#Arab Wall of Fame
younes-ben-amara · 1 month
عيدُ ميلادٍ سعيد أستاذ محمود عبدربه أدامك المولى ذخرًا للمحتوى العربيّ 🎂🎈
ما هذه المجموعة من المختارات تسألني؟ إنّها عددٌ من أعداد نشرة “صيد الشابكة” اِعرف أكثر عن النشرة هنا: ما هي نشرة “صيد الشابكة” ما مصادرها، وما غرضها؛ وما معنى الشابكة أصلًا؟! 🎣🌐 🎣🌐 صيد الشابكة العدد #55 🎣🌐 صيد الشابكة العدد #55🍰 عيد ميلاد سعيد محمود عبدربه🧠💪 ذَاكِر لغتك العربية بقراءة هذه المقالات 🔌🧠 نقتطف من صحيفة المثقف ما يثري الثقافة 👎🏻 ما يمضي ضدّ الجِبلّة نهايته الفشل والاختفاء🤔❓ ما هي…
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fallahifag · 4 months
hi elios, sorry if this is too much, but could you translate motaz’s latest post? it’s a huge wall of text in arabic. here’s the link to the tweet:
English translation:
“I apologize to the people of Gaza…
I apologize to the people of Gaza if my appearance anywhere has stolen the spotlight from the massacres and ethnic cleansing that take place there. I apologize to the people of my city. No one knows except you how harsh it is that we live in longing and regret for our small city, which no matter how much we’re wronged in it, we still love.
I try as much as possible to be your loyal son. One of you, who only represents himself [and not other groups]. Someone who is trying to convey an image that truly represents you. An image that should have been conveyed a long time ago. We are not numbers.
I try to avoid the spotlight except for what serves Gaza in particular and Palestine in general. Media interviews, interviews with prominent figures, perhaps just to succeed in achieving something tangible for our people, I hope.
I am one of you, a young man from the destroyed city. I did not ask for fame. I did not ask to be in the limelight. I did not ask for war. I'm haunted by the feeling that made me leave, the heartbreak, and the survivor's guilt. If I knew that by staying in Gaza I would have made a difference, I would not have left you. No one moves, and the scenes continue to be repeated.
We have all lost, we have lost a lot, and we have been left alone, alone!
And remember that I am one from you and one for you.”
Original text in Arabic below the cut.
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cinnbar-bun · 5 months
Nasini El Donya (Make me Forget the World) [Crocodile x Reader]
Summary: You are his world. The place he's the most comfortable in. You are his sanctuary and his peace. Words alone cannot do you justice.
Notes: GN!Reader. MENA!Croc and Reader but this honestly negligible this is just me being self-centered. Features Impel Down Croc and after. Established relationship. Some fun Arabic translation notes at the end!
A/n: I cried twice writing this, don't look at me. This fic was inspired by the song of the same name as this fic by Ragheb Alama. It's a beautiful song I recommend listening to it while reading this.
Word Count: ~2.4k (not counting translation note)
You can read this on my AO3 here!
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Locked away from the world, in solitude and in isolation, the once fearsome warlord was left alone to pay for his crimes. The famed and beloved hero of Alabasta had been exposed as nothing but a deceitful monster. Crocodile’s luck had run out as he was rendered to this dirty and depressing cell, a far cry from the luxurious rooms that were seized after his arrest. 
He had it all, once upon a time. Strength, wealth, and fame that allowed him the opportunity to rise to the top. It was so close. He was so close. 
But close was not close enough, and his whole life had crashed down. 
Impel Down was hell. The layers and levels in this prison were torture. 
Alone he stayed in Level 6- the “Eternal Hell”. The name didn’t do this place justice, he thought. 
He’d rather be burned, forced to do manual labor, made to run through the spikes and bleed. Instead, he was made to sit. Sit and do nothing. Sit and wait for death to claim him. Sit and wonder where you were. Sit and think about how you were. 
Did you escape? Did you manage to get to the hideout safely? Were you doing alright? Did you miss him as much as he missed you? 
Days of nothingness blurred together into a constant reminder of his emptiness without you. This wasn’t the plan. This was never supposed to be the plan. He was supposed to be out there with you, holding you, taking you as his partner, his lover, and making you stand beside him as you two were proclaimed the rulers of Alabasta. You two were supposed to make your Utopia together. 
He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes.  
“Crocodile,” your gentle voice called out. Logically, this never should’ve been possible. Yet, in his weakened state, he held out for the one chance that you were there, in front of him, calling to him. 
“Yes?” He swung his head to you, only to realize that no one was there. He swallowed roughly, his heart caught in his throat and his face revealing his disappointment and shock. The prisoner in the cell across from him gave him a sadistic grin, as if recognizing Crocodile’s condition. Crocodile snapped out of his thoughts and glared at the prisoner before turning his body around, letting his back face the prison bars. 
Damn it, he was losing it in here. His cuffed hands rummaged through his pocket, and he took out a torn and scratched picture one of the jailers had tossed to him from his wallet. He recognized that picture, of course. Crocodile had taken this beautiful, candid photo of you at a sunny resort. You were in your swimwear, the sunshine beaming down on you but still looking so utterly dull compared to the radiance of your smile. He could still smell the salt from the water and feel the heat from the sun. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend. 
He cradled the picture gently, careful to not let it be torn up even more. The jailers had treated it poorly, threatening to rip it in front of him before they cackled in his face and threw it at him, reminding him of the fact he’d never see you again. A sick, twisted ploy, but one that at least gave him a piece of you.
This was the last item of you he had. The only thing in here of you that he could keep, the only reminder of the outside world he would no longer be able to see. 
How he wished to see the sun again with you. How he wished to have lunch with you when the sun was at its peak. How he wished to enjoy a sunset with you and eat dinner together. How he wished he could have spent one more night with you, holding you, kissing you, loving you- committing you to memory so he could say sorry and kiss you goodbye. 
He gazes down at your picture and his face hardens. There’s so many things he wished he could have said to you. Death would be far more pleasant than this regret he feels piling up and weighing down his heart. 
His mind wanders. If he could see you again, what would he say? 
I miss you? Not quite. That’s nothing like what he wants to say. 
I knew I’d see you again? Even he cannot find enough strength within him to fake his bravado. He can’t do that. That can’t be what he says. 
I love you? 
I love you. I love you. I love you. 
But that’s not enough. “I love you” was too little. Too mundane, too simple for what he felt. 
You were life itself. The very breath he inhaled and the very beat of his heart. The energy to get up in the morning, the will to make something out of a new day, the light in his eyes. 
You were… everything. 
Seeing you in the photo again, his fingers lightly brushed over your cheek, as if it could replicate the feel of your skin. 
You were life. You were what made life worth living. What made loving worth it. Without you, life was empty, cold, and devoid of feeling, just like how he was before you had crossed paths with him. 
That day was beautiful, the day he had met you. He didn’t quite understand it back then, but ever since that day, he looked back on your meeting and was thankful he bumped into you. What an idiot he was that day. 
If he had known better- he would have courted you sooner. Bought you everything and more. Confessed and been more honest with you. Said “I love you” more. Complimented you more. Enjoyed dining and living with you to the fullest. He would’ve stopped working as hard, would’ve made sure to spend every vacation and break with you. Hell, if you asked, he probably would’ve even thrown out his plans for Utopia. What Utopia could ever exist if you were not a part of it? 
Rotting away deep in hell, he had nothing to show for all the work he had devoted the years to. All the plans he made were ruined and tarnished. Worst of all, he had no way to see you or even make sure you were alive. 
His eyelids felt heavy and weak as he pressed the picture to his chest, where his heart would normally be. He took a deep breath and tried to imagine you and remember the times he spent with you. At least he could have something to reminisce on when in here. 
His breathing slowed down as the thoughts of you made him grow more weary. His heart was heavy without you there to uplift him. 
Having lost everything and with nothing more to do, Crocodile pressed his hands together. 
For the first time in his life, Crocodile began to pray. Begging wordlessly to anyone, anything, if they could grant him some form of salvation and allow him to see you one more time. And if he were to be denied, then at least let you be safe, far away from him and his mess. 
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When his eyes met yours, he has to check if you were real and not another figment of his imagination. He freezes. 
Please… don’t be another illusion. Don’t give me hope. Don’t let me imagine this-
“Crocodile!” You call his name, dashing to him with incredible speed. He’s trembling, stuck in the same place he was in as if his feet were in quicksand. You jump into his arms, causing him to nearly topple over as he wraps his arms tightly around you. He practically lifts you off the ground as he pulls you in closer, wanting to melt into you. 
“(Y/n)...” he whispers your name like a prayer. Crocodile takes a look at your face, those beautiful eyes that lead him astray every time reflecting his relieved self. You are real. You are alive. You’re here, in front of him, right now, right here. 
All the words he wished to say disappear and vanish from his mind. 
What words could he even say to accurately tell you just how much he missed you? What could describe the absolute hell he was in without you? Was there anything to relay how he was desperately wishing to see you and be yours again? 
He doesn’t know if he should say or do anything, but thankfully, you make the choice for him. You cradle his cheek in your hand and lean in to press a kiss to his lips. He can hardly recognize the feel of it, simply melting into your touch and your passion as he embraces you closer. His right hand trembles against your back as it slowly makes its way to your head to feel your hair. 
