houseildanan · 10 months
Argents Lost - Summer Winds (part 3)
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The former Ebon he’d met on the trail still hadn’t given him her name, but she’d told him enough to win enough wary trust for him to return to the outpost with her.  The enterprise had been aided by a sudden ache that began somewhere deep inside his knee and a shift in the wind.  He’d lived in Northrend long enough to know what those two things together heralded.
Stormclouds swept down onto K3 as they reached the inn, led by biting wind that stung his face and made his eyes water.  The inn at K3 was decidedly worn, weather-beaten, but in good repair.  The windows looked like they’d been replaced recently and the floors and tables in the common room were decidedly clean, though they still carried a timeworn, hard-used charm, battered and scuffed as they were. Its warmth and shelter—and the smell of venison stew and cider—were a welcome comfort after so narrowly dodging the storm.
The table his newfound companion led him toward was tucked into a shadowed corner and was already occupied by a figure tall enough that he guessed it must be another Kaldorei.  The figure had both hands wrapped around a mug of something steaming, beringed—and there was something else, something he didn’t quite see until the figure lifted the mug to drink, a glint of silver.
His heart slammed into his throat and he stopped in his tracks.  His companion put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently.
“She won’t harm you,” she said softly.  “You have nothing to fear from her.”
“There are—”
“Yes,” she said.  “But something tells me your face will strike her familiar.”
“I’m not—”
“It has nothing to do with your resemblance to Ildanan Sunstar.”
He swallowed bile, but started walking again.  The figure—a woman, and unless he missed his guess, the woman called the Mistwraith—was looking at them now, argent eyes gleaming in the shadows of a drawn hood. He swallowed again as he carefully drew one of the chairs out from the table and sank into it, glancing back over his shoulder to see where his companion was going to sit—and found her gone.
“She’ll be getting you something bracing,” the hooded woman said.  There was a faint rasp to her voice but the familiarity was unmistakable. He nearly swallowed his tongue.
“You’ll be needing it, Lord Kyvare.”
He rocked back, eyes widening.  In the shadows of her hood, there was a flash of a smile, almost but not quite feral.
“Yes.  I’m aware of who you are.  I’m also aware of what you were taught.”
“I’m not certain the answer to your question matters overmuch, but if you really want an answer, I’ll give you one in exchange for an answer to a question of my own, first.” She leaned back and he could feel the weight of her gaze hanging heavy upon him.  “Why are you, of all people, seeking them when you have a family and responsibilities that should preclude a mission like this—one, I might add, that has been forbidden by the organization that saw you bound to them? Of all the sorts seeking those lost, you were among the last I would have imagined to see here.”
“What of you?” he blurted. “Why are you two looking for them?”
“Because she is my mother,” she said.  “And they are her family and I should think, with all that’s happened, I should owe her that much.  And you?”
“Because I didn’t think anyone else was and I wasn’t about to ask my family to come unless—unless I knew.”
“Whatever goes into that gully doesn’t come out,” she said.  “But they’re not dead.”
“No,” he confirmed.  “No, they’re not.”
“You’re certain?”
“Your cousin is.”
She fell silent.  The former Ebon returned to the table, setting a mug slowly down in front of him as she looked between him and the hooded woman.
“Well,” she said dryly. “I see you’ve gotten started without me. I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t do that anymore.”
The hooded woman reached up to push back her hood, smiling up at the Ebon.  “One time.”
“Near unmitigated disaster one time,” the Ebon said, seating herself.  “And a lesson learned.  What have you told him?”
“Likely no more than whatever you did to get him to come back with you.”
He coughed politely and wrapped his hands around the mug, letting the warmth bleed into his fingers. “My apologies, ladies, but I think we’ve missed a few things.”
“You already know who I am, Lord Kyvare, and I know who you are,” Mistwraith said, studying him.  “Unless it’s not pleasantries you’re getting at.”
“I—well, it was, yes, but also no.  How—how long have you been looking?”
“Long enough to know there are two sites of interest,” the Ebon said.  “You stumbled across one.  The other is a frozen waterfall and a river that don’t seem quite right.”
The mug between his hands shattered.
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wynilthyrii · 1 year
A letter to Anthus Steelshatter - 11 December
[This letter is written on good parchment in dark ink. It is sealed in charcoal gray wax bearing the seal of House Ilthyrii of Quel’thalas.]
