#Althea Ianthe
knavestrolls · 4 months
Deep Lore- Closed RP
For @windy-trickster! It's not necessarily that she meant to drop something like that and then disappear. That's what Althea tells herself as she stares down at the blinking cursor on her grubtop. Her messages on discourse are open- there's been messages for her of course. Asking her what happened. Waiting for her to explain, like she said she would. The most she'd given him was just a simple message saying she'd gotten home. Things had just gotten so busy from there, that was all!
Except she knew better than to fool herself like that. Sighing, Althea slammed her face into the keyboard- accidentally sending a message of utter nonsense. Panicked as she heard the notification alert go off, she whipped back to sitting up. Oh, her back would regret that- it already ached from the action and she'd likely face more consequences for it soon.
Her heart settled as it was simply a message from the.. well, she hesitated to truly call them friends but what else did you call your ex-kidnappers who check in on you and connect you with specialized mutant healthcare? Althea didn't even check it, instead forcing herself to start typing. It was time to face the music, even if it meant losing everything again. Plus, if she didn't respond to him soon he'd probably think she had some sort of accident or something just as stupid, the soft hearted fool.
[mT]: mna- ahjahj3ibdbahsbdcjnak----- andsnak9 [mT]: -gnor3 that [mT]: do you hav3 som3 t-m3?
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windy-trickster · 4 months
🐛Bashful Spades
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Little shit of a child
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Mixing it up a bit: what are some of the unique flower names, where only one character has been submitted with it?
I love your question. I picked the ones refering to real plants (and mushrooms they got a pass for this tournament) who were only used once (Ex : if 2 characters are named after the same plant, even if their names are different, none of them will be in this list - think Ran, Dendrobium and Orchid) because the list's already taking me forever
Disclaimer : I didn't include names such as Bulbasaur, Chloris, Myoudouin Itsuki (Cure Sunshine) and Ianthe/Iolanthe refering to non specific plants. Or imaginary plants for the matter (Mare, Elanor etc.)
Acerola, Shirona/Cynthia, Diantha, Gardenia, Grusha, Guzma, Hop, Kukui, Nemona, Plumeria, Elm, Magnolia, Sycamore from Pokémon
Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII (justification by a submitter : Irit is Hebrew for asphodel flower and FF7 has Jewish related themes)
Althea from The Lightless Trilogy
Amanita Nightshade from Monster High (other submitted characters are named Nightshade but there's no other Amanita so far)
Aspen Leger from The Selection
Amaryllis "Rilla" of Exile from The Penumbra Podcast
Arsène Lupin III from Lupin III
Artemisia of Naimes from Vespertine
Asami Sato from Legend of Korra
Ashfur, Brackenfur, Gorse Fur from Warrior Cats
Black Dahlia from Skullgirls
Blackberry from Watership Down
Bluebear, Coco, Broccolo, Pecan, Tangy from Animal Crossing
Boa Hancock from One Piece
Cagney Carnation from Cuphead
Clementine from The Walking Dead
Cornflower from Redwall
Crocus from Greek Mythology
Cure Papaya and Cure Passion from Precure
Fennel Marlborough from Camp Here and There
Flox Pollimon from Fairy Oak
Foxglove from The Sandman
Fujiwara Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew
Geranium from I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
Goldenrod from The Mapmakers Trilogy
Hisagi Shuhei from Bleach
Hortensia from Fire Emblem
Ivy Muscade from Leif & Thorn
Jambu, Pineapple, Tamarin from Wings of Fire
Katniss from The Hunger Games
Kobayashi Matcha, Masaoka Azuki from Vocaloid
Kurosaki Karin and Yuzu from Bleach
Lady Fuschia Groan from Gormenghast
Leuke, Myrrah from Greek Mythology
Midorikawa Lettuce from Tokyo Mew Mew
Mercury from RWBY
Mimosa Vermillon from Black Clover
Nepeta Lejion from Homestuck
Nettle from Seafire
Ogion and Vetch from Earthsea
Papyrus from Undertale
Potpourri from Heartcatch ! Precure
Prince Peasley from Super Mario
Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) from Marvel's Fantastic Four
Natsume Ryuu from Paradox Live
Sash Lilac from Freedom Planet
Solanum from Outer Wilds
Sorrel from The Darkest Part of the Forest
Strelitzia from Kingdom Hearts
Tamar Kir-Bataar from the Grishaverse books
Tech-Acquisitor Scaevola from Warhammer 40,000 : Mechanicus
Thorn Estragon from Leif & Thorn
Honda Thoru from Fruits Basket
Twenty-Fifth Bam from Tower of God
Venus McFlytrap from Monster High
Viney from The Owl House
Yorigami Joon from Touhou Project
Zinnia from Pokemon (well now I have other Zinnias and probably a few other characters with the same names that the ones here but I nearly have 1400 submissions and it takes time to go through them and explanations for the ones I don't know the language of.
Ah and special mention to The Cabbage Man from Avatar : The Last Airbender. Look, I've never seen ATLA (I'm not into anime and not much into animation generally speaking) and neither has the submitter but I have to accept this one. I mean everyone knows this guy.
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The tournament is up there, with the rules, my open askbox etc.
