#Also this ending cutscene song was nice :)
merlinmerlot · 7 months
i finally finished bg3
and it only took me [looks at steam]
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#merlin.txt#w/ the new computer the rest of act 3 went by super quickly#honestly i dont think my computer and my sanity would have survived all those cutscenes#ANYWAYS initial thoughts:#cried like a baby. ending credits songs really really good. i can't WAIT to start a new playthru. HOWEVER:#oh my god the ending felt so fucking rushed. i was expecting like a typical rpg ending slideshow at LEAST but nothing???#like you only get One cutscene with your romanced partner (a short one too) but i don't get to see what everyone else is doing??? hello??#gale is literally like 'lets celebrate' and we don't get to see the celebration??? or at the very least a chance to talk to everyone again#like in act 1 and 2????#imo i think the most satisfying one was lae'zels. god i love her#also act 3 is hella buggy especially towards the end. a lot of broken dialogue. but ah well#OK NOW SPOILER THOUGHTS SAMMIE DONT LOOK:#the game Really wants you to turn illithid but i ended up just letting karlach do it ... i felt bad .. but like#i found the arc of my tav like. getting So close to going full power hungry and martyr and hero only to finally be humbled like -#'you dont have to always play hero' was really interesting. like doing that and then hearing the post credits 'the power' song. gshldgksmal#guy who is soo miserable abt the fact that all their cool illithid powers are now gone. has to go back to being normal#ALSO. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE ENDING AST SCENE. HELLO?#HIM RUNNING AWAY FROM THE SUN. IT BEING COMPLETELY PLAYED FOR LAUGHS. SO MEAN#any other time i may have laughed but the fact that you dont really get epilogues made that Really sting.#THE FACT THAT THE COMPANIONS ARE NOT EVEN NICE ABOUT IT??????
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I Have Finally Finished Xenogears (1998) And Can Finally Start And Enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (2022)
#Actual Thoughts Time:#Xenogears is slow and old and if you don't like looking things up you'll probably get lost a bit#But man I did enjoy it#solid 9/10 for the era#But honestly it's so slow if you're impatient at all it'll probably feel like a 7.5/10#but there's so many tiny details and hidden things#like the spider web you get in the first room lets you do a sidequest near the end of disc 1#there's a thing called the mermaid tear in disc 1 that isn't used until you go to an optional location in disc 2#with a specific character which unlocks a specific flashback cutscene and changes all of the visuals for their moves#then you can go find an old lady and get a ring#And I just love stuff like that#But also this is NOT the kind of game you do multiple playthroughs of so like#just look stuff up periodically#I used the Xenogears Shrine on rpgclassics for most of my info#that or Luxin's unfinished recap series for just the important parts#Also this ending cutscene song was nice :)#And honestly I did like the story and the characters#But man it is so super obviously unfinished and imperfectly translated#Disc 2 is literally 15 save points worth of Cutscenes they didn't have time to finish then a boss fight with like 3 dungeons in there too#they didn't even manage to finish ALL of the boss fights one of them is JUST a cutscene#and then you get to explore the overworld which is just like 2 optional dungeons and 'did you get the trader card? No? Go fight the final b#oss loser'#but I really did enjoy it at like a 9/10 level#but I cannot recommend it without an emulator to use turbo when grinding and stuff#but there's so much love and fun put into it too that I can say it might be worth it#I grinded out a character's deathblows just because I liked him and his final one was super cool#it switched to first person for a bit which nothing else in the game had done at that point and juggles the enemy in the air#I never even used it in a real fight but I enjoyed it anyways#there's plenty of moves I never got to use like Fei's level 80 deathblow since I was only level 75#there's plenty of characters and there's enough to do with all of them that you can basically 'main' them without issue
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penpinetree · 6 months
Rhythm Doctor's tutorials are perfect and why subdivision beats are my favorite mechanic (SPOILERS FOR ACT 5)
before we get into spoilers: Rhythm doctor is a one button rhythm game where you apply defibrillation to numerous characters who each have their own tempo, mechanics and stories as to why they're at middle sea hospital, the game has a great story, amazing characters, and a simple (at first) gimmick, push the button on the 7th beat. its a good game, you should totally play it, and I recommend not reading this post if you haven't, if you have played it, then listen to me word vomit for a minute.
Act 5 is about subversion, even before the act officially starts the game tricks you into thinking it'll be a fun little baseball themed act
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the entire act takes place in a new (to you) ward where you've overheard from two other patients that a popular baseball player has just been admitted there.
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immediately you'll notice that this is not a ward in a hospital, this is a baseball field, strange, but whatever, doesn't matter. this song introduces a new gimmick, subdivision notes, which are a type of SVT beat (i realize i didn't explain those, basically you're given a get, set, go count and have to hit the beat on go) subdivision beats are simple (at first) where all you need to do is listen for a queue and hit more than one note.
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they look like this (it was so hard to time snipping tool to get these). the top image is for a double subdivision and the bottom is for a triple subdivision the tutorial for these notes is really good at getting you used to these types of notes being matched with each other and regular notes respectively and you'll have a good grip on them by the end of it.
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the song starts out in the same field that going into the physiotherapy ward brought you to, and the music is nice, mostly just a test to see if you have the subdivision beats down by now.
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that is until you reach this point and a baseball suddenly flies into the screen, putting the song to a pause and pulling away the curtain.
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it was a dream, this is lucky, the baseball player who was admitted to middlesea hospital for tearing their rotator cuff during a game. after a quick cutscene the song starts again, cutting back to the baseball field, except it's no longer a dream, it's a nightmare, its pouring rain, baseballs fall from the sky in larger and larger amounts, every now and then you can see the eyes of Lucky's fellow teammates staring at you from the dugout. and then it happens, my favorite part of act 5, the one queue that made me fall in love with this game for a third time.
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all of the sudden you're hit with a quadruple subdivision beat, they didn't teach you this, lightning strikes in the background as its called out, normally this would be bad game design, throwing something at you out of nowhere without explaining how you're supposed to deal with it. but you hit the notes anyway, because by now you've learned to ignore the visual cues and go based off of the game's rhythm, because the queue's "Tonks" are also in tempo with how quickly you have to hit the divided notes, so without making a sweat you hit the notes perfectly, even while the nightmare sequence starts to fall apart, telling lucky to wake up, you still hit every note perfectly until the end of the song
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at the end of the song the screen zooms out from lucky, and you're shown the real physiotherapy ward, this room will no longer look like the baseball field unless you go to it on a new save, act 5 is such a good example of why this game is so dear to my heart (haha) and if you still somehow haven't played it, please, just buy it, give the developers your money.
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persepor · 9 months
Let's talk about Yinu's boss fight...
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Yinu is the third NSR artist we face in No Straight Roads, alongside her mother who I'll refer to as Mama. Yinu is my 3rd favorite NSR artist not only for her character but the fact she plays neoclassical music! There's a really interesting connection I want to make later but without further ado let's talk about Yinu.
"I'll show you why they call me the Golden Maestro of Vinyl City!"
