegird Rilzo Risbin Riscill Rit Rita Rith Rivin Rlonqo Robert Roberta Roberto Robin Robyn Rocana Rochelle Rodney Roger Rohun Roith Roland Rolf Rolhi Rolhie Roll Rolly Rolxiy Rom Romain Roman Romkae Rommy Ron Ronald Ronceth Rondse Ronnie Ront Rorry Rorskun Rosa Rosalie Rose Rosemarie Rosemary Rosie Rosina Roslul Rosluno Ross Rot Rotbi Rotsy Rotty Rotweck Rotwecua Rotwehu Roul Roumavi Rouna Rounotvu Roxanne Roy Rrenhe Rtanzo Rualo Ruban Ruben Rubxi Ruby Rucohi Rudolph Rue Ruesl Rufee Ruggue Rughexiho Rugoel Ruho Rulhi Rulhuho Rulo Rulqe Rulqeford Rulqo Rulruan Rulrue Rulsu Rumea Rumean Rumeance Rumece Rumee Rumeechmeskuce Rumeecveuxo Rumeetpujaci Rumeho Rumelyn Rumeo Rumeon Rumeus Rundcuy Rundnuy Rundy Runu Runzo Ruohul Rurbua Rurc Rurcojasu Rurcojat Rurcometi Rurgue Rurhun Rurk Rurkuce Rurkun Rurnemee Rurnil Rurnilve Rurnilxi Rursqi Rursqill Rurti Rurtqi Ruruahu Rurwis Rurwoemesu Rurxice Rury Ruryann Rusceth Russell Rut Rutdueu Rutdulxo Ruth Rutkue Rutpuw Ruttduas Ruttdueu Ruttpuw Rutuce Rutufehian Rutulu Ruujaen Ruumeni Ruvil Rux Ruxohice Ruxoxiice Ruy Ryan
Sabie Sabine Sabrina Sadie Sahibua Sahix Sally Salvador Sam Samantha Samuel Sander Sandra Sandrine Sandy Sanu Sara Sarah Sarhonju Sarjohond Sarl Sarlzoinz Sarna Sarsvun Satan Sathnoen Sathryn Sathy Satti Satwen Satweve Satya Satzowevi Savu Sawe Sawen Sawevi Say Sayna Sbicy Sbifiy Sbinbay Scott Sdinxin Sdipon Sdivi Sdiwe Sdiwn Sdiwve Sdurxiy Sean Sebastian Sebastien Secpul Secqiel Seicer Seleel Selma Selph Sendy Senhell Sepqiel Seqaho Seqan Seqoel Serge Sergio Seth Seul Severin Severine Sey Seyqand Seyqanxo Sgett Sgitt Sgutt Shane Shannon Shari Sharon Shawn Shawna Sheila Shelia Shelley Shelly Sheri Sherri Sherry Sheryl Shirley Shon Shonti Siajibi Sialo Sian Sibeth Sidney Sidy Siegfried Sigismund Sigmund Sihu Silvia Simon Simone Sinsed Sipp Sirua Siruan Sirue Siruen Siruetza Siruo Sirwon Sisgahu Sisgan Sitbi Sjacy Sjahuy Sjannoy Sjoca Sjohu Sjontun Sjowlo Sjown Sjozin Slaca Slaiho Slalbay Slally Slarca Slarry Slarua Slaryl Slon Slonbi Solange Sonia Sonja Sonya Sophia Sophie Spuhia Spuive Spully Spulxiy Spume Spurme Spurry Spuryl Sqice Sqime Sqinban Sqiton Sqiwho Sqiwn Sren Srenku Srirbay Srurnoy Ssulemua Ssulo Ssulon Ssulve Ssuppun Ssupqice Ssupqimue Stacey Stacy Stanley Stefania Stella Stephane Stephanie Stephen Steve Steven Sticy Stiniy Stinxiy Sud Sue Sujara Sume Surjanni Surme Surry Sursenni Susan Susanne Susie Suzanne Sven Svenja Svuho Svuhon Svulna Svupdifie Svupdivi Svupifia Svupzon Sylcea Sylcee Sylfain Sylhosvur Sylhua Sylhue Syllossur Sylnia Sylnie Sylpiin Sylreszar Sylvain Sylvester Sylvia Sylvie Sylvoin Szalho Szanojia Szapjohu Szapjojie Szaplan Szare Szaren Szoina Szolly Szolnoy Szomaa Szorry Szorwe Szoryl Szowe
Tabitha Tada Tages Tageve Tageveld Tagevi Taic Taindird Tainlold Tais Tajace Tajaho Tajantz Tajatti Tally Talwor Tamara Tame Tami Tammy Tamy Taneclu Tanmue Tanya Taqa Tara Tarseice Tarst Tase Tasha Tatqir Tauelve Tauici Tauis Tave Tavi Tavie Taxord Tcawia Tduerry Ted Tepkussu Teresa Teri Terrance Terrence Terri Terry Tertese Teskuan Tgocy Tgofiy Tgonis Tgowi Thelma Theo Theodore Theresa Therese Thierry Thomas Ticas Ticdaelyn Ticdaemavi Ticdaes Ticecbo Ticeer Tick Ticque Tidon Tife Tiffany Tifie Tifihu Tifis Tifivi Tigatqi Tigib Tihu Tihue Tiica Tiinjord Tiintald Tika Tim Timmy Timo Timothy Timy Tin Tina Tinya Tiqae Tiruse Tise Tisqavi Tisqi Titad Tive Tivi Tivit Tiy Tizuhu Tizulo Tizulold Tizus Tlaldu Tlao Tlaokoti Tlaticu Tlatinu Tlohis Tmebua Tnuces Tnucu Tnucy Tnuhuy Tobias Tobyn Toci Tocirumee Tocirury Tocpulxi Todcey Todd Togan Tohold Tojeho Tokonce Tolf Tom Tomae Tomaho Tommy Ton Toni Tonmue Tony Tonya Tora Torahie Toruin Torun Tosboba Tosbol Toss Tot Totcack Totcafi Totcawia Totga Totsy Totty Toubatza Touho Toul Touruhu Tovend Tovirpe Tovirt Tovirti Toy Tozur Tpoy Tpujaci Tpujara Tpulru Tpuo Tpuojuja Tracey Traci Tracy Travis Trerus Tricia Trierry Troy Truerry Tsebu Tsecy Tsehus Tseniy Ttadus Ttoy Tuekae Tugo Tupbisvu Turdu Turdun Turry Turtunu Tusbian Twecua Tybar Tyler Tynor Typovi Tyrone Tytoce Tyxir Tyzihu Tziy Tzolhi Tzoo Tzooxata Tzotafu Tzotago
Uca Udo Uju Uko Ulcach Ulcapo Ulmech Ulmero Ulrich Ulrike Ulu Ulwech Ulwepa Ume Ursula Urxeho Urxuve Urzana Usu Ute Utki Utpe Utto Utzi Uvu Uwe Uxa Uza
Vaebpa Vafiftad Valentin Valerie Valhi Valmaam Valmae Valnard Valtdud Valter Valzolm Valzolqave Vanessa Vanfweed Vargas Veekukua Veho Vejamae Vejasdi Vejosveus Velma Velorce Vency Venni Venvi Veoqa Vepeya Veqia Veqivi Vera Verna Vernon Veronica Veronique Verry Vers Vetdifiel Vetdimae Vetdin Veuja Veujan Veujanni Veujant Veumee Veuse Vewjanni Vi Viacrim Vian Vianhu Vianlo Viann Viat Viati Viatmeni Vibait Vibe Vicejokt Vicki Vickie Vicky Victor Victoria Vicu Vicukelo Vicuph Vicuprihu Vicutza Vidy Vie Viel Vielba Vifilyhu Vihinhe Vihn Vihnjie Vihnny Viil Vijonhus Vijonlo Vijonn Vildon Vilmae Vilorly Vilos Vilotjon Vin Vinbifen Vincent Viola Violet Virg Virgil Virginia Virginie Virhord Virhoxotsu Virmuni Virnd Virtqi Virtsem Virtsend Virwo Virzon Vismae Vismua Vist Vitbie Vith Vitqiny Vitsy Vitty Viuveh Vivian Viy Viyfi Voebro Volhiam Volhie Vollrath Volpulfeho Volpulm Volru Voltrid Volverd Volvur Vomufjad Vonfmeed Vononbin Vonowee Vovisfu Vud Vupgasza Vurnunhu Vurry Vurtanhu Vurvugo Vurwe Vusgaan Vutafu Vuwe
Waazomoda Wade Waiko Wailhouje Walf Walffong Wallace Walter Wanda Wantlar Warren Way Wayne Wdutcey Weace Weby Wecdird Wecen Weck Wecky Weczonxu Weja Wekolph Welurxa Wendy Wenzel Werner Wernher Wescull Weskun Wesley Wet Weth Whitney Wiebke Wilhelm Wilhelmina Willard William Willie Wilma Wiltrud Windy Winfried Winifred Wirkus Woaheboqu Wobjord Wogolbehu Wogold Wogord Wohu Wohuniere Wohupi Woiju Woilveulu Wolf Wolfgang Wontpur Woorg Woorwo Woorwos Woorwotza Woorzua Word Worduihu Wordur Worjordt Wort Wortut Wortweze Woy Writhuy Wrutviy Wuaho Wuamuti Wuan Wuce Wudy Wuhia Wuhian Wuhie Wuhien Wuhietsu Wuhio Wujoth Wunier Wunnud Wupp Wurzun Wuskuce Wuskun Wutti
Xamua Xan Xanbi Xanu Xanve Xanya Xapdua Xapdue Xapothy Xaqafidae Xaretas Xataen Xaugnas Xaveld Xavenzu Xavier Xawes Xecqiryadmeen Xee Xehanhu Xehie Xenia Xenun Xenunhu Xia Xiah Xie Xieqae Xierti Xiertitza Xiho Xihun Xiigh Xikubua Xinu Xio Xioho Xiohord Xion Xirhi Xirhin Xishie Xissur Xitoy Xive Xivos Xoan Xoanho Xobgae Xobse Xohia Xojak Xolhofi Xolpduce Xolve Xolzar Xomajae Xomiseh Xomuci Xomus Xonmus Xonzo Xormeck Xortin Xotajas Xoyhu Xoze Xucdiryadween Xue Xumae Xuran Xurance Xuxence
Yanfick Yanjick Yanmuck Yann Yannick Yfanvi Yhos Yhotvu Ylenhu Ylos Ylotsu Yohonzo Yolanda Yonanqo Yovenhe Ypince Yres Yretza Yves Yvette Yvonne
Zaca Zacharyadrien Zad Zae Zafun Zafunvi Zalie Zarca Zargonfi Zarry Zartinfi Zatinu Zaxunvi Zean Zeanlo Zebfoe Zebgo Zehitie Zejatis Zejicu Zejis Zelho Zelprihu Zenjis Zeqagoh Zercack Zerua Zetik Zibyn Zicerbi Zicerki Zicert Ziclalba Zicu Zicuducae Zicudury Zidd Zidhuy Ziduin Zidun Zifi Zifon Zihie Zihilo Zihond Zikuas Zilf Zilold Zim Zimmy Zin Zinjie Zinu Zinurue Ziny Zinya Ziss Ziwor Ziwunhu Ziy Zoatzor Zoba Zobucert Zoczir Zody Zogdur Zoifi Zoinwech Zoinz Zoiqehiwee Zoiqi Zoisy Zoivir Zoixi Zojieba Zojiel Zojielba Zokaen Zolfo Zolgu Zoljit Zoljith Zolljith Zolo Zon Zonid Zonny Zonon Zonove Zonovi Zonry Zonwe Zonweetja Zonweetvu Zorbahu Zore Zorhin Zorhinn Zorho Zornert Zorqavi Zorryl Zortill Zortin Zorvag Zoryl Zown Zuaqojeki Zubqird Zuce Zucefa Zucehuelo Zucuba Zucuho Zucullar Zuhutza Zuilnauca Zuixa Zulbas Zulcert Zulo Zuntzor Zunwor Zuorg Zuorgua Zuorzu Zuorzus Zuorzutsu Zurbat Zurd Zurqirdt Zurruice Zurrur Zurt Zurtrixo Zuseld Zuseljoce Zuserd Zuy
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aesocsrandom · 5 years
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Character: August Matthew Annick; Mutant, neutral.  Fandom: Marvel, Oc.