Dear Anthus,
At the outset, I must apologize for my lack of communication, though I’m certain you understand.  A great deal has happened since we saw each other last, and hopefully this note will catch you up on some of the more important bits of that.  I don’t precisely have much opportunity to come to Dalaran as one might (or might not?) hope, but I do plan to be there in the next day or two, which of course brings me to the reason for this letter—beyond, of course, letting you know as much.
I plan to meet with your sister-in-law regarding the expedition she has been called upon to assemble.  I do not know if you or your wife have involvement in it, but it seems my son will.  Juden is fifteen now, nearly sixteen, and is well beyond his years when it comes to his studies thanks to some truly incredible teachers that he has been blessed to work with these past several years.  I do not know what ultimately made her think of him, but the invitation has been extended and I suspect that he would not forgive me if I told him he could not go.
In the old days, of course, I would have simply asked to come along, but my current duties in the Everlight, among other things, preclude that as an option.  I will be having some strong words with Commander Frost to ensure his safety.  A political consideration to such is that he is the last scion of House Riverwind and its lord and the kingdom can ill afford to lose him, though I think we both know that my concern is that of a mother for her son.  I am not asking that you attach yourself to whatever expedition she is organizing, I’m merely advising you of my position on the matter, should she approach you for your insight.  I do not know the shape of your relationship these days, though I certainly can recall in hindsight how insistent she was on your safety and treatment back all those years ago.  Tyr did mention to me in passing that he could not recall seeing you in Northrend more than once or twice in the near three years he spent there with the Crusade in her command, so I must imagine that retirement has actually stuck.  I am glad of it—you deserve to be settled and happy.
Clearly, I am most decidedly not retired these days, though I am relatively settled and quite happy. Overall, the family is well, and we have settled into the relative peace with more ease than I would have anticipated. I didn’t join Tyr in Northrend with the Crusade at first because I was newly wed and then caring for a newborn and that after that my duties with the Order and matters within the Everlight precluded my doing so.  All seems well enough these days, though, and quiet, and now we all are home.
I don’t know how long I will be in Dalaran, but I may call on you if there is time.  If not, I shall have to make arrangements for another time. It would be good to see your face.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
[Tagging @versusvices because I’m not sure where else to tag these days ;) ]
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streets-in-paradise · 8 months
There's a Songbird who Sings - Steve Harrington x (Fem)Henderson!Reader
Stranger Things Oneshot
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Warnings: This is just fluff and musical references. I wrote it on my phone, so there was not much proofreading. It may have a few typos (sorry)
Summary: Steve accidentally discovers your real singing voice and you try to explain him why you feel Insecure of it.
Notes: As quite a few oneshots i have released before, this short thing is an attempt of bringing to life a mentioned moment in my headcanon series. It can be read separatedly, but for more context you can check it on my masterlist.
Tags: @losersclubisms
No matter how much he had grown, Dustin will always be your little brother. Still, as time passed there were certain shared rituals he was starting to consider childish despite being comforting. Bedtime ones were the most shamefull to him, he slowly stopped asking directly for that sort of comfort even at those times where he did need it. However, you would always be able to read him well enough to provide the care without an expressed ask.
" If Steve finds out I will kill you." The boy warned you, guessing your intention as soon as you sat on the bed next to him " I'm not a baby anymore, you don't have to sing for me. "
" But I want to." You reassured him, sweetly caressing the top of his head. " Would you call Aragorn, son of Arathor, a baby for finding comfort in singing songs to his friends? "
The reference made him smile.
" Although it's true that badass characters in Lord of the Rings are always singing, you have to accept we live under different cultural values."
You chuckled, not willing to refuse the claim.
" And you have to accept you are never too old for comfort. " Was your simple correction. " It's alright, I promise no one will find out. Steve is still in the living room and with the TV on, I doubt he would hear anything."
In that at least you were mistaken, since the secrecy didn't last long.
He didn't mean to eavesdrop, Steve merely wondered if you needed help calming the boy down from the emotional consequencies of the awfull day he had. It was the reason why he was staying over; joining forces with you to make things better for him. He was about to announce himself, but stopped right away like if he was caught up in a sudden trance.
Your voice.
" There's a feeling I get when I look to the West and my spirit is crying for leaving." You were singing for the boy a the other side " In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees and the voices of those who stand looking."
Soft as a caress, the sweet and undeniably feminine charm of your interpretation was one hell of a surprise. He had no idea you could actually sing, even less that you sounded that good. In awe as he was with the discoverment, he could only remain there untill you would finish fearing that making his presence be noticed would make you stop.