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Yinu's battle goes like most of the others......except you don't fight her...you fight her mother. Mama will appear after you break the gate and will hold Yinu out of harms way, shielding her when you get rid of all the strings. Mama functions as the main obstacle you have to get through to get to Yinu. She will keep Yinu away from you for the entire battle, focused on mainly keeping Yinu performing.
She starts out as simply being behind the curtain, then in the second phase she grows and lifts up the stage into the air, and finally she uses herself as a sort of cage. You defeat her but it isn't over you're interrupted by Yinu who is angry at EVERYONE and furiously plays her piano.
You finally reach her and we hear something audibly break. The cutscene plays and we see everyone falling. No one is hurt in the fall but.......
Mayday and Zuke broke Yinu's piano.
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Yinu plays neoclassical music which consists of piano, strings, and wind instruments. I absolutely love Yinu's theme not only because I love classical music myself but because it's so melodic and really evokes emotion. The rock version, while not my favorite, is also really good at using guitars and drums to replace the strings and winds.
One element I love is that the furious piano playing towards the end of the song stays in the rock version as well. It's such a nice touch to add to keep in the same in every version of Yinu's music. When I hear hear theme music I can imagine her enjoying herself, playing her piano for her fans but also for herself and her mother. I hear passion when listening to Yinu's theme which says a lot than having to express it with more words.
The next time you listen to her theme I want you to really listen and see what your mind comes up with when listening to it.
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B2J's overthrowing Yinu's concert reminded me of the rise of popularity for rock in the 1950's and it subsequently becoming mainstream in the 20th century.
With popular music such as rock, jazz, and the blues becoming so popular classical music was forgotten about and had to find its own niche radio stations. Even today any type of classical music is basically forgotten or isn't looked as fondly upon as pop or rock music.
When B2J destroyed Yinu's piano this thought solidified itself as them getting rid of classical music, quite literally drowning Yinu out until you're trying to reach her. May and Zuke got rid of Yinu's neoclassical music in her district.
They put down a music genre just so rock can become popular again.
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Conclusion is Yinu is an S-tier boss fight and she has so much untapped story that I didn't go over.
Thank you for reading, Dj Subatomic Supernova is up next.
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kuromis-tkl-blog · 14 days
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Uh..doing this out of boredom!
1. Out of the main 6, my favorite in Dreamworld/Headspace is Basil. Out of the main 5 in real-world, my favorite is Kel.
2. My favorite side/NPC character is Kim.
3. My favorite songs from the OMORI ost would have to be Duet, Bready Steady Go, and You Were Wrong, Go Back.
4. My favorite boss is Bossman Hero.
5. The photos from Basil's photo album I liked most was the one picture of Aubrey eating a watermelon, and the arm-wrestle between Hero and Kel.
6. My favorite area in Headspace is the park area.
7. My favorite area in Blackspace is the main area itself, where you can see all the doors, and the one room where Basil explodes like a watermelon.
8. My favorite area in Faraway Town is the "hidden spot" in the park.
9. I like Real-world more. I don't have a specific reason why, though if I had a reason, I'd say because it feels like I spend hours in Headspace when playing the game.
10. Favorite ships? Hm.. I like cactiflower, suntan, and of course, HeroMari.
11. I kin Basil and Kel! I kin Basil because of his personality, which should already be enough.. hopefully. I kin Kel because of his personality, but also because of the way he is perceived from others' POV's.
12. My fav route in the game is to keep going outside every possible chance. My favorite ending in the game is the True-Ending.
13. I have very few I can think of right now, but one of the main ones I have is that Kel and Hero hug people tightly, though of course, Hero hugs more gently.
14. My favorite moment in the game is when Aubrey, Kel, Hero, and Sunny all hug together in real-world.
15. Something that stood out to me the most was Basil's obsession for Sunny.
16. Well, I think my fav might be obvious if you know my blog, but I like- Kel's skill "TICKLE" In game.
17. My favorite boss fight is fighting against Bossman Hero.
18. For me, the annoying part is having to grind levels because your level is "too low" so you can't defeat a boss until you grind more, which is a huge hassle for me.
19. Something I dislike about OMORI?!😲. Uh..nothing? ((If I think of something, I'll update this later.))
20. Something I wish was different about the game? Same thing as last question.
21. If I could change or add something, it would be adding more cutscenes or details in real-world and more details about characters interactions because--as we see that, for example, Aubrey and Hero don't really talk much. I wish there was at least some detail/or interaction between characters that don't talk to eachother much.
22. My reaction went kinda like this: "😶😮😲🤐...Damn.."
23. I was kinda just like- was in shock, but amazement when Sunny just- looked so unfazed falling down a hospital building. The amazement part being how the music just started playing, as I thought: "Wow..the build up..lead to a tragic ending but an amazing song choice." For the neutral endings, I was kind just like: "😶..." In shock I guess?
24. A scene that genuinely scared me was when I first played the game and encountered "DOROTHI" on the train. The music creeped me out, and so did the appearance of Dorothi.
25. In my opinion, the scariest things in the game are when you encounter the different variants of "SOMETHING" aka, MERCI, DOROTHI, CINDI, etc.
26. I do not unfortunately :(
27. Omori changed me in a...hard to describe way. Anytime I just- think about the endings, the truth, and everything in deep thought, it makes me have an odd feeling in my stomach of uneasiness. Though, it made me happy when certain scenes/frames, go on screen.
28. I actually made a good amount of friends, though I'll name 3, or rather 2. I met an amazing best friend of mine through it, a really cool, smart, and nice friend of mine named 'Ollie', and- I used to be friends with the famous omori, gacha, youtuber named 'DANI'.
29. Yes, OMORI had led me down a huge rabbit hole. It led me to a game called "Needy Streamer Overload" and I absolutely love it. It also let me to a game called "Yume Nikki" which, I haven't played yet but hear that it's good. So, I plan to go into 'Yume Nikki' blind!
30. OMORI is special to me because it has an amazing plot, characters, areas, soundtracks, and everything! I genuinely like it a lot, and try to get as many friends as possible into it.
31. YES! OFC!!! I want a hug too! 😭
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plugnuts · 27 days
Okay, I know next to nothing about FNF (except that the little blue-haired dude is bisexual and used to be in a relationship with the little orange-haired dude, but is now in a relationship with the brunette girl) (and that's all very cute). So what exactly is the story with this Yourself character? Also, is he the same as Silly Billy?
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OKAY so there's a lot to unpack with this question here-- first I'll give a little background on FNF itself:
The blue haired dude is named Boyfriend, and the brunette girl is called Girlfriend, the ginger guy is called Pico (but he's not important to this question). GF and BF are obviously together, hence their names (even though in their view it's merely coincidence).
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Now, as you know, BF is in a relationship with GF, right? In their own universe, yes, but Yourself (AKA Silly Billy as he's so commonly nicknamed (due to the name of the song he appears in)) is an alternate universe version of BF. Yourself is from a universe where his GF (AKA Herself) died in a tragic accident of some kind (of which we don't know) and is left in tatters, quite literally. He is shown to be a tall, lanky version of BF who appears to have lost himself when Herself died, no longer taking care of himself.