Names' ideas from the characters list below (they're examples I've gathered or you submitted, THIS ISN'T A LIST OF CONFIRMED CONTESTANTS. If you want them in the bracket you have to submit them) :
Acerola, Aerith, Ainsley, Almond, Althea, Alyssa, Alyssum, Amaranth, Amarantha, Amaryllis, Amy Rose, Ananas, Anemona, Anemone, Angel Lily, Angelica, Angélique, Anthea, Anthy, Apple Bloom, Araluen, Arum, Asami, Ash, Ashleigh, Ashley, Aster, Artremisia, Ayano, Azalea, Azami
Basil, Begonia, Belladonna, Bellossom, Berry, Bloom, Blooms, Blossom, Bluebell, Botan, Bougainvillea, Briar Rose, Briony, Bryony, Buttercup, Byakuren
Calanthe, Calla (Lily), Camellia, Campion, Carmilla, Carnation, Cassia, Cedar, Celandine, Cerise, Cherry, Cherry Blossom, Chloe, Chrysanthemum, Clove, Clover, Cosmo, Crocus, Cucumber, Cynthia
Dahlia, Daisy, Dandelion, Daphne, Daphnes, Delphine, Delphinium, Dendro, Dendrobium, Diantha, Dianthus
Eglantine, Elanor, Erica, Erika
Fearne, Fields, Ficus, Fig, Fleur, Fleur de Lis, Fleur-de-Lys, Flora, Florence, Flores, Flower, Flower in the Night, Flowey, Flox, Forsythia, Foxglove, Fuchsia, Fuji, Fujiwara, Fuuka
Gardenia, Garlic, Gentian, Geranium, Gladiolus, Gladion, Goldmary, Guzma
Hana, Hanadera, Hanajima, Hanako, Hanami, Hanasaki, Haruka, Hau, Hazel, Heather, Hemlock, Hibiscus, Hinata, Holly, Hollyhock, Hollyleaf, Honeysuckle, Hortense, Hortensia, Hua, Hyacinth, Hyacinthe, Hyacinthus
Iantha, Ianthe, Ibaraki, Iolanthe, Iris, Itsuki, Ivy
Jacinda, Jaskier, Jasmine, Jessamine, Jessamy, Juniper
Kalen, Kalina, Kanon, Kasen, Katniss, Kiku, Kikyo, Kiryu, Kiwi, Kugisaki, Kukui, Kuroba
Laura, Laurel, Lauren, Lavender, Leif, Lemon, Lian, Liana, Lilac, Lili, Lilia, Lilian, LilianaLilium, Liliya, Lilja, Lillian, Lilliana, Lillie, Lillium, Lilly, Lily, Lime, Linnea, Lusamine, Lychee
Magnolia, Mallow, Mandelstam, Maple, Margaret, Marguerite, Marigold, Marlowe, Meadow, Mei, Mentha, Miki, Mimosa, Mint, Minty, Momo, Momoka, Moobloom, Myrrh, Myrrha, Myrtle
Nadeshiko, Narcissus, Nasreen, Nemona, Nepeta,
Orange Blossom, Orchid
Padma, Padmé, Pema, Peasley Peony, Pepper, Periwinkle, Pervinca, Petunia, Pimpernel, Plumeria, Poppy, Posey, Posy, Potpourri, Primrose, Pumpkinhead
Ran, Rapunzel, Raspberry, Ren, Riko, Ringo, Roisin, Rosa, Rosalie, Rosalina, Rosalind, Rosaline, Rosamund, Rosalyne, Rose, Rosella, Roseluck, Rosemary, Rosemaster, Ronsencrantz, Rosethorn, Rosetta, Rosie, Rosita, Rozaliya, Rue
Sage, Saki, Sakuko, Sakura, Salvia, Samantha, Seagrass, Sensui, Sequoia, Smilax, Sour Grapes, Sprig, Spruce, Strelitzia, Sue, Sumire, Sumireko, Susan, Susannah, Susie, Suzanne, Sweet Grapes, Sylvester, Sylvia, Sylvie
Tamar, Tamara, Tansy, Thalia, Thistlefoot, Thorn, Toph, Tsubaki, Tsubomi, Tulip, Turnip, Twoflower
Vanilla, Vasily, Venus, Veronica, Viola, Violet, Violetta
Whitley, Willow, Wisteria,
Xion, Xochitl
Yasamin, Yasmin, Yasmina, Yotsuba, Yuri
Zara, Zahra, Zinnia, Zisu, Zhou Xu
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selena-snape · 3 years
Sexta Generación:
¤ Lilith Moira Riddle y Julian Cameron Gray
¤ Bloom Larissa Peters y Sky Aurelius Peters
¤ Hazel Opal Peters y Magnus Roman Watson
¤ Theodore August Peters y Meredith Mavis Monroe
¤ Aaron Christopher Weasley y Verena Michelle Dyer
¤ Joshua Stephen Weasley y Esther Amalia Holt
¤ Charles Samuel Weasley y Ruby Stephanie Saffron
¤ Iris Aurelia Weasley y Marshall Everett Conrad
¤ Theophania Calliope Richardson y Corinne Roxanne Everleigh
¤ Arabella Beatrix Richardson y Henry Oliver Brooks
¤ Kai Dominick Richardson y Flynn Milo Wolf
¤ Willow Cosima Levin y Nicoletta Pomona Wilford
¤ Fern Violet Levin y Marie Honoria Ollivander
¤ Euphemia Alessandra Levin y John Florean Palmer
¤ Dorothea Giovanna Levin y Elladora Eloise Gibson
¤ Salazar Lucius Levin y Holly Avalon Barnes
¤ Eleanor Hope Levin y Savannah Genevieve Shaw
¤ Gracie Isadora Novak y Marvin Declan Sullivan
¤ Alec Aurelian Novak y Claire Piper Johan
¤ Mason Ezekiel Novak y Clementine Octavia Albion
¤ Lotor Comet Snape y Giovanni Benjamin Lestrange
¤ "Moon Demon" Darius Angelo Snape y "Dark Angel " Arianne Alysson Snape
¤ "Killer Shadow" Lazarus Ignatius Snape y "Ice Demon" Urania Calliope Snape
¤ Morterius Viktor Snape y Hisirdoux Artemas Casperan
¤ Regris Niven Snape y Acxa Valda Snape
¤ Kevin Ethan Snape y Gwendolyn Stephanie Tennyson
¤ Regulus Orion Snape y Abel Austin Khemse
¤ Cygnus Arcturus Snape y Frederic Alistair Weasley
¤ Elle Rigel Snape y Matsuda Touta
¤ Beyond Aurelian Snape y Mikami Teru
¤ Alexander Valens Snape y Magnus Sebastian King
¤ Lysander Nikolaus Snape y Vladimir Micah Masters
¤ Gwendolyn Hiroko Snape y Tanaka Misaki
¤ Ezra Yamato Snape y Luveva Rosemay Sutherlamd
¤ Ryan Yoshio Snape y Avery Daxon Sinclair
¤ Keith Akira Snape y James Oliver Griffin
¤ Yuudai Riley Snape y Danielle Edna Young
¤ Yuriko Harley Snape y Debra Kathleen McIntosh
¤ Clarice Suki Snape y Alphard Delphinus Black
¤ Mako Ethan Snape y Giovanna Naomi Hamilton
¤ Morgana Kendra Voorhees y Karin Delilah Summers
¤ Carrie Margaret Voorhees y "Sue" Susan Danica Snell
¤ Jessica Lorna Kimble y Steven Malcom Freeman
¤ Audrey Andromeda Malfoy y Andre Perseus Bourgeois
¤ Gabriel Bastian Malfoy y Emilie Calliope Graham de Vanily
¤ Roynard Hydra Malfoy y Violet Rowena Deekers
¤ Raymond Lynx Malfoy y Cedric Atticus Diggory
¤ Draco Lucius Malfoy y Astoria Coraline Greengrass
¤ Merle Ariel Malfoy y "Jesus" Paul Finnegan Rovia
¤ Hope Leah Malfoy y
¤ Carl Thomas Malfoy y
¤ Levi Armand Malcoy y
¤ Daryl Hunter Malfoy y Rick Jonah Grimes