You’re real, my god, you’re real! The confirmation that you’re indeed real and touching him makes his heart jump. He finally feels light as he is reunited with you, the life he was deprived of in that hell and the war gone from mind. In his arms, there is only peace. Only you, you who nourishes his soul like a dehydrated man finally finding an oasis in the desert. 
You two break away from the kiss, the hand in your hair working itself back to caress your cheek with his thumb. He is lost in your eyes, not wanting to break away a single moment in order to have you in his vision for eternity. 
Crocodile lets out a shaky breath, shaking his head silently as he forgoes the words he was attempting to speak. 
In a weak voice, all he can muster for you, in his mother tongue, “There is so much of you in my heart.” 
Your eyes widen at what he says while his thumb continues to run over your cheek. “Dear?” 
“I dreamt of seeing you again and again, (Y/n). I was in hell without you every night,” he confessed. His jaw clenches as he tries to contain himself. “I thought I had lost you for good in there.” 
“You could never lose me,” you answer, your voice steady. 
“I’m grateful for that. I die in you. You hold my life in your hands, dear. Don’t let me live another day in this world without you.” 
You bury your face into his chest, his black suit getting wrinkled due to you clenching and tugging on his shirt. Your eyes water as you listen to his proclamations of love to you. 
“You bury me,” he murmurs, his deep voice rumbling in his chest as you can feel the heavy thumping of his heartbeat against his ribcage. He is alive, he is here, embracing you. No more lonely nights without your husband. 
No more returning to that darkness, to that awful place that awaited you two before. He hoists you into his arms bridal style, careful to make sure his hook does not scrape you. 
“Where are we going?” You ask. 
“Anywhere you want. Name a place. The world is open for you to see, and I will take you wherever. You don’t need to even lift a finger or have a single worry in your mind. I will prove to you every day just how much I adore you.” 
You look gobsmacked after hearing his answer and think for a brief second. 
“I just want to go home with you. That is all.” 
“But you’ve been stuck there for months. Don’t you want to leave and get out?” Crocodile incredulously. You shake your head. 
“I have not been home since the day you left,” you reply. Your statement makes him nearly drop to his knees. 
“What have I done to deserve you?” He asks rhetorically. He cradles you in his arms and begins to take a step towards the house he had bought earlier to shelter you in case of any failed plans. 
The house was smaller than the one you two shared in Alabasta, back when everyone wanted to be on his good side and offered you two gifts. It was plain, still well taken-care of thanks to your efforts, but drastically plain. Yet compared to the travesty that was Impel Down, this boring escape house was practically heaven. 
“I’m sorry, this house is a mess and I didn’t decorate it like-”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead to quietly interrupt you. “I don’t care about the decorations, dear. I don’t care about that. I can’t care about it when I am finally seeing you again.” 
“You really don’t?” 
“No. I’d rather focus on you. You are what really matters to me. I spent months worrying if you were even alive while I was locked away.” 
He carries you to your bedroom, carefully laying you on the silk sheets he had procured for you. He moves to run his hook through your hair before you caress the gold object. He pauses as your fingers tenderly remove the hook from his arm, an activity granted only to you. His devotion and trust in you is known by how he relaxes despite you taking the large weapon he always has on him away. None are allowed to see this side of him but you. 
He presses more kisses all over your face, wanting to feel and capture every feature of you. Your eyelids, your nose, your cheeks, your forehead, your jaw- he can’t get enough. You have him spellbound and addicted to you. 
When it comes to you, he throws the world aside and casts his eyes only to you. There is no greater joy in his life than seeing your beautiful face and that lovely smile adorn your lips, especially if he was the one who caused it. There’s no one like you roaming this world, and frankly, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Crocodile places another feather-soft kiss to your lips. 
“I’m home, my love. You’ll never have to have another worry in your life. I’ll do everything I can to make it right,” he whispers before diving in to kiss you again. 
His senses are overcome with your existence as he closes his eyes and embraces the feel of being reconnected with you. 
The outside world simply ceases to exist whenever he is in your presence.
Translation notes:
So Arabic is a very dramatic and poetic language. A lot of the nuance isn't really captured in English but I'll do my best to explain some of these. I think "there is so much of you in my heart" is pretty self-explanatory so I'll skip that one.
"I die in you": Similar to something akin to "I love you to death", but more dramatic.
"You bury me": I know this sounds super depressing or kind of threatening (especially from Crocodile), but this is a term of endearment that we use. It's basically Crocodile saying he loves you so much that he wants to die first so he will never have to live a day without you.
Anyways, that's all for today! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this fic and this mini Arabic lesson :)!
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27-moons · 2 months
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Origins of the PFLP Logo (source)
Analysis / Interpretation / Press
The Origins of the PFLP Logo
Berut, Lebanon - 1969
Vladimir  Tamari -  August 2016, Tokyo [speaking in the following text]
Following the overwhelming Arab defeat and the total occupation of Palestine, including Jerusalem in the Arab-Israeli War of June 1967, the Palestinians countered with a guerrilla war - the Resistance. I was in Beirut at the time, cut off from home and family, and working for UNRWA the United Nations Agency to support Palestinian refugees in the audio visual section. When our film group went to the Jordan river to film the stream of Palestinian refugees fleeing the war, I tried entering Palestine. I said "Salam" (Peace) to the lone Israeli soldier posted there on the bridge. He replied smiling "Shalom" but with his gun prevented my return to Jerusalem, my birthplace, and to Ramallah my home. Later in Beirut I worked in the UNRWA-UNESCO Institute of Education as an illustrator. 
One day in early 1969 my friend X (who prefers anonymity) and I were wondering why the Resistance did not have an effective logo or symbol so we started designing one. This was a personal initiative as neither of us was or became members of any of the organizations carrying on the fight against the Israeli occupation of our beloved homeland. We sketched and played with various ideas – using the Arabic letter Fa for Falastin (Palestine), adding an arrow to the word Fath - Yasser Arafat's group, and finally adding a map of Palestine. The Fa + arrow + map made a simple dynamic symbol and I felt it was good enough to finalize and send to the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) as a logo suggestion. I have no idea if my covering letter and designs ever reached the poet Kamal Nasir, the spokesman of the PLO, or whether some committee there rejected a change (they already had a bureaucratic-looking logo designed by my friend the Palestinian painter Ismail Shammout. The military wing of the PLO had its own symbol, designed by the Syrian painter Nazir Nab'aa.)
Meanwhile as a graphic designer and typographer I was helping the Jordanian sculptor and poetess Mona Saudi produce her book In Time of War Children Testify of drawings and anecdotes by Palestinian refugee children from Baq'aa refugee camp in Jordan (Published in 1970 in Beirut jointly by the PFLP and Mawaqif, the journal of the Syrian poet Adonis, which Mona co-edited). I scripted the entire text of the book by hand using an early version of my AlQuds font. Mona had contacts with the PFLP, and had the idea to change the Fa of the logo to the Arabic letter Jeem  for Jabha (Arabic: front). This I implemented using the distinctive curved letter jeem from AlQuds. Mona took the logo suggestion to Ghassan Kanafani, the spokesman for the PFLP. Kanafani, the famed Palestinian novelist, was also a gifted amateur artist and he immediately understood the impact of the symbol and had it adopted by the group, after changing the square format to a circle. People in the movement liked the logo and as the years and decades passed it appeared in all sorts of posters, flags, wall graffiti everywhere in and outside Palestine. 
Needless to say, my having designed the logo did not mean I condoned what I soon felt were some serious mistakes made in the name of Palestine, such as the targeting of innocent civilians. In a spirit of disillusionment I left Beirut for good, and emigrated to Japan where I limited my activities for Palestine to designing posters, giving talks, and the like, devoting myself to my art and inventions.  I had met both Kamal Nasir (the cousin of my brother-in-law) and Ghassan Kanafani. Once in Ramallah Kamal with his wonderful spirit, urged me to follow my dreams whatever the cost. Both he and Ghassan were assassinated by Israeli agents in Beirut, in 1972 and 1973 respectively. Their political work ended with their deaths, but their great novels and poems live on as a treasured part of the Palestinian cultural heritage. In 1976 my father obtained a permit to allow me and my family to visit him my mother and sisters in Ramallah then under Israeli occupation. On the bridge on the Jordan River I was arrested by the Israelis and detained in Jerualem for three days, where I was questioned about my above-mentioned activities then released. After three months I was not allowed to renew the permit to be in my own homeland and had to return to Tokyo.
The Arabic word Fath (Palestine Liberation Movement) with the arrow I designed. Feb 1969
X abbreviated the Fath to an 'F' with an Arrow, adding in Arabic "Towards Victory Always - Long Live Palestine!"
My drawing of the Fa + arrow March 1969
Brainstorming with X - the map is added. February 1969
The Fath logo sketch. Apri-May 1969 
An early sketch of the PFLP symbol. May 1969
The final PFLP logo in outline. May 1969.
Printer's proof of the logo. Nov. 1969
Ghassan Kanafani, spokesman of the PFLP in his Beirut office around 1970 just as I remembered him. I went there on business related to the Palestinian refugee children's drawings book In Time of War, Children Testify. The finalized symbol is pinned on a map pf Palestine. To the left is the circular version which became the standard. 
In 1970 I was asked to design this medallion or key-holder. 36 mm diameter.