BF is normally shown as short, and this is to show off his innocence, to make him appear cute and nice. Yourself has lost that innocence, appearing at his full height, his true height. He shows that he can still be seen as innocent in the middle of the song he sings with BF as he shortens down, but that doesn't last too long as he soon grows back to his full height with a nasty laugh.
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In the song Yourself sings with BF there's a cutscene near the end of the song that includes a lyrical portion, and as Yourself sings you can see Herself for a split second as he sings the line "So stay awake just long enough to see my way". He's singing with her as she appears, and you can even hear her voice in the song- and this is because her spirit resides in Yourself's mic, you can even see it glow in the beggining cutscene of the song. These lyrics are also a nod to the original mod's creator that had first created Yourself, Divide, who sadly died in his sleep due to cancer.
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Yourself sings to BF with such passion, such pain, it's almost like he's warning BF to cherish GF and not lose her like he did Herself. Here's all the lyrics in the song:
I'll make you say How proud you are Of me So stay awake Just long enough Too see My way
My way
Yes, these are a nod to Divide, but I also like to view them as a nod to Herself as well. Like Yourself wishes for her to be proud of him even if she's no longer with him, to stay awake just long enough to see how far he's come, and how far he's fallen.
Also, in the frame where you can see Herself behind Yourself you can also see that Yourself has tattered angel wings, possibly to infer that he's practically dead, or some type of fallen angel - possibly as a metaphor for how broken he is without GF.
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Now, a good chunk of this is simply speculation as there isn't too much info on Yourself or his story. Though, I do hope we get more on him someday.
I hope this clears some things up!
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morkitten · 10 months
what's your favorite thing about klonoa? ^^
the character or the games??? you know what, i'll answer both: and i can't list just a single thing about both so i'm just going to list all the things i most love about them THE CHARACTER:
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- Extremely cute character design, I love the big ears, I love the pac-man hat, and i love how they work together, the shapes just aren't as appealing otherwise (which is why I'm a bit lukewarm on the Klonoa 2 design - but put his hat forward like it should be and then it's instantly a good design again). Besides that I like his goofy and cute expressions and fangy teeth. I also love the yellow sclera, I used to be much more protective of it and upset that they changed that, but the white sclera works too - I like how in Moonlight Museum it blends with the white muzzle so it gives Klonoa that really cute old Mickey Mouse cartoon sort of look to his face where you can't tell where the eyes or white fur begin or end.
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- Cute noises. Klonoa's voice actress is great and his gibberish is really cute. the double jump "WA-HOO!" just doesn't work with another delivery or with a less cute voice. I like the new lines that Klonoa 2 gives him for consecutive double-jumps which makes them feel even more satisfying to perform. THE GAMES:
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- Each kingdom in Door to Phantomile feels like a totally different culture from each other, and the 2.5D helps sell this feeling that all these levels are sprawling lively places that you're going all over and throughout instead of feeling like you're stuck in a tiny stretch of land in one lane on a much larger and richer environment, like how other 2.5D games tend to feel like. The levels are designed pretty cleverly to not give you that impression, like you're never going "come ON just go AROUND this guy" or "why can't I go over there?" I love how barely anything in the levels' environments are "just" in the background in DtP. Every polygon is precious and is used efficiently. You see that windmill in the distance? You can climb it later in the level. That's right, Klonoa is Skyrim. The best Klonoa levels feel like an entire journey happening in a capital P Place. - The music in Klonoa 1 and 2 are both out of this world amazing. there are songs in both games that sometimes moves me to tears. That era of Namco was them at the top of their game when it comes to music. - BOUKEN!! I love games that feel like an adventure. Door to Phantomile especially feels like an adventure that keeps escalating and going bigger in scope. I love Rocket Knight Adventures for the same reason. Klonoa has great voice-acted cutscenes full of character (and characters!!) to help with this too. Klonoa 2 has a nice story too by the end, but it misses on this BOUKEN aspect, for most of it, it ends up feeling like you're a little chore boy running a somewhat repetitive errand. - These games are really simple and approachable!! Hideo Yoshizawa came up with the idea for it trying to craft a 3D game that had the straightforwardness and ease of pick-up-and-play of a 2D game, and that intent shines through very clearly. So for anyone reading this who hasn't touched them, please give them a try!! At least the first one, it emulates really nicely on Duckstation! Klonoa 2 I recommend the Phantasy Reverie version, but with the first game you *gotta* play the original and not the remakes. And you gotta play them in order!
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Dark knight is the most romantic job, huh? Maybe you should elaborate 👀
Oh well if I must~
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notes: contains spoilers (very vague but yk still there) for the Dark Knight job quests, Shadowbringers role quests etc. Please play critically acclaimed mmrpg Final Fantasy XIV (now on xbox) with a free trial I am so normal about it and I promise you will be too. I need someone to grind gemstones with next expansion it only makes you want to die a little I swear.
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I want to start by bringing something up I don't see discussed a lot (if at all) in discussion of the Dark Knight questline, and that is the background music used. When dramatic or poignant moments occur in other questlines, even the other two that were introduced in Heavesnward (machinist and astrologian), the cutscenes stick to the default/expansion appropriate sad music. This doesn't happen in the DRK questline though, instead the sound designers chose to play Dragonsong during what are some of the most emotionally charged moments in the whole game, and generally stick to the Heavesnward background music even through the Stormblood cut-scenes. The choice of Dragonsong is really what makes me think of the job as "romantic" more than anything; the song is in a lamentation of lost love and trust between dragon and man certainly, but you could also apply some of those lyrics to the separation between the Unsundered and the Warrior of Light, or the separation between the warrior's darker half and their willingness to shoulder their duty.
This musical choice becomes especially clear when you speak to Count Edmont at the end of the Stormblood job quests, as a very specific part of the song begins to play as the Warrior of Light is asked to reflect on what could have possibly caused their heart to break and crack their jobstone:
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Not that I point this out to suggest it's cannon the Warrior had romantic feelings for any one person in particular, but to hammer home exactly what the Moogles try to tell you:
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Dark Knights get their power from their love; that ugly, hard work, painful, your heart is trapped in a rib cage desperate to leave type of bleeding love that is desperate for somewhere to go and doesn't have it anymore.
"Love is grief with nowhere to go." Is a quote that can more or less apply to every Dark Knight we are introduced to in game. Fray is literally dead, we never truly meet him at all, Sidurgu had already lost his whole tribe only to then lose Fray and their master, Granson lost his wife, and Emet Selch... well what hadn't he lost? And they are all angry, burdened by their grief, and desperate for somewhere to put their love because the people they want to give it to are gone.
idk I just think the concept of taking your love for your fellow travelers and using it as a focus to overcome the worst parts of yourself (from your doubts to your anger and resentment) so you can use all of those emotions as fuel to protect them, even from themselves is just so romantic to me. You don't have to be happy about it to do the right thing, and you don't need to be nice to be good. Love isn't always cute, sometimes it is very ugly and raw and I love when stories play with that.