Carefull as he was of not letting your brother know he have been there, he still couldn't hide the shock as soon as he saw you. The pure adoration in his eyes betrayed him, but you were just a bit embarrassed.
" Dustin likes it, don't make it a big deal." You justified yourself in advance, whispering your way out of the bedroom area. " When we were younger I used to tell him stories all the time, and sing for him on bad nights. He still enjoys it, but he is growing up and would prefer to keep it as a secret."
" I can easily see why." Steve recalled as he followed you. " Stairway to Heaven is a great choice, you do sound like an angel."
Unsure of how to react, your freaky side emerged.
" Actually, there is this very dumb backsmashing controversy claiming it hides a satanic message. Conservatives would claim I'm brainwashing my brother into a cult"
Absolute cluelessness, he couldn't help loving it a little bit.
" It's cliche, but is one of the very first rock songs I learned full lyrics for so i used to sing it all the time back when he was very little. " You continued, admitting some guilt he didn't find a reason for. " There is a repetition comfort aspect in it, when he is down I know he wants to hear that one. I tried to switch it as I was learning more, but Don't Fear the Reaper didn't have the same effect."
Being back in the living room gave you more freedoom to talk.
" That's so sweet, you are great big sis. " He praised you, then turned off the tv. " and a great singer as well, turns out. I mean it for real, but i guess your freak friends must have told you that already. Aren't they in a band?"
He made you laugh and, despite pleased for it, he had no idea of why.
" Thanks, Steve. Is very nice of you to say that, but the truth is that I never use my real singing voice in public."
The confession was delivered with a clear undertone of shame and that confused him a bit.
" I know, I just noticed it. We have listened to music together and when we sing along you never sound like that. "
" Neither I do with Eddie, it would be so embarrasing if he would have heard that. I'm sorry you had to. "
That part encouraged him, but he was still not getting it.
" You have to be kidding, that was awesome!"
" Not in metalhead standards. " You explained yourself. " What I did was taking the most popular and overused song from an actually cool hard rock band and turn it into a lullaby sounding pop garbage because that fits my vocal range better. It's an abomination, the disney princess version of a rock anthem. "
Of course , that didn't seem a problem to him.
" I guess it could fit in the Snow White and the Seven Nerds soundtrack. "
You wanted him to take it serious, since it was a real insecurity for you.
" I have been cursed, Steve. I do love to sing, but my voice doesn't fit in my favorite genres and that's one of my biggest frustrations. " You exaggerated in an attempt to mock yourself while being graphic. " There is metal in my veins, but I sound like the most comformist pop singer. The best I can give is a decent ' Race With The Devil' GirlSchool cover, but never the sort of shit any of the guys would find trully cool. "
" Bullshit, show that to Munson and he would loose his shit "
He was just trying to prove a point cheering you up, but as soon as it began to cross unwanted territory he deviated the conversation back on the two of you. His intention was to make you feel better, not to make things easier for other guy to steal your attention.
" … Or better don't, and let this be our little secret so I only have to share your voice with Dustin. "
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rhainesmg · 8 months
Blizzard's Folklore is Woefully Lacking
And I took that personally.
Folklore and mythology are as key to worldbuilding as art, music, language, and economy. Who does the farmer give thanks to for a bountiful harvest – and how does his village celebrate that bounty? What do people blame or attempt to placate when a child falls ill? All of these things – or a notable lack thereof in strongly secular cultures – are key to making a culture feel more full and developed.
To that end, let’s look at druids in WoW. Kaldorei druids have mountains of lore. They and the Wild Gods that they venerate are important to and deeply ingrained in Kaldorei culture. But then we come to Worgen druids and get… a three-paragraph entry about Harvest Witches restoring the crops of Gilneas during a famine, then eventually learning true druidism from the Kaldorei when Gilneas fell to the combination of the Worgen Curse and the Forsaken invasion.
Lordaeron has... no druids? At all? No Harvest Witches, no Thornspeakers, no... Greenfriends, nothing. Gilneas was never a part of Lordaeron, Kul Tiras was never a part of Lordaeron, but they were NEIGHBORS. The cultural OVERLAP! Arathor? Alterac? You're telling me the HILLFOLK and the MOUNTAIN PEOPLE don't have gods and spirits, or Skalds, Druids, and Seers somewhere in their histry?
I call bullshit.