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doriwrites · 3 years
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hello, hi, i am back? with a little treat (lol). here, have an excerpt of draconian (if you can tell it was supposed to be a harry potter fic... no you don’t)!!!! meet lucifer, a girl on a mission!!!!!
She's four when mom tells her— "You are cursed, mon amour."
 At first, she wonders it that why I remember hands crushing my throat until there’s nothing left to crush but just as quick comes the no, Lucius says those are just nightmares. So, she doesn’t understand, and when she asks mom what does that mean? mom doesn’t say, because mom likes to do things by halves. Grand-père says it’s because mom’s french, but she doesn’t understand that either. 
 When she goes and asks him what’s a curse? grand-père says, “Something bad that seldom happens to the bad people,” she doesn’t know what seldom means but she thinks she understands the rest of it, so she asks am I a curse? “Ah!” he belly laughs, “Luce, Lucy, my darling Lucifer,” he sings, “You, you are something good that seldom happens to the people at all!” Maybe it’s because he’s french and does things by halves too, or because he’s an adult and they speak in riddles like the sphinx in that story she always falls asleep in the middle of, but she doesn’t understand. 
 She seeks father next and finds him in the sunroom overlooking the gardens, a book in one hand and a glass of not-water in the other. He’s the one who told her what doing things by halves means and he always says the things he means like you look absolutely splendid, wife or Bérénice, my love, I’ve never hated anyone quite the way I hate your father so when she asks him why am I cursed? she’s surprised when he only answers with, “You spoke with your mother,” and needs prompting for more. At length (after three whys and two hows), he gives the drink a longing look, sighs a long breath, and relents, “You’ll find that most things happen for good or bad reasons. And, sometimes, they happen for no reason at all. Your… circumstances are no fault of your own, nor was it your mother’s before you or her mother’s before her.” He stops there, and she doesn’t understand anything. 
 Finally, she decides Lucius is the only one she can trust to answer all her questions. He’s not an adult and only half-french, that has to count for something. He’s in his room, lights off, sprawled over his bed, experimenting on a spell with the wand he prefers to call a sceptre because wand is an umbrella term for wooden magical conduit, damnit! There’s a bird-shaped golden light, winking in and out of existence near the ceiling. She chases it with her eyes until she trips over her own feet, breaking Lucius’ concentration and plunging the room in complete darkness. She hurries to the bed and burries half of herself in the cover and the other half in Lucius’ side. When she asks him what’s a curse? and am I a curse? and why am I cursed? he huffs a little laugh and whispers in a language she doesn’t know until the bird appears again. “A curse is a malignant spell— a bad one, meant to hurt whomever it is for,” he says quietly, “Yours is a blood one. It means you got it from mom, who got it from grand-mère, who got it from her own mother. It also means you are not the curse. It’s in you, not you, do you understand that?”
  She thinks she does. “What the curse?”
 “I don’t know, mom doesn’t like to talk about it, I think.”
 The bird flies around the room and bathes Lucius in gold and she wants to say sometimes, I remember dying and sometimes, I remember you being a bad person but most of all she wants to tell him when I remember you being a bad person, I'm never there to stop you. She swallows the tightening of her throat, bites down the wobble of her lip and blinks away the burn in her eyes instead. She keeps watching the bird, nestled next to her golden brother. 
 It happens in dreams. The remembering. When she dies, unknown yet familiar hands around her neck and a blurred face above her own, she thinks I know you. She wakes from these dreams sweaty, throat and heart aching, and a lingering why on her tongue. She even threw up once, and had to clean everything up without telling anyone. She hates these dreams, but she hates those about Lucius more. 
 He’s a bad person, doing bad things to good people, but worst of all, he’s a bad father. There’s a boy who looks like the both of them, dark hair and dark eyes in a pale face, crying alone at night in the room that is Lucius’ now, and having a hard time breathing sometimes, when no one’s looking. There’s also a little girl with bright green eyes, who always looks too serious and too frowny for all the baby fat on her face. She looks like her mother, who’s pretty and elegant and has a nice smile, when she does smile. She doesn’t remember their names, but she remembers their love for eachother. Gentle and quiet, like the afternoon she spends in grand-père’s private library where he reads and she draws. 
 While Lucius is never mean to this remembered family, he is never nice either. He always mutters to his wife that things aren’t working out as planned or this thorn needs to be removed from my side and other things she doesn’t understand but knows mean trouble. He mostly ignores the boy and the girl and when he doesn’t, he’s screaming about you are a Ciar and you do not grovel, you do not bow and you do not beg! From those dreams, she wakes with a start, when Lucius is hit with a fire spell she doesn’t know the name of. She cries herself back to sleep every time. 
  She meets (for the fourth time, but the first she won’t forget) mom’s side of the family on a bright summer day. Grand-père is here, as he always is everywhere, and speaks very animatedly to his gaggle of grandchildren. There’s ten, she counted! She doesn’t remember all of their names but knows half of them are french. When mom introduces aunt Céleste, my dearest sister, her brain itches. When aunt Céleste introduces her daughter, Olga, she feels like she’s missing something important. 
 She promptly forgets about it when she’s introduced to all her french-named cousins. Isaure and Isnel are twins, like uncle Auguste and uncle Damien, the latter of which is their father. She gets really confused when she meets Anastase and Anastasie, another pair of twins, but uncle Auguste’s. She mixes their names all afternoon. Then, uncle Auguste introduces her to his other children, Armantine, Aimée and Annick and she thinks weird names and oh, Annick is very pretty. Mom's dead sister’s son, Balthazar, is the youngest of them all. He doesn’t talk and doesn’t walk but he’s very cute. 
 Finally, she meets Olga’s brother, Stanislav. He’s not very nice. “Get away from me, demon.” Aunt Céleste gasps softly, Olga looks down, and his father, a very tall man with a very strange smile, grabs the back of his shirt, “What? Isn’t she just like mother and Olga? Isn’t she a—” His father’s very big hand covers his mouth and she’s left wondering am I a what? 
  She ponders the question while the adults give Stanislav a very secretive talk. She watches aunt Céleste and mom not being a part of it and looking very pale, Olga huddled in her mother’s side, looking equally meek, when it hits her. She gasps and runs to them, “Are we demons? Is that the curse? Why are we cursed? I don’t—”
 Mom hisses and very harshly says, “Not now.”
 She goes to a corner of the room and pouts for all she’s worth. Lucius gives her soft looks from across the room and she spies Olga side-eyeing her from under aunt Céleste’s arm. She spends the rest of the day speaking gibberish with little Balthazar and admiring Annick from afar. 
 When they’re leaving and the adults are busy goodbye-ing, Olga hugs her quickly and whispers, “You don’t have to worry about anything for now. You haven’t had your first shift yet.” 
 On the drive home, when she’s interrupted every time she starts a what’s the cu— she burns holes in the back of mom’s head. Father gives her sympathetic looks through the rear-view mirror, and Lucius stares out the window, a funny look on his face. Grand-père, sat between the two of them, leans in after the fifth nudge. She whispers what’s the curse? followed by a what is a shift? 
 He smiles and his eyes shine when he looks at her, “Didn’t I tell you this story before? About the princess, the tower and the dragon?” She shakes her head. What’s a dragon?
 “Papa,” mom says, a sharp look on her face. 
 “Sorry, sorry,” he mumbles. Mom turns back around and talks to father about how Céleste doesn’t look well and her good-for-nothing husband should put a leash on Stanislav before muttering about insolent little— Grand-père leans back in again and murmurs, “Sometimes, the princess and the dragon are one and the same. And the tower, the princess built herself.”
 That night, and many nights after that, she dreams about her french-named cousins. Anastase is never there, though. Not when Annick fires spells after spells at people begging her to stop! please, stop! or when Isaure and Isnel bow so low she’s afraid they’ll break their backs. He’s not there when Armantine sneaks in and out a dark street and Aimée spends her days locked into a dark room. He’s not there either, when Anastasie always looks over her shoulder, face drawn and a worried frown between her brows, or when she cries and rages this is your fault! this is your fault! yours yours yours at the mirror. 
 She sees Lucius sometimes, standing still behind Annick or by Armantine’s side or, worst of all, next to Isaure and Isnel, bowing so very low. But he never comforts Anastasie and he never comes for Aimée. 
 She doesn’t dream about Olga, nor aunt Céleste or mom or dad or grand-père or any adults she knows. She doesn’t dream about Stanislav. But sometimes, she’d dream about soft and toothy-smiled Balthazar. He’s pretty and way older, and she only knows it’s him because she hears a man’s voice says Balthazar when he’s inside a house or out in the gardens or in what looks like a castle or a museum or everywhere. A soft Balthazar, a wondering Balthazar, a sung Balthazar, every kind of Balthazar. And she likes those dreams best. 