¤ Vitale Astaroth Sparda y Luka Nicholas Sparda
¤ Neron Asura Sparda y Kyrie Serena Kiernan
¤ Merak Emory Sparda y Portia Manon Hendrix
¤ Armand Vincent Sparda y
¤ Nicholas William Sparda y
¤ Septimus Canyon Sparda y
¤ Loretta Margot Grace y Calvin Raphael Foxglove
¤ Julius Grant Grace y Ivy Roxanne Baxley
¤ Benjamin Vidar Grace y Edgar Zachary Maddox
¤ Ophelia Nozomi Jensen y Cordelia Avery Bkwie
¤ Eileen Victoria Jensen y Silvius Dael Sinclair
¤ Thomas Lysander Jensen y Othello Natalie Reeve
¤ Nova Genesis Jackson y Allison Leah Reid
¤ Losa Iris Brooks y Briar Anais Tedford
¤ Nina Rosie Brooks y Asa August Harding
¤ Connor Cyrus Brooks y Sandra Sabine Simmons
¤ Esme Aurora Donovan y Maxine Riley Crosby
¤ Arabella Cassidy Donovan y Robert Dashiell. Davenport
¤ Arianne Odette Donovan y Terrence Gideon Graves
¤ Kendra Alessandra Donovan y Alexis Scarlett Bishop
¤ Cassandra Abigail Donovan y James Anthony West
¤ Pansy Genevieve Parkinson y Theodore Phineas Nott
¤ Avalon Forrest Parkinson
¤ Damien Emory Parkinson
¤ Ursa Alexa Corvinus Y Narcissa Hazel Ripley
¤ Nora Alyssa Corvinus y Lydia Skylar Abernathy
¤ Annabelle Danica Corvinus y Rowan Vladimir Norwood
¤ Luna Pandora Lovewood y Rolf Elijah Matthew Scamander
¤ Ronan Artemis Marcelly y Adam Timothy Reed
¤ Giovanni Octavius Marcelly y Robin Mikhaila Mckinley
¤ Ivan Alistair Marcelly y James Christopher Peters
¤ Mika Valentina Donnelly y Arthur Ethan Bowers
¤ Damien September Delaney y Melione Rowena Robinson
¤ Kira Dominika Delaney y Marlon Oliver Williams
¤ Kanna Amelia Delaney y Gael Ethan Byron
¤ Nicholas Hadrien Delaney y Madison Edith Emerson
¤ Armand Demetrius Corwin y Persephone Aspen Cormac
¤ Tatiana Aubrey Corwin y Marcella Carolinne Cervenka
¤ Pandora Evageline Corwin y Cecilia Honoria Van Frietag
¤ Natasha Piper Dresden y Donna Mary Berkshire
¤ Emily Alisha Ansel y Nana Eliza Martin
¤ Isabelle Veronica Ansel y Carmen Emilia Reyes
¤ Kenneth Paul Dollins y Ella Isabella Evans
¤ Joseph Herman Dollins y Juliet Corina Rogers
¤ Hailey Amelia Flint y Lucia Naomi Barnes
¤ Ashley Jasmine Flint y Maxwell Benjamin Norton
¤ Piper Savannah Flint y Louis Howart Daxton
¤ Chase Akira Braken y Felix Lucius Quinn
¤ Florian Narcissus Braken y Colin Leonard Frone
¤ Callum Daniel Fox y Marjorie Katie Vance
¤ Dante Ezra Fox y Leila Juniper Thomson
¤ Nathan Soren Fox y Matthias Isaac Parker
¤ Magnus Gideon Fox y Desmond Ethan McReynolds
¤ Lucian Harrison Fox y Apollo Anthony Greene
¤ Jude Eli Hudson y Theodore Declan Vesper
¤ Olive Genesis Ivanovich y David Cameron Canyon
¤ Tate Roman Ivanovich y Molly Aurora Wiley
¤ Ivory Leah Ivanovich y Diane Barbara Jennings
¤ Devon Julian Kane y Ophelia Pauline Colins
¤ Claudine Barbara Kane y Matthew Benjamin Rothchild
¤ Castiel Dominc Kane y Charlie Isaac Lauder
¤ Natasha Bella Kane y Mackenzie Riley Hills
¤ Caroline Samantha Kane y Sarah Emma Fuller
¤ Harper Eva Kane y Daniel Michael Baker
¤ Henry Jasper Kane y Duncan Joshua Evas
¤ Nathan Pietro Kane y Elijah Maxwell Crimson
¤ June Opal Kane y Felix Octavius Rhodes
¤ Jane Ophelia Kane y Angelo Dominic Lowell
¤ Aldora Corinne Prince Amora Lyra Stout
¤ Odolette Lila Prince y Thalia Cora Fulton
¤ Amon Rowan Prince y Elira Bianca Thorton
¤ Amelia Robin Prince y Nicolo Dorian Guthrie
¤ Alastor Robert Prince y Dinah Pandora Pearson
¤ Gavin Marshall Prince y Megara Eloise Lang
¤ Sean Colin Prince y Rebecca Odette Douglas
¤ Renee Tara Prince y Miles Edgar Lambert
¤ Eric Lance Snapey y Millicent Corinne Curtis
¤ Marlon Levi Snape y Lily Alyssa Yancer
¤ Luther Garth Snape y Judith Naomi Tailyour
¤ Hannah Ebony Snape y Lincoln Nathan Penfold
¤ Marie Clarice Snape y Leslie Regan Eastwood
¤ Jade Tiffany Snape y Leah Eliana Rees
¤ Grant Devin Snape y Geraldine Annalie Harfield
¤ Dean Leighton Snape y Fiona Charity Wheeler
¤ Mason Riley Oakley y Cartie April Willis
¤ Morgan Harley Oakley y Ian Paul Wenman
¤ Robert Damian Lake y Marion Corinne Turner
¤ Roy Ethan Morrinson y Griffin Rhett Essex
¤ Joy Ebony Morrinson y Kilian Lee Rowell
¤ Holden Ethan Snape y Eleanor Nadia Heron
¤ Corey Silas Snape y Jane Lydia Orchard
¤ Astrid Juliette Snape y Rhonda Hope Pataki
¤ Tate Julian Snape y James Ronan Poole
¤ Soren Jaspn Snape y Carmen Marianna Rojas
¤ Edgar Samuel Snape y Ingrid Ianthe Lauder
¤ Castiel Gabriel Dream y Cecilia Ember Bonavich
¤ Callum Paul Dream y Avalon Ginevra Carmichael
¤ Cedric Ernest Dream y Bathilda Sibyll Irvine
¤ Garett Elia Dream y Padma Orla Astor
¤ Austin Jordan Dream y Magenta Pomona Hearst
¤ Daryl Silvanus Dream y Nuru Sura Van Doren
¤ Calliope Scarlett Dream y Gemma Pomona Windsor
¤ Cordelia Maribelle Carter y Ivar Rainn Kline
¤ Howart Steven Carter y Sylvia Peyton Bechtel
¤ Lysander Casimir Carter y Enid Jivanta Galumba
¤ Pierre Milford Afton y Kylie Olivia McKeehan
¤ Rupert Stanley Afton y Andrea Jocelyn Varner
¤ Warren Philip Jefferson y Michelle Sabine Castle
¤ Ellie Audrey Jefferson y Shireen Monroe Marks
¤ Giselle Corina Leighton y Mia Velvet Bushnell
¤ Odette Marina Leighton y Nicoletta Verona Goldstein
¤ Larissa Dirina Leighton y Winry Carmina Montgomery
¤ Magnus Cassidy Edevane y Harry Leroy Baker
¤ Stella Andromeda Orville y Harold Russell Mcquiston
¤ Lucille Arabella Orville y Jace Colton Rutledge
¤ Lee Amos Evans y Zoey Makayla Camfield
¤ Cadmus Orion Evans y Trudy Nayala Lovell
¤ Florean Newton Evans y Xenia Sybil Herron
¤ Ivory Ooal Evans y Edmund Wilfred Frankham
¤ Luisa Veronica O'Kelly y Connor Evan Carson.