ALSO, so many of the Amani and Gurubashi Loa have SINGLE PARAGRAPHS of lore surrounding them. HOW? ARE YOU THIS SLOPPY? BLIZZARD? Even the most AMATEUR worldbuilders know that you don't just give a give a god a name and a shape and SLAP IT ON THE BOARD! What are their tenets? How do they interact with their followers? Do they HAVE many followers?
So anyway, I've made it my problem, and I'm working on some fanon lore for the Eastern Kingdoms. It's a massive undertaking, I am QUITE DAUNTED, and I've slowed down just a little bit already, but I am determined to succeed.
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deathbydarkelves · 1 year
I talked about this in an RP discord but, out of curiosity, what do you think makes the most sense as a "[prefix]'dorei" word for people who are half-human and half-elf (regardless of the type of elf)?
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agilneanrose · 6 months
Ethan's day ..
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OOC - We are getting together today to celebrate our second annual day of mur-der to honor our departed friend Alandon/Damous/Ethan. This is our second Annual Day of Mur-der(pvp) so slap on your Arathor tabard and get to killin'! Don’t forget to yell FUCK if you lose. (We made it into a sticker for those who cannot yell) - you don't have to join us but if any of you want to slap on the tabard just to throw some good vibes into the universe, that would be awesome. Send pictures! Sticker:
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The tabard <- link
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On a serious note - Suicide takes our friends and family too often and it is up to our love and support to help protect them. Getting help doesn’t make you weak, you also need to protect yourselves and it takes a strong person to do that. Here are some links to help: Suicide Prevention | Suicide | CDC
Lifeline (988lifeline.org) You don’t even have to call! They have text and chat options also. Depression Test - Free mental health tests from Mental Health America (mhanational.org) Military suicides just hit differently, they see and do so much that the rest of us will never see or do in our lifetimes. There is a thought that suicide is planned, but I don't believe it is. It takes one super low moment - check on your friends. Military Suicide Awareness & Support | Military OneSource
Veteran Suicide Prevention | Veterans Affairs (va.gov)
Stop Soldier Suicide - Get Help -
Check on your friends.
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jerek · 9 months
No literally. Am I supposed to assume that "oh WoW has ethnicities, Lordaeronian's an ethnicity" means that the Shadowlands customization is just non-canon? That if I'm not willing to play my character as part of a euro-centric renfaire fantasy, my character's breaking lore? And that's the representation. As someone playing a human, am I meant to just accept that my character is inevitably meant to hang her whole cultural identity on one of these handful of states? Why should I??
And with no explanation, too. At least if they were to say Arathor steamrolled every other culture, we'd know what happened. But Blizzard's dug themselves into such a hole, they think they're stuck there, dodging the question lest they lose their "we <3 representation" credit.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 13 days
You know that it was possible to play a half-elf from arathor/stromguard before they were announced for WW, right?
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warcraftstories · 21 days
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muznew · 1 month
April Melodies by alice.km
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- Artists: alice.km DATE CREATED: 2024-04-09 GENRES: House, Dance / Electro Pop, Tech House, Deep House, Progressive House, Melodic House & Techno Tracklist : 1. alice.km - Follow Me(Original) 2. Molly Mouse, Émilie Rachel - Serenity(Original Mix) 3. Baby Weight - For U(Original Mix) 4. Cormac Beeler - Runnin(Original Mix) 5. Arathor - The Others(Original) 6. alice.km - Day Break(Original Mix) 7. Morier - Inside My Head(Original Mix) 8. Aldo Cadiz, Ki Creighton - What's Her Name(Original Mix) 9. Waysen, Alexxon - Never Leave Me(Extended Mix) 10. Martin Tolosa, Larrosa (AR) - Symbiosis(Original Mix) 11. Hana, Durante - Hot Night feat. HANA(Extended Mix) 12. alice.km - Shadow Work(Original Mix)   Download FileCat Read the full article
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houseildanan · 2 years
In Which He Prepares Brunch
The oven door latched with a soft click and he straightened, surveying the stovetop, the pans and pots on the burners, the counters with the cutting boards marked with the juice from the fruit he’d cut and the butcher block surface dusted with traceries of flour and bits of pastry trimmed off to even out edges.  The pastries were not a usual project, but this morning it felt right to make some even as he tended to more savory fare to accompany them.  A proper brunch seemed right this morning, despite everything.
Perhaps because of everything.
“It smells good in here,” his commander’s voice said from the doorway.  The red-headed woman stepped into the kitchen, glancing around and finding them alone.  “When did you get back?”