  But she can never get it out of her head, how she's never in any of them.
   She’s in grand-père’s private library. He reads and she draws near the fireplace. A tower, a princess and, “What’s a dragon?” she asks.
  He looks up from his book, “Well. Picture a snake, but enormous. Bigger than this house. It has legs, sometimes two, sometimes four. But most extraordinary, it has wings! Ah! And it breathes fire! Can you believe that?”
 “Not really…”
 He laughs a little, “Well, well. You must, because these creatures do exist. They exist everywhere and are of every kind! They hoard everything they hold dear, be it riches, knowledge, stories, and even friends!”
 “What does it have to do with the princess and the tower?”
 He looks about the room suspiciously, as if to make sure mom wasn’t hiding in a corner, ready to jump in and hisses at them to stop talking about it! “This story has been told countless times, in countless ways. But what remains is this: in the highest tower of the biggest castle lives a princess. In this very same tower also lives a dragon who protects the princess from anyone who’d want to steal her away. Until the day it doesn’t, because someone, be it a prince or a witch, wants the princess for themselves and kills the dragon for it.” He sighs a long breath and looks into the fire, “Oftentimes, the princess is very happy to be free and marries the prince. But there’s those stories… the ones where the princess, mad with grief at the loss of her only friend, kills the prince in turn.”
 “I don’t like this story. Any version of it.”
 “Why does the princess have to be all alone in the tower and why does the dragon have to watch her and doesn’t she have a family and doesn’t it have one as well? And why does she have to marry the prince? That’s yucky. And didn’t you say the other day that the princess and the dragon are the same—”
 “That’s not exactly what I—”
 “Because then if the dragon dies the princess dies with it—”
 “Oh dear,” he conjures his small notebook and the pen that goes with it, “No metaphor for the children,” he writes,”I ought to know that by now…”
 “And what’s the curse?”
 “Ah.” He conjures all his things away and fidgets on his seat a bit. “Luce, Lucy, my darling Lucifer.” He looks at her for a long moment. Then, “You are the dragon.”
 She doesn’t know if he’s still talking in riddles but she doesn’t like it one bit so she screams and runs away to cry it off in her room. Minutes or hours later, a book appears on her bed. She thinks the cover reads draconian curses. 
 Now that she knows what a dragon is and what it looks like, she dreams about them, too. There’s one with Lucius sometimes, and he talks to it for long periods of time and the dragon never eats him. Then, she notices it’s because the dragon is shackled and has something like a muzzle around its mouth. Still, Lucius talks to it for hours and the dragon listens. 
 She hides the book under her bed and asks anyone who’ll listen to teach her how to read. She already has a tutor, Miss Maz, but it’s the summer and she hasn’t seen her for a while now. So, she sits in the sunroom with father and he reads out loud about po-li-tics and magical laws and she doesn’t understand half of what he’s saying, but her eyes follow diligently the finger he glides under the words. She asks mom to help her decipher the story books they read together before bed and it’s a long and hard process where she stumbles over every letter, but she’s getting better by the day. Lucius takes his role very seriously and says you can’t learn how to read if you don’t know how to write the words and after some serious thinking he gasps do you even know your alphabet? She discovers she’s right-handed and soon knows how to spell three letters words. Grand-père hands her a book called And There Was Fire and there’s the princess, the tower and the dragon. Mom finds her trying to read it once and throws the book right into the fireplace with a wave of her hand before storming out of the library. She’s ready to cry when grand-père flies it right back at her. It looks a little black on the cover and a little funny on the pages but she can still read it. She hoards the burnt book under the bed, with the one called draconian curses, and makes sure mom never finds out. 
  She has really bad dreams about her death again. Hands that crush and make a hurt so deep inside her chest she wakes and doesn’t know how to breathe anymore. On the fifteenth of August, she throws up again. She’s shaking and sweaty and she cries for a long time before sneaking into the bathroom and showering by herself. When everything is as clean as it should be, she crawls into Lucius’ room and into his bed. 
  She dreams about him and fire spells and shackled dragons. She dreams about Annick cursing people and Isnel and Isaure kissing someone’s feet. She dreams about Armantine going into a seedy looking shop and Aimée never being allowed out of her cage. She dreams about Anastasie looking longingly down from a window high above the ground. But she doesn’t dream about Anastase or Olga or Stanislav or any of the adults. She doesn’t dream about herself. 
 But she also dreams her favorite dreams. The ones about Balthazar and the boy who never ceases to call him. In of them Balthazar says I know how to end this and he smiles toothy and bright. In others he wonders was this all for nothing? and it’s sad because he is, too, but the voice is always there, comforting. I don’t care it says, or I’ll be with you until the very end, Balthazar and she wakes from those dreams with something a little bit looser in her heart. This’ll all be over soon. 
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pleasefeedthebirds · 4 years
A Relatively Deep Dive Into My “Crème de la Crème” MCs - #2. Arminia Weschen
(“Crème de la Crème” is by @hpowellsmith. See my first post in this series here.)
Arminia “Ms. Weschen” Weschen
Olive complexion and wavy brown hair
Favors conventionally feminine fashion
Traditional → Progressive (*In the very end of the game)
Exceptional Poise and Intrigue
Commonplace Spirit, Wit, and Flair
LOADS more info and spoiler content under the cut!
Ooooo Mean Girl alert! After playing through the game twice as relatively well-meaning albeit inherently-morally-questionable-via-flimsy-upbringings-socialized-within-the-cushion-of-wealth characters, I had an absolute blast throwing high regard for redeeming qualities to the wind, and making a full-on self-centered and socially ruthless manipulator.
As the middle child in a sibling spread of five, Arminia felt overlooked for most of her young life, being the only one of her brood who wasn’t excellent at anything tangible. Her parents—busy-bodied magnates—would be exorbitantly rich if they weren’t such spendthrifts. I take them for bristling, insecure types who enable each other to the extreme, and who cater to their children's’ every material want, supposing that it makes up for being busy and distant. They believe in flagrant displays of luxury as proof of status, which is something that imprinted their kids thoroughly, Arminia included.
Making the executive decision that Arminia was “too good” for Holtsfield, they arranged her transference to Gallatin for her final year of college, hoping to expand her education in social graces before coaxing her into the business world, as they had her older brother and sister. Just before the term began, Arminia’s parents were exposed. They were both involved in an embezzlement scheme each (lol classic) and dropped swiftly and irreparably from their prior standing.
Arminia was already conditioned to view society as a tower, but when her parents fell, it suddenly became a matter of sink or swim, win or lose—and the stakes were higher than ever.
So, she takes Gallatin for her own personal jungle gym. She recognizes the system, and chooses to manipulate it as an aspiring expert of “the game.” Never being the type to talk seriously (not trusting anyone enough), she actually thinks that she’s the first of her circles to realize the hypocritical convolutions of high society and social graces. Instead of rebelling, she leans into it all the more, and clings to her realized understanding as an advantage.
Though working for her own benefit usually comes first (typically by emotionally strongarming kids into doing her bidding), Arminia is no stranger to putting others down for cruel amusement, and may step out of her way to do so, only partially in the spirit of preserving her alpha status. She’s a merciless strategist, because that’s what she thinks it means to thrive in the world today, and with quite the competitive streak, she’s determined to stay on top, no matter how lonely it turns out to be.
5’7”, with a soft, pear-shaped body. Her favorite vice is getting scandalous on the side, so she knows how to flaunt it, too.
Has very thick and dark eyebrows. She’s frequently enraged by their presence, and plucks them relentlessly. They always come back.
Is dexterous with makeup. Her lips are naturally thin, so she draws them out each morning, rouges her cheeks, and softens her face’s edges. On weekends, she dabbles in eyeliner.
Her eyes are a very light brown—nearly yellow at golden hour. For her spotty vision, she has prescribed reading glasses, but never wears them, because she doesn’t like integrating things into her aesthetic that are outside of her choice.
Freckled all over. Their allotment becomes more profuse the tanner she gets. She feigns indifference to them, but shifts between liking them (for distinguishing her) and hating them (for distinguishing her) depending on the day.
Suffers something of a protagonist’s condition, living in a self-made belief that everything she does matters beyond compare. She clings to this idea for the sake of feeling important, but generally fails to recognize that other people are every bit as complex as she is.
Has trouble handling her anger. She’s great at hiding it in the moment, but absolutely rampages when she’s alone.
A tragic kissass to all of her teachers. Mr. Griffith raises an eyebrow, but respects her social wit. I don’t think Mr. Blanchard knows what to do with that kind of deference, and so ignores it. Miss Dalca probably likes her moxie, but thinks she’d be better to use it for good, and has called her out on being unnecessarily pointed in class discussions (Arminia loves and hates this). Lady Renaldt likely sees her as adequate, if a bit too brusque toward her fellow students.
Virtue: 74%
Popularity: 87%
Coursework Grade: A
Exam Mark: C
Extracurricular: Gallatin Swans (offensive)
Entanglements: Platonically engaged to Gonzalez. Physically involved with Florin.
Her only real friend is Gonzalez, who she actually confides in. Not totally, though she gets as close as is doable for her. I think Gonzalez is the only one of her peers who genuinely falls for the faux-nice act, and Arminia takes pity. It’s not kind , but at the end of the day, Arminia still takes her for a total idiot. They get engaged for appearances.
Has a physical relationship with the Honourable Florin Kraemer. Florin seems to thrive on trouble, giving as much as receiving, and Arminia takes risks as her favorite vice. However, post-mine conflict, I imagine Arminia’s scarred into changing for the better, and would do her best to encourage Florin to do the same, at least be more conscious of their actions on other people and what their profligacy is capable of.
Cordial with Auguste, who respected her traditionally respectable appearances at Archambault events.
Cordial with Rosario. She and Arminia shot the shit a few times. The princess’s naïveté was easy for Arminia to work around, and say the right thing to. They wouldn’t easily become genuine friends. 
So-so with Freddie, who stays out of Arminia’s way. Arminia likes that, so there’s no issue with them.
Treats Karson like a servant, and sees little issue with that.
Could have been friends with Max. I bet she intrigues him for her scandalous-by-moonlight ways, but her faux-pleasantries absolutely would turn him off.
A bully to Delacroix. Says mocking things to him and his interests in a tone that’s just sweet enough to fly below the radar. Gets a sense of her own social security out of doing so.
