#Asian hate
k00297028 · 6 months
Workshop : Manifesto
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For this workshop we aim into creating poster by using collages, It is very much similar to the past workshop I’ve done ‘Publication’ however the only difference is using images to create my composition rather than drawing or painting my composition. With the pictures shown I’ve got 6 A3 pages of collages. Mainly focusing on my composition for ‘Stop Asian Hate’ along with images of Asians living their own lives and succeeding. I wanted to showcase how we are still here, living and breathing,we will not be going anywhere and that we’ll keep fighting is the message I want to portray in this workshop.
Time lapse of myself working in the Manifesto/Publication Room. Fiona had taught me a lot about the risograph printer and with that I’ve gained a lot of knowledge with how to critically think when using the printer.
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Process of my collages, I took a lot of my images from magazines and newspapers and over all I’m loving how it’s look so far with how they’re a lot of variety of different images of my composition doing different things.
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Ive got multiple prints of my posters and loved how they turned out, Myself and Fiona figured that its much better with using a toned paper rather than white. I personally believe the colours marry each other very well.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Why was America so racist against Asians during the mid-1800s to mid-1900s?
Because they were Asians , so.. Stranger Danger, and because most poor white men believed that their jobs were threatened , these were used by politicians to further their own selfish cause and power grabs, ( so glad us sophisticated moderns have moved beyond that old ploy) the fact is America have this haze the new guy phase, where they hazed most immigrants that are sufficiently different, in due time they got used to them being around, First Nations people not so much, remove them, isolate them forget about them, Asians are sufficiently different to remain suspect always ,Italians, Irish., Jews, Catholics, Latins if they promised not be too brown or speak the language of their parents and grandparents, all had a tough time of it, but Africans and African descendants, this group will have the hardest time of it outside first Nation people, because of the long history of entanglement.
But the tendency is to recycle the hate every few generations, sometimes by even the immediate descendants of the first generation of immigrants, who were more than willing to shut the door behind them.
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the-peasant-lord · 2 years
Hey everyone. PSA time. This is long but bear with me because it’s important. PLEASE REBLOG AND SHARE this! Nothing will change if we don’t do anything about it.
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On November 13th, a Sky youtuber called SKY BABY CHILDREN published a video about sky players from China. The video’s thumbnail has “THEY ARE EVIL” written in big bold letters over the entire picture. In the video, the Skytuber is actually pretty mild with how they talk about Sky players from China. However, they still promote an idea that Sky hackers are primarily from China. They say “not all but some of them” in response to their own question of “Chinese Players are Bad?” They proceed to say that “[Players from China] leak all upcoming information on other platforms… all hard work of devs.” They are demonizing Sky players from China and promoting stereotypes and assumptions that are inaccurate, racist, and obviously harmful. Even worse, they’re using their thumbnail of ”They are Evil” as CLICKBAIT to get VIEWS. PLEASE, REPORT THEM!! I cannot stress this enough. This xenophobic behavior is not acceptable and should not be tolerated in the Sky community. I’m not going to post the link to the video because I don’t want to help the algorithm that makes it spread, but if you search “sky baby children” on YouTube and then scroll through their videos until you find the one titled “Dark Side of Chinese Players,” that’s the one. Please report for abusive and hateful content, as well as misinformation and spam/misleading content. Once again, I implore you to act against this. It’s not the type of behavior that should be accepted in the Sky community. We are better than this! Do your part to make this community a safer space for everyone!
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icykalisartblog · 4 days
I want to talk about something not because I think it will change minds necessarily, but because I often see some upsetting rhetoric being spread by people who are clearly well-intentioned and want to be anti-imperialist and don't realize what's going on. There's something I've been upset about on Tumblr for a while and I feel like I have to finally talk about it because it feels like it's just getting worse and worse: I hate how many Tumblr users who think they're doing good treat North Koreans terribly. I know this is a totally random thing to say, but I was thinking about the influential blogger heritageposts because people reblog from that account all the time. People like them genuinely make and spread posts implying, "all North Korean defectors who say they were oppressed by the government are lying and were just paid to say those things, and only North Korean defectors who want to return and entirely blame any suffering on the US are telling the truth. The North Korean government is totally fine." And they never mention North Korean dissidents like Bandi who wrote poetry critical of the Kim dynasty under threat of death or imprisonment while living there.
