#AoT vets
lewajek · 10 months
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Screencap redraws... this is the most fun.
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aotincorrectquotes · 5 months
Hanji: *takes off glasses* I don't want to see you right now
Levi: ??
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aot-apricity · 6 months
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retrograde-tonic · 3 days
The lovelies as vampires
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animementrash · 4 months
AOT Veterans red flags Pt.1
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Tags: headcanons, implied established relationship, annoying things I think they would do, they/them pronouns for Hange <3
A/N: Listen, I don't know about you but I can't enjoy anything without trying to find something bad about it No wonder why I've been in therapy for 4 years, so this is me trying to find annoying things they would do when in a relationship. I will also post the cute/nice things version soon, so don't worry! :p
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Levi Ackerman:
Will snap at you when mad. Even if you manage to get him to date you and even if he really loves you, when he’s mad, he doesn’t make exceptions on anyone and will most likely snap at you if you’re nearby or if you’re the reason he’s upset.
Will give you the cold shoulder after arguing. He may be a strong and composed man but most definitely lacks of some emotional intelligence so if you have a fight his first response is to back out and ignore you until he’s sorted his mind. It may be hours, days or even weeks until he starts reaching out to you normally.
Will never admit he’s wrong. Following with the arguing theme, if you guys are fighting about something he is wrong about, he will rather leave you talking to yourself than to admit he’s wrong. He may reach out to you and admit it afterwards but will never do it at the moment you’re arguing.
Will expect you to adapt to his lifestyle and not the other way around. He’s been very independent since a young age and his lifestyle is ruled by very specific ideals and schedules, which means he will most likely expect you to understand and adapt to said rhythm instead of asking for your way of doing things or even try to adapt to yours.
Will not “get out of his shell” for you. He’s a very reserved, quiet and simple man; no, he will not eventually start to like going out and meeting new people and no he will not suddenly change his attitude to be a friendly sunshine just because you’re like that or you want him to be like that. He is who he is and will not change for anyone, take it or leave it.
If he must choose between Erwin or you, he will choose Erwin. This isn’t even a question for him, and it’s not even an Eruri kind of thing, it’s just that for the most part of his life his only reason to keep going has been Erwin’s ideals, the only constant in his life has been Erwin and for him to choose something or someone else above that is almost impossible.
Will not like the things you like just to make you happy. If you like drinking coffee instead of tea it’s alright for him, but don’t expect him to start liking it too just because you offered him a cup. Also, if you are a social person and love to go out and befriend everyone, he will not stop you but won’t go out of his way to be friendly either.
Will most likely ignore you if he gets too overwhelmed. He will not do it on purpose or without a warning but if he’s tired and you keep on rambling about something that may not necessarily be interesting to him, he won’t hesitate on asking you to stop talking or to let you know he’s not interested.
Erwin Smith:
King of gaslighting. Erwin is such a great strategist, he’s smart and analytical, of course he will find a way to make you believe you were wrong when arguing even if he’s actually the one who messed up.
Will neglect the relationship more than expected. Whether you’re dating or married, you really should understand the role he plays inside the walls. He is the Commander of the scouting legion and will almost always be drowning in work, he may not like to do it but will sometimes put aside your relationship for the sake of his job, even if this makes you upset.
Won’t tolerate too much bs. Another practical man who’s been alone most of his life and already has everything figured out the way it works for him. If he dates you and you start to try to change his way of living or his routines, he will break the relationship without hesitation. He needs someone as mature and practical as him who will understand him without fussing about trivial things.
Will flirt and court other ladies if needed. I previously posted a HC about Erwin knowing he’s handsome and using that to his advantage sometimes and I firmly believe he would keep doing so even after he is in a relationship, he may not go all the way and cheat on you for the sake of the scouts but will probably accept an invitation to dinner or a flirty kiss on the cheek if he knows that can be beneficial to the legion. He isn’t trying to make you jealous or upset you, but don’t expect him to pass on an opportunity if the time is right.
King of mansplaining. He does not do it on purpose, I promise. But very often he will explain the most basic thing to you as if you were a toddler who just learned how to talk. He will also use that slow and condescending voice when explaining things that makes your blood boil.
Is a very jealous partner. Yes, he may flirt with a lady on a ball but that’s just because it’s for the sake of the scouts; your sweet greeting to that seller at the market isn’t saving the world so why do you need to greet him in such way?
Will leave to expeditions without saying goodbye. This behavior may appear only the first two or three times after you get together, this man is afraid of dying outside the walls and leave you waiting for him forever, so what does his smart yet dumb brain tells him to do? Leave without saying goodbye. that way if he does come back, he can always apologize and if he doesn’t, well, hopefully you’re too mad at him to notice he didn’t make it back home this time.