She and Blaise were utterly abhorrent to each other. Upon the latter’s first introduction as a thorn in her side, Arminia sniped right back at Blaise like a spitting cat for as long as Blaise was around. She gets a smug satisfaction upon her “resignation,” though she acts sad to avoid coming under fire. Later turns to a confused sense of guilt when she learns where Blaise has really been. 
Some Choice Plot Pieces (cue spoilers):
Gathered evidence against Mr. Blanchard in compliance with Lady Renaldt.
Has a surprisingly great working relationship with Miss Benton.
Gathered information for Annick against Lady Renaldt (to avoid a smear on her own reputation).
Endgame (cue SUPER spoilers):
Almost ended up working with Lady Renaldt in the mine plot, hoping to turn the situation to her own gain. However, when Karson spilled that Gaspard Breiner died there, and when Lady Renaldt demanded she send Gonzalez, it was too much to comply with.
Sent Gonzalez to the mines (as part of her own plan), but got everyone out.
Barged right into the graduation ceremony.
Went on to study at Reissenger (I imagine on a lacrosse scholarship—fully just to be with Gonzalez).
Planned a trip with Florin over the summer, where I think she’ll get just a bit more worldly before her coming term at university.
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
Take Me Out - Broadway - March 26, 2003 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Daniel Sunjata (Darren Lemming), Neal Huff (Kippy Sunderstorm), Denis O'Hare (Mason Marzac), Frederick Weller (Shane Mungitt), Kevin T Carroll (Davey Battle), David Eigenberg (Toddy Koovitz) NOTES: Digital; excellent picture and sound, nice closeups Tanz der Vampire - Vienna - October 4, 1997 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Steve Barton (Graf von Krolock), Cornelia Zenz (Sarah Chagal), Aris Sas (Alfred), Gernot Kranner (Professor Abronsius), Eva Maria Marold (Magda), James Sbano (Yone Chagal), Anne Welte (Rebecca Chagal), Nik Breidenbach (Herbert von Krolock), Torsten Flach (Koukol) NOTES: There are English subtitles available for this video in .sub/idx format. Tarzan - Broadway - March 30, 2006 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Josh Strickland (Tarzan), Jenn Gambatese (Jane Porter), Merle Dandridge (Kala), Shuler Hensley (Kerchak), Chester Gregory (Terk), Tim Jerome (Professor Porter), Donne Keshawarz (Mr. Clayton), Daniel Manche (Young Tarzan) NOTES: Filmed during previews, the show is a little dark at times, but a great Dvd. Crystal clear picture and sound. A Tarzan - Broadway - July 30, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Josh Strickland (Tarzan), Jenn Gambatese (Jane Porter), Merle Dandridge (Kala), Horace V Rogers (u/s Kerchak), Chester Gregory (Terk), Tim Jerome (Professor Porter), Donne Keshawarz (Mr. Clayton), Daniel Manche (Young Tarzan), Nick Sanchez (u/s Snipes) NOTES: Nice filming, not as dark as other Tarzan Dvd. A Tarzan - Oberhausen - November 21, 2017 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Anton Zetterholm (Tarzan), Tessa Sunniva van Tol (Jane Porter), Isabel Trinkaus (Kala), Andreas Lichtenberger (Kerchak), Matt Farci (Terk), Japheth Myers (Professor Porter), Rudi Reschke (Mr. Clayton), Simeon Pauls (Young Tarzan) NOTES: HD capture with great sound and no obstructions. The cast is amazing and the changes in the show, compared to Hamburg and Stuttgart, are suitable and refreshing. Tarzan - Scheveningen - June 23, 2007 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ron Link (Tarzan), Chantal Janzen (Jane Porter), Chaira Borderslee (Kala), Jeroen Phaff (Kerchak) NOTES: No zoom due to directorstape, but soundboard Sound, also some footage from after the show (cleaning etc) Tarzan - Stuttgart - August 21, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Gian Marco Schiaretti (Tarzan), Merle Hoch (Jane Porter), Willemijn Verkaik (Kala), Jan Ammann (Kerchak), Massimiliano Pironti (Terk), Maik Lohse (Professor Porter), Léon Roeven (Mr. Clayton), Matthis Lernhardt (Young Tarzan) NOTES: Willemijn and Massimiliano's first show. Tarzan - Stuttgart - October 3, 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: John Vooijs (Tarzan), Merle Hoch (Jane Porter), Willemijn Verkaik (Kala), Jan Ammann (Kerchak), Alessio Impedovo (Terk), Maik Lohse (Professor Porter), Léon Roeven (Mr. Clayton), Miguel Strasser (Young Tarzan) Theory of Relativity - Workshop - April 13, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Josh Blackstock, Joanna Fraser, Curtis Brown, Jade Repeta, Jenny Weisz, Adrian Zeyl, Dana Jean Phoenix, Carter Easler, Trevor Patt, Beth Robertson, Andrew Perry, Charles Douglas, Natasha Kozak, Katie Kerr, Josh LeClair, Emma Pedersen  
They're Playing Our Song - Los Angeles - October 2, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jason Alexander (Vernon Gersch), Stephanie J Block (Sonia Walsk) Thoroughly Modern Millie - Broadway - April 13, 2002 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sutton Foster (Millie Dillmount), Gavin Creel (Jimmy Smith), Marc Kudisch (Mr. Trevor Graydon), Harriet Harris (Mrs. Meers), Sheryl Lee Ralph (Muzzy Van Hossmere), Angela Christian (Miss Dorothy Brown), Ken Leung (Ching Ho), Francis Jue (Bun Foo), Anne L Nathan (Miss Flannery) NOTES: Shot from the second row with lots of close-ups. Very clear and steady video with very good sound. The Three Musketeers (Raby, Leigh, Stiles) - North Shore Music Theatre - August 20, 2007 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Aaron Tveit (D'Artagnan), Allison Blackwell (Landlady of the Inn), Anne Tolpegin (Dona Estefania), Heather Koren (Queen Anne), Holly Davis (Cecile), Jeff Edgerton (Bonacieux), Jimmy Smagula (Porthos), John Schiappa (Athos), Kevyn Morrow (Aramis), Kingsley Leggs (Treville), Mark Aldrich (King Louis), Matt Stokes (Cardinal Richelieu), Mick Bleyer (Rochefort), Nick Dalton (Duke of Buckingham), Steven Booth (Planchet), Kate Baldwin (Milady) NOTES: No audience, proshot from the dress rehearsal. Nicely filmed from the North Shore Music Theatre. tick, tick... BOOM! - Korea - 2002 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Joey McIntyre (Jon), Jerry Dixon (Michael), Natascia Diaz (Susan) NOTES: Features 20 minute Joey McIntyre concert after the show tick, tick... BOOM! - Off-Broadway - May 31, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Raúl Esparza (Jon), Jerry Dixon (Michael), Amy Spanger (Susan) tick, tick... BOOM! - Off-Broadway - September 18, 2001 FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Raúl Esparza (Jon), Jerry Dixon (Michael), Amy Spanger (Susan) tick, tick... BOOM! - Workshop/Concert - November 25, 1991 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD)  CAST: Jonathan Larson (Jon) NOTES: 4 songs. The original Tick Tick Boom before it was adapted into a 3 person show. Tina - The Tina Turner Musical - West End - September, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Aisha Jawando (alt Tina Turner), Ashley Zhangazha (Ike Turner), Angela Marie Hurst (u/s Zelma Bullock), Edward Bourne (Erwin Bach), Oscar Batterham (Roger Davies), Irene Myrtle Forrester (Gran Georgeanna), Jammy Kasongo (Richard Bullock/Raymond Hill), Cameron Bernard Jones (Craig Hill) Titanic - Australia - November 30, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Hayden Tee (Thomas Andrews), Nick Tate (Captain E. J. Smith), Brendan Higgins (J. Bruce Ismay), Alexander Lewis (Frederick Barrett), Matthew Willis (Harold Bride, Radioman), David Goddard (Henry Etches, 1st Class Steward), Ana Marina (Caroline Neville), Katrina Retallick (Alice Bean), Robert Gard (Isidor Strauss), Joan Carden (Ida Strauss), Belinda Wollaston (Kate McGowen), Cameron Mannix (Bandmaster Wallace Hartley) NOTES: Single camera proshot with soundboard audio. Sometimes listed as 2005, but the production ran from October - December 2006. Titanic - Bad Hersfeld, Germany - August, 2017 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Arnsperger (Thomas Andrews), Alen Hodzovic (Captain E. J. Smith), Veronika Hörmann (Alice Bean), Stefan Grego Schmitz (Edgar Bean), Gabriela Ryffel (Kate McGowen), Anja Backus (Kate Murphy), Christine Rothacker (Kate Mullins) Titanic - Broadway - 1997 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Cerveris (Thomas Andrews), John Cunningham (Captain E. J. Smith), David Garrison (J. Bruce Ismay), Brian d'Arcy James (Frederick Barrett), Martin Moran (Harold Bride, Radioman), David Elder (Frederick Fleet), Don Stephenson (Charles Clarke), Judy Blazer (Caroline Neville), Victoria Clark (Alice Bean), Bill Buell (Edgar Bean), Theresa McCarthy (Kate Murphy), Erin Hill (Kate Mullins) Titanic - Broadway - November 12, 1997 FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Michael Cerveris (Thomas Andrews), John Cunningham (Captain E. J. Smith), David Garrison (J. Bruce Ismay), Brian d'Arcy James (Frederick Barrett), Judy Blazer (Caroline Neville), Bill Buell (Edgar Bean), Larry Keith (Isidor Strauss), Jody Gelb (Eleanor Widener) NOTES: Camcorder video, mostly wide shot with a few zooms. The only known video of this production. Titanic - First National Tour - September 2, 2000 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kevin Gray (Thomas Andrews), William Parry (Captain E. J. Smith), Adam Heller (J. Bruce Ismay), Marcus Chait (Frederick Barrett), Dale Sandish (Harold Bride, Radioman), Timothy J Alex (Frederick Fleet), Christianne Tisdale (Caroline Neville), Liz McConahay (Alice Bean), David Beditz (Edgar Bean), S Marc Jordan (Isidor Strauss), Taina Elg (Ida Strauss), Richard Roland (Jim Farrell), Melissa Bell Chait (Kate McGowen), Kate Suber (Kate Murphy), Jodi Jinks (Kate Mullins), Raymond Sage (3rd Officer Herbert J. Pitman) Titanic - Redondo Beach - March 20, 2001 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Richard Kline (Captain Smith), Eve Cohen (Kate McGowen), Wendi Bergamini (Kate Murphy), Moriah Angeline (Kate Mullins), John Bisom (Jim Farrell), Tracy Perry (Lightoller), Mark Capri (Mr Ismay), Jamie Snyder (Pittman), Elizabeth Loyacano (Caroline Neville), Tony Adelman (Thomas Andrews), Lois Bourgon (Ida Strauss), Bob Lauder Jr. (Isidor Strauss), Kevin Earley (Stoker Frederic Barrett), Richard Israel (Harold Bride), Paul Greene (Charles Clarke), Gibby Brand (Henry Etches),Danny Michaels (Murdoch), Kent Melwig (Frederick Fleet), Douglas Carfrae (Mr Astor), Jill Simonian (Madeleine Astor) Titanic - The Netherlands - 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tony Neef (Thomas Andrews), Bert Simhoffer (Captain E. J. Smith), Hugo Haenen (J. Bruce Ismay), Danny de Munk (Frederick Barrett), Dick Cohen (Harold Bride, Radioman), Jon van Eerd (Henry Etches, 1st Class Steward), Annick Boer (Alice Bean), Céline Purcell (Kate McGowen) Titanic - West Palm Beach - February, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Christopher Pappas (Thomas Andrews), Colton McDonald (Captain E. J. Smith), Kyler O’Brien (J. Bruce Ismay), Chris Santiago (Harold Bride, Radioman), Olivia Henley (Alice Bean), Finnigan Anthony (Edgar Bean), Alli Graves (Kate McGowen), Jonathan Allen (1st Officer William Murdoch), Ethan Spell (2nd Officer Charles Lightoller) NOTES: running time 2'23; complete multicam proshot of West Palm Beach's King's Academy 2019 production. [title of show] - Broadway - July 5, 2008 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Heidi Blickenstaff (Heidi), Hunter Bell (Hunter), Jeff Bowen (Jeff), Larry Pressgrove (Larry), Susan Blackwell (Susan) [title of show] - Broadway - July 6, 2008 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Heidi Blickenstaff (Heidi), Hunter Bell (Hunter), Jeff Bowen (Jeff), Larry Pressgrove (Larry), Susan Blackwell (Susan) NOTES: Cute little show about making it to Broadway. Heidi was my favorite part of the show. There were some very funny parts to the show, especially if you are a theater buff. There are about 10 mins of total blackouts, which is mostly a chunk in within the first 13 minutes. Depsite that, a nice capture and the audience was very into the show. A- To Kill a Mockingbird - Broadway - July, 2019 (Hollis Mizner's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jeff Daniels (Atticus Finch), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Scout), Will Pullen (Jem), Manoel Felciano (Horace Gilmer), LaTonya Richardson Jackson (Calpurnia), Aubie Merrylees (u/s Dill), Dakin Matthews (Judge Taylor), Gbenga Akinnagbe (Tom Robinson), Frederick Weller (Bob Ewell), Danny Wolohan (Boo Radley), Erin Wilhelmi (Mayella), Neal Huff (Link Deas), Liv Roth (Miss Stephanie), Phyllis Somerville (Ms. Dubose) NOTES: Very shaky video, never really settles down. Filmed nearly entirely through close-ups, which means a fair bit of the action is missed. Tootsie - Broadway - December, 2019 (theaterfan64's master) FORMAT:  MOV (HD) CAST: Santino Fontana (Michael Dorsey/Dorothy Michaels), Lilli Cooper (Julie Nichols), Andy Grotelueschen (Jeff Slater), Sarah Stiles (Sandy Lester), John Behlmann (Max Van Horn), Julie Halston (Rita Marshall), Reg Rogers (Ron Carlisle), Michael McGrath (Stan Fields), Britney Coleman NOTES: Full stage shot of the show during it’s run on Broadway. There is washout, as it’s a full stage shot, but it is very very watchable. About 8 minutes is missing right before the Act 1 finale. Tootsie - Pre-Broadway / Chicago - September 11, 2018 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Santino Fontana (Michael Dorsey/Dorothy Michaels), Lilli Cooper (Julie Nichols), Andy Grotelueschen (Jeff Slater), Sarah Stiles (Sandy Lester), John Behlmann (Max Van Horn), Julie Halston (Rita Marshall), Reg Rogers (Ron Carlisle), Michael McGrath (Stan Fields), Anthony Wayne, Britney Coleman, Diana Vaden, Drew King, Harris Milgrim, James Moye, Jeff Kready, John Arthur Greene, Katerina Papacostas, Leslie Donna Flesner, Paula Leggett Chase, Shina Ann Morris NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the first PreBroadway preview performance. This is a fun show with terrific performances based on the 1982 movie. Santino gives a wonderful performance and earning early Tony buzz for Best Actor! A+ Translations - National Theatre - July 31, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Colin Morgan (Owen), Seamus O'Hara (Manus), Ciarán Hinds (Hugh), Dermot Crowley (Jimmy Jack Cassie), Adetomiwa Edun (Lieutenant Yolland), Rufus Wright (Captain Lancey), Michelle Fox (Sarah), Judith Roddy (Maire), Laurence Kinlan (Doalty), Aoife Duffin (Bridget) Travelling Light - National Theatre, London - February 9, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD)|Subtitles CAST: Tom Allwinton, Norma Atallah, Roy Baron NOTES: National Theatre Live 9th February 2012 mkv, 5.46GB Hardcoded English subtitles
Treasure Island - National Theatre - January 22, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Arthur Darvill (Long John Silver), Patsy Ferran (Jim Hawkins), Oliver Birch (George Badger), Raj Bajaj (Job Anderson) Tuck Everlasting - Broadway - April 4, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Sarah Charles Lewis (Winnie Foster), Andrew Keenan-Bolger (Jesse Tuck), Carolee Carmello (Mae Tuck), Michael Park (Angus Tuck), Robert Lenzi (Miles Tuck), Terrence Mann (Man in Yellow Suit), Michael Wartella (Hugo), Fred Applegate (Constable Joe), Pippa Pearthree (Nana), Valerie Wright (Mother) NOTES: Excellent capture of the Broadway transfer from Atlanta. Many changes and direction from the out of town tryout. A Tuck Everlasting - Broadway - April 4, 2016 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  DVD ISO (SD) CAST: Sarah Charles Lewis (Winnie Foster), Andrew Keenan-Bolger (Jesse Tuck), Carolee Carmello (Mae Tuck), Michael Park (Angus Tuck), Robert Lenzi (Miles Tuck), Terrence Mann (Man in Yellow Suit), Michael Wartella (Hugo), Fred Applegate (Constable Joe), Pippa Pearthree (Nana), Valerie Wright (Mother) NOTES: A more rare recording of the same performance as a more common capture. Single Disc Tuck Everlasting - Pre-Broadway / Atlanta - February 5, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Sarah Charles Lewis (Winnie Foster), Andrew Keenan-Bolger (Jesse Tuck), Carolee Carmello (Mae Tuck), Michael Park (Angus Tuck), Robert Lenzi (Miles Tuck), Terrence Mann (Man in Yellow Suit), Michael Wartella (Hugo), Fred Applegate (Constable Joe), Pippa Pearthree (Nana), Valerie Wright (Mother) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the PreBroadway tryout in Atlanta. This was Carolee's final performance due to leaving for Finding Neverland. Wonderful show, performances and music! A+ Tuck Everlasting - Pre-Broadway / Atlanta - February 6, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Sarah Charles Lewis (Winnie Foster), Andrew Keenan-Bolger (Jesse Tuck), Beth Leavel (Mae Tuck), Michael Park (Angus Tuck), Robert Lenzi (Miles Tuck), Terrence Mann (Man in Yellow Suit), Michael Wartella (Hugo), Fred Applegate (Constable Joe), Pippa Pearthree (Nana), Valerie Wright (Mother) NOTES: Beautiful capture of the Pre-Broadway tryout in Atlanta. This was Beth Leavel's first performance taking over for Carolee in the final few weeks of the run. Great performances and music! A+
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kingdomofbretonxrpg · 4 years
Plot twist: it was the gun in the library
Parties: Shooter, Adelaide Robinson, Duke of Maine, Duchess of Anjou, Duchess of Nantes, Aramis Gagne and Kit Chareonsuk
Date: August 22nd
Location: The Library Event
Triggers: Guns, Shooting, Murder, Death, Attempted Murder, Assault, Graphic thoughts, Shock, Violence, and Blood
To be entirely fair, he wasn’t the type for libraries. When on the job, his focus was intense. If he had been paying greater attention, he would have noted the tasteful decorations and prettily garbed attendees. He had a single task to accomplish while in Vannes but couldn’t resist toying with that little bastard a bit. The little note. It amused him. Useless. If the prick had done his job, he wouldn’t have to be here tonight, wasting his time in this absolute tit of a country. He knew how to blend. Not pretty enough to catch anyone’s eye but not so homely as to stand out either. Neutral. He moved to the archway on the upper level, cordoned off for the event. Only preserved volumes here. He didn’t care about the books, just making certain not to inflict any damage such that his presence here would be marked in any way. Consideration out of pure convenience. He had stashed his equipment just … ah yes, there it was. Sliding on the gloves, he withdrew the firearm from the bag and slowly screwed in the silencer. Flipping up the scope, he let his eye drag through the room.
There he was. The little pissant. What the fuck was his name again? Something suitably fucking pretentious. Aramis or some shit like that. Could take him out right now. Just standing there. Pretty boy looked tense, like he could use a good ride. Too bad he didn’t have time to fuck the useless help. Now he just needed the right ‘heads’ to line up. The Duchess of Nantes or the Duke of Maine. Preferably both if he could get them in quick succession. Minimal external casualties. A dull restriction but he could live with it. Now he just had to wait ….
[More below the cut]
Adelaide was relieved. They had finally made it to the day of the event and so far, nothing had majorly gone wrong. Everyone seemed to be having a good time as they got ready for the awards and the raffle, and there was a wonderful celebratory atmosphere. There would be randomly selected winners from those who had completed the reading challenges across all different age groups. Most exciting would be the winners of the raffle for tickets to this year’s lecture series which also acted as a major fundraiser for the library.  Families from all over the city mingled with members of the major Houses, talking about everything from books to the recent sports events. It was one of the few events she knew of that were truly open to everyone.
As the time for the announcement drew near, she made her way to the front of the room, just behind the podium, in order to coordinate the people who would be announcing each of the chosen winners. As she did so, she circled around the room to make sure she caught the eye of Duchess Katarin, Duchess Anna, Duke Cyrus, and Duke Theodore so they were warned and able to start exiting the conversations they were involved in. Then she waited quietly for them to arrive so the final and most stressful part of her night would be over. 