¤ Finn Andrew Harley y Portia Marilyn Curtis
¤ Abel Nolan Harley y Bonnie Thea Proudley
¤ Louis Xander Harley y Petunia Jamie Deakins
¤ Claire Norah Harley y Lance Chandler Western
¤ Camille Loena Harley y Myrtle Denise Golby
¤ Cora Adelaide Harley y Selma Kelsey Hicks
¤ Juliette Theodora Harley y Daisy China Kempster
¤ Cyrus Maximua Harley y Meredith Shannon Crocker
¤ Horatio Gideon Harley y Heidi Antoinette Deacon
¤ Dorothea Euphemia Harley y Terence Xavier Croucher
¤ Violetta Leopoldine Murphy y Franklin Leonidas Burton
¤ Nova Orion Murphy y Faustina Spencer Odam
¤ Comet Sky Murphy y Yvonne Wilhemina Hibberd
¤ Phoenix Bianca Murphy y Rosalie Simone Stratton
¤ Celestine Xiomara Glenwood y Rylan Waylon Mills
¤ Isla Cosima Glenwood y Neil Rowan Lee
¤ Jacqueline Glenna McCoy y Jarome Staley Orline
¤ Ann Marie McCoy y Ridley Everett Anderson
¤ Apoline Elian McCoy y Simom Edward Thompson
¤ Aubrey Lynn Orson y Braxton Hunter Young
¤ Amelia Faith Orson y Ryland Linden Allen
¤ Lucy Ella Volkov Jacob Jhon Wright
¤ Freya Leah Volkov y Rome Canyon Adams
¤ Martin Lane Volkov y Brianna Mirella Collins
¤ Monet Valentina Volkov y Callahan Anselm Morris
¤ Robinia Venus Carrington y Aragon Glorianne Watson
¤ Damon Micah Carrington y Selie Nia Rise
¤ Calla Seraphina Balckwood y Ariel Calyx Reid
¤ Adriana Norah Blackwood y Windsor Athen Foster
¤ Trevor Narcissus Blackwood y Larry Eugene Fraser
¤ Heather Kalina Moore y Lucilius Nicholas McIntosh
¤ Bernadette Alexa Moore y Ares Gabriel McLean
¤ Althea Ruby Lexington y Trinity Elizabeth Bland
¤ Camellia Iris Lexington y Damian Anthony Boswell
¤ Taylor Sidney Lexington y Fabian Dominic Bartlett
¤ Elena Vittoria Lexington y Athena Aubree Birch
¤ Oris Edward Goodwin y Ryleigh Nadia Chapman
¤ Archer Emrys Goodwin y Paisley Autumm Pannell
¤ Raphaela Esperalda Goodwin y Ryder Quentin Hamilton
¤ Ike Neron Goodwin y Bailey Stephanie Adams
¤ Lilianna Persephone Blackwood y Jared Fabian Crawford
¤ Albert Christopher Blackwood y Gemma Alyna Gibson
¤ Alfred Stella Blackwood y Nicholas Julian Munro
¤ Rose Mary Blackwood y Sebastian robert Walker
¤ Bernard Alden Blackwood y Katherine Calliope McGregor
¤ Benjen Isaiah Blackwood y Seraphina Harper Docherty
¤ Lewis Beckett Blackwood y Samirah Luna Ross
¤ Vlaire Harley Blackwood y Aurora Isabelle Gordon
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filigreefaerie · 4 years
✧ female names from greek mythology ✧
Under the cut you’ll find 110 female names from greek mythology, listed in alphabetical order with my favourites in bold. Personally, I think they are great for fantasy books or roleplays.
like or reblog if you save
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acantha, adrasteia, aella, aglaia, alcmene, alexandra, althea, antheia, antigone, aoede, aura, arachne, arete, ariadne, artemis, astraea, atlanta, athena
bia, briseis
calliope, carme, cassandra, ceto, charis, chione, chloe, chryseis, clio, cleta, cora, cynthia
danae, daphne, deianeira, delia, dia, diana, dike, dione, doris
echo, eirene, electra, elpis, eris, ennodia, enyo, eos, ersa, eudora, eurydice, evadne
harmonia, hebe, hecate, helen, hemera, hermione, hippolyta
ianthe, ilithyia, iokaste, iris, iphigenia, ismene
kallisto, kamira, klytië
lamia, larisa, latona, ligeia, leto, levana, lyssa
macaria, maia, medea, medusa, megaera, melaina, melia, mellonia, melpomene, mnemosyne
N, O
nemesis, nephele, nike, niobe, nyx, ourania
pandela, pandora, penelope, penia, persephone, phanea, philomela, phoebe, phyllis, polymnia
R, S, T
rhea, selene, thalia, theia, tethys, tyche
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vampiresuns · 4 years
Arcana Name Meme
Tagged by @arcanaprentiss thank you, dear ♥︎
1. What is their name?
I’ve got four of the bastards, so
Aelius Anatole Radoševič De Silva
Leonore Aahva Kaur
Medea Ianthe Pryce
Sabine Vesta Rey
2. Who named them? Was it their birth name? Did they choose their own name?
All of them, but Anatole were named by their parents. Anatole chose his name himself with a bit of help from his uncle. A fun fact about Leonore is he, and his twin sister Althea, are the only ones out of the seven Kaur siblings without an Indian first names.
Not an apprentice, just an oc, but Althea, being trans, was born with a different name, but when choosing her own name asked her parents how would’ve they called her, if she had been born cis. Rajni, the twins mother, said she always wanted twins called Leonore and Althea.
3. What does their name mean?
Aelius = sun; Anatole = sunrise
Leonore = it has no clear meaning
Medea = to think, to plan; Ianthe = violet flower
Sabine = femenine of Sabinus; Vesta = roman equivalent of Hestia
* Please note that Sabine is nonbinary.
4. Why did you choose that name for your apprentice?
Anatole was my first apprentice, and began as a self-insert. I played under my nickname ‘Anti’ (from my middle name ‘Antoine’). Anti also means ‘sun’. It sprung from there. The rest came to me in a dream.
5. Do they have any nicknames or favourite pet names?
Anatole: Nana, Nanatole, ti soléy'm, Tolja, Tolen’ka, Sol. His family calls him Lily and Lilu, from Aelius. He’s not a big fan.
Leonore: Leo, baby.
Medea: Dea, little flower, Meme.
Sabine: Sabini, Tini (’Tee-nee’)
@ilyamatic, @chickie-dee, @sunsetsorcerer, @agent-darkbootie, @the-soupiest-artist, @shyomission, @cosmicloveoftheages, and you if you see this and want to do this, but tag me so i can know about your apprentices.
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I think I fell in love tonight, and Ianthe may just be the culprit. From the very first moment you began to weave your delicate tale, spindling in and out and through my very soul, I knew I was in for it, and how is it that you have managed to ignite such an ardor for a girl who shies from such fervor is a miracle I will cherish dearly. Though I had fallen down that hole long before my eyes came upon these words, this line was the ultimate snag for me: Ianthe can be a difficult thing to grasp, given that she doesn’t even know how to grasp herself, given that she doesn’t even care to exert the effort to grasp herself. My heart burst a little bit at that, I think, and has remained furiously flowing and in love since then. Moreover, I’m a dear fan of Pansy Parkinson, and you have only managed to uplift my image of her rather than taint it, and this family dynamic is particularly one that flooded me. I’m ecstatic to join together on the dash, my love, and see her in action. Remember to please submit your character account within twenty-four hours!
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0hmydekiru · 6 years
You seem to have a lot of OCs. Do you have like a master list of them or something?
oh god I have so many. 
Most arent considered mains to me, they are more like npcs, which means i probably only have their name and fc prepared. 
I might have a thing here and there about them in my brain and i might have some idea on how they would interact with certain mains but they aren’t as fleshed out as the mains. 
the secondaries can move to man if i start working on them more.
This isn’t all but this is currently all that i have found info on or remembered.
* means they moved from secondary to main.
☆ means share names but are different characters.
¤ means they have a canon counterpart but i am making changes.
i @’d them if i had a blog though i could have missed a blog or the thing didn’t link them/tag.
also for more homestuck ones go to @trolls-cherubs-and-kids
Italics mean they are on the @la-manada-de-muerte blog.
Bold means they are on the @unafraidofmoonlight blog
it will take a while to list them all (both main and secondaries) 
started on 4/9/18 in the evening and finished in the early morning of the 10th.
feel free to ask about any of them and i will do my best to answer!
