#Aki Stories
universal-kitty · 1 year
    With a lil encouragement from @threadsun​, here’s my other two Sunny Day Jack fics! Both follow the canon story of the current, extended demo, and... For lack of an insert name, I’ve just used my own! (And if you enjoy these works, I also do commissions...?)
    For recommended reading...
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.: First Meetings: Sunny Day Jack :. How that VHS tape ended up in the apartment in the first place...as well as the feelings leading up to the moment, and a little after it. Who knew puns made for a delightful icebreaker~?
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.: Finding CloudyTown :. Aki and Jack have gotten to know each other very well. To the point that their relationship has become romantic... So what spurs them on to dig into the past of the SunnyTime Crew Show?
[ Minors + ageless blogs DNI. SWWSDJ is an 18+ game. ]
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taytei · 2 years
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trios of assholes are my favorite - especially of the sibling variety
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loveydive · 1 year
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The Tragedy of Hayakawa Aki - chainsaw man, tatsuki fujimoto
grief lessons: four plays by euripides, anne carson // chainsaw man, tatsuki fujimoto // deathless, catherynne m. valente // “untitled,” 2016, ink on paper, kara walker // james, clementine von radics // slide tackle, japanese breakfast // how to cure a ghost, fariha róisín // red glove, holly black // the letter, richard paul evans // interview with james hall, richard siken // ptolemaea, ethel cain // iq84, haruki murakami // the godfather, mario puzo // god's silence, franz wright // crush, richard siken // tumblr user ojibwe // when i was done dying, dan deacon
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evercelle · 2 years
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don’t wanna watch you die
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image-including · 17 days
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also-give · 18 days
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universal-kitty · 1 year
   Well, golly-gee! Guess who started writing again. 😎 While absolutely mowing through the delightful content from @threadsun‘s work, I stumbled upon [ this ] imagine.
    ...I live for angst; what can I say? So-! Joseph x self-insert! I hope you enjoy~
[ Minors & ageless blogs DNI; SWWSDJ and threadsun’s content are 18+. Break DNI, get blocked. ] (And if you enjoy this, I also do commissions...?)
.: Idiots in Love :.
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universal-kitty · 1 year
.: 5 Years of Purrfect Anarchy :.
Just as the title says! It’s been 5 years since this ship started...and it’s due time for the duo to mull over that. What it means...and how the future will go.
    “Can you believe it’s been 5 years already...? Where does the time go?”
    “Hopefully somewhere fun,” Wrench mused, fussing with the remote. “...Very fun. Hint, hint.” A beat of silence, before, “You know, in case you didn’t catch on what I was going for, I was trying to imply-”
    “You’re a dork.” Kat shot him a look from over their shoulder, but the grin on their face showed their true feelings. Well, not that “dork” had ever been anything less than a tool of shenanigans and tomfoolery; rare that words were ever weapons in their home. “You gotta keep ruining my lovey-dovey mood with your endless horny~?”
    Wrench, to his credit, just laughed. “C’mon, you knew what you signed up for! I’m nothing less than honest.”
    ...Kat gave him a long stare and a raised brow for that line. He didn’t even need to look at it for him to laugh harder; they sighed, rolled their eyes...but an affectionate smile remained on their lips, finishing tidying up the laundry- folded and all- before making their way back to their husband, sitting beside him on the couch. It was second nature for him, lifting his arm up so they could cozy under it.
    It was new to be dragged backwards- Wrench giving up on the controller for the time being- and getting a full hug-cuddle out of it. Eh, not that Kat was gonna complain about that; sighing in contentment and curling closer to him.
    For a time, it was quiet. His heartbeat in their ear, hands idly rubbing their back... It was easy to let their eyes fall shut for a moment or two, soaking in the comfortable quiet. The warmth in the apartment... Perhaps their kitten- Princess Leia- asleep somewhere. The shared bed most likely.
    The silence was eventually broken when he spoke up again, voice quiet and soft.