Hange Zoe:
Will prioritize their projects above anything. And yes, that includes you. If you’re expecting them to push everything away and come running to you just because they’ve been secluded in that office for too long, think again. Because they won’t.
Does not understand boundaries at all. Oh, you’re sleeping after a tiring shift? Don’t care, come look at this cool rock I found. Do you have an irrational fear of titans? Close your eyes, I will show you something so cool you will forget you fear them! (They will take you to see a real titan up close).
Will look down at you if you don’t understand them. They will constantly ramble about things that sometimes may be too complicated to understand, and if you dare to tell them that, they will stop talking and go find “someone who’s smart enough to understand”.
Hygiene isn’t their priority. They will run and hug you even if they just came back from training and they’re sweaty and smelly. Your clothes will never be clean again because they will randomly wipe their hands on whatever surface is near and, sadly for you, that will be you most of the time. “No, I don’t need to shower just yet, I did it a few days ago”
Will zone out when you’re talking. This isn’t necessarily their fault; they are just so invested on that new formation they suggested for the next expedition and can’t stop thinking about it that your childhood story about that bruise isn’t worth the time.
Will steal food from your plate without asking. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were saving that piece of meat as your last bite, it seemed so delicious that I thought I’d take it before it went cold”.  “What do you mean it’s disgusting if I put my hand on your soup? I just wanted to fish that tiny potato and eat it!”.
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lilliyoona · 3 months
I just recently finished Attack on Titan and I've never interacted with the fandom until now to avoid spoilers. Nothing makes me happier and validated than seeing how the vet trio consistently dominates the popularity polls. Even though the story is supposed to center on the younger generation.
I love them. I love them so much.
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dont-f-with-moogles · 1 month
Hi Terra Darling ❤️
Festive fic request with prompt number 6 "family invited an old crush/first love to a dinner party" for Levihan
My headcanons for this prompt:
Hange or Hange's family invites Zeke to a dinner party & Levi is far from happy OR fed up by Levi being single for a long time, Kuchel invites Hange to a dinner party OR Levi or Hange or their family invites an old crush (Zeke/Erwin/Petra, pick one) & it turns out they both used to date him/her lol OR you come up with your own because it will be amazing whatever you decide!!
Happy holidays 🎄❄️
Now or Never (Part 2) Characters: Levi x Petra; Levi x Hange; Mike x Nanaba Word Count: 2188 words
The dining room lay almost bare. No photographs adorned the walls; their ornaments were still wrapped in paper, stored in boxes upstairs. Even the low, wooden dining table didn’t quite suit this new room.  As he sipped his wine Levi considered how it had once sat in Mike and Nanaba’s old flat, centrally occupying the square-shaped space. The table still proudly displayed the tiny tree which Hange had bought for the couple as a flat-warming present over a year ago. Of course, they had never planned to live there forever. This new dining room was longer and in want of furniture to fit it. Its walls were a pale, non offensive shade of magnolia - the exact choice of homeowners intending to cover over the marks - the mistakes - they had once made before moving on. Mike was pouring refills into their glasses. Levi placed a hand over his whilst, beside him, Petra quietly accepted.
“Come on…” Mike urged, “you’re getting the train back right?”
“I’ll take a tea instead.”
“We’ll put the kettle on after dinner.”
Reluctantly, he removed his hand.
“This it then?” Levi’s eyes shifted to the empty seat beside Mike. Of course, if they had been expecting more than two guests, then there would be a fifth floor cushion set out. Despite his uncertainty, Levi’s shoulders relaxed a little. He had experienced the same gnawing sensation when he and Petra had arrived at their house. Removing their shoes at the door, Levi had glanced down to see several discarded pairs beside theirs. He had assumed that someone had arrived before them, only to discover that they were the first.
“Yeah,” Mike replied, “Hange got caught up with an assignment as usual. Something about a deadline.” 
Levi exhaled through his nose. He doubted that very much.
His hand brushed Petra’s shoulder with renewed reassurance as Nanaba appeared in the doorway. The fragrant scent of spices seemed to waft after her.
“The rice will be done in five minutes,” she announced. “Hope you guys are hungry!” “Can’t wait,” Levi commented, “... and nice place you’ve got here. What’s it like living somewhere with two floors?”
“Ah you know, it’s better than being cooped up in the flat.” Nanaba shared a sentimental glance with Mike. “We’ll miss it… but this is better. Even if we’ve got some decorating to do!”
She smiled over at Petra, who was nodding along politely despite not having been part of this previous era… an era of small apartments, of Mike and Nanaba as university graduates… of Levi and… Hange.
“So, how was your holiday? Where did you say you-” Nanaba frowned, reaching over to grab her phone from the side table. “Sorry - hold that thought. Hello?” 