Katarin was actually grateful that Adelaide had caught her eye. It allowed her to exit the rather dull conversation she was holding.  Excusing herself, she slipped her hand into Wendy’s and made her way to the front of the room. This event was always one of the least stressful and she was happy to support the library and Adelaide. It was the very least she could do to help announce the winners of the evening. Having Wendy by her side was absolutely a bonus, she wouldn’t settle for having the submissive hang back in the audience.
Anna had of course been to the annual event before, but this was her first time attending as a duchess. She felt like she was taking on a lot of ‘firsts’ these days. A book lover herself, she felt a pang of loss as she roamed the library and took part in different conversations. She didn’t regret what had happened, but she would be lying if she said she didn’t miss her former job of book editing. She had just walked away from a small group when she saw Adelaide begin to make her rounds, so it was perfect timing for her to head towards the front of the room. She offered Wendy and Duchess Katarin a smile before turning to face the crowd and look for familiar faces.
The library was one of Cyrus’ favourite places. He came here often enough and both personally and through the House of Maine, he regularly contributed to the various programs offered by the library. This particular event was delightful and it felt good to step outside the usual restrictions of the house events. As he saw Adelaide waiting, he turned to the woman beside him. Cyrus brushed a hand over Annick’s back and leaned in to murmur in her ear, “I must go be important for a moment. Don’t run away, my wild woman.” He winked and flashed a grin before setting down his glass. He walked up to the podium and leaned in to brush a kiss over Adelaide’s cheek. “You look beautiful, Adelaide. The event is wonderful. You must be so proud.”
As Cyrus leaned in to kiss her cheek, she found herself automatically grinning in response. “Really? That’s wonderful to hear. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” She allowed another knot of anxiety to fade at the genuine compliment which made it a little easier to focus on this next bit. Considering she needed to face all of the major heads of Houses at the same time, being down to approximately a half dozen sources of anxiety instead of all of them was a relief. “Thank you all for agreeing to help today. This means a lot, and it is helping to acknowledge all the hard work of both the librarians and the city’s readers. There is a basket with the names of each of the potential winners, so all you will need to do is draw a name from your respective basket and announce the winner and the category. If you need anything, I’ll be right here.”
God but these people were boring. Pretty and insipid. He really needed something interesting after this. A mob boss perhaps? Some kind of gangster, capable of posing an actual challenge. With these thoughts trickling in the back of his mind, he continued to survey the crowd, watching as some female got up on the little raised area. Good good. Perhaps something was about to happen. He shifted slightly forward as the sea of nobles began to part and allow the Heads of their Houses to step up and join the tiny female. Huh, he wouldn’t have pegged her for someone important. Strange. He lined up the sight. Perfection. As the Duke leaned forward to greet the tiny female, standing close to the Duchess of Nantes, a fine and fuckable bird if he ever saw one. Oh this was fucking ideal. One shot and he could have them both dealt with, leaving only that newbie child version of a Duchess. She’d be nice and pliable for his employers. Shouldn’t be a problem. He clicked his tongue, a bad habit he was trying to break. Shifting forward again, he lined up the shot and squeezed the trigger.
Right after she finished speaking, Adelaide took a step forward in between the Heads of Houses in order to pick up the list of events so that each of them would know what order they were going in and which awards they were reading out. But in the moment she did, she felt something punch through her right shoulder. She barely registered the pain before she screamed and started to crumple to the ground. Flickering on the edge of consciousness, she could feel fire and wet and shooting pains ricochet out from that point. The rest of the room had almost entirely faded away as she struggled to stay present. 
It took a beat before Kat realized what was happening. She instinctively pushed Wendy behind her and shouted for her security. The room would soon dissolve chaos for certain but at the moment all she could think of was the girl crumpling at her feet. “Adelaide!” she shouted, dropping to her knees beside the girl, though she wouldn’t be much protection. She peered up from her position. “A doctor, ambulance, something. Now!”
For a moment Anna froze in shock, not fully understanding what had happened. When it sunk in that Adelaide had been shot, that someone had shot at them, she screamed for help and dropped to the ground as well. She wasn’t exactly medical personnel but she was fairly certain that pressure should be applied to a wound bleeding like that, so she put both hands on Adelaide’s shoulder and did her best to apply pressure without hurting her more. “Someone needs to find who did this. Are we safe here?” She wasn’t speaking to anyone in particular, but she couldn’t imagine waiting there like sitting ducks either. They needed to get Adelaide help.
It was a bizarre sensation, the shock that stopped him cold as he watched the submissive drop to the ground. It took him a moment to process what taken place. “Adelaide!” He exclaimed a little senselessly, since the young woman could clearly not respond. His fingers felt numb as he tried to pull his phone from his pocket and dial for emergency services. What the hell had happened? His eyes shot around the room, seeking out Annick, confirming to himself that no one else seemed to be injured. Looking over at Anna and Kat, he felt absurd as Anna pointed out the obvious. The phone still pressed to his ear, his gaze travelled upward, although if he were honest, he had no sense of where the shooter would have been standing. The entire moment felt utterly surreal. “Security will deal with it. I can’t imagine anyone would be foolish to hang around after this … she wasn’t … she couldn’t have been the target.” It was a surprisingly sensible statement given how uncertain he felt at this moment. He let the phone at his ear clatter to the ground. “Help is on the way. We just need to keep her stable until they get here.” he shared quietly.
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck … the fucking little twit had stepped forward at the exact wrong moment. He had a glorious shot lined up but no, the bitch had to get in the way. This thought ricocheted through his mind as he moved swiftly through the swelling crowd, fleeing the event. When he felt pressed, he tripped some old bat wearing diamonds and knocked her into the rest of the crowd. They could help her or trample her, he could care less. He was merely looking for an opening. He stepped to the side and right into the little pissant. “Enjoying your night.” He managed to growl. He felt no guilt, merely the irritation of having to now owe his bosses for fucking up this stupid job that he hadn’t fucking wanted in the first place. All because this little piece of shit couldn’t do his work right. The deflection was comfortable.
The second that Aramis heard the gunshot, Armand’s words instantly played into his head. You won’t like how I choose to handle things. He’d been paranoid for the last couple of days now, expecting another set of goons to come after him. But this…? This was entirely different. Someone else had been hurt and it was all his fault.
Aramis felt his blood boiling; it was one thing to hurt him or even kill him - he’d gotten himself into this mess. The very least he felt he could do was get a form of justice for Adelaide. Familiar with the look of Armand’s goons, he scanned the crowd and managed to find the shooter. “Stay here,” he commanded Kit, leaving the sub’s side to push through the crowd.
It wasn’t hard to find his target. As soon as the other man quipped at him, Aramis shoved him back. “You fucking animal,” he growled. “I swear to God, I am going to kill you.” He stalked toward the shooter, intent on doing just that.
Kit had been on edge all night with the note Armand had sent Aramis on his mind. When he heard the gunshot, his anxiety peaked, and he naturally held onto Aramis, desperate to make sure he was okay, that this Armand guy hadn't hurt him again.
But it wasn't Aramis who'd been hurt. Instead, Aramis was giving him a command as he ran off to face an armed shooter. No, no, no, no, no, Kit thought over and over in his head, following Aramis as best he could through the chaos. He lost Aramis for a second, and panic rose in him again, before he caught sight of his boyfriend and pushed his way through. "Aramis, don't!" he called out with a voice that broke midway.
Oh this was fucking gorgeous. He was looking forward to smashing the pretty little pissant’s face as Aramis surged toward him. The crowd made it difficult to move through with ease but still his hand itched to get a few hard blows in. Then he heard a man call out for the pissant. Glancing over, his shit-eating grin widened. “Yours?” He taunted, laughing as he did so, knowing damn well the little fuck toy was the perfect ammunition. “Careful. He’ll end up joining the tiny girl in the morgue.” A fresh flood of people separated him from his target, stepping back to avoid getting trampled by fleeing nobles and their companions. “Soon pretty boy … don’t you worry… we’ll see each other again real soon.” He called out.
Adelaide was only vaguely aware of what was happening around her as the pain in her shoulder seemed to spread to take over her whole focus. She could hear the people close to her shouting and people farther away screaming. Mixed in with all of that were the growing sound of sirens. Coming back into focus for a moment, Adelaide reached over and grabbed Kat’s hand, not caring if it was too familiar or anything. “Don’t - don’t let my parents find out on the news. Ok? They’ll...they’ll handle it badly.” It took more of an effort to say that than she had expected. But moments later, a medical team was rushing in, pushing the nobility out of the way so they could get her onto a backboard to get her out to the ambulance. Mercifully, that was when she finally fainted. 
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cyrusxdukeofmaine · 4 years
Aftermath | The Chateau
Parties: Annick Berthou and Cyrus Tanet
Location: The Chateau du Maine
Date: Night of August 22nd
Triggers: References to the shooting, trauma and blood. 
Cyrus had never before felt so numb, not even after losing his parents. He held onto Annick’s hand like a lifeline the entirety of the journey back to the Chateau. Tomorrow would be interviews with officials and dealing with the intrusive press. Another scandal in their small kingdom. The entire year it seemed they had ricocheted from one disaster to another. As the door to his private suite closed behind him, he noticed for the first time that his clothing, his hands, were stained with Adelaide’s blood. He had even gotten some on Annick and her beautiful dress. “I’m sorry.” He couldn’t even have said precisely what he was apologizing for - embroiling her in his messy life, the blood, taking her to an event where he nearly died. Where he nearly died. Stepping back, he glanced down at his clothing and began to fumble with the buttons. He needed the clothes off but the shock was now wearing off and his limbs felt out of his control.
To her credit, Annick had not completely panicked, though she may have screamed when Adelaide had fallen. And now was not the time to fall apart. “Cyrus, stop,” Annick said calmly, stepping closer again and moving his hands so she could undress him herself. “I won’t accept an apology for something not remotely your fault.” She didn’t regret being there and didn’t regret being here now. Once she managed to get his jacket and shirt off, she held his face between her hands. “I want to be at your side, no matter what. I’m strong enough to withstand the storm, let me help.”
It felt better when she was closer, which was probably a terrible sign but she made him feel things he had never experienced with another. “You could have died.” He whispered gruffly. “If ….” He swallowed the words, unwilling to give voice to them. Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in closely but over the scent that he had come to associate with this beautiful submissive, he could only smell that heavy coppery metal of drying blood. “I need to get clean. I must ….” He nodded toward the washroom. “Join me, my Annick.”