    “You try and tell me I would’ve been in the best relationship of my life 5 years ago, and I would’ve called ya a liar.” They blink at first, head tilting to look up to him. It’s not a wrong thought; Kat wouldn’t have imagined feeling so good all those years ago, either. Being alone, slowly estranged from family... It’d been rough. For Wrench... Just as much, if not a little more so.
    But looking up at him now... There’s a little hint of sadness in those eyes, but overwhelming it all is affection. So much of it that it chokes them up a little to see it. A reminder that, even through their awkward beginning and childish shenanigans... It all ended up here. Happiness built out of stubbornness, love, hard work, and the persistent comfort they repeatedly found in each other.
    “Not the only one,” they mused softly, a little joking...a little sincere. “Granted, less I would’ve expected to be this happy... More like you were kinda a dickish clown.” His eyes lit up, grinning as he chuckled, kissing the top of their head; right at the hairline, nuzzling there a moment.
    “Fuck, you got me there, baby. I was an asshole, huh?”
    “Tell me about it,” they ribbed, laughing. “You’re still an asshole, though. I just love you for it now.”
    “Sweet! I’m annoying and lovable!!” That got Kat to start cackling, head thrown back and body shaking at his delighted declaration. Yeah, the shenanigans never stopped in this house... Not that either would complain; especially Wrench, eyes widening in delight as Kat climbed over him, straddling his hips.
    “Mhm, the worst...but the best, too.” They knew their own expression; eyes just as soft as his had been earlier, though with that playful glimmer that- by his own admission- made his heart flutter. (To a sickening degree, he mused with a laugh. Don’t ever stop it, though.) “Best of me, best of you?”
    “I woulda thought I’m the worst,” he hummed, eyes glancing down. Admiring the view, looking away, hands rubbing their thighs... He could still be so shy sometimes. Like a teen who feels like he got in over his head; waiting for the perfect dream to end.
    He’s still gotta stop it, though. And Kat’s more than willing to get him outta his head; leaning forward so their hands can cup his cheeks, tilt his head back up to them.
    “You know how I feel about that, Reg,” they whisper softly. Thumbs stroking the roundness of his cheeks until those eyes flutter shut. “Even if you call yourself an idiot, you’re my idiot. Fuck everyone else, yeah? Don’t even listen to your own damn head; like you told me, once.”
    “Yeah,” he whispered, lip trembling for a moment before he swallowed it down; though his beautiful, cloudy-ocean colored eyes would flutter open shiny with raw emotion. “...You are the best of me, though, Rach. I’m so fuckin’ lucky to have you.”
    It’s been five years, and yet his hands over their own... It still makes their breath hitch. Rough in spots where callouses left their mark, but notably getting softer since they’d gotten together. Nuzzling into their small hands, smile wobbling.
    “You’re gonna make me cry,” Kat admitted, tone breathless. “Can’t keep doing that, Reggie...”
    “I’ll kiss them away,” he promised, eyes meeting theirs. “Kiss you all damn over, until your... Our heads shut up. You deserve the best, and fuck if I won’t keep meeting you there.”
    ...That got them; tears rising up as Kat laughed softly, then leaned forward. He took them into his embrace, kissing all over their face. Arms tightening a moment around their body, loosening to rub their back soothingly again. His breath with hints of soda and pizza; lunch for the two of them. Any other day, a thing that was gross and worth teasing him for... But of course, it’s a weirdly welcome one today. Mixed with the trance scents of old leather and metal and cars...
    It’s fucking love. In every corner of the both of them. Kat’s hands tighten their grip on his hoodie, sighing shakily.
    “Here’s to another year of us... Huh, Reggie?”
    “Forever, kitten,” he purred, pausing in his kisses to mutter it directly into their ear. “I gotcha forever...and every year that with it. Not getting rid of me.”
    A shared, breathless laugh between them...and they’d be curled up that way for awhile, yet.