So yeah. The most romantic job. I could get more specific but it has been a long time since I played through these quests ;-; I should fix that
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dkniade · 10 months
what are your thoughts on fontaine so far?
Oh hello! As someone who’s been gathering information from fan posts only and not the actual game (I think if I do play I’ll just play GI for the scenery and not the quests since it feels better than way. Something about burnout and wondering what kind of game actually intrigues me. Anyway)—
(Slight 4.0 spoilers…??? Mostly rambling about character design)
Fontaine sounds interesting. Well, I find it easier to let trailers/characters/quests sit for at least some time when it comes to new region and cast releases. Trying to see what makes me happy instead of just following the hype.
I feel kinda like a bard getting stories from other travelers, haha..
Seems Tartaglia got into another order-loving region’s trouble. I saw the cutscene where he starts to transform but Neuvillette interrupts him and he just kinda lies on the floor when the dust clears. Amazing
I wanna see Neuvillette cry even more. I wanna see him break down or something. It’s always fun to see a usually serious/stoic (?) character be vulnerable. Also Furina and Neuvillette’s dynamic seem interesting… It’s been compared to Hu Tao and Zhongli it seems? Blue/white vs red/black parallels…
Furina looks cute! I like the layers and shades of blue! Feel like she could use some longer pants. She’s got the💧 droplet shape all over her outfit and even in her eyes. Very nice motif. I love symbolic designs… Also I love how her eyelashes are stylized.
I’ve read that Focalors’ name in the English dub is pronounced closer to the French way of Foçalors (FOH-sa-lor) despite not having the “ç” (c cédille, or so a search tells me) in the official spelling. That’s like seeing “Français” be written as “Francais” (“Fran-KEH”) but still pronounced “Fran-SEH”, haha
Edit: Focalors’ name is from the Latin name Focalor from the Ars Goetia, so it would be pronounced with a /k/ in English after all. Though in the French version of the game it’s written as Foçalors which would make it with a /s/ in French.
Neuvillette seems to have a slight ⚖️ scale motif mixed with the French fleur-de-lis ⚜️ upside down… (Not visible in this visual but it’s the ends of his blue lapels.) Very cool detail for the Chief Justice of Fontaine. Probably had the same tailor as Dainsleif. Also I thought that he’s got similar motifs to Song of Broken Pines lmao. I like the feather in his hair.
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Come to think of it before 4.0 I’ve always imagined Focalors to be a mature woman (Hydro Ningguang or something) and didn’t expect Furina and Neuvillette at all… No, actually, when his visual released, I thought it’d be really cool if Neuvillette was a woman (while having the exact same design as canon) who’s actually Focalors, haha. Handsome long-haired women in suits and fancy layers… hehe.
Since Neuvillette’s character intro card lists “??? - Hydro” initially I thought he was the actual archon working behind the scenes and Furina was like, a decoy archon at the front. From the 3.8 event I had the impression that optical illusion is a motif for Fontaine, haha. It would’ve been interesting if the God of Justice is using a decoy to deceive people, I felt. Something like an AU where Chief Justice Neuvillette is all about justice and law but has a soft spot for and tolerates Furina. And everyone thinks Furina is the Hydro Archon but actually she’s just an assistant (? Right hand woman?) and Neuvilette is the actual Hydro Archon— wait is that kinda like Arlecchino with Lyney & Lynette hahaha. Anyway—
Speaking of cool lady, Clorinde looks really handsome. The wispy hair, the sharp hat, the cold look— To me she feels like… I dunno, a combination of Furina and Neuvillette hahaha. Apparently she’s the body guard of Furina? I wonder how it’d be if Clorinde and Furina swapped clothes…
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…Come to think of it, out of Furina, Clorinde, Arlecchino, Lynnette, Charlotte, and Navia, it’s only the last two that have their shoulders not covered by clothing, huh? Lynnette’s design with the black/white/teal colour scheme is refreshingly simple for a Genshin character… It’s nice.
TL;DR: apparently (one of) my type(s) of character design is just androgynous women in fancy long-sleeved jackets and long pants, a hat/other distinctive head-area decoration, with symbolic motifs and long ribbons/capes, black/navy and white base with bright blue and gold accents… Light/dark contrast between hair/face area and top-half clothing colour… (E.g. Furina with a white outfit, or dark-skinned Clorinde with a black/navy outfit wouldn’t look as distinctive to me.)
…That’s basically Eula isn’t it. Eula looks really pretty but I think she’d look better with long pants and not the belts/harnesses. Also, personally I feel the right side of her lapel and her cape doesn’t read very clearly. There’s too much going on near her upper torso (similar shapes to Kaeya). She’d look even better if her lapels are sleeker and the excessive details overall are toned down. Mmm, actually— Now that I’ve finally read her entire character story for the first time (I want to cry because of how the symbols tie into her story and personality well), I think it’d be nice if the glacier vs spindrift idea is more present in her outfit, with some dance motifs… A beautiful and proud blade that shimmers above the waves, twirling amidst the candles’ glow…
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revserrayyu · 4 months
Thoughts regarding the ending of Penacony’s 2.0 story
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Starting off with a heartbreaking scene so if you haven’t encountered any sadness yet during your playthrough, time to look away because spoilers ahead:
Now then, starting off with that scene, I can’t say I was too surprised to see it happen. Not only did I catch a clip of Firefly’s unfortunate end before I personally made it to the cutscene myself, but red death flags were already sprouting up everywhere before the update even released and trailers mentioned how Penacony would be a “heartwarming and uplifting story” and that we’ll be having a “fun vacation.” Ha, lies! Knowing that this death was coming didn’t make the scene any easier to watch of course. This poor girl. I really want to hope she’s okay since this happened during a dream and no actual body was left behind, but aahh. (disappear among a sea of my own tears)
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With the way Black Swan & Acheron were chatting afterwards along with Trailblazer’s completely heartbroken reaction however, it makes the loss seem even more believable. Seeing Black Swan try and comfort us was something that I’d expect from her character, but from Acheron? I was pleasantly surprised. I know next to nothing about her HI3 & Genshin lookalikes or how they act, so based solely on appearances I thought Acheron was going to be the quiet and reserved type. While she does seem reasonable chill at times, learning about how poor she is with her directions and memory was fun and seeing her comfort us after this moment was really sweet of her, even to go so far as telling us it’s okay if we’re mad at her for not acting quick enough to stop the attack and how she paid tribute to Firefly in the real brief cutscene (^cover photo. also, she’s so pretty)
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Seeing the selfie left behind afterwards is just another critical hit on all our hearts, especially with Robin’s song playing softly in the background once more. (we ain’t smiling anymore now are we??)
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I don’t remember too many details about the hotel journey we go on afterwards aside from seeing those echos of Firefly (I forget what they were called, but it reminded me of the Cocolia & Bronya we saw on our way up to Everwinter Hill for the first time) but hearing that Firefly was speaking to someone else while wandering through the dream was suspicious, especially with the mention of “Mecha.” Speaking of which, I didn’t expect us to fight Sam so soon. He was a bit of a pain but thankfully none of my team fell. Also gotta admit his theme was good. (bro I’m already heartbroken, what more do you want from me?)