At first, I tried to extend a lot of grace to people making these posts because I assume many white people in Europe and the US are realizing that 90% of all English-language content about North Korea is propaganda for maybe the first time. Unfortunately, maybe they didn't even know about the Korean War and Korea's history of being impacted by the US's imperialism until recently. But then I see takes constantly looping back around to being racist and their own form of harmful propaganda and misleading people. Explanation below the cut:
I've seen Tumblr users use North Koreans as this like... measuring stick to be like, "So here's why the US and Europe are so much more oppressive than North Korea and why the people there aren't oppressed but the people in the West are" and "If North Korea does have systemic problems it's all the US's fault anyway" and of course it's always white people who say this. I'm sick of seeing a bunch of white people who usually claim to be communists de-centering the trauma of people who are already endlessly dehumanized by the US government, Japan, South Korea, the media of all of those countries etc. and making it all about the West! These people think they're dunking on institutions like the US government that regard North Koreans as untrustworthy traitorous liars... but then by saying all dissidents are lying, they're doing the same exact thing! (Of course, none of these people ever think about why people who've lived their lives in a culture where everyone must lie to survive and who have almost no job opportunities if they leave and are oppressed from all sides might choose to lie when offered money).
These are all facts: Radio Free Asia was set up by the NSA, the US government pays North Koreans to criticize North Korea for its own ends, the US is a far greater global evil than North Korea, North Korea has beautiful landscapes and architecture, North Koreans are claimed to be stupid liars by US, South Korean, and Japanese media alike, North Koreans are very aware of what's going on in the world despite state censorship, many of Korea's (North and South) societal issues were caused by the US and its colonial imperialism, the US set up a dictator to control South Korea post-War, many of the claims about how oppressive North Korea is are ridiculous lies clearly based off fiction like 1984.
But I'm sick of seeing influential people tricking others (including young people in the Korean diaspora, I've seen them reblog misleading posts) into thinking that these facts and that North Korean citizens are oppressed can't both be true. And I know there's nothing I can say that would ever convince people that the government of North Korea has ever done wrong. For just one example, I know if I point out the government essentially abducted Zainichi Koreans (Koreans displaced to Japan, many of whom would be from what is now North Korea) who were excited to return to their homeland and then forced them into doing hard labor until death, people would just say, "The West has done worse so why are we talking about that. Any source that says this happened is an enemy of North Korea so it can't be trusted. Even actual Zainichi Koreans who were once pro-North Korea but then changed their mind because of this didn't really experience trauma, they were probably all just bribed to lie."
I know I can't reach anyone who's already been radicalized, but I want to implore other people who mean well to not get all political information from Tumblr and to check who you're reblogging from. It is really hard to go to the source when so much about North Korea that's available in English is propaganda, but like... I don't know... please try to read the perspectives of North Koreans, of those still in North Korea, of those who were from what became North Korea and were displaced, of those people who are descended from them or were their family and friends... just try.
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novathehoe · 9 months
white people are so constantly disappointing. its all "we support you and your struggle and we love you and we want you to feel comfortable with us!!!" until its just "why are you mad at us for doing something shitty? why can we not yell at you and degrade you and you shut up and say sorry?" we have to be so so perfect and if we slip up once or not take the fall everytime we are the worst. you dont treat your white friends or partners that way. dont we deserve the same treatment?
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cafe-shade · 4 months
Extremely weird to me that we don't use racism to describe all forms of ethnic/racial discrimination that would qualify if the victim were black, commonly.
Not using the shared term feels antithetical to coalition building, and I don't like that.
Anti indigenous sentiment is racism
Anti Asian sentiment is racism
Anti semitism is racism, etc
None of these are qualitatively different from one another, the stereotypes and justifications are just diverse.
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ayo this is a dog whistle!
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[IMAGE ID: a YouTube comment by lyleessex4631 which reads, “paul just about everything that we buy in Australia is made in china, it doesn’t matter which which shop you go into you will still buy something that will have the made in china :Chinese flag emoji: on it” END ID:]
the paul is poll btw some people spell phonically and it gets confusing.
so you see right here? This seems pretty run of the mill right?
but just the entire part of it is screaming with dog whistles, this is how anti-Asian hate gets so insidious.
“Poll everything we buy in Australia is made in china” this by itself is a normal ass sentence, but this is referring to the video I took the screenshot from, and how people are not buying as much Australia Day stuff. (Topic for another day lol)
and so this guy is saying how if the Australian population knew that most of the stuff they bought was made in china they would hate that fact. (In this context it’s because they hate the Chinese people not the government just the people, and would like them to not be in Australia because of the racism and xenophobia. This is literally what they say.)
“It doesn’t matter which shop you go into it will all have the made in china 🇨🇳 on it”
Again pretty normal thing to say, but how they are saying it and the context is that-
“china and the Chinese people are icky and spies and I think they are bad”
again this sorta thing is incredibly suspect because no one else was talking about china, there was no references to china, and this came out of nowhere.
this is full on a dog whistle in anti-Asian hate, and just in general.
this rhetoric in my country (Australia) is very dangerous, since there are TONS AND TONS of displaced and diaspora AAIP people.
and loads of them being from Taiwan or Hong Kong or Vietnam or China or a shit ton of places. (Because iykyk)
and this stuff really fucking needs to be called out, because I’ve seen so much hate in my life so fucking much and it’s only gotten worse since I was little.