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    “Oh, and by the way,” Kat mentioned later, overseeing the pan-cooked chicken they were making for dinner that night. “I kinda thought I was overthinking things, so it took me awhile to confirm it... But my period’s been late. For two months.”
    “Damn... Is that good news or bad n-” Wrench wasn’t even able to finish his sentence before his eyes popped wide, accidentally slamming the pause button on his game to rush to the kitchen. (And almost falling over in the process; half-ramming his thigh into the dining table.) “WAIT. You’re not saying-?! That you-? That we’re-??”
    “Could be,” Kat hummed, unconcerned at the thought; smiling a little in amusement, even, eyes crinkling. They were both doing a lot better these days; if this was happening... “Gonna buy a test tomorrow.”
    “FUCK THAT,” Reggie screeched, running back for his shoes, keys, and mask. “I’m getting them TONIGHT. Finish making dinner! I’m getting them for you!!!”
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juregim · 1 year
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Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho // Vulnerability - a.j. // Other Lives and Dimensions and Finally a Love Poem - Bob Hicok // Prasoon Joshi // Allegories of Fate - Safet Zec // Acknowledgements - Danez Smith // John Keats // House of Tolerance (dir. Bertrand Bonello) // A Myth of Devotion from Averno - Louise Glück // To Love and Die - Jhené Aiko // A Softer World - Joey Comeau //
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hayakawashousewife · 11 months
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Got my hands on an early copy of Buddy Stories and @meownotgood and I are losing it over Aki in story 4:
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spirithotline · 2 years
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shionomena · 14 days
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HATE this game
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romancemedia · 7 months
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Anime Romances + Coffee Date
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kaiowut99 · 2 months
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TFSP Re-Translation Progress: Aki (5D's Stories: 2/5 Done)
DING, finished re-translating Aki's TFSP story events! Worked on it over a couple evenings and this weekend, and it does feel like a hint of the Arcadia Movement arc we should've gotten in-show that gives that part of her some more closure; finding out that the Arcadia Movement is still around and using kids in distress (from the old Satellite, as revealed later) as their pawns, Aki sets out to put an end to them once and for all, only to come up against Divine being the one trying to get her to rejoin.
Also thought this was a good exchange as Yusei jumps in and acknowledges how much she's grown (I can hear "Hopeless Battle" faintly in the background):
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(It is wild how often I bump up against the original story "translation" maybe trying in a few places but then completely missing the mark on things most everywhere else and making things up [and needlessly worse in spots] to get the card game side of things out there--but then again, maybe Aki saying "I'm going to fucking destroy you" to Divine instead of "I'm here to put an end to the Arcadia Movement" is a good thing)
Now, to give her in-duel lines (which I roughly worked on to include some in the announcement video I did) another look-through, and then she should be good to go; once I do that, I'll likely start more work on my finalized GX 111-112 subs, so stay tuned!
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ihavezeno · 22 days
I saw you (?) mention before Fuyu considering killing Aki (and Aki allowing him) being something Marutoku wrote about, can I learn more about that? I'm curious if it was a (deleted?) thread or a short story?
There are a few places you can see this! First off, there are a ton of lines in basegame ZENO about Fuyu wanting to kill Aki for what he did to Natsu--ranging from when Fuyu's ZENO is active to when he's a lot calmer in Ushirono Part. It's fairly present throughout most of Fuyu's interactions during the game!
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Even in the sidegames, Fuyu's wish for vengeance is still very much present. In ZENO 4.1, the main indicator for if Fuyu has ZENO or not is in the way he talks about Aki and wanting to kill him.
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There are more tweets than these about Fuyu's thoughts on killing Aki, but I'm just going to share the couple that I have immedaitely on hand--You can always go keyword searching through mazu's twitter for more :)
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(The MTL here is a bit finicky, but basically they're saying that since Fuyu killing Aki himself would be salvation for him, Fuyu is hesitant to do it himself)
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