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I am kinda bummed that we don’t know the outcome of the fight between Sam & Acheron. The short cutscene we got of it was pretty nice, so it was bittersweet that Black Swan saved from that. Didn’t get a moment to relax though because we encounter this shady man right after.. (darn him for being so handsome)
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The difference between the Aventurine we saw letting loose during the “White Night” trailer and the conniving fruit loop we have the pleasure of chatting with in game is insane and I love it. As if I wasn’t already wary of this man, now he’s getting different colored text! First Acheron with red, now him with yellow. Sure the color choice itself doesn’t seem that threatening, especially since it’s the same whenever we see Kafka’s spirit whisper, but there’s gotta be some meaning behind the colors and I’m irked we didn’t get a clear answer for it during this part of the story, but that’s just something else to look forward to with upcoming versions. Also, what he’s hinting at, with Acheron being the cause of all this? Bro I don’t wanna believe that! I really like her! (and if he knows then why is he letting things happen like this??)
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The Acheron stuff is hard for me to believe at the moment, but the news about Duke Inferno and his followers? That’s a bit easier on my mind. I’m not the biggest fan of the Ever Flame Mansion, as we don’t know too much about them and haven’t officially met them yet, but hearing that Duke actually died offscreen before we even got the chance? Wow. (oops)
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Black Swan, honey, I’m not sure who to trust anymore okay? I came here for a fun time and I’ll I’m getting is creepy vibes and tears. We should really stay away from hotels. People are always trying to hurt us; first Belobog, now Penacony. But again with the colored text! If yellow means truth, does that mean Acheron’s red were all lies? Or are they trying to trick us and it’s the other way around? Or perhaps their meanings are something complete different. Regardless, the colors are giving me anxiety. I do love how something so simple as a change in color can grab our attention so effectively though. (they're both lucky they're attractive)
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And the danger keeps on coming because we got not one, not two, but three deaths! This time of the lovely Robin. (what managed to hurt her like that I wonder? “Death” again?)
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I think one of the worst things about this scene is that Aventurine presents us this sight so proudly, saying that there’s no way for us to deny his offer, less we want this to happen to us as well. He’s just so calm about the entire situation and makes me want to slap his pretty face. (someone warn Ratio to stay out of his bathtub)
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The other horrible thing about that scene is that it ends! The game smacks us with a “To be continued” and all we’re left with are many concerns and questions! Fortunately (or unfortunately), we get another quick scene soon after with Sunday and.. Robin. Of course the ??? was a bit strange to see, considering we did meet her previously, but given what we just witnessed, it’s odd nonetheless. For a moment, I believed that maybe this was the real Robin, since her voice didn’t sound distorted and broken like it was before, or perhaps Robin was just her artist name and we don’t know her real name. (“again” huh? how common is death here?)
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As it turns out, I’m just stupid and didn’t even think for it to be Sparkle impersonating the singer until Sunday mentioned the fool herself. If I ever crossed paths with her, she’d end me effortlessly. (“chicken wing boy” is a brilliant name)
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With how popular Robin is, it’s gotta be tough for Sunday to walk anywhere in Penacony now without seeing her face or hearing her music. This man might go insane. (we don’t need the reminder that she’s “gone,” thank you)
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At least she’s willing to help keep up Robin’s appearance so there’s not a massive panic before the festival? She sounds a bit too happy though. I can’t tell what she’s up to but she seems to enjoy all the chaos. (I do agree; his pierced wing looks great)
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Sunday stays relatively calm throughout the conversation, but there are moments when you can hear how frustrated he’s becoming, along with that last laugh of his, and honestly it’s getting me kinda worried. I feel like he’s got some crazy plan to set things right, like Cocolia level crazy. (do explain how a funeral is “good news” sir)
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And that’s where we truly end for now. Let the waiting game begin. In the meantime, someone let Hoyo know that they managed to break many hearts. (the song really is beautiful though)
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All that’s left are the several little missions and the new Black Swan/Sparkle companion quest that I have to get through.
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
Sorry if you’ve already answered this but what would it be like romancing Sol? 👀👀 —WyllGirlDadAnon
It's alright I'm happy to just talk about Sol in general <33
In short, you know that song "your stupid face" by Kaden Mackay? It's what I imagined Sol's romance to be.
Because how dare you make them love you and care for you? They can't stand how much they like your stupid face. You shouldn't be smiling! Wel...maybe you can smile it looks sweet, but only for them!
I also wrote partially about their romance and romance ending as a companion here . I'll talk more about it in details below.
Act One
After taking them from the underdark to join you, their romance triggers start when you take them to the grove.
You have a cutscene if you attempt to walk into the grove with them, the gate doesn't open and Sol informs you that they're actually not allowed inside...because of a certain incident.
They tell you to go ahead, they'll just wait here. If you inquire further about the incident, they admit they've came here before the underdark but set something on fire, multiple times.
If you ask them why or if it was accidental, they don't answer you. They don't trust you yet to let you know about how dangerous their magic can be so they ignore your question.
If you poke fun at them for supposedly being a powerful sorcerer who can't control their flames, they'll tell you off but you do gain their approval for calling them out.
If you try to be nice and say it's not their fault, they stop you and say no it was definitely their fault, they don't want your useless pity. If you keep pushing it you gain their disapproval.
After going inside, you can talk to the druids on why they banished Sol. They tell you the same story about them setting things on fire even when told they shouldn't. You can solve it peacefully or take the druid's side.
Also you can ignore the gate and find another way to bring Sol inside, if you defend them when faced with the druids and say you don't care what they did, you'll take them wherever you please. They are kinda impressed.
That starts their romance, taking their side against the druids. You can also murder the druids, it still starts their romance. The tieflings have no problem with Sol, they just didn't want to anger the druids. So they aren't involved in this fight.
I like this as their introduction quest because it mirrors their ending. Sol says druids are their favourite when you first meet them and the flower they carry around in their hair. Yet their quest allows you to murder the one thing they love most.
Like how in their bad ending they plan on destroying everything they deemed beautiful and killing every person they loved when they die.
If you take the druids side and just leave Sol outside, they don't disapprove, they expected this treatment out of you really. They already have low views on anyone else and since you never stood out for them, they'd never bother with romancing you. You're just like everyone else afterall.
Solving it peacefully is a good middle option honestly, Sol isn't murder hungry, they just generally don't care if you are.
After their romance route unlocks, you get two more cutscenes in camp.
One during the morning after a long rest where you find them struggling with their hair in front of their tent. You can offer to brush it for them, they're really hesitant and eye you with suspicion.
Telling you they don't need your help, they make a second attempt but set their wooden hairbrush on fire and drop it to the ground. With a sigh they turn to you and say, they changed their mind actually, you may help them.
Agreeing to brush their hair for them will gain you their approval and progress their romance even more. At first their shoulders are stiff and they're restless. The more this goes on the more they relax against you and let you do it.
If you tell them to say please or ask nicely, you need to roll a persuasion check and survive their intimidation roll. They finally say please help them, but this time around you don't gain any approval from this interaction. And it lowers their opinions of you.