A news item from AlHadaf the official PFLP magazine edited by Ghassan Kanafani. November 1969. "A NEW SYMBOL FOR THE POPULAR FRONT. The new symbol for the Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine, as it appeared recently in a number of places. It consists of the letter 'J' ending with an arrow thrust forward, towards Palestine."
Now, 47 years after designing the PFLP symbol, the enthusiasm and wrath of those years is a distant memory. Nevertheless, the symbol itself is still very much in use as I discovered via a simple Internet search. The logo helps keep alive the spirit and hope of liberation, reminding us of the necessity of regaining our own homeland. It is still used at rallies attended by thousands, waved at funerals of those who have given up their lives to the cause - often as a result of mistreatment or hunger strikes in Israeli jails, and scrawled on the Separation Wall eating up our beloved Palestine from the inside.
Palestinian girls attend a Popular Front rally in Gaza in 2015. Note how they added a ^ mark to the symbol, for the letter Sheen in Shaabiyya- Popular. Right, the official symbol as it is distributed digitally from the group's website.  My original outline of the logo have become slightly distorted, for example the horizontal line lost its subtle curvature.
A poster announcing the martyrdom of university student Saji Darwish  shot by Israeli troops near Ramallah in Palestine in 2014 after a rock-throwing incident.
Saji's funeral procession.
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thewapolls · 10 months
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So the Adult Mags boss fight became a recurring thing starting with Wild Arms 3.
In their first appearance they feature the NPC Claudia, whom Melody had disguised herself as in an attempt to seduce Gallows and Clive, which of course notoriously failed. It's not entirely clear what was on the back cover.
In Alter Code F is has the dream demon, Elizabeth on the cover and also the interior pages.
Then for WA4 and 5 they use the same cover art with the Raid Buster enemy on the front?? for some reason, and the Doctor Gob on the back.
Weirdly, they did make an overworld model of the Adult Mag in 5 that doesn't match the one used on the actual enemy model in battle; It features Yulie, from WA4.
It's actually kind of odd that the enemy stuck around, because for WA4 and WA5 there aren't that many magic book enemies, where as they had been kind of a staple of the Wild Arms bestiary in the early games, starting with Cecilia's prologue dungeon being the hidden library. And in fact, I want to kind of trace the history of this family of enemies while we're on the subject...
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The seminal entry to the bestiary is the Blue Book, found in Cecilia's prologue in the original Wild Arms, and as a sort of throwback, also appears in Lilka's prologue in WA2. Despite the seemingly overly literal name, it's actually a reference to the above pictured style of British almanac.
I like the idea that it's a kind of living magical book, not because it's some cursed grimoire or ancient tome of magic, but just because it's an encyclopedic collection of information that happens to include enough aetheric truth about the nature of magic that it manifests magic itself. It also accounts for why it's such a low level monster, because it's not really a deliberately magical being.
(I had trouble getting a good shot of its front cover in WA5 but I assume it's the same as in 4 and F)
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After that the obvious progression in magical books is the Necronomicon itself, famed grimoire of Lovecraftian lore, allegedly written by Abdul Alhazred, "The Mad Arab," whom is of course the namesake of the Wild Arms 1 villain, Alhazad.
It appears consistently as a book bound in black leather with some form of golden trim or clasps. Hard time getting a clear shot of the front cover in 3 or F. They have been variously localized as Necromicon, Necronomic, and actual Necronomicon as less of a translation issue and more a character limit problem.
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Perhaps the more surprising addition to this family is the Targum (initially mislocalized as "Talgium") which is a Hebrew term used to refer to the original Aramaic translation of the Tanakh.
For one, it's a really obscure kind of thing to pull for a bunch of Japanese creators, but I kind of love how it isn't some faux-qabal derived grimoire the sort that was popular with Christian occultists of the middle ages, from which a lot of Christianity's fake lore comes from, and from which demonology owes its roots. Instead it's just the idea that this original translation somehow holds power in and of itself. It doesn't seem to hold innately biblical implications, instead suggesting a kind of rosetta stone sort of role. It's the closest thing a modern Filgaian reader has to some ancient lost text that they couldn't possibly understand; it's the shadow on the wall of Plato's cave, the distinct shape of an otherwise blindingly unknowable truth, and that in and of itself gives it this immegnce power.
Moreover, the model in all(?) appearances seems to be based on old Japanese side-stitch. (it's why the models rather distinctly don't have a spine and you can see the leaf edge along the back just like on the sides) It's an older style that doesn't require adhesive, and has at this point become less practical and more of a novelty. In any case, its immediate effect is to give the Targum the distinct feeling of being archaic and foreign; so old that they're entirely outside the style of printing and binding standards of Filgaia's loosely western european setting.
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And finally* the rather goofy one time entry in Wild Arms 3, the Manga enemy --localized as Comic Book. It seems to feature the official character art of Dario and Romero ont he cover, with a feature highlight of Martina?
*I nearly missed Apocrypha being another WA3 original book enemy. It's pretty mundane recolor of the Bluebook, with a slightly different cover, but it's notably a neat sort of companion piece to Targum as another "biblical" text. Apocrypha are books of otherwise bible related or adjacent texts that aren't considered biblical canon, thus apocryphal texts. It's neat that the only two references to biblical texts that appear in the game with power are the original translations of the Tanakh and noncanon texts. Actual Christian new testament be damned.
And another really cool detail is that in the original Wild Arms, each book had its own unique interior texture as well, which could often barely be spotted during attacks
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div1nity · 10 months
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𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄⠀⠀ ‟⠀⠀⠀⠀… ⠀⠀⠀the⠀⠀cost⠀⠀of⠀⠀fame⠀⠀was⠀⠀just⠀⠀a⠀⠀𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍⠀⠀𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆⠀⠀𝒕𝒐⠀⠀𝒑𝒂𝒚⠀⠀at⠀⠀the⠀⠀time⠀⠀,⠀⠀a⠀⠀little⠀⠀favour⠀⠀and⠀⠀𝖙𝖍𝖊⠀⠀𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑⠀⠀would⠀⠀𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒⠀⠀𝑢𝑝⠀⠀𝑚𝑦⠀⠀𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒⠀⠀.⠀⠀but⠀⠀now⠀⠀i'm⠀⠀𝑜𝑛⠀⠀𝑡ℎ𝑒⠀⠀𝑟𝑢𝑛⠀⠀'cause⠀⠀he⠀⠀wants⠀⠀me⠀⠀𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝⠀⠀𝐨𝐫⠀⠀𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞⠀⠀,⠀⠀the⠀⠀fame⠀⠀and⠀⠀fortune⠀⠀got⠀⠀me⠀⠀trapped⠀⠀in⠀⠀a⠀⠀𝘤𝑖𝘵𝑦⠀⠀𝘰𝑓⠀⠀𝘭𝑖𝘦𝑠⠀⠀.⠀⠀mirror⠀⠀,⠀⠀mirror⠀⠀sitting⠀⠀up⠀⠀high⠀⠀on⠀⠀the⠀⠀wall⠀⠀;⠀⠀save⠀⠀me⠀⠀from⠀⠀𝖙𝖍𝖊⠀⠀𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑⠀⠀that's⠀⠀ho͟l͟d͟i͟n͟g͟⠀͟⠀͟m͟y͟⠀͟⠀͟s͟o͟u͟l⠀⠀,⠀⠀coming⠀⠀for⠀⠀the⠀⠀favor⠀⠀that⠀⠀he⠀⠀𝒌𝒏͟𝒐͟𝒘͟𝒔⠀⠀that⠀⠀i⠀⠀owe⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ /⠀⠀headcanons⠀ , ⠀⠀threads⠀ , ⠀⠀playlist⠀ , ⠀⠀open starters⠀ , ⠀⠀starter call .⠀⠀ ⠀trigger⠀⠀warnings : ⠀⠀the typical things that come with overwatch : political unrest , murder / assassination all that mumbo jumbo | this is an ever evolving verse , which means more info will be added or changed as time goes on .