“It was so beautiful…. and just nice to spend time with family you know?” Petra continued to address Mike in Nanaba’s absence. “I’m sorry that I missed out on your New Year’s party though! I heard it was a fun night…”
Levi took a long sip of his wine.
“I don’t know if you’d call it much of a party,” Mike chuckled, “Nana and I were asleep just after midnight so we missed the excitement… guess you’ll have to ask Levi.”
“Hange’s outside!” Nanaba reappeared just as Levi knocked his glass sharply against the table. “Apparently they made their deadline after all.”
There came the sound of a door closing, followed by footsteps in the hall. Petra gave Levi’s arm a little squeeze. He smiled at her in response, though with a warmth which did not quite reach his eyes.
Voices echoed outside; Hange fawning over the staircase and laughing with Nanaba about the previous owner’s choice of carpet. Levi’s jaw set. Then, both of them emerged in the doorway.
“Evening!” Hange beamed around at them. Briefly, their eyes met Levi’s before they glanced away. “Sorry for almost flaking!”
“Why quit the habit of a lifetime?” Mike teased. Levi reached for his wine again. His mouth felt parched; his tongue lay heavy and useless. He craved water - something hydrating - rather than more alcohol.
“Nice to see you again Petra.” Hange gave a little bow of their head as Nanaba dragged another floor seat over to the table. “Heard you’ve just come back from your travels! Was it a good trip?”
“Oh yes, it was so beautiful and relaxing. The new year is the best time to go…”
Levi listened intently to Petra’s story for a second time, refusing to allow his eyes to stray from her face. 
“...but it’s a shame I couldn’t spend New Year’s with you guys.”
Casually, Hange picked up the glass of wine which Mike had just poured. 
“Oh you know, it was a quiet one in the end. Nothing much happened.”
Levi stared at them, utterly astounded by their nonchalance on the subject. 
“Mike said you were all asleep just after midnight!”
“Well, Levi and Hange were up, weren’t you? Mike said he heard you both-” Nanaba walked in with a pot of steaming rice, just as Levi’s floor seat lurched out.
“Whoa!” Petra turned to her left. “Levi, what’s the hurry?”
“Seat got caught on the rug,” he lied. His eyes flew to Hange’s face who appeared quite composed by comparison. They blew out a little sigh as they lifted their glass again.
Nanaba set down the pot of rice. “No jogging the table. I’ve slaved away at this!”
Mike raised his eyebrows as Nanaba began serving heaped spoons onto plates. Petra received hers gratefully. Levi was just thankful to have something to occupy his hands.
“This smells amazing…” Hange praised her. “I love curry rice!”
“So… you had a late night, huh Levi?” Not to be deterred, Petra had rerouted from Hange’s interjection to their earlier conversation. She grinned at Levi expectantly over her plate of food. As he opened his mouth to explain, Mike cut in with a rumble of low laughter.
“Oh yeah… took him years but he finally got Hange where he’d always wanted them.”
Levi dropped his plate on the table, spilling rice onto its wooden surface
“Yeah…” Mike continued as Petra’s head whipped round, “...never thought we’d see the day, but there the two of them were, getting busy-”
Horrified, Levi willed Petra to look away from him as he frantically tried to scrape up rice grains from the wooden tabletop. He could feel her eyes on him; the more she stared, the more the tips of his ears burned. 
“- at the sink.” Mike took a large spoonful of rice and curry, savouring its flavour alongside his own unendurable comedy. “Who would have thought you’d finally get Hange to wash a plate?”
Hange’s forced laugh was lost in the more genuine giggles from Nanaba and Petra. Although the threat which had been silently hanging over Levi had not fallen yet, he could still feel it swaying over his head. He set his spoon down on the side of his plate and let his trembling hand fall into his lap. 
“...yeah, I heard you doing the dishes,” Mike explained as the laughter around the table died away, “...at like, four in the morning.”
“Well, a little cleaning up is the least you guys could do, seeing as you all insisted on staying at my place,” Levi muttered bitterly.
“You know we appreciated you sharing your floor with us!” Nanaba sighed, widening her eyes.
“...and some of us even got to share your bed,” Mike teased Levi again with a hearty wink.
“Gunther,” Levi told Petra automatically.  He reached for his wine again. By this point, he was going to need several refills to endure the rest of the evening.
“...I’m guessing he wasn’t who you really wanted sleeping next to you that night… huh, Levi?” Nanaba joined in, much to Petra’s delighted ‘shh-ing!’
Levi waved away their jokes again, his mouth twisted as though he was being forced to chew on tiny white grubs rather than rice. As he lifted his head he caught Hange’s eye again… and held their look. 
This was dangerous. 