1.      Nocovia Westly (story of my own that came from a rp)2.      Haven (LOZ/BOTW)3.      Eleonora Katharina Westergaard (Descendants 1&2) so much is written for this it’s kinda funny.4.      Idunn Fireheart (DA/Skyrim)5.      Yngvild (Vikings)6.      Yué Li (Star wars)7.      Cory Winchester (Supernatural)8.      Maggie Neely ¤ (TNW) x2 as different fcs steely-deliverer-neely9.      Mýrún/Muirenn DunBroch/Haddock (HTTYD/Brave)10.  Nanna (Undertale)11.  Natsuki Tachibana (Naruto/Bleach)12.  Dove Farseeker (WOW) @seekerdove13.  Snatch n Jab, Longshot, and Musey (DnD)14.  Xune'drada “Xuna” Of House T'sarran (DnD)15.  Maethriel (LoTR/Hobbit) @maethriel16.  Idunn (LoTR/Hobbit) @idunnthedwarrowdam17.  Casey Clearwater (Twilight)18.  Jax Pierce (Twilight)19.  Ara Rigel Argyris Black (HP)20.  Jax Kat Black Nee Argyris* (HP)21.  Chandra Bhatt Sharma (HP) @chandraofhufflepuff22.  Pyra Thera Nott  (HP)23.  Theodore Nott ¤  (HP) 24.  Moana Sigyn Herondale  (HP)25.  Haven Alexandria Potter (HP) @shelterofhogwarts​26.  Elara “Ellie” Pandora Black* (HP)27.  Nova “Novie” Calypso Black* (HP)28.  Oberon “Obie” Deimos Black* (HP)29.  Iris & Hazel Plank (HP)30.  Alejandro Rodolfo Martin (HP)31.   Calen JolanLycian (HP)32.   Nissa SimoneAdams (Riverdale/The Flash)33.  Hansa Chari (Riverdale)34.  Maëla Samaelson (Riverdale)35.  Morgause Mervyn (TW)36.  Yukio ‘Yu’ Kai-Zhāng Hale (TW)37.  Cordelia Jane Lycian (TW)38.  Talia Paisley Posey (TW)39.  Althea “Tia” Hestia Harman (TW)40.  Poppy Darcy (TW)41.  Pan Katsaros (TVD/TW/SH)42.  Ajax Megalos (TVD/TW/SH)   43.  Nemesis Argyris☆ (TVD/TW/SH)   44.  Meara Asherah Martin (PJO/TW)45.  Farley Halvorsen (TVD)46.  Ella Herondale-Graymark (SH)47.  Amara Bane (SH/TDI)48.  Morgause Jackson (PJO)49.  Kit Marinos (PJO)50.  Hansa Stark (GOT)51.  Eleonora Baratheon (GOT)52.  Ina Martell (GOT)53.  Lola Caraleah Barton (Marvel & maybe DC)54.  Lola Marie Blake/Banner (Marvel)55.  Adiand'r Kon-el/ Adiary Selene Anders-Kent AKAMoonfire/Superfire (DC/Marvel)56.  Anani Leah Bachman aka Volatile* (Marvel/DC)57.  Marisol Lola Robles-Sanchez aka Thunderbird* (Dc/Marvel)58.  Koraline Dalilah Isley (DC)59.  Hansa Marissa Harmaajärvi (DC) @hmh-azureriptide60.  Pyralis Titaia Zabat (DC)61.  Cordelia “Cory” McLellan (DC) picked a surname for her finally (for C & her 3 bs)62.  Sigyn Ran Allen (DC)63.  Hlin II Baldersdottir (Marvel) @daughters-of-baldr64.  Eir II Baldersdottir (Marvel) ^^65.  Samanta Fárbautisdottir  (Marvel) 66.  BlueShade (Marvel) only has an alias never named her.
Veronica Potts (Marvel) @watergrownpotts​   
Kenna (?)
  Secondaries1.      Jude Black (Twilight)2.      Nemesis Argyris (HP)3.      Dorothy Selwyn (HP)4.      Barbara Selwyn (HP)5.      Lucille Selwyn  (HP)6.      Theodosia Rosier (HP)7.      Dolorosa Rosier   (HP)8.      Josephina Rosier  (HP)9.      Amara Nott (nee Fawley)  ¤ (HP)10.  Richard Nott  ¤ (HP)11.  Thaddeus Fawley  ¤ (HP)12.  Sullivan Fawley  ¤ (HP)13.  Hansa Marissa Lillard-Patton  (HP)14.  Hestia Faye Bones  (HP)15.  Aiden  Nicholas Bones  (HP)16.  London Amelia Bones  (HP)17.  Líadan Aisling Ó Rinn  (HP)18.  Bran Meallán Finnigan (HP)19.  Harlan Cedric Howler (HP)20.  Aiden Nicholas Howler  (HP)21.  Nova Amelia Howler  (HP)22.  Hestia Faye Howler  (HP)23.  Noah Duncan  (HP)24.  Jacob Duncan  (HP)25.  James Duncan  (HP)26.  Caleb Duncan  (HP)27.  Freya Duncan  (HP)28.  Connie Quinn  (HP)29.  Matilda Quinn  (HP)30.  Taryn Quinn  (HP)31.  Slyvie Quinn  (HP)32.  Mulan Li  (HP)33.   Xing-Yue Li  (HP)34.  Chou ‘Cho’ mo chang/ Qiū Zhāng ¤ (HP)35.  Ling ‘lin’ he chang /Zhāng  (HP)36.  Ru ‘Rue’ Lian Chang/ Zhāng  (HP)37.  Arnav Chopra Desai  (HP)38.  Anvi Chopra Desai  (HP)39.  Mani Bhatt Desai  (HP)40.  Hari Bhatt Desai  (HP)41.  Asha Bhatt Sharma  (HP)42.  Darshana Bhatt Sharma (HP)43.  Damon Jones (Riverdale)44.  Mu Samaelson (Riverdale)45.  Stefan Cooper (Riverdale)46.  Morgaine McArthur  (TW)47.  Nimue Mervyn  (TW)48.  Alma Subi Kakar  (TW)49.  Imelda Vonda Althaus (TW)50.  Maud Ella Althaus  (TW)51.  Karou Jun Seung  (TW)52.  Zola Zidati Brisbane  (TW)53.  Ahyoka Wolfe (TW)54.  Espie Brigid O'Brien  (TW)55.  Thespa Arianrhod O'Brien  (TW)56.  Lewis Gimli Watts  (TW)57.  Ula Nimue Ó Muireagáin  (TW)58.  Ira Jude Evans  (TW)59.  Hazel Tatiana Vespera Petrova  (TW)60.  Clíodhna “Cleo” Deveraux  (TW)61.  Tracy Stewart ¤  (TW)62.  Erin Matthews  (TW)63.  Tala Bane  (TW)64.  Kendel Anderson  (TW)65.  Teagan Bennett  (TW)66.  Monica Andrews  (TW)67.  Noemi “Ami” Martinez  (TW)68.  Aili (eye-lee) Isaacson  (TW)69.  Rebekah “Beks” Kayne  (TW)70.  Amelia “Lia” Mills  (TW)71.  Rebecca ‘Harley’ Harlowe  (TW)72.  Stacy McCall  (TW) 73.  Jesse Harlowe  (TW)74.  Ara Yukimura (TW) 75.  Hestia “Hex” Raven Basurto  (TW)76.  Julianna “Jules” Wolf (TW) 77.  Mark Richard Bennett  (TW)78.  Kevin Robert Bennett (TW) 79.  Stella Rene Bennett (Nee Lycian (Nee Celeste))  (TW)80.  Duncan Owen Lycian  (TW)81.  Eline ‘Eli’ Gwendolyn Lycian  (TW)82.  Steven Marcus Bennett  (TW)83.  Seeley Blythe  (TW)84.  Renata Enid Bishop  (TW)85.  Ramona Henley Bishop  (TW)86.  Lukas Carter  (TW)87.  Denise Maeve Lemay  (TW)88.  Mira Ocarina Martin (TW) /Mira ‘Stark’ Tyrell (GOT)89.  Kavum Martell (GOT)90.  Chandra Martell  (GOT)91.  Aarushi Martell (GOT)92.  Adelaide Michaelson/Hamilton/Graymark/Herondale (SH/DC/TVD???) 93.  Heiđrún Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)94.  