ca͟l͟l͟ ͟s͟i͟g͟n : blue ( blackwatch ) | virago ( current : HISTORY , the title has a long and rich history dating back to hellenistic philosophy in ancient greece ; the concept itself linked to the notion of brave men abiding society and being the core of its values and ethics - it's about heroism, morality and physical strength ; women at the time were considered lesser in comparison . however, if exceptional enough - these women could be granted with the title virago - meaning the woman had surpassed the exceptions for what believed possible for her gender and embodied masculine like aggression and/or excellence. virago, then, was a title of respect and admiration. as time went on, the meaning changed to something more negative, 'a domineering, violent, or bad-tempered woman.' or 'shrew' - the title intertwined with it's original meaning and the newest ; however most understand the name to mean the latter . coraline's strong connection to greece and the history is what inspired this title - it's also a little on the nose study that just like the callsign, there is more to coraline and her character than the faracde displayed on the surface . ) bi͟r͟t͟h͟p͟l͟a͟c͟e : britain. lo͟c͟a͟t͟i͟o͟n : bounces around a lot ; has a few apartments in shady spots . however one of her main resting places is a ship that's in the middle of the australian desert ; it has everything she needs . fa͟c͟e͟c͟l͟a͟i͟m : depends when the mood strikes , sometimes natasha romanoff from the marvel comics ; othertime i'll use lara croft both game and comics ; i'll also just use my main live action. ac͟c͟e͟n͟t : due to travelling , coraline's accent has a twinge of everything ; however there is a prominant southen london tone that is more dominant . la͟n͟g͟u͟a͟g͟e͟s͟ ͟k͟n͟o͟w͟n : greek, spanish, russian, swedish, irish, korean, german, chinese, japanese, french, arabic, morse code . sc͟a͟r͟s : deep , red scar across neck from a fatal wound during a blackwatch ops - only managed to survive due to the meds team quick response / talent ; often covered up with a choker , gun shot wounds on left hip and right shoulder . ta͟t͟t͟o͟o͟s : faded blackwatch logo on right side ; clearly in the process of being removed ( is sorrttaa gone recall ; it was a drunken mistake in her ovw era ) / rose thorns circling right thigh , cat tattoo left arm . jo͟b͟ ͟h͟i͟s͟t͟o͟r͟y : worked for overwatch in their undercover division , blackwatch . when disbanded was an assassin for hire with no loyalty to any cause - has a history of being hired by talon acquaintances ; thus starting a complicated , untitled relationship with the group . sk͟i͟l͟l͟s : martial arts , hacking , engineering ( the later two certainly aren't her specialities , they're just things she can do at a low scale . ) po͟w͟e͟r͟s : magic user , has regenerative cells that cause quick healing , this is also why coraline appears ageless - though is mortal , just requires a fatal wound to kill her . ab͟i͟l͟i͟t͟i͟e͟s͟ ͟i͟n͟ ͟g͟a͟m͟e : create portals and jump from different areas of the map ( no team mates can use ) with a 10 second cool down , self healing , smoke bomb that has a 6 second cool down ULTIMATE : duplicates nearby team members for 7 seconds , sending out holograms that mimic the individuals actions . it's the slowest ultimate build due to the intensity of it . lo͟a͟d͟o͟u͟t : M110 semi-automatic sniper , nighthawk aac recon : silenced , throwing knives and an omniblade machete | has an ai companion named hephaestus that helps on missions when/if needed .
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the streets have always been coraline's home , even when having four walls and a roof - she didn't shy away from sneaking out and sleeping in alleys in favour of her bed . her parents were abusive ; mean, rich and powerful people who didn't hesitate to weaponize it, even against their own blood . they were reason why she was born with survival flowing through her veins - the reason why she's always had a sharpness about her that the kids around her lacked . it was only a matter of time before she took to them full time , deciding that they were safer than being at 'home' - of cause the streets came with harsh challenges , with ruthlessness - but it was better , making it an environment coraline thrived in all too well .
she needed friends on the streets ... so to speak , friendships are rare in and of themselves - what she needed was allies. meaning snuggling up to gangs in different areas was the next best thing, it was the way to provide safety ; shelter without stepping on anyone's toes, especially with the ever rising conflicts. she didn't carry a title ; at least not internally , outwardly was another story ; realistically, everyone was using each other, it's what made the system work - mutually beneficial relationships, while fickle, have a strength about them the longer you remain useful. within the system there are still special connections to be made - cautious friendships, if you will. with this came trust, in return you can get shelter, food and something that couldn't be gained on her own ; stability and purpose.
it wasn't long before coraline was put to work, things she was more than happy to do - smuggling drugs across state lines, stealing intel from different gangs ; dangerous work, especially for a child - but it was work she thrived in. coraline had a talent for stealth , for having a quickness on feet - it what built her reputation and she wasted no time profiting off of it. there was also the added edge of having abilities that others tyically didn't ; magic usage had only been a small percentage of her life, trying to avoid it as much as possible ; however it came in handy when being sent on the low scale missions - quick healing, the ability to create portals - it made her life easier, it certainly made her far more efficent. though it was a secret held close to heart - she didn't need to go bragging and giving up all her secrets.
it's this what got her on overwatch's radar ; there was a long while of them keeping tabs on her movements, watching from afar and getting a better understanding of her skills and talents - she was the perfect candidate for the organization - the exact sort of skills that they were looking for - though it was a little while before getting involved, obviously waiting for an oppotunity to arise before approaching.
in truth, it didn't take long. the life was catching up with coraline - between gang conflicts coming to ahead, the law slowly closing in and people realising that she was playing both sides with a little too many unfulfilled debts, there were a lot of people seeking her out - the sloppiness had much to do with her worsening drug habit, it was making her reckless, no thoughts going into her actions - she wasn't happy, coraline doesn't remember a time where she was and as a result they were the only things that made her forget about her life - the state she's made of it, it was easy to fall into hopelessness when there wasn't any hope to begin with.
one night, coraline had snuck away from the group after packing up her belongings, what was worth while of it ; a gun, some stolen money and some clothes - it was here when overwatch decided it was time to approach her - extending a helping hand and offering a second chance, a chance to care about something other than herself ; a chance to be someone she could be proud of. coraline didn't really have a choice when accepting, but she'd be lying if she was mad about it.
as mentioned , coraline was heavily involved in drug use ; specifically meth , speed and cocaine - anything that kept her awake and had her blood pumping. there have been several instances of her stealing from stealing from suppliers - giving them the drugs in full, only to sneak back and steal some for herself.
another side gig that was taken up more so as a way to pass the time was partaking in illegal boxing matches - it was something she watched regularly and enjoyed betting on ; it was only a matter of time before taking a personal liking to it ; it was harsh, violent, of cause she couldn't help but be drawn to it - after voicing interest in this, a boxer that hired her to gather intel had taken up the task of teaching her how to fight in a ring ; at first he voiced that she would be stupid to take up going into the ring, even with how much she was learning with him - but that just made the notion more exciting, "it's all about the show, ain't it?" she'd grin, wiping her mouth of blood from a particularly bad punch he'd swung at her - it was then he became aware of how quickly she healed, seeing this, the boxer had taught her how to use her smaller body and strength to her advantage - going up against people her size and the closest to her weight as they could find at the time - but she proved to be a worthy opponent - it was a while before finding her footing, but when that was found she ended up diving into rigging the fights for extra money ; she was in her element. though, it did become just another mess she got herself into.
before even stepping her foot through the door, overwatch had put coraline in their medical facility in an attempt to help her detox off of the drugs - it was an agonizing road ; dealing with sweats, emotional out bursts and violent mood swings - truly, the most painful experience she had ever been through ; not the fighting, the emotional torment of the streets - simply being away from the drugs almost completely broke her apart, she had relied on them so long to feel anything, to just exist she never realised how much strain they were putting on her body. despite the clear signs of addiction displayed, in truth, coraline never noticed just how much she relied on substances.
it was under a year before overwatch decided they were satisfied with her recovery, though given her cells, she recovered quickly ; at least physically, there was still the aspect of dealing with the mental torment of it all in the aftermath - but she said as long as she kept her mind busy, she would be fine - she feels ready to take on the world, to start new - she's never felt as good as she did in that moment - with the vote of confidence, they put her to work - well, training most specifically ; honing in on her fighting skills, practicing shooting - she had fun with it, even acting as a therapy.
she struggled learning how to trust - she lived her life backstabbing, lying and manipulating - it was the way things were. to suddenly change up the dynamic and put her life in the hands of other people in such a way caused her to have a slight crisis - team building exercises were regular, helping her get used to people, in a way, overwatch was helping her to completely rewire her social perception. it was a painful road seeing people as friends and not as enemies, but after a long time, of training with them and fighting along side them - she began to open herself up. allowing herself to get comfortable, to get somewhat soft around others and become docile - she was happier ; she was putting her talents to use while not having to worry about going home and getting stabbed in her sleep.
i personally hc that coraline was a part of the venice mission, because .. c'mon, it's fun to think about - and while a lot of her portrayal revolves around the core four, if you're a blackwatch writer ( gabriel , genji , moria , cassidy ) and don't vibe with the idea, then that's fine ! just let me know - because i can make it so the impact bw had on her are faceless within the group rather than specifically canon charcters.
after the collapse of overwatch, it took a little while for coraline to get back on her feet ; naturally , this left a large hole in her life that was originally filled by the group - they found her when she was at her worst and as a result she truly never pictured a time where she'd be without them . looking back , she realises how foolish she had been to put so much faith in something that wasn't even remotely sustainable - it was an undercover military group , the shadow of something that represented an artificial light that never truly existed in the first place ; it was bound to collapse in on itself from the weight of sins that it carried ; however she was young , she had a spark in her that made her hopeful - vulnerable , weaker - a mistake she promised to herself to never make again .
she took some time away , retirement so to speak , though without any of the actual relaxing ; taking the time to learn new skills ; languages , hacking , engineering - she knew already knew how to kill , how to fight ; blackwatch saw to that - they had taught her everything she needed to know , but that's nothing without the intelligence and added skills to back that up ; killing , fighting - it was easy, anyone could do it - there always needs to be an added edge . she built gadgets , practiced hacking anything that was of interest - she wanted to be better , she wanted to make herself bulletproof because she knew the path she was about to go down required her to be the best - at least be better than who she once was .