That same rising dread intensified; remained suspended over Levi as he continued doggedly through one of the most excruciating dinners of his life. And yet, there was something which threatened to consume him whole; a feeling caught halfway between fear and fascination. Like oil and water, his conflicted emotions lay beside one another; equal parts danger and desire. They could never be reconciled, but only hold firmer in the presence of one another. Ever since New Year’s, something had started to take form… something that any and all other distractions hadn’t managed to douse…
Levi felt the brush of gentle fingers on his wrist. Petra was smiling at him. He closed his hand over hers, watching as their fingers lay entwined upon his knee. He couldn’t look at Hange again.
“What was it you said that night, Levi?” Nanaba continued, “just this once, then then never again?”
Levi’s thumb stroked over Petra’s knuckles as his mind drifted back to that night. He didn’t want to remember the warmth of the blanket enclosed around his body and Hange’s. He didn’t want to breathe in their scent; to feel the heat lifting from their cheeks; to have his throat run dry as they drew towards him…
“Levi, we can sleep here and never talk about this again. Or…”
Back in the present, Levi squeezed Petra’s hand.
“And I meant it…” he managed huskily, “...you guys can stay at a hotel next time.”
In part it was due to his own habit, but also out of a desire to extract himself from the table, as Levi took up their empty plates. He carried the dishes out to the kitchen and set them beside the sink. For a moment he gazed through their kitchen window at the view of Mike and Nanaba’s new neighbourhood. Rows of detached, two-storey houses stood adorned with gleaming windows and wooden balconies. The pair of them had taken the next step of their journey… their wedding was to follow in a few months…
Behind him there came the tinkling of glass and the sound of a door closing. Levi glanced over his shoulder.
“Um… just getting more wine.” Hange lifted the bottle they had taken from the fridge. Levi uttered a throaty sound halfway between a cough and a derisive snort.
“Sure as fuck you weren’t coming to wash these up…” Levi glowered at them until Hange took a step closer. They set their glass down beside Levi’s stack of plates. Through the open door and across the hall they could both hear the chatter of the other guests.
Levi turned away and began to run the water. Behind, Hange poured a little more wine into their glass. He couldn’t help but turn his head again. Hange was checking the label as they set the bottle down. With a sigh Levi lifted a plate and sank it into the dishwater, missing Hange’s eyes as they moved over him.
“Levi… do you want…”
He shifted around again to look at them. His mouth dried up before he could speak. He took in Hange’s broad shoulders beneath their white shirt; the deep, rich brown of their imploring eyes… There was always something so earnest, so fearless in their expression.
Levi’s eyes remained upon their face.
“...I’ll leave the bottle here.” They turned to leave the room, but stopped after taking a step. When they spoke again, their tone was low, conspiratorial.
“You know I won’t say anything, right…?” 
Levi felt a ripple of tension travel down his arms. His hand seized up; the brush he was holding clattered onto the kitchen floor.
“Anyway, nothing happened that night…” Hange gave a little laugh without a trace of humour in it, “...after all, you made it pretty clear what you wanted.”
Slowly, they began to approach him.
“Just like I have to… right now.” Hange was smiling at him, a gentle blush dusting their cheeks. “You know when it’s your shot right? Now or never…”
The air itself lay thick and heavy. Levi was rooted to the spot, his mind clouded with them as they took another step. Oil and water. They couldn’t-  Petra was seated in the next room, laughing with their friends.
Again, he remembered the blanket that had embraced them as they lay together on his couch. Levi could feel their warm breath on his mouth. It was just the two of them under night’s black canopy, threaded with the lights of a million stars. Whilst the rest of the world had slept, they had lain so closely together… they had almost…
“So Levi…” 
Hange’s lip trembled before their jaw set. Behind their glasses, their eyes were glazed with a love so profound that it took Levi’s breath away. 
“If I told you now that… despite it all… bad timing, lack of communication, people and work and life getting in the way… despite my initial hypothesis and all the test runs in my head… my findings are still the same.”
Hange took a shuddering breath.
“You are all I ever wanted. That’s… what I’ve decided.”
He felt their fingers trace his shirt sleeve.
“...what about you, Levi?”
Part 1: Now or Never (NSFW)
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samthedestroyer · 8 months
Okay Attack on Titan fans, I have something to say.
I am tired. So freaking tired. Of how Hange is completely disrespected by the fandom. Hange is my absolute favorite character, but overall, I am completely in love with the AOT veterans. I will devour ANY material about them: any fanfiction, any fan art, anything.
Today, I have reached my limit on how Hange is written by most fanfic authors. I was reading one, and there was a scene where Hange got out of a shower and was naked in front of Levi who, by the way, is with Erwin in this fic.
Now, I know that it is canon that Levi knocks out Hange and bathes them from time to time. That is not the issue here. The issue I have with this scene is that the author excuses this by saying Levi was used to this because Hange will be completely naked in their lab in the summer.