“About an hour ago,” he said.  “I stopped in the market before I came back.  I hope you don’t mind.”
“Knowing how well whatever you brought back will serve morale?  No, never.”  She joined him at the stove, reaching over the pots and skillets he tended for the one of coffee set at the back to stay warm.  Her glance in his direction held the very vaguest hint of concern.  “What emergency sent your wife here to fetch you back at half past one in the morning?  You didn’t have to come back so quickly.”
He frowned briefly, using a spatula and a firm hand to toss some sizzling greens in their pan.  “What makes you think it was Seni?”
She favored him with a level look tempered by a wry smile.  “There is a very particular flavor to Senithvia Dra’zar’s magic that I am more than well acquainted with, Tyr.”  She filled a mug and then settled the coffee pot back into place.  “Come on now.  Are we going to do this dance?”
One corner of his mouth kicked into a grin as wry as hers.  “That depends on you.”
She stepped away, sinking into one of the chairs at the table, one that creaked even under her relatively slight weight.  Age and the temperatures were starting to wear on so much up here.  So much would need replacing and repair if they were to stay for much longer, to make everything into a proper garrison.  They both knew that—his commander better than most, since her contingent of Alliance forces was the most likely to remain on-station here even if the Crusade moved on.
She took a sip of coffee, her brow arching.  “Does it?”
He shrugged and turned away, checking the hash.  “It wasn’t Seni.”
“Then who?  And why?”
“My nephew.”
It took a moment for her to catch his meaning, but he knew it had registered as soon as he heard her mug against the table, rattling slightly in a way that suggested she’d hastily set it down.  The chair creaked as she leaned forward, almost but not quite rising.  “Is everything—”
“Everything’s fine,” he soothed.  “Honestly, they didn’t really even need me there, I think.”
“You wouldn’t have forgiven yourself if you hadn’t been.”
He stared down at the stove, at the array of cooking vessels and food he’d begun preparing.  It was probably too much, but better too much than not enough.  The urge to do it was half habit and half therapy.  As bitter as some of the memories were, far more were good.
His eyes stung.  “You’re right,” he murmured.  “I wouldn’t have.”
“Still, that doesn’t explain why you’re already back.  Unless…?”
He laughed.  “She told me to and some habits in that regard die hard.  Orders are orders, right?”
“Everyone’s healthy?”
“She and the baby, yes,” he said, shaking his head.  “Everyone else may be in some kind of altered state, but she said it was fine and I trust her to know.  Told me not to borrow trouble when she shooed me off.  I was glad to have been there, though.”
“I’m certain she was, too.  You’re as much her brother as her actual brothers.”
Tyr laughed quietly, eyes stinging, but he nodded.  “I suppose you’re right.  She’s seemed to collect those over the years.”
“Tyr, if you want to—”
“No,” he said gently, reaching for the coffee pot to pour himself a mug.  “No, Commander.  She’s right, my place is here right now.  I have a job to do until you and the Crusade find someone who can do it better or until I’m actuallyneeded back there.  They know where to find me, how to find me.  I write when I can.”
“Did you leave them breakfast, too?”
He barked another laugh, reaching up to wipe the tears from his eyes.
“What do you think?”
In answer to that, she simply smiled.
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djmusicbest · 1 month
April Melodies by alice.km
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- Artists: alice.km DATE CREATED: 2024-04-09 GENRES: House, Dance / Electro Pop, Tech House, Deep House, Progressive House, Melodic House & Techno Tracklist : 1. alice.km - Follow Me(Original) 2. Molly Mouse, Émilie Rachel - Serenity(Original Mix) 3. Baby Weight - For U(Original Mix) 4. Cormac Beeler - Runnin(Original Mix) 5. Arathor - The Others(Original) 6. alice.km - Day Break(Original Mix) 7. Morier - Inside My Head(Original Mix) 8. Aldo Cadiz, Ki Creighton - What's Her Name(Original Mix) 9. Waysen, Alexxon - Never Leave Me(Extended Mix) 10. Martin Tolosa, Larrosa (AR) - Symbiosis(Original Mix) 11. Hana, Durante - Hot Night feat. HANA(Extended Mix) 12. alice.km - Shadow Work(Original Mix)   Download FileCat Read the full article
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Mistor’s gossip
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7KatY9P
by what_katy_did_1234
Quartermaster Mistor is delighted to be able to share some gossip with his Army colleagues. They simply can’t believe what their former Lieutenant is up to now, and who he’s managed to marry. (Read after ‘Assassins in the Archives’ cos spoilers).