before going back on the field, her first move was to erase herself completely - cleaning up every little shadow of herself she could find in an attempt to have a fresh start, to burn her past self to the ground and rise from the ashes - not necessarily as someone better. her illegal boxing matches from her teenage years, the drug smuggling and gang activity, her time at overwatch - thrown out, as if it never happened at all. any trace of her legal name was gone, she preferred it that way, in this moment came some sort of clarity , even if dipped in melancholy - she became a new person, she had her entire life ahead of her without any of the baggage holding her down - though with this new found lightness, came a lot of bad ideas - ones she was more than happy to live out despite the grave consequences that will unfold from them . continuing the career of mercenary seemed like the most logical line of work for her to go in ; so that's what she did . nothing unusual, nothing that she wasn't already used to ; but eventually she fell into the assassin career, it was one that took a little too easily - even worse, she enjoyed it - she was far too good at the work and it eventually became the new norm in her contracts.
coraline's problem was she didn't really know herself, never took the time to learn. there was no outside of the violence ; because that's all there was, she can't picture not being behind a gun . finding herself in this line of work was natural progression from her previous employment . with dedication, pride and a swift efficiency - it only took a couple of years for her name to become a whisper in the places where it mattered. much like before overwatch she took to the moto of once again having no loyalty , no moral code - she didn't care who was the target, just that the pay was heavy and the client knew what it meant to be inconspicuous - she became the go to gun when needed something done ; swift, quick, easy and was already out of the targets vicinity when the pulling the trigger . eventually she was hired by higher profiles, being paid to off ceos, politicians and high end criminal targets .
coraline can always been seen wearing a mask, without one she feels naked, exposed and far too seen ; people describe her as cold, calculated, lacking empathy - but in truth … that isn't the case, though her actions certainly prove otherwise . she still has moments of hesitating when she knows certain targets don't deserve it, has moments of taking a sharp breath through teeth and closing her eyes as she pulls the trigger and wincing once the bullet goes through a target - she has a job to do and a title to maintain - so ultimately, it gets done, no matter what ; the guilt, the dirty feeling that sticks to her after every mission is ignored, as a result she isn't in the best headspace - forcing herself to shut down as much as humanly possible ; though that's just it, she's still human and living isn't as easy as it used to be - or maybe she's just getting old and faking it is becoming harder ; it's an unwavering farcade that very few can see beyond.
coraline's kill methods range from distance to up close and personal. her usual sign that she was the person behind the kill is kills via blade ; usually leaving behind quite a scene, especially when she deems someones death worthwhile. she likes to see the light fade from someones eyes, likes to be reminded what it looks and feels like when someone dies right in front of her ; it's easy to pull a trigger. it's another thing to hear the final breaths. this is also a method to keep her emotions in check, in short ; not only is it fun, but there's an element of personal mental self harm by putting herself through the trials to stop her going soft.
work in progress .
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taminoarticles · 2 years
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— Tamino for Libération, 2018 (x) (Original French text)
Tamino, Amir do you hear...
Still unknown last year, the young Belgian singer of Egyptian origin wants to be circumspect in the face of the announced success.
by Gilles Renault, photo Marleen Daniels for “Liberation”published on October 26, 2018 at 5:06 p.m.(updated at 6:10 p.m.)
To well-born souls, value not waiting for the number of years, here comes another Belgian kid knocking at the door of musical fame. The Walloon Infanta Angèle, barely hatched in the light song department for children, likely to titillate the grown-ups, makes way for Tamino, 22, an indifferently Flemish - and mixed-blood - replica of a strong magnitude within an industry in perpetual quest for fresh flesh.
As recently as last year, the three syllables only referred to the Oriental Prince of The Magic Flute, a Mozartian hero pursued by a snake and saved by the Queen of the Night who, in return, commissions him to fly to the aid of her daughter. However, by the grace of the nickname connoted, the obliging ephebe becomes, in 2018, one of the most serious hopes of the European pop scene, ready to capsize the choirs.
A hundred and eighty-eight centimeters of haughty youth, swaddled in an endless black sweater (and unwearable, for a quidam) branded Ann Demeulemeester, matching the flagrant charm of a dark romanticism à la Louis Garrel, Amir Moharam Fouad wears handsome with his left ear ring. But does not seem to make much of it, in the art-deco house surrounded by greenery of the maternal grandparents, where he gives audience on his land, in Antwerp, a few days before the international release of a much awaited first album "based on a harmonious blend of oppositions, hot - cold, bright - dark, western - eastern…”.
Indeed, for months in Belgium first, then in France and elsewhere, all the halls and festivals (Printemps de Bourges, Rock en Seine, Montreux) have been rolling out the red carpet in front of the steep romanticism of the precocious English-speaking prodigy. Germinated in the spring, a song, Habibi, was enough to raise the temperature, an embrocation steeped in spleen, climbing so cheerfully in the treble that it revived this flame once fanned by the late Jeff Buckley - to stick to a filiation which he cannot escape. Since then, the fever has not gone down.
Sitting on a big gym ball behind the grandfather's desk, the neo-crooner deceives it without hesitation, while taking care to maintain the private sphere within a security perimeter: it will be necessary to be satisfied with the minimum service - "a girlfriend, for a long time" - in the taste buds department. Just as the hypothesis of a meeting at home was politely dismissed, on the grounds that the Antwerp apartment into which he moved a year ago hardly represents him, fault, already caught up in the whirlwind of concerts and the recording of the disc, to have had time to open all the boxes.
Conversely, Tamino rightly feels at home in the home of Lucas and “Nonna” Gerda, affectionate ancestors who still brood over the infant whose sleepless hours were brushed with Mozart. The little boy who “transformed the living room into a place of theatrical performance”. The child "often in his bubble who, eager for reading, promised to one day transform into films the stories that captivated him". Then the teenager who, having no Christmas present to offer his grandmother, "went to her room for an hour, writing her a song at a moment's notice" - whose framed manuscript is now hanging on the wall.
Going back in the annals, we come across another Moharam Fouad who, on stage, once caused syncope. Adored actor and prolific singer (his track record counts 900 tunes), the roucouleur who died in 2002 was one of the Egyptian figures of the golden age of Arabic song, in the 60s and 70s. Dogs don't make cats; Tamino has a deep respect for his paternal grandfather, whose guitar he now uses like a talisman; while specifying to have been especially marked, child, by the melodic unction of John Lennon, or the considerations on the life, the love and the friendship of the Prophet, of the Lebanese author Khalil Gibran.
“If I have a role to play today, it's that of a unifier through my music. A large part of the evils that overwhelm our society comes from the ignorance that generates these prejudices fueling rejection and racism", extrapolates the "citizen of the world", not stingy with clichés for which he apologizes, while praising a spirituality kindly abstruse, based on a transcendence that defies monotheisms.
Growing up in a land where the Vlaams Belang - the Flemish far-right party - is fanning the embers of intolerance, Tamino - who, due to his young age, won't vote for the first time in his life until next year , to the municipal ones - prefers to appeal to the weighting. “Certainly, with my head and my name, I know that in the event of a random identity check, in a crowd, it will undoubtedly fall on me. But to be frank, I must admit that I have never had to suffer from discrimination for all that”, assures the ephebe, born of a Belgian mother, anthropologist, and an Egyptian father working today in events, who separate when he is just 3 years old - and his little brother has just been born (two half-brothers will follow, one on each side).
Retaining the "friendliness and open-mindedness" of the first, and the "humor" of the second - a moment lost sight of and today requalified as an excellent "friend" - Tamino assures, as far as he remembers, always wanting to be an artist. Even though the study of languages and behavioral sciences do not leave the high school student indifferent, music is indeed very quickly imposed on his eyes - and his ears - as the "most natural way of expressing himself". The shyness overcome at the conservatory of Amsterdam, where he will perfect his scales at the age of 17, Tamino nevertheless continues to appreciate this loneliness which, in the past, encouraged him to "stay two hours hidden reading under the desk of the grandfather". Or to take refuge in phantasmagoria, at this age when, ordinarily, boys seriously begin to stare at girls.
"Still today, isolation is not displeasing to me, and I know very well how to adapt to silence", certifies the seed of star, whose sincerity does not seem subject to caution. Without this preventing him from adding, a little later in the exchange, that he would see no incompatibility therewith with the fact of "becoming the new Bono". A brazenness that hastens to defuse an ingenuous smile, pushing away the still distant specter of disappointed hopes.
October 24, 1996 Born in Mortsel (Belgium).
2017 Release of the song Habibi in Belgium and first big concert, at the Werchter festival.
October 19, 2018 Release of the album Amir.
November 19 Concert at the Café de la danse (full).
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orthodoxydaily · 2 years
Saints&Reading: Monday, August, 29, 202
august 29_ august 16
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The Transfer of the Icon of our Lord Jesus Christ Not-Made-by-Hands from Edessa to Constantinople occurred in the year 944. Eusebius, in his History of the Church (I:13), relates that when the Savior was preaching, Abgar was the ruler of Edessa. He was stricken with leprosy all over his body. Reports of the great miracles performed by the Lord spread throughout Syria (Mt.4:24) and even reached Abgar. Without having seen the Savior, Abgar believed in Him as the Son of God. He wrote a letter requesting Him to come and heal him. He sent his own portrait painter Ananias to Palestine with this letter, and commissioned him to paint a likeness of the Divine Teacher.
Ananias arrived in Jerusalem and saw the Lord surrounded by many people. He was not able to get close to Him because of the large crowd which had gathered to hear the Savior. Then he stood on a high rock and tried to paint Christ's portrait from afar, but this attempt did not succeed. Then the Savior saw him, called him by name, and gave him a short letter for Abgar in which He praised the ruler's faith. He also promised to send His disciple to heal him of his leprosy and guide him to salvation.