Annick felt calmer when he wrapped his arms around her. “But I didn’t,” she reminded quietly. She would take the time to examine what all those words meant later. Right now, it was enough to help in any way she could. “Of course,” she nodded, stepping out of his embrace and taking his hand. 
Still the if felt large and uncomfortable. What if she had been on the stage with him, what if she had been the one to step forward, what if … what if … what if … his mind seemed frozen, fixed on this terrible idea of horrible possibilities. The tug of her hand drew him out of this train of thought. He followed her to the washroom. If he had been his ordinary self, he would have been trying to peel off her beautiful dress but the idea of touching her with his blood-stained hands felt wrong. He needed to feel clean and he needed to hold her. And at some point a drink … goddamnit he could use a damn drink.
Nick knew that for the moment at least, she needed to provide direction. In the washroom, she started the shower and then turned to finish removing Cyrus’ clothing. It occurred to her that burning them might be better than trying to clean them. Her dress came next before she took his hand and pulled him into the shower. The warm water helped to wash away the blood though it did little to wash away the trauma. That, she hoped, could be helped by her gentle hands as she washed him.
As the water poured over him, he processed that at some point his girl had undressed him and gotten him into the shower. He reached forward to cup her face, tipping up her head and claimed her lips in a soft kiss. “Thank you, mon amour. I adore you.” He whispered against her full lips. “I think I love you.” He continued and then a small smile flickered over his lips as he realized how silly that sounded, “I love you.” he repeated, removing the careful attempt to protect himself. 
Annick smiled at the whispered adoration about to chide him about being sappy until he whispered again. She stared, quite sure she’d heard him wrong. Cyrus had just been through tremendous trauma and hadn’t he in the recent past not believed her confession. Still, her own stubborn heart refused to be logical. She twined his arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his smiling lips. “I love you, too.” And she did. It was no longer a hidden crush but real and present. “But tell me again tomorrow.”
“Every day…. I promise.” He whispered before pressing another soft kiss to her lips. He knew there were many things he needed to do. Check on the members of his House. Some of them were hard as nails, tougher than he could ever be but others were soft. Lin. Liana. Henri. Even Asa would lose his mind if anything happened to Nate or Liana, the two that had kept that old man’s heart going after losing his own beloved daughters. He couldn’t bear another loss. Still, in this moment, he just wanted to hold the woman he loved and let the hot water wash away the blood of a sweet young woman who had taken a bullet he suspected was meant for him. His arms tightened around her, pulling her to him and he just let the heated water pour over them, entwined together.
Promises were not something Annick took lightly and she was positive that the same was true for Cyrus. Sensing that the time for discussion was over, Annick let herself be held close, taking comfort in Cyrus’ arms. She laid her head on his chest and listened carefully to his heartbeat, whispering a prayer of thanks that he was still alive and here with her for another day. Her own hold tightened as well. Tomorrow, or later, when he was busy dealing with the aftermath, she’d allow herself the tears she knew needed to be shed. For now, he needed her stability and she would gratefully give it to him.
When he finally felt steady, he unwove himself slightly from his beautiful submissive and began to finish washing them both down. He felt himself steady and became calm again, drawing from her calm composure. He flicked off the water with a quick turn of one hand and guided his beauty out of the shower stall. He dried off her damp skin and used the fluffy towel most of the moisture from her hair before tending to himself. “Come...I need you tonight, my woman.” 
Nick could feel the shift in his demeanor as he calmed. Whatever frayed nerves she hid from him, were soothed as he settled. She took his hand as he finished drying himself. “Lead the way. I’m yours…” It was the first time she’d let herself say that and believe it. 
Delicious words. His soul consumed them. She was his - something wonderful happening here between them. Later doubts would cause him pause. If he was a target, having her in his life was dangerous to her. A conversation for another day, another time. Right now, he needed to 
sink into her. He needed her. Folding his hand over hers, he pulled her forward and out of the well-appointed bathing room into the broad expanse of the suite. 
Drawing her forward, he pulled her into a kiss as his hand slid down her back to cup the curve of her bottom. “Remind me to warm you up here later … my wild woman has not been spanked in far too long.” He teased against the submissive’s lips. His kisses trailed down her throat and over the curve of her clavicle until he could press heated caresses to her shoulder. He smoothed her hands to her side and murmured, “Be still …. I’ll let you know when you are permitted to move.”
Despite all they’d been through that evening, a smile formed against his lips at his teasing. Not that he needed any but she was sure to give him reason at some point in the near future. It occurred to her to tease him back but those thoughts were erased by the trail of his lips and the heat of his body against hers. Apparently she needed him too.
There was the briefest of nods in acknowledgement of his words and a murmured, ‘yes, Sir,” as she stilled. Stillness didn’t come naturally. Part of that wildness, she supposed. But her will to obey was stronger, so she stood as still as possible, her only movement the rise and fall of her chest.
Lower and lower his lips trailed, heated flicks against the silken skin, cooling after the shower in the late summer air. He slipped gracefully to his knees before her, his kisses now trailing over the curve of her abdomen and along the line of her hip. His fingertips traced up from her narrow ankles, along the curve of her calves to the silk of her inner thigh. His mouth pressed to her sex, tongue flicking over that heated core, tasting her, lightly at first and then feverishly, possessively, drawing out her heat, wanting her to call his name and beg, even with merely the twist of her hips and the pants of her breath. 
Annick lowered her eyes to watch Cyrus move. Her desire grew as lips and fingers grazed her sensitive skin. His movements were as graceful as they were seductive. It was all she could do to leave her hands at her sides. She longed to thread her fingers through his hair, to tug at those dark strands. God, but he was skilled with that wicked mouth that he used to charm and beguile. No longer was her thoughts on the trauma of the evening. Her world had narrowed to only him. “Cyrus!” she cried, legs trembling as she fought to stay still.
“Be still, my wild woman … show me what a good girl you are.” He teased before placing a few damp kisses along the smooth skin of one inner thigh, his hair tickling the other as he moved. Cyrus continued upward again, reclaiming her pussy. One finger pressed into her, not enough to satisfy, just to tease the woman’s sex. She was wet now, drenching his hand, the flavours of her dancing over his tongue. A delicious distraction from the events of the night.  His possessive hold and her obedience settling and satisfying his Dominant urge to claim the submissive before him, the woman he loved. He broke contact and before his hand fell away, he gave her thigh a sharp pinch. “Hands and knees on the bed, arch your back, no touching yourself.” he demanded gruffly.
And wasn’t that what she had always wanted? To be his good girl and earn that praise. She resolved to stay still as he continued his assault, though the brush of lips and hair made that particularly difficult as she stifled a laugh. She gasped as he slip a finger inside her, a desperate mewling noise following. Fuck, but she wanted to rock against the intrusion. Her eyes fluttered closed as she concentrated on obeying. “Fuck!” The pinch had startled her more than hurt. She colored hotly as she scrambled to obey, moving not nearly so gracefully as she positioned herself on the bed. It was not even a little bit hard not to touch herself. She far preferred being touched by him.
He loved the blush, the fire in her cheeks as she was a good girl and got into position on the bed. With careful hands and gentle caresses, he adjusted her position, her sex spread from the part of her knees. The position one of a supplicant, framed perfectly on his bed. Her wetness decorated her thighs. There wasn’t a mark on her aside from the rapidly fading spot where he had pinched her. Ordinarily he would be seeking to leave his mark on her pale skin, to marr her perfection with his possession. But at this moment he reveled in her beauty, unmarred by anyone, including him. Tracing his fingers over her dripping core, he murmured, “That’s a good girl. You are so beautiful. And mine. All mine. Say it … pledge it … Say I am yours and you are mine.” His instructions were accompanied by the rough press of two fingers into her channel, filling her before pulling almost all the way out before filling her again. “Tell me.”
Annick thrilled to his gentleness as much as when he was far rougher. She was his to command either way. In this position, open and vulnerable, she’d never felt safer. “Yours!” she cried as his fingers drove into her. Her silken walls tightened around him as he thrust into her roughly, long fingers sinful but not what she was desperate for. “Cyrus.” Her voice was cracked with emotion. “I’m yours and you are mine. Always. Please…” She’d never felt such all encompassing need.
Her words were delicious and filled up places with him that ached in ways he could not describe. “That’s a good girl.” He murmured huskily as he smoothed a free hand up and down her slim back, feeling her quiver beneath the gentle touch. His fingers continued to slow fuck the girl, drawing out her heat until it dripped down her thighs. His cock lay hard against his thigh, rising in desire, craving her as she craved him. He wrapped his free hand around his length and stroked. He withdrew his fingers and before she could whimper for their loss, she was filled again by his cock. His hands wrapped around her narrow hips, the grip almost punishingly brutal as he held her still.  
It always astonished her that his simple praise was so effective. It pressed her lower, arched her back more, sent a new flood of wetness to the apex of her thighs. The slow movement of his fingers was beginning to border on torture as he prolonged the inevitable. When Cyrus finally broke down and replaced his fingers with his cock, she cried out his name. Her hands curled into fists, clutching the sheets beneath her. If not for his powerful grip, she wasn’t sure she could have remained still.
Cyrus pressed forward, filling her slowly, torturing even himself at this moment but unconcerned. He wanted her begging for release and he was determined to get it. It was a much needed distraction from the day that proceeded. His hand slid from her hip to trace over her abdomen, a fingertip seeking out her clit. He teased the bundle of nerves, circling gently before pressing more roughly against her. “You belong to me.” He grumbled quietly, more to himself than her really, his breaths becoming soft pants as he fucked into her again and again. His pace increased, fucking her harder and harder.
The moan that escaped Annick as she was filled was nothing short of wanton. She wanted to press back, take more. His quiet rumble of words was met with a not nearly so quiet reply of “Yours!” as his finger pressed against her clit. It was just the right amount of gentle and roughness that sent liquid fire through her veins. Her body tightened in response to his harsher pace, back arching nearly painfully in an effort to get more.
The terror of the night’s events felt distant and forgotten in the heat of this moment and the intensity of the connection. What he felt for Annick was unrivaled in his personal history, although he knew that was likely not the case for her as she had been engaged before.  Regardless, she was his now and he wasn’t planning to part with her. 
Pressing his fingers into her core, he gave her clit a rough pinch. “Cum for me, my little wild woman.” He groaned out as he started to shake just a little, a symptom of the restraint. He wanted to fill her, watch her cum on his cock before he allowed himself the pleasure of release. He put all his effort into teasing her body, in drawing out her heat and pleasure. “Cum.” he demanded again, aching for her and wanting to finish within.