It started like this, the devolved into hate campaigns and crimes and conspiracies.
these are dog whistles get to know them please !
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ignitedminds27 · 11 months
Why isn't Warrior @StreamOnMax the series and cast nominated for #Emmys2023 ?
A horribly written show as HOTD gets nominated, but a well-scripted, action-packed series with a diverse casting, parallel storylines, and a wide range of emotional spectrum is overlooked. Why? Because It's an Asian show with an Asian cast as the main characters.
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Racial discrimination in Hollywood is never going to stop.
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starry-heavens · 2 years
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Skybabychildren is racist against Chinese players and is spreading hate and misinformation with this video. Report them. Multiple times.
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bodybybane · 1 year
Shared from Bing: https://news.yahoo.com/boys-star-karen-fukuhara-shares-231400288.html
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k00297028 · 7 months
Ang Kuikok - Artist Research
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Kuikok was a Filipino who was born in 1931-2005 was a renowned expressionist whose colourful and striking paintings portrayed a variety of cubis-like figures such as screaming objects and mother embracing her infant.Kuikok’s paintings career can be a summed up dichotomy of a struggle for human expressiveness and constant cubistic pictorialism. The human condition at its most pathetic and angriest predicament has always been this artist inspiration.
What i wanted to take from this artist is how anger and his subject matters vulnerable state can be his his inspiration and that ties in so perfectly with what im trying to achieve. The deaths of Filipinos and Asian people as whole is a topic that is hard to comprehend that it is still happening today and using that and implementing it into my project is very important to me.
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707angels · 2 years
i will never understand why POC make fun of fellow POC and their accents, they will laugh at them as if their silly american accent was just not a cover up for their mother tongue which was engraved through their voice.
i feel that POC's biggest enemy can sometimes be themselves
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rinissse · 11 days
"There's that Asian girl again." Yeah, you dumb bitch. We work at the same place.
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sleepy-head-princess · 2 months
Just because I think being racist toward anime is wrong doesn’t mean I like people who identify as a weeb. Very clear difference.
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future-of-features · 2 months
Rise of the Fallen Forty-Eight - 1/9/24
I was one of forty-eight children.
As a child, it was a mess with a lot of brothers and sisters. This was probably because the fact that each one of us being distinct from the other, consisting of strange and unique features each.
Our mother, Asia, told me that we only have each other, and our different traits are a gift from her. To give you an idea, one of my siblings was yellow-skinned, had small eyes and was considered one of the most successful of us. She was named China. Another one is India, she had fairly dark tone, had a head-turner accent and deemed as the smartest of us. And I, Philippines, was the youngest of them—I had a talent in dialects, as I was the only multilingual among them, had a brown skin and a flat nose; and Mother often called me a "morena".
Us siblings weren't as perfect, as one of my brothers often squabble against each other; like Israel and Palestine, the twins North and South Korea, and me and China—however, the values taught to us by our mother is to treat each other with respect no matter what happens, because at the end of the day, we are still siblings.
However, things all began down south when China became a sickly woman four years ago, she often coughed, had high fevers and us siblings quickly inherited her so-called "virus". She became the talk of the town. She became a victim of widespread misinformation. Because of her, even some of us siblings were involved in the mass hate by most of our neighbors. It came to the point where even heinous and dangerous, brutal crimes were involved.
As I read the newspapers, according to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, hate crimes against Asians increased by 150% in 2020, and as I advance through the pages, it rose further to 339% the following year. This was unbelievable and extremely dangerous, especially for us and most especially for China. In another page, a mass shooting happened on the 16th of March in 2021, resulting in the deaths of six women with Asian descent, and the shootings also took place at businesses with a high percentage of staff members of Asian lineage.
As I close through the newspapers, I realized how far we've been through, from all the discriminatory words we've experienced for the past years. I saw how it decreased gradually from 746 to 499 hate incidents, according to the FBI. It was a slow slope, but at least, we're getting a little bit better.
I looked at my siblings. As I gaze upon the "distinct features" I first talked about, I realized that a lot of us weren't too far from the other. The facial features may be different, but our rights, our freedom, and equality, we are all fighting for it. In that way, we aren't so different after all.
Ever since the pandemic, we may have fallen, but together, we will rise up again. From all the derogatory words that were thrown to us, to all the injustices committed to our own people, we will stand up again. Me, China, India, and all the others—we may have a lot of differences, but for the greater good, we could set it aside... one day, Asia will be proud that we overcame the hate and see all of her children live in peace and prosperity. I was one of the forty-eight, and all of us are against the Asian hate!
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thecapitolradar · 4 months
Typical Washington showboater, and that's bad enough. Then, he goes full hick, and displays his limitless ignorance of Asian geography, politics, and culture for all to hear.
What's next, grilling Asian Americans about presumed ties to the CCP?
Somebody should research Tom Cotton's racial background. Clearly, he's hiding something, and projecting his filthy behavior onto others.
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