Then the Lord asked for some water and a cloth to be brought to Him. After washing His Face, He dried it with the cloth, and His Divine countenence was imprinted upon it. Ananias brought the cloth and the Savior's letter to Edessa. Reverently, Abgar pressed the holy object to his face and received partial healing. Only a small trace of the terrible affliction remained until the arrival of the disciple promised by the Lord. This was Saint Thaddeus, an Apostle of the Seventy (August 21), who preached the Gospel and baptized Abgar and all the people of Edessa. Abgar attached the Holy Napkin to a board and placed it in a gold frame adorned with pearls. Then he placed it in a niche above the city gates. On the gateway over the Icon he inscribed the words, “O Christ God, let no one who hopes on Thee be put to shame.”
For many years the inhabitants had the pious custom of bowing down before the Icon whenever they went forth from the gates. Later, one of Abgar's great-grandsons, who ruled Edessa, fell into idolatry, and decided to remove the Icon from the city wall and to replace it with an idol. In a vision the Lord ordered the Bishop of Edessa to hide His Icon. The bishop came by night with his clergy, lit a lampada before the Icon, and placed a ceramic tile in front of the Icon to protect it, and then he sealed the niche with bricks.
As time passed, the people forgot about the Icon. But in the year 545, when the Persian emperor Chozroes I besieged Edessa and the city's position seemed hopeless, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Bishop Eulabios and ordered him to remove the Icon from the sealed niche, saying that it would save the city from the enemy. When he opened the niche, the bishop found the Holy Mandylion, and the lampada was still burning before the Icon, and an exact copy was produced upon the tile protecting the Icon.
The Persians lit a huge fire outside the city walls. Bishop Eulabios carried the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands around the city walls, and a violent wind turned the flames back on the Persians. The defeated Persian army retreated from the city.
In his Church History, the sixth century writer Evagrios Scholastikos refers to the Holy Mandylion (or Napkin) as The Icon made by God (Η θεοτεύκος εἰκών).
In the year 630 Arabs seized Edessa, but they did not hinder the veneration of the Holy Napkin, the fame of which had spread throughout the entire East. In the year 944, the emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitos (912-959) wanted to transfer the Icon to Constantinople, so he paid a ransom to the emir of the city for it. With great reverence the Icon of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands and the letter which He had written to Abgar, were brought to Constantinople by clergy.
On August 16, the icon of the Savior was placed in the Pharos church of the Most Holy Theotokos. There are several traditions concerning what happened later to the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands. According to one, Crusaders stole it during occupation of Constantinople (1204-1261), but the ship on which the sacred object was taken, perished in the waters of the Sea of Marmora.
According to another tradition, the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands was transported to Genoa in 1362, where it is preserved in a monastery dedicated to the Apostle Bartholomew. It is known that the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands repeatedly produced exact copies of itself. One of these, named “On the tile,” was made when Ananias hid the Icon in the wall on his way to Edessa. Another, imprinted on a cloak, wound up in Georgia. Possibly, the various traditions about the original Icon Is explained by the existence of several exact copies.
During the time of the Iconoclast heresy, the defenders of the holy icons, who shed their blood for them, sang the Troparion to the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands. In proof of the validity of venerating icons, Pope Gregory II (715-731) sent a letter to the Byzantine Enperor, in which he mentioned Abgar's healing, and the sojourn of the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands at Edessa as a commonly known fact.
The Icon Not-Made-by-Hands was put on the standards of the Russian army, in order to protect them from the enemy. In the Russian Orthodox Church it is a pious custom for a believer to read the Troparion for the Icon of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands when entering the temple, together with other prayers.
According to the Prologue, there are four known Icons of the Savior Not-Made-by-Hands:
Abgar's original Icon at Edessa (August 16).
The one at Kamuliana (Καμουλιανά), which is mentioned by Saint Gregory of Nyssa (January 10).
According to Saint Νikόdēmos of the Holy Mountain (July 14), the Kamuliana Icon appeared in the year 392, but it resembled an icon of the Mother of God (August 9).
During the reign of Emperor Tiberius (578-582), Saint Mary Synklitike (August 11) was healed by the Icon on the tile (August 16).
The Feast of the Transfer of the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands is observed along with the Afterfeast of the Dormition. The commemoration of the third Icon Not-Made-by-Hands mentioned above is called the “The Savior on Linen Cloth.”
The particular reverence for this Feast in the Russian Orthodox Church is also expressed in iconography, and the Icon Not-Made-by-Hands was one of the most widely distributed.
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Our holy father Anton of Martqopi arrived in Georgia in the 6th century with the rest of the Thirteen Syrian Fathers and settled in Kakheti to preach the Gospel of Christ. He always carried with him an icon of the Savior “Not-Made-By-Hands.” Anton made his home in the wilderness, and deer visited him every evening to nourish him with their milk.
One day the deer arrived earlier than expected, and they were followed by a wounded fawn. Clearly something had frightened them.
When Anton retraced the animals’ path, he discovered a nobleman, the head of a nearby village, hunting in the fields. Astonished to see the old monk with his icon, standing amidst a gathering of deer, the nobleman, being a pagan, became convinced that he was dangerous and ordered his servants to take him to a smith and chop off his hands.
Anton was led at once to the smith, but when the craftsman heated his sword and drew it above the monk’s hands in preparation, he fell down suddenly and his arms became like wood.
The daunted smith fell mute, but blessed Anton made the sign of the Cross over him and he was immediately healed.
Having heard about this miracle, the nobleman perceived that Abba Anton was truly holy, and he began to hold him in reverence. “Tell me what you need, and I will provide it for you,” he told Elder Anton. The monk requested a single piece of salt, and they brought him two large blocks. He broke off a small piece and placed it near his cell for the deer.
After the incident at the smith’s, many people began to visit Anton, and the holy father constructed a monastery for the faithful.
But before long their attention became burdensome, and Elder Anton fled from the world to the peak of a mountain. There he began to preach from the top of a pillar, where he would remain the last fifteen years of his life.
When God revealed to Fr. Anton the day of his repose, the monk-stylite gathered his pupils, imparted to them a few last words of wisdom, blessed them, and died on his knees in front of his beloved icon.
St. Anton’s body was taken down from the pillar and buried in the monastery that he had founded, before the icon of the Theotokos.’
Source: All texts Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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LUKE 9:51-56; 10:22-24
51 Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, 52 and sent messengers before His face. And as they went, they entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. 53 But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem. 54 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?" 55 But He turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. 56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them. And they went to another village.
22 All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. 23 Then He turned to His disciples and said privately, "Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; 24 for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it.
12 giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. 13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. 18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.
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schengen-countries · 8 days
7 Things to Do in Croatia
Croatia, a jewel on the dazzling Adriatic Sea, seamlessly blends vibrant culture, historical richness, and natural beauty. This country is famed for its gorgeous landscapes, ancient cities, and stunning coastline, thus offering travelers with assorted experiences. No matter one is a nature buff, a history aficionado, or seeks to let loose on pristine beaches, this delightful destination truly has a bit for all.
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Croatia Visa Guide- A Primer
Just as familiarizing about the types of Schengen visa is crucial before getting on board to any Schengen area, similarly for all those opting for a Croatia vacation, a Croatia visa guide will serve as a go-to resource to familiarize the essential travel documentation. The standard Croatia visa requirements encompass an accurately filled application form, a valid passport, travel insurance and financial evidence, and current passport-size photos. Depending on their nationality, they may require further documents, including proof of accommodation, travel itinerary, and return/onward air ticket. Most importantly, the traveler should ensure to check the current regulations and apply for a visa beforehand to reap the perks of a glitch-free tour.
Things to Do Overview
Things to do in Croatia galore of which the 7 should-try activities for making the utmost of one’s excursion to this magnificent country entails,
Dubrovnik's Old Town
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Also referred to as Pearl of the Adriatic, cannot be missed for good reasons. The UNESCO World Heritage site has carved a niche for its medieval architecture that is well-preserved. History lovers, this place is for you. They can survey historic landmarks like Franciscan Monastery and Rector's Palace, stroll through the lovely narrow, cobblestone lanes, or discover the beautiful ancient city walls that provide exquisite Adriatic Sea vistas and the iconic red rooftops, which makes it an idyllic spot for photography.
Dalmatian Coast
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Famed for its pictorial islands and azure waters, The Dalmatian Coast is amongst the premier places to visit in Croatia. Travelers can partake in a sailing tour or charter a yacht to survey renowned islands, namely Korcula, Brac, and Hvar. Every island provides something out of the box. Sailing the coast will let one take pleasure in secluded beaches, indulging in the Mediterranean lifestyle, and swimming in lovely turquoise waters.
Plitvice Lakes National Park
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Again a UNESCO World Heritage site, this is a natural retreat of several waterfalls and 16 interconnected lakes. The hiking trails and wooden walkways in the park will take one through lush forests as well as alongside translucent lakes, promising incredible vistas at each turn. The waters' vibrant hues, from azure blue to emerald green, make it a haven for photographers and nature buffs alike.
Split & Diocletian’s Palace
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Second-biggest city in Croatia, it is abode to the outstanding Diocletian’s Palace, one amongst the world’s Roman monuments that is well-preserved. The palace complex made during the 4th century creates the core of the old town of Split. People may wander via the yesteryear ruins, step into the beautiful Cathedral of Saint Domnius, & survey the bustling markets. Along the waterfront lies the Riva promenade, which is ideal for taking pleasure in a lazy walk, providing several eateries and cafes and awe-inspiring views.