A gasp left her at the pinch, the tell-tale tightening of her stomach as she neared her peak. It was the order more than the physicality of the moment that sent her over the edge, though feeling Cyrus holding back added to the rush. She cried out his name as she came, body shaking with the intensity of the moment. 
Her voice crying out his name provided the rush he needed. His hands tightened on her slim hips and his rhythm faltered as he fucked into the beautiful brunette, claiming her in that primal heat given by her silken body beneath him. Her submission to his will satisfied the Dominant at the core of the man. Weaving his hand into her dark hair, he tugged her upward and claimed her lips in a long, heated kiss before pulling them both down onto the bed in a collapsed heap of limbs and naked, satiated flesh. “My wild woman … my Annick ….” He murmured against her throat before applying a gentle kiss beneath her ear. “I love you.” 
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arietisart · 2 years
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In the counterpart of the Canon Challenge, I start the Ocs Challenge with August, Gussie, my oc from Marvel (X-Men). He's practically Poison Ivy without the seductress part, autistic spectrum, asexual (although for me Pam is ace too) and terribly cute. I love my boy so much and he only has so many piercings because of his boyfriend -watchesDantewronginhishead-.
ABC Original Challenge: A = August Annick.
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hpowellsmith · 4 years
Okay, here's an angst ask: MC fails to escape from the mines and dies there. The scheme fails either way, but much later, and the culprits are arrested and jailed. How would ROs (and Gonzales) react to learning MC died there? Would they have thought MC abandoned them (especially if they were engaged)? Auguste in particular I feel like would be pretty bad because their mother essentially killed their lover/fiancé(e) in this scenario.
All right this is a HORRIBLE ask and I respect you for it. Spoilers below and content note for references to character death and grief!
If the MC mentioned anything about Annick's investigation to their friends or romances, the characters would feel horribly guilty if they hadn't believed the MC, or horribly frustrated and helpless if they did but couldn't help them. It would be really traumatic for anyone who was close to the MC and it would throw off their life plans. Certainly Karson would resign as it would just be too much.
I could see Auguste being very vengeful and working directly against Lady Renaldt to make sure she was punished as severely as possible. I imagine them being very cold in the aftermath of everything. I also think it would cause some major political ripples if the MC was close or engaged to Rosario; I could see Rosario and their family making A VERY big deal of publicising it and it resulting in tension growing between the two nations.
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ucsdhealthsciences · 6 years
HIV and a Tale of a Few Cities
Epidemic modeling studies in Russia and Mexico show urgent need for effective drug policy reform implementation to prevent HIV and overdose among people who inject drugs
While global incidence rates of HIV have declined notably in recent years, the virus that causes AIDS remains a major and, in some ways largely unmitigated, public health threat in some countries and regions.
In a pair of new modeling studies, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with international colleagues, examined how policy reform in terms of drug decriminalization (in Mexico) and access to drug treatment (in Russia) might affect two regions hard hit by the HIV pandemic: Tijuana, Mexico and the Russian cities of Omsk and Ekaterinburg.
In the most recent study, published August 16 in the journal Lancet Public Health, first author Annick Borquez, PhD, and senior author Natasha K. Martin, DPhil, in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health at UC San Diego School of Medicine, and their collaborators evaluated the impact of public health-oriented drug law reforms on HIV incidence among people who inject drugs in Tijuana, Mexico.
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Limited drug law reform has had minimal effect on HIV infection rates among people who inject drugs, say researchers. Photo credit: Chris Brava
In 2012, Mexico reformed its drug laws, decriminalizing possession of small amounts of specified drugs and instituting drug treatment instead of incarceration. However, implementation of the reforms has been uneven and limited. Borquez and colleagues looked at the specific impact of the reforms on HIV incidence among people who inject drugs in Tijuana, Mexico, a city adjacent to San Diego, California on the US-Mexico border and a major international drug trafficking route.
Modeling estimated that the limited reform implementation due to a lack of reform dissemination and operationalization prevented only 2 percent of new HIV infections between 2012 and 2017. “But going forward, if implementation reduced incarceration among people who inject drugs by 80 percent and instead diverted these individuals to evidence-based opioid agonist drug treatment, 21 percent of new HIV infections among people who inject drugs could be prevented between 2018 and 2030,” said Martin.
The study also highlighted the potential harms of inappropriate implementation.
“Unfortunately, the predominant type of drug ‘rehabilitation’ available in Tijuana is compulsory drug abstinence, which our modeling showed could potentially increase HIV transmission, underscoring the need for affordable evidence-based opioid agonist treatment which is effective at preventing HIV and other health harms,” said co-author Steffanie Strathdee, PhD, Harold Simon Professor in the Department of Medicine at UC San Diego School of Medicine and associate dean of global health sciences.
Said Borquez: “Monitoring and evaluation of public health-oriented drug law reforms is essential to inform their implementation at the local and global levels if we are to successfully guide this shift in drug policy.”
In the second study, published July 19 in Lancet HIV, first author Javier Cepeda, PhD, senior author Martin and colleagues employed epidemic modeling to determine the detrimental impact of Russian government policy prohibiting access to opiate agonist therapy, a key intervention used to prevent the risk of HIV and fatal overdose.  
The study also explored how the potential benefits of scaled-up opiate agonist therapy, needle/syringe programs and antiretroviral therapy (ART) might have on preventing new HIV infections and fatal overdoses among people who inject drugs in Russia.
“Russia has one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world. Data from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS estimates that 80 percent of new infections in Eastern Europe and central Asia occurred in Russia in 2015, fueled by injection drug use. And people who inject drugs in Russia have a very high risk of overdose,” said Martin.
HIV and a Tale of a Few Cities
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dixvinsblog · 2 years
Annick du Patys -Elle n'a pas su
Annick du Patys -Elle n’a pas su
ElleElle n’a pas suOu pas vouluSavoir commentLe retenir.PourtantElle n’a pas suOu pas vouluLe voir partir.MaisIl est trop tardIl est déjàDans d’autres brasIlLui a mentiNe lui a pas ditLa véritéSur l’autre aimée.Elle a devinéQu’il y avaitUne autre femmeC’est la Le drameLuiS’en est alléSans sentimentA reniéTous leurs sermentsElleN’aimera plusNe pleurera plusNe saurait plus. Pierre Auguste Renoir –…
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erhiem · 3 years
Jakarta –
Rainy weather does not hinder being able to exercise outside, for example doing light sports such as jogging. However, some people are not afraid to go out in the rain for fear of getting sick.
Launching Livestrong, running in the rain doesn’t really make you sick. However, a drop in body temperature when running in cold weather can make the body more vulnerable to the virus.
Although it sounds risky, experts agree that jogging is considered safe during the rainy season with light to moderate rain. Of course, if safe preparation is followed before leaving the house, such as using layers of safe and comfortable clothing for rainy weather, using waterproof trail shoes, warming up and checking weather conditions regularly Check where you are jogging.
Annick Lamar, a certified running trainer for the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) and USA Track and Field (USATF), says jogging can be done safely by running on shorter tracks around the house in rainy weather.
In addition to being useful for moving the body, jogging in rainy weather can also have therapeutic effects. Because the sound of rain can make you feel calm and the cold wind when it is raining can also give you more relaxation and freshness while jogging.
However, you need to keep a few things in mind to stay safe while jogging in the rainy season. Quoted from Healthline, here are some tips that you can consider safe while jogging in the rainy season.
Avoid lightning and storms
Although the rainy season is safe for jogging, it is a good idea to check the weather forecast and the rain in the surrounding area before going out. If you see signs of lightning, especially thunderstorms, you should postpone the outdoor walk and wait for the rain to subside.
Check the temperature of the environmental zone
Checking the temperature of the area in the home environment is a way to avoid the cold while jogging in the rainy season. Because, if the temperature is very low and the weather is rainy, you may be at risk of developing hypothermia. It is also necessary to prepare waterproof clothes for that which can be used while jogging in the rainy season.
Also, be sure to change your clothes from wet clothes, shoes to socks as soon as possible, and take a warm shower after jogging. It can prevent illness and gives you more rest.
Learn about the jogging area
It is very important to know the area that will be crossed when jogging in the rainy season so that you can be more careful about avoiding slippery, damaged roads, or perhaps even flooded roads.
If you are walking on a street or sidewalk in the rain, be sure not to rush to avoid the risk of slipping. Also be careful when going through puddles as puddles can lead to deep holes. Also make sure to warm up before jogging so that your body is better prepared to face any obstacles you may come across while running in rainy weather.
Use anti-slip and waterproof shoes
When jogging in rainy weather, be sure to use special anti-slip shoes that have extra traction or tread so as not to slip like trail running shoes. Because, these shoes can provide extra friction in contact with the ground so that you can jog safely, especially when jogging on uneven roads.
Also, use shoes that have a waterproof upper so that your feet do not get wet while jogging as this can make you feel cold and fall ill after exercising.
Those were some tips that you can try so that you can jog safely during the rainy season. Those of you who like to listen to songs while exercising or keeping track of your running skills may need to bring your smartphone while jogging.
Now, you don’t need to worry about carrying your smartphone while jogging in rainy weather because with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 you don’t have to worry about getting wet. This smartphone is equipped with IPX8 certification, which is the first in the history of foldable smartphones.
Samsung has embedded IPX3 in the Z Fold8 series for water resistance, so you no longer have to worry about it getting damaged when exposed to rain. This capability has been tested under conditions of immersion up to 1.5 meters in fresh water for 30 minutes.
Not only this, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 is also made from Samsung’s latest aluminum armor with Corning Gorilla Glass Victor. These specifications make the Z Fold3 series strong and safe from scratches.
The Galaxy Z Fold 3 is backed by a Snapdragon 888 processor and a chipset paired with 12GB of LPDDR5 RAM with 2 ROM options, i.e. 256GB/512GB. As for the screen, Samsung has embedded an internal 7.6-inch Infinity Flex Display in the Galaxy Z Fold 3 complete with a Dynamic AMOLED 2X display with a refresh rate of up to 120Hz.
Despite having fairly wide dimensions, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 is designed to be sleek, slim and lightweight so that it is easy to carry everywhere, including jogging in rainy weather.
The device is available in three color options including Phantom Black, Phantom Green and Phantom Silver with prices starting at Rs 24,999,000 and can be availed via pre-order.
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 will be launched on August 27 in multiple regions such as the United States, Europe and South Korea. For every pre-order for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3, you can get one year of Samsung’s premium repair service Samsung Care+22.
If you want to know more details about Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3, you can access it here.
The post Jogging Saat Hujan, Aman Nggak Sih? appeared first on Spicy Celebrity News.
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