Serena Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)95.  Bistra Halvorsen  (TVD/TO)96.  Maiko Akamine (Naruto)97.  Rory Darrow (Homestuck/undertale)98.  Arizona “Rona” Robles (Homestuck/Undertale)99.  Cili (LoTR(?)/Hobbit)100. Eliza  (LoTR/Hobbit)101. Lalia Fairbairn-Greenhand  (LoTR/Hobbit) 102. Maire Fairbairn-Greenhand  (LoTR/Hobbit)103. Arodien (LoTR/Hobbit) 104. Idunna Odinsdottir/Dana Runa Astrid Meadows  (DC/Marvel)105. Hlina Odinsdottir/Leah Suzanna Fawn Meadows (DC/Marvel)106. Titaia Ianthe Alkmene Katsaros aka Tana  (DC)107. Mao Tachibana &  Kyōsei-sha/Dōsei (DC)108. Haven Amelia Buckley/Laila Aisha Al-Amin (DC)   109. Liam Alexander Buckley/Omar Ali Al-Amin (DC)   110. Warren Axel Buckley/Amir Jericho Al-Amin (DC)111. Luke Meadows (DC)112.Stephanie Meadows (DC)113. Veronica Marie Robles-Sanchez AKA Techward (DC)114. Noemi Robles-Sanchez AKA SolarMatrix (DC)115. Jane Sanchez AKA LunarSphere (DC)116. Nephele Anemone Zabat  (DC)117. Demetria Petra Zabat   (DC)118. Thalassa Arethousa Zabat  (DC)119. Bonnie Anita Blake (Marvel)120. Caroline Jolene Blake  (Marvel)121. Noah Blake  (Marvel)122. Eline Clare Dickson (?)123. Jane Marie Dickson (?)124. Neelam Nehal Sharma (?)125. Ara Sawako sasaki (?)126. Kira Aiko sasaki (?)127. Arun Madhava Soman (?) 128. Adithya “Adi” Kapoor Patel (?) 129. Sharada “Charu” Anjali Mahal (?)
Edit: add to main: Nissa Simone Larkspear (SH)
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borntoreignrpg-blog · 7 years
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                 La monarquía en estado de alerta pt.2.
Actualización, seguridad del palacio.
Orden de custodiar toda puerta y ventana que de al exterior. Orden de separar en grupos a todo invitado que se encuentre en el palacio. Prohibida la utilización de armas.
Se ha detectado la presencia de un integrante del grupo Provos dentro del palacio, algo que se ha alertado a la seguridad del mismo y escoltas tras que un integrante de la realeza haya sido víctima de un intento de ataque. Por esto, se ha pasado a dividir a la realeza, nobleza, e incluso civiles, en pequeños grupos que estarán distribuidos en los diversos pisos con los que cuenta el palacio.
Las interacciones (conversaciones) se darán sólo entre los miembros de un mismo grupo, por lo que no se les negará el abrir starter con todos sus personajes si así llegaran a desearlo. Lo que deberán tener en cuenta es que cada grupo deberá publicar bajo el # correspondiente, mismo que aquí abajo les dejaremos.  Pueden continuar con sus convos antiguas a modo de flashback. Si pertenecen al mismo grupo y han tenido interacción en la primera parte de la actividad, se les permitirá adaptar sus conversaciones a esta situación. A los demás se les recomienda comenzar a rolear desde el momento en que se encuentran divididos y en los pisos/sectores asignados
Grupo 1. Posición: piso 2 (sala de cine, sala de reuniones y sala de juegos). #grupounost
Heo Seohyuk.
Wáng Mei Yin.
Séraphine Chevalier.
Donovan van der Vaar.
Heo Joonhyuk.
Kwoun Taeil.
Ciel Sadourny.
Francis LeBlanc.
Aren Thygesen.
Carolina Magalhäes.
Grupo 2. Posición: piso 3. #grupodosst
Henry Volzke.
Joaquin Olivieri.
Lorelei Bellamy.
Miroslav Jankovic.
Jarkko Lysski.
Athena Baisha.
Ernesto Covarrubias.
Reuben Buchanan.
Alekos Stathakis.
América Ansoáin.
Isabel Avellaneda.
Grupo 3. Posición: piso 4. #grupotresst
Althea Stathakis.
Nayath Belgavi.
Milena Cvetkova.
Elissa Eberhardt.
Océane Clercq.
Irene Eberhardt.
Anton Ickova.
Achille Denucci.
Heathcliff Stavros.
Adelaide Ferreira.
Grupo 4. Posición: piso 1. #grupocuatrost
Ivana Vershcek.
Alexandra Ellingham.
Nathalia Gouveia.
Andiara Magalhäes.
Thyra Blomqvist.
Kaspar Bäcker.
Kennedy Bradshaw.
Vitaliya Ickova.
Zakaria Khaleel.
Lovrenc Vershcek.
Grupo 5. Posición: piso 2 (biblioteca real, sala de estudio, sala del trono y botica real y sala de enfermería). #grupocincost
Miska Lysski.
Santiago Leyva Padilla.
Diorella Fairburn.
Aleksandar Cvetkov.
Lance Rutte.
Kilian Clerq.
Alala Stathakis.
Bruna Gonçalves.
Kustaav Lyskki.
Matilde Ellingham.
Julian Eberhardt.
Grupo 6. Posición: piso 0. #gruposeisst
Donato Bianchi.
Ianthe Gouveia.
Alena Ickova.
Seier Thygesen.
Hella Thygesen.
Ezra Forsythe.
Lamia Thygesen.
Ashton Volzke.
Katharina Eberhardt.
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knavestrolls · 6 months
In Comfort
This isn’t her room.
That’s the first thing Althea thinks upon waking up. It’s too barren- it’s the wrong color! Anxiously she reaches for her phone but her pocket is empty. Desperately she searches her body for anywhere it may be hidden away but there’s nothing there. A chuckle stops her dead in her tracks and she looks up to a masked face- holding her phone!
“Hey! That’s mine- give it back!” She squeaks out in indignation, her mind focused entirely on the phone instead of putting together what this might mean.
“This?” The masked man asks and then crushes the device in his hand until small bits of its insides are littered across the floor. “You won’t need that here. Welcome to your new place for now.”
“What are you doing?! What are you talking about?? Where am I???”
“You are here. You’ll continue to be here until that ancestor of yours pays the toll.”
“Really?? Ransom?? Didn’t you fuckers learn the first 3 times that never works??”
“I’m not as stupid as they are.”
“That’s what they all say! You don’t even have me tied up!”