Zlatni Rat Beach
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Positioned on the island of Brac, this is amongst the most loved Croatia beaches. Its horn-shaped, unique spit of land stretches into the Arabic Sea, which transforms shape with the wind and tides. Famed for its clear waters and golden pebbles, this beach is just perfect for windsurfing, sunbathing, and swimming. The adjoining pine forest offers shade along with a tranquil retreat from scorching sunrays.
The Istrian Peninsula's picturesque town is often compared with Venice for its lovely waterfront and Italian influence. People can wander through the winding, narrow lanes of old town, explore Church of St Euphemia, and indulge in the colorful art scene. Its coastal milieu guarantees fresh seafood, thus paving the way for visitors to relish a culinary delight.
This is a city steeped in culture and history, celebrated for its Venetian and Roman ruins. Must-see attractions comprise the Cathedral of St Anastasia, the Roman Forum, and the Sea Organ, which produces music via sea waves. The installation of Sun Salutation nearby creates a wonderful light show that is powered by solar energy. These modern installations at sunset provide a wonderful experience as one hears the harmonious sounds as well as observes the light display.
Final Analysis
In short, Croatia is a place that provides a deep-rooted tapestry of experiences encompassing charming coastal towns, idyllic beaches, natural wonders, and historic cities. Its wide-ranging attractions promise a visit to remember. This attractive country captures every traveler's heart with its exclusive mix of natural beauty, culture, and history, making this a vital spot on a European itinerary.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 7 months
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What if at THIS point the only deterrent is mutually assured self-destruction ⚛️💣?
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The philistines struck 👺 1st.
What if at THIS point the only deterrent is mutually assured self-destruction ⚛️💣?
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Many 🎬 holding power in Hollywood are of Jewish heritage; studio "woke" heads (of whom some are Jews), make entertainment content that cancels cultures + backs destructive demo-🐀 RAT policies. THAT has backfired.
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37+ years ago, our Lord was ALREADY moving me into 🎭 a closer understanding:
This play that I directed on campus lends itself to a 📚 study of Existentialism.
Briefly, ⬆️ it's a philosophical contemplation stating people are only what they make of themselves.
I gave this production ✝️ a Christian Existentialist twist, that mankind is only what God makes of us. At the time, the department Chair of Philosophy at UCSD was so impressed by our show that I lectured to his class of graduate students *as an undergraduate, see pic proof.
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Muslims do NOT accept the Biblical account of Abraham as having blessed Issac over Ishmael. Animosity remains.
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Lots of Israel's neighbors are Arabs and they get along just FINE 🫂. Today's philistines allowed billionaires living in Qatar to serve iranian zealots in exchange for money.
Let's pray 🙏🏼 that God RIDS the world of satanic 👺♟️ chess pawns, that mutual RESPECT replaces hatred.
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Man's INHUMANITY to Man: 🎬 Hollywood didn't FLINCH when depicting evil, in its early days.
What if at THIS point the only deterrent is mutually assured self-destruction ⚛️💣?
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Irreconcilable differences 🙏🏼 require intercessory prayer.
What if at THIS point the only deterrent is mutually assured self-destruction ⚛️💣?
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👿 evildoers want to force us to obey them, but God will provide a path to Heaven.
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cleoenfaserum · 10 months
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H.P. Lovecraft statue in Providence, RI sculpted by artist Gage Prentiss. Photo taken by David Lepage (OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA) shortly after the statue was unveiled online. A place has yet to be determined for the permanent installation of the statue in Providence.
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Who is this scary dude that seems to have come out of the New England witchery subterranean hell. He is certainly crafty and don't know about him being a lover, particularly in his writings, well, I'll leave you to decide.
I am going to deal with H. P. Lovecraft  "Necronomicon", a fictional grimoire (meaning a textbook of magic) which has been featured it in many of his stories. So wish me good luck with that.
About this New-Englander Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937), he was an American writer of weird, science, fantasy, and horror fiction. He is best known for his creation of the Cthulhu Mythos. I would suggest further reading at H. P. Lovecraft - Wikipedia
(679VID1) https://youtu.be/Ll67gXlC6qE
The Necronomicon, also referred to as the Book of the Dead, or under a purported original Arabic title of Kitab al-Azif, is a fictional grimoire (textbook of magic) appearing in stories by the horror writer H. P. Lovecraft and his followers. It was first mentioned in Lovecraft's 1924 short story "The Hound", written in 1922, though its purported author, the "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, had been quoted a year earlier in Lovecraft's "The Nameless City". Among other things, the work contains an account of the Old Ones, their history, and the means for summoning them.
READ MORE: Necronomicon - Wikipedia
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To make a long story short, I've included the following movie. (IMdB rating 5'8)
Necronomicon (also called H. P. Lovecraft's Necronomicon, Necronomicon: Book of the Dead or Necronomicon: To Hell and Back) is a 1993 French-American anthology horror film. It features three distinct segments and a wraparound directed by Brian Yuzna, Christophe Gans and Shusuke Kaneko and written by Gans, Yuzna, Brent V. Friedman and Kazunori Itō. The extensive special makeup and animatronic effects were supervised by Tom Savini[1] and were created by John Carl Buechler, Christopher Nelson and Screaming Mad George.
The three stories are based on three works by famed horror writer H. P. Lovecraft: "The Drowned" has light similarities to aspects of the short story "The Rats in the Walls", "The Cold" is based on the short story "Cool Air", and "Whispers" is based on the novella The Whisperer in Darkness. Read more: Necronomicon (film) - Wikipedia Necronomicon: Book of Dead (1993) - IMDb
(679VID2) https://ok.ru/video/1677493209656
History of the Necronomicon - Wikipedia
Necronomicon - Wikipedia
Necronomicon (film) - Wikipedia
THE NECROMOMICON - An immersive film and audio book experience.
Altrusian Grace Media presents THE NECRONOMICON - an immersive film and audio book experience. Inspired by and referenced in the literary works of H. P. Lovecraft, the Necronomicon is the infamous Book of the Dead. The Necronomicon, also referred to as the Book of the Dead, or under a purported original Arabic title of Kitab al-Azif, is a fictional grimoire (textbook of magic) appearing in stories by the horror writer H. P. Lovecraft and his followers. It was first mentioned in Lovecraft's 1924 short story "The Hound", written in 1922, though its purported author, the "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, had been quoted a year earlier in Lovecraft's "The Nameless City". Among other things, the work contains an account of the Old Ones, their history, and the means for summoning them. Download the audio version at https://altrusiangrace.bandcamp.com/a... Narrated by Matthew Schmitz
(679vid3) https://youtu.be/RGi4ACLePGw THE NECRONOMICON - an immersive film and audio book experience
(679vid4) https://ok.ru/video/85548272194 Necronomicon: Book of the Dead (1993) - VIAJE A LO INESPERADO
See the book in PDF...