[Some of these own characters also appear in ‘Prisoners of War’.
Have been going through my sizeable fan fiction Dropbox folder—three years of writing means there’s a lot!—and I discovered this entertaining little story, which I forgot I’d written altogether.]
Words: 2553, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 35 of LOTR fan fiction
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Mistor (OC), Captain Uirien (OC), Gorion (OC), Arathor (OC), Cirdan (OC), Scraps - a dog (OC), Idis of Emyn Arnen (OC), Thorongil of Galaridh (OC)
Additional Tags: Army, Gossip, Matchmaking, Dogs, Inspired by The Lord of the Rings, Gondor, Fluff and Humor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7KatY9P
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fraterzigmund · 1 year
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Olympic Planetary Spirit of Saturn - Arathor
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zarathehunter · 2 years
Entry 12
"Dear Me,"
What's in a name, I wonder? What's in mine? Riverglow. A rather beautiful, weighty title- one that meant nothing to me. But as I sit here at this table, across from my love, sparing a moment to order my thoughts to paper, I realize it...never could've meant anything to me.
Assyria Riverglow, my mother, had a son with my father, Morgan Halt. That son was of Elf and Man. His name was...is...Zara. This creature called 'sullied' by the pure, was called odd, strange, and wrong. Chided by father, and as of recently, spurned by mother.
I do not know who I am MEANT to be, but I know that my heritage does not define me- not negatively, and not positively. I am only who I am. My mother is...out of reach. Forever, I think. So I have cut ties. My father is...also distant.
I have many claims to birthright. Do I belong in Dalaran, after all? Where I was born? Or do I belong in Arathor, in Strom, a Halt, where I fought and bled, where my blood calls home, where the wild winds blow across the prairie and I hunted many years? Or perhaps...do I belong in Quel'thalas? Where I was first raised, hidden from prying eyes? Do the gilded Eversong Woods call me home, after all, to the warm, sunkissed shores I played upon with Nameless, call to me as Riverglow?
That is a decision only I can make. I have decided...for now, none of them. I have built a home here, in the Hinterlands. I can visit those places, but I cannot rely on my heritage any longer. I cannot be chained to this 'thing', this idea. Elf, Man, mixed within- I am half of both. No, not only made of halves, of imperfect parts. I'm not my species. My worth is not tied to the land, blood, birthplace, house names, or an Elf or a Man. Well, maybe one Elf, of shadowed hue and echoed voice...but that is different.
I am Zara. Just Zara. I am a hunter, a trapper, and a provider. A wild man of wild places; the world is my birthright, the wilds my highest high home. A fighter? Maybe. A lover? Of course. I have never been much of a combatant, with no impressive magic to speak of, and perhaps I truly am slow of wit- at least, I am told that.
But I love with all my heart, my mind, and my soul. I love this world. I love my friends, the people in it. I love the wilderness, the wild, free places. I love my dearest, most valuable partner, and I love my feathered companion.
I am not my father- and to Assyria Riverglow, I "am not her son". And so I am not her either. I still do not know who I am meant to become.
But now? I am Zara. And that's good enough for me.
This dramatic respite concludes. It's time to set my sights back on the hunt- as it should've been, all this time.
I'm gonna take down a devilsaur.
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agilneanrose · 1 year
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OOC - It has been a year. I miss you Ethan, I hope wherever you are you are making all those angels blush and laugh. I hope you are singing off key and playing your guitar with your dog. I hope you are writing up there, you were great and I loved how excited you got before you posted and would message me. WAIT FOR IT. Alanden Damoux (tumblr.com) Anthony and I picked a stupid grave for Alanden in Duskwood, haha. Yeah, we are stupid but we needed it. The first Annual Etan day of Mur-der(pvp) is today! Slap on your Arathor tabard and get to killin! Don't forget to randomly yell FUCK if you lose.
On a serious note. Suicide takes our friends and family too often and it is up to our love and support to help protect them. Getting help doesn't make you weak, you also need to protect yourselves and it takes a strong person to do that. Here are some links to help: Suicide Prevention | Suicide | CDC
Lifeline (988lifeline.org) You don't even have to call! They have text and chat options also. Depression Test - Free mental health tests from Mental Health America (mhanational.org) Please Ya'll, take care of yourselves.
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