“I don’t- because if you leave this room I’ll break your legs myself.”
“You can’t do that if you want the ransom, I know how this works.”
“Not my ransom. There’s always ways to fix a few broken limbs.”
“Wow there is something seriously wrong with you.”
Althea stood to her full height but she was still shadowed by the masked figure. They stood in silence for a second until she suddenly made a dash for it- swooping under the man’s arm. She barely heard his sigh before she felt the pain. It seems it hadn’t been a bluff- he really was crazy enough to break her legs. Althea screamed as she heard bone break and fell to the floor. The masked man dragged her back into the corner she’d been before, dropping her there like it was the easiest thing in the world. It took a moment for her brain to get through the pain but she’d had endless amounts of practice in ignoring high pains- of functioning when no normal troll could. Althea forced herself back up to a standing position, shaking as she tried to focus her weight on the uninjured leg.
“You’re insane!” She cried out, desperately making her way towards the window.
“There’s bars on that.” The figure said in reply, sounding all together nonplussed. Like this situation meant nothing to him. Like her life or death meant nothing to him!
“Fuck! What do you even want from me?! Why me?!” Althea pulled at her hair as she settled back down into the corner. There was no point in struggling when it was clear he out matched her. There was no easy escape here.
“Not a damn thing. I’m just a middle man. My client gets the money, you get sent back to your special little hive. They don’t get it, you’re shit out of luck and you get a new permanent scar each night.” The figure shrugged.
“You’re terrible! You won’t make it out of this alive.” 
“That’s a mighty damn promise from a little girl.” “I’m not a little girl. I’ll get out of this, and I’ll make you pay.”
“Sure, kid. Don’t make me tie you up. Behave and we’ll fix that leg for you. Make another run for it and I’ll break the other. You understand?” “Fuck you.”
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lovrencv-blog · 7 years
honest hour: ¿hay alguien que te atraiga físicamente?
¿Físicamente? Sí, muchas, todas son hermosas. Irene, Thyra, Anna Blanca, Ianthe,  Althea, Thea, no sé, todas. No soy quisquilloso en cuanto a lo físico.
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borntogossip-blog · 7 years
top 5 de las princesas que creen darán más drama
¡Es imposible saberlo! Por drama no sólo espero discusiones, porque de esas ya hemos visto varias y se vuelven aburridas luego de varios días. Quiero que todas nos den algo de qué habar. Ejemplo Ciel que anda muy cercana a su escolta ¿Es acaso legal eso? Claro que no, ni que Lourdes baile con Ernesto, Thyra se arroje a los brazos de cualquiera que se voltee a verla. Me encantaría a Miska haciendo un berrinche ¿Por qué no? Océane maldiciendo o teniendo una discusión real, nada de lo siento. Estefanía besando a quien sea, Mia tratando de controlarla. Alena con Ragnar mientras Dasha le extirpa las pelotas antes de tomar el trono. Vita no siendo tan Vita ¿Quizás? Es misteriosa pero necesito más. Ianthe rompiendo corazones. Catrina encontrando una buena forma de bromear a sus compañeros. Da Hui enamorada ¿Es posible? Otilia y Rayna teniendo más presencia en el palacio. Lourdes rompiendo camas, Ana Blanca con Athena o con cualquier princesa. Irene, necesito más de ella de lo que veo, un poco más de personalidad, todavía no la descifro. Zala demostrando que una princesa puede ensuciarse las manos. Angela más predispuesta a ser fácil, podría tomar clases de Thyra. Svana en un trío, o triángulo amoroso. Nyree involucrada con algún plebeyo como el carnicero, Morten.  Zehra ebria y en pantaletas. Ann dejando de demostrarme que está desesperada por Taeil, quiero ver más de ella.  Eva puede dejar lo tarotista de lado y comenzar a ligar con ello.Hella quizás demostrando que no es tan superficial e insoportable como parece. Althea teniendo angry sex con Félix. Eleanor, XiaO, Renata,  Aline, Thea, Maria Emilia, Ivanna, Evelina, Petra, Daria, Carine deseo verlas un poco más en acción para predecir lo que anhelo de ustedes, tienen todo para sorprenderme. 
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knavestrolls · 6 months
Each night starts the same.
A breakfast of suspicious bottled thick liquid and a new slice just deep enough to scar. It always hurts and her attacker never apologies for it. Any escape attempt just gets her a broken bone that leaves her in agonizing pain until the angel arrives later at night. The angel always brings her a full home cooked meal, the worst coffee Althea has ever tasted in her life, and an almost full heal. Each night ends the same way, with the angel and devil arguing incomprehensibly just outside the door she can’t open without receiving a broken leg.
She’s lost track of how many days she’s spent here. Originally, she counted them. After around the second week she’d given such things up. Instead she turned her mind to other things, to her broken phone. Would anyone even realize she was gone? It wasn’t unusual for her to go radio silent, especially in her lows.. But it’d been weeks? A month? Surely, someone would know? Surely someone would care? Althea couldn’t convince herself it was true.
Maybe by the time she got out, she’d be single again. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d lost a quad to a kidnapping. Nor was this the longest she’d been kidnapped yet. Hell, her kidnappers were almost kind in comparison to things she’d gone through before.. Aside from the whole breaking her legs, of course. Maybe her mother was tired of paying out for a fucked up mutant daughter. Maybe the rest of her life would be right here in this room. She had no way to know, and she’d given up on hope ages ago.
Tonight, though. Tonight was different.
No one was there when she woke up. There was no liquid breakfast, no strange masked man. There wasn’t even a light on above her, which she had always assumed had been just a timer-based one. There wasn’t even noise she could hear. Slowly, hesitantly, she stood on shaky feet. The door wasn’t ever locked, not since the first day she’d been dragged in here. Althea moved slowly towards the door, pulling it open and waiting. No one came. No man just sort of appeared there to break her legs. Instead, there was just an open hallway. With no other way to turn, she began to walk quietly as she could through the place.
Turning the corner she was greeted with something she assumed was just some sort of smog cloud. It reminded her of when an old yellow-blooded quad had overheated their psionics and ended up smoking- which was exactly why she gave the smog a second glance. Just barely she could make out the vague shape of a man within it, and when she got close enough she could hear the soft groans of pain. It wasn’t hard to recognize the armor of the man who harmed her every night but also kept her fed, bathed, and clothed. This was a fucked up relationship between them, and this was her perfect chance to escape. The angel only ever came late, there’d be no one to stop her from just leaving right now.
Except herself, as it turned out.
As Althea stared at the figure clearly in agonizing pain, she found she didn’t have the strength to leave him. Even if it meant that she’d end up back within that room. She was too used to the daily rising pains to ever leave someone else in that state- especially someone who’s quad had been actively taking away her pain nightly. In a fucked up way, she almost felt she owed the angel enough to save this man. The real question was how? She didn’t know where to go to get the angel, and she didn’t have a way to know what was wrong with him. If it was a psionic issue, there’d have to be some sort of mind honey to find. Or sopor in a bad pinch but that was far too dangerous. A glow caught her eye. She couldn’t fully make it out within the smog, so she acted without thinking.
Althea dragged her nail along the most recent scab on her arm, forcing it open. When it began to bleed, she shakily held it out roughly over what she assumed was the figure’s face. For a second, she worried she was wrong. That she was just going to be aimlessly bleeding out over a corpse. Then the figure sprang up- biting into her arm where it bled. She had to bite back a moan- it seemed she really did need to get Gochi to give in and feed off her already because this was one of the best sensations she’d ever felt. It was also a terribly inappropriate time to be horny. Not only was this not one of her quads, an already taken man, and her kidnapper, but he was also only doing this out of survival needs. Very quickly the smog started to clear, seeming to condense into the man she knew to be her kidnapper- except with a clear face and glowing fuschia eyes.