They add the flower to their head at the end, you can ask about it. They'll answer that it's pretty so it matches them and nothing else.
If you comment on how isn't it counteractive since it's siphoning their magic? They'll laugh and say "yeah that's the point."
If you ask to hold it they refuse. If you grab it without asking they'll snatch it back and burn your hand by accident, saying to never fucking do that again.
If you destroy it or crush it, they leave your camp.
During Act 1, it's crucial to agree wit them 90% of the time. Their gaurd is still up and they'll erease all the progress you've made if you even hurt their feelings once. They're very vindictive. Luckily most things don't hurt their feelings, including insults. But it only takes one domino to fall for the whole thing to unravel so be careful with how much you push them.
During act 2 it changes where it becomes important to disagree with them, otherwise they're see you as a doorstep in the romance who agrees with all their whims. Much like a red dragon would treat a kobold.
I mentioned it before, they don't care how you treat others or what your morality is, as long as by the end of the day, they get your special treatment and they are the exception to your rules. It is pure selfishness.
You do gain their approval by complimenting their appearance, they are vain. But compliment their magic and they'd start thinking you're trying to use them. Flirting attempts or sophisticated lines most likely won't work on them, they prefer straight forward basic Flirting and compliments.
During the tiefling party, they aren't drinking but sitting far away from the group of people. Especially as far from Halsin as they can manage.
Near the riverside.
You can invite them to join and they'll tell you they're good, the noises give them a headache. Go and have your fun.
Sitting near them and picking a flirty option will get their sole attention to focus on you, they tell you to come closer, sit on their lap.
You can ask them to sit on yours instead and they'll oblige.
Holding your arms behind your back, they tell you to continue talking, tell them what else do you like about them?
The scales on their skin brush against your face, their head lowers until their lips are on your throat. They ask if you'd like a gift from them?
Refusing makes them leave a small kiss on your neck before pulling away.
Agreeing will get their teeth to sink into your neck, biting and leaving their mark on you. Their hold on your body tightening as a strong feeling of possessiveness takes over them, the urge to own you, to mark you.
They let go, giving your neck a lick or two, they wish they had sharper teeth.
Pulling away from you, they tell you to go back to the party, show everyone else who you belong to.
During the goblin celebration they're actually in the party, drinking this time and standing next to Minthara and talking to her.
Minthara will ask you to sleep with her in front of them and if you agree, you gain one approval point from them. They tell you they hope you aren't biting off more than you can chew.
It doesn't effect their romance tho, you're free to sleep with whoever in act 1.
If you flirt with them in front of Minthara, especially after her proposal, they burst out laughing. You really have a deathwish huh? It's kinda of hot.
Yeah whatever, they'll makeout sloppy with you just to get her jealous. You can get away with touching or groping them anyway you like during that moment, the more you play along with their little show of exhibition the more approval you'll gain. But they still leave to the riverside after and don't spend the night with you.
You don't get their bitemark tho.
The second cutscene is before leaving to act 2. If it triggers it means you successfully romanced them and can start a relationship during act 2.
If it doesn't trigger it means you've picked some wrong options along the way or missed some important dialogue.
It's night-time and you're sitting by the campfire. They walk up to you with their arms behind their back, holding something.
Kneeling besides you, they say how since we are leaving this area and probably won't be coming back, they took it upon themselves to go back to the underdark and bring you this.
Nestled in their hands is another sussur bloom, a paler blue than theirs but just as beautifully glowing. They offer it to you.
They tell they did some test while in the underdark, it takes the effect of three flowers to completely suppress their magic rather than weaken them.
The one they're offering you, will weaken them. They're giving you an easy way out, a backup knife to press against their throat if they ever prove to be a danger to you. Don't hesitate to use it.
They offer to put the flower on your head, to match theirs. If you refuse then they place it on your lap, if you accept then they smile and give its petals a kiss before placing it on top of you.
If you offer a hug they'll refuse, a kiss will be met with rejection.
But maybe...holding hands is okay. Excuse their sharp nails, as they entangle their fingers with yours. Sitting side by side watching the campfire.
There are so many feelings swirling inside of them, they want to get up and leave. The things you make them feel are too overwhelming and they can never tell you that.
Worst of all, there is an ugly urge rearing its head inside of them at the idea of other people being with you. They wonder how long they can hide it before you eventually find out their true nature, the inhuman greed inside their heart.
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bluebudgie · 9 months
So I have this long-standing tradition where, after I finish a video game, I sit down and listen to the soundtrack outside of the game's context.
It serves as a sort of "conclusion" to the experience and simultaneously helps me evaluate the game as a whole a little better... After all the soundtrack is often what sticks with us long after we're done actively playing a game. It preserves the memories we've made along the way.
That means: I have finally found the FF Sixteen OST online in its entirety and could finally follow through with this tradition. (Debatable how much it applies considering I didn't actually play the game myself, but it felt necessary.)
The final missing piece to the pissbaby gamer rage essay. Significantly less raging this time, though.
It's okay. I don't love it. There's worse.
I had very unfavourable opinions of the OST during the game itself which might have been due to the overall pacing issues, where large stretches were filled with the same hub music and then everything bombastic all happened at once and either side of the coin was exhausting in its own way.
I still can't believe there are over 200 songs in the OST when I could have sworn I heard like. Maybe 10 or so during gameplay. A lot of it is very same-y. A large part of the OST can be split into "loud choir explosion" or "sad piano". There isn't a whole lot in between. Good for people who like it, not so much for me.
Which means my biggest issue is the very subjective "I just don't like the style". It's not a bad soundtrack, but I'm just really not a fan of the direction the music took. The battle themes are over the top (fair for the equally over the top DBZ kaijū battles, annoying with 3 wolves that show up on the side of the road). The calmer songs don't really hit right for me. No chord progressions or melodies that hook me. Unfortunate. I did however appreciate the electronic influences in the music when the alien baddies were on screen. (in this fantasy game that is based on medieval reality and that's why people of colour cant exi-)
I have also since learned that there isn't one acoustic guitar song that plays for 20 hours straight. There are like 6 or so that all sound the same. I don't know if that makes it better or worse. I hate them all. (I don't hate acoustic guitars. It's these songs in particular.)
That said - I was curious about which ones are people's favourite tracks of the OST and went checking those out in particular. Consistently in people's tops was Ascension and I can't deny that one's been plagueing (semi-endearing) my memory a bunch the past days. Probably the theme that stuck out the most to me while watching the game. If not the entire theme, then at the very least That Violin Part. If you know, you know.
You know what. If you don't know, here:
(footage stolen from here)
Like damn. Good rhythm going on there with the off beats. Also fits the relevant character nicely in terms of mood. And I like that the battle phase before this one has a more low-key version of this song playing before it goes into this full ham version.
I just kinda wish more of the battle music had been a bit more... this. A bit more... subtle. Like yes it slaps hard but this song legitimately feels calm in comparison to the other battle tracks. This drives me nuts.