To that I say no, enough. They would never be allowed to hold themselves in that way and make it as far as they have in the Survey Corps and in the chain of command. I believe it is generally accepted that the Survey Corps is made up of a lot of children or very young adults.
No soldier, let alone officer, is serving on duty completely stark naked. It just is not happening.
Hange is a quirky character who has strange tendencies and idiosyncrasies, yes. But I do not see anywhere in the source material where Hange is an active pervert like this. Also, I do not believe that they would have been trusted by Erwin like they were if Hange was pulling stuff like this. This is still a military regiment with rules of decorum.
Yes, Hange canonically gets carried away with titans and shifters, but not in a sexual way. Stop portraying this military commander as nothing more than a raving mad lunatic who didn’t earn their position and can’t even keep their clothes on while on duty.
Put some respect on the name Hange Zoe.
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m-jelly · 9 months
Jelly, I have a question. How would the vets feel about Hawaiian shirts and if they like them, what types would they wear? 🤔
~Gothic Anon~
I think all of them would like them!
He'd wear softer light coloured ones that go with his blonde hair and tanned skin. He bought one by accident because he liked the colours and even since he's warn them on holiday in the summer. Will take it off to put in on your sun kissed shoulders
Levi only wore one because you got it him. He'd wear more green based ones, or ones with leaves on etc. More earthy dark tones and he'd especially wear it all the time if you got it for him. Wouldn't think twice about putting it on you. He has to protect you from the sun so he'll put his shirt on you way before you burn.
Mike doesn't care much. He loves the ones with animals on and more noticeable colours but not super strong. So close to the edge of being too much but just perfect really. Would put the shirt on you and have a chuckle cause it'll be massive on you and it'll look damn cute.
The brighter and more awful it is, the better. They love the ridiculous ones because it makes them laugh and they will likely match with Moblit and try to get Levi in a bad one, but fail.
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wingedwhitelioness · 3 months
Levihan “White Day” new illustration & merch
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commander-hanji-zoe · 5 months
Merry Christmas, Yuletide felicitations, ¡Feliz Navidad!, Joyeux Noël! Buon Natale! to all my wonderful followers. I hope for all those who celebrate you have a wonderful, magical and peaceful time over the next few days. To those who don't celebrate I wish you all love and that you are safe and full of joy all the same.
I wrote the following during NaNoWriMo, I wanted it posted yesterday or a few days ago, but Christmas eve is better than not at all. 🎄
How the Vets prepare for Christmas
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A lot of reading, he especially enjoys reading by the fireplace with a hot mug of spiced cider or mulled wine. He can sit uninterrupted for hours on end, quite content with the words of a book helping him to escape into another world for a short while.
Erwin gets his Christmas cards out early, he loves writing them whilst listening to Christmas music. He will include a round robin letter informing everyone of what he’s been up to after the past year, he also uses it as a chance to make amends and try to build bridges with others.
Simple and tasteful, traditional decorations. Will weave his own wreath and make a beautiful centrepiece for the table with foraged holly, ivy and pinecones.
The wreath goes up on his front door early, he likes his home to appear welcoming to anyone visiting.
The home has to smell wonderful 24/7, he has stove top potpuri which he redoes every few days and heats over the fireplace in the lounge.
Plenty of scented candles too, he loves the smell of spiced apple and orange.
Gets his Christmas shopping done in one trip, he detests it but would rather have one, long difficult and stressful day than many, this way he can forget about it.
Wraps his presents with meticulous care and love. They all have holly or other plant based decorations tied into the ribbon.
Levi’s advent candle would be a simple one with pictures behind each window. The morning routine in December is to wake up, make a nice tea, ideally something winter and seasonal, and then sit down at the kitchen table and open the day’s door whilst sipping tea.
Chaotic Christmas shopper, everything is done in bits across multiple days and she ends up with more presents than she needs for everyone.
Has a very traditional Christmas tree, but some of the other decorations around her home are a little more out there, she likes to try out modern trends as well as making some quirky decorations of her own.
Christmas cards are delivered a few days before Christmas, many of them are from the years previous.
Loves a pantomime and Christmas parties, any excuse to let their hair down for once, to dress up and laugh or dance, Hanji will fully embrace the season and let herself go.
Christmas Shopping is a careful operation that he’s been planning for since early November. Typically if he sees items throughout the last few months of the year he will buy them and so come December he isn’t overwhelmed with so much to buy. Additionally he finds it stops him from buying under pressure and ending up with items he isn’t even sure the individuals will like. Instead the presents are purchased with love and plenty of though.
Similar to Erwin, traditional and tasteful decorations in his home. He prefers a real Christmas tree and isn’t particular about a colour theme. He’ll try to buy a new decoration every year to mark the year that has passed. He can recall where each and every one came from and the stories behind them. If he can purchase them whilst away in a different country all the better.