“Sea salt taffy.” The gruff voice caught her off guard.
“Uhhh, okay?” She glanced around, trying to see if that was something she needed to grab.
“No, you taste like fucking sea salt taffy. Wait- are you okay? They get into that room at all?” 
“You are aware you’re my kidnapper right?”
“I’m a goddamn middle man, I’m not doing it for kicks and giggles. I don’t see any new wounds- Angie can heal the uh.. Bite.”
The man looked sheepish but was quick to get his bearings. Soon he was looming over her once again, though he was almost.. Gentle this time. Althea stood her ground, prepared for punishment to follow but it never did. Instead a silence stretched between them.
“I know I left the room but please don’t hurt me this time?” She asked, voice trembling.
“You literally just saved my fucking life. I can’t hurt you.” He said, as if it was somehow just basic knowledge she’d have on hand. Oh saved your kidnapper? Don’t worry, they’ll definitely be grateful and not just decide to lock you right back up!
“What was that about, if I can ask uhh… sir?”
“Reaper. You’ve definitely got the goddamn right to call me by my name. An ambush. One I’ll be paying them back for with blood. Shit- we need to get to the clinic.”
“Angie’s clinic. I’ve been crossed. First we get to the clinic, then we get you whatever you want before you go home.”
“..Home?” Althea’s voice trembled, thick with too many emotions mixing together. “That’s an option?”
“It was always supposed to be, after pay went through. Turns out I’ve just been a regular fucking kidnapper for a month- your ancestor paid first night. Client said differently. Angie will make sure you go home scarless.” The man- no. Reaper began to move and she rushed to keep up with his fast pace. The hive didn’t look like there was any sign of struggle but there was a trail of- well, she couldn’t tell if it was red or fuschia blood. The trail had led right to where she’d found him, so she could only assume he’d stumbled home in that state. Her head reeled with all the new information, trying to piece it together but unable to as if it was all part of different jigsaw puzzles.
Once they left the hive it was only minutes of silent and rushed movements before they arrived at an unassuming building. The only marking of any kind was a red cross right above the door. Reaper didn’t hesitate before marching right in. Uncomfortable on a street she didn’t know, Althea was fast to follow. Inside were three lines of cots, some filled with low bloods and some empty. At the far end of the room stairs up to another floor. In the middle of the room, looking quite confused by their appearance, was the angel.
“Liebling? Have you finally come to your senses?” Although there should have been bite in that question, there was clear worry instead from the doctor.
“We need to move. Pack up everyone you can. Jasidy’s got a new place lined up for you, asked him to figure that shit out a month ago just in case.” Reaper barked out, like an order. Althea stared at him, before glancing over at the doctor. She’d never seen an order from him to her go over too well.
“And your…charge?” The doctor’s voice is steady, but already she’s texting a number in her phone.
“You heal her, we send her home.”
“She’s seen your face, love..”
“She also saved my life.”
“Oh.” The woman looks like the very air’s been knocked out of her before she shakes it off and moves over to Althea. “I’m going to hand you my phone, do you know any numbers or handles off the top of your head? Don’t worry about not using my handle. I’ll be getting rid of both it and the phone after this. Follow me to this cot over here, while everyone else is getting ready to go we’ll get you healed up. It seems I owe you more than I can repay.”
“You don’t owe her. I owe her a fucking blood debt.”
“She?...I see.”
Althea’s mind whirled and she could do little else but follow the strange woman to a cot in the corner. The familiar light washed over her as she stared down at the screen of the phone. Who would she even contact? Her kismesis? Her mother? Her guild leader friend? As the pain, adrenaline, and panic lifted she knew she had one right choice. First she sent a message off to The Lovely Begonia. Short, sweet, and to the point. Then she struggled to think of what to write her kismesis. By the time everyone had packed up around her and the glow started to fade, she’d only typed in his handle.
“I can’t let you take it with you, I’m very sorry.” The doctor’s voice was soft, as she held out her hand for the phone.
“Yeah, I get it… Um. Could I just..” Althea shook her head and gave up, handing the phone back to her. What would she even write anyways? ‘Hey i’ve been kidnapped but don’t worry things totally worked out’? “Thanks.”
“I am hardly in a position you should be thanking me for.” The woman sighed, then straightened up and held out her hand. “Let us start over. Hello! I’m Angela Reyess. I run a clinic for those less fortunate and most in need. Mutants never pay here.”
“Uhh…” Althea stared at the hand for a good long few moments before slowly sliding hers up to meet it. “I’m Althea Ianthe. I’m a trophy girlfriend.”
“Great, we all know each other’s names. Now move.” The order left no room for argument and they were quick to leave. Althea half expected the building to collapse or blow up behind them but it stayed standing, even as they walked further and further away. People were being transported by several trolls, some on gurneys, some with walkers, some just by hand. She paid them little mind. Instead she turned to the mutant man who’s life she’d apparently saved with her blood.
“You said I could go home.” She started, almost too quiet to be audible.
“And you do. I’m giving you this.” He handed her a phone in a black case, seemingly unassuming. “It’s got my number in it. Saved under Reyess. I owe you, and I pay what I fucking owe. You message, you call, whichever. Anything you want or need, I can make it happen.”
“Uhhhhhh….” She just stared at the device in her hand.
“Your scars are all gone but you’ll still feel the phantom pain of them for a few days. You also are anemic and will need to increase your iron content for the week to help reincrease your blood.” Angela seemed completely nonplussed by the weird phone gift, happily trodding on to the next thing to completely confused Althea. “I’m afraid I don’t have time to linger, but should you need medical help simply text that number. He’ll get you in contact with me. It may be his debt, but he’s my dumb husband. Having him alive means the world to me.”
“Right.. Yeah, sure. Okay.” At this point, Althea simply gave up on trying to understand.
“I’ll take you home.” Reaper nodded, and began to walk towards a scuttlebuddy.
“Uh.. Thank you?”
“You’re strange.” The man stated, but there was a clear chuckle in his voice. Althea tuned him out, instead focusing down on the phone. She downloaded discourse and immediately signed in to her account. When it loaded she was overwhelmed with the pure amount of notifications, but she ignored all of them. She couldn’t take trying to read anything right now. Instead, she found the handle of her kismesis and sent two simple messages.
[mT]: omw hom3 [mT]: w-ll 3xpla-n lat3r
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knavestrolls · 8 months
-> A message blinked on Alty's palmhusk. It was from temporalAbstraction [TA]. That was Gochov, what could he want? [TA]: _)) Y0u aren't busy with anything. I'm here t0 ap0l0gize f0r my sudden absence. [TA]: _)) S0mething happened and. I d0n't kn0w if y0u'll believe me 0r n0t.
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[BD]: You hav3 no -d3a what - was do-ng [BD]: R3al abl3-st of you to assum3 -'m always do-ng noth-ng you know [BD]: But 3nough about how you should be canc3l3d [BD]: Th-s b3tt3r b3 a good apology [BD]: And a sch3dul3d dat3 n-ght [BD]: Plus at l3ast thr33 curs3d m3m3s
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knavestrolls · 2 months
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Althea would definitely cosplay from that Rabbit Hole video...
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