Al-Azif-Necronomicon.pdf (holybooks.com)
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freeegypt772 · 2 years
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molloyborg3 · 2 years
Knockoff Burberry Watches Cartier Replica Watches Roadster Fake Gold Diamond Watch
That’s why a lot of the knockoff markets came up with an idea to create Burberry impressed bags, with equivalent high quality, however at very inexpensive costs. So you could be right here questioning where to seek out replica Burberry bags. The Purse Queen was began in August of of 2010 by me, Angie , as a blog that reviews authentic & replica handbags I really have purchased throughout the years, and replica websites as well. I am your typical fashion obsessed woman in her 30s (think Blair Waldorf or Serena van Der Woodsen post-Gossip Girl) based mostly in New York, however incessantly travel around the globe . wikipedia handbags This new replica watch is fitted with a shocking silver grain dial with utilized markers matching the steel of the case. The Burberry handbag hit a way a wonderful supply of the first 2000 once the likes of Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss and Tamara Beckwith endorsed it absolutely. high quality burberry replica handbags Today, Burberry handbags are flaunted with the elite because the darling of this trend world. Burberry handbags have grown to be quite popular considering the burberry london outlet retailer who who within the glamour world that numerous firms have finally began manufacturing Burberry replica purses. 16 cm extra colours Packaging & Shipping We ship the bags inside cartons. We are specialized in the manifacturer of leather luggage FG S.r.l. The backpack has a really spacious main compartment, good for big items of bags and fragile units. It also has a quantity of zipped pockets which are beneficiant in house, excellent for added stuff that you simply may need to keep it up college, at work, or even at your next adventure journey. Ten years in the past, London-based photographer Toby Leigh noticed this shift and started snapping footage of fake Burberry gadgets he saw on the streets of Thailand, Serbia, the United Kingdom, and more. The golden bag buckle and the milk apricot-colored bag are very temperament. It is provided with a leather-based shoulder strap, but the TB brand has a golden texture and apricot color. The buckle design above allows you to modify the size at will. Started from England, the British clothing model Burberry was one of the most iconic trend houses in historical past. Burberry paved its personal method towards its fame and energy over the ever-growing market of trend. Through the years of design tendencies and expertise, the Burberry group bested its competitors worldwide and took management of the standard of the style merchandise and naturally, price points. Inspired from a bowling bag, the Cube bag has a simple but skilled design. The replica Burberry bag is a bit smaller than the unique but options the design that yow will discover on the original Cube Bag. The Burberry knockoff bag can be made with genuine leather-based materials and polyester lining. The new brand handbag Replica Burberry Handbags TB Classic Print Small Crossbody Bag is memorable at a look. The new season options the TB Bag, which debuted at Riccardo Tisci’s first presentation after the spring and summer time 2019 show as artistic director. LONDON — Burberry is taking retail in new instructions, building a virtual replica of its flagship Ginza retailer in Tokyo and inviting clients to browse and shop the spring 2021 collection. You have great expertise in buying reica goods and authentic and also you weblog might be great if only you'll be able to share a bit of your data. I really feel that we are begging you to offer us a clue with no solutions. Presenting orange numerals, scales, fingers and letters, the UK excessive-end copy watches present greater Arabic numerals for three, 6, 9 and 12. Although the circumstances are made from metal, they successfully supply the cool and sturdy perform with the black coating. Broadcom Inc. shares rallied within the extended session Thursday after the chip and software program firm topped Wall Street estimates for the quarter and introduced an aggressive new share buyback program. Thanks to a custom-made, mini WeChat program, the store presents games, personalized experiences, and the opportunity for customers to build and spend “social currency,” all in a polished, futuristic setting. Exclusive 60 day trial to the world's largest digital library. Get ahold of this fabulous replica Burberry bag at DHgate. These are also ideal for burberry replica suppliers seeking to fulfill massive orders. Make positive to purchase while the amazing provides final, and enjoy these lovely objects at aggressive prices. We discover you a number of the finest links for dupes, clones, tremendous copy, copy and replicas for different products. Some products we now have bought and tested, some not but but these product curations are from trusted sellers. Burberry knockoff Society Top Handle Bag for WomenSociety Top Handle Bag is a traditional runway bag that Burberry presents and remains to be coveted today. The girls handbag is nice for any occasion, whether you take a stroll on the high street, or having a particular night time celebration with the women. I nonetheless can’t get over the part in the video the place all the British Burberry craftsmen have been worried about remaining unemployed for the the rest of their lives after the manufacturing facility was due to close. This sophisticated sling bag from Replica Burberry Handbags options a haymarket examine design with brown leather trim. This basic sling bag is lined in brown canvas with a zipper prime closure. Goldtoned hardware adds a classy finish to this designer bag. Burberry introduces a brand new shape to their bag collection this season in “The Sling”, a small primary bow-shape simply large enough for all these necessities you just can't depart the home without. He actually can not afford to purchase, the existence of these Rolex replica watches a good selection. Real, real, one hundred% real watches, even used, start within the lots of of dollars, not a complete lot. The watch is on the thicker side due to its shape and how it's a flat cyl Tag watches MONACOinder, a swiss audemars piguet replicand measures 11mm thick. Visit DHgate.com or download the DHgate App to find replica Burberry luggage that can complete your beautiful ensemble. Dhgate is a quantity one buying and selling website that caters to over 2 million retailers, small and huge companies alike. DHgate delivers high-grade replica products worldwide on both retail and wholesale costs. Burberry Copy Vintage Check Nylon Backpack for WomenTo finish off our listing, we present the Vintage Check Nylon Backpack. This traditional backpack from Burberry is a bag that you’ll surely want for an everyday journey. The Vintage Check Nylon Backpack may be paired with informal, streetwear, or even company attires.
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frymalloy2 · 2 years
Burberry Builds Digital Replica Of Ginza Store With Elle Digital Japan
Broadcom Inc. shares rallied within the prolonged session Thursday after the chip and software firm topped Wall Street estimates for the quarter and introduced an aggressive new share buyback program. Thanks to a custom-made, mini WeChat program, the shop offers games, personalized experiences, and the chance for patrons to construct and spend “social forex,” all in a polished, futuristic setting. Exclusive 60 day trial to the world's largest digital library. Get ahold of this fabulous replica Burberry bag at DHgate. The golden bag buckle and the milk apricot-colored bag are very temperament. It is provided with a leather-based shoulder strap, however the TB emblem has a golden texture and apricot shade. The buckle design above allows you to modify the length at will. Started from England, the British clothing brand Burberry was one of the iconic style homes in historical past. Burberry paved its personal method in the path of its fame and power over the ever-growing market of trend. Through the years of design trends and experience, the Burberry group bested its opponents worldwide and took management of the quality of the fashion products and naturally, worth factors. LONDON — Burberry is taking retail in new directions, constructing a virtual replica of its flagship Ginza store in Tokyo and alluring prospects to browse and store the spring 2021 assortment. You have great experience in shopping for reica items and genuine and you weblog could be nice if solely you possibly can share a bit of your knowledge. I really feel that we're begging you to provide us a clue with no solutions. Presenting orange numerals, scales, fingers and letters, the UK excessive-end copy watches present larger Arabic numerals for 3, 6, 9 and 12. Although the circumstances are made of metal, they successfully offer the cool and sturdy operate with the black coating. The backpack boasts Burberry by way of its iconic prints, with the pattern of Thomas Burberry’s initials partnered with Burberry’s signature stripe. They should have conceived of and created this targeting unisex. Obviously the name "After the Rain Stops" is mimicking Guerlain's traditional Apres l'Ondee. Which is a feminine fragrance and has been described as a Flowerbed after a rain. I know, I know...."put on whatever you need", however my level is this could have been conceived and developed to not solely target unisex, but to SMELL unisex. Buying the edp of the English model is simpler, faster and more comfy than ever due to the DIVAIN website. And it's that for much less than 17.ninety five euros you should buy one of the best eau de parfum for ladies of the brand and succeed with them wherever you go. The three shares' attempts to rebound from massive sell-offs this yr are falling flat -- a minimum of for now. The digital store experience shall be obtainable for one month to April 18 on Elle Japan and Ellegirl Digital Japan. Burberry and Elle Digital Japan have additionally collaborated with the actress and film director Elaiza Ikeda to create 5 quick films offering styling tips. 16 cm more colours Packaging & Shipping We ship the luggage inside cartons. We are specialized in the manifacturer of leather-based luggage FG S.r.l. wikipedia handbags The backpack has a very spacious major compartment, good for big items of luggage and fragile gadgets. It also has multiple zipped pockets which are beneficiant in area, excellent for additional stuff that you may need to keep it up school, at work, or even at your subsequent adventure trip. Ten years in the past, London-based photographer Toby Leigh noticed this shift and began snapping footage of faux Burberry objects he noticed on the streets of Thailand, Serbia, the United Kingdom, and extra. The replica watches will let you lead an expensive lifestyle in an acceptable value as they bear the same look as a outcome of the designer watches. Creatively, the pushpieces are designed just like the consumption-tube of F1 vehicles, and the crowns of the high-tech pretend watches are introduced to interpret the McLaren light-weight wheel and orange rubber tire. Outer material real leather , interior cotton lining , gold-colored metal, locking bolt, leather shoulder strap, outdoors pocket with zip. So that it even more cause of anyone to personal Burberry replica purses Excellent Burberry replica purses embody exactly the identical distinctive Burberry design and texture as a result of the unique. Having a selection of types cover something from the modern with the delicate, Burberry replica purses have the same depth, leathered trim, shoulder straps and handles. In addition, Burberry replica purses are kinder over the wallet than the original. The reality is, nobody else might ever be aware that the Burberry you flaunt so charmingly in your shoulder costs you fewer than 100. So I very recently bought a Burberry replica handbag or tote which I am in love with. Burberry is one brand which I personally at least cannot justify shopping for an actual purse from. best burberry replica handbags "I started to see that the sample had turn out to be the ever present image for anyone wanting to provide one thing a luxurious feel," he says. "I assume it additionally taps into a kind of world obsession with British heritage on some degree." In 1920 he acquired the horse brand for which the model is thought today, and in the Nineteen Sixties, they diversified their business lines to make every kind of accessories, physique care merchandise and perfumes. While it is true that the replica watch trade has undergone a optimistic transformation, it is value noting that more than 10 p.c of watches submitted to the industry are for ladies. In the summer, for a less strict gown code of the corporate, they want to dress a little less leisure time, often put on some dresses One-Piece of. We do have big range of merchandise in our own designs as nicely for clients to select from. What is your pattern cost9 Sample value is based on the design and materials used in the product. What is your mass manufacturing lead time9 Mass production lead time four weeks. Burberry Lookalike – Men’s Logo Detail Cotton Blend ToteLooking for an opulent tote bag that screams chic? Burberry’s Logo Detail Cotton Blend Tote is the solely option for you.
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bouxmounir · 2 years
Le «Wall of Fame» de la saison de Riyad expose des empreintes de mains de stars
Le «Wall of Fame» de la saison de Riyad expose des empreintes de mains de stars
DUBAI : Le dernier film de Disney et Pixar, « Buzz l’Éclair », qui devait sortir le 16 juin, a été interdit aux Émirats Arabes unis – l’un des pays les plus libéraux du monde arabe – en raison de son contenu, notamment une scène d’intimité entre deux personnes du même sexe. Près de 14 autres pays du Moyen-Orient et d’Asie, dont le Liban, l’Égypte, le Koweït et la Malaisie, ont également interdit…
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salmankhanholics · 2 years
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★ Salman Khan casting his hands at the Wall of Fame at Boulevard in Riyadh, KSA!
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