Mike likes to be the one to cook Christmas dinner, he has a Christmas chef’s apron and hat. He knows that Erwin also enjoys cooking but Erwin works harder than all of them throughout the year so Mike just wants to give him a break on the big day.
Organises or takes part in charity present drives and wants to do as much to help others as possible. Afterall it is the season. He is especially
Loves a Christmas jumper.
Shopping is done throughout December on a few trips, all of them planned and less chaotic than the ones Hanji goes on.
Enjoys more silver, white, blue Christmas deorations and goes for that ‘Winter Wonderland’ sparkle and ice theme in his home. But somehow he still makes it cosy.
Is a fan of hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows and also some spiced rum or whiskey.
Loves Christmas music and can be found by the Christmas tree singing along as he wraps presents with great big bows. Is a big fan of bows on everything, even his Christmas jumper has a bow on it.
Winter walks are very much one of his things, he loves being outside especially on sunny but crisp days where frost gently covers all the grass and plants. He loves going on these walks with his friends, but is also happy to spend some time alone thinking about the year which is nearly over, being reflective and thinking on what he’d love from the following year. He will also gather some fir branches, holly and other plants to display in his home.
Christmas is a time to get cosy and be relaxed, she doesn’t want to be stressing about last minute Christmas presents or the food. So she has a Christmas organiser and everything is incredibly well planned.
She loves Red and Gold, everything to be traditional and warm. Has one of the houses with a smoking chimney, the incense cones she uses are the myrrh and frankincense ones.
Loves lighting candles, all red and green, if they’re spiced all the better.
Big fan of Christmas Hallmark movies and just wants to get under a blanket and watch them with a mulled wine or hot chocolate whilst wearing big animal slipper socks.
Loves Ice skating and will succeed in encouraging the others to join her even if they’re a little nervous, Nanaba knows how to help her friends relax and feel at ease.
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aotincorrectquotes · 11 months
Levi: I made my therapist cry
Hanji: that means you win
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aot-apricity · 7 months
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OK so this is mostly just silliness BUT Erwin being lowkey afraid (and therefore in awe) of Hange, and the two of them getting drunk and deciding to scare the new recruits together is legit canon in my mind now after making this.
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sixpennydame · 5 months
Hi my beautiful Bestie ❤️❤️❤️
Jumping in your ask box to request prompt number 3 "First Christmas as a friend group" for the Festive Fics with Levi's first Christmas/birthday as a Survey Corps member with the Vets (Canon universe).
I'm excited to read what you'll come up with!!!
Mwah 😘❤️
Merry Christmas, Bestie! I love that you requested this. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR PRECIOUS LEVI!
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DAY 1: first Christmas as a friend group
Levi and AoT vets
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The winters above ground are colder than Levi thought they would be.
Walking down the frigid corridors of Survey Corps Headquarters, memories of The Underground came flooding back to him: fires burning in whatever receptacles that would allow it, huddling for warmth anywhere it could be found. But even in the darkest, coldest times, there were moments of warm friendship. He remembers Isabelle collecting snow that had accumulated from a large crevasse and bringing an armful of it home. "Look, big bro! It's snowed for your birthday!"
Farlan and Isabelle had decided that Christmas Day was going to be Levi's birthday. "As good a day as any," Farlan had said. It gave them all something to actually celebrate.
They'd been gone for over 6 months now, the memories of that horrific summer etched forever in his mind and heart. He didn't regret staying with the Survey Corps, but his life felt empty without them.
He stood before the doors of the library, where the sounds of laughing and talking could be heard. Hange and Nanaba had organized a Christmas party for the squad leaders, as a kind of team bonding since so many of them were new. Levi had recently been named a Captain and was expected to attend; otherwise, he would have passed on the whole thing if we could.
The large room has been decorated with red and green garland and a large fir tree stands in the corner. Hange is busy clipping small candles to its branches.
"Trying to burn the whole place down?" Levi asks.
"It's tradition to decorate a Christmas tree with candles!" Hange remarks, noticing the blank expression on Levi's face. "You've...never decorated a Christmas tree before?"
"Tch..it's not like we had trees where I'm from."
Ecstatic, Hange grabs a box of glittering glass ornaments and pushes them in Levi's arms. "Well then it's time to get in the holiday spirit!"
Levi clicks his tongue but then resigns to taking out each delicate ornament and hanging them on the tree. While he and Hange busy themselves with decorating, Nanaba sets out some snacks and drinks. Miche sits down at an old piano and plays an upbeat tune.
"Miche plays piano?" Levi asks as he puts the last ornament on the tree.
Hange smiles. "I guess there's still a lot you don't know about this group. But you're one of us now - you'll learn it all in time."