There's one other song I keep getting stuck in my head which is one that plays fairly close to the end (in the final... "dungeon" (cutscene? sequence? QTE battle?)). I figured out today that I don't actually really enjoy listening to the song on its own but I like it in-game in combination with the voice perfomance. There's an interesting dissonance in it that blends super nicely with the voice acting. (I'm being held hostage by the game's voice acting. It's unfortunately way too good. Voice actors are once again holding too much power over me.)
Other than that... I have one final criticism. The prelude theme. We must. Leave it. Alone. Enough. It's fine playing once as a gimmick somewhere in the game (I do genuinely like the menu (pause screen?) arrangement) but having it woven into what seems like every 5th song feels like someone is smacking a sign into your face that screams "YOU ARE PLAYING A FINAL FANTASY GAME." Seriously it's unbearable. (Also I did take notice of the FF1 overworld theme being rearranged into a battle theme for the final segment of the game. I don't know why, but fine. Not complaining about that one.)
Overall it's a solid "mh" from me. Not the worst OST we've had in the series (thirteen trilogy exis-COUGHAGFNJKN) but definitely on the lower end for me. Not of bad quality, but not my cup of tea at all. Dark Souls III OST executed the epic orchestra choirs better somehow. More interesting composition. Spaced out better throughout the game. Idk.
Welp. Back to getting haunted by voices and violins now o/
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oh i have been tagged in a thing. ty @yugonostalgia2019. time to overshare
3 ships: Hmmmm ok I gotta list Taylor x Lisa, their dynamic makes me go absolutely feral without fail. Honestly I don't even need them as a ship I just love how horrible and amazing they are for each other. I am limiting myself to one Worm ship here, despite how much it pains me, but I shall provide brief descriptions for the other ships for the people who don't know the non-worm stuff here. Marina x Pearl from Splatoon are so damn cute and I adore them. Nepotism baby punk soundcloud rapper x runaway genius former child soldier military engineer is honestly just 10/10, and they're just so good! I swear to god if the DLC doesn't have a 20 minute cutscene of lesbian cephalopod kissing I'll riot. Splatoon is my biggest fandom besides Worm which is kind of hilarious to me considering the sharp difference in tone. Third ship... hmmm, The Doctor x River Song. I just think it's genuinely such a sweet concept and wonderfully executed, two time travelers who are in love but keep meeting each other in the wrong order so their experiences and knowledge of the other don't match up is tragic and great and I nearly cried at their final episode. Honestly just been a River Song fan forever too, she's eternally my transition goals.
First ever ship: Ohhhhh gosh this one is lame. Back when I was a wee lass in middle school browsing FF.net endlessly, my main fandoms were Pokemon and Super Smash Bros. I flat out didn't realize that you could ship anything except a man and a woman because like, no one told me, and I kinda was just not a fan of romance because I thought it was always forced in stories (I was right about that tho). But then I read a Smash Bros fanfic that had Lucina and Palutena shipped and I was just like... damn, women can kiss? That sounds so cool. Shame I can never do that. And so I read the shockingly large number of fics shipping those two because it was the only wlw ship I knew existed.
Last song: I don't actually listen to music that much. Last song is uhhh... the Monster Sanctuary PVP Theme I guess due to playing Monster Sanctuary PVP. If we're talking actual music, I think my sister forced me to listen to some Taylor Swift song recently? Idk what it was but I think the album was called 1984.
Last movie: I also don't watch movies much! Uhhhhhhhhh I think it was Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No. Might have been a different one? The Sharknado movie that ends with them crashing down to Earth inside of a shark after fighting them off from a satellite and one of the characters gives birth while coming down inside the shark and the baby cuts its way out with a chainsaw before the mom gets crushed by falling debris. Sorry for spoiling, I know everyone was really looking forward to watching Sharknado 3.
Currently reading: Making my way through the Snapshots series of Splatoon fics which are so fucking good. For published stories though, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight for a class. Thinking about rereading Worm and posting about it but I gotta beat the Lakesbian copy allegations.
Currently watching: I'm don't really watch anything when I'm on my own, I prefer to read in almost all situations. When I go home though, I watch One Piece with my sister because it is nice to spend time with her and she's very passionate about the show.
Currently consuming: Nerds Gummy Clusters. I regret every bite but I bought this shitty bag of candy so I gotta finish it. Fuck these are terrible.
Currently craving: Mini Chewy Sweettarts. They're my favorite candy and I have a massive sweet tooth so I've been craving them, but I swear every single damn store in a mile radius stopped stocking them and is now selling "Sweettart gummies" or "Sweettart chewy fusions" or "Sweettart ropes" or "Sweettart rope bites" and that is not what I desire! Where is my delicious mouth hurting candy ;-;
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cindersinmoonlight · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers 💜 (no pressure ofc!!!)
Ooooh ok ok! Let's see
1. When I listen to a new song and I get goosebumps? Also old songs too but mainly that first time listening to a new song that really really just GETS YOU HYPED!!! Or makes you EMOTIONAL!!! Or just gives you chills in general!
2. Getting off work and coming home and seeing my partner. Just falling into bed after a long day and watching TV and parallel playing with them. I'm on my Switch, they're on their laptop, and we're just. Enjoying being in each other's presence!
3. When coworkers I really like express joy over seeing me? I have a really nice coworker and every time he sees me he raises both hands in the air and goes "Gwyyyyyynn!!!!!!" And I raise my hands and yell back in kind. I have another coworker who is also trans and she always smiles so big when she sees me. So yeah. Maybe I have to work this less than stellar job just to survive. But sometimes it's worth it to see that my presence makes people just as happy as they make me.
4. Video games that make me cry. This one is sort of connected to #1 bc when the video game has a part where I'm like. On the verge of tears. And then they take a character's leitmotif and turn it into a super emotional track that swells at the cutscene's most emotional point? I'm gone. You've got me. I'm A MESS. Final Fantasy 16 did this to me. Final Fantasy 10 DID THIS TO ME. Persona 3 did this to me. Fucking??? DRAKENGARD 3 DID THIS TO ME??? Honkai Star Rail has done this to me a few times.
5. Hm....I think I have to end on the few occasions I get to spend time with my in person friend group. We rarely have time to meet all together anymore but we ALWAYS have sooo much fun. We had an ice cream float party and played wii party. We had a movie night where we watched Killer Bean. We had a different movie night where we watched Tommy Wisaeu's The Room, which was an absolute blast. We started out as a DND group which was always so fun. Anyways. #5 is friend time c:
To my mutuals who read this thank youuu for bearing with my rant, and thank you to Velvetpaku for sending me this ask!!! 💛💛💛💛 I appreciate you! Anyways a buncha you will probably be seein this in your ask box!
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strobarium · 3 months
big on introspective, ambient downtempo? come with me...