Erwin calls everyone together, placing a flute of champagne in each of their hands. "As we celebrate this holiday I want you to know how thankful I am for each one of you. Your strength and sacrifice are an inspiration to all." He raises his glass. "Merry Christmas!"
Just as everyone takes a drink, Dita comes out with a cake lit with four candles.
"Speaking of not knowing much about each other, none of us had any idea it was your birthday today,” Hange says, as Dita places the cake in front of Levi. "Nanaba just happened to find it in your personnel file the other day while doing paperwork."
"I hope you like chocolate - it can be hard to find these days," Dita replies, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
Levi was speechless. He could feel the apples of his cheeks getting hot as all their smiling faces looked at him.
"...You really didn't have to do this." He blows the candles out and everyone claps before Dita starts divvying up pieces.
"Happy birthday, Levi," Erwin says, placing a hand on his shoulder. "here's hoping for many more."
Levi looks at the happy, peaceful faces around him; he knows that each one would sacrifice their life for the other without a moment's hesitation. These are his people now.
His new comrades.
"Merry Christmas, everyone, and thank you."
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animementrash · 4 months
AOT veterans headcanons
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Tags: just random thoughts on the main three vets, they/them pronouns for Hange, some may be ooc?, SFW only
A/N: Here are my headcanons based on how I percieve them, I have some more for the rest of the characters but I'm posting only three for now because they are longer than expected. (I also have NSFW ones but I'm waiting until I get more comfortable with sharing my thoughts before posting those) Hope you like them and thank you for reading!
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Levi Ackerman:
Washes his hands constantly, almost too many times a day.
Would rather fight a titan with an arm tied to his back than do the dishes. The mere thought of soggy leftovers sticking to his hands makes him gag.
Avoids going out to public places because he’s aware of his popularity inside the walls and doesn’t know how to act when he’s the center of attention.
Following the previous topic and contrary to popular beliefs, this man would never reject a gift/letter/trinket given to him by a local. It can be the most random thing but he will always accept them with a small nod, he’s deeply thankful for their blind trust in him.
Yawns and stretches ALL THE TIME, he is known for sleeping as little as 3 or 4 hours per night and while he’s able to go on with his day without problems, this doesn’t mean he isn’t feeling drowsy all the time so he’s almost always letting out quiet yawns and stretching his arms to ease the soreness of his body.
Sneezes a lot when cleaning. It’s not rare at all to hear him sneeze when he’s dusting or sweeping, if someone says “Bless you” to him he’ll quietly mumble a “thanks” before getting back to cleaning.
Has a favorite seat at the dining table and gets grumpy when someone takes that place before him.
Speaking of dinner, this man eats SLOW AS HELL, he’s usually one of the last to finish his meal.
Is constantly thirsty because he refuses to drink anything but tea.
Has memorized everyone’s footsteps and knows who’s coming to his office before they even knock the door.
Cleans and calibrates his ODM gear daily even when he’s not planning on using it.
Doesn’t like to be in new recruit’s trainings because he gets anxious when most of them hurt themselves while getting used to work with the ODM gear.
Trims his hair weekly, most people believe he shapes his haircut and has hairdresser-like skills when in reality all he does is trim it to avoid losing the shape it already has.
Can’t read cursive even if his life depends on it. One time Erwin handed him a memo written in cursive and he got so frustrated because he didn’t understand what it said that he ended up ignoring the memo. Turns out Erwin needed him to turn in some reports earlier than usual and got scolded because of it.
Loves eating fruit. Fruit was considered an ultra luxury item in the underground so when he realized how much fruit he could eat once he was in the scouts, he got obsessed with it.
Whines and complains a lot for a person who’s known to be grumpy and stoic. Ask him to do something he dislikes and you’ll hear a bunch of huffs and puffs before he goes to do it.
Talks with his horse. A lot.
Wanders through the empty halls when he can’t sleep and doesn’t bother to bring a candle to light the path, the cadets now believe there is a ghost haunting the headquarters.
Erwin Smith:
Hums and whistles a lot, he’s always making some kind of noise while signing reports or walking down the halls. You can hear this man before seeing him.
Takes more time than he’s willing to admit in styling his hair every morning. He is a firm believer that appearance matters a lot so he puts a lot of effort on his.
 Has a specific pair of glasses he uses when reading, almost no one knows about it besides Hange who helped him choose the right ones.
Talks in his sleep, it can vary between mumbled nonsense to full on speeches.
Has a journal that is more like a diary because he writes all his thoughts/hopes/fears on it but he’d be damned if someone refers to it as a diary and not a journal.
Is lowkey afraid of insects but plays it cool when he comes across one because he doesn’t want to come out as “weak”.
Snaps his fingers when trying to remember something.
People think he’s a very wise and smart man because it’s very common to find him “deep in thoughts”, truth is he just tends to zone out and disassociates like crazy.
Loves dogs, he’s the biggest dog person in the scouts. Often stops and pets dogs he finds while taking a walk downtown.
Cleans and polishes his shoes every night before going to sleep. Whenever his face gets reflected on the shiny shoe a smile appears on his lips.
Not always but sometimes sneaks out behind the barracks to smoke some cigarettes, tries to hide all evidence afterwards because Levi will start complaining about the awful smell.
Would rather be late to an early meeting than go without shaving, has to shave daily because by the end of the day he already has a shadow beard.
Is well aware of his attractiveness and uses it to his advantage when needed.
Visits his father’s grave every Sunday and spends most of the day there. Sometimes brings a book and reads it out loud.
Smacked his face after trying to see through a clear glass Levi had cleaned earlier, after laughing for several minutes Levi scolded him for dirtying his glass.
His wardrobe is full of neutral-colored clothes, he sucks at matching outfits so goes with the safest options.
Knows very well Levi can’t read cursive so when he’s bored, he scribbles gibberish on a paper and gives it to Levi saying it’s important to get it done by end of day just to get a laugh.
Has relatives living inside the walls who refuse to acknowledge him, some of them even pretend he died the same day his dad did.
Has an ongoing bet with Hange to see who makes Levi laugh the most, so far Erwin is winning by one but only because he accidentally fell from his horse and Levi found it hilarious.
Arm-wrestles with Miche a lot, especially after they had a few beers.
LOVES dancing, this man knows how to dance and isn’t afraid to show it. (Sadly for him he also loves to clap when dancing and this makes everyone laugh)
Hange Zoe:
Is both street-smart and book-smart, is the only person who has beaten Erwin in a chess match and also beaten Levi in a wrestling match.
Almost always has pencils sticking out of their hair, they place them there for a moment and totally forget about them.
Levi restricted them from using fountain pens because they would spill ink and stain everything and everywhere.
The reason why their glasses have straps on is not only because the risk of them falling off is smaller but also because according to them “it makes them look cooler”.
Wanted to join Erwin in giving instructions to Levi written in cursive but since their handwriting wasn’t as good as Erwin’s they opted for giving instructions in riddles, this makes Levi even more furious than the cursive ones.
Just like Levi, Hange takes a long time when eating dinner but the reason for this is not because they eat slow but because they talk a lot. By the end of the meal their food is either cold or soggy.
Tried to bite a titan once just to show them how it felt to be “on the receiving side”.
Their horse has tiny braids on its mane made by them when they were nervous.
Refuses to brush their hair because their ideas may “fall off” if they do it.
Tackled Levi once when they saw an “eerie figure” roaming the headquarters halls and thought it was a new species.
Has read more books than anyone in the scouts, knows a little of almost everything.
Says “wait, what?” at least twice when talking with someone, before that person can repeat themselves, they interrupt with a completely related answer and expect the person to continue speaking as if nothing happened.
Almost all cadets go to them for advice, they take this very seriously and never joke around when listening to their concerns.
Just like Erwin, they have relatives living nearby the headquarters but they’re not interested in one another.
Has a tendency to bite their nails when nervous, all his fingernails are short and bumpy because of it.
Is very quick at math and calculations.
Always carry a pocket notebook with them and writes anything that catches their attention so they can investigate about it later.
LOVES bugs, is always trying to catch them and examinate them. One time they trapped a cockroach and created a full design of an “armored suit” based on them, when Erwin asked where they got the inspiration for it, they just placed the cockroach in Erwin’s desk and Erwin almost fainted on the spot.
Randomly goes to Miche and asks him “what do I smell like?”, Miche stopped participating on their little riddles when Hange decided to put rotting food in their pockets before asking.
All their books have little notes and highlighted parts on them. Sometimes has two or three copies of the same book because their view on certain parts changes over time.
Takes pinky-promises as a legit way of commitment.
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theoldgvard · 6 months
Miche’s death is one of the worst in the show.
It was already going to be hard considering he’s a pre-established character and it was the first episode of the season, but how it goes down is incredibly grim.
They make a point of calling out his skill before his encounter with the beast titan, saying he’s second only to Levi, and every time we see him he’s resolved and skilful and bears a grim determination. Seeing such a character not only caught out at the last minute after taking down multiple titans in an impressive display of strength, but so scared that he can’t even talk, is completely gut wrenching.
And then he keeps fighting. Even when he can’t walk and he’s lost his gear, he keeps fighting, which makes it so much worse. It’s a reminder that no matter your skill, your rank, your spirit, you still end up dead sooner or later.
Not to mention the death itself is so visceral and gory and you can see his tears amongst the blood.
One of the strongest characters was reduced to nothing, built back up, and literally torn apart.
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