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"History" from Sonic Mega Collection (& Plus)
i don't remember the exact year i got introduced to Sonic Mega Collection Plus (the PS2 version, since that's the console that only dominated my kid years) but it was a constant force of good in my early years. being able to play that many sonic games just freely (on top of other games that werent sonic games but were by the same devs) was so fucking nice. but the menu shit was just. something else to me-they put so much care and effort into the presentation of games!!! like the journey TO playing was even a nice comfy ride! so CASH. i miss THIS sega so much. what an era. damn.
many a memory playing this shit or watching it get played either in my shared bedroom w/ my older brother or in the upstairs living room w/ mom and/or grandma watching (this sonic shit ran in the family pmuch LOL my parents n grandma got into em before we did). one of my fondest memories regarding it was my i think, longest-running active friend lyko/khaliq seeing my i think oldest sibling playing S3&K (one of the greatest. games of all time by the way) and beating it. bro saw the ending cutscene and was Flabbergasted w how cool it was, already riding off the high (that i was also riding off of) watching Doomsday Zone get played. SUPER, FUCKING HYPE. LOL. amazing shit. the collection is worth it for it having That Alone but also THERES SO MUCH COOL SHIT ON IT!
YEAH!!! ... i'm glad i can listen to this normally again.
this was one of many songs i just couldn't put on and sit through after the 2013 event happened and my life got fucked into a hole. it was exhausting and would just leave me really depressed. things are at least different now, over 10 years later, i can enjoy this n sorta feel like a kid again healthily, i guess. its nice.
reminds me of something
so one thing abt the PS2s we did have (there were two, two slim models), shit was just Faulty after long enough. one basically picked and choosed games it wanted to run (that or the CDs were fucked up or...idk) and the other you had to like. induce pressure on the disk drive part to get games to run properly?... it was weird.
WELL, SOMEHOW, through basic i guess DIY shit or whatever, at one point (post-2013 event) i got the fucking console working! AND I GOT SONIC MEGA COLLECTION PLUS WORKING TOO! blast from the ...actually not at all distant PAST! it was cool being in the menu again hearing the music and goin around and looking at all the extras and stuff. seeing sonic n his friends just always makes me happy.
slow, burn. realization. i was alone.
reliving hella cool shit but it was just me. older brother was off doing whatever the hell (not like i wanted to summon him anyway he was kind of fucking just...idk), and oldest sibling was just kind of, across the fucking country so i couldnt hit them up either. the finite nature of what i considered the most joyous period of my life i wasnt prepared to interface with and it just fucking, stabbed me so gradually i didnt even notice the pain onset somehow until it was too late. fuck. regardless of me doing what i did, that part of my life was still over. trying to recapture the magic just made me ever more aware that i had lost it, i guess. it was tough.
i, shut the game off, silently, go downstairs to my moms room and just, talk to her a little about how i. got it working. i just, lay on her bed next to her and i just. i start crying. for a while. not loud sobbing just. idk. quiet weeping. idk.
things are different now, is what matters. lot i've recovered from, but i do still miss playing it with my siblings. shrug. life goes on i guess.
~ E.K.S.G.
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riddlerosehearts · 3 months
decided i'm going to start posting my thoughts on baldur's gate 3 every so often as i make my way through the game, because it'd be nice to have some of this stuff about first playthrough written down somewhere! my tav is a half-high elf bard named elenion (he/they) who's neutral good-aligned, and despite being a bard he's very reserved and is always feigning self-confidence. also, he's a college of lore bard who honestly would've fit the sage background pretty well but i went ahead and gave him entertainer instead lol. i guess that actually gives me the opportunity to see more of the inspiration goals by not having the same background as gale! anyway though, here's a few thoughts about what i've done while still being very early in act 1:
at the point i'm at in the story right now, i was supposed to go look for halsin, but instead i decided to finally find karlach. i feel like i probably should've gotten her sooner, but once i got to the grove i didn't wanna venture too far from the main objectives--and the grove is where you recruit wyll and learn about karlach in the first place.
however, halsin sounds very wise and capable so i guess he can handle himself while he waits, and the mindflayer tadpole symptoms aren't progressing like they're supposed to, so why not just go off and act like we've got all the time in the world! maybe elenion is just easily distracted. they did waste quite a bit of time earlier when they found alfira and felt compelled to help her finish her song. and speaking of, i was not expecting such a beautiful cutscene for that?! or for the squirrels we talked to using speak with animals to be so mean and hate her song 😭 but i hope we get to see alfira again and that nothing bad happens to her, and i hope i don't eventually regret saying that!
also, wyll did say karlach is a danger to the entire sword coast, which makes hunting her down sound pretty important... and elenion has an interest in history so they recognized the phrase "advocatus diaboli" and were able to mention the blood war when wyll first talked about her. so maybe they're also interested in seeing if they can get a devil who fought in the blood war and is now wandering the material plane to answer a few questions before taking her down. anywway, point is we're leaving the druids and our quest for a cure hanging to go hunt a devil.
took me a bit to find her despite wyll's quest leading you to her, though. i have a horrible sense of direction, which i guess is okay because my horrible sense of direction did lead me to accidentally find scratch and now we have a dog!
eventually i did get to karlach, and elenion's mind connected to hers and gave him a much closer look at who karlach is and what she's doing here than he expected. naturally he convinced wyll to stand down because karlach does not seem evil. and then he tried to ask karlach some of the questions he had in mind back at camp, but she won't reveal anything until we hunt down the paladins that are still hunting her. understandable, i guess. i like her though! i should try and make sure to get her earlier on my next playthrough.
encountered mizora for the first time when i rested at camp, and i'm very intrigued by what's going on with wyll and i actually have been since way before i played the game and found out he was a fabled hero who was also a warlock. which is why i think it's a huge shame that from what i've heard at least, he was given a lot less content for his quest and his romance than the other origin companions were.
i also wandered around the world a bit more and ended up freeing a poor guy who was being spun around on a windmill by goblins. then i got the scene with gale where he teaches you how to channel the weave, and it not only had bard-specific dialogue options but also had an option that specifically reflected my character's proficiency in history, which was all really neat to see. god, there must be an insane amount of different dialogue branches in this game. love that there was also an option to be like "yeah that was neat, but i could've done it myself lol" since a bard is already a spellcaster.
the range of these particular dialogue options is killing me LMAO
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i had high enough approval with gale to trigger a very obviously romantic scene and then the game is literally like "okay, so do you want to kiss him or do you want his severed head on a spike" 😭 like wtf do you THINK?! i can't even imagine how i'd roleplay a character who would be cruel enough to get this far and lead gale on so much before picking to project an image of his head on a spike directly into his mind. and yet i am so curious about what happens if you do--but not curious enough to reload and try to find out.
anyway, i picked the romantic walk option. i thought elenion would consider the kiss thing to be a bit too forward. but that was such a sweet scene and i love flustered gale gets when he realizes how you feel about him. going into this game i really thought i'd wanna try for astarion or shadowheart's romances first, and i do like them a lot and want to keep learning more about both of them, but gale surprised me with how much i already liked him from his introduction. he's just really charming and funny and also fits well with the character i made, so i will definitely keep progressing his romance.
i've been progressing a bit slowly because of irl stuff but everything about this game is so good that i wish i'd picked it up sooner. i've been spoiled on quite a bit of things about the story already, but there's also a lot that i haven't been spoiled on and i can't wait to experience all